St. Bernadette School

St. Bernadette School
1060 White Clover Way,
Mississauga, Ontario L5V 1 K9
TEL: 905 501 9498 FAX: 905 501 9501
"Faith, Discipline, Excellence"
J U N E ,
2 0 1 3
M.J. Vowles
M. Trigiani
C. Saytar
905 890 1221
Peter Ferreira
St. Martins of Tours Church
Fr. J. Pottackal
905 279 5742
C.S.C. Co-Chairs:
P. Gaspari
J. DeCosta
School Hours
8:30 - School Entry
10:30- Recess
11:00-Kindergartden Dismissal
11:30 - Lunch
12:30 -Afternoon Start
3:00 Dismissal
Follow us on Twitter
@DPCDSBSchools for the latest news and information about the board, schools,
programs and services.
May you walk with God
This summer
In whatever you do
Wherever you go
Wow!!! Where has the time gone? The hot weather is
already upon us and preparations are in place to wind
down. It is time to congratulate our students, teachers,
community partners and parents on the numerous ventures
which the community has become involved and supported
over the school year.
What a busy year it has been. Together we have been
involved in Eco School and Healthy School initiatives to
support the Dufferin Peel Board Plan. You have helped
by sending litterless lunches, reusable water bottles and
nutritious snacks. Students have brought home sheets
from Peel Health to support a home fitness program which
was introduced in the school. Monthly there has been a
nutritious recipe in our newsletter supplied by our Peel
Health Nurse. We have planted and grown seedlings and
will have Grade 3 to 8 classed join the Toronto Conservation Authorities in conservation activities in our local wetlands. All classes were involved in Earth Day planting to
create respect and beautify our school gardens. We have
done Ballroom dancing and competed in Sports Activities
to support this plan, including a Track and Field Day.
Walking with God means…
Walking with honesty
And with courage,
Walking with love
And respect
And concern for the feelings of others
Thank you to our teachers and our community partners.
We have been actively involved in deepening our Catholic
roots. We have an active Youth Faith Ambassador team
which have lead monthly virtues assemblies and created a
beautiful prayer room for us to share our thanks and
needs. Our student council have been involved in fundraising for Social Justice. We have had school Masses
and liturgical celebrations. Students were involved in the
sacraments, retreats and post sacramental activities sponsored by our Catholic School Council. Our council presented us with a box for our intentions which is brought to
the Church for Father Joyson and Father Gijo to pray for
our needs. Thank you to Father Joyson, Father Gijo and
the parish for their ongoing support.
Talking with God means…
Praying words of praise
For the beauty of creation
Saying prayers of thanks
For friends and good times
Asking God’s help
In all your decisions
Expressing sorrow
When you have failed
Our Catholic School Council has offered ongoing support
to our initiatives. They are in evidence regularly encouraging our community to become involved. We celebrated
Shrove Tuesday, a movie night and a hosted career night
thanks to their dedication and commitment. We anticipate
a fabulous Play day and BBQ thanks to the hard work of
our parents. We welcome all of you to become a part of
this wonderful team.
May you talk to God
This summer
And every day and
In every situation
May you talk with God
Every day
Have a safe Summer. God Bless.
We’re on the Web!
- Author unknown
Mrs. Oko, after 35 years of outstanding teaching will be retiring
at the end of this school year. She has touched the lives of so
many and truly made a difference. We wish her well as she
moves forward to pursue her new goals and hobbies.
God Bless.
Three additional staff members will be moving to new schools
in the Fall. Thank you to Mrs. Coombes, Mrs. Vella Mrs. Sturgeon and Ms. Paciejko. We thank them for all they have done
to make St. Bernadette vibrant. We wish them all the best.
We thank Mr. Zoretich & Ms Azevedo for their wonderful contributions to our school. Both will complete their Long-term
contracts at the end of this school year. We wish them well as
they continue their educational careers.
Our school Year end Mass will take place in our school tym on
Friday, June 10, beginning at 10:00 a.m. Parents are most
welcome to attend
We, as a school community, will celebrate our graduates by
joining them for their graduation Mass. All teachers and students from grade 1-8 will attend the Mass at St. Martin of
Tours Parish on June 27th at 10:00 a.m. Parents are invited
to join us.
Library circulation will be ending on June 7, 2013. All students
are to return their current library book selections no later than
Friday, June 14, 2013.
In the event that your child has misplaced their library book,
you are asked to reimburse the school for the cost of the book.
A note will go home to students who have overdue books.
Thank you,
Ms. Silveira
Dates To Remember
June 3, 4, 5-Gr. 6 EQAO testing
June 5 –Gr. 4 trip to Medieval Times
June 6- EQAO make-up day
June 6-1-2:00 pm, Gr. 7&8 MADD presentation
June 7-P.A. Day, Term 2 Reporting Day, No school for
June 10-10 am. Year End Mass in gym
June 11-TEAM Dance Competition
June 12-Hot Dog Day
June 14-Rattray Marsh trip
June 17-1:45-2:45 pm Volunteer Tea in the Library
June 18 –10 am SK Graduation
June 18 –Family Track Meet
June 19-PAN Visits; Gr5-8 in a.m. Gr. 1-4 in p.m.
June 21-Gr.1 Peel Safety Village trip
June 24-Gr. 6 Silvercreek Outdoor trip
June 25– in 9 am, JK-8 Talent Show
June 26– AM—Play Day
Reports are sent home
June 27-10 am Gr. 8 Graduation Mass
11:30 Luncheon
6:00 pm Awards Ceremony
June 28 –Last Day of school
Our Grade Eight students are graduation!
Graduation will take place on Thursday, June
27, 2013. To begin the day, there will be a
Graduation Mass at St. Martin of Tours Parish
at 10:00 a.m. The whole school is attending the Mass. After
the Mass, the Grade 8 students will be going to Renaissance By
the Creek for their Luncheon and Dance. The Graduation Ceremony and Reception will be held at St. Bernadette School in the
gym at 6:00pm. Parents are welcome to attend the Mass in the
morning and the Ceremony in the evening. We look forward to
a memorable Graduation for our students. We wish the students well as they continue to achieve great success in all their
We are happy to inform you that the community
raised $260 to donate to Leukemia research at
Sick Kids Hospital. Thank you to students for
their wonderfully designed Hats and spirit-filled
posters. Thank you for your generous contributions.
We would like to express our tremendous
appreciation to our office helpers for all their
hard work, time, commitment and dedication.
Thank you to:
Emily B.
Emily M.
We have been very fortunate, within our school community, to
have such a dedicated group of parents giving of their time to
make our school environment a better and safer place for all of
our children. THANK YOU to all parents that have assisted
with committees initiated this school year. You have helped to
make it a great year at St. Bernadette School. All volunteers
are invited to Volunteer Tea, Monday, June 17 1:45-2:45. RSVP
to Mrs. Coombes or Mrs. Montanaro.
We are in need of Lunch Time Student Monitors
and will need monitors for the Fall, for our
school. In order to be eligible, you must be between the ages of 18 and 65 and have a current
Criminal Reference Check (dated within the last
6 months. The scheduled hours of work are set
at 1.2 (72 minutes) per day, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. If
you are interested, please contact the school office for details
Catholic School Council Information
Nominations due to the office—September 19, 2013
Elections for Council—September 24, 2013
First Council meeting: Tuesday, September 24, 2013
at 6:30 p.m. following election
All council members require Criminal Reference
Checks dated within last 6 moths
If you are planning a move, or have already moved,
please inform the office right away, in writing giving the
last day of school and the name of the new school your
child will be attending. You are required to complete new
assessment forms even if you move within our school
boundaries. If you are moving to a new school we will
give you a Transfer Form to take with you to the new
At St. Bernadette we have a NO CONTACT policy. This policy
states that students are not to play any games or be involved in
any activities in the schoolyard that involve physical contact.
Games such as tackle football, manhunt and like games are not
allowed. If a game develops during the course of a recess
break where contact becomes part of the game or activity, students are remind to removed themselves from that activity and
to report to the nearest staff member on yard duty.
With the warmer weather approaching, we request both student
and parent support and cooperation in ensuring that students
are neat, clean and appropriately dressed. Attire should continue to reflect modesty and the moral standard expected at St.
Bernadette Catholic School
 Clothing should be neat, clean and without tears and/or
 Patches, symbols or saying on clothing shall not be offensive to anyone who might read them nor should they promote negative messages.
 Halter tops, tank tops, mesh shirts, basketball jerseys,
muscle shirts, cut-off shirts, midriff tops and bandanas are
inappropriate attire for school.
 Running shoes are safest for playing the school yard as
they protect the feet and toes. Flip flops are not safe at
 The use of hats, sunglasses and sunscreen are recommended.
 Pants and shirts need to cover undergarments.
In compliance with Ministry directives, a Criminal Reference
Check will be mandatory next year if you wish to volunteer your
services in the school, transport students and assist on trips.
Copies of the Criminal Reference forms are available in the
office. An annual declarations required for all valid Criminal
Reference Checks that are on file in the school office. Please
apply for you CRC over the summer so you will be able to participate in the Fall. Waiting lists can take several weeks.
This year, St Bernadette participated in Denim Day. The
first Tuesday after Mother's Day each year is a day for all
to wear denim and raise money and awareness for
Breast Cancer research. Student Council helped to organize the day and a total of $157 was raised. Thank you to
all who contributed to this worthy cause.
On Wednesday May 8th, 16 lucky students had the opportunity to attend the 6th annual Joe Sax Festival held
at Iona Catholic Secondary School. 20 schools from the
Mississauga South Family of Schools participated in a day
dedicated to bringing students together for an inclusive
day of sports, regardless of their abilities, limitations, or
special needs. The students participated in a wide array
of activities that promoted diversity and teamwork. Everyone had a wonderful time and St. Bernadette
is already anticipating next year's festival.
Report Cards will be sent home with students in JK-Grade 8
on Wednesday, June 26, 2013.
Should you wish to discuss any concerns regarding your
child’s report, please contact the teacher when you receive it
and he/she will be able to discuss your concerns by telephone on June 27th and 28th.
St. Bernadette School would like to announce that we have
received an Eco Schools certification for the 2012-2013
school year. Eco Schools is an environmental certification
program for schools. With the goal of supporting students,
staff and the community in caring for and protecting our environment.
The Eco Schools certification program helps schools to set
goals for improvement and recognizes the excellent environmental protection work that schools are doing. Schools that
are recognized, receive a bronze, silver or gold EcoSchool
designation once all aspects of the Eco portfolio are met.
The St. Bernadette Eco-Team (also known as the Aqua team)
would like to thank the community for participating in our
many events this year such as:
Litter less lunches (daily)
Boomerang lunch Wednesdays
Ban the bottle campaign
Earth Day planting event
Water Festival trip/Rattray Marsh trip
Kool-Aid jammer / Tassimo coffee pod recycling
Battery recycling
Think Recycling-toners, cell phones and ink cartridges
Walk to school day
Flip flop swap
Stay tuned for many new and exciting events in the fall.
Please hold on to your flip flops this summer that no longer fit
or are worn out on your great summer adventures, as they
will be up cycled in the fall.
Skills Canada was a blast! It was great to see all the students
come together for a little friendly competition.
Claudia C. and I were part of the TV/Video category. There was
some stiff competition at the regional competition at St. Augustine
Secondary School. To our surprise, we came out on top with
gold! That means we qualified for the Provincials at RIM Park in
To verify whether your child qualifies to take the bus, the
place of the bus stop and the times of arrival and departure check the new website: You
will then need your child’s OEN (which is on the report
card). Please verify for each of your children as distances
for eligibility vary with the grade.
Children may access transportation services if their primary address is within the school’s attendance boundary,
at a distance of more than:
Peel DSB:
Grades 1-4
Grades 5 & 6
Grades 7 & 8
1.0 km
1.6 km
2.0 km
3.2 km
4.8 km
Dufferin-Peel CDSB:
JK-Grade 1
1.0 km
Grades 2-4
1.6 km
Grades 5-8
2.0 km
4.8 km
(3.2 kilometers in communities not
served by Public Transit)
The Provincials were even better. We had such a great experience, even outside of the competition! We got to walk around and
explore different jobs in he trades work field. Fun and games
aside it was hard work. But once again, we came home with a
gold medal for Ontario.
I would also like to congratulate all the other teams who represented St. Bernadette at the Board competition, in Junior and Intermediate, Lego Dacta, Robotics, Design and Technology and
Animation. Congratulations medalists:
Intermediate Health & Safety—Silver
Intermediate Lego Dacta—Bronze
Intermediate Animation—Bronze
By: Emily M
The school office will accept new registrations for the 2012/2013
school year up to and including Thursday, June 27th of this year.
The office will reopen for new registrations on August 26th to August 30th 2013, from 8:30 a.m.- 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.-3:00
p.m. First day of classes will be on Tuesday, September 3, 2013.
Enclosed is a copy of the 2013/2014 school year calendar.
The purpose of this communication is to ensure that parents of students currently in grade 1 are aware that transportation eligibility status for your child may change as
your child moves to grade 2.
On Saturday, August 24th the Transportation Department
will holding a Young Rider orientation day for ALL Kindergarten students and their school age siblings. The purpose is to introduce children to buses prior to the first day
of school. The one hour program will be available from 9
am to 1 pm. To confirm attendance please refer to the
attached sheet.
Senior Kindergarten students will meet in the Kindergarten
Students will head to yards to be met by teachers as follows:
Gr. 1,2,3 students will meet at the doors at back of the school
(nearest the field).
Junior students, Gr 4, 5, 6 students will meet at the doors
nearest the parking lot.
Intermediate students will meet at the east doors by the sandpit.
Teachers will call out names by class.
Junior Kindergarten students will have specific visit times scheduled by classroom teachers.
Strawberries are an excellent source of Vitamin C, potassium and fibre as well as being low in calories.
Fresh Food Friday is a day in the week where student from
JK to grade 8 received fruits and vegetables such as, carrots, cucumbers oranges, and bananas. Yumm! The program allows students to learn nutritious and fun facts about
fresh foods. It encourages kids to eat healthy foods. It may
also give students a experience of trying a new fruit or vegetable. St. Bernadette school is grateful for the grant given by
Peel Public Health, Ms. Paciejko’s class is more than happy
to host it.
By: Sharon and Cara
Recipe courtesy of Quaker®
Everyone will love these delicious oatmeal muffins
made with ripe Ontario strawberries. While you're baking, make another batch with the remaining muffin mix
and freeze extra muffins.
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time:
Baking Time: 18 to 22 minutes
Servings: Makes 12 muffins
2-2/3 cups (650 mL) Quaker Low Fat Oatmeal Muffin Mix
1/2 cup (125 mL) Quaker Wheat Germ or Quaker Wheat Bran
1-1/3 cup (325 mL) water
1 cup (250 mL) Ontario Strawberries, cut into eighths
1/3 cup (75 mL) Quick Quaker Oats (optional)
Lightly spray muffin pans with cooking spray. In a large
bowl, combine muffin mix and wheat germ or wheat
bran. Stir in water until blended. Lightly stir in strawberries. Divide batter between muffin cups and sprinkle
oats on top. Bake in preheated 400°F (200°C) oven for
18 to 22 minutes or until golden brown and toothpick
inserted in centre comes out clean. Cool completely
before removing from the pan.
Tip: This recipe can also be made with other Quaker
Low Fat Muffin Mixes - Low Fat Bran and Low Fat
Honey Bran. Refer to package directions for the
amount of mix and water to use, as well as oven temperature.