HARTNELL COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT College Planning Council Minutes May 21, 2014, 3-5 p.m. E-112 MEMBERS Name Representing Present Willard Lewallen Tony Anderson Renata Funke Romero Jalomo Lori Kildal Stephanie Low Administration Academic Senate Administration Administration Administration Administration Alfred Muñoz Andy Newton Elaine Duran James Stephens Stephen Otero Joanne Trevino Administration Administration Associated Students Associated Students CSEA CSEA X X Delia Edeza CSEA X Christine Svendsen HCFA Cheryl O’Donnell David Beymer Carol Kimbrough Janeen Whitmore Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Ann Wright Dale Fuge Faculty L-39 Others Name Title or Representing Joseph Reyes Brian Lofman Director of Facilities Dean, Institutional Planning and Effectiveness Absent X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Present Absent X X CALL TO ORDER & INTRODUCTIONS The meeting was called to order at 3:20 p.m. 1 Hartnell College Vision Statement: Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute to the social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community. Hartnell College Mission Statement: Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success. ACTION ITEMS 1. Consider Approval of Minutes from May 7, 2014 Meeting Motion (Anderson) second (Kimbrough) and by unanimous vote, the CPC approved the minutes as presented. 2. Board Policies and Administrative Procedures Courtesy Review None First Reading – No Action Necessary None Second Reading – Consider Approval None BP/AP 3430, Prohibition of Harassment Dr. Lewallen recalled that BP/AP 3430, Prohibition of Harassment, was forwarded to the CPC at its meeting of April 2, 2014. At that time, the CPC decided to return the policy/procedure for clarification. Further, he noted, he has received revise language for the academic freedom section and he shared the revised language with the CPC. In closing, he stated that both the policy and procedure will return in the fall. INFORMATION/DISCUSSION/PRESENTATIONS 1. College Planning Council Evaluation of Effectiveness Survey Results The CPC reviewed and discussed the survey results from the College Planning Council Evaluation of Effectiveness. Dr. Lewallen stated that the goal is to assess the effectiveness of the Council with the idea to make improvements as needed. Suggested areas of improvement included posting agendas/materials earlier; communicating back to constituents; campus wide communication regarding the CPC actions as they occur and summarizing at the end of the year, and look into how to facilitate more participation from all groups. 2. Governance Model/System Evaluation of Effectiveness Survey Results CPC reviewed the results from the Overall Governance Model System. Suggested areas of improvement included way to increase participation; review of quorum to address absences; each year emphasize to all members and employees –need participation to be effective. 3. Five Year Construction Plan The CPC received the five year construction plan and Joseph Reyes, Director of Facilities, briefly summarized the document. He noted that the college’s facilities master plan, currently under development, includes all three sites. 4. 2014-15 Budget Update Dr. Lewallen shared recent communication from Scott Lay, CEO, Community College League of California regarding the budget and CalSTRS rate increase to address the state’s liability. Dr. Lewallen plans to keep budget communication flowing to the campus community as he receives it. OTHER ITEMS/BRIEF ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Dr. Lofman informed the CPC that spring 2014 program planning and assessments are in process. The assessments will be reviewed by the vice presidents and brought forward to governance councils in the fall. Also, he reported that he plans to develop a handbook that will include all continuous improvement plans, including the Student Equity and Student Success Service Plans. 2. Accreditation – Dr. Lewallen reported that he received the visiting team’s report. The college was provided an opportunity to correct errors of fact. From there, the report went to the accrediting commission. The 2 Hartnell College Vision Statement: Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute to the social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community. Hartnell College Mission Statement: Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success. commission then provided an opportunity for the college to address inaccuracies. The report is confidential and the commission will meet early June to take action and a letter will be sent to the college late June. In closing, Dr. Lewallen thanked Elaine Duran and James Stephens for their service and congratulated them on their accomplishments. NEXT MEETING(S) • Thursday, June 5, 2014, 10 a.m. E-112 / Special Meeting ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:51 p.m. Tony Anderson/ Willard Lewallen 3 Hartnell College Vision Statement: Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute to the social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community. Hartnell College Mission Statement: Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success.