St. Bernadette School DUFFERINPEEL CDSB 1060 White Clover Way, Mississauga, Ontario L5V 1 K9 TEL: 905 501 9498 FAX: 905 501 9501 "Faith, Discipline, Excellence" D E C E M B E R , Principal: M.J. Vowles Secretary: M. Trigiani Superintendent: C. Saytar 905 890 1221 Trustee: P. Ferreira 905­890­1221 St. Martins Church of Tours Fr. J. Pottackal 905 279 5742 C.S.C. Co-Chairs: J. Medina, M. Cholette 2 0 1 0 SOCIAL NETWORK St. Bernadette School, along with the school council, would like to invite and encourage the parents and guardians of students who are on, or may be in the future on the social network Facebook, to attend what promises to be a highly useful information session called Facebook-101. The session will be held on Tuesday, February 15 at 7:00 pm at Loyola SecondarySchool. The keynote speaker is Chris Vollum. He will be addressing various spertinent concerns surrounding the usage of Facebook. We recommend attending this eye-opening seminar. BATTERY RECYCLING St. Bernadette School has been chosen to participate in the Region of Peel’s Bat­ tery Recycling Program pilot project. If you have any used batteries that you would like disposed of in a safe manner, please deposit them in the Battery Recy­ cling box in the office. EXTENDED FRENCH INFORMATION MEETING Grade 4 parent(s)/guardian(s), who wish to enroll their child in a Grade 5 Extended French class for September, 2011 are in­ vited to attend an information meeting at: School: St. Rose of Lima Address: 4590 the Gallops, Mississauga—L5M 3A9 Date: January 11, 2011 Time: 7:00 p.m. At the present time, the above mentioned school is the desig­ nated centre for our area. Applications will be accepted at that centre until 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 9th, 2011. POP CAN TABS Please collect and bring in pop can tabs. These will be donated to the March of Dimes to buy wheelchairs for those who need them. Many thanks to everyone who has already brought in their tabs. Our collection this year is beginning to grow so lets keep up the momentum. Youth Faith Ambassadors from our school will be col‐ lecting tabs from classes on a regular basis FRENCH IMMERSION INFORMATION MEETING Senior Kindergarten parents/guardians, who wish to enroll their child in a Grade 1 French Immersion class for Septem­ ber, 2011 are invited to attend an information meeting at: St Gertrude School 815 Ceremonial Drive Mississauga, Ont. 905­568­7660 Thursday January 13, 2011 ­ 7:00 p.m. The deadline for submission of Applications will be 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 9th, 2011. Dates To Remember Dec. 1—Chocolate Fundraising Assembly Dec. 2—Pizza Day Dec. 8—Feast of the Immaculate Conception Dec. 10— 10 a.m. Advent Mass in the Gym Dec. 15—9 a.m. Christmas Cheer Concert in the Gym, all are welcome to attend Dec. 16—Gr. 4 Field Trip to Medieval Times Dec. 17— Santa Hat Spirit Day Last day of Classes Dec. 25 Merry Christmas Jan. 1, 2011 - Happy New Year! Jan. 3—Classes resume, 8:30 a.m. WINTER WEAR It is Winter in Canada. This means children need to dress warmly. Here are some tips to help you ensure your child is dressed for the cold: A hat is essential­80% of body heat is lost through the top of the head Mitts­to allow the fingers to stay together to gener­ ate increased heat A windproof/waterproof jacket –to maximize warmth and maintain dryness on snowy days Winter boots­to provide traction to prevent slips and falls, to keep feet dry and warm Waterproof pants­to ensure students are warm outdoors and are dry when they enter after re­ cesses Remember, except under unusual conditions students go outside at recess and over the lunch hour. For health and safety reasons students must have indoor shoes. In the event of an emergency evacua­ tion children will not have time to put on boots. PUNCTUALITY The school day begins promptly at 8:30 a.m. To be on time students should be dropped at school by 8:25 a.m. so they are able to line up and enter with their class. Teachers begin lessons immediately after students enter. Students who are late frequently miss the same subject. As a result they ar­ rive having missed the main instructions for lessons and the plan for the day. PLEASE HELP YOUR CHILD BE SUC­ CESSFUL BY HAVING HIM/HER ARRIVE ON TIME. Should your child be absent be sure to call in and leave us a message on the answering machine. NO PARKING PLEASE There is very little parking at the school. Should you wish to meet your child in the schoolyard you MUST park off school property and walk over. UNDER NO CONDITION ARE PAREENTS TO PARK and LEAVE THE CAR UNAT­ TENDED IN THE KISS ‘N RIDE area before or after school. This a Fire Route. We MUST work together for the safety of all students. THIS EXTEMELY IMPORTANT ON BAD WEATHER DAYS. Thank you Parents HEALTH We want to thank all parents for staying behind the Peace Garden and the walkway in the morning. Teachers are much more able to monitor the safety of students when it is only students in the yard. Health is important. Students who come to school are expected to be healthy enough to participate in the daily activities including gym and outdoor play. Should your child not feel well enough to participate, please keep them at home the extra day so they can recuperate fully. There is no venue to maintain sick children at the school. JK/SK REGISTRATION FOR 2011 February 7, 2011 –7 to 9 p.m. Snow day February 8 February 9, 10, 11, 2011 9 to 11 a.m. 1 to 3 p.m. —————————————————————————— CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR GRADE 2s On Thursday, November 18th our grade 2 students partici­ pated in the Sacrament of First Reconciliation at St. Martin of Tours Church. Their families and teachers were there to support them. We are proud of their commitment to their Catholic Faith by participating in this sacrament. —————————————————————————— Grade 2 and 3 students are collecting Kool­aid Jammers and Del Monte pouches to raise funds for the school through the Ter­ racycle Kool­Aid recycling program. Please send in any pouches you may use at home to be recycled. DRAMA CLUB The drama Club has started again this year. Student helpers Logan McC, and Melissa G. will be working with Mrs. MacRury to prepare the grades 3-5 students for a spring performance. More information to follow. INDOOR SOCCER Congratulations to team #1 who defeated team #2 in a very close Final by a score of 2­1. Thank you to all the students in grades 6 to 8 who partici­ pated in this year’s indoor soccer league. All par­ ticipants deserve special recognition for their en­ thusiasm and fair play! JUNIOR BOYS VOLLEYBALL The Junior Boys volleyball team had a great season. They had a busy month of practices and games. They showed great improve­ ments as their serves got further, their bumps got stronger and they learned new skills. After a very exciting season they tied for 3rd place in their family of schools. Their coaches Ms. Ligotti and Ms. Paciejko are very proud of them. The team consisted of Jason D., Anthony F., Edmond C., Ethan M., Jacob M., Alexander M.,Mark S., Jonathan M., Lucas M. Kwame S. JUNIOR GIRLS VOLLEYBALL This year’s Junior Girls volleyball team con­ sisted of the following students: Madeline C., Tiahanna T., Sharon D’S., Jes­ sica T., Vanessa T., Marthena P., Cassandra F., Emily M., Alysia DiC., Cara C., The girls developed great volleyball skills and demonstrated superb sportsmanship and teamwork throughout the season. Way to go girls!! CHRISTMAS FOOD DRIVE As part of Youth Faith Ambassador outreach program, we will be conducting a Christmas Food Drive. Once again, St. Martin of Tours Parish will be the recipient of the non­perishable foodstuffs and toiletry items. These will be distributed by the St. Vincent de Paul Society to those in need. The deadline for contributions is Thursday, December 16th. Thank you for your generosity! ADVENT SCHOOL MASS Our school community Advent Family Mass is scheduled for Friday, December 10th at 10:00 a.m. in our school gym­ nasium. Mark your calendars and plan to attend. ST. MARTIN OF TOURS CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR MASS SCHEDULE Christmas Eve , Friday, December 24 5:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m., 9:00 p.m. 12:00 midnight Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25 10:00 a.m., 12:00 noon Feast of the Holy Family, Sunday, December 26 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. 12:00 noon New Year’s Eve, Friday December 31 5:00 p.m. , 7:00 p.m. New Year’s Day, Saturday, January 1st 10:00 a.m., 12:00 noon Feast of the Epiphany, Sunday ,January 2nd 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 noon PLEASE NOTE: There are no 5:00 p.m. Masses on December 25th, or January 1 SOCIAL JUSTICE Part of our Social Justice initiatives: Cookie­gram drive to raise money for St. Vincent de Paul hampers, as well as Toonie Tuesdays Spirit Day, December 17th, Santa Hat Day Mitten and hat tree for the needy children We’re on the Web! LIGHT UP THE GIVING TREE Once again this year we are asking for your help to create Christmas Hampers for the needy families of St. Martin of Tours Parish. Along with the proceeds of our cookie-gram sales and Toonie Tuesday cookie sales (for the month of December), we invite you to “light up” our tree. The Giving Tree will be in our front foyer with Christmas ornaments indicating the gender and age of each child and/or parent who is in need of your generous support. If you are able to assist us by purchasing a gift please detach the section below allowing your child permission to take an ornament from our tree. Once the gift is brought in, in exchange we will place a star with your name to light up our Giving Tree in appreciation for all your support. All gifts should be returned in gift bags by December 14th. Thank you for your continued generosity. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-I give my child___________________________ permission to take ________ ornaments indicating gender and age. (child name) ( number of) Parent Name_________________________________ Parent Signature________________________________ (please print)