2014-15 Hartnell CCD Participatory Governance Effectiveness Survey - Overall System Q1 Employment classification Answered: 48 Skipped: 0 Administrator/m anager/super... 45.83% Faculty member 25.00% Classified staff member 16.67% Student 12.50% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Administrator/manager/supervisor 45.83% 22 Faculty member 25.00% 12 Classified staff member 16.67% 8 Student 12.50% 6 Total 48 1/7 2014-15 Hartnell CCD Participatory Governance Effectiveness Survey - Overall System Q2 Overall, I am satisfied with the effectiveness of the Hartnell College Governance System. Answered: 42 Skipped: 6 Strongly Agree 40.48% Agree 45.24% Disagree 14.29% Strongly Disagree 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Strongly Agree 40.48% 17 Agree 45.24% 19 Disagree 14.29% 6 Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0 Total 42 # Comments Date 1 The councils are focused and do the job that is required of them. 4/10/2015 2:35 PM 2 The governance system provides more than adequate opportunity for individuals and groups on campus to be represented, involved and listened to. It also provides the campus with multiple avenues for input, variety of opinions and wide representation. 4/10/2015 12:17 PM 3 I think the roles of the different councils are more clearly understood. Probably one of the main problems has been lack of quorum at some of the meetings, which has slowed things down. We need more buy-in, and we need to ensure that classified and L-39 members in particular can participate fully. 4/10/2015 10:26 AM 4 In recent years the college has been reorganized several times in terms of governance, and there has been a lot of administrative turnover. The current system looks workable but its processes aren't yet integrated into the life of the college: not everyone knows how to do what they are supposed to do, whether that is assessment, curriculum development, hiring... It may simply take time for people to understand their roles. 4/10/2015 9:15 AM 5 Flow and communication are still issues. 4/10/2015 8:54 AM 6 It is comprehensive and transparent. 4/9/2015 9:07 AM 2/7 2014-15 Hartnell CCD Participatory Governance Effectiveness Survey - Overall System 7 The goals of the shared governance model is very ideal. 4/6/2015 1:45 PM 8 There is a lot of repetition at Council meetings; while information is posted to the webpage, there is still a lack of communication and discussion. While members are encouraged to share information, there is really not a venue to accomplish this. 4/3/2015 5:07 PM 9 Not always clear where the decision-making begins and ends. 4/2/2015 12:08 PM 10 What is the Hartnell Covernance system? 3/30/2015 6:20 PM 11 One of the best I have seen in higher education. 3/30/2015 8:20 AM 3/7 2014-15 Hartnell CCD Participatory Governance Effectiveness Survey - Overall System Q3 Use the space below to provide any written comments about what you believe is effective about the Hartnell College Governance System. Answered: 25 Skipped: 23 # Responses Date 1 One committee I am on does not do the work that is required. People do not show up to the meeting. The work for that committee is not being done. 4/10/2015 2:35 PM 2 Transparency. Collegiality. Open and honest discussions. All voices represented. Excellent documentation of support materials and information. Effective utilization of technology to manage and conduct meetings. Excellent participation from all constituent groups. Structured and organized approach to addressing major issues and initiatives of the College. 4/10/2015 1:47 PM 3 The process is transparent. It allows all voices to be heard. It has eliminated "back door" deals. 4/10/2015 1:28 PM 4 Extensive committees with a wide variety representation Governance is tied to budget and strategic planning The Governance system has been tested multiple times with major concerns articulated and the process allowed for revisiting of approaches and clarification of the colleges planned actions. 4/10/2015 12:17 PM 5 There is much opportunity for participation, and documentation is easy to locate. The Council structure is well organized. Much effort has been dedicated to ensuring that processes are followed. If a group does not approve something, they are not steamrolled; the extra time is taken to make necessary changes and secure approval. 4/10/2015 10:26 AM 6 It is transparent and inclusive. 4/10/2015 9:42 AM 7 We're doing a better job of assessment on all levels--course, program, institution. It's difficult to retrain people to understand that assessment is now part of our jobs (I speak as a faculty member), Some of the grumbling is reasonable, as we live in a time when focus on assessment has taken time and resources away from actual teaching (think No Child Left Behind, as well as accreditation's recent obsession with SLOs). As assessment procedures get better integrated into our processes (and attitudes), this will improve and seem less of a hardship to everyone. Still, I can't say this enough: assessment of what we do is secondary to actually DOING what we do... 4/10/2015 9:15 AM 8 I believe that bringing people together who might not otherwise interact, increases the opportunities for innovation and collaboration. I personally have learned a lot, and build relationships, because of my participation on the governance councils. 4/10/2015 9:13 AM 9 When something goes to the proper council, things are getting done effectively. 4/10/2015 8:54 AM 10 Much better than what we had before. More transparent and participatory. 4/10/2015 8:47 AM 11 Hartnell Constituant groups are given the opportunity to parttake in the decision making process. 4/10/2015 8:12 AM 12 It involves and informs all constituents. 4/9/2015 9:07 AM 13 The governance system is transparent. 4/6/2015 1:45 PM 14 The governance system is more structured. Participation is not as robust as it was when the councils were first created. 4/3/2015 5:07 PM 15 The councils are systemically represented by all constituent groups from the college, including students. Kudos to this new governance structure. 4/1/2015 2:04 PM 16 Nothing that I know of. 3/30/2015 6:20 PM 17 Our council seems to be running much more smoothly than it did in the first year of implementation. I feel like each group has a voice and is encouraged to make contributions to the council. No single group or person dominates the discussion. 3/30/2015 8:28 AM 18 The frequency and the form in which communication is accomplished. 3/30/2015 8:20 AM 4/7 2014-15 Hartnell CCD Participatory Governance Effectiveness Survey - Overall System 19 The regularity of meetings, opportunity for all constituent groups to participate, and transparency of the entire process, including publishing of agenda, materials, and minutes - and, in some cases, meeting highlights - in one place on the college website. 3/28/2015 2:12 AM 20 The councils and the number of committees give ame opportunity for voices from all constituents to propose, participate, be informed and influence the strategic evolution and resource allocation of resource of the institution. 3/27/2015 7:01 PM 21 Every important function of the college has a council or committee, comprising representatives of all the different constituent groups, organized to get and receive information about the major decisions and undertakings. Each type of decision has a clear process path, and the potential exists for everyone in the world to be informed of every decision, every project, and every concern being discussed, analyzed, or worked on. This system should eliminate complaints that decisions are made in secret, that people aren't being told what's going on, or that some people don't have a voice in what happens. And, decisions should be stronger, because they have the benefit of lots of different perspectives before they became final. 3/27/2015 6:25 PM 22 I feel when it comes to student issues we are treated like children who are just nagging. Our issues are met at first with annoyed looks, and deep "sighs". The councils disregard our attempts sometimes to bring issues to light for instance the safety council and the no smoking policy. That policy had no student in put and when we tried to give our opinion we were told "theres nothing we can do now its already written" (Jason Houghes) 3/27/2015 5:22 PM 23 It shows planning and discussion. It allows us to abide by accreditation standards 3/27/2015 1:26 PM 24 the amount of students wanting to participate in student government has grown. 3/27/2015 12:14 PM 25 Communication from the president's office is used effectively. 3/27/2015 11:29 AM 5/7 2014-15 Hartnell CCD Participatory Governance Effectiveness Survey - Overall System Q4 Use the space below to provide recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the Hartnell College Governance System. Answered: 21 Skipped: 27 # Responses Date 1 We need to rethink "quorum" on each council. There are times councils can not move forward on action items because of the lack of participants. 4/10/2015 1:28 PM 2 Much of the responsibility for participating and being prepared and subsequent communication falls on council members themselves.Communication is still a problem. We need to figure out collectively how to improve it. If people are not honoring their commitments to attend meetings, we need to find out why. 4/10/2015 10:26 AM 3 It is great that faculty is so passionate about certain issues - but it is not okay when that passion turns into a platform to insult and degrade others. We are in an institution of educating others to be better individuals in our community. Let's set the example that we practice what we preach. 4/10/2015 9:42 AM 4 Sometime it feels like the committee is just there to discuss items. It doesn't always feel like anything is being done. 4/10/2015 9:17 AM 5 This is just one perspective, but faculty hiring seems to be done by different procedures that aren't always reconciled. There's a college-wide committee, there are the (perhaps predictable) justifications and requests for staffing provided in program assessment, and there is the administrative decision at the end, which to faculty sometimes looks like a black box. Obviously hiring reflects institutional priorities and SOMEONE has to decide, but more transparency of the criteria would help people feel better about the process. If I have a personal frustration, it's with our attempts to get a Student Success Center going--a dedicated center for tutoring and basic skills support, the kind of thing most good colleges have. Maybe we haven't made the case in the right way to the right people... So: if there's an idea for a transformative improvement, what's the entry point in our governance system? P.S. Thanks for surveying us all. Dialogue makes things better. :) 4/10/2015 9:15 AM 6 I feel like the president's cabinet is an elephant in the room. Honestly, information does not flow from that venue, and that is often a problem because there are administrators who need to know about discussion and decisions so they can do their job effectively. Could the CPC meet more frequently and, well, replace the cabinet, except for highly sensitive or confidential matters? 4/10/2015 9:13 AM 7 There needs to be a "flow" chart so we know where things need to be inserted into the system. Have we ever had a council chair meeting? 4/10/2015 8:54 AM 8 Updates to lower level Councils after items are modified in CPC. 4/10/2015 8:47 AM 9 I would like to see a more descriptive explanation of how decisions are forwarded to the CPC and eventually the Board of Trustees. 4/10/2015 8:12 AM 10 Include adjunct faculty in training, maybe via small soundbites. 4/9/2015 9:07 AM 11 The College Planning Council needs more representation from non faculty members. 4/6/2015 1:45 PM 12 When there are major projects that require campus-wide participation, schedule presentations to faculty and staff to include participation vs. having the same presentations go from council to council. "Moving" items through councils is time-consuming. Committee members need to work "offline" as well as participate in meetings. 4/3/2015 5:07 PM 13 Feedback from councils to contingency groups is inconsistent. 4/2/2015 12:08 PM 14 Explaine what it is that is so important about the system. 3/30/2015 6:20 PM 15 Agendas could go out to the council for review earlier (currently going out the morning of the meeting or occasionally the day before). Minutes and other documents could be posted online in a more timely manner. 3/30/2015 8:28 AM 16 None. 3/30/2015 8:20 AM 6/7 2014-15 Hartnell CCD Participatory Governance Effectiveness Survey - Overall System 17 I think we might benefit from having a discussion about either having a uniform standard for quorum, or guidelines about what a fair and workable quorum rule might be. Some councils and committees struggle with attendance, and a laxer quorum rule could keep decisions moving. The same is true for attendance--at what point do we get to conclude that someone just doesn't want to be on the committee or council? And what if they are there by virtue of the automatic membership? I look at the attendance lists and see that the president of the faculty union never comes to CPC meetings (and she doesn't even have a class conflict with these meetings). What can we do about that? Do the faculty know that they have given up their voice? It's a bit frustrating that some processes take so long, partly because each council, generally, meets only monthly. But, I guess that's the cost of representative government, which overall is quite functional. 3/27/2015 6:25 PM 18 We understand that sometimes student input is hard to come by, but we are students and our priority is our education. However that does not mean we have issues. The governing bodies need to seek out our input, not expect us to just come to them all the time. Our input is very important and the administration should come to us and when we do come to the administration, they should take us very seriously. 3/27/2015 5:22 PM 19 Focused and candid discussion. Sometimes it appears that meetings are taking place for the saying of having a meeting, or a committee 3/27/2015 1:26 PM 20 The outreach to students on participating in the college government is growing however there is room for improvement. Perhaps an advertising campaign to students that are interested in participating in college government. 3/27/2015 12:14 PM 21 It is difficult to obtain or transmit information. I recommend building in redundancies, whereby information is more systematically dispersed though area councils. 3/27/2015 11:29 AM 7/7