HARTNELL COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT College Planning Council Minutes February 5, 2014, 3 – 5 p.m. E-112 MEMBERS Name Representing Present Willard Lewallen Tony Anderson Renata Funke Romero Jalomo Lori Kildal Stephanie Low Administration Academic Senate Administration Administration Administration Administration Alfred Muñoz Andy Newton Elaine Duran James Stephens Stephen Otero Joanne Trevino Administration Administration Associated Students Associated Students CSEA CSEA X Delia Edeza CSEA X Christine Svendsen HCFA Cheryl O’Donnell David Beymer Carol Kimbrough Janeen Whitmore Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty X X X X Ann Wright Dale Fuge Faculty L-39 X Others X X X X X X X X X X X X Title or Representing Brian Lofman Institutional Planning and Effectiveness MESA Program Coordinator Executive Director Jackie Cruz Absent X Name Bronwyn Moreno APPROVED 2/19/14 Present Absent X X X CALL TO ORDER & INTRODUCTIONS Meeting called to order at 3:14 p.m. 1 Hartnell College Mission Statement Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement, and success. ACTION ITEMS 1. Consider Approval of Minutes from December 18, 2013 Meeting Motioned (Beymer) seconded (Kimbrough) and carried the CPC moved to approve the minutes from the December 18, 2013 as submitted. Renata Funke abstained because she was not at the meeting. 2. Board Policies and Administrative Procedures Dr. Lewallen explained the college is reviewing board policies and procedures for currency and stated that those policies/procedures under discussion were forwarded to employee groups for input and then forwarded to the governance councils for discussion and approval before coming to the CPC. The CPC reviewed and discussed the following policies/procedures. This is a first reading and the CPC will consider approval (second reading) at the February 19, 2014 meeting. First reading – No Action BP and AP 3410, Nondiscrimination BP and AP 3420, Equal Employment Opportunity BP and AP 3720, Computer and Network Use AP 5520, Student Discipline Procedures BP and AP 6200, Budget Preparation BP and AP 6250, Budget Management BP and AP 6300 Fiscal Management Second Reading – Consider Approval None 3. Consideration of Approval of Registration Priority Schedule Motioned (Low), seconded (Stephens), and carried, the CPC moved to approve the registration priority schedule as amended. The language for Priority 6, sentence 1, revised to read, “Students who have submitted an application by the priority filing date, will receive Priority 5.” Prior to taking action, Dr. Jalomo shared the Registration Priority Schedule for fall 2014 and he discussed how the schedule was developed within the institution. This schedule is in compliance with SB1456, Student Success Initiative. Dr. Jalomo stated that the schedule was reviewed and discussed by the student affairs administration and approved by the Student Affairs Council. 4. Consideration of Approval of Annual Integrated Planning Processes Motioned (Jalomo) seconded (Beymer) and carried, the CPC moved to approve the annual integrated planning processes as presented by Dr. Brian Lofman. Dr. Lofman presented each of the documents at the December 18, 2013 meeting. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Timeline for 2013 PPA Process Budget Development Calendar FY 2014-15 Budget Development & Funding Decision Processes Timeline for 2014 PPA Process Annual Budget Development Calendar Schedule of Annual & Comprehensive Reviews 2013-2018 Annual Program Planning & Assessment - Components of Continuous Improvement Comprehensive Program Review - Components of Continuous Improvement 5. Consideration of Approval of Prioritization of Full-time Faculty Positions Motioned (Kimbrough) seconded (Muñoz) and carried to support the recommendation from the Full-time Faculty Hiring Committee prioritization of full-time faculty positions. David Beymer, member of the Fulltime Faculty 2 Hartnell College Mission Statement Hartnell College provides the leadership and resources to ensure that all students shall have equal access to a quality education and the opportunity to pursue and achieve their goals. We are responsive to the learning needs of our community and dedicated to a diverse educational and cultural campus environment that prepares our students for productive participation in a changing world. Hiring Committee, spoke to the recommendations and how the committee looked at what would best meet student needs. David noted the first tier met the consensus of the committee and the second tier had significant support within the committee. He noted that the positions, as listed, are alphabetical within each tier, but are not ranked. Dr. Lewallen clarified that if resources become available, a discussion and approval will come back to this Council. Dr. Lofman commended David for his commitment work on the Fulltime Faculty Hiring Committee. INFORMATION/DISCUSSION/PRESENTATIONS 1. Strategic Plan – Refinement of Outcomes and KPIs This item is carried to next meeting’s agenda. 2. 2013 Student Success Scorecard This item is carried to next meeting’s agenda. 3. CCFS 320 Report, Period 1 This item is carried to next meeting’s agenda. 4. College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) Grant Dr. Jalomo reported that the college plans to submit an application for the College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) grant. The purpose of CAMP is to provide academic and financial support to help migrant and seasonal farmworkers and members of their immediate family complete their first year of college and continue in postsecondary education. 5. California Career Pathways Trust (CCPT) Grant Jackie Cruz and Bronwyn Moreno presented on the CCPT grant stating that the college is moving forward to apply for this grant. Both Dr. Lewallen and Jackie met with MCOE, MPC, Gavilan, and MPUSD earlier this week and each have indicated they want to partner with Hartnell. 6. Sub-award Agreement UCSC Institutional Partnership Model Sustain for Sustainable Agriculture Curriculum Development This item is carried to next meeting’s agenda. 7. Faculty Office Assignments This item is carried to next meeting’s agenda. OTHER ITEMS/BRIEF ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. None NEXT MEETING(S) • • • • • • • Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, February 19, 2014 March 5, 2014 March 19, 2014 April 2, 2014 April 23, 2014 (4th Wednesday of the month due to spring break) May 7, 2014 May 21, 2014 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:13 p.m. 3 Hartnell College Mission Statement Hartnell College provides the leadership and resources to ensure that all students shall have equal access to a quality education and the opportunity to pursue and achieve their goals. We are responsive to the learning needs of our community and dedicated to a diverse educational and cultural campus environment that prepares our students for productive participation in a changing world.