St. Bernadette School DUFFERINPEEL CDSB 1060 White Clover Way, Mississauga, Ontario L5V 1 K9 TEL: 905 501 9498 FAX: 905 501 9501 "Faith, Discipline, Excellence" O C T O B E R , THANKSGIVING BLESSINGS Principal: M.J. Vowles Secretary: M. Trigiani Superintendent: C. Saytar 905 890 1221 Trustee: Peter Ferreira 905-­890-­1221 416-­805-­7110 St. Martins of Tours Church Fr. J. Pottackal May an abundance of gratitude burst forth as we reflect upon what we have received. May thanksgiving overflow in our heart, and often be proclaimed in our prayer. May we gather around the table of our heart the ardent faithfulness, kindness, and goodness of each person who is true to us. May the harvest of our good actions bring forth plentiful fruit each day. May we discover a cache of hidden wisdom among the people and events that have brought us dis-­ tress and sorrow. May our basket of blessings surprise us with this rich diversity of gifts and its opportunities for growth. May all that nourishes and resources our life bring us daily satisfaction and renewed hope. May we slow your hurried pace of life so we can be aware of, and enjoy, what we too easily take for granted. May we always be open, willing and ready to share our blessings with others. May we never forget the Generous One who loves us lavishly and un-­ conditionally. 905 279 5742 C.S.C. Co-Chairs: P. Gaspari J. DeCosta x :H·UHRQWKH:HE 2 0 1 2 VIRTUE ASSEMBLIES Monthly we will celebrate and showcase virtues at the Virtue Assemblies. In the October assembly we will highlight the Virtue of Faith and introduce our monthly focus: the Virtue of Empathy. EQAO AT ST. BERNADETTE We are extremely proud of the improvements in Reading, Writing DQGHVSHFLDOO\0DWK2XU*UDGH¶VPDLQWDLQHGDQGLPSURYHGRQ Reading and Writing despite the fact that for 21% of them Eng-­ OLVKZDVQRWWKHLUILUVWODQJXDJH2XU*UDGH¶VPDGHVLJQLILFDQW gains in all three areas being tested. This is especially notewor-­ thy as 32% of those students were born outside Canada. WELLNESS We will continue, throughout all grades in the school, to use a Balanced Literacy approach in developing Reading and Writing If your child is going to be away or ill please contact the skills. Three part Math lessons will assist all students in strengthening their Mathematical abilities. Feel free to call your school and leave a message. When your child returns to school he/she should feel well enough to participate in FKLOG¶VWHDFKHUVKRXOG\RXKDYHDQ\TXHVWLRQVDERXWWKHVHKLJK-­ yield strategies. all school activities including recess. VOLUNTEERS We are always in need of volunteers to assist or supplement the excellent work and teaching that occurs at our school. You may wish to volunteer by helping our Catholic School Council with pizza days or fundraisers. You may want to read with children. FIRE DRILLS/LOCK DOWN ROCEDURES All volunteers require an up-­to-­date Criminal Reference Check. If you are interested, please contact Miss Ligotti. In accordance with Ministry regulations, three fire drills are conducted in the Fall and three in the Spring eachschool year. STUDENT LUNCHES While we hope that a real fire situation never arises, this prac-­ tice helps prepare students in the event of a real fire. In addi-­ Thank you to parents who send their children daily tion, our School Board has established lockdown procedures ZLWKOXQFKHV)RUWKHIHZWLPHV\RXUFKLOG³IRUJHWV´ should a high risk incident involving weapons occur in the his or her lunch please drop off lunches labeled with school, or on school property, that could endanger the lives \RXUFKLOG¶VQDPHRQWKHOXQFKWDEOHEHIRUHDP7KLVHQ and safety of students and staff. We will practice the Emer-­ sures your child will have enough time to eat before heading out gency Lockdown Procedure with students two times during the for recess at 11:50 school year and review the process periodically. EMERGENCY CONTACTS OPENING/SCHOOL THANKSGIVING MASS Please ensure the school has updated information with re-­ Thank you to the parents who were able to attend our Thanksgiv-­ gards to emergency contacts and phone numbers. ing Mass on Wednesday, October 3rd. WEATHER The Fall is a time when weather changes a great deal. Some days begin cold and get extremely hot while oth-­ ers begin with sun and suddenly change to rain. Please be sure to include a windbreaker and sweater with your FKLOG¶VNQDSVDFNHDFKGD\$UDLQFRDWLVDOVRDJUHDW idea for this time of year. Dates To Remember Oct. 2-­ 7pm First Communion Mtg for parents @ St. Martin of Tours Church Oct. 3 ±1pm Thanksgiving Mass in school gym Oct. 4 ±7pm First Communion Mtg for parents @ St. Martin of Tours Church Oct. 4 -­ 18 Chocolate Fundraiser Oct. 8 -­ THANKSGIVING DAY no school Oct. 11 -­ Art Beat Presentation for Gr. 1/2 Oct. 16 -­ Gr. 8 Retreat @ Mount Alverno Oct. 17 -­ Picture Day Oct. 24 ±Cross Country Family Meet @ Centennial Park Oct. 24± 6:30 pm Catholic School Council Meeting Oct. 25 to Oct. 30 School Book Fair Oct. 29 ±Book Fair Family Night 5:30-­7:30 pm 6:30pm Parent info Night for Camp Muskoka PICTURE DAY +$//2:(·(1$76&+22/ Please note our school picture day is Wednesday, October 17. Be sure to mark this date on your calendar. In keeping with the excitement of the time students in the Primary grades JK-3 may decide to wear a costume on October 31. Students should be able to remove the costume at recess for safe-keeping. For safety, students may not wear masks or carry weapons. Students in Junior/Intermediate grades are encouraged to wear black & orange. Students activities for the day will be OLQNHGWR+DOORZ·HQ$OO6DLQWV$OO6RXOVWKHPH ROSARY APOSTOLATE Unfortunately we are not scheduled this year for visits from the Rosary Apostolate. The number of volunteers has decreased and they are unable to drive the distance to the school. We thank those who have brought the gift of Rosary to our school in the past. Should you be willing to volunteer for this worthwhile Ministry please call the church at 905-­279-­5742. PEDICULOSIS Although it may seem early in the school year, we would like to bring to your attention a problem which occurs from time to time in each school. This problem is an infestation by head lice also known as pediculosis. Unfortunately, head lice has become common throughout North America in humans for centuries. They are in no way connected with poor hygiene or dirt. Anyone can become infested. In order to control these pests we will fol-­ low these procedures and request your full cooperation and un-­ derstanding. If cases are found in the classroom, we shall inform the parents of that class. Also, if there are siblings then their classes will be informed too. We would ask that you check your FKLOGUHQ¶VKDLUDQGLI\RXILQGWKHPWREHLQIHVWHGSOHDVHQRWLI\ the school and we will advise as to treatment. If a child is in-­ fested he/she will be kept out of school until they have been WUHDWHGZLWKWKHFRUUHFWVKDPSRRDQGWKH\¶UHHQWLUHO\FOHDURI both lice and nits (eggs). Information on head lice may also be obtained from your family doctor or pharmacist. TERRY FOX WALK/RUN St. Bernadette School participated in the Terry Fox Walk/Run Friday, September 28th. Congratulations to all participants and volunteers. Though monies continue to be counted we have raised over $300.00 to contribute to cancer research. Thank you, you have made a difference THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE Thank you for your generosity. Thanks to the efforts of our St. Bernadette Community many heavily loaded cartons of non-­ perishable items were given to St. Martin of Tours parish to sup-­ port their food drive. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES/ATHLETICS Clubs, teams and intramural activities for the 2012/12013 school year have been planned. Intermediate volleyball, junior and in-­ termediate cross country, and choir are currently well underway. Students should listen to morning announcements regarding information meetings and signing up for tryouts. +$//2:(·(16$)(7< +DOORZH·HQLVMXVWDURXQGWKHFRUQHU,QVFKRROZHZLOO remind them about the safety rules so that they can both enjoy the evening and stay safe and well. Here are some suggestions to keep it safe for all our children. x Choose brightly coloured costumes x Use face paint instead of masks x Plan a safe route with child x Remind your child of road safety rules x Accompany your children x Remind children not to enter homes x Check the treats before allowing your Children to eat them In addition, we will also be stressing the fact that the most important aspect of our activities at this time of year is the celebration of two Feast Days. On Novem-­ ber 1st, we honour All Saints Day and we are encour-­ aged to pray that we might emulate their example in our daily lives. On the following day, November 2nd, we remember all those who have gone before us in faith by celebrating the Feast of All Souls. Again we are reminded that while those who have died are out of sight, they are not out of mind or beyond our prayers. Call2Recycle STAFF PARKING/STUDENT DROP OFF New this year at St. Bernadette, as part of our Eco-­school inititative, we will be taking part in the Call2Recy-­ cle program, it is a program of the Rechargeable Battery Recycling cor-­ poration (RNRC), promoting environ-­ mental sustainability by providing free battery and cell phone recycling in North America. Here at St. Bernadette School we are taking a proactive role in the preservation of our environment. Together we can keep hazardous wastes out of our landfills. The Call2Recycle box is located on the table under our com-­ munity information bulletin board. There you will find plastic bags for items, which require bagging: Rechargeable batteries Lithium primary Cell phone batteries All consumer batteries each weighing less than 5kg can just be dropped into the box, they do not require bagging. As always we will continue to collect Kool-­Aid jammers and Tassimo coffee pods. We collect the waste and send it to Ter-­ racycle, and they convert the collected waste and they convert it into a wide range of products and materials. With over 14 mil-­ lion people collecting waste in 11 countries together we have diverted billions of pieces of waste that are either upcycled or recycled into over 1,500 various products available at major retailers ranging from Walmart to Whole Foods Market. Thank you for your support and for making a commitment to the environment. HEALTHY FOODS Below are links provided by Peel Health. Check them out for new and exciting recopies. Eat Right Ontario­lunches.aspx Heart and Stroke k.9A7/Get_smart_with_your_child8217s_heart.htm Foodland Ontario index.html Just a reminder that before and after school the staff park-­ ing area is for staff use only. This is for student safety. Signs are posted to indicate this area. There is no drive-­ thru over the student crosswalk from 8:15-­8:30 and 3:00-­ 3:15. Please use the Kiss n Ride area for dropping off and SLFNLQJXS\RXUFKLOGUHQ$OOFDUVLQWKH.LVVµQ5LGH0867 have a driver at the wheel at all times as this is the Fire Route. We thank all of you for yur continued support of student safety. Handicapped Parking -­To use this parking space yu must have a valid permit. Please be respectful of those who require the use of this parking space LUNCH TIME STUDENT MONITORS We are in need of Lunch Time Student Monitors for our school to be available on an emergency basis. In order to be eligible, you must be between the ages of 18 and 65 and have a valid Criminal Reference Check authorized by the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School board. The scheduled hours of work are set at 1.2 hours (72) minutes per day, from 11:30 am to 12:30pm. If you are interested, please contact the school office for details (905-­501-­9498. KIDS CAN COOK KidsCanCook would like to offer your students an opportu-­ nity to cook with us this September! Our session run once a week for 4 weeks. Classes last 1 hour and 15 minutes Small group format in any classroom at the school. Cooking utensils, recipes and ingredients will be pro-­ vided. Four week session, once per week. Schools usually run classes directly after school. Primary, senior and mixed classes available. Students will take home the recipes they have made to complete it with mom and dad! NO heat needed. $70/student for all 4 classes! Please contact KidsCanCook by visiting online to learn more Kids Can Cook Burlington 5100 South Service Rd. (905) 464 1042 STAND UP RALLY Family channel is having a contest where a school can win the opportunity to attend a rally about anti-­bullying. I entered this contest and explained how students in our school are caring, loving, and respectful with one another. I said that our school rarely encounters bullying and is a safe environment. I also stated that St. Bernadette has had many fundraisers to raise money and to help others. We hope our school has a good chance of winning a trip to the rally in Toronto, to see performances by stars on the Family Channel and guest speakers. I am glad that Family Channel has recognized how EULOOLDQW6W%HUQDGHWWH¶VVWXGHQWVWUXO\DUH By: Madeline C. SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR St. Bernadette will be hosting an all-­star line up of books at this year's Scholastic Book Fair. From the newest addition to the Big Nate and Amulet series to classics such as The Hob-­ bit, the book fair will offer a wide variety of books for children of all ages. The book fair opens on Thursday, October 25th, 2012 and closes on Tuesday, October 30th, 2012. Our regular book fair hours are from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. each day, except for October 29th when we will close at 3 p.m. Book fair will also be open for one hour on the evening of Monday, October 29th from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The book Fair will also be open on Friday, October 26th from 5:30 p.m.-­7:30 p.m. to coincide with the Catholic School Council movie night. All are welcome! We hope to see you with your nose in a good book! CASUAL FRIDAYS On Fridays at St. Bernadette you may QRWLFHVWDII³'UHVVLQJ'RZQ´6WDII members contribute a donation to United Way/Share Life for the privilege of dressing down. 2012/2013 CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL The new members for the Catholic School for the 2012/13 school year are: Chair: Paola Gaspari Vice Chair : Jesse DeCosta Secretary: Susy Pereira Treasurer: Cristina Manucduc Parent Rep: Michelle Cholette, Anita Pereira and Sandra DeCosta Parish Rep: Paola Gaspari OAPCE Rep: Doris Melidoniotis Teacher Rep: Miss Ligotti Non Teacher Rep: Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Sarrazin All are welcome to attend the monthly meetings here at the school. The next CSC meeting will be held on October 24, at 6:30 pm. 2XU&KRFRODWH)XQGUDLVHU³.LFN-­2II´$VVHPEO\ZDVKHOGRQ October 4th in the school gym. The students were very excited DWWKHSURVSHFWRIZLQQLQJQXPHURXVSUL]HVVXFKDV³3ULQFLSDO IRUD'D\´DQGWKHOE&KRFRODWH%DU Thank you in advance IRU\RXUFRQWLQXHGVXSSRUWRIRXUVFKRRO¶VPDMRUIXQG raiser. Please note that funds raised from this fundraiser are XVHGWRHQULFKDQGHQKDQFHRXUVWXGHQWV¶HGXFDWLRQLQDYDUL ety of ways. All monies collected should be returned to the school by Oct. 18th.