mitted, and received at rates ... the deaf. Devices such as these could do much...

mitted, and received at rates comparable to those of
normal speech.
Perhaps the most important advantage of all is
that the use of a pocket computer as a convenient, inexpensive communication device introduces the deaf
TOO user to the concept of an intelligent, computerbased communication system of almost unlimited
scope and flexibility. Breaking the cost barrier should
be regarded as only the first step in developing considerably more powerful communication tools for
the deaf. Devices such as these could do much to help
break down the communication barriers between
deaf and hearing users of the telephone system.
lp . A. Bellefleur, " TIY C ommunication: Its H is tory and Future," Volta
Rev. 7S , 107-112 (1976) .
2H . Levitt and J . R. Nelson , "Experimental C ommunicatio n Aids for the
Deaf," IEEE Trans. Audio. Electroacoust. AU-IS , 2-6 (1970) .
3J . Hurvitz and R. Carmen, Special Devices fo r Hard of Hearing, Deaf,
and Deaf-Blind Persons, Little , Brown, and Co., Boston (198 1).
Robin L. Hight
Varian Electric Research Co., St. Louis, Mo.
Robin L. Hight
Lip reading is the most difficult method of communication for the hearing-impaired person to learn.
Once learned, however, it provides the hearingimpaired person with an important and valuable
means of communicating with others. This paper
presents an experimental software package that has
been developed as a training aid to assist the parent
or instructor in teaching lip reading to the hearingimpaired child or student. This article discusses the
need for such a program, considerations of program
design, a general description of the program, and future directions for the Lip-Reader Trainer.
Need for Assistance
Verbal communication between people is based on
the transmission and reception of sound patterns that
have been assigned definite meanings. These sound
patterns are called words, and the sound segments
that make up the words are called phonemes. When
words are heard by a person, they are individually
matched in memory to previously learned word patterns and assigned meanings. Lip reading requires a
similar translation process for communicating except
that, instead of matching auditory patterns with
ideas or meanings, visual patterns are substituted.
The visual patterns are formed during the utterances
Volume 3, Number 3, 1982
of the phonemes that create the words being spoken.
Although there are over 60 phonemes in the English
language, as few as 18 produce visually identifiable
shapes. The rest either exhibit no visual features or
take on the appearance of other phonemes. It is apparent that learning to associate phoneme shape patterns with words is quite difficult. Generally, an instructor or person knowledgeable in the correlation
of phoneme shape to the phoneme is needed to teach
the student. Further, much time is required to teach a
person to lip-read, and an even greater amount of
time is required for practice. Practicing also requires
a willing and patient partner.
The Lip-Reader Trainer is an experimental software package for the Apple II microcomputer that
converts typed sentences into animated mouth movements. It provides the instructor or parent with a
training aid that presents the correct correlations of
mouth configuration to phoneme, and easy-to-use
animation controls. It also provides a flexible means
to animate any words or sentences . In addition, the
Lip-Reader Trainer is a patient partner who has as
much time as the user wishes to take.
Design Criteria and Program Development
The design of the Lip-Reader Trainer had three
main criteria: (a) to produce correct correlations of
lip, teeth, and tongue configuration to phoneme; (b)
to keep program memory requirements under 48K;
and (c) to keep the programs easy to use. The first
was the most difficult. Phoneme shapes are very personal in that everyone talks differently, even though
they produce the same words. The position of the
mouth, teeth, and tongue must form a certain configuration for each phoneme, yet the way that a phoneme appears can vary widely for different people.
The phoneme shapes that were designed for the LipReader Trainer are idealized and stylized shapes that
clearly represent each of the 18 phonemes. Further,
the shapes are presented from a straight-on view with
the mouth at eye level.
The design of the shapes was a three-step process.
First, How to Read Lips (Hawthorn Books, Inc.,
1979) was referred to for a description of shapes for
each of the 18 phonemes. Second, following those
descriptions, the author sat in front of a mirror and
reproduced the phoneme shapes. The shapes were
then transposed to graph paper on a scale of four to
one. The third step involved refining and defining the
drawn shapes. The author was assisted during this
phase of the development by an audiologist at the
Central Institute for the Deaf in St. Louis. The main
concern during the refining process was to make each
shape easily identifiable without exaggeration. After
three months, a set of phoneme shapes was finally
developed for use in the Lip-Reader Trainer, including a nineteenth shape, which was neutral.
The second criterion for the design of the program
was to keep the required memory storage within the
stock capabilities of the Apple II computer. Memory
space was needed for shape data, animation routines,
the disk operating system, sentence conversion routines, and user programs, in addition to two open
high-resolution graphic page areas. Storage of all the
shape data in memory at one time was a very exacting
requirement because shape access time had to be kept
to a minimum in order for the animations to look
smooth. Animation routines had to reside in memory
in order to be able to sequence and draw the shapes .
Sentence conversion routines also had to reside in
memory to be able to control the animation routines.
The disk operating system occupied its portion of
memory and was needed to contain all the programs
and sentences.
The first step in scheduling memory space was to
convert the drawn phoneme shapes into shape data
tables. Each shape was converted into graphic data
by hand, assigned a storage location, and entered
into memory. Each shape took about three hours to
convert and store. Altogether, the 19 shapes occupied
over 21,000 bytes of memory, or over half the usable
memory space. Because we realized that the shapes
used too much memory, a data compression technique was used to reduce the amount of data by half.
The second step in scheduling memory was to develop the necessary animation routine to reconstitute
the condensed shape data. This program depends on
a sentence conversion routine to tell it which shape to
draw. Upon receiving instructions to draw a shape,
the animation program finds the starting address of
the requested shape in a "look-up" table. The shape
is then reconstructed from the condensed data on one
of the Apple II's high-resolution graphic pages.
While this shape is being displayed to the viewer, the
animation program receives instructions to draw
another shape. This next shape is then drawn on the
Apple II's other high-resolution graphic page and
displayed. The animation program continues this
process until it receives an "end of sentence" character, at which time the animation routine turns control
back to the user program.
The third step was to develop a sentence conversion routine that would convert typed characters into
the required phoneme shapes. The basis of this program is essentially a large look-up table. Each character in the sentence is equated to a specific shape.
However, double letter sounds such as "ch" and
"th" have to be handled slightly differently, as do
diphthongs. As the sentence is converted, shape
codes are generated and stored in a buffer area. It is
from this buffer area that the animation routine
receives its instructions as to which shape is to be
After these three programs were written and
located in memory, it was determined that there was
enough additional memory to support user programs. The user programs would bind together and
make it easier to use the basic program components.
The third criterion was to develop easy-to-use programs for the user. Programs were developed for the
instructor/parent and for the student. Instructor /
parent-oriented programs consist of a Sentence
Group Writer and an Evaluator. The student-oriented program is called Lip-Reader Trainer. The
Sentence Group Writer provides the instructor/
parent with a tool to create groups of words or sentences that can be stored on diskette and easily retrieved. The Lip-Reader Trainer provides the student
with the means to retrieve the preprogrammed sentences and convert them into animated mouth movements. The Evaluator provides the instructor/parent
with a record of the student's responses.
General Description
One of 19 phonemes having identifiable shapes is seen on
the CRT of the Lip-Reader Trainer.
The Lip-Reader Trainer software package consists
of three user programs and instructions written in
BASIC, four system programs written in assembly
language, 19 shape-data tables, and two directory
tables. The program requires 48K of RAM, a diskoperating system, and two game-control paddles.
The Sentence Group Writer is used by the instructor/parent to create text files that will be used by the
Lip-Reader Trainer as a source of sentences. For
each sentence that is to be animated, the instructor
must phonetically enter a master sentence, up to four
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest
additional sentences, and a number. The additional
sentences are used as multiple choice responses, and
the number indicates which of the additional sentences is the same as the animated one. Several sentences
can be entered to make up one sentence group in
order to create a sense of context or focus on a particular problem. Further, by tailoring the response selection, the level of difficulty can be controlled for
each master sentence. Since the software package is
designed using the phonetic alphabet, it can produce
animated sentences in many languages (if the other
languages are written in phonetic English).
" ... the Lip-Reader Trainer is a patient partner who has as much time as the
user wishes to take. "
The Lip-Reader Trainer is the heart of this software package. It has the task of converting the phonetic sentences into animated mouth movements.
This program also has the task of generating and
maintaining student files. When the Trainer is accessed, it transfers the machine language subroutines
and the memory from diskette to the Apple's
memory. Next, the student enters his/her name and
the sentence group number to be viewed. The sentence group number and the sentence number are displayed at the top of the screen. In the center of the
screen the multiple choice responses are displayed,
preceded by a message stating, "I am going to speak
one of these. " At the bottom of the screen the game
control paddles are identified, and under each is a
value from 0 to 255. The number represents a relative
delay time between the displaying of each frame. One
game paddle controls the length of time that each
frame is displayed, and the other controls the delay
between the last frame of one word and the first
frame of the next word. In this manner, the student
can control the speed of animation. Below the paddle
setting display is a message for the student to press
"return" when he or she is ready for the animation.
When the return key is pressed, the screen is cleared
and the program produces an animated mouth that
speaks the preprogrammed sentence. When the animation is complete, the multiple choice sentences are
shown and a response from the student is solicited. If
the wrong answer is selected, the student is given the
option to see the animation again, see the next
sentence, or quit. If the first option is selected, the
whole routine is repeated. If the second or third options or the correct answer are selected, entries are
made in the student's file concerning the student's
responses, and then the action selected is continued.
These entries include date, student's name, sentence
group number, sentence number; number of times
Volume 3, Number 3, 1982
the sentence was seen, status (CORRECT, GAVE
UP, QUIT), letter speed, and word speed.
The Lip-Reader Trainer can also animate sentences
entered directly from the keyboard. In this mode, the
sentences must be entered in phonetics, and no multiple choice sentences are displayed. This feature can
be used for impromptu sessions, for working out
words that are not displayed correctly from dictionary phonetics, or for working out dialect displays.
Sentences entered in this mode are not saved on diskette; however, the student file is updated.
The Evaluator is used by the instructor to retrieve
the student data stored on diskette during practice
sessions. The student's file is accessed by name and,
optionally, by date. This allows the instructor to
retrieve the most current records without having to
page through the previous ones. The data presented,
in conjunction with the instructor's notes on the
sentence groups, allow the instructor to evaluate the
student's progress or difficulties. Some general factors indicating student progress are how many times
the sentence was seen, the status, and the relative
delay times. Specific factors would include the level
of difficulty that was programmed into the response
selection or special sentences designed to drill particular phoneme patterns.
Future Development
Future development of the Lip-Reader Trainer will
be made with the help of feedback from the hearingimpaired community. Feedback already received includes suggestions for full-face graphics , different
viewing perspectives, a sentence library, speech synthesis (voice output), a sentence editor, and a printout of student files and sentence groups. Some developmental feedback may not be implemented because
of restrictions inherent in the computer system
(memory size).
The Lip-Reader Trainer has been modified to support a Votrax SC-OI type synthesizer. This modification requires that additional hardware be added to
the Apple II in order to produce voice output. However, should a synthesizer not be available, the program will operate normally. Also , a sentence library
has been added. The library is created from master
sentences as they are added to sentence groups. Each
sentence in the library is numbered and can be accessed for viewing, without updating a student's file,
by specifying the sentence number.
It is not the purpose of the Lip-Reader Trainer to
replace the instructor or to replace practice with people; it is meant to be an aid for teaching and a tool
for practicing. Further, it is a program package that
can be tailored and developed to help meet the needs
of the hearing-impaired community.