Name: MOTT COMMUNITY COLLEGE DIVISION OF HEALTH SCIENCES - NURSING PROGRAMS CLIENT CARE CLINICAL FOCUS: NRSG 102 – NRSG 205 Client Initials Age Gender Room # Dates of Care Admitting Diagnosis (es): Past Medical History: Allergies: 1. Provide the definition and pathophysiology for the client’s current medical diagnosis (es) and/or surgical procedure (s). 2. Based upon readings, list the signs and symptoms for a client with this medical diagnosis (es) and/or postoperative observations for the surgical procedure (s). At the end of the time you care for this client, highlight or star (*) the signs and symptoms you have observed in this client. Reference (s) of the above: K:\Nursing Program\Forms\2010.Clinical.Focus.NRSG102-205.doc Page 1 of 6 3. Date List the CBC, electrolytes, and one other laboratory test for your client. Lab Normal Range Client Results Reason for Test Nursing Interventions for abnormal results (Include notification of health team members.) WBC RBC HGB HCT PLAT Na K CO2 Cl BUN Cr Glucose PT PTT INR K:\Nursing Program\Forms\2010.Clinical.Focus.NRSG102-205.doc Page 2 of 6 4. Date List any diagnostic tests ordered for your client (i.e. X-ray, MRI, or CT). Test Client Results K:\Nursing Program\Forms\2010.Clinical.Focus.NRSG102-205.doc Reason for Test Preparation Pre- & Post- Page 3 of 6 5. Formulate 2 priority nursing diagnoses with etiology for your assigned patient. 6. Develop 2 expected outcomes with measurable outcome criteria for your patient. At the end of the time you care for this client, determine whether these outcomes were met/unmet. K:\Nursing Program\Forms\2010.Clinical.Focus.NRSG102-205.doc Page 4 of 6 7. Describe the anticipated nursing interventions and rationales to be used in the care of a client with this medical diagnosis and/or surgical procedure (s). Remember to include teaching and discharge planning, when appropriate. Include care of invasive lines and treatments such as wound care. Intervention Rationale (Scientific Explanation) K:\Nursing Program\Forms\2010.Clinical.Focus.NRSG102-205.doc Page 5 of 6 8. Describe all prescribed medications and IV solutions, including those with additives. Drug, Dose, Route, and Frequency Usual and maximum dose. Include 24 hr range, if available. Drug Classification and Action K:\Nursing Program\Forms\2010.Clinical.Focus.NRSG102-205.doc Nursing Implications (What must you check or do prior to administering this medication?) and Major Side Effects Page 6 of 6 Why is this client receiving this drug?