St. Bernadette School In our preparations for Easter and

St. Bernadette School
1060 White Clover Way,
Mississauga, Ontario L5V 1 K9
TEL: 905 501 9498 FAX: 905 501 9501
"Faith, Discipline, Excellence"
In our preparations for Easter and
Catholic Education Week we pray:
God of our journey to Easter,
with gratitude we move towards your deep
M.J. Vowles
Strengthen us for these days of suffering
and wonder.
M. Trigiani
C. Saytar
But we also rise. Rise into our true element.
905 890 1221
Leaving the land of fear and alienation and
into your grace-filled embrace.
Peter Ferreira
Your Spirit carries into pure thankfulness.
St. Martins
We prepare to die with you, die to those
unnecessary parts of ourselves at the crucifixion.
Fr. J. Pottackal
905 279 5742
C.S.C. Co-Chairs:
J. Medina, M. Cholette
For the miniscule and the magnificent;
for seconds and the eons;
for the note and the symphony;
for the single smile and a community of
May our thankful hearts continue to be
open to your love,
to celebrate your Spirit of gratitude.
We’re on the Web!
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School Growth/Decline in Number
Our projected enrolment indicates that our school will decrease significantly in school population for next fall. This has
resulted in a decline in the number of staff assigned to the
school. Should student numbers vary significantly from the
projection resulting in an increase in staff, these changes will
be communicated to you in the fall.
Next year‘s school population has been projected at 339.
As planning has begun in respect to formulating classes
and general school organization for the 2011-2012 school
year, please inform the office as soon a possible if you are
planning to move between now and September 2011. We
will provide you with a Transfer Form to take with you to the
new school to register your child. If you are moving but
would like your child to remain at St. Bernadette, please
submit your request in writing. All parents wishing to make
a request for placement consideration should do so in writing. Include the qualities of the person you wish for your
child. Do not state teacher‘s name as these may change
with reorganization. Every effort will be made to accommodate requests received before April 29.
New Registrations for 2011/2012
The school office will accept new registrations for 1011-2012
school year up to and including Thursday June 30th of this
year (last day of classes). The office will re-open for new
registrations on August 29th to September 2nd from:
9:00a.m. –11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.—3:00 p.m.
Junior Kindergarten Registration
Do you know of a child or have a child that should be enrolled in Junior Kindergarten for September next year? If so,
please let those parents know that pre-registration day has
passed and they can come into the school any day to register their child for Kindergarten. This really helps us for class
organization purposes to know now how many new learners
we will have for the fall. Thank you in advance.
Summer Literacy Camp
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board will be again
sponsoring a Summer Literacy Camp for students requiring
additional support to consolidate and build literacy skills. This
camp is for students from Senior Kindergarten to grade 6 who
would be performing below the Provincial Standard of Level 3
in the areas of Reading, Writing and Oral and Visual communication. For more information please contact Mrs. Mete.
Grade 7&8 Summer School
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board will again be
providing Grade 7&8 Summer School. This program is for
students requiring remedial assistance in Literacy and Numeracy. Students who are performing below the Provincial
standard of Level 3 in areas of Language and Mathematics are
encouraged to attend to be better prepared for Secondary
School, Summer school courses review the year‘s key concepts in a compressed period of time and regular attendance
is mandatory. The courses will be offered at St. Gertrude
School. Transportation will be provided from St. Bernadette
School to this location.
Summer Dress Code
With the warmer weather approaching, we request both student and parent support and cooperation in ensuring that students are neat, clean and appropriately dressed. Attire should
continue to reflect modesty and the moral standard expected
at St. Bernadette School.
Clothing should be neat, clean and without tears and/or holes
Patches, symbols or saying on clothing shall not be offensive to
anyone who might read them nor should they promote negative
Halter tops, tank tops, mesh shirts, basketball jerseys, muscle
shirts, cut-off shirts, midriff tops and bandanas are inappropriate
attire for school.
Running shoes are safest for playing in the school yard as they
protect the feet and toes. Sandals are not recommended.
The use of hats, sunglasses and sunscreen are recommended as
Dates To Remember
May 4 -#3 round HPV/Hepititis B second round
Clinic room 208
Gr 2 -Scientist in Schools
Crowning of Mary Celebration in gym
May 5 –Gr.2/3 Scientist in Schools
May 5 6:00 –Welcome to Kindergarten Night
May 6 –Mrs. Weeks @ Silvercreek
May 6 a.m. - Gr. 1 Scientist in Schools
P.m. –Gr. 3 Scientist in Schools
May 10-Confirmation Confessions and Rehearsal @ St. Martin of Tours Church
May 11-Ms. Flick @ Silvercreek
May 13 -7:00 p.m. Confirmation @ St. Martin
of Tours Church
May 20-Gr. 1@ Peel Safety Village
May 23-Victoria Day Holiday no school
Get Ready Program
On Tuesday students in Grade 8 took home information regarding St. Joseph Secondary School Get Ready Program.
EQAO Testing
Students currently enrolled in grade 3 and 6 will participate in
the Provincial Assessment for Reading, Writing, and Mathematics, Primary Division and Junior Division. Our grade 3 students
will be assessed on June 6, 7, and 8. Our grade 6 students will
be assessed on May 30,31 and June 1.
Parents/Guardians are asked to avoid scheduling appointments
on these days. Please ensure that your child has a nutritious
breakfast and arrives at school on time during this assessment
period. Assessments begin promptly at 8:30. Students cannot
be admitted to class late.
Students will do a variety of assessment activities designed to
allow them to demonstrate their skills and knowledge relating to
reading, writing and mathematics as described in the Ontario
Curriculum. These province-wide tests are developed by Ontario teachers and assessment experts and resemble the work
children do in class every day.
EQAO had developed a Parent Bulletin to give you more information about the assessments and an understanding of what to
expect. The bulletin is available in over 20 languages on the
EQAO Website ( under ―Parent Resources.‖
The staff parking area is for staff parking
only. Parents are to use the Kiss n‘ Ride to
pick up students, not the staff parking area.
Please keep all students safe by following
Kiss n’ Ride Safety
You are reminded that the area in front of the school is a designated Kiss ‗n Ride. Only parents who are dropping off or picking up their children may be in the middle lane. Students must
be able to exit/enter cars from the doors on the passenger side
of the car when using Kiss n‘ Ride. Cars may NEVER stop for
pick up or drop off in the left Drive-thru lane. Please keep our
children safe.
The St. Bernadette Catholic School Council will be selling
Carassauga passports for $10 with $5 for each passport
sold will go directly to our school. Children under 12 are
free! Come join in the celebration and experience the
tastes and sounds of more than 64 countries at the largest multicultural Festival in Ontario. Carassauga takes
place on Jun 3, 4, 5 across Mississauga. Your continued
support is appreciated.
Did You Know?
34 567).
School/Community Connection:
1. Explore different materials to use with your child to
practice spelling words. Have your child practise words
in a sandbox using a Popsicle stick, on your driveway
with sidewalk chalk or even in a baking pan with shaving cream. Make the spelling experience fun!
Build a Flower- Choose a mystery word. On a paper
draw a stem and one leaf. Underneath the flower draw
blank spaces representing each letter. Have one person guess a letter. Correct letters are filled in the
spaces. Incorrect letters result in one petal added to
the flower. Record the incorrect letters vertically along
the side. The game continues until the word is solved
or the flower is completed.
Word Explosion- The concept of related words is one key to
unlocking the logic behind longer words. Think of one
word such as define and create a web of related words. For
On Tuesday, April 26th, the Grade Eight Students at St. Bernadette braved the rolling hills of a drizzly spring day
to attend their Confirmation Retreat at Mount Alverno, in Caledon Hills. Mrs. Oko, and Ms Paciejko, Mrs. Militello,
and Ms. Lima participated as well. Mount Alverno Retreat Centre is a place where people of all ages might experience the love and peace of Christ in the Spirit of St. Francis of Assisi. The building and the grounds are consecrated to God for the purpose of supporting Christian faith through prayer and practice. The students participated
in activities and discussions which fostered faith, trust, community and spiritual growth.
―To the waters of repose God leads me to revive my soul.‖
On Wednesday, april 27, 2011, the Youth Faith Ambassadors and Student Council
Members attended a Youth Faith Rally at St. Joseph Secondary School. The
agenda for the day included the following:
Welcoming of guests
Eucharistic Celebration
Guest Speaker
Community Building Activities
The day was beautiful and inspiring.
While we honour Mary and all mothers during this month of May, as well as on Mother’s Day, we respectfully acknowledge that the importance of a mother should not be limited to one day or one month each
year. In this spirit we honour Mary by saying….
Hail Mary
Hail Mary, full of Grace!
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb , Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us sinners,
Now and at the hour of our death.
―Celebrating the Spirit‖
―Catholic Education Week …. May 1—6, 2011‖
In our schools the Spirit of God is alive! When you next walk through the halls, stop and listen. You will hear the
marvelous work of the students and staff reflecting God‘s graciousness in their learning and teaching. This year‘s
Catholic Education Week (May 1-6) gives us an opportunity to shine a light on our schools with this theme: Catholic Education: Celebrating the Spirit. The scriptural text comes from St. Paul‘s letter to the Romans: ―All who are
led by the Spirit of god are children of god‖ (Romans 8:14) St. Luke also refers to the Spirit when he writes, ―The
Spirit of the Lord is upon me.‖ (Lk 4:18) The Psalmist calls on God‘s Spirit to renew the face of the earth. During
this Catholic Education Week, let‘s open our doors to God‘s Spirit in a special way and celebrate how the Spirit is
renewing the face of our schools! There are five sub-themes, one for each day of Catholic Education Week:
Monday—The Spirit of Hospitality
Tuesday—The Spirit of Understanding
Wednesday—The Spirit of Wisdom
Thursday—The Spirit of Justice
Friday—The Spirit of Gratitude
We hope to see many of you during our festivities.
Catholic Education Week Activities planned for St. Bernadette School:
Beginning Monday and continuing throughout the week, special morning prayers and readings focusing on the five daily
themes will be led by our grade 7 & 8 students. Also, special activities/lesson plans specific to each grade/division have been
made available to staff to enhance their plans for this special week.
Monday, May 2
- Election Day
- Skills Canada in Kitchener
- Scientists in School
Tuesday, May 3 - Scientists in School
Wednesday, May 4 - 9 a.m. Primary Crowning of Mary
- 10:15 Junior/Intermediate Crowning of Mary
- Scientists in School
Thursday, May 5 - Joe Sax Festival @ Iona S.S.
- Social Justice Conference, Gr. 6—8
- 6 p.m. Welcome to Kindergarten for new Kindergarten registrants
Friday, May 6
- 8:45 a.m. School Education Week Liturgy
School Spirit Assembly