DUFFERIN-PEEL CDSB St. Bernadette School 1060 White Clover Way, Mississauga, Ontario L5V 1 K9 TEL: 905 501 9498 FAX: 905 501 9501 "Faith, Discipline, Excellence" A P R I L , 2 0 1 3 Principal: M.J. Vowles Virtue for THE MONTH OF april Secretary: M. Trigiani Superintendent: C. Saytar 905 890 1221 Trustee: Peter Ferreira 905-890-1221 416-805-7110 peter.ferreira@dpcdsb.org St. Martins of Tours Church A CHILD’S PRAYER FOR EASTER Time for joy and time for giving, time for remembering love while living. Fr. J. Pottackal Take this message Easter Day, 905 279 5742 show kindness and care at home and at play. C.S.C. Co-Chairs: P. Gaspari J. DeCosta School Hours 8:30 - School Entry 10:30- Recess 11:00-Kindergartden Dismissal 11:30 - Lunch 12:30 -Afternoon Start 1:55-Recess 3:00 Dismissal It’s in our very acts of giving, Easter’s joy makes life worth living. Children round the globe now hear, keep Easter in your heart all year. May joy and love spread land to land, linked heart to heart and hand to hand! PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Follow us on Twitter @DPCDSBSchools for the latest news and information about the board, schools, programs and services. Easter celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus after his death. The Easter egg is a symbol that originated amongst the Early Christians of Mesopotamia who stained eggs red in memory of the blood of Christ. In 1610AD the Christian Church officially adopted the custom regarding eggs as a symbol of the resurrection, with Pope Paul V proclaiming the prayer ―Bless, O Lord! We beseech thee, this they creature of eggs, that it become a wholesome sustenance to they faithful servants, eating it in thankfulness to thee on account of the resurrection of the Lord‖. Follow us on Twitter @DPCD SBSchools - for t he lates t news and informati on about the boar d, s chools , programs and s May the Risen Lord bless you and your family over this Easter season. M.J. Vowles We’re on the Web! http://www.dpcdsb.org/BERNA BE HEALTHY! Planning has begun in respect to formulating classes and general school organization for the 2013-2014 school year. Please inform the office as soon as possible if you are planning to move between now and September 2013. We will provide you with a Transfer Form to take with you to the new school to register your child, If you are moving but would like your child to remain at St. Bernadette, please submit your request in writing stating when the last day of school would be at St. Bernadette and the new school they will be attending. Please only send your children to school if they are healthy. We have a number of students at the school who suffer from conditions that affect their immune systems. These students become seriously ill from ―bugs‖ that the rest of us easily fight. Thank you for supporting these families. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Congratulations to all of the grade 2 students who celebrated their First Holy Communion in the month of April. The students spent many months preparing for the sacrament. May God continue to guide and bless each of you! SEPTEMBER 2013 CLASS PLACEMENTS All parents wishing to make a request for placement consideration should do so in writing by April 19, 2013. Letters should include the qualities of the person you wish for your child. Do not state teacher’s name as these will likely change to reflect the new school year organization. Every effort will be made to accommodate requests received before April 19, 2013. PUNCUALITY IS IMPORTANT A number of students continue to arrive at school late. To clarify for parents, any child who is not in line with their class and has to enter through the front doors is considered late, and is marked accordingly in the Ministry Attendance Register. GRADE 8 CONFIRMATION The grade 8 Confirmation this year will be held at St. Martin of Tours Parish on Friday, April 19th at 7:00 p.m. You must be registered with the church to receive Confirmation this year. STATIONS OF THE CROSS The Junior Division presented a moving reinactment of the Stations of the Cross on Holy Thursday. It really helped all children remember the story of the Jesus and the Easter Season. LUNCH TIME MONITORS SHARE LIFE We are in need of Lunch Time Student Monitors for our school. In order to be eligible, you must be between the ages of 18 and 65 and have a valid Criminal Reference Check. The scheduled hours of work are set at 1.2 hours (72 minutes) per day, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. If you are interested, please contact the school office for details, 905-501-9498. Share Life bracelets are available through the school. Support Share Life efforts by sending a donation and receiving a bracelet. Thank you. FOOD DRIVE We will continue to collect canned goods for our food drive during the week following Easter. Thank you for your support of the needy of our community. Dates To Remember April 1 -Easter Monday, No school April 2 -Dental Screening for grades JK/SK, 2 & 8 April 5-a.m. gr. 6 Scientist in the School April 8– a.m. gr. 2 Scientists in the School p.m. gr. 1 Scientists in the School All day - JK-8 Hoops for Kids April 10– Skills Canada Competition April 12– 10:00-1:00 pm Gr. 4-8 trip to Rose Theatre for ―Joseph and the Dream Coat‖ April 15-St. Bernadette Feast Day April 16– 8:45 am gr. 8 Graduation Photos April 16-6-8:30 Career Night at St. Bernadette April 18-10 am Confirmation Rehearsal & Confessions @ St. Martin of Tours Parish April 19–am gr.4 Scientists in the School April 19 –7pm Confirmation @ St. Martin of Tours Parish April 22-Earth Day Activities April 26– am gr. 3 Peel Safety Village Trip ELEMENTARY SUMMER SCHOOL Grades 7 and 8 Tuesday July 2 to Friday July 19, 2013 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Students recommended by the Principal Bussing provided at home school pick up points Deadline for applications: May 24, 2013 Good Shepherd St. Pio of Pietrelcina St. Faustina St. Hilary St. Luke Holy Cross St. Angela Merici ********* SUMMER LITERACY PROGRAM Grades SK to 6 Monday July 8 to Friday July 26, 2013 9:00 am to 12:00 pm daily SECONDARY SUMMER SCHOOL DPCDSB Information regarding Secondary Summer School 2013 will be available the first week of April. Please visit DPCDSB Adult and Continuing Education website for course information: http://www.dpcdsb.org/CEC/CNE/Credit+Courses/ Secondary+Summer+School.htm Summer 2013 Dates New/Full Make-up 4 Week Credit – Tuesday July 2 to Monday July 29, 2013 Make-up Session 1 – Tuesday July 2 to Monday July 15, 2013 Make-up Session 2 – Tuesday July 16, to Monday July 29, 2013 Brampton Locations: St. Edmund Campion St. Marguerite d’Youville St. Thomas Aquinas Mississauga Locations: John Cabot Father Michael Goetz St. Marcellinus St. Joan of Arc St. Joseph NOW A 3 WEEK PROGRAM ! SUMMER ADULT PROGRAM Fee for Service Program No transportation provided DPCDSB Adult CO-OP ESL and LINC FSL Adult Computer Classes Deadline for applications: June 3, 2013 Mississauga Father Daniel Zanon St. Alfred St. Catherine of Siena St. Gerard St. Gregory St. Sebastian St. Therese of the Child Jesus Brampton St. Anne St. Bonaventure St. John Fisher Venerable Michael J. McGivney Orangeville St. Andrew St. John the Baptist Bolton For more information and registration forms regarding these summer programs please contact your local elementary school or visit our website at http://www.dpcdsb.org/ CEC/CNE For detailed information please call: 905-891-3034 - Brian J. Fleming Adult Learning Center 905-891-9263 -St. Gabriel Adult Learning Center 905-891-9263-Adult and Continuing Education Office and St. Kateri Tekakwitha Adult Learning Center 905-279-6816 -(LINC) Check our website: www.dpcdsb.org/coopcentre -Co-op Office Skills Program -Co-op Foreign Trained Professionals Program -ESL and LINC -FSL -Computer Classes On-going adult registrations Life Long Learning! AROUND THE SCHOOL Indoor Shoes/Change of Clothes CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK MAY 5-10 Growing Together In Faith Catholic schools are Catholic communities. Catholic schools are faith communities. We –parents, students, teachers, administrative and support staff –walk and grow together in the faith which we received at our Baptism. And it is the ―together‖ that we grow. And as we learn from nature, growth relies on sun and water and nutrition. Otherwise, it may fade away and even die. Our growth is primarily a relationship with God, who at our Baptism, called us by name. But the response of each of us to that growth is both personal and communal. We grow in our faith in the nurturing atmosphere of our Catholic community be that of our local parish, our home, or our Catholic school community. Our school community will celebrate Catholic Education Week 2013 in ways that are appropriate to our students’ age. There are five sub-themes for each day of Catholic Education Week: Monday –Faith that is Rooted Tuesday –Faith that is Nurtured Wednesday –Faith that is Discerned Thursday –Faith that is Witnessed Friday –Faith that is Celebrated We hope to see you during our school events. The full calendar of our school events will come home under separate cover. Here are some highlights: May 6th –Skills Canada Provincial Competition, Kitchener May 7th -Hats off to Kidz Walk May 6 & 7 –Milk Presentation—Healthy Schools May 8 –Joe Sax event @ Iona S.S. May 8 –6:00 pm, Welcome to Kindergarten May 9 –Virtues Assembly and Drama Club Presentation May 10 –Dance Showcase, Grades 1 to 8 STUDENT IMMUNIZATION A series of letters were mailed out to parents staring in January for students with outstanding immunization records. If not updated by a third letter, schools will follow up with a mandatory 20 day suspension for the student until their immunization records have been update. Please ensure that you have met all the requirements for your child’s immunization records. Below is the list of dates in which Peel Public Health will be contacting parents/guardians of students with outstanding immunization records. January 30 –first letter package mailed to parents March 5 - Second letter package mailed to parents April 9 –Third letter package (Suspension order) mailed to parents. May 1 –Suspension stars (in effect until requirements are met or 20 days) Call Peel Health @ 905-799-7700 for any information. Please ensure that your child comes to school prepared to go outside for recess and lunch hour breaks. It is the expectation that each child comes dressed appropriately to go outside to enjoy the weather and get some fresh air and exercise. If your child is prone to getting wet during recess, plese send a change of clothes, especially socks and sweat pants. Please ensure that your child brings a pair of indoor shoes to school well labeled with their name. Running shoes are safe and can also be used for gym. Please ensure that the shoes have non-marking soles. We appreciate your continued support! Safety in the Gym Students are reminded that they must wear proper indoor shoes for gym and appropriate gym clothes. Jewelry must be removed when in gym class or during sports activities. Students are not allowed to wear their ―outside‖ shoes in the gym. Hoops for Kids Student council is organizing our Hoops 4 Kids again this year. Hoops will take place on Monday April 8 throughout the day. Students are asked to donate $2.00 to sponsor our child Francisco Javier Palacios from Chile. All donations are greatly appreciated. Criminal Reference Check (CRC) In compliance with Ministry directives, a Criminal Reference Check is required if you wish to volunteer your services in the school, transport students and assist on trips even for one day. A Criminal Reference Check will be required this year if you plan to volunteer for both in school and out of school activities. Students are only able to go on outings if supervision ratios are met. Please get your CRC now so you can be part of events in the Fall. It often takes 6-8 weeks for CRC’s to be returned. Copies of the Criminal Reference forms are available in the office. An annual declaration is required for all valid Criminal Reference Checks that are on file in the school office. Kiss and Ride Reminder Here are some guidelines to follow: Drop off only at the end of the lane and exit the vehicle on the right (passenger side) The driver should not exit the vehicle or part the car as this blocks traffic in the thru lane. Follow the instructions of the Kiss and Ride Personnel as they direct you. Parents are not to use Visitor Parking for Drop Off/Pick Up, as students would have to cross 3 lanes of traffic & vehicles would have to back into Drive Thru lane. Please be advised that parking control has issued tickets for illegally parking in the Kiss and Ride and fire route lanes. The school is not responsible for costs incurred. EQAO MISSISSAUGA MARATHON-MAY 4-5 Administration of the Grade 3 and 6 Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, 2012-2013 will be held May 27-June 6, 2013. Specific dates will be forthcoming. We ask that parents/ guardians do not book any doctor or dentist appointments during this time to ensure that your child is present during test taking. After school tutoring begins this week to further assist students in preparation for the test. The Mississauga Marathon is working to promote healthy active living for all ages. On May 4 & 5, 2013, they are offering a 2K fun/run/walk. Student 10K relay and MaraFun programs that are perfect for students, teachers and families! For more information, send an email to info@mississaugamarathon.com or visit the following links which outline all the events in detail.: Monday April 15 6-7pm we welcome parents to a come and find out more about EQAO. Leave with some valuable tips on how to best prepare your child for the assessment. Bullying Presentation BULLYING can be stopped. We cannot tolerate bullying. We need to let others know when we see bullying happening. We realize that bullies come in all shapes and sizes and that those who are being bullied have done nothing wrong. Bystanders can either make or break the bullying. If we refuse to become involved in the bullying, then the power of the bully is diminished. Furthermore, if we can safely stand up for those that are bullied, then the bully’s power is further reduced. One thing that we all must do is to let an adult know when bullying is happening. This is not tattling, but rather reporting an unsafe behaviour in order to help someone. We all have a responsibility to stop bullying. Bikes As the warmer weather approaches, many students will choose to ride their bikes to school. The rack is located by the Intermediate yard. Students are to walk their bikes on school property, including pathways, for safety of themselves and other students. Students are strongly encouraged to lock their bikes and bring their helmets inside the school. Please remember that skateboards, rollerblades and ―wheelie shoes‖ are not allowed on school property. The school cannot be responsible for any lost or damaged bikes. Dress Code As we prepare for the warmer weather, we would like to remind our students of the expectations that are in place regarding appropriate dress. Short shorts and skirts and clothing of a suggestive nature or displaying offensive wording/images are not allowed. Pants skirts and shorts should cover boxers and underwear. In keeping with the Board’s Mission Statement and Catholic teachings, each school is committed to standards of neatness cleanliness, modesty and good taste. Recess Reminders We at St. Bernadette have a NO BODY CONTACT policy. This policy states that students are not to play any games or be involved in any activities in the schoolyard that involve physical contact. Games such as tackle football, manhunt and like games are not allowed. If a game develops during the course of a recess break where contact becomes part of the game or activity, students are reminded to remove themselves from the activity and to report the contact to the nearest staff member on yard duty. http://www.mississaugamarathon.com/event_10k_studentrelay.shtml http://www.mississaugamarathon.com/event_2k.shtml http://www.mississaugamarathon.com/marafun.shtml REGION OF PEEL HEALTHY EATING Best-Ever Chocolate Cookies Your family and friends will never know that bran cereal is one of the ingredients in these delicious cookies. 1 cup all purpose flour (250ml) 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (125ml) 1 tsp baking soda (5ml) 1/4 tsp salt (1ml) 2 large eggs 1/2 cup soft non-hydrogenated margarine (125ml) 3/4 cup packed brown sugar (175ml) 1 1/2 cup quick-cooking rolled oats (375ml) 1 cup bran cereal (not flakes) (250ml) 3/4 cup white chocolate chips (175ml) 1. Preheat oven to 350degrees F (180C). Use ungreased baking sheets or line baking sheets with parchment paper. 2. In a small bowl sift flour, cocoa, baking soda & salt. 3. In a large bowl, beat eggs, margarine & brown sugar. Fold in flour mixture. Stir in oats, bran cereal & chocolate chips. 4. Drop dough by heaping tablespoonfuls (15ml), about 2‖ (5cm) apart, onto baking sheets. 5. Bake for 7-9 minutes or until just cerisp, let cool on baking sheets on a wire rack for 5 minutes, then remove to rack to cool completely. SCHOOL COUNCIL CORNER Boston Pizza Reading Rewards We have enrolled in Boston Pizza’s Reading Rewards Program. This program is a partnership between Boston Pizza and St. Bernadette School to encourage students to read more at home. Students are encouraged to read (or be read to) for 20 minutes a day, for at least 20 days a month. At the end of the month, their effort is rewarded with a free Boston Pizza Kids meal. Reading logs have been distributed to students and additional copies are available both in the office and the school website under School Council. On Tuesday, April 16th St. Bernadette Elementary we will be hosting a Career Night as our Parent Engagement event. There are a number of professionals representing various occupations, and we are proud to have them volunteer to share their experiences with our students. As our students are in their critical years of finding their career path, this process is extremely valuable. Invited speakers include Councillor Bonnie Crombie, Trustee Peter Ferreira, Dr. Timothy Lee, and many more! We will be hosting the event in the school gymnasium. Students and parents will be encouraged to visit each table to learn about the different professions in our community. As we appreciate the time challenges families are under, we are offering pizza, water, and juice each for $1 on sale at the school beginning at 6pm. Admission is free. At 6:30pm we will move to the gymnasium and begin our evening. Please return your RSVP to the school as soon as possible along with any money for pizza and drinks. (Extra copies of the flyer are available on our website under School Council.) You may also confirm your attendance via St.Bernadette.CSC@gmail.com. Let’s Get Growing….. St. Bernadette’s First Annual Earth Day Planting Event Eco-Schools This term the grade 3-8 students are participating in the Toronto and Region Conservation by assisting in the growth of Aquatic plants. Each class from grade 3-8 have received a kit to grow their native plant in the classroom and then on June 14th , students will travel to a local wetland to transplant their aquatic plant and participate in a half day program to learn about the important roles wetlands play in improving water quality. On April 22nd, St. Bernadette School will be taking action for a healthier planet by having an entire school-planting day. The benefits of planting are numerous and increasingly important to the achievement of a cleaner/ greener environment. On this day the students will be showing their commitment to the environment by planting as many plant bulbs as we can as an entire school. From Jk-Grade 8, we will do our best to nourish Mother Earth with plant bulbs to beautify our school landscape and enhance our outdoor classroom, also known as, the Peace Garden in the primary yard. In order to help with this event, we ask that the parent community support our efforts with the donation of any of the following items: A bag of plant bulbs Fertilizer Garden soil Gardening gloves Mulch Watering can Gardening kits/tools: cultivator, trowel, and transplanter. Tool sets will be a great addition of resources for our science and technology efforts for future school planting needs and to assist with our environmental studies. Our Earth Day planting event will begin with Primary students planting in the morning and then going into the gym to enjoy an Earth Day movie, followed by junior/Intermediate planting. Please send any donations by April 17th to the main office, as our EcoTeam (A.K.A. Aqua-Team) can ensure that we have all necessary tools for our first annual Earth Day planting event. If it rains, our rain date is April 23rd. Eco-Fact: Recycled paper requires 64% less energy then making paper from virgin wood pulp, and can save many trees-every ton of paper that is recycled saves 17 trees.