This issue highlights the diversity of APL’s contributions to national and global challenges. The issue begins by discussing APL’s role as the independent test and evaluation agent for an unmanned underwater vehicle family of systems, components of which have been fielded by the U.S. Navy. The second article provides an introduction to the physics of fission chains and their detection, of vital importance should a nuclear response team locate a potential nuclear object. The next article describes a process for balancing conflicts among missile system performance goals, engagement support capabilities, and technology constraints. The fourth article details a semiempirical model for leaves as a step toward improving Earth’s land characterization and removing radiative effects. The final article highlights a technique for determining the atmosphere’s trace gas composition, which has broad applications for measuring gases globally. The issue concludes with a list of the winners of APL’s Technical Achievement Awards and Prizes. Editorial Board Staff Harry K. Charles Jr., Chair and Editor-in-Chief Linda L. Maier-Tyler, Assistant Editor-in-Chief James P. Christ, Member-at-Large Miquel D. Antoine Ra’id S. Awadallah Benjamin H. Barnum Jeffrey P. Hamman David O. Harper Mary Kae Lockwood Zaruhi R. Mnatsakanyan Peter P. Pandolfini William K. Peter Charles E. (Terry) Schemm James C. Spall Erin M. Richardson, Managing Editor Kelly K. Livieratos, Assistant Managing Editor Diane J. Dorsey, Art Director Kenneth R. Moscati, Senior Illustrator Editorial Support: Anne E. King and Peggy M. Moore Illustration Support: Matthew D. Baughman, Annie M. Marcotte, Shannon E. Nelson, and Magda M. Saina Front Cover Art: Kenneth R. Moscati Inside Back Cover Art: Kenneth R. Moscati Web Publisher: Erin M. Richardson Photographers: Bill Rogers and Edward Whitman Ex Officio Clearance Coordinator: Bonnie Cubbage-Lain Karen M. Gosnell Erin M. Richardson Production Assistant: Michele G. Tranter The Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest (ISSN 0270-5214) is published quarterly under the auspices of The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL), 11100 Johns Hopkins Road, Laurel, MD 20723-6099. The objective of the publication is to provide a summary of unclassified individual programs under way at JHU/APL. Subscriptions are free of charge but are provided only to qualified recipients (government employees and contractors, libraries, university faculty members, and R&D laboratories). Requests for individual copies, subscriptions, or permission to reprint the text and/or figures should be submitted to the Office of the Editor-in-Chief at the above address. Phone: (240) 228-6588. E-mail: The following abstracting services currently cover the Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest: Chemical Abstracts; Current Contents; Science Citation Index; Engineering Village; and the following CSA abstracts: Aerospace and High Technology Database; Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts; Computer and Information Systems Abstracts; Electronics and Communications Abstracts; Mechanical and Transportation Engineering Abstracts; Meteorological and Geoastrophysical Abstracts; and Oceanic Abstracts. Postmaster: Send address changes to the Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Rm. 2-204, 11100 Johns Hopkins Road, Laurel, MD 20723-6099. Periodical postage paid at Laurel, MD. © 2014 by The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. The Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest can be accessed electronically at The electronic version may include multimedia capabilities for enhanced visualization of some concepts. Johns Hopkins APL TECHNICAL DIGEST Volume 32, Number 5 APL Research and Development 752 Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Independent Test and Evaluation William P. Ervin, J. Patrick Madden, and George W. Pollitt 762 Neutrons: It Is All in the Timing—The Physics of Nuclear Fission Chains and Their Detection William A. Noonan 774 Missile Concept Optimization for Ballistic Missile Defense Alan J. Pue, Richard J. Hildebrand, Daniel E. Clemens, Jonah R. Gottlieb, James M. Bielefeld, and Timothy C. Miller 787 Improving Earth Background Characterization Through Modeling and Measurements of Leaf Bidirectional Reflectivity Shadrian B. Strong, Michael E. Thomas, Andrea M. Brown, and Elena Y. Adams 803 The MSX/UVISI Stellar Occultation Experiments: Proof-of-Concept Demonstration of a New Approach to Remote Sensing of Earth’s Atmosphere Ronald J. Vervack Jr., Jeng-Hwa Yee, William H. Swartz, Robert DeMajistre, and Larry J. Paxton MISCELLANEA 822 APL Achievement Awards and Prizes Linda L. Maier-Tyler Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Independent Test and Evaluation William P. Ervin, J. Patrick Madden, and George W. Pollitt he Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) has a long history of contributing to unmanned undersea or underwater vehicle (UUV) programs sponsored by several Navy acquisition program offices. Those contributions span the systems engineering realm, including leadership of independent test and evaluation for prototypes and systems fielded for military use. One of the most enduring relationships has been with Program Manager Naval Sea Systems Command (Expeditionary Missions) (PMS-408) for its acquisition of UUVs applied to mine countermeasures (MCM) missions. Since 2002, APL has served as the independent test and evaluation agent for the Mk 18 UUV family of systems. The fielding of key components of the Mk 18 UUV family of systems was accelerated as part of an Office of the Secretary of Defense “FastLane” program to meet an operational need in theater. As a result, Commander Fifth Fleet now has an improved operational MCM capability, including advanced sensors. OVERVIEW In December 2011, the Office of the Secretary of Defense approved a Fast-Lane initiative to provide Mk 18 Mod 2 Kingfish unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) systems and associated sensors and upgrades to Commander Fifth Fleet (C5F) on an accelerated basis. Seven months later, in July 2012, wave 1 of the Mk 18 Mod 2 Kingfish UUVs arrived in the C5F area of responsibility to begin search, classify, and map missions as part of a phased incremental-capability rapid-fielding plan that included an extended user operational evaluation system (UOES) period in theater. The purpose of 752 the UOES period was to develop mine countermeasures (MCM) concepts of operations (CONOPS) for integration with other MCM platforms in theater and to receive operator feedback that could be used to improve the design. A second wave of Mk 18 Mod 2 UUVs arrived in theater in February 2013. The third wave arrived in October 2013 and included more UUVs and ancillary equipment. Advanced sensors and command and control technologies were demonstrated in theater in November 2013. After undergoing operational testing in February and April 2014, respectively, they were JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) provided as operational capabilities. The rapid delivery of these capabilities to meet the commander’s operational need was made possible by several factors, including the following: • Strict adherence to identified measurable and testable user requirements Acquisition Category (ACAT) IV in terms of programmatic expenditures] incrementally developed, tested, and fielded leading-edge unmanned vehicle and command and control technologies using both military and civilian crewing philosophies. As the Navy transitions to increased reliance on unmanned systems, as well as to the operational integration of unmanned and manned systems in the underwater domain, future acquisition programs might consider adopting aspects of this program’s organization, development, testing, and fielding practices to help navigate the acquisition pipeline. • Outstanding testing and feedback support from operational units BACKGROUND • A technologically mature system design when the Fast-Lane initiative was approved • Strong program office leadership of a multi­ organizational integrated product team (IPT) • A competitive manufacturer selection process • A “build a little, test a little, field a little” development process • Responsive in-service engineering agent (ISEA) support The Mk 18 Mod 2 systems in theater are being operated by civilian contractor crews led by a government civilian. The crews and their leadership are under the administrative and operational command of the C5F Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) and MCM task force commanders, respectively. The civilian crews in the C5F area of responsibility will be replaced by military crews. Advances in unmanned ground vehicles have reduced human casualty risk during EOD operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. Investment in UUV technologies is considered particularly important for the maritime environment because UUVs can “get the man out of the minefield” for some, if not all, required missions. The Mk 18 Mod 2 Kingfish UUV program is one of the acquisition community’s initiatives to meet the fleet mission need to conduct EOD MCM operations more safely, efficiently, and effectively against a wide spectrum of current and anticipated threats in a variety of operational environments. UUVs of various sizes, with increasing levels of autonomy, sensor capability, and payload composition, comprise a rapidly expanding part of the “toolbox” available to address underwater domain mission requirements. The Mk 18 Mod 2 was preceded by other systems used for hydrographic surveys and harbor defense and by the militarized remote environmental measuring units (REMUS), which were used in 2003 as part of the clearance of Umm Qasr, Iraq, during Operation Iraqi Freedom. According to Captain Michael Tillotson, Commander, Naval Special Operations Task Force 56 during Operation Iraqi Freedom, “If we didn’t have UUVs, you could multiply the time to clear the [Umm] Qasr area by twoand-a-half, an additional 20 days.”1 In less than 15 years, this relatively small acquisition program [less than JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) APL has a long history contributing to UUV programs sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Office of Naval Research (ONR), and several Navy acquisition program offices. Those critical contributions span the systems engineering realm, including leadership of independent test and evaluation for prototypes and systems fielded for military use. One of those contributions was to assist in the preparation of The Navy UUV Master Plan in 2000, which was updated in 20042 and identified nine high-priority UUV missions: • Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance • Mine countermeasures • Anti-submarine warfare • Inspection/identification • Oceanography • Communication/navigation network nodes • Payload delivery • Information operations • Time-critical strike To perform these missions, The Navy UUV Master Plan characterized vehicle systems into four general classes: • Man-portable vehicle class: Vehicles of approximately 25–100 lb displacement with 10–20 hours of mission endurance; no specific hull shape identified • Lightweight vehicle class: 12.75-in.-diameter vehicles of approximately 500 lb displacement, 20–40 hours endurance, with payloads of 6–12 times the size of a man-portable vehicle • Heavyweight vehicle class: 21-in.-diameter vehicles, up to 3000 lb displacement, 40–80 hours endurance, with 2 times payload capacity of lightweight vehicle class, suitable for launch from submarines 753­­­­ W. P. ERVIN, J. P. MADDEN, AND G. W. POLLITT Year 2000 was reached between PMS-408 and COMOPTEVFOR, APL REMUS technology (NOAA, ONR, WHOI) was tasked to take over the role REMUS production (Hydroid, Inc.) of independent test and evaluaMk 14 Mod 0 SAHRV (NSW) tion agent (IT&EA) for followSculpin preliminary capability (PMS-408) on non-ACAT small UUV Mk 18 Mod 1 Swordfish (PMS-408) programs. Since 2002, APL has served as the IT&EA for the origMk 18 Mod 2 Kingfish (PMS-408) inal very shallow water (VSW) Fast-Lane initiative (OSD) UUV program, the Bottom Mk 18 improvements (ONR, PMS-408) UUV Localization System, and the Mk 18 FoS program. Figure 1 Figure 1. UUV acquisition time line. NOAA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administraprovides a chronology of system tion; NSW, Naval Special Warfare Program Office; PMS-408, Program Manager Naval Sea Sysdevelopment that culminated in tems Command (Expeditionary Missions); OSD, Office of the Secretary of Defense; SAHRV, the initiation of the Mk 18 FoS semi-autonomous hydrographic reconnaissance vehicle. program of record. Design changes and improvements made to the SAHRV and Sculpin, as a result of • Large vehicle class: Vehicles with approximately user feedback, enabled a running start for the Mk 18 10 long tons displacement and suitable for launch FoS. Figure 2 shows the relative sizes of the Mk 18 Mod 1 from surface ships (e.g., littoral combat ship) and man-portable and Mk 18 Mod 2 lightweight vehicles. submarines The Mk 18 Mod 1 vehicles are designed to be The lightweight vehicle-class Mk 18 Mod 2 Kingfish launched and recovered by operators in small boats such UUV is a larger, extended-range version of the Mk 18 as the 4.7-m combat rubber raiding craft (CRRC) or 7-m Mod 1 Swordfish man-portable search, classify, and map system currently deployed in several operational theaters. In accordance with Secretary of the Navy Instruction 5000.2E,3 both systems were developed as Abbreviated Acquisition Programs (AAPs) under the sponsorship of OPNAV N957 and guidance of PMS-408 using an informal IPT organization from requirements development through system development, developmental testing, user evaluation, and operational fielding. The Mk 18 family of systems (FoS) is based on REMUS vehicles built by Hydroid, Inc., a subsidiary of Kongsberg Maritime. The Mk 18 Mod 1 and Mod 2 vehicles are REMUS 100 and REMUS 600 vehicles, respectively, where the number denotes the rated depth of the vehicle in meters. Figure 2. Mk 18 Mod 1 and Mod 2 UUVs. (Image courtesy of REMUS UUV technologies originated in the early Space and Naval Warfare System Center, Pacific.) 1990s at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts. UUV systems based on REMUS vehicles are in use by the navies of the United States, United Kingdom, and others that leverage the REMUS UUV family of vehicles. The Navy tested and fielded earlier versions of small man-portable REMUS UUVs, known as the SAHRV, and the Sculpin (a predecessor of the Swordfish). REMUS vehicles are also in use by commercial, oceanographic, and academic organizations in several countries. Commander Operational Test and Evaluation Force (COMOPTEVFOR, designated by the Chief of Naval Operations to be the Navy’s sole independent agency for operational test and evaluation of ACAT I through IV programs) conducted the operational evaluation of the Figure 3. Recovery of Mk 18 Mod 1. SAHRV vehicles in the late 1990s. After an agreement 1990 754 2010 JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) UNMANNED UNDERWATER VEHICLE INDEPENDENT TEST AND EVALUATION Figure 4. Launch preparations for Mk 18 Mod 2. rigid hull inflatable boat (RHIB). The Mk 18 Mod 2 vehicles are designed to be launched and recovered from 11-m RHIBs using a specially built launch and recovery system or by crane from a ship. Figure 3 shows a Mod 1 vehicle being recovered from a CRRC by EOD Mobile Unit One (EODMU-1) operators during factory acceptance testing in 2006. Figure 4 shows two operators from EODMU-1 rigging the 11-m RHIB Mk 18 Mod 2 launch and recovery system before a vehicle launch during the February 2011 user evaluation testing. The Mk 18 Mod 1 was required to address threats in the VSW and some parts of the shallow water region. The Mk 18 Mod 2 was also required to conduct operations in the VSW and shallow water region, but in addition, the fleet requested characterization of system performance in deeper water. Figure 5 shows the standard operating regions by depth for MCM operations.4 In December 2011, C5F submitted a request for additional expeditionary underwater MCM operations capabilities, and an Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD)-funded “Fast-Lane” program was established to accelerate the transition of existing and planned Mk 18 Mod 2 UUV capabilities into theater as soon as possible. In November 2012, unrelated to the Fast-Lane initiative and as part of the maturing of the Mk 18 FoS, OPNAV 957 established a consolidated requirements document for search-based UUVs in support of expeditionary operations and an ACAT IV program to continue the development of UUV underwater MCM capabilities. OPNAV 957 is currently coordinating the development of the Lightweight Expeditionary MCM UUV (LEMUUV) capability development document. Key participants in the development of Mk 18 Mod 2 system capabilities are listed in Fig. 6. FACTORS FOR SUCCESSFUL DEVELOPMENT, TESTING, AND FIELDING Several factors enabled the rapid delivery of Mk 18 Mod 2 capability in theater to meet the commander’s operational need. Technologically Mature System Design Much like the Mod 1 system development that leveraged the REMUS 100 vehicle technologies (including the propulsion design, battery power supply, sensors, navigation capabilities, and vehicle interface program), the Mk 18 Mod 2 system development leveraged the Mk 18 Mod 1 development and programmatic documentation (acquisition plan, requirements document, and performance specification) and the existing REMUS 600 vehicle technologies. The Mod 2 vehicles had already demonstrated reliable operations before mission testing started. The importance of starting operator testing with a reliable vehicle cannot be overstated. Fleet operators will not use an unreliable system despite any promise of new capability. Because the vehicles and supporting equipment (e.g., laptops, software applications, and vehicle communications) were reliable, fleet, government civilian, and contractor operators had the opportunity to use the system in operationally relevant environments and provided early feedback. Anti-invasion Buried/ Bottom Moored Moored Floating Rising This led the developer and partially buried influence contact influence contact influence IPT membership to recognize, early in the process, Figure 5. Littoral mine threats (Image courtesy of Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Expedithe importance of operator tionary Warfare Directorate). CLZ, craft landing zone. training, the need to address JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) 755­­­­ W. P. ERVIN, J. P. MADDEN, AND G. W. POLLITT requirements and feedback on design and CONOPS as well as lessons learned from the development and operational testing of the SAHRV Programmatic guidance and Sculpin vehicles. • PMS-408 Emphasis was placed on designing modular payloads Fleet users so that systems could later • EODMU-1 • NOMWC be upgraded as sensor, vehi• MDSU-2 cle navigation and stability, • C5F civilian crews and battery technologies improved. It was recognized early on that sensor maturity would not support Contractor support Government laboratories • ITT Exelis (acquisition support) operations in the most rig• SSC-San Diego, CA (developmental • Hydroid (vehicles) testing, FoS integration) orous of environments or in • ARL:UT (ATLAS) • NSWC-Panama City, FL (ISEA, tactics) every sea state against every • ARL:PSU (SSAM) • NSWC-Carderock, MD (battery) • Orca Maritime (CONOPS) • NUWC-Newport, RI (autonomous functions) possible threat, so realistic, • JHU/APL (IT&EA) measurable, and testable ACRONYMS: ARL:PSU, Applied Research Laboratories, Pennsylvania State University; ARL:UT, Applied Research Laboratories, The University of requirements were estabTexas at Austin; ATLAS, Autonomous Topographic Large Area Survey; MDSU-2, Maritime Diving and Salvage Unit Two; NMAWC, Naval Mine and lished for what were to be Anti-Submarine Warfare Command; NOMWC, Naval Oceanography Mine Warfare Center; NSWC, Naval Surface Warfare Center; NUWC, Naval Undersea Warfare Center; OPNAV N957, Chief of Naval Operations, Expeditionary Combat Branch; SSAM, Small Synthetic Aperture Minehunter; considered first-generation SSC, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center. vehicles and sensors. The program manager Figure 6. Mk 18 FoS IPT. actively championed the importance of evaluating the systems’ operational suithuman machine interface issues to facilitate operator ability aboard ship and for use from all the expected use, and the importance of having sufficient spares and launch platforms (e.g., amphibious ship well decks, 7-m logistics in place to support sustained operations. and 11-m RHIBs, CRRCs, and piers). Figure 7 shows launch and recovery operations of the Mk 18 Mod 1 Program Office Leadership system during an EODMU-1 command exercise aboard The program manager worked closely with OPNAV, USS Denver, amphibious transport dock 9 (LPD-9) in the Navy requirements community, ONR, prospective December 2006. developers including Hydroid, government laboratories, The program manager also recognized the need to and the fleet to forge a dedicated team with identifiprovide a consistent and interoperable way to provide able goals and milestones. The program manager diccommand and control of multiple and different tated that a phased, walk first–run later development UUVs and, after a thorough industry search, funded approach would be undertaken. The importance of getdevelopment of the Common Operator Interface Navyting something reliable into the hands of operators for EOD (COIN) software to conduct mission planning evaluation and feedback was emphasized from the start. and post-mission analysis (PMA). The COIN output For the Mk 18 Mod 1 system, the size and weight of the was compatible with the Navy’s standard mine warfare vehicle was directly driven by the operator’s ability to tactical decision aid known as the Mine Warfare and handle it during launch and recovery and during transEnvironmental Decision Aids Library (MEDAL). port to and from the launch platform. Any manufacturer MEDAL compatibility made the UUVs interoperable request to increase the size or weight of the vehicle was with the larger Navy’s activities. The program manager contingent on operator agreement and demonstration decreed that for any UUV manufacturer to compete that the added weight or size could be safely integrated. for future production opportunities, the vehicles Enabled by the program manager, IPT members, must be able to exchange information via the COIN including the small APL team (one to three part-time system. The policy encouraged UUV manufacturers to personnel at any time over a 12-year period), were make their systems compatible with COIN for mission afforded early access to the technology in development planning and PMA. by ONR and the manufacturers. IPT members were The program manager worked closely with ONR educated on the maturity of existing and near-term to encourage the development of the next-generation sensor technologies and vehicle endurance characterissensor technologies so that UUVs could operate in more tics. IPT members were also exposed early to operator challenging environments and against a wider array of Fleet requirements • OPNAV N957 • C5F • NMAWC 756 Research and development • ONR JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) UNMANNED UNDERWATER VEHICLE INDEPENDENT TEST AND EVALUATION Figure 7. RHIB launch and recovery aboard an amphibious ship. threats. Desired sensor technology enhancements and increased endurance requirements eventually led to increases in the size and weight of the vehicles and to the initiation of the Mod 2 program. Measurable and Testable User Requirements The initial requirements for the VSW MCM UUV were drafted by acquisition and technical subject-matter experts, followed by early input from the operational community. Formal requirements documentation was then influenced by experience gained during the SAHRV operations and the first VSW MCM UUV UOES period with the REMUS 100 system that later became known as Sculpin, as well as by expected CONOPS and knowledge of the existing and near-term threat. Early exposure to SAHRV and Sculpin lessons learned, near-term UUV and sensor technologies, and user requirements and CONOPS enabled the IPT to develop measurable and testable requirements. APL, as the IT&EA, was part of the vetting of the requirements documentation and stressed that, if the criteria for the measurement and testing of a requirement were not clearly delineated in writing, the requirement should be rewritten until it was both measurable and testable. The program manager supported this philosophy and ultimately mediated and resolved several discussions where the operators, developers, and testers differed on the interpretation of the requirements. APL later used these requirements to prepare and deliver test plans, conduct user evaluation during several test periods from 2002 to the present, analyze results, and characterize the system’s operational effectiveness and suitability in several formal reports. A good example of a challenging test requirement was the “Probability of Classifying a non-mine as a mine (PCXM).” This metric was recommended over using the more widely known MCM metric “non-mine density for classification” because PCXM could be more objectively measured during the brief user evaluation periods. The UOES experience with the REMUS 100 JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) UUVs indicated that PCXM was not as straightforward as it sounded. Images provided by early-generation sidescan sonars made some commonly accepted non-mine objects appear mine-like. As a result, objects that did not produce mine-like returns, known as distractors, were placed on the ocean bottom among the exercise mines to unambiguously assess the PCXM metric. Although false contact density was not an imposed requirement, because it varies widely with the environment, the metric was routinely included in test reports. To ensure an understanding of the UUV system’s capabilities, the IT&EA participated during key parts of UOES periods, such as command exercises where the UUV system was used operationally. In addition, developmental testing personnel invited APL staff to observe whenever fleet operators were operating the vehicles. The early use of the system by fleet operators provided valuable feedback on the expected CONOPS and an appreciation by the IPT members for the “must-haves” versus the “nice-to-haves,” and it also enabled realistic planning for the subsequent user evaluations. During user evaluations, all UUV operations were planned, conducted, and analyzed by fleet operators. User evaluation is to an AAP what an operational evaluation is to an ACAT program. System performance specifications, key performance parameters, and critical operational issues were identified and approved by the program manager after endorsement by members of the IPT. Although requirements were informed by existing intelligence agency threat characterizations, the system requirements did not require threshold performance against every conceivable underwater threat. Provisions were made in the acquisition program testing plan to characterize performance against more challenging threats and environments without mandating specific performance against all anticipated threats. APL staff also leveraged the COMOPTEVFOR SAHRV program documentation and testing methodology to help ensure that user requirements for operational effectiveness and operational suitability were adequately represented in the requirements and testing documentation. Outstanding Operator Support Outstanding support was provided during all UOES, developmental testing, and user evaluation testing periods by the EODMU-1 UUV platoon (previously known as Naval Special Clearance Team One) and later by other military and civilian UUV operators from Naval Oceanography Mine Warfare Center, Maritime Diving and Salvage Unit Two, and Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific. Operators willingly executed a myriad of testing operations. Operators diligently completed surveys and interviews 757­­­­ W. P. ERVIN, J. P. MADDEN, AND G. W. POLLITT and attended and provided regular formal presentations at program reviews. This feedback was essential for the program. The fleet’s buy-in to the objectives of the testing program was critical to the identification and implementation of UUV improvements. Figure 8 shows EODMU-1 personnel during the February 2011 user evaluation rigging Mk 18 Mod 2 vehicles onto an 11-m RHIB pier side at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific. All user evaluation operations were conducted as blind tests. Similar to real-world operations, UUV operators were provided a mission and asked to plan, search, and report results of operationally representative missions. Tests were designed to represent a wide variety of operational environments. For example, maximum-endurance and short-duration operations were conducted during daylight and at night, in sea states that varied from 1 to 3, in various bottom types, using a variety of launch and recovery platforms, and with little to no advance notice on the detailed tasking to be executed. Operators had the flexibility to determine the battle rhythm so long as all vehicle operations and PMA were completed during the evaluation. Figure 9 shows an EODMU-1 operator conducting PMA. Testing and feedback from operators led to UUV system requirements such as improved planning and PMA software functionality; more rugged and waterresistant computers with larger, more viewable screens; tamper-proof vehicle design; modifications to the battery charging and safety considerations; P-code Global Positioning System (GPS), vehicle launch, and recovery handling modifications; modified vehicle lighting for low-visibility operations; more extensive training; and system documentation including detailed operator and maintenance manuals. For the Mk 18 Mod 2 program, operator feedback was used to design, deliver, and upgrade launch and recovery systems for individual vehicles onto 11-m RHIBs and for 11-m RHIBs carrying Mk 18 Mod 2 vehicles onto ships. Figure 10 shows civilian operators conducting Mk 18 Mod 2, 11-m RHIB stern gate launch and recovery system Figure 8. Mk 18 Mod 2 pier side loading onto 11–m RHIB. 758 Figure 9. EODMU-1 operator conducting PMA. Figure 10. Mk 18 Mod 2 11-m RHIB stern gate launch and recovery system. operations during April 2013 testing aboard USS Ponce, Afloat Forward Staging Base Interim 15 [AFSB(I) 15], in the Arabian Gulf, with APL participation as IT&EA. The alternative to the stern gate launch and recovery is craning the 11-m RHIB off the ship as shown in Fig. 11. Competitive Manufacturer Selection Process After a broad agency announcement, multiple companies participated in a demonstration at the Naval Amphibious Base, Little Creek, Virginia, to enable the Navy to select potential UUVs to enter into the acquisition process. This demonstration and down-selection allowed PMS-408 to begin a UOES period with two technologically mature man-portable UUVs. The UOES period and Mk 18 Mod 1 developmental test periods yielded two UUV systems provided by different manufacturers that were assessed and determined sufficiently ready to proceed to user evaluation to support a production decision. For the user evaluation in 2004, vehicles from the two manufacturers were tested in the same minefields over a rigorous 6-week test period. Fleet operators from Naval Special Clearance Team One (later called EODMU-1) operated the vehicles in daytime and nighttime conditions similar to JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) UNMANNED UNDERWATER VEHICLE INDEPENDENT TEST AND EVALUATION Figure 11. Shipboard crane operations for Mk 18 Mod 2 11-m RHIB. those anticipated during amphibious operations. Environmental testing (vibration, shock, and temperature) was later conducted to ensure that both vehicles were capable of sustained operations in more challenging environments. After review of the developmental testing, user evaluation, and environmental testing results in 2005, APL as the IT&EA endorsed the Hydroid vehicle as operationally effective and suitable, and the program manager selected the REMUS 100 vehicle for production of several systems (consisting of three vehicles each) that later became known as Mk 18 Mod 1 systems. The Mk 18 Mod 2 was developed as an engineering change to the Mod 1 because the REMUS technologies were readily scalable. The program manager continued to investigate other technologies, some provided by foreign manufacturers, to improve performance of UUVs or their supporting software. To avoid interoperability (and cost) issues, the program manager hired a software consultant to oversee the selection and development of a mission-planning and PMA software package that would enable any willing manufacturer’s vehicle to be interoperable with fleet JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) needs for required analysis and reports. COIN, initially developed by SeeByte, a small foreign company, was chosen as the software technology, and the government team worked to purchase the rights to the software and sufficient licenses to support operations. “Build a Little, Test a Little, Field a Little” Development Process As indicated above, the program manager determined that a phased, walk first–run later development approach would be used. This translated first into the identification of reliable trucks (Mod 1 and Mod 2 vehicles) to haul payloads (sensors and navigation equipment) in the required operating environments. Once the reliable trucks were chosen, focus shifted to incremental delivery of increasingly capable sensors and navigation equipment. In several cases, testing revealed incomplete sensor-to-vehicle or navigation-to-vehicle integration and less-than-anticipated improvement in navigation or sensor PMA results. End-to-end system performance observations were identified during UOES or dedicated developmental testing or user evaluation periods. 759­­­­ W. P. ERVIN, J. P. MADDEN, AND G. W. POLLITT PMS-408 applied the acquisition concept of low-rate initial production to order small quantities of vehicles to support improvement testing and, when system performance was characterized as meeting requirements, additional quantities of systems were procured. The importance of delivering reliable equipment to the hands of operators for evaluation and feedback was emphasized from the start. • Interoperability and modularity Responsive ISEA Support The Mk 18 FoS program has a plan to continue upgrading vehicle and sensor technologies along with adding communications/networking and autonomy as the systems mature into future increments. Table 1 illustrates the incremental capability improvement approach that the program office has implemented to the baseline capabilities to meet fleet requirements. Currently, the baseline Mod 1 (man-portable) and Mod 2 (lightweight) UUVs have been tested and are deployed. Improved modular sensors for the Mk 18 Mod 2 system, which is now formally designated as an ACAT IV program, have also been delivered to the fleet. Mk 18 FoS testing and evaluation efforts are ongoing in parallel to develop and incrementally deliver capabilities for autonomy, command and control and sensor improvements, and advanced sensors across the future-year defense program. These incremental upgrades leverage technologies previously demonstrated by ONR and other science and technology investments. Concurrently, science and technology efforts for future UUV capabilities are ongoing. Depending on the success of these investments, they may be implemented in the form of future block upgrades to the Mk 18 Mod 2 or as a future Mk 18 Mod 3 UUV program. Near-term to midterm initiatives planned for the Mk 18 UUVs include introduction of an internal payload computer and supporting architecture to enable automated target recognition, autonomy, and additional plug-and-play payloads. These initiatives, along with regularly improved sensors, will build on the baseline capabilities of the systems for use in more complex operational environments. The Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division is the ISEA for both the Mod 1 and Mod 2 programs. A small Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division staff works closely with the operators and the manufacturer to manage the repair, component upgrade, and replacement of UUVs. The maintenance philosophy, instituted by the program manager, is to provide vehicles as part of a system. For the Mk 18 Mod 1 and Mod 2 program, a system consists of three vehicles. A multi-vehicle system with a tailored onboard repair parts kit allows the forward-deployed units to ensure that at least two UUVs are available and to perform organizational-level repairs to the third. Additional spares are kept at the depot level (manufacturer’s facility) and are shipped by commercial or military air to facilitate quick turnaround. In some cases, it is more efficient to swap entire systems of vehicles. For both the Mod 1 and Mod 2, there is no intermediate maintenance facility. The operating command has a stockpile of spare parts, and the manufacturer is under contract to provide maintenance support if the repair is beyond operator capability. Manufacturer responsiveness for maintenance has improved under the guidance of the ISEA thereby meeting fleet needs. The ISEA and operators normally rely on express commercial shipping to transport Mk 18 Mod 1 whole man-portable vehicles for repair or to ship parts that can be installed when a Hydroid representative is present for on-site repairs. The larger Mk 18 Mod 2 is transported aboard military aircraft, but spare parts are shipped using express commercial shipping. • Communications systems, spectrum and resilience • Security • Persistent resilience • Autonomy and cognitive behavior • Weaponry Table 1. Mk 18 Mod 2 incremental improvement milestones LOOKING TO THE FUTURE The 2013 Department of Defense Unmanned Systems Integrated Roadmap FY2013–20385 identifies six technology areas to enhance capability and reduce cost: 760 Phase Activity Prototype Initial production system Production system Synthetic aperture sonar Forward-looking sonar LEMUUV improvement increment 1 LEMUUV improvement increment 2 LEMUUV improvement increment 3 Used for requirement compliance test and evaluation System 0, block A vehicles Follow-on systems, block A+ vehicles Synthetic aperture sonar sensor module integration Forward-looking sonar sensor module integration August 2014 Autonomy and optics enhancement Command and control and sensor improvements Multi-sensor integration JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) UNMANNED UNDERWATER VEHICLE INDEPENDENT TEST AND EVALUATION Figure 12. Civilian crew recovers Mk 18 Mod 2 UUV in CRRC during overseas sensor testing. Due largely to successes in fielding the Mk 18 Mod 2 UUV and advanced sensors in support of the OSD FastLane initiative, efforts are underway to procure more UUV systems and more advanced capabilities than were originally planned under the AAP strategy. In accordance with acquisition policies, Staff of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV N957) and PMS-408 have transitioned from AAP processes to the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) process for future development and procurement efforts. Consequently, future incremental upgrades for the Mk 18 Mod 2 UUV program will be implemented using ACAT IV-level program management guidance that adds rigor and discipline to the development, testing, and fielding practices. APL remains ready to support future testing as evidenced by recent experience in early 2014 with one of the most intense periods of UUV independent test and evaluation for PMS-408. A two-person team, with reach-back to a third person at APL, deployed overseas for a twoweek evaluation of a synthetic aperture sonar followed seven weeks later by a two-week stateside evaluation of a forward-looking sonar. The tempo included finalizing test plans, conducting test readiness reviews, coordinating placement of exercise mines, performing analysis, presenting quick-look results, and summarizing requirement compliance test and evaluation results to support production decisions within a few weeks after completing each event. Figure 12 shows civilian crews conducting Mk 18 Mod 2 operations from a CRRC during advanced sensor testing conducted overseas in February 2014. Figure 13 shows sensor testing stateside in April 2014. SUMMARY The Mk 18 Mod 2 program is an example of an AAP that successfully responded to a rapid fielding request by a fleet commander. From the perspective of the IT&EA, the history of the Mk 18 program indicates that, if “the build a little, test a little, field a little” process is followed, there is confidence that the team assembled by PMS-408 will meet schedule and system integration challenges and continue to provide useful capabilities to the fleet. REFERENCES 1U.S. Figure 13. Civilian crew recovering UUV in 11-m RHIB with forward-looking sonar module. The Authors Navy Office of Information, Rhumb Lines, Straight Lines to Navigate By: Talking Points (7 Nov 2003). 2Department of the Navy, The Navy Unmanned Undersea Vehicle (UUV) Master Plan, 9 Nov 2004. 3Department of the Navy, Implementation and Operation of the Defense Acquisition System and the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System, SECNAVINST 5000.2E (1 Sep 2011). 4N852 Mine Warfare Branch, Brief to the Expeditionary Warfare Conference by CAPT Mark Rios, 4 Oct 2010 (document in possession of corresponding author). 5Department of Defense, Unmanned Systems Integrated Roadmap FY2013–2038 (2013). William P. Ervin has test and evaluation experience with combat, command and control, and unmanned systems. J. Patrick Madden has contributed to several UUV programs including test and evaluation for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Navy. George W. Pollitt is the APL subject matter expert for Mine Warfare and currently serves as the IT&EA for the Mk 18 UUV FoS. For further information on the work reported here, contact George Pollitt. His e-mail address is The Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest can be accessed electronically at JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) 761­­­­ Neutrons: It Is All in the Timing—The Physics of Nuclear Fission Chains and Their Detection William A. Noonan hould a nuclear response team locate a potential threat object, it will be imperative for the team to quickly determine whether or not the object is an actual nuclear device. Only a nuclear device or a large amount of special nuclear material will sustain a significant number of fission chains. Therefore, the detection of fission chains constitutes a “smoking gun.” This article is a technical introduction to the physics of fission chains and their detection using neutron time-correlation methods; it also touches on some of the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory’s efforts to bring this important detection capability to the field. INTRODUCTION Since the 1970s the U.S. government has been concerned about the “loose nukes” scenario, in which a state with nuclear weapons loses control of one and it is used for a terrorist attack. In recent decades, several trends have heightened this fear. There has been widespread proliferation of nuclear weapons technology, most famously by the A. Q. Khan network.1 Special nuclear material (SNM), the key component of nuclear weapons, has also proliferated. In the aftermath of the Soviet Union’s dissolution, materials protection, control, and accountability for SNM in the former Soviet Union was poor. In the years since, materials protection, control, and accountability has been strengthened but not entirely fixed,2 and there have been several documented cases of SNM disappearing from Russian stockpiles. 762 A third troubling trend has been the steadily growing number of nuclear weapon-owning states that are not signatories of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and that might act to further weaken the non-proliferation regime. Specifically, Pakistan has a growing stockpile of weapons but questionable political stability, and the government is having trouble contending with local terrorist organizations. Here, the loose nuke scenario is particularly worrisome. In addition, the Pakistani government has been complicit in the proliferation of nuclear weapon technology via the now-defunct smuggling network set up by A. Q. Khan, the founder of its nuclear weapons program. North Korea has also demonstrated a nuclear capability while behaving as a seemingly irrational international actor, heedless of international norms and unmoored by inter- JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) national commitments. Finally, Iran, a known sponsor of terrorism, is arguably working toward a nuclear capability, although recent diplomatic developments might ultimately limit the Iranian program. Although it is impossible to estimate the likelihood that a terrorist organization could actually acquire a functioning nuclear device, the possibility exists via at least two different pathways.3, 4 Terrorists could steal a state weapon or they could acquire SNM and proliferated nuclear technology and then build their own improvised nuclear device. Thus, the U.S. government maintains an assortment of assets and mechanisms for interdicting the movement of illicit SNM or an actual nuclear device. The U.S. Customs and Border Patrol operates radiation portal monitors at ports of entry throughout the United States. Radiation portal monitors are also operated in ports around the world, in collaboration with host nations as part of Customs and Border Patrol’s Container Security Initiative and the Department of Energy’s Megaports project.5 In addition, a string of sensors was emplaced along the borders around Russia as part of the Department of Energy’s Second Line of Defense program.6 This patchwork of detection capabilities is coordinated under the Global Nuclear Detection Architecture managed by the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office in the Department of Homeland Security.7 Should any of these portals or sensors detect the passage of suspicious radiological material, a special rapid response team could be deployed to assess the threat. Alternatively, there might be an intelligence cue for the movement of SNM or a nuclear device, in which case the U.S. government would deploy national assets to search for, locate, and asses the threat. Once the threat object is located, the response team would use diagnostic instrumentation to determine the level of threat it poses. The most pressing question for (a) 0.40 To understand how fission chains can be detected, it is first necessary to delve into some aspects of the physics of fission chains. As is widely known, certain isotopes of the heaviest elements can fission into smaller nuclei. This process can happen spontaneously, or it can be induced by a free neutron colliding with the nucleus. When a nucleus fissions, it emits zero, one, or more fission neutrons with probabilities that depend on the particular isotope involved; on whether the fission is spontaneous or induced; and in the case of induced fission, on the kinetic energy of the incident neutron. The number of neutrons emitted in a given fission event is called its “multiplicity,” and the probability distribution of different multiplicities is called a “multiplicity distribution.” The multiplicity distributions for the spontaneous and induced fission of various important isotopes are plotted in Fig. 1. It is possible for the neutrons emitted by the fission of one nucleus to collide with and induce fissions in other nuclei, which in turn emit more neutrons. But in order for this phenomenon to create a self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction, the probability that fission neutrons successfully induce additional fissions needs to be suf- vs U-238 2.21 Pu-240 2.16 Cf-252 3.76 U-238 Pu-240 Cf-252 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.35 vi U-235 2.52 U-238 2.43 Pu-239 3.01 U-235 U-238 Pu-239 0.30 0.25 Probability Probability THE PHYSICS OF FISSION CHAINS (b) 0.45 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.00 the response team would be whether or not the object was an actual nuclear device. Because the presence of nuclear chain reactions is the sine qua non of a nuclear device, their detection would provide the smoking gun that escalates the national response. By their nature, these small rapid response teams necessarily have a limited load-out of equipment. The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) is developing technology that would give these teams the ability to detect fission chains without increasing their load-out. 0 1 2 3 4 Multiplicity, vs 5 6 7 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 Multiplicity, vi 5 6 Figure 1. Multiplicity distributions and average multiplicity for various important isotopes for (a) spontaneous fission and (b) fission induced by 1-MeV neutrons.8, 9 JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) 763­­­­ W. A. NOONAN the average number of fission neutrons in the first genficiently high. Although there are many isotopes that are fissionable, there are relatively few isotopes for which eration of a fission chain is then p v i (see Fig. 2). Because this probability is high enough to sustain chain reaceach of these first-generation neutrons will induce their tions, and these select few are called “fissile.” own fission with probability p, there are p $ p v i secondConsider the case of uranium. The largest constituent generation fissions and ^p v ih2 second-generation fission of naturally abundant uranium is uranium-238 (U-238), neutrons. Thus, there are ^p v ihn neutrons in the nth genwhich is fissionable but not fissile. The kinetic energies eration, and the total number of neutrons produced by of most fission neutrons are not high enough to induce the fission chain is fission in U-238. Furthermore, U-238 has a strong pre1 1 dilection for absorbing intermediate energy neutrons, ,(1) N = 1 + p v i + ^p v ih2 + ^p v ih3 + f = 1 – p v = 1–k preventing them from inducing further fissions. (Incii dentally, plutonium-239, or Pu-239, used in both power where k = p v i is the multiplication factor. If k ≥ 1, then reactors and nuclear weapons, is produced using this the series in Eq. 1 diverges, and the assembly is said to be absorption reaction: U-238 is placed inside a nuclear either critical or supercritical. reactor, where it absorbs neutrons and coverts to U-239. Each of these N fission neutrons has probability 1 – p U-239 is radioactively unstable and quickly decays into Pu-239.) On the other hand, a minor constituent, U-235, of escaping the nuclear assembly, so the average number can be induced to fission by neutrons with any kinetic of neutrons from a fission chain that manage to escape is energy, and so it can sustain a chain reaction if there is 1–p (2) ^1 – p h N = 1 – p v = M L , enough of it present. Because naturally abundant urai nium consists of 99.3% U-238, there is too little U-235 where ML is called the leakage multiplication. and too much neutron-absorbing U-238 to sustain chain Note that this model does not take geometry comreactions. Therefore, uranium needs to be enriched in its pletely into account. For instance, a neutron born near U-235 content before it can be used in a nuclear reactor the surface of a nuclear assembly will have a greater probor weapon. Weapons require highly enriched uranium ability of escaping than a neutron born at the center, (HEU), whereas reactors require lower enrichments and and so p is not really a constant. This effect is often run on low enriched uranium. taken into account approximately by using a semiemWe can construct a simple model for the average pirical effective value for k (keff k) in Eq. 1. Regardless number of neutrons released by a single chain reaction (also called a “fission chain”). Any given free neutron can of whether or not the theoretical value (k = p v i) is used, suffer one of several fates. It could, of course, induce a fission; it could be absorbed without inducing a fission; or it could do neither and escape from the nuclear material altogether. Let p be the probability that a given neutron will induce a fission. The value of p depends on the size and shape of the nuclear assembly, the type of nuclear Sf material being used, and the fraction of fissile isotopes in the nuclear material. Furthermore, nuclear explosives are deliberately contrived such that the probability of absorption without inducing fission is small, so we will neglect absorption in our simple model. Thus the probability of a neutron p pvi p pνi ( pνi) 2 escaping from the nuclear assembly is simply 1 – p. If a neutron induces a fission, Figure 2. The evolution of a fission chain seeded by a single neutron. The average numbers on average v i neutrons will be of induced fissions occurring in the first and second generations are p and p pvi, respecreleased. Taking into account that tively, and the numbers of fission neutrons are pvi and ^ p vih2, where p is the probability that a neutron will successfully induce a given neutron will induce a fission and vi is the average number of neutrons emitted by a fission only with probability p, an induced fission. • 764 JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) THE PHYSICS OF FISSION CHAINS AND THEIR DETECTION Free neutrons are needed to seed fission chains, and they can come from three SNM Moderator sources. First there is spontaneous fission (indicated by Sf in Fig. 3), but the source of spontaneous fission neuSf trons does not have to be the same fissile isotope that supports the chain reaction. For (,n) example, a nuclear assembly HDPE made of HEU is composed of primarily U-235, but because the U-235 has a Figure 3. A schematic representation of processes occurring inside a multiplying nuclear assemmuch longer spontaneous bly and the detection of the neutrons that leak out. Spontaneous fissions (Sf ) produce multiple fission half-life than U-238, neutrons and (a,n) reactions produce only one. These neutrons or neutrons from cosmic showers most of the spontaneous seed multiple fission chains. Neutron trajectories are shown as crooked lines (indicating multiple fission neutrons come from scatterings), and the branching indicates induced fissions producing more neutrons. Neutrons that U-238, even though it is a leak out of the nuclear assembly fly largely unimpeded to the He-3 neutron detector, where they minor constituent. scatter many times in the surrounding high-density polyethylene (HDPE) until they slow down to The second source of thermal energies, at which point they react with the He-3 in the proportional counter tube at the neutrons are so-called center and produce electrical detection pulses. (a,n) reactions. Not only does SNM radioactively decay by spontaneous fission, it also decays by emitting people often talk about the “k-effective” of a multiplying a-particles. These a-particles can react with certain nuclear assembly. lighter nuclei, producing neutrons. For example, there Now suppose we start with a spontaneous fission. On may be trace amounts of oxygen in the metallic SNM average, a spontaneous fission event emits v s neutrons. used in a nuclear device, or the SNM may be in oxide Each of these neutrons seeds its own fission chain, so form, as it often is in nuclear reactor fuel. Naturally then the total number of fission neutrons produced on abundant oxygen is composed of 0.2% oxygen-18, which average is can undergo the reaction vs NT = , (3) 1 – k eff 18O + a → 21Ne + n, (4) and N L = ML v s of those neutrons leak from the assemproducing neutrons that can seed fission chains. bly. Thus the original v s neutrons are multiplied by a The third source of neutrons comes from cosmic factor of (1 – keff)–1 overall and by a factor of ML from showers that impinge on the nuclear assembly. There the viewpoint of the leakage neutrons. Because only the is a flux of high-energy charged particles, consisting leaked neutrons can actually be observed, the leakage mostly of protons (~90%) coming from space that strike multiplication is the property that is of central interest. Earth’s upper atmosphere. These particles interact with This simple model predicts only the average number atmospheric atomic nuclei and generate a cascade of eleof neutrons produced in a fission chain that leak from mentary particles. The particles in this “air shower” that the nuclear assembly. In reality, this is a random number reach the ground are mostly protons, neutrons, electrons, with a probability distribution that depends parametrigamma-rays, and muons. At ground level, cosmic-ray cally on the induced fission probability p. The mathshowers typically have a short duration: less than 100 ns ematical theory of branching processes describes the or so. So-called extensive air showers (tens to thousands evolution of populations whose members reproduce and of meters wide and N ~104–109) are infrequent but die according to probabilistic laws, and the neutron popintense. Smaller air showers occur more frequently, with ulation in a fission chain can be adequately described by the frequency growing rapidly with shrinking size. The this general theory. In particular, techniques from the flux of particles at ground level depends on many factheory of branching processes can be used to calculate tors including latitude, air pressure, and solar activity, the probability distribution of the number of neutrons but the average flux of neutrons is typically 80 m–2 s–1 leaked by a fission chain.10–13 and 1 m–2 s–1 for protons.14 Next let us turn to the sequence of events occurCosmic neutrons and protons that strike uranium ring inside a multiplying nuclear assembly and its time dependence (depicted schematically in Figs. 3 and 4). nuclei in the nuclear assembly can knock neutrons free 3He Cosmic neutron JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) 765­­­­ W. A. NOONAN from the nuclei through a process called nuclear spalltime-of-flight delays. This last phenomenon is particularly prominent if the nuclear assembly is surrounded by ation. These spallation neutrons have an energy speclow-atomic-mass material (called a moderator), which is trum very similar to fission neutrons, and they can go on an efficient scatterer of neutrons. An example would be to induce fission reactions. Alternatively, cosmic protons neutrons passing through high explosive before reaching and neutrons can interact with nearby structural steel, the detector. also producing spallation neutrons that go on to strike the nuclear assembly and initiate fission chain reactions. A single spontaneous fission, (a,n) reaction, or cosmic DETECTION SCHEMES FOR FISSION CHAINS neutron incidence is generically called a “source event,” and these events occur completely randomly in time The upshot is that when fission chains are present, (depicted as ’s in Fig. 4a). That is, their occurrence neutron detections occur in bursts. Although fission times are a Poisson process (see for instance Ref. 15), and chains are spread out and occur at completely random they are governed by the Poisson statistics of classical times, each chain releases a burst of neutrons over a relaradioactive decay. tively short interval. This “burstiness” is the signature Each source event liberates one or more neutrons, and we use to discern the presence of fission chains, and we each neutron either escapes from the nuclear assembly refer to it as neutron time-correlation. with probability 1 – p, or it seeds its own fission chain. Unfortunately, fission chains are not uniquely In turn, each neutron in the fission chain either escapes indicated by neutron time-correlations; there are with probability 1 – p or perpetuates the chain. In this non-multiplying, non-SNM sources that also exhibit way, a random number of neutrons from each chain leak correlations. As we have noted already, there are isofrom the nuclear assembly (depicted by bars of random topes that can still spontaneously fission or undergo heights in Figs. 4b–4d). The fission neutrons that leak induced fission—even if they cannot support fission from the nuclear assembly eventually reach an external chains—and when they fission, they also release one neutron detector after suffering a random delay. (These or more neutrons in a short burst. Both californium-252 randomly delayed arrival times are depicted by dots in Figs. 4c (a) and 4d.) There are several causes for this delay. First, fission chains Time take a finite amount time to grow, wither, and die, and a (b) leaked neutron could have been born at any time during this life span. Second, fission Time neutrons are emitted with a (c) spectrum of kinetic energies. T Hence, the leaked neutrons travel with a random distribution of velocities and require Time a random amount of time to ∆t cross the distance separat- (d) ing the nuclear assembly and an external neutron detector. Finally, a leaked neutron Time may scatter multiple times on Gate its journey from the nuclear assembly to the external detec- Figure 4. A schematic representation of the time dependence of events occurring inside a multor. When the neutron scatters, tiplying nuclear assembly. (a) The crosses (×) are source events, e.g., spontaneous fissions or it gives up a random amount of (a,n) reactions, and they occur at completely random times (a Poisson process). (b) These source energy, further broadening the events seed fission chains that produce random numbers of neutrons, represented by vertical distribution of neutron ener- bars with random heights. (c) Not all of these neutrons leak from the assembly and are successgies. Moreover, the length of fully detected, but those that do are detected after random delays from the source event times. the path traveled on the way The neutron detection times are indicated by filled circles. T is the total time spread of detection to the detector is increased by times for neutrons emitted by a single source event. (d) The time axis is partitioned into contigua random amount. Both effects ous gates Dt seconds wide for generating the gated-count distributions used by one of the data broaden the distribution of analysis methods. 766 JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) THE PHYSICS OF FISSION CHAINS AND THEIR DETECTION (Cf-252) and depleted uranium (U-238) are examples that are used industrially and that will be encountered in the field. Therefore, any detection technique will have to distinguish these materials from genuine SNM. A Simple Detection Scheme In principle, the most straightforward way to observe these time-correlations is to simply record the detection time of each neutron and then scan the resulting record, looking for the clumping of detection times. The multiplicity distributions for neutrons emitted by Cf-252 and U-238 spontaneous fission are plotted in Fig. 1. In the absence of fission chains, the number of neutron detections in each clump or burst would have that same distribution. Thus, the average numbers of neutrons emitted and detected would be 3.76 and 2.01, respectively. On the other hand, in fissile material, thanks to neutron multiplication occurring in fission chains, these averages would be about ML times higher. Therefore, multiplying SNM assemblies with ML somewhat larger than unity could be distinguished from nonfissile material by computing the average burst size in the data record, setting a threshold somewhat higher than ~3.76, and then determining whether the average burst size exceeds this threshold. However, there are complications. Not every neutron leaking from the nuclear assembly will strike a detector, and not every neutron striking a detector will actually produce a detection pulse. The fraction, , of neutrons that is actually detected is called the absolute detection efficiency, and the average number of neutrons detected in each burst is reduced by this factor. If the detection efficiency is known, then the method just described can still be used if we scale the detection threshold by . Unfortunately, there will never be an opportunity to independently calibrate the absolute detector efficiency in an actual field deployment. Thus, a more sophisticated approach to account for detector efficiency is required. Let N be the random number of neutrons leaked from a single source event. From our discussion in the previous section, we know that the probability distribution of this number depends parametrically on the induced fission probability p, i.e., Pr ^N = nh = Pn ^ p h . Let M be the random number of neutrons actually detected. The probability of detecting any one leaked neutron is simply . Therefore, the probability of detecting m out of n leaked neutrons follows the binomial distribution. This probability is, in fact, the conditional probability of M = m given N = n, so 6 @ n Pr 6M = m N = n@ = c mm ^1 – hn – m. m (5) By applying the law of total probability, we can then calculate the probability distribution, Qm, for the number of detected neutrons: n Q m ^p, h = Pr 6M = m@ = / Pr 6M = m N = n@ Pr 6N = n@ = / c mm ^1– hn – m Pn ^ p h. (6) m n n Because we can calculate Pn using the theory of branching processes, Eq. 6 yields a theoretical expression for Qm that depends on two parameters, p and . This expression is the basis of a detection technique that handles unknown detector efficiencies. Rather than analyzing the time series of neutron detections to find merely the average size of a burst, instead histogram the number of neutrons in each burst (i.e., the “burst count”) to make an empirical estimate of the probability distribution of M. Then fit the theoretical expression for Qm(p,) to estimate the parameters p and . Finally, use k eff = p est v i to find k-effective, and then use Eq. 2 to calculate the leakage multiplication, ML. A computationally simpler alternative to calculating and fitting Qm(p,) directly is to compute its first two combinatorial moments instead. These two theoretically derived moments (which are necessarily dependent on p and also) are equated with the corresponding combinatorial moments of the measured distribution of M. The resulting two equations are then solved for p and . In statistics, the shape of a distribution function is often characterized by its moments. There are several different classes of moments that can be used, depending on the context JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) 767­­­­ W. A. NOONAN of the problem. The most common is the set of central moments (which includes the mean and the variance), but other classes of moments are the factorial moments, cumulants, and combinatorial moments. The jth combinatorial moment of a discrete random variable N is defined as: N n! M^ j h = c m = / Pr 6N = n@ . (7) j n $ j j! ^ n – jh ! The last case of large detection time spreads due to the presence of moderator occurs often, because the most commonly deployed detector type incorporates moderator in its design. The heart of this detector type is a proportional counter tube pressurized with helium-3 (He-3) gas. (Refer to Fig. 3 for a simplified drawing.) Incident neutrons react with the He-3 nuclei through an (n,p) reaction: In this alternative approach, the shape of the burst-count distribution, Qm, is characterized by its moments—a common strategy in statistics. Because branching processes are essentially combinatorial in nature, the combinatorial moments have a relatively simple algebraic expression. This is the reason that combinatorial moments are used instead of the more familiar central moments, mean and variance. Overlapping Fission Chains A second complication occurs when the clumps of neutron detections from different fission chains overlap in time. When this happens, it is impossible to tell when one fission chain ends and the next chain begins. Thus, it becomes impossible to parse the time series of neutron detections into separate chains and then histogram the burst sizes to estimate Qm. Overlapping detections of fission chain neutrons occur when the typical time between source events (e.g., the spontaneous fissions that seed the fission chains) is smaller than the time spread, T, of the randomly delayed neutron detections (Fig. 4c). This circumstance arises for nuclear assemblies with high spontaneous fission rates. It can also occur in situations in which the time spread of detection delays becomes excessive—for example, when the neutrons pass through a lot of moderator. (a) (8) The 3He and p reaction products fly apart at high velocities, carrying away the 0.764 MeV of energy released in the reaction and, by ionizing the helium gas, produce an electrical pulse at the tube’s output. However, this reaction has a high probability of occurring only for slowly moving neutrons with energies 10 eV, whereas fission neutrons are fast moving, with energies on the order of 1 MeV. To combat this disparity, the proportional counter tube is encased in hydrogen-rich high-density polyethylene (HDPE) moderator. Incident neutrons repeatedly scatter in this moderator, losing energy with each collision, until they slow down to low energies, at which point they random-walk into the central tube and readily react with the He-3. Figure 5 plots probability distributions for the time spreads, T, in the detection delays when a moderated He-3 detector (a) is used versus a fast detector that does not incorporate a moderator (b). This plot is generated from experimental data taken on a bare HEU object, and it shows that the moderator used in the He-3 detector significantly increases the spread in detection times. For the He-3 detector used in this experiment, detection delays extend out to about 150 ms. Therefore, if the spontaneous fission rate of a nuclear assembly were to be (b) 0.08 0.045 0.07 0.040 0.035 0.06 0.05 Probability Probability n + 3He → 3H + p + 0.764 MeV. 0.04 0.03 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.02 0.010 0.01 0 0.030 0.005 0 50 100 150 200 Burst duration (µs) 250 300 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Burst duration (ns) 80 90 100 Figure 5. Probability distributions for the time spread, T, in the detection times for neutrons from the same fission chain, measured on the same HEU object using a moderated He-3 detector (a) and a fast neutron detector (b). Note the change in timescale—from microseconds to nanoseconds. 768 JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) THE PHYSICS OF FISSION CHAINS AND THEIR DETECTION above ~1000 s–1 (which is not unrealistic in some cases), then more than 10% of the fission chains would occur at times separated by less than 100 ms, and overlapping fissions chains would be a problem. For moderated He-3 detectors, a different approach for quantifying neutron time correlations is needed. This second approach dispenses with parsing the record of neutron detection times into fission chains. Instead, the time axis is partitioned into consecutive “gates” (Fig. 4d), and the number of neutron detections in each gate is tallied and histogrammed. The result is an empirical estimate of the probability distribution for getting K neutron detections within a gate Dt seconds wide. An experimentally measured gated-count distribution for a multiplying assembly is plotted in Fig. 6; also plotted is the best fit Poisson distribution. Clearly the probability distribution is non-Poisson. On the other hand, there are industrial sources that produce neutrons solely from (a,n) reactions, such as americium-beryllium (AmBe) sources. In these sources, one and only one neutron is produced from each source event (Fig. 4a), and so the neutron count distribution will follow the Poisson distribution characteristic of a-decay. This suggests that deviations from Poisson statistics can serve as an alternative signature for fission chains. Building on the theoretical expression for Qm(p,), it is possible to derive the probability distribution, Pr 6K = k@ = R k ^p, , t, S f h, for the random number of neutrons detected within a gate Dt seconds wide.16 This theoretical distribution for K is compared with the empirically measured histogram to determine the source leakage multiplication—just as the empirical histogram for M is compared to the theoretical distribution Qm(p,) in the burst-count method. There are a number of parallels between the two methods but also some differences. Like Qm, Rk depends on p and , but it also depends on the gate width, Dt, and the spontaneous fission rate, Sf. As with the first method, the mathematical computations are considerably simplified if we work with the moments of Rk instead of the full distribution. However, because Rk depends on more parameters, more than two moments need to be computed. In the burst-count method, we compared the combinatorial moments of the theoretical and empirically measured distributions. In the gated-count method, it turns out that we instead equate the “correlation” moments of the theoretical and empirical count distributions. These correlation moments are defined recursively in terms of the combinatorial moments, M(j), and the first three are: Y1 = M^1h = K Y2 = M^2h – 1 2! Y12 Y3 = M^3h – Y2 Y1 – . 1 3! (9) Y13 Probability The use of these arcane statistical moments may seem abstruse, but they actually have a simple physical interpretation.11, 17 Suppose we open a gate and count K neutrons arriving within the gate time. From Eq. 9, we see that M(1) and Y1 are simply the expected number of neutrons. Now, any particular group of q 0 neutrons selected from the K 10 neutrons detected might have –1 come from the same fission 10 chain and are therefore “corre–2 lated.” On the other hand, the 10 neutrons in the group might –3 have come from two or more 10 different fission chains and, –4 therefore, have been acciden10 tally grouped. The qth correlation moment, Yq, is simply the 10–5 expected number of q-tuples 10–6 of correlated neutrons in any given gate. 10–7 Given this physical interpretation, it is easy to see 10–8 why combinatorial moments Data are used in the burst-count Best-fit Poisson distribution 10–9 method, whereas correlation moments are used in the gated10–10 count method. Because we can 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Multiplicity, m parse neutron detections into their respective fission chains in the burst-count method, we Figure 6. Measured neutron gated-count distribution from an HEU object for a 500-ms wide gates (blue) and the best-fit Poisson distribution (red). know that the resulting count JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) 769­­­­ W. A. NOONAN Then, as was done in the burst-count method, we use the estimated value for the induced fission probability, 770 Y3F Y2F 0.35 0.12 distribution and its combiU3F natorial moments pertain to only correlated neutrons. 0.30 0.10 This is not the case for the gated-count method, and so U2F the combinatorial moments 0.08 0.25 have to be corrected for accidental correlations. The 0.20 0.06 corrected moments are the correlation moments. One last set of moments 0.15 0.04 is frequently used when analyzing gated-count distributions: the Feynman 0.10 0.02 moments, YqF Yq / Y1, which are essentially normalized correlation moments. These 0 0.50 are so named because during the Manhattan Project in –0.02 0 World War II, Feynman, 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 Serber, and de Hoffman Gate width (µs) did the original work on neutron time correlations Figure 7. Feynman moments Y (blue) and Y (green) vs. gate width, measured on an HEU object. 2F 3F while studying neutron fluctuations in the so-called p, in Eq. 2 to arrive at an estimate for the leakage mul“water boiler” at Los Alamos.18 In their analysis, which is attributed to Feynman, they defined the quantity that tiplication ML. we now call Y2F. To estimate p and Sf, we use the correlation moments Finally, the reason why the gated-count distribution, of Rk(p,,Dt,Sf), which also necessarily depend on p, e, Rk(p,,Dt,Sf), depends parametrically on the gate width, Dt, and Sf. The dependence on gate width, Dt, can be Dt, can be understood by referring to Fig. 4d. Because of eliminated by working with the asymptotic values of the spreading of neutron detection times, it is possible these moments: that a fission chain occurring within one gate will have U q ^p,, S f h = lim Yq ^p, , t, S f h t"3 . (10) some of its neutrons detected in subsequent gates. Similarly, it is also possible to count neutrons from fission These asymptotic values are estimated from the empirichains actually occurring in earlier gates. Clearly, the cally measured count distributions and equated with smaller the gate width, the more significant this “leaktheir theoretical expressions. Doing this for the first age” effect will be. This phenomenon can be observed in three correlation moments gives us three equations in the data plotted in Fig. 7, which is a graph of the Y2F and three unknowns, which can be solved for p, , and Sf.19 Y3F moments versus gate width for measurements made on an HEU object. As the gates become wider, the relative significance of this effect becomes smaller, and the INSTRUMENTATION Y2F and Y3F values approach horizontal asymptotes. Instruments called multiplicity counters have been used advantageously in materials accountability and Putting It All Together international safeguards applications for a couple of Ultimately, we wish to find both the leakage muldecades now,9 and they are available commercially tiplication, which will indicate the presence of fission (Canberra,; and Ortec, http:// chains, and the total mass of SNM present. We do this These instruments use moderated by estimating the values of parameters p and Sf from He-3 neutron detectors and therefore use the gatedthe measured gated-count distribution, Rk(p,,Dt,Sf). count method for characterizing neutron time correlaThe estimate for the spontaneous fission rate, Sf , along tions described above. Their design is usually carefully with the known spontaneous fission half-life and mateoptimized in several respects: rial density will give us an estimate for the SNM mass. • Neutron detection efficiency is maximized, because Yq q, and so higher-order correlation moments JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) THE PHYSICS OF FISSION CHAINS AND THEIR DETECTION quickly become immeasurably small at low efficiencies. Most designs aim for 40–60% efficiency, which is achieved by surrounding the sample with neutron detectors. Therefore, these geometries are completely closed, with the sample lying in a cavity at the center of the instrument. • Variation of neutron detection efficiency versus the precise location of the sample inside the sample cavity is minimized. • Variation of neutron detection efficiency versus neutron energy is minimized. Fission neutrons are emitted with a continuous spectrum of energies, yet the models described above take into account neither this fact nor any energy dependence in the detection efficiency. However, if the instrument’s response is designed to be independent of neutron energy, this oversimplification in the model becomes a nonissue. • Detector dead time is minimized by using a highly segmented design. The He-3 proportional counter tubes produce electrical pulses that last several microseconds. If a second neutron enters the tube during this time, it will not be detected, and this presents a serious problem. The whole purpose of these instruments is to detect time-correlated neutrons that arrive in bursts; yet it is precisely these closely spaced neutrons that will be missed because of dead time. Multiplicity counters mitigate this problem by using many (15~50) independent channels of neutron detection, spread around the circumference of the instrument in a form of spatial multiplexing. Neutrons may be emitted in short bursts, but they leave the sample traveling in all directions. Thus, the odds of two neutrons striking the same channel within a few microseconds of each other are kept small. • Immunity to background neutrons from the environment is maximized. The neutron background can be highly correlated and might fool the instrument into thinking that it is detecting higher levels of correlations from the sample. To guard against this problem, the detector can be shielded against external neutrons—a task made possible by placing the sample on the inside. These instruments are used in industrial settings and can be quite large. For instance they may need to accommodate a drum of plutonium waste. Consequently, they are not man-portable and are not usable by a rapid-response deployment team. Furthermore, if such an instrument were to be used in a field deployment, the object under test would have to be lifted and placed inside the instrument—something a team would not do with a nuclear threat object. JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) In response, man-portable multiplicity counters have been specially developed. However, the constraints imposed by portability forces trade-offs in some of the design optimizations listed above. The most significant change is that the neutron detectors can no longer surround the sample or object under test. This means that the detection efficiency will be much lower and uncontrolled, except perhaps in terms of energy dependence. Moreover, because of the open sample-detector geometry, it is not possible to shield the instrument against the neutron background. Ad Hoc Multiplicity Counters Although deployable, existing man-portable multiplicity counters are single-purpose instruments, and they necessarily add to the limited equipment load-out of a rapid-response team. APL is seeking to minimize this load-out, retaining its core capabilities while adding multiplicity counting for detecting fission chains. The underlying approach is to concentrate on answering the most pressing question—is the threat object multiplying or not?—and to leave detailed assay to larger follow-on teams. Concentrating on this more limited question opens the possibility of using cruder instrumentation than is needed for traditional multiplicity counting assay. Rapid-response deployment teams already carry neutron detectors with them, built into radiation backpacks or as discrete sensors, but these neutron detectors are configured as simple counters that measure only the average neutron count rate. Because these neutron detectors are already part of the load-out, the most convenient way to add neutron time-correlation capability is to retrofit the existing deployment kit with electronics that allow operators to gang individual neutron detectors together into a single ad hoc multiplicity counter. The data from this ad hoc instrument will necessarily be lower fidelity than those obtained from a purposebuilt assay instrument. Additionally, an operator in the field will seldom have the luxury of arranging the individual neutron counters optimally, further degrading the quality of the data. Therefore, novel algorithms are also needed to take the necessarily low-fidelity data from this ganged instrumentation and answer the limited yes/no question on neutron multiplication in the threat object. In an effort to explore the viability of this approach, APL has developed the electronics for integrating arbitrary individual neutron counters into an ad hoc multiplicity counting instrument. In collaboration with the Idaho National Laboratory, APL has also just completed a measurement campaign in which two representative ad hoc multiplicity counters were fielded against a multiplying HEU test object. The purpose of this campaign was to gather data from a wide range of measurement scenarios to systematically map out the performance 771­­­­ W. A. NOONAN envelope of these ad hoc multiplicity counters. The test object20 was configurable so that the k-effective was variable from approximately 0.4 to 0.7. The test object was also sometimes configured with neutron reflectors made of steel, tungsten, and HDPE, which further boosted the k-effective up to 0.84. A radioisotope neutrons source, such as Cf-252, could also be inserted into the test object to boost the effective spontaneous fission rate. This allowed us to independently vary the multiplication and the rate at which fission chains were created. Altogether, varying the source configuration in all these ways allowed us to cover a wide range of source physics. In addition, we made measurements over a range of different detector arrangements and detector standoff distances (which affect the all-important neutron detection efficiency, ). The data that were collected in this series of measurements provide the foundation for developing binary classifier algorithms for determining whether or not the threat object under measurement is supporting significant fission chains. These algorithms will ascertain, with a stated level of statistical confidence, whether the object is exhibiting neutron multiplication above some exigent threshold, and they must be robust against the marginal data quality expected from an ad hoc instrument operated in less than ideal conditions in the field. Fast Neutron Detectors Another class of detectors, called proton recoil scintillators, can detect fast neutrons directly, needing no moderation. Free of the attendant moderation time, these detectors have a fast response. Therefore, these detectors have advantages for measuring neutron time correlations. Provided that the spontaneous fission rate is not too large, it is possible with these detectors to implement the burst-count method for determining neutron multiplication described first. Even if the gated-count method is used, the fast detector response still has the advantage of needing a shorter measurement time. Because these fast detectors suffer no moderation time, the Y2F(Dt) and Y3F(Dt) curves reach their asymptotes at much shorter gate widths. The statistical error in estimating YqF is proportional to √N, where N is the number of gate periods for which data are collected. Thus, specifying the required error fixes N. Furthermore, reducing the maximum gate width by using a fast-response detector also reduces the total measurement time, T = NDt. Proton recoil scintillators are organic materials that are rich in hydrogen. When an incident neutron collides with one of these hydrogen nuclei, enough kinetic energy is imparted to it that it is ejected from its parent molecule. This recoil proton then traverses the scintillator, leaving a trail of ionization and molecular excitations in its wake. These excited molecules subsequently decay back 772 to their ground states, emitting photons and producing a light pulse. The light pulses are then collected and converted into an electrical detection pulse by a high gain photodetector, such as a photomultiplier tube.21 These scintillators are also sensitive to gamma-rays via a parallel mechanism: incident gamma-rays Compton scatter off electrons in the scintillator and eject them from their parent molecule. Like the recoil protons, these Compton electrons also leave a path of ionization and molecular excitations. The scintillation pulses produced by recoil protons decay more slowly than the pulses produced by Compton electrons. This difference in pulse length forms the basis of pulse shape discrimination for distinguishing incident neutrons from incident gamma-rays. Unfortunately, pulse shape discrimination is not error free, and one gamma-ray in 103 or 104 may be misclassified as a neutron. Since the gamma flux is often much higher than the neutron flux, then the number of misclassified gamma-rays can be a substantial fraction of the neutron counts, leading to errors. By comparison, only one gamma-ray in 106 or 107 causes a false neutron count in moderated He-3 detectors. Not all scintillators exhibit a significant difference in the pulse lengths for neutrons versus gamma-rays. Unfortunately, scintillators that have good pulse shape discrimination properties typically do not lend themselves to building rugged deployment gear for many reasons. They are either liquids or fragile crystals. Most are flammable, many with low flash points, and they can be carcinogenic. However, recently there has been renewed interest in plastic scintillators capable of pulse shape discrimination.22, 23 Furthermore, a plastic developed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory24 is now available commercially (Eljen Technology, http://www. Plastic has many advantages for making deployable gear. It is not flammable; being plastic, it is intrinsically rugged; and it can be molded into any size or shape. Therefore, APL is investigating these new plastics for potential use in field deployable systems. However, it remains to be seen whether the benefits of fast response outweigh the downside of gamma misclassifications that come with pulse shape discrimination. SUMMARY In this current period of increased nuclear proliferation risks, the United States is implementing a multilayered defense aimed at interdicting a smuggled nuclear device. If a potential threat object is found, it is imperative that the exact level of threat be assessed quickly. Because the presence of fission chains is hard evidence of either an actual nuclear device or a significant quantity of SNM, detecting fission chains is invaluable for this threat assessment. JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) THE PHYSICS OF FISSION CHAINS AND THEIR DETECTION The technology for detecting fission chains has been in use for several decades for various applications and has roots going back to the Manhattan Project in World War II. However, the standard instrumentation does not lend itself to field deployment by a small, rapid-response team that might be dispatched to assess a threat. APL is exploring several avenues to bring to the field better neutron time-correlation techniques for detecting fission chains. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The neutron time-correlation effort at APL has benefited from the efforts of many APL staff members, including Sungshan (Cliff) Chiang, Jeffrey Kalter, Christopher Lavelle, Eric Miller, Wayne Shanks, and Erin van Erp. The test data on HEU was collected at the Idaho National Laboratory in collaboration with David Chichester, Mathew Kinlaw, and Scott Watson. The author thanks Eric Miller for the data reduction and analysis that went into Fig. 5b. The author also thanks Stanley Puchalla and Robert Mayo for many hours of helpful discussions and for reading various drafts of the manuscript. Any errors, however, are entirely the author’s. REFERENCES 1Frantz, D., and Collins, C., The Nuclear Jihadist: The True Story of the Man Who Sold the World’s Most Dangerous Secrets . . . And How We Could Have Stopped Him, Twelve, Hachette Book Group, New York (2007). 2Wolf, A. 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LA-256, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM (1944). 19Cifarelli, D. M., and Hage, W., “Models for a Three-Parameter Analysis of Neutron Signal Correlation Measurements for Fissile Material Assay,” Nucl. Instr. Methods A 251(3), 550–563 (1986). 20Chichester, D., and Kinlaw, M., “The MARVEL Assembly for Neutron Multiplication,” Appl. Radiat. Isot. 80, 42–48 (2013). 21Knoll, G. F., Radiation Detection and Measurement, 3rd ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp. 553–565 (2000). 22Hamel, M., Blanc, P., Rocha, L., Normand, S., and Pansu, R., “Study and Understanding of n/ Discrimination Processes in Organic Plastic Scintillators,” in Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) Sensing XIV, Augustus Way Fountain III (ed.), Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 8710, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 87101F (2013). 23Hutcheson, A., Simonson, D. L., Christophersen, M., Phlips, B. F., Charipar, N. A., et al., “Neutron/Gamma Pulse Shape Discrimination (PSD) in Plastic Scintillators with Digital PSD Electronics,” in Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) Sensing XIV, Augustus Way Fountain III (ed.), Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 8710, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 87101K (2013). 24Zaitseva, N., Rupert, B. L., Pawelczak, I., Glenn, A. H., Martinez, P., et al., “Plastic Scintillators with efficient Neutron/Gamma Pulse Shape Discrimination,” Nucl. Instr. Methods A 668, 88–93 (2012). William A. Noonan is a member of the APL Principal Professional Staff. Originally trained as a plasma physicist, he worked as a researcher at the Naval Research Laboratory and the University of Maryland. He also did a stint in the MEMS industry before joining the Department of Energy Remote Sensing Laboratory to serve on nuclear/radiological emergency response teams. He joined the APL technical staff in 2007. His e-mail address is The Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest can be accessed electronically at JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) 773­­­­ Missile Concept Optimization for Ballistic Missile Defense Alan J. Pue, Richard J. Hildebrand, Daniel E. Clemens, Jonah R. Gottlieb, James M. Bielefeld, and Timothy C. Miller fundamental trade in the development of a Ballistic Missile Defense interceptor missile concept is the quality of the engagement support system that provides threat state estimates versus the interceptor kinematic and terminal guidance capabilities. This article describes a methodology to optimally balance the conflicts among system performance goals, engagement support capabilities, and missile technology constraints. A key factor is the ability of the missile and the final-stage “kill vehicle” to remove the system errors caused by engagement support threat tracking and interceptor fly-out errors. The kill vehicle divert maneuver and guidance capabilities must be sized to remove system errors and accomplish intercept, but this need conflicts with the objective to maximize the missile kinematic capability to reach potential threat trajectories. An optimized missile configuration minimizes the time from launch to intercept while ensuring the seeker and divert maneuver capabilities needed to remove system errors. The methodology described here provides a unified high-fidelity approach to missile concept development. INTRODUCTION Air and missile defense weapon system designs are typically based on an architecture that integrates an acquisition and tracking sensor used for fire control, a battle management command and control system, and guided missiles. Figure 1 illustrates the major engagement components and events that may comprise a Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) engagement. The 774 detection and tracking of a threat missile may involve several sensors, which could be space, land, and/or sea based. Remote sensor data may be received, processed, and transmitted to a launch platform via a battle management, command, control, and communications (BMC3) node. Upon determination of an engagement solution, the defending missile is launched and guided JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) Figure 1. Notional BMD engagement. on an intercept path until a kill vehicle (KV) is released for the final phase of the mission. The seeker on the KV acquires the threat lethal object and establishes a track for guidance. The KV’s divert system removes the trajectory errors that remain after the earlier portions of flight and responds to guidance commands derived from seeker measurements. For exoatmospheric intercepts, the onboard sensor is typically an IR seeker, whereas a RF seeker is often used for endoatmospheric intercepts. The development of a new weapon system concept typically involves a series of trades that derive fire control sensor, BMC3, and missile key performance parameters. These performance parameters characterize, for example, the detection range and track accuracy of the fire control sensor, communications time delay, the time of flight of the missile, and the ability of the missile terminal guidance to remove system errors. Depending on the particular weapon system needs, the tradable parameters may include all aspects of the fire control sensor, BMC3, and missile. In some cases, only missile parameters may be tradable as constrained by an existing launch system. In all cases, the starting point is the definition of a mission, the threat characteristics, oper- JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) ating constraints such as potential missile launch locations, and the portions of the system that must remain unchanged because of programmatic decisions. Given a definition of the system context, the system engineering challenge is to appropriately balance the choice of key performance parameters with technology constraints, technical risk, program schedule, and cost. In addition, a system architecture that includes the participating components and the interfaces must be defined. The combination of key performance parameters and system architecture constitutes a system concept that ultimately evolves to a set of system and component requirements as more detailed analyses are conducted. System concepts are often developed in an iterative fashion, with relatively simple performance models of system components. Depending on the operational context, measures of effectiveness are selected to ensure that the derived concept meets an operational need. For example, a common BMD measure is the defended area versus the threat launch area denied. The ship operating area or locations of land-based missile launchers are other important operational considerations. A system performance model can then be applied to determine 775­­­­ A. J. PUE ET AL. collection of possible intercept points will be referred to as the “kinematic battle space.” The kinematic capaLaunch sites Remote sensors bility of the missile is mostly constrained by missile mass and dimension limits defined Launcher BMC3 by the launcher system. Given constraints these constraints, the booster Missile mass and Time to launch Quality of service can be optimized to minimize size allowance time of flight to a space point as a function of staging, conBooster Kinematic reach trol options, and KV mass. In addition to the basic kineKV mass allowance matic capability of the misKV size allowance Error sile, kinematic reach is also KV Handover error containment constrained by the minimum allocation timeline to missile launch Communications after threat launch, which is dictated by remote sensor and DACS* Control Seeker BMC3 capabilities. * Divert and attitude control system “Error containment” refers System context to the ability of the misMissile configuration Lethality sile to remove the predicted Missile Trade Space Missile performance intercept point error caused by sensor track error, system time delays, and missile guidFigure 2. BMD system and missile dependencies. ance and navigation errors. the system parameters that provide the needed system It also includes the missile pointing error, which must performance while satisfying technology capability be contained by the seeker field of view (FOV) for inilimits. Because of the many parameters involved, this tial acquisition of a threat object. Some of these errors can become a very complex and iterative process that can be managed by the upper stage of the booster stack, but much of the error, called handover error, must be crosses many disciplines. removed by the KV. The required probability of error This article describes an integrated multidisciplinary containment is allocated from an overall probability of optimization approach that is based on a flow-down of single-shot kill. the key component characteristics from the operational The final performance attribute, “lethality,” refers to needs and constraints. The focus is on the defending the endgame guidance accuracy of the KV to effect a missile. The other portions of the system are treated in lethal hit. The probability of lethal hit is also allocated a simpler way, but the approach covers all of the critical from a total probability of single-shot kill. performance parameters across the entire system. Figure 2 illustrates the basic dependencies for the missile concept development. The missile trade space MISSILE CONCEPT OPTIMIZATION is bounded by a system context definition including the mission, threat, launch sites, launcher constraints, sensor Paralleling the performance attributes in Fig. 2, opticapabilities, and BMC3 assumptions. The major compomization of the missile concept can be separated into nents of the missile concept are (i) the booster propulthree loosely coupled subproblems as shown in Fig. 3: (i) sion stack, (ii) the control systems used for each booster kinematic reach, (ii) error containment, and (iii) lethalstage, (iii) the communications with the ground weapon ity. Decoupling is possible because optimization of the control system, (iv) the KV propulsion for divert and attibooster configuration to minimize flight time depends tude control, and (v) the KV seeker. Each of these major on KV mass but not the specific KV configuration. components is described by a set of key performance Kinematic reach is the most fundamental performance parameters, which are discussed in later sections. criterion because the threat trajectory must be within Besides the five major missile components, Fig. 2 also both the missile range and speed capabilities for the highlights the principal performance attributes. “Kineintercept to be possible. For specified missile launcher matic reach” refers to the ability of the missile to reach a and system timeline constraints, the booster can be optithreat in time and space after launch of the threat. The mized to maximize the reach to threat trajectories for a Mission and threat space 776 JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION FOR BMD MISSILE CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT able missile size and mass trade space given launcher constraints. Launcher For each of these booster conconstraints cepts, the mass and volume of KV Kinematic Error KV Lethality mass reach containment the KV is allowed to vary paraconfiguration limit metrically. Once the configuraBooster Seeker KV DACS Seeker mass KV configuration resolution tions are developed, a coverage mass mass and ∆V and aperture acceleration analysis identifies the maximum KV mass that can be tolerated Optimized Optimized Optimized for each concept and still meet booster KV endgame the threat trajectory engagement goals. This analysis will establish Figure 3. Key missile trade flow. missile kinematic and KV mass KV mass limit. Optimization of the booster configurathresholds for each missile concept. The missile kinetion for a given KV mass is discussed in the next section. matic threshold can be expressed in terms of a minimum Given kinematic reach, the system errors must be booster burnout velocity (Vbo). removed to intercept the threat. A larger KV mass degrades missile kinematic reach but allows more capable Booster Optimization seeker and divert and attitude control system (DACS) The booster concept is developed with a multi­ capabilities to remove handover error. Thus, the second disciplinary system-level missile design optimization tool optimization is to minimize KV mass while still achieving called ORION (Optimization of Rockets for Intercept error containment. This optimization mostly becomes a OperatioNs), which was written at the Johns Hopkins trade between the DACS mass and the seeker mass. DACS University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL). ORION mass translates to KV divert maneuver performance (i.e., integrates physics-based and empirically benchmarked acceleration or velocity change, V), whereas seeker mass models of propulsion, aerodynamics, payload packagtranslates to seeker acquisition range. As seeker acquisiing, and vehicle kinematics for singleor multi­objective tion range is increased, less divert performance is needed booster optimization and relies primarily on genetic because more time is available to remove error. algorithms to determine the optimal solution. There is some coupling between the booster and KV Modern computational resources have now enabled optimization problems. The booster and KV capabilities multidisciplinary, system-level analysis and design optiare both optimized when the kinematic reach and error mization.1 In a multidisciplinary design optimization containment are brought into balance. If error containapproach, complex system models are developed by ment cannot be achieved for certain trajectories given integrating detailed models of various subsystems early the KV mass limit, then some kinematic reach may need in the design phase. Subsystem design parameters are to be sacrificed to bring the concept into balance. The then varied, with their interactions observed at the goal is to ensure that errors are contained for all potensystem level, leading to truly optimized system designs. tial intercept points. Conversely, if all of the mission ORION, a multidisciplinary design optimization tool threat trajectories are reached with excessive containfor missile propulsion systems, provides the capability ment margin, then other portions of the system design to comprehensively observe the impacts of missile subsuch as engagement support quality or KV mass and missystem interactions earlier in the design evolution than sile size might be relaxed. previously possible. Once a basic KV configuration is determined, endORION integrates detailed models for propulsion, game lethality depends on the ability to determine and nosecone design and payload packaging, aerodynamics, steer out remaining guidance errors. This is mostly a and vehicle kinematics to facilitate system-level optitrade between seeker resolution and acceleration capamization of the missile component design parameters. bility of the KV. The result of this trade can affect the Coupling of the integrated missile model to various optiKV optimization because both the seeker resolution mization algorithms provides the capability for multiand KV acceleration parameter selections might influence KV mass, which may require a rebalance of the KV variable, multiobjective optimization. Figure 4 illustrates DACS and seeker capabilities. the basic approach used in ORION and a three-stage missile example. The optimization variables include the length, Lg, outer diameter, Dgo, and inner diameter, Dgi, KINEMATIC REACH of the propellant grains for each stage; the length, Ln, exit diameter, De, and throat diameter, Dt, of the nozzles; To establish missile kinematic performance requirethe length, Lnose, and radius, Rnose, of the nosecone; and ments for a given mission, the first step is to develop several optimized booster concepts that span the allowthe outer diameter, DGS, of the guidance system. The Threat trajectories, missile launch locations, and engagement support quality JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) 777­­­­ A. J. PUE ET AL. Variables Propulsion • Propellant grain geometry, dimensions, and burn rates • Nozzle length, throat and exit diameter Objective Optimized configuration Minimize time of flight • Vertical trajectory Nosecone and payload • Nosecone length and bluntness • Guidance system outer diameter Lnose Lg, 3 Dt, 3 De, 3 Dt, 2 Lg, 2 De, 2 Lg, 1 Dt, 1 De, 1 Rnose DGS Dgo, 3 Dgi, 3 Ln, 3 Dgi, 2 Dgo, 2 Ln, 2 Dgi, 1 Dgo, 1 Ln, 1 Figure 4. ORION booster optimization. total number of design variables is 15 for a two-stage missile and 21 for a three-stage missile. Propulsion Model The propulsion system model uses physics-based and empirically benchmarked calculations to provide the capability for medium-fidelity stage and motor characterization. A solid rocket motor modeling and design tool developed by APL, called ARIES (Analysis of Rockets for Initial Exploratory Studies), is used for this purpose. The motor/stage model accepts an input list whose components generally fall into one of four categories: (i) propellant; (ii) nozzle assembly; (iii) case assembly; or (iv) stage assembly. The inputs consist of propellant formulation and ballistic properties, as well as certain dimensions, masses, and material properties of various components. ARIES calculates motor component dimensions and masses and, in addition, calculates motor interior ballistics, producing time traces of chamber pressure, thrust, and expelled propellant mass. ARIES primarily follows textbook principles for design calculations and performance predictions. Motor performance is calculated on the basis of a lumped-parameter ballistics code developed at APL. Nosecone and Aerodynamics The nosecone model in ORION allows the user to choose from five different standard nosecone shapes: conical, tangent ogive, Kármán ogive, LV-Haack, and power law. Nosecone length, base diameter, bluntness, thickness, and material density are input. ORION then solves for the outer mold line, surface area, and mass of the nosecone. Thermal analysis is performed separately to ensure the nosecone provides adequate thermal protection of the KV. Aerodynamic calculations are performed using Missile DATCOM, an industry standard for preliminary 778 aerodynamic analysis. The geometry and dimensions of the nosecone and propulsion stages, as well as fins or other aerodynamic surfaces that exist in the design space, are flowed to DATCOM. DATCOM then returns sets of tables of aerodynamic coefficients (e.g., axial or normal force coefficient versus Mach number) for use in the flight model. Optimization Algorithms To perform optimization, ORION primarily relies on a genetic algorithm (GA), which is a non-gradientbased method capable of evaluating continuous and discontinuous systems. GAs have been shown to be successful in the single- and multiobjective design optimization of various types of aerospace systems and their components. GAs have been applied to the design of airfoil and nosecone shapes,2 unmanned aerial vehicles,3 spacecraft orbital dynamics,4 hybrid rockets, space launch vehicles,5 and missiles.6 The GA does not use gradients to determine the direction of parameter variation for a single design point but instead evaluates a population distributed over the entire parameter space. Thus, compared with gradient-based optimization algorithms, the GA is more likely to avoid local optima and find the global optimum. However, the evaluation of so many more points leads to increased convergence times. In addition, because the process of population evolution is stochastic, the exactness of the converged solution, as well as repeatability of the algorithm execution, cannot be guaranteed. Each time the algorithm is executed, a slightly different solution could be obtained. In addition to the GA, the pattern search algorithm (PSA), another nongradient-based optimization method, can also be used. The PSA requires a starting point and evaluates multiple nearby design points to find one where the objective function is improved compared with the current point. That point then becomes the JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION FOR BMD MISSILE CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT starting point for the next iteration, and the process is repeated until no improvement is observed. Compared with the GA, the PSA typically requires fewer function evaluations to converge to a solution, leading to faster convergence times, and the solution is sometimes more accurate. However, the PSA is sensitive to the choice of initial point and can be less likely to find global optima than the GA. Hybrid algorithms can combine the advantages of various algorithms while avoiding some of their dis­ advantages. In ORION, a hybrid algorithm, consisting of a combination of the GA and PSA, can also be executed. In this hybrid, the GA is executed first and the result becomes the starting point for the PSA. In this sense, the GA, which is highly likely to converge to a point very close to the global optimum, is used to find a very good starting point for the PSA, which is in most cases capable of higher local accuracy. This type of strategy is excellent for highly nonlinear systems with many variables in which many local optima exist. Inert Mass Growth Following typical U.S. engineering practices, inert mass growth is observed during the evolution of aerospace system designs, and this growth adversely affects the performance of those systems. Frequently, initial estimates of component masses are aggressively low, resulting in overly optimistic preliminary performance estimates. As the component and system designs mature and designers better understand the impacts of the component requirements, mass inevitably increases and is accompanied by decreasing performance. To avoid overly aggressive performance estimates, mass growth projections must be included early in the design. To account for inert mass growth, ORION uses a standard developed by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).7 In the methodology provided by this standard, mass growth allowance is included at any time in the system design phase by accurately assessing the current maturity of the individual components and assigning a certain percentage of additional mass to the current component mass estimate. The value of the percentage depends on both the type of component (i.e., electrical, structural, thermal, propulsion, etc.) and the maturity of that component (i.e., early estimate, layout, preliminary design, released design, existing hardware, and actual mass). This mass growth allowance accounts for component mass increases necessary to meet existing requirements. However, the standard also calls for the inclusion of additional mass margin to account for potential omissions or revisions of existing requirements. The assigned percentages for mass growth allowance and mass margin decrease as the program matures. ORION accounts for inert mass growth by assigning a user-input percentage increase to the masses determined by physical calculations. JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) Boost Control The design of the system used to maintain airframe stability throughout flight has a significant impact on the overall missile concept. Traditional types of control systems include aerodynamic surfaces, attitude control systems (ACSs), thrust vector control systems, or some combination thereof. The level of control required will determine the actuator type, size, and mass, which in turn will impact the overall missile kinematic performance. Thus, control system design is coupled to the booster optimization process described above. Key events that drive the design of the control system are stage separation, coast periods, and upper-stage maneuvers. A stage separation occurs when a spent stage separates from the rest of the missile, which induces destabilizing conditions in the form of tip-off angles and angular rates. The control system must maintain airframe control during stage separation. This function is called capture. First-stage separation occurs during a portion of flight when the dynamic pressure is near its highest and is particularly stressing on the actuators. They must provide a high force in a short time to maintain stability. This is especially important if the airframe is aerodynamically unstable, because unchecked tip-off angles and rates can quickly lead to a loss of control. Other events that drive control system requirements are wind gust disturbance rejection and upper-stage maneuvers such as nosecone deployment. Both operating conditions and key event times are needed to define the control system requirements. Missile flight is simulated to characterize each event, and analyses are parametrically run to develop control performance requirements. A control system is chosen and sized for each stage, and its mass is added to the missile in the appropriate locations. This mass addition will change the missile flight characteristics, which in turn modify the control requirements, making the determination of control system requirements a highly iterative and coupled problem. Once the control requirements are established, it is then necessary to parametrically define the control performance requirements and associated hardware size and mass versus dynamic pressure. With those relationships defined, ORION can generate missile staging concepts that reflect a properly controlled missile. An example of this coupled process can be seen on the sizing of the second-stage ACS. Total impulse is driven by the control required during capture and the second-stage coast. The second-stage coast occurs after the motor has burned out, and the ACS must provide control without the aid of the thrust vector control system. For each possible missile trajectory, coast time and the corresponding required impulse is determined. Combined with the impulse required for capture, ACS mass is estimated as a function of total impulse. That 779­­­­ A. J. PUE ET AL. Velocity (km/s) Altitude (km) 2-stage 3-stage 41˝ 38˝ 70˝ 54˝ g-Load Dynamic pressure (psf) 266˝ 266˝ 79˝ 155˝ 95˝ 0 20 40 60 80 Flight time (s) 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 Flight time (s) 100 120 22.5˝ 22.5˝ Figure 5. Vertical flight model results for the two- and three-stage optimized concepts. relationship is used in ORION to model the interaction of missile performance and control system design in the booster optimization. Booster Optimization Example In this example, the dimensions of the rocket motor propellant grains, nozzles, nosecone, and payload were considered to be the primary drivers of size and performance. These parameters were optimized with the objective of maximizing Vbo. Two- and three-stage missiles are considered. For each stage, the composite motor case, the submerged contoured nozzle, the ACS, and the thrust vector control system are assumed. The propellant is assumed to be a conventional aluminized composite with ballistic properties typical of such propellants and the grain geometry assumed to be an internal burn tube. Figure 5 shows a comparison of flight performance for the two- and three-stage variants of a 22.5-in.diameter configuration. Although the two configurations produced similar results for Vbo, the three-stage variant has lower peak dynamic pressure and lower axial acceleration. Consideration of lower-level requirements and kinematic performance throughout the battle space may lead to one choice or the other. ERROR CONTAINMENT Referring to Fig. 3, the optimized booster configuration and associated kinematic analysis provides a KV mass limit, which allows the interceptor to meet range and time-of-flight requirements. The next step in the optimization process is to balance the capability between the IR seeker (and associated avionics package) and a propulsion system that provides the maneuver capability. 780 DACS operation and capability are driven by several key events determined by the KV release time and seeker functions. These events can include a divert maneuver using remote sensor data before the operation of the seeker, a divert maneuver after seeker acquisition, a divert maneuver after seeker discrimination, and a divert maneuver just before intercept. Of these divert events, the discrimination divert can be the most demanding and can be reduced by the incorporation of a more capable IR seeker. One of the critical factors in the concept design is the allocation of impulse to the possible divert maneuvers. KV Configuration The most commonly used KV configuration consists of a hard-mounted seeker and a cruciform DACS. The divert system provides the lateral motion for the KV, and the ACS provides the angular control to stabilize seeker pointing and control divert direction. The design of the ACS can be simplified if the center of gravity of the KV is aligned with the divert thrusters and remains aligned throughout operation. This can generally be achieved by positioning some of the avionics components aft of the DACS. This is called a split KV configuration as opposed to a unitary layout. Here the trade is between DACS and KV packaging complexity. The split KV design is attractive because the DACS is often the highest-risk assembly on the KV, and the entire missile. An example configuration is illustrated in Fig. 6. DACS Constraints For the traditional DACS, the two primary propellant options are hypergolic liquids and solids. Hypergolic propellants typically consist of a fuel and an oxidizer JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION FOR BMD MISSILE CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT Attitude control Seeker Divert thrusters Figure 6. Example KV configuration. that spontaneously ignite when they come into contact with each other. In addition, they are extremely toxic and/or corrosive, making them difficult to handle. Thus, liquid fuels have handling and safety concerns, which lead to higher infrastructure and leakage mitigation costs. On the other hand, a liquid-propellant DACS can be designed to ignite reliably and repeatedly, and it is a relatively mature technology. There are four major types of solid-propellant DACSs (SDACS). The first is an extinguishable system, which can be stopped and started as required. Among the options, the extinguishable system is the least mature technology (lowest technology readiness level, or TRL) and highest risk. The second type SDACS uses multiple pulses. In this system, two or more divert pulses are contained in a single pressure vessel. This design is a medium TRL and risk option. The third option is a modular multiple gas generator design. The generators can be fired in pairs for each divert event to keep the center of gravity aligned with the divert plane as discussed in the previous section. For example, three divert events require six gas generators. This approach has a higher TRL and lower risk than the first two options. One of the drawbacks of this design is the low packaging efficiency, which results in a larger DACS space envelope compared with the other options. The fourth type, throttleable SDACS, is similar to the extinguishable system except the thrust can only be turned down to a lower level rather than completely turned on and off. This type of system has the highest TRL and lowest risk, but that can depend on the specific requirements. The final selection of a DACS configuration depends on the required operating time, divert capability, and mass while considering risk and cost. Seeker Constraints The IR seeker detects, acquires, and tracks objects of interest and selects which object should be intercepted. At a basic level, the IR sensor consists of optical com- JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) ponents that focus IR radiation, which is emitted or reflected from distant threats, onto an array of IR sensor elements, or pixels, that make up a focal plane array (FPA). There are several sensor and threat properties, or parameters, that will affect the design of the IR sensor. These parameters include: • Aperture: The physical aperture diameter is the diameter of the IR sensor. A larger aperture will improve seeker performance for two reasons. First, more IR radiation will be accepted into the sensor if the aperture is larger, increasing sensitivity. Second, the ability of an optical system to focus radiation onto a small spot will improve with larger aperture, so seeker resolution will also improve with larger aperture. However, a larger aperture will require a larger and more massive seeker and thereby a more massive KV. Note the design of the optical system may cause blockage, which reduces the effective size of the aperture. • Waveband: The IR sensor detects radiation in the IR region of the electromagnetic spectrum, which extends from ~2 microns to a few tens of microns. Threats will emit IR radiation according to the blackbody radiation equation, with the wavelength of the peak of the emission spectrum depending on the threat temperature. Colder threats will emit radiation that peaks at longer wavelengths. For example, room temperature threats, around 300 K, will emit a spectrum that peaks around 8–9 microns, so threat properties must be considered in selecting the seeker operating waveband. • FOV: The FOV is the angular extent observed by the seeker. A wider FOV allows the seeker to simultaneously observe objects with increased spacing or to find an object with increased location uncertainty. The former capability will affect the time at which threat selection must be accomplished, whereas the latter will affect the capability of the interceptor to contain a threat within its FOV at acquisition. • Instantaneous FOV (IFOV): The IFOV is the angular width observed by a single pixel of the sensor array. A smaller IFOV is generally better because it will allow increased resolution, which will enable the seeker to resolve multiple threats earlier, allowing more time for endgame guidance. • Number of pixels or FPA format: For a square array, the number of pixels in one dimension is given by the FOV divided by the IFOV: Npixels = FOV/ IFOV. Because it is desired to maximize FOV and minimize IFOV, a large number of pixels is advantageous. However, very-large-format IR arrays are more expensive to manufacture, so the maximum number 781­­­­ A. J. PUE ET AL. • Noise sensitivity: The ability of an IR sensor to detect a given threat at a desired range will depend on its sensitivity, which is determined by its noise characteristics. There are several sources of noise that affect IR sensors, including shot (photon) noise, thermal emissions of the seeker mechanical and optical parts, detector dark current, stray light in the optical path, amplifier and readout noise, defective detector pixels, and quantization noise. There are several figures of merit that are typically used to describe noise or sensitivity for IR sensors. One common measure is the noise equivalent irradiance (NEI), which is the flux density at the entrance of the optical system that produces an output with a signal-tonoise ratio (SNR) equal to 1.0 (output signal = system noise). NEI characterizes the sensitivity of the sensor system to a point (unresolved) source. NEI is expressed in watts per square centimeter or photons per second per square centimeter, and a lower number is better. To remove aperture dependency from the noise figure, a normalized parameter, NCA = (NEI × clear aperture), may be used. Seeker Acquisition Range 782 D0 DC DTV DTVS Number of frames summed No translation and vibration motion Translation present, no vibration motion Translation and vibration motions With translation and vibration motions, and frame summing End here with aperture Object radiance (W/sr) Operation range, R (km) Irradiance, L (W/cm 2) DT (cm) DT (cm) Translation rate (pixel/frame) Irradiance, L (W/cm 2) To optimize the KV configuration, the seeker performance parameter trade space must be characterized and related to the mass of the seeker. The relationships between the key seeker parameters, which determine acquisition range, are shown in nomograph form in Fig. 7. One begins at the lower left by specifying range requirements for acquisition and discrimination and ends at the upper right with an aperture requirement to meet the required ranges. To move from the start to the end of the Fig. 7 nomogram requires five steps. In the first step, shown in the lower-left graph, the irradiance at the seeker aperture is calculated at the required range versus threat radiance. A proper choice of waveband to match the peak of the threat radiation spectrum will result in higher threat radiance and thus greater irradiance at the seeker at a given range. In the second step, shown in the middle-bottom graph, the irradiance found in the previous step is used to determine the first-stage aperture D0, which is the aperture required to meet the range requirement under the assumption of no translation or vibration motion and no frame summing. The input parameters at this stage are the SNR required to perform the considered seeker function (either acquisition or discrimination) and a noise figure for the sensor. In the third step, shown in the middle-top graph, the effect of translational motion of objects in the seeker FOV is calculated. The major source of translational motion is typically a forced movement of the seeker to mitigate the effect of malfunctioning pixels in the FPA. Some may have no readout signal (dead pixels), and some may produce a very high readout signal at all times (hot pixels). The translational rate will affect how much energy is contained on a pixel in a frame time. The result of the calculation at this point is DT, the required aperture with translation present, but with no vibration motion and no frame summing. In the fourth step, shown in the lower right graph, the effect of vibrational motion, also known as jitter, is calculated. Jitter occurs because of high-frequency vibrational motion of the KV. The amount of jitter will depend on the DACS system used and associated pointing accuracy. Jitter is usually described in terms of peakto-peak amplitude, in units of pixels. The result of the D TVS (cm) of pixels in one dimension is typically a few hundred. This means that balancing the requirements for large FOV and small IFOV is a critical factor in seeker design. 1.0 0.75 0.50 D0 (cm) 1 4 9 25 Vibration amplitude, peak to peak (pixel) 0.50 0.75 1.0 D TV (cm) SNR or probability Assumed NCA C NCA 2 NCA1 B A D0 (cm) Start here with range Figure 7. Seeker parameter nomogram. JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION FOR BMD MISSILE CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT FOV (°) rm at ( e.g f-number ., 2 5 6× Computed across battle space – Sensor support level – Missile errors – Threat 256 ) FOV = Seeker aperture (cm) x F = x f-number × D F, Focal length D, Aperture x, FPA size FPA x Select FOV and search strategy (FOR) Seeker range (km) Seeker Field-of-Regard Containment Fo Seeker range (km) calculation at this point is DTV, the required aperture with translation and vibration present. In the final step, the effect of frame summing to reduce noise is included. This has the effect of reducing the required aperture, depending on the number of frames summed for each measurement. To acquire the threat FOV object, the object must be within both the seeker detection range and the seeker Seeker aperture (cm) Probability (FOR containment) FOV. The KV is commanded to point in the direction of Figure 8. Seeker FOR containment relationships. the estimated threat object location as provided by the stack has been balanced with the mass of the KV, the fire control sensor. However, pointing errors caused by next step is to balance the KV internally between the threat tracking errors and KV navigation errors must seeker and DACS. The objective is to ensure that error be contained within the seeker FOV with high probcontainment can be achieved given the KV mass limit or, ability. The KV first attempts to acquire threats within if necessary, to rebalance KV mass with kinematic perits seeker FOV but may perform an angular search to formance. The result is an optimized KV configuration. achieve a larger field of regard (FOR). The parameter relationships in developing the FOV/ Analyzing the Battle Space FOR containment requirement are expressed by the nomogram shown in Fig. 8. It begins with a roll-up of Before KV optimization can be accomplished, key Fig. 7 in the lower-left corner to relate aperture to range. parameters related to the geometry between the interThe FOV/FOR that can be achieved for any apercepting missile and the threat must be determined. These parameters include: (i) handover error, expressed ture is limited by seeker design parameters such as FPA as initial zero effort miss; (ii) the closing velocity, which format and f-number. The f-number is the focal length is the relative velocity between the intercepting missile divided by the effective aperture diameter. There are 2 2 and the threat; (iii) missile third stage burnout time; two commonly used formats, 256 and 512 , and prac+ (iv) threat burnout time; and (v) missile time of flight. tical f-numbers vary from 1.2 (expensive) to 3.0 (large To extract these key engagement parameters, the battle and heavy seeker). The relationship of the FOV to these space (all possible combinations of intercept, threat parameters is illustrated in the upper portion of Fig. 8. launch, and threat impact points) must be analyzed using The FOV/FOR to contain KV pointing error and an engagement simulation, which computes all possible threat location uncertainty at a seeker acquisition range intercepts where the intercepting missile can kinematiis shown in the KV seeker FOR containment calculacally reach the threat. The simulation also determines tions in the lower-right portion of the nomogram. The the maximum possible time window during which the FOV/FOR requirement is evaluated for all kinematically missile can be launched to have a successful intercept. feasible intercepts in the threat intercept battle space for This window is called the launch window. a given seeker acquisition range. For a given weapon system, there is usually a minimum acceptable launch window to allow for a successKV Optimization ful engagement. For example, if the maximum launch The previous sections described how DACS and window for a particular engagement is 120-s long and seeker technology constraints can be related to the the minimum acceptable window is 45 s, then the engagement planner would find the best 45-s window basic performance parameters of the KV trade space. As within the 120-s time period. For this concept analysis, shown in Fig. 3, after the performance of the booster JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) 783­­­­ A. J. PUE ET AL. is computed as a function of seeker range capability. The containment probability is the product of divert and FOV containment probabilities. Cabapility Moving from the lowerleft to the upper-left subMargin KV plot, this is where the DACS (res mass ulti performance verses mass is Need ng (kg) Vbo ) described. Multiple curves can be generated for differSeeker mass (kg) Seeker range (km) ent KV masses as a function of the seeker mass. The curves will depend on whether an Threat SDACS or LDACS is assumed. assumptions The relationship between the upper-left and -right design ion ns o rat points identifies how much i t u ) p ng fig sum mmi on s margin, if any, exists between c a u er ker e s ek the required and delivered See ., fram Se (e.g amount of divert. Seeker mass (kg) Seeker range (km) Although the nomogram provides a useful tool for disFigure 9. Divert containment relationships. playing different KV options versus system capabilities, “best” is defined as the launch window that requires the it does not directly provide an answer to the best split between optics and divert capability. From a performinimum amount of divert. This methodology is used mance perspective, the lightest KV that accomplishes to select a minimum launch window for each and every the mission is desired. If margin is found, requirements engagement. Then, for the purpose of divert sizing, the on other portions of the system may be relaxed. To find single most stressing engagement is selected from all the lowest mass KV, an automated tool was developed at of the minimum launch windows. The key parameters APL that basically traces all possible paths around the that define this trajectory are used in the sizing of the nomogram in Fig. 9, with a specified margin between the required KV divert. required and delivered divert. Each of the points along the x axis in Fig. 10 repreSeeker versus DACS sents a different trace around the nomogram. The figure With the key parameters associated with the most shows the subassembly masses of the seeker and avionics stressing trajectory established, it is now possible to balas well as the DACS. The KV mass is the summation ance the KV mass between the seeker and DACS. The relationships between the divert containment parameters are illustrated by the nomogram shown in Optimum Fig. 9. The seeker aperture size is first selected in the KV mass KV mass lower-left corner of the nomogram. The first plot relates the seeker mass to the aperture size. Multiple curves can be generated for different mass margin philosophies. DACS mass Moving to the lower-right plot, the seeker performance is given as a function of aperture size. This is a roll-up of the nomogram shown in Fig. 7. Moving on to the upper-right plot, this is where the required divert is related to seeker performance. Of the Seeker and avionics mass four plots in this KV nomogram, the upper-right plot is the most complex to generate. This is where many of the Optimum seeker aperture system assumptions on target set, mission geometry, and Seeker aperture engagement support quality are introduced. For these assumptions and throughout the battle space, the total divert (V) needed to satisfy a containment probability Figure 10. KV mass optimization. KV mass Seeker aperture (cm) Seeker aperture (cm) KV divert ∆V need (m/s) KV divert ∆V capability (m/s) Computed across battle space – Sensor support level – Missile errors – Threat – Containment probability 784 JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION FOR BMD MISSILE CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT Strike angle θextent (rad) Seeker aperture = D Size an gl θextent (rad) Range vs. θextent N = no. of pixels to recognize target object θextent = N*IFOV e r ik e IFOV < blur ( 2.44λ ) D IFOV (rad) Aimpoint recognition range (m) FOV vs. IFOV Now that concepts for the major components of the IFOV (rad) KV have been developed, a physical layout of the KV must be realized to ensure a feasible KV size. This can be done using a solid modeling tool, such as Pro/ENGINEER or SolidWorks. In this way, the overall package is developed and visually checked and mass properties are determined. These mass properties are then applied in a simple six-degree-of-freedom simulation to size the ACS. The ACS is sized to maintain stability after the KV is ejected from the upper stage, perform the roll maneuvers before specific divert events, maintain control during divert events, and perform the seeker pointing functions. LETHALITY CONSTRAINTS The final trade area in Fig. 3 is the seeker resolution (IFOV) versus KV acceleration needed to ensure a hit accuracy that provides the desired level of lethality. Figure 11 shows the form of the nomograph that illustrates the trades between IFOV and KV acceleration versus probability of hit. Given the FOV that is determined by handover error containment analysis, the lower left plot of Fig. 11 shows the relationship between FOV and IFOV versus FPA format. Given IFOV, the upper-left plot of Fig. 11 defines the angular extent of the threat object as a function of seeker aperture and the number of pixels, N, needed for recognition. The aimpoint recognition range for an engagement is the target projected length perpendicular to the line of sight divided by angular resolution required for aimpoint selection. Given the closing velocity of the encounter and the aimpoint selection range, the time-to-go at aimpoint selection is calculated. The acceleration needed to accurately hit the threat is estimated from the projected JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) P hit Format S tr ike ang le P hit FOV (°) Physical Packaging and ACS Sizing θextent vs. IFOV St of the two. From this plot, the optimum seeker aperture size and resulting minimum KV mass can easily be obtained. It is worth noting that the KV mass is highly dependent on the level of engagement system support and the required target set. Thus, a larger system balancing may consider the trade between engagement support parameters and the resulting missile configuration and performance. Conditions: – KV divert acceleration limit – Strike angle – Closing velocity Aimpoint recognition range (m) Figure 11. Lethality trade space. miss and the time-to-go at aimpoint selection less processing delays. Finally, a terminal guidance simulation is used to calculate the probability of hit (Phit) shown in the lower-right plot of Fig. 11. CONCLUSIONS Development of a missile concept in the context of a larger engagement support system involves a complex set of highly coupled trades. We have defined a systematic process that is logically decoupled and allows an overall performance optimization and balancing of conflicting constraints. Currently, the methodology is split into three major steps. The first is the optimization of booster kinematics, the second is optimization of KV mass to remove system errors, and finally, the third optimizes endgame lethality. Future research can explore ways to integrate these steps and include more detailed representations of the external sensors, command and control architecture, and engagement support functions. This can then lead to a more automated and simultaneous optimization of both engagement support and missile parameters. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The authors acknowledge the contributions of Walt Dyer, Isaac Bankman, Lisa Francisco, and Wayne Pavalko to this work. REFERENCES 1Brown, N., and Olds, J., “Evaluation of Multidisciplinary Optimization Techniques Applied to a Reusable Launch Vehicle,” J. Spacecr. Rockets 43(6), 1289–1300 (2006). 785­­­­ A. J. PUE ET AL. 2Boria, F., Stanford, B., Bowman, S., and Ifju, P., “Evolutionary Optimization of a Morphing Wing with Wind-Tunnel Hardware in the Loop,” AIAA J. 47(2), 399–409 (2009). 3Shiau, J., Ma, D., and Chiu, C., “Optimal Sizing and Cruise Speed Determination for a Solar-Powered Airplane,” J. Aircraft 47(2), 622– 629 (2010). 4Sentinella, M., and Casalino, L., “Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for the Optimization of Interplanetary Trajectories,” J. Spacecr. Rockets 46(2), 365–372 (2009). 5Bayley, D., Hartfield, R., Burkhalter, J., and Jenkins, R., “Design Opti- mization of a Space Launch Vehicle Using a Genetic Algorithm,” J. Spacecr. Rockets 45(4), 733–740 (2008). 6Anderson, M., Burkhalter, J., and Jenkins, R., “Design of a Guided Missile Interceptor Using a Genetic Algorithm,” J. Spacecr. Rockets 38(1), 28–35 (2001). 7American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, “Mass Properties Control for Space Systems,” AIAA Standard S-120-2006 (2006). The Authors Alan J. Pue serves as Technical Advisor for Missile Defense Agency/DVM, sponsor of the Standard Missile 3 (SM-3) Block IIB concept development. Dr. Pue is the Chief Scientist in the Air and Missile Defense Sector (AMDS). He led efforts to develop the overall systems engineering approach used for the SM-3 Block IIB Government Reference Concept. Richard J. Hildebrand is the Assistant Group Supervisor of the Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering Group in AMDS and the Chief Engineer for the APL SM-3 Block IIB project. In addition to his responsibilities as Chief Engineer, he developed the KV sizing tool and developed the conceptual KVs. Daniel E. Clemens is a section supervisor in the Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering Group. Dr. Clemens developed the missile booster optimization program, ORION, for the SM-3 Block IIB project. Jonah R. Gottlieb is a mechanical engineer in the Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering Group. He analyzed booster control hardware options and alternative KV configurations. James M. Bielefeld is an electrical engineer in the Guidance, Navigation, and Control Group in AMDS. Dr. Bielefeld conducted battle space analyses to assess seeker FOV error containment and endgame lethality. Timothy C. Miller is a section supervisor in the Electro-Optical and Infrared Seekers and Sensor Systems Group in AMDS. Dr. Miller analyzed and developed alternative KV seeker concepts. For further information on the work reported here, contact Alan Pue. His e-mail address is The Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest can be accessed electronically at 786 JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) Improving Earth Background Characterization Through Modeling and Measurements of Leaf Bidirectional Reflectivity Shadrian B. Strong, Michael E. Thomas, Andrea M. Brown, and Elena Y. Adams he Earth albedo, or the ratio of the upwelling to down-welling radiative flux at the surface, consolidates both wavelength- and angle-dependent information, often oversimplifying surface properties. Accurate characterization of this parameter is important for many Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) programs. Within the albedo value is the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF), which describes the angle dependency of reflectance and emission relative to observation angle, solar angles, and wavelength. As a first step toward improving land characterization of Earth and assisting with removal of land radiative effects to reveal pristine target signatures, we developed a semiempirical BRDF model for leaves. Leaves are easy to acquire, easy to integrate into an existing facility, and highly seasonally and regionally dependent. Typical leaf reflectances used in modeling cover a wavelength of ~500–2000 nm. We extended this database from 250 to 10,000 nm to examine the radiative impact of surface albedo. In this article, we present the model and compare it with quantitative observations for red maple, dogwood, and white oak leaves. Implementing the default parameterization of a maple leaf in the Moderate Resolution Radiative Transfer (MODTRAN) radiative transfer code results in a retrieved radiance error of 1–3% relative to our improved BRDF model. This error is outside the required absolute accuracy for environmental and atmospheric models used at APL and highlights the need to use our new parameterization for environmental studies. INTRODUCTION Reflected solar radiation from Earth is directly measurable by satellite instrumentation. The reflectance observed by a spacecraft sensor contains both surface JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) and atmospheric components and depends on the direction of solar illumination and angle of observation. Whether the observational intent is to gather infor- 787­­­­ S. B. STRONG ET AL. mation about the atmosphere specifically or to identify (<10%) result in large thermal changes (>80%).6 An absolute accuracy of 0.02–0.05 for albedos is required embedded surfaces or targets, decoupling the effects for climate, biochemical, and hydrological models (e.g., of these contributions is critical to accurately deriving Ref. 6). Models used at APL through NASA Earth scithermal and intensity information for objects of interest. ence programs require this accuracy to assess anthroAs discussed by Hudson et al.,1 this decoupling is chalpogenic and nonanthropogenic contributions to the lenging because the atmospheric and surface interaction Earth climate system. APL’s National Security Space comprises multiple scattering effects. and Air and Missile Defense Mission Areas require It is critical to extricate atmospheric, surface, and this accuracy to assess the radiative signature of the target properties for a broad range of applications. For atmosphere on target detection, identification, and sigexample, both Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics nature analysis. Laboratory (APL) Air and Missile Defense and National Earth surface BRDFs are highly dependent on land Security Space Mission Area applications require accusurface characteristics, including vegetation type (or lack rate, radiometric characterization of specific man-made thereof), soil, moisture, and physical state (solid, liquid, targets. Physical changes in the target (e.g., material, temgas). BRDFs, and consequentially albedos, may be physiperature, and emissivity changes) must be disentangled cally modified through seasonal changes, anthropogenic from the physical changes of Earth’s background. Neglectparticulate deposition (such as soot, aerosols, etc.), agriing changes in the atmosphere or environment may result cultural practices, deforestation, urbanization, and daily in attributing natural variability to changes in the target. meteorologically driven actions (wind, erosion, etc.). As Ignoring surface scattering and reflection properties has the radiometric interface between the land surface and led to uncertainties as high as 15–20% in radiance and the atmosphere, the albedo both defines the lower boundsurface brightness retrievals.2 For APL’s Civil Space Misary for atmospheric radiative transfer and details the sion Area, it is essential to distinguish between short-term total shortwave energy input into the biosphere.7 Surface (hourly, daily) cloud reflection and long-term (seasonal, 3 albedo is an important parameter used to investigate the annual) ice reflection. This knowledge of surface reflecnet change between incoming radiation energy and outtivity, input into general circulation models for climate going radiation energy in the Earth climate system (e.g., change investigation, has a substantial impact on model Ref. 7). At the most basic level, understanding changes in predictions.4 In particular, assumed land surface reflectivthe BRDFs of a variety of natural surfaces (e.g., leaf/tree ity directly affects global surface energy and water baltype, ice, sand, rock) will enable more accurate derivaance in these simulations. Deviations between satellite tions of surface albedos. observations and model assumptions of surface reflectivAs a first step toward creating an improved dataity reveal errors >25% in surface reflectance.5 base of natural Earth surface BRDFs for use in APL The percent reflection of Earth, as viewed by a satelNational Security Space and Civil Space Mission Area lite, is referred to as albedo, or the ratio of the upwelling to down-welling radiative Chopper flux at Earth’s surface. The albedo is related to the inteAttenuation 0.633 µm optics gral of the wavelength-depenSignal detector dent bidirectional reflectance Reference distribution function (BRDF), detector 0.405 µm which describes the angle dependency of reflectance Sample Mirror rotation (and emission) relative to 1.064 µm focusing stage system observation angle and solar angles. Often, the intrinsic 3.390 µm BRDF of a surface is lost in the observation of a single-value albedo because the albedo 10.6 µm Lock-in Lock-in is a summation or angledetector detector averaged BRDF. There is also Motion an inherent loss of spectral Computer controller dependency in albedo. Little has been done to quantify the impact of subtle changes Figure 1. Experimental setup of the AMD BRDF system. Inputs are five laser sources shown on in BRDF on the derivation of the left. Inputs travel through a series of optical components (middle). Shown on the right is the albedo, but it has been shown position of the sample on a rotating stage and mobile sensor unit. Reproduced from Ref. 15. that small changes in albedo © 2010 Society of Photo Optical Instrumentation Engineers. 788 JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) MODELING AND MEASUREMENTS OF LEAF BIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTIVITY applications, we have developed a semiempirical BRDF model for leaves using the APL Air and Missile Defense Sector’s BRDF laboratory facility with parameters from the Leaf Optical Properties EXperiment (LOPEX) database.8 Sponsored jointly by APL National Security Space Mission Area and Research and Exploratory Development Department independent research and development funding in 2009, we developed a model for leaves specifically, but the model has potential for broad application. Leaves are easy to acquire, easy to integrate into the existing APL facility apparatus, and highly seasonally and regionally dependent. They cover ~10% of Earth. By investigating BRDF variability in leaves as a function of species, water content, chlorophyll content, and thickness, we begin to understand how a more complex system, such as a tree or canopy, may be parameterized. An initial simple analysis of the BRDF of individual leaves is required before we can extrapolate and study the signatures of trees and forests: we anticipate the BRDF of entire trees and forests would be highly complex and variable but would maintain an underlying signature associated with plant type. Leaf reflectance is partly due to roughness with varying density, dimension, and refractive indices and partly due to scattering off cell surfaces.9 The leaf is the primary energy-harvesting element of a plant and provides the energy necessary to drive the conversion of CO2 into plant sustenance.10 Remote sensing observations of changes in leaf reflectivity and emission can provide information about plant type (e.g., detection of invasive plant species)11 and information about changes in ecosystems (e.g., Ref. 12). We have compared our model and observations with the Leaf Experimental Absorptivity Feasibility MODel (LEAFMOD)10 and found them to agree favorably. We have parameterized leaf BRDFs for the 0.3- to 3.5-µm wavelength range for deciduous leaves: maple, dogwood, and oak leaves. We anticipate deciduous tree leaves to have simpler BRDFs, facilitating preliminary analysis. Further study would incorporate coniferous species. The leaf parameterization has been implemented for inclusion in the Moderate Resolution Radiative Transfer (MODTRAN) model.13 120 90 0.1 60 0.01 150 30 110–3 Laser 10–4 180 0 Sample 210 330 240 300 270 Figure 2. The leaf specimen is vertically attached to the rotation stage in the center of the apparatus. The laser beam is then incident on the sample, and the resultant reflection/scatter is measured at the detector. ing from man-made surfaces such as ceramics, paints, and metals. There are currently many laser wavelengths available for measurements from UV to the longwave infrared (LWIR), although only five are depicted in Fig. 1. Free-space mirrors are used to manually select the wavelength of interest for each series of measurements. A lock-in detector is used to separate the reflected signal from background light, and a chopper is used in the path of the continuous wave lasers for this purpose. Mirrors are used to focus the laser light onto the signal detector, which is mounted on an extension arm attached to a rotation stage. The sample is placed in the center of the detector circle on the second rotation stage, which controls the incident angle of the laser light. The leaf specimen is vertically attached to the second rotation stage (Fig. 2). Figure 1 depicts the layout of the BRDF facility EXPERIMENTAL SETUP The Air and Missile Defense Sector’s BRDF laboratory system is shown in Fig. 1. The system is typically used to analyze the scatter- Figure 3. Spring/summer flowering dogwood leaf (top left), red maple leaf (top center), and white oak leaf (top right) and fall maple leaf (bottom left) and oak leaf (bottom right). JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) 789­­­­ S. B. STRONG ET AL. 0.8 MODTRAN4 maple leaf albedo Green paint spectrum (reflectance) APL dry maple leaf (reflectance) APL fresh maple leaf (reflectance) 0.7 0.6 Reflectance 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Wavelength (µm) 2.0 2.5 Figure 4. Spectrum of the default MODTRAN4 maple leaf reflectance (blue), spectrum of a green paint sample (red), dry maple leaf reflectance spectrum (green), and fresh maple leaf reflectance spectrum (black). Notably, the dry and fresh samples have distinctly different chlorophyll “red edges” near 0.750 µm, such that the dry leaf (green) has a smoother slope between 0.5 and 1 µm relative to the sharp, near-discontinuity of the fresh leaf (black). Differences in water content and leaf thickness account for amplitude changes. The MODTRAN4 spectrum has a coarser resolution and does not enable the model user to differentiate between dry and fresh leaves. For comparison, we have included a green paint sample, which mimics features of the leaves, including the chlorophyll bump near 0.5 µm. with some of the available laser wavelengths represented. A current list of available wavelengths includes: 0.375, 0.405, 0.532, 0.633, 0.635, 0.760, 0.830, 0.905, 1.064, 1.55, 3.39, and 10.6 µm and a scanning optical parametric oscillator that includes wavelengths from 1.4 to 1.9 and 2.4 to 3.8 µm. APL recently acquired a vacuum chamber with optical ports spaced at 20° increments in the scattering plane. This chamber facilitates the measurement of high-temperature BRDFs using either a resistive heating element to heat the sample from the back or a 40-W CO2 laser to heat the sample from the front. Three different species of leaves were analyzed: (i) red maple (Acer rubrum), (ii) flowering dogwood (Cornus florida), and (iii) white oak (Quercus alba), shown in Fig. 3. Leaf samples were collected from APL’s main campus. Both “fresh” and dry leaves were analyzed. In the case of fresh leaves, a sample from each of the species was selected immediately before measurements were to be 790 conducted. This was done to ensure that minimal water was lost (due to drying of the leaves and decomposition). Loss of water was shown to affect the observed absorption and reflectance spectrum. This may be observed in Fig. 4 (green for dry maple leaf and black for fresh maple leaf). For comparison, green paint is overplotted in red, and the assumed MODTRAN maple leaf spectrum is overplotted in blue. Notably, the dry maple leaf exhibits both a high reflectance relative to the fresh leaf and a degradation in the chlorophyll feature near 500 nm. The MODTRAN spectrum most closely replicates the green-paint spectrum and neither of the two maple leaf samples. Angle-resolved reflectance data were collected for each sample at three different sample rotary angles at wavelengths of 405, 633, 1064, and 3390 nm. Spectrally resolved total integrated reflectance [TIR; also called hemispherical directional reflectance (HDR)] and transmittance [also called hemispherical directional transmittance (HDT)] data were also collected for each leaf species by using a grating spectrometer to cover the UV, visible, and near-infrared (NIR) regions of the spectrum, and a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer was used to cover the midwave infrared (MWIR) and LWIR regions of the spectrum. BRDF MODELING The BRDF is defined as the ratio of backwardreflected flux into the differential solid angle, , to the incident flux, i, ^ i, r, h= 1 d i d r r = Ir ^ Incident light i, ht r $ nt . (1) i^ h r, Specular i r Diffuse Lambertian t Near specular Figure 5. Experimental geometry and graphical depiction of scattering models for in-plane measurements. Reproduced from Ref. 15. © 2010 Society of Photo Optical Instrumentation Engineers. JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) MODELING AND MEASUREMENTS OF LEAF BIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTIVITY (i,r,) is called the BRDF. For a flat reflecting surface, t r $ nt = cosr. The inner product equals 1 for a spherical surface or a point reflector. For a homogenous, uniform surface with randomly oriented surface roughness, the BRDF will display no dependence in the direction (out of the plane reflection). Consequentially, scatter from the sample is unchanged under rotation by the angles i and r, and the phase function is a function of i and r only. This is assumed to be the case for the samples analyzed in this study, and all measurements and analyses are performed for in-plane scatter (i.e., the case of = 0°). Integrating the BRDF over the entire hemisphere results in the hemispherical TIR (also called directional hemispherical reflectance), TIR. The values of TIR range from 0 to 1. The modeled BRDF is a product of the TIR and a normalized angle-dependent phase function, P(i,r). All phase functions are normalized to 1, becoming equivalent to a probability density function, such that one may determine the probability of observing a scattered ray in a particular direction given an incidence angle. The BRDF may be written as BRDF^ i, r h = TIR ^ ih Pr ^ i, rh . (2) Physically based empirical models are fit to the BRDF experimental data to extend a limited set of in-plane scattering data to all possible incident and scattered angles. The model also compensates for the dropout in experimental signal caused by the detector arm blocking the incident laser beam from striking the sample for a small range of scattering angles (see Fig. 10). The BRDF model is separated into specular (S), near-specular (NS), diffuse (D), and Lambertian (L) components. Each of these four components follows a separate angular dependence [P()] and together represent the reflected beam from the interface reflection (specular) and the surface and bulk scattered light.14 The BRDF is modeled as a sum of all four components, in other words, BRDF^ i, r, h = S ^ i, h Pinst ^ i, r, h + NS ^ i, h PNS ^ i, r, h . + D ^ i, h PD ^ i, r, h + L ^ h PL ^ r, h (3) It is assumed that these different types of reflected, transmitted, and scattered light are independent. Specular components (PS) represent the contributions from the Absorption coefficient (1/cm) 1.2103 Chlorophyll a model Chlorophyll b model Chlorophyll a in ether Chlorophyll a in MeOH Chlorophyll b Carotenoid model 800 400 0 250 350 450 550 Wavelength (nm) 650 750 Figure 6. Comparison of chlorophyll a and b absorption coefficient to uncalibrated published spectra. JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) 791­­­­ S. B. STRONG ET AL. reflected and transmitted rays for a perfectly flat surface and are calculated by applying the Law of Reflection (i.e., r = –i). Near-specular components (PNS) represent weak or single scatter phenomena that are only slightly spread from the specular direction primarily because of minor surface roughness. Diffuse components (PD) represent the effects of surface roughness and bulk scatter that are strongly influenced by multiple scatter and are partially coherent relative to the incident light. The Lambertian components (PL) represent random rough surface and bulk scatter that is entirely incoherent with the incident light.15 Examples of all four types of reflection are depicted in Fig. 5. Because of the diffuse nature of the samples studied, only the diffuse and Lambertian components are required to model the reflectance from the three species of leaves that were studied. The diffuse phase function is given by PD = ^ r, i, m, h = N D ^ cos ihm – 1 cos r , ^sin r + sin ihm + ^ cos ihm (4) where is the half angle of the reflected beam, m is an exponent chosen to best fit the observed data, and ND is a normalization factor.15–17 The hemispheric Lambertian phase function is given by 1 PL ^ r h = cos r . (5) The integrated quantities for each component represent the fraction of incident light that is reflected under each phase function. The TIR for the entire BRDF would then be the sum of each individual component integrated reflectances, or TIR ^ i, h = L ^ i, h + D ^ i, h + NS ^ i, h + S ^ i, h # 1 . (6) The TIR for the complete BRDF follows the total power law, 1 = ^ TIR ^ i, h + TIT ^ i, hh + abs ^ i, h = TIS ^ i, h + abs ^ i, h , 1.510 (7) 3 Background model Absorption coefficient (1/) Fall background 1103 500 0 250 350 450 550 650 750 Wavelength (nm) Figure 7. Required background absorption to fit observed leaf spectra. The fall leaf background is mostly due to decomposing chlorophyll. 792 JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) MODELING AND MEASUREMENTS OF LEAF BIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTIVITY Table 1. Content of different species composing the leaf absorption coefficients as implemented in the APL model for maple, dogwood, and white oak Sample Fall red maple Fall white oak Spring dogwood Spring holly Water Chlorophyll Dry leaf matter Carot- Decomposenoids ing chlorophyll Concentra- Scatter tion of scat- radius ter centers (mm) (no. per cm3) Leaf thickness (cm) 0.135 0.005 0.09 0.1 0.67 2.9 × 108 1.95 0.015 0.135 0.005 0.09 0.1 0.67 2.9 × 108 1.95 0.037 0.6 0.27 0.03 0.1 0 0.75 × 108 1.7 0.033 0.6 0.27 0.055 0.075 0 0.75 × 108 1.7 0.037 Mixing ratios listed by concentration. The listed radius is for an effective sphere. where TIT is the total integrated transmittance, rTIR is the TIR, and abs is the absorptance. Following Kirchhoff’s law of thermal radiation, the emissivity () of a material is equal to its absorptance, therefore ^ i, h = 1 – ^ TIT ^ i, h+ TIR ^ i, hh = 1 – TIS ^ i, h. (8) The BRDF for the leaves, or any opaque material, provides an estimate of the unidirectional emissivity of a material at a particular incident angle and wavelength.15, 17 The Lambertian BRDF model is a variation on a radiative transfer model with a twostream approximation (see the Appendix A for further description). The model uses the Kubelka–Munk equation to account for the relationship between absorption concentration and reflectance in the leaf specimens, modeling the wavelength-dependent reflectance and transmittance of the leaf. The model takes as input four leaf constituents that act as the main absorbers in the leaf samples: chlorophylls (types a and b), water, carotenoids, and background material or “dry leaf matter.” Figures 6 and 7 plot the absorption coefficient of these constituents. The model is designed such that the absorption coefficients of each of the leaf components may be varied to fit the measured data from the UV through the LWIR. The mixture coefficients used for each different tree species can be found in Table 1. The fall leaf background is believed to be decomposing 1104 30 Absorption 1103 20 100 10 10 1.0 0 0.1 1 10 Absorption coefficient (1/cm) Scatter coefficient (1/cm) Scatter 0.1 100 Wavelength (µm) Figure 8. Scatter coefficient and net absorption coefficient for a spring/summer green leaf. JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) 793­­­­ S. B. STRONG ET AL. 0.8 Maple Measured UV-NIR front 0.7 Laser TIR APL model 0.6 HDR 0.5 0.4 0.3 example of this comparison is shown in Fig. 9, where the blue squares are TIRs calculated from the measured BRDFs for a maple leaf, and the red line is the TIR from the spectrometer measurement, also known as the HDR. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 0.2 The phase functions explained in the previous section (Eqs. 4 and 5) have 0 been used to model the 3 4 5 100 110 110 110 Wavelength (nm) scattering from the three leaf samples at the different Figure 9. The APL leaf model fit (black) to the spectrometer measurements (red). The BRDF TIR incident angles and wavemeasurements for the spring red maple are overplotted with blue squares. lengths. Figure 10 shows the reflectance of a red maple leaf at 405 nm at three different incident angles: 5°, 20°, chlorophyll. Also listed in Table 1 are the leaf thickand 60°. The red crosses indicate measured values, and ness, the most common particle radius, and the number the dotted blue lines are the modeled function. The of scatter centers within each leaf. This information is reflectance of leaves is often modeled as purely Lamberused to compute the scatter coefficient based on anomatian, but analysis at an incident angle of 60° in Fig. 10 lous diffraction approximation (ADA). For this calculaindicates that there is a diffuse component of the scattion, it is assumed that the particles are spherical. It is tered light that retains directional coherence. interesting to note that the size of chloroplasts within a leaf cell match the size of the 0.1 0.1 scattering particles required by the model. The index of refraction of the scattering particles is assumed to be 1.6. For green leaves, the background is pre0.01 0.01 dominantly water. The combination of Kubelka–Munk theory and ADA make this approach computationally 0.001 0.001 50 0 50 50 0 50 efficient. A plot of the scatter Reflection angle (°) Reflection angle (°) coefficient and net absorption 0.1 coefficient for a spring/summer leaf is presented in Fig. 8. A measured TIR spectrum is then used to empirically determine 0.01 these parameters for each leaf. An example of the fit obtained by using this model is shown in Fig. 9 for a spring maple leaf. 0.001 The TIR calculated from 50 0 50 the angularly resolved BRDF Reflection angle (°) model is compared with the wavelength-dependent reflec- Figure 10. Measured (red crosses) and modeled (blue dotted lines) BRDF for a maple leaf at tance that was measured using 405 nm for incident angles (clockwise from top) of 5°, 20°, and 60°. Dropout in experimental a grating spectrometer. An BRDF is caused by the detector arm blocking the incident laser for a small range of angles. BDRF (sr –1) BDRF (sr-1) BDRF (sr –1) 0.1 794 JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) MODELING AND MEASUREMENTS OF LEAF BIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTIVITY 0.1 0.1 0.01 0.001 100 0 50 50 Scattering angle (°) 0.1 100 3390 nm 0.01 0 50 50 Scattering angle (°) 50 0 50 Scattering angle (°) 0.1 1064 nm 0.1 0.001 100 0.01 0.001 100 100 BDRF (sr –1) BDRF (sr –1) 633 nm BDRF (sr –1) BDRF (sr –1) 405 nm 0.01 0.001 100 100 50 0 50 Scattering angle (°) 100 Figure 11. Measured (red crosses) and modeled (blue dotted lines) BRDF for a maple leaf at an incident angle of 20° for wavelengths of 405, 633, 1064, and 3390 nm. 0.1 Maple BDRF (sr –1) BDRF (sr –1) 0.1 0.01 0.01 Dogwood BRDF of the three different leaves at 405 nm and for an incident angle of 20° is shown in Fig. 12. Notably, the red maple appears to scatter closest to Lambertian, whereas the dogwood, at 405 nm, has the least Lambertian profile. The parameters used to create the modeled BRDF curves in Figs. 10–12 are summarized in Table 2. Figures 13 and 14 compare the Kubelka–Munk model fit with the experimental data on the spring/summer dogwood leaf and fall oak leaf, respectively. The model parameters are determined by the reflectance measurement and checked with the transmittance measurement. Good agreement is demonstrated in both cases. RADIATIVE TRANSFER ANALYSIS BDRF (sr –1) To assess the radiative impact of changes in the BRDF for leaf species, we input into MODTRAN518 0.001 0.001 our fresh and dry maple 100 50 0 50 100 100 50 0 50 100 leaf integrated reflecScattering angle (°) Scattering angle (°) tance (BRDF) values and 0.1 compare with the default Oak MODTRAN parameterization. Additionally, we investigate the radiative signature calculated from the LOPEX8 0.01 maple leaf parameterization (Fig. 15). The LEAFMOD10 calculations for reflectance for a variety of leaf thick0.001 100 50 0 50 100 nesses are plotted in Fig. 15. Scattering angle (°) Because they are comparable in the shortwave Figure 12. Measured (red crosses) and modeled (blue dotted lines) BRDF for an incident angle of (wavelength <2 μm) and 20° at a wavelength of 405 nm for a maple leaf, a dogwood leaf, and an oak leaf. minimal LEAFMOD data are available at longer waveFigure 11 shows the BRDF of the red maple leaf lengths, we do not implement these LEAFMOD profiles at the four different wavelengths: 405, 633, 1064, and in MODTRAN. 3390 nm. The red crosses indicate measured values, and MODTRAN5 was run for an early-spring, zenith angle of 0° configuration at the APL latitude and lonthe dotted blue lines are the modeled function. The JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) 795­­­­ S. B. STRONG ET AL. reflectance, derived from the BRDF in grey. The APL dray maple leaf is presented in green. The LOPEX maple leaf Sample (nm) i (°) L D m (°) in Fig. 15 is shown in magenta, Maple 405 5 0.045 0.015 2 30 and the default MODTRAN5 Maple 405 20 0.045 0.015 2 30 maple profile is in black. MiniMaple 405 60 0.045 0.025 3 25 mal to no radiance difference was observed at longer waveMaple 405 15 0.030 0.020 2 30 lengths (>2.5 μm), despite proMaple 633 20 0.045 0.015 2 30 viding MODTRAN with a Maple 1064 20 0.500 – – – more comprehensive spectral Maple 3390 15 0.02 0.01 2 30 reflectance to 10 μm (Fig. 9). Most notably, the APL leaf Maple 405 20 0.045 0.015 2 30 models both exhibit greater Dogwood 405 20 0.023 0.03 2 40 radiance than LOPEX and Oak 405 20 0.025 0.03 2 30 MODTRAN default between 400 and 700 nm. There is also 0.8 0.8 a slight enhancement between Dogwood Dogwood Measured HDR front Measured HDR front Measured HDR back Measured HDR back 1.2 and 1.7 μm from the APL Laser HDR back Laser HDR back 0.6 0.6 dry maple leaf. If only the dry Model Model and fresh APL leaf radiances 0.4 0.4 are examined, we find that the fresh leaf appears to result in a 0.2 0.2 greater radiance than the dry leaf for wavelengths <700 nm, 0 0 but the dry leaf exhibits a 100 1103 1104 1105 100 1103 1104 1105 Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm) higher radiance from 1.2 to 1.7 μm. Although these radiFigure 13. Comparison of Kubelka–Munk model fit to experimental data for a spring/summer ance signatures are subtle, we dogwood leaf. have yet to fully investigate the impact on net albedo esti0.8 0.8 mates. We also demonstrate Measured UV-NIR front Measured UV-NIR Fall oak Fall oak Measured UV-NIR back differences from a statistically Measured MWIR-LWIR Measured MWIR-LWIR Laser TIT 0.6 0.6 front low sample, and further quanAPL model Measured MWIR-LWIR back titative impact is necessary Laser TIR 0.4 0.4 APL model with more leaves and leaf clusters. It should be noted that in 0.2 0.2 all instances, the reflectance 0 0 values supplied are applicable 100 1103 1104 1105 100 1103 1104 1105 for a single leaf. The impact Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm) of canopies has yet to be constrained in this current work Figure 14. Comparison of Kubelka–Munk model fit to experimental data for a fall oak leaf. but is ultimately critical for a complete understanding of the gitude and noon hour. A precipitable water vapor value remotely sensed signature of Earth’s surface from space. of 2 cm (NASA MODerate-resolution Imaging SpecWe anticipate that a small radiative signature from an troradiometer, MODIS) and column ozone amount of individual leaf would manifest as a larger signature for 240 Dobson Unit (NASA Ozone Monitoring Instrua tree or forest, consequentially complicating environment) were implemented with a midlatitude summer mental signature analysis, target detection, and climate meteorological profile and rural aerosol contribution analysis. Integrating the full spectra (0–10 μm) plotted (23-km visibility). MODTRAN cards 4A, 4L1, and 4L2 in Figs. 16 and 17 results in the following radiances: (i) were implemented. The only change between the analyAPL fresh maple, 0.0102 W/cm2-sr, (ii) APL dry maple, ses of the differing maple reflectances was the specific 0.0101 W/cm2-sr, (iii) MODTRAN default, 0.0099 W/ spectral reflectance file used. Figure 16 displays the cm2-sr, and (iv) 0.0098 W/cm2-sr. Relative to the APL results of implementing the APL fresh maple integrated dry maple, these percent differences are on the order of HDR HDT HDT HDR Table 2. Parameters used in modeled fits to BRDF leaf data in Figs. 10–12 796 JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) MODELING AND MEASUREMENTS OF LEAF BIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTIVITY 0.6 Reflectance 0.5 0.4 0.3 Experimental Leaf thickness 0.018 cm Leaf thickness 0.020 cm Leaf thickness 0.023 cm Leaf thickness 0.025 cm Leaf thickness 0.028 cm LOPEX 0.2 0.1 0 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 Wavelength (nm) Path radiance (W/cm2/sr1/cm1) Figure 15. Fresh maple leaf reflectance comparison against the LEAFMOD model and the LOPEX data. The APL experimental results are plotted in black. LOPEX data are presented in green. The other colors indicate reflectances due to different leaf thicknesses. –7 610 APL fresh maple leaf APL dry maple leaf LOPEX maple Default MODTRAN maple 5 4 3 2 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Wavelength (µm) 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 Path radiance (W/cm2/sr1/cm1) Figure 16. UV-NIR spectral radiance differences between several maple leaf models: APL results (green), default MODTRAN5 (black), and LOPEX model dry maple leaf (magenta). These results were derived by modifying MODTRAN5 parameterization of maple leaf reflectance. 10–7 5 APL fresh maple leaf APL dry maple leaf 4 3 2 1 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Wavelength (µm) 1.4 1.6 1.8 Figure 17. APL dry (green) and fresh (grey) radiance products from MODTRAN5. The fresh leaf appears to have a greater signature from 400 to 700 nm, whereas the dry leaf begins to exhibit and enhancement at 1.2 μm. JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) 797­­­­ S. B. STRONG ET AL. 1% for the APL fresh maple, 2% for the default MODTRAN case, and 3% for the LOPEX data. Future higher spectral resolution in the APL reflectances may also impact these contributions. CONCLUSION As a first step toward creating an improved database of natural Earth surface BRDFs for use in critically decoupling the Earth background from target and atmospheric signatures, we have developed a semiempirical BRDF model for leaves using the APL Air and Missile Defense Sector’s BRDF laboratory facility. Sponsored jointly by National Security Space Mission Area and Research and Exploratory Development Department independent research and development funding in 2009, our model was developed for leaves but has potential for broad application. Leaves are easy to acquire, easy to integrate into the existing APL facility apparatus, and highly seasonally and regionally dependent. Assumed BRDF signatures of leaves impact the atmospheric radiative signature. We have shown that implementing a simple, default MODTRAN model for maple leaf reflectances may underpredict the retrieved radiance signature by 1–3%, based on a statistically limited sample size, and assuming single leaf properties in all comparison analysis. Although this underprediction is small, we anticipate that the retrieved radiance error will increase with increasing leaf number and with the existence of multiple trees. Characterizing the signature of an individual leaf for a specific tree type is important at a fundamental level, prior to identifying the signature of an entire forest. We find that the BRDF model fit the measured BRDF for the leaves. Leaf BRDF is highly dependent on moisture content, chlorophyll content, and orientation (front side or back side). We observe shortwave scattering that seems consistent with scattering off chloroplasts within the individual cells. At 500 nm, our model reveals a ~0.1 difference in integrated reflection relative to LEAFMOD predictions for maple leaves and, at specific wavelengths, >0.2 difference in reflectance (near 2 μm). A 0.1 difference in reflectance can be easily obtained by observing a fall and spring leaf. Because approximately 0.02–0.05 absolute accuracy is required for climate, biogeochemical, and hydrological models,6 precise parameterization of seasonally dependent leaf reflectances is important. Ultimately decoupling the radiative signature of leaves from atmospheric signatures and other Earth surface materials will improve APL’s environmental characterization capability within the National Security Space, Civil Space, and Air and Missile Defense Mission Areas. In the real world, we expect leaves to cluster in canopies and on the ground, presenting additional complications that were unexplored in this preliminary research. Consequentially, we move toward incorporating such 798 properties in the APL BRDF facility. We anticipate the next steps to include examination of the BRDF of leaf clusters and coniferous leaf BRDFs. We anticipate this information to be critical for APL to continue participation in NASA Earth climate science and environmental remote sensing and DoD target signature analysis. The fundamental analysis of the radiative impact of leaves would facilitate the development of instrumentation for airborne and space-based platforms for both Civil Space Mission Area and National Security Space Mission Area applications for signature exploitation: natural and man-made object identification and characterization and synthetic paint/material development (to mimic plant/leaf-like characteristics). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We thank summer intern Jessica Makowski for her assistance with the leaf analysis. Thanks to Barry Ganapol and Roberto Furfaro with the University of Arizona for their expertise and assistance with LEAFMOD analysis and comparison. This work was funded through the APL independent research and development program and was co-sponsored by APL’s Research and Exploratory Development Department (previously the Milton Eisenhower Research Center) and the National Security Space Mission Area. REFERENCES 1Hudson, S. R., Warren, S. G., Brandt, R. E., Grenfell, T. C., and Six, D., “Spectral Bidirectional Reflectance of Antarctic Snow: Measurements and Parameterization,” J. Geophys. Res. 111(D18), 1–19 (2006). 2Lee, T. Y., and Kaufman, Y. J., “Non-Lambertian Effects on Remote Sensing of Surface Reflectance and Vegetation Index,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 24(5), 699–708 (1986). 3Hudson, S. R., and Warren, S. G., “An Explanation for the Effect of Clouds over Snow on the Top-of-Atmosphere Bidirectional Reflectance,” J. Geophys. Res. 112(D19202), 1–11 (2007). 4Oleson, K. 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Because of random multiple scatter, the flow of random diffuse light flux within the film can only be in two directions perpendicular to the film surface, up and down, because rays to the side ultimately get redirected to the up or down direction. This concept is illustrated in Fig. 18. The downward flux in the film is attenuated by both absorption and scatter. The backscattered component removed from the downward flow is ultimately redirected upward. The same will be true for the net upward flow of flux. Differential equations describing this random diffuse light propagation are stated by Eqs. 9 and 10:14 d Film 0 Substrate Figure 18. Two-flux diffuse light propagation within a film on a substrate. back –d down ^ x h = – ` abs + back sca j down ^ x h dx + sca up ^ x h dx (9) back d up ^ x h = – ` abs + back sca j up ^ x h dx + sca down ^ x h dx . (10) and The absorption coefficient, abs, and bulk scatter coefficient, back sca , are assumed independent of position but depend on wave number, n. The second term in the preceding equations accounts for random multiple scatter such that the effective forwardto-back scatter ratio is 1, even though the forward-to-back scatter ratio for a single particle may not be 1. It is a source term in the coupled radiation transfer equations. Thus, back sca in the above equations represents backscattered loss and is one-half the regular scatter coefficient, sca. The random diffuse reflectance just above the film and the random diffuse transmittance below the film are sought. Differentiate Eq. 9 and use Eq. 10 to obtain d 2 down dx 2 – 2 down = 0 , (11) 2 2 back where 2 = ext – ` sca j and ext = abs + back sca . A similar equation is obtained by differentiating Eq. 10, thus d 2 up dx 2 – 2 up = 0 . (12) The general solutions to the above homogeneous Helmholtz equations are JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) 799­­­­ S. B. STRONG ET AL. down ^ x h = Ae –x + Be x (13) up ^ x h = Ce –x + De x , (14) and where = back sca 1 – 1 = abs a L2 back back 1 + 2 sca , and a L = sca . abs ext (15) The random diffuse albedo is aL and represents the back hemisphere scatter loss. If the forward-to-back ratio is 1, then, sca back sca = 2 . (16) For this reason, care must be exercised when comparing the backscatter coefficient in the Kubelka–Munk model to the regular single scatter coefficient and the Kubelka–Munk albedo to the regular albedo. Furthermore, Kubelka–Munk theory is an approximation to a full radiation transfer equation solution in the diffuse limit. It is also expected that the average photon path is greater than the film thickness. Thus, the absorption coefficient should be scaled also. A comparative study produced corrections to bring Kubelka–Munk theory into close agreement with numerical solutions of the radiation transfer equation in the diffuse limit. The Kubelka–Munk or Lambertian albedo is defined in the following manner:19 p p sca q sca . (17) a L = q + p = p abs sca abs + q sca Knowing that p = 0.5, it was found that q = 1.22. The random diffuse reflectance and random diffuse transmittance at some distance within the film are defined as L ^x h = up ^ x h ^xh and L ^ x h = down down ^ d h down ^ d h 0 # x # d . (18) The boundary condition at the interface between the film and the substrate requires Lsub = e up ^0 h o = C + D , A+B down ^0 h (19) where Lsub is the Lambertian TIR of the substrate. Solving for the coefficients in Eq. 19, the following results are obtained for a film on an opaque substrate: L ^d h = and b – – Lsub –2d e b + – Lsub b – Lsub –2d 1– – e b + – Lsub b– – b+ b – e 1 – b – – Lsub o e –d + Lsub , L ^0h = b – – Lsub –2d e 1– b + – Lsub where 1 b != a ! L 1 – 1 (Note: b+b_ = 1). a L2 (20) (21) (22) In practice, the transmittance is more meaningful when there is no substrate, thus Lsub = 0. Then, for the case of a slab (e.g., a window), 800 JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) MODELING AND MEASUREMENTS OF LEAF BIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTIVITY 1 –d 2 –1e a L ^0h = b + – b – e –2d 2 and L ^d h = 1 – e –2d . b + – b – e –2d (23) (24) Using the total power law, the random diffuse absorptance becomes L ^0 h = 1 – L ^0 h – L ^ d h . (25) For the case of an opaque bulk material (such as a rough metallic surface), let d go to infinity. Then the diffuse reflectance reduces to L ^d h = 1 = b – . b+ (26) ANOMALOUS DIFFRACTION APPROXIMATION ADA yields a computationally efficient and robust approximation to Mie theory in the region of large spherical particles (x large) and for particle refractive index that closely matches the background (van de Hulst). This is often the case in ocean particle scattering and for water-based aerosols. It is based on plane wave propagation and Huygen’s principle. It is also assumed that reflection and refraction can be ignored [that is, (m – 1) is small]. Thus the theory emphasizes diffraction and interference effects that often dominate particle scatter phenomenon. Other shapes besides spheres are also possible, and computing the extinction cross-section given a size distribution function is much faster. The theoretical foundation begins with an incident electric field plane wave illuminating an arbitrarily shaped particle, thus E i ^ z h = E i0 exp ^–jk l0 n 0 zh a x . (27) Inside the particle of refractive index n1 the plane wave becomes E s ^ z h = E i0 exp ^–jk l0 n 1 zh a x . (28) Using the above fields, one may determine that the scatter amplitude leads to kl 2 S ^0 h = 2 ## ^1 – e–jkl n ^m – 1hz^x, yhhE^x, yhdxdy , 0 0 (29) where E(x,y) represents the projected area of the particle to the incident plane wave, z(x,y) is the path through the particle n and m = n 1 . In general, m is complex (m = mr – jmi). The corresponding extinction cross-section becomes 0 C ext = 2 Re ; ## ^1 – e–jkl n ^m – 1hz^x, yhhE^x, yhdxdyE . 0 0 (30) For the case of a spherical particle, the chord length is computable. The resulting extinction efficiency is 1 e –w^x, mh e –w^x, mh – 1 Q ext ^x, mh = 4P Re = 2 + + G , w ^ x, mh w ^x, mh2 (31) where w(x,m) = –j2x(m – 1) for a nonabsorbing spherical particle of radius a ( real) is 4 4 Q ext ^ h = Q sca ^ h = 2 – sin ^ h + 2 ^1 – cos ^ hh , (32) 2 n a where = 2x ^m –1 h, x = k l a = 0 , a is the radius of the spherical particle, n1 is the refractive index of the particle, and n0 is the refractive index of the background medium. JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) 801­­­­ S. B. STRONG ET AL. m = 1.33 m = 1.55 4 3 Qsca Qext 3 2 1 0 0 5 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Size parameter x 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Size parameter x m = 1.33 m = 1.33-0.01i m = 1.33-0.03i m = 1.33-0.1i 3 Qext 2 0 4 m = 1.33-0.00i m = 1.33-0.01i m = 1.33-0.03i m = 1.33-0.10i 3 Qext 2 1 4 0 m = 1.33 m = 1.55 4 2 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Size parameter x 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Size parameter x Figure 19. Comparison between Mie theory (left) and ADA (right) for spheres. The Authors Shadrian B. Strong, presently in the Air and Missile Defense Sector, is a Co-Investigator (Co-I) for the BRDF independent research and development project. Dr. Strong’s expertise is in environmental/atmospheric characterization, remote sensing, and EO/IR performance analysis for space systems. Michael E. Thomas is a principal staff engineer in the Air and Missile Defense Sector. He assisted with algorithm development and analysis of BRDF observations. Dr. Thomas is a specialist in electromagnetic theory, optical propagation, and quantum electronics and has research interests in measurement and theoretical modeling of atmospheric propagation and remote sensing, optical properties of solids, and high-pressure gases. Andrea M. Brown is in the Asymmetric Operations Sector and is an expert in atmospheric characterization and aerosol modeling. Dr. Brown’s expertise has been invaluable in BRDF analysis, algorithm development, and observations. Elena Y. Adams, Co-I for the BRDF project, is a systems engineer in APL’s Space Exploration Sector and helped with project formulation and research. For further information on the work reported here, contact Shadrian Strong. Her e-mail address is The Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest can be accessed electronically at 802 JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) The MSX/UVISI Stellar Occultation Experiments: Proof-of-Concept Demonstration of a New Approach to Remote Sensing of Earth’s Atmosphere Ronald J. Vervack Jr., Jeng-Hwa Yee, William H. Swartz, Robert DeMajistre, and Larry J. Paxton primary means of monitoring the atmosphere on a global scale is remote sensing of Earth from space, and occultation methods based on observing changes in a star’s spectrum as it sets through the atmosphere have proven valuable in this endeavor. Two occultation techniques—focused respectively on atmospheric extinction and refraction—have been treated separately historically, but the combination of the two offers the possibility of higher accuracy, greater altitude coverage, and simultaneous measurement of primary and trace gases, both of which are important in the chemical balance of the atmosphere. Using data from the Ultraviolet and Visible Imagers and Spectrographic Imagers (UVISI) on the Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX) satellite, we have developed a combined extinctive/refractive stellar occultation technique that relates the changes in measured stellar intensity to the height-dependent density profiles of atmospheric constituents and have demonstrated its viability for retrieving both primary and trace gases through the analysis of approximately 200 stellar occultations. This self-calibrating technique is broadly applicable and suitable for measurement of gases that are otherwise difficult to quantify on a global basis. In this article, we summarize the development of the technique, its validation through comparison to other measurements, and its application to the study of Earth’s overall atmosphere and lower atmosphere in particular. INTRODUCTION The Earth’s atmospheric composition, temperature, and ability to cleanse itself chemically have coevolved with biological life on geological timescales.1 On much JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) shorter timescales, however, anthropogenic activities have effected changes in the atmosphere. Much of the observed change is associated with minor atmo- 803­­­­ VERVACK ET AL. spheric constituents, referred to as trace gases, and their impact on atmospheric chemistry. Although many of the Earth’s trace gases exist naturally, the rapid rise in the concentrations of both native and nonnative gases and their observed effects on the atmosphere’s chemical balance over the past 150 years or so is coincident with industrialization and the advent of modern agricultural practices.2 Whereas studies assessing the long-term consequences of these changes are ongoing, a significant obstacle is often a lack of regular, global measurements of the concentrations of these trace gases in the atmosphere, particularly in the lower atmosphere (less than 50 km altitude) where their concentrations and effects are most significant. Measurement of emission spectra from atoms and molecules is often used to probe atmospheric densities, but many of the important trace gases in the atmosphere emit such radiation weakly or not at all, or their emission signatures are convolved with stronger emission from other atoms or molecules and cannot be separated. As such, these trace gases can only be detected through in situ sampling or via remote observation of their attenuation or scattering of light. Stellar occultation is one of the most promising techniques to meet the needs of atmospheric scientists, policy makers, and enforcement agencies tasked with understanding and regulating man-made contributions to the trace gas atmospheric budget. Occultation techniques have been used for many years to study the atmospheres of Earth, other planets, and their satellites. Because these techniques are generally based on relative measurements (i.e., compared to measurements in the absence of the occulting atmosphere), they tend to be less sensitive to Wavelength range 100–900 nm Generally retrievable Under certain conditions O2 Altitude (km) 200 60 Thermosphere 150 100 50 Aerosols O3 Total (N2,O2) NO2 H2O 0 OCIO SO2 NO3 Mesosphere Stratosphere Troposphere 40 Wavelength range 0.8–2.5 m 0.8–5.0 m CO2 O2 50 Altitude (km) 250 instrument degradation and changes in calibration than other remote sensing methods. Although these techniques are easy to implement in principle, technical hurdles exist. As these challenges have been overcome, occultation techniques have proven to be an excellent means of exploring the overall structure of both terrestrial and planetary atmospheres. Using occultation methods to probe Earth’s lower atmosphere is complicated by the effects of both refraction and extinction as light passes through the densest part of the atmosphere. To demonstrate a new approach to this challenge, we took advantage of the Ultraviolet and Visible Imagers and Spectrographic Imagers (UVISI) suite of instruments onboard the Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX) spacecraft to conduct stellar occultation experiments in which we combined techniques suited to measuring refraction and extinction independently into a single, self-consistent occultation method that leverages the benefits of both techniques. This demonstration led to the development of an instrument concept suitable for flight on a small space platform. The potential measurement capabilities of this combined stellar occultation technique are illustrated in Fig. 1. The left panel shows the retrievable altitude ranges for several gas and aerosol constituents in the terrestrial atmosphere that can be measured over far-UV to visible wavelengths, whereas the right panel shows the altitude ranges for gases that can be measured in the near-IR. These altitude ranges are derived from an analysis of the extinction spectra for the various species (a term commonly applied to atmospheric constituents) and the CH4 N O 2 H2O 30 20 O2 CO 10 0 Figure 1. Illustration of the measurement capabilities of the combined occultation technique. The left panel shows the retrievable altitude ranges for several species in the terrestrial atmosphere that can be measured over the wavelength range of 100–900 nm. The blue bars represent ranges that are generally measurable under all conditions, whereas the red bars represent ranges that vary depending on the atmospheric conditions (e.g., night/day, presence of high-altitude clouds) and the target star involved (e.g., spectral type, magnitude). Colored bars along the right y axis denote the altitude ranges of various atmospheric regions. The right panel shows the retrievable altitude ranges for several terrestrial species that can be measured if coverage is extended into near-IR wavelengths: 0.8–2.5 m (blue bars) or 0.8–5.0 m (blue+red bars). In both panels, the actual lower limits of the altitude ranges are determined by cloud-top heights at the time of the occultation; the limits shown are for clear skies. Note that the upper limits on CO2 and O3 in the right panel are truncated to 50 km to allow the panel to focus on the lower altitudes. 804 JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) MSX/UVISI STELLAR OCCULTATION EXPERIMENTS capabilities of an instrument optimized for their measurement, particularly in the lower atmosphere where refraction effects must be accounted for in extinctive occultation observations. We will explore the basis for these altitude ranges as we discuss our proof-of-concept measurements with MSX/UVISI throughout this article. Owing to the low altitudes that must be reached before near-IR extinction is significant, an occultation technique combining extinctive and refractive measurements is both ideal and necessary: ideal because measuring the bulk atmosphere and the trace species simultaneously provides a complete picture of the atmosphere, and necessary because refraction effects are intertwined with the extinction and must be separated. Several hundred stars are bright enough and of an appropriate spectral class for far-UV and visible wavelength occultations. As wavelength increases, there are fewer stars of sufficient brightness or spectral class; approxi- mately 50 remain suitable out to 2.5 m, and only 10–20 are viable out to 5 m. We can, however, take advantage of the slow motion of Earth relative to the background stars—it takes many days for Earth to progress in its orbit such that a given star is no longer available as an occultation source. Thus, a given star may be used many times when it is observable, and the additional spectral coverage out to near-IR wavelengths is worth consideration given the extended range of altitudes and species it enables. We first give a brief historical perspective on stellar occultation techniques to set the stage for a description of the MSX/UVISI stellar occultation experiments. We then highlight the success of these proof-of-concept measurements and explore the future possibilities for the combined stellar occultation technique as a means of probing Earth’s atmosphere. Extinctive Refractive Star Io(λ) I1(λ) I2(λ) I3(λ) I Io Star λ End of atmosphere Refraction angle Photometric Relative motion of Earth or sensor Central Flash Star 0 Flux 1 Figure 2. Geometric illustrations of the principles of various stellar occultation methods. In all three panels, the star is to the left and far enough away that the incoming rays can be considered parallel. The upper left panel shows the geometry of an extinctive occultation, in which the flux Io() from a star is progressively attenuated as the line of sight to the star moves deeper into the atmosphere. The ratio of the measured flux I at each point to the stellar flux is I/Io, known as the atmospheric (or stellar) transmission. Transmission values run from 0 (full extinction) to 1 (no extinction) and are a function of wavelength because the extinction by the atmosphere depends on the wavelength. The upper right panel shows the geometry of a refractive occultation, in which the angle between the observed ray and the unrefracted ray (the incoming stellar ray) is measured. The deeper in the atmosphere the line of sight penetrates, the larger the measured refraction angle will be. The lower panel shows the geometry of a photometric occultation, which is a variant on the refractive occultation. In this case, rather than measure the refraction angle of the star, the total flux from the star is measured. As the rays from the star diverge due to refraction, the relative flux measured at the sensor drops from a value of 1 outside the atmosphere to 0 when the star is blocked by the planet. This is because diverging rays fall outside the sensor field of view, and the greater the divergence, the less flux that is measured. The central flash often seen in the total flux is caused by the convergence of rays refracted around opposite sides of the planet even though the star itself is completely blocked. JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) 805­­­­ VERVACK ET AL. THE STELLAR OCCULTATION TECHNIQUE Two general categories of occultations exist: extinctive and refractive. In both, radiation from a source is affected by physical processes in the atmosphere, and measurements of the outgoing radiation are used to infer atmospheric properties. In the following sections, we briefly describe the techniques that have evolved for these two types of occultations. Although the Sun, stars, and radio signals have all been used as the sources in occultations, we focus on stellar occultations for reasons that will be made apparent in the discussion. Extinctive Stellar Occultations The principles of extinctive stellar occultations are similar to those of classical absorption spectroscopy. As shown in the upper left of Fig. 2, a star is used as the light source, a spectrometer serves as the detector, and the intervening atmosphere acts as the absorption cell. The spectrometer is most commonly mounted on a spacecraft but may also be on Earth’s surface or on a balloon, in which case the effective absorption path is half that shown in the figure. Starlight passing through the atmosphere is attenuated because atmospheric constituents either absorb or scatter the incoming light. Although the physical process involved is different, the net effect of extinction by scattering (molecular/ Rayleigh or aerosol/Mie scattering) is similar to that by absorption (i.e., scattering “out of the beam” reduces light intensity far more than scattering “into the beam” increases it); therefore, the term extinction as used here refers to any absorption or scattering process. As the line of sight to the star moves deeper into the atmo- sphere, the light is progressively attenuated because the effective extinction path length increases. At the same time, changes in the densities of the species responsible for extinction along the path are recorded in the measured spectra. The ratio of an attenuated spectrum, I, to the unattenuated spectrum, Io, is referred to as the atmospheric (or stellar) transmission and is the fraction of light that passes through the atmosphere as a function of wavelength. The minimum altitude to which a ray penetrates is referred to as the tangent point height or tangent point altitude of the measurement, or more simply as the tangent point. Note that in this article, we use altitude to refer to the actual altitudes relevant to atmospheric density profiles, whereas tangent point altitude or height is used to refer to the minimum altitude of an observation. The distinction is subtle but will be made clear as we discuss the observations. Because the extinction cross sections of most species are wavelength dependent, spectral measurements of the transmission represent a “fingerprint” of the relevant species. Thus, they are diagnostic of the atmospheric composition, and densities of the species involved can be determined from the observed transmission spectra. Figure 3 illustrates the wavelength dependence of the altitude at which the density of several species results in a specific level of extinction, in this case the = 0.1 level. Extinction in the atmosphere is generally proportional to the function exp(–()), where is the wavelength and is referred to as the optical depth; thus, = 1 refers to the point in the atmosphere at which the total flux from a star at a given wavelength has decreased to 1/e of its unattenuated value. Because the transmission is related to the optical depth, this figure is also illustrative 200 Altitude (km) 150 O2 100 O3 NO3 50 NO2 0 100 H2O SO2 NO2 OClO 200 300 400 500 Wavelength (nm) 600 700 800 900 Figure 3. Altitudes at which the line-of-sight optical depth for several species in the terrestrial atmosphere reaches the = 0.1 level ( = 0.01 for OClO and NO3) as a function of wavelength. Because extinction is generally proportional to the function exp(–), the = 1 level is that point in the atmosphere at which the total flux from a star at a given wavelength has decreased to 1/e of its unattenuated value. Because the extinction character of different atmospheric species varies with wavelength, plots such as this are helpful in designing occultation instruments because they highlight where extinction is most likely and indicate the altitude ranges in the atmosphere that it is possible to probe (e.g., see Fig. 1). 806 JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) MSX/UVISI STELLAR OCCULTATION EXPERIMENTS of the range of altitudes over which the density profiles of such species may be inferred from transmission spectra. Extinction as a function of wavelength and altitude for the species in Fig. 3 and for other species form the basis of the altitude ranges illustrated in Fig 1. With a properly designed instrument, accurate retrievals can generally be carried out over transmissions ranging from 1 to 99% ( ranges of roughly 0.01–4.5). The possibility of using stars as the source in an extinctive occultation observed by a space-based platform was first suggested by Hays and Roble.3 The first stellar occultation measurements of the terrestrial atmosphere came a few years later when a spectrometer on the Orbiting Astronomical Observatory (OAO)-2 satellite was used to infer density profiles for molecular oxygen (O2) and ozone (O3) in the thermosphere and upper mesosphere.4–6 Since OAO-2, extinctive stellar occultations have yielded densities for a number of species in Earth’s atmosphere, including O2, O3, NO, NO2, NO3, N2O, H2, CH4, CO, H2O, Cl, and OClO.7–10 As mentioned above, because many of these species do not exhibit emission features that are directly indicative of their density, the stellar occultation technique provides a unique insight into atmospheric composition. The technique has also been a primary means of probing the atmospheres of the other planets and their satellites. The ultraviolet spectrometers on Voyagers 1 and 2 observed stellar occultations by the atmospheres of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Triton, and Ganymede.11, 12 Refractive Stellar Occultations Refractive stellar occultations occur because density gradients in the atmosphere lead to refraction, or bending, of the path of incoming starlight. This results in the light following curved paths through the atmosphere, which leads to differences between the star’s true (geometric) and apparent (refracted) positions. Measurements of the degree to which the path of the incoming starlight is changed provide the bulk properties of the atmosphere (i.e., total density, pressure, temperature). Pannekoek13 first realized the potential of refraction for studying planetary atmospheres, but roughly 50 years would pass before technology progressed to the point that useful observations could be made. The primary refractive stellar occultation technique is the photometric approach (see the lower panel in Fig. 2), which involves visible-light observations of the occultation of stars by a planetary atmosphere using ground, aircraft, or space-based telescopes. This approach has been applied primarily to the study of the atmospheres of the other planets. As a star passes behind a planet, light rays passing through deeper regions of the atmosphere are refracted more than rays at higher altitudes. This results in a divergence of the incoming parallel light from the star. At the detector, the divergence appears as an atten- JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) uation of the light as a function of time (referred to as refractive attenuation) as more and more of the total flux from the star is refracted out of the field of view of the sensor. Photometric observations of this attenuation yield the so-called occultation light curve, which may be inverted to retrieve the atmospheric density, pressure, and temperature. The first useful application of this technique was by Baum and Code,14 who determined the mean molecular weight of Jupiter’s atmosphere from an occultation of the star Arietis. Since then, numerous occultations of stars by other planets have been observed, and the technique has evolved into a powerful method for remotely probing planetary atmospheres. The literature is extensive; however, a representative sample may be found in Refs. 15–18. Summaries of the general methods and much of the early work are given in Refs. 19 and 20. Often, these photometric occultations yield light curves that exhibit rapid fluctuations in intensity. These fluctuations are caused by a refractive phenomenon known as scintillation, which arises from small-scale variations in the density profile at points along the line of sight. Such variations may be caused by atmospheric turbulence or by the presence of atmospheric waves. When combined with models of such variations, measurements of the scintillation have proven useful in inferring the small-scale atmospheric structure.16 Earth’s Lower Atmosphere Historically, extinctive stellar occultations have been applied to high altitudes for three reasons. First, the species involved (e.g., O2 and O3 for Earth) have strong spectral signatures at UV wavelengths, which are completely absorbed by the atmosphere before the lower altitudes are reached. Second, the presence of atmospheric emissions (e.g., airglow) from other species that occur in the instrumental bandpass used in the occultation experiment leads to an additional source that competes with the stellar signal. Once the line of sight to the star has passed below the atmospheric level of such emission, which ranges in altitude depending on the wavelength and species involved, the emission is always present as a contaminating source. Separation of the stellar and emission sources is therefore necessary and can be complicated. Finally, there are no significant refractive effects at high altitudes, allowing a straightforward interpretation of the observed transmission. Refractive stellar occultations have been limited almost exclusively to the study of other planets. The primary reason for this is that the long distances involved allow for a greater separation of the diverging rays and a more easily measured change in the stellar intensity. At the same time, the choice of visible wavelengths for these occultations generally excludes the need to consider extinction of the starlight within the atmosphere itself. 807­­­­ VERVACK ET AL. These extinctive and refractive methods, however, are complementary, and consideration of both processes would allow stellar occultation measurements to probe a larger altitude range more accurately than either one taken individually. In particular, the idea of using extinctive stellar occultations to probe Earth’s lower atmosphere by considering the effects of refraction on the measurements was first proposed by Hays and Roble.3 They favored stellar occultations over solar occultations, which have been the primary occultation method of studying Earth’s lower atmosphere, for a number of reasons. Stellar occultations are not limited to the terminator and allow for hundreds of occultations per day with near-global coverage versus the 30 or so daily using solar occultations. Stellar occultations can also yield higher vertical resolution owing to the point nature of the source; the Sun subtends an angular range of half a degree, which corresponds to about 30 km in altitude. Solar occultations do yield higher signal-to-noise ratio observations owing to the intensity of the Sun relative to stars, and solar occultations are generally immune to the effects of atmospheric emissions because the Sun is so much brighter than the atmosphere. However, in the lower atmosphere where refraction is significant, stellar occultations have the advantage over solar occultations in that the refractive effects can be treated more easily for stars (as point sources) than for the Sun (as an extended source). Although only a theoretical study, the Hays and Roble work demonstrated that the extinctive stellar occultation technique could be a powerful tool for remotely sensing Earth’s atmosphere. However, the implementation requirements for this technique, especially in the lower atmosphere, are rather stringent. Because stars are often a relatively low-intensity source, the instrument has to have a high signal-to-noise ratio to allow occultations by moderately bright stars, thereby maximizing the number of available stars. A high-precision, two-axis system is needed to acquire and track the star as it sets through the atmosphere, including the apparent motion induced by refraction. To infer altitude profiles, multi-wavelength measurements at moderate to high spectral resolution are needed to separate the spectral signatures of the various atmospheric species. The presence of atmospheric emissions requires a hyperspectral imaging system with both spectral and spatial dimensions. Finally, to track the star even in the presence of refraction, the spacecraft, instrument, or both must have excellent stability and jitter compensation. Reducing this idea to practice had to wait until the MSX opportunity. MSX/UVISI STELLAR OCCULTATIONS The MSX satellite—designed, built, and tested at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Labo- 808 ratory (APL) for the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization—was launched into a 900-km, circular, near-Sun-synchronous orbit on April 24, 1996. As a three-axis stabilized spacecraft, MSX was capable of extraordinarily accurate and stable pointing. Inertial targets such as stars were observable with an absolute accuracy approaching ~100 rad and a relative stability of ~10 rad (1 ) over a time span of several minutes. The UVISI instrument package consisted of four visible and UV imagers (two narrow field-of-view and two wide field-of-view) and five spectrographic imagers (SPIMs) covering the wavelength range of 120–900 nm. All nine instruments were co-aligned within 50 rad along the long axis of the spacecraft and mounted on a common optical bench to maintain the co-alignment. Thorough descriptions of MSX and the UVISI instruments may be found in Refs. 21–23. We took advantage of the capabilities of MSX and UVISI to test the suggestions of Hays and Roble3 and thereby demonstrate the viability of using stellar occultations for the retrieval of atmospheric composition, particularly in the lower atmosphere. Although the MSX spacecraft and the UVISI suite of instruments were not specifically designed for stellar occultations, their combination fortuitously satisfied the stringent requirements necessary to conduct these experiments. Rather than simply use models or climatological information to treat the effects of refraction on the extinctive measurements, the MSX/UVISI experiments focused on a combined extinctive and refractive stellar occultation technique in which SPIMs were used to measure the wavelength-dependent atmospheric extinction of starlight while a co-aligned imager (IVN) was used to measure the atmospheric refraction along the same line of sight. The key element in this new approach to stellar occultations was the direct measurement of the refraction angle of the star at visible wavelengths, as suggested by Jones et al.24 Although simple in concept, this method of refraction angle measurement has previously been used in only a few, mostly serendipitous, instances.25, 26 The MSX/UVISI experiments represent the first systematic implementation of the technique. The refraction angles themselves are used to infer atmospheric refractivity and subsequently the bulk atmospheric density, pressure, and temperature. Although the temperature profiles determined from such measurements are unlikely to ever be as accurate as profiles derived from radio occultation methods such as those used in GPS/ MET (Global Positioning System/Meteorology),27, 28 the advantage of this visible-light technique is that the refraction angles are measured simultaneously along the same line of sight as the extinction measurements. By simultaneously measuring both refraction and extinction effects on the stellar spectrum, the extinction measurements were able to probe the atmospheric com- JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) MSX/UVISI STELLAR OCCULTATION EXPERIMENTS position accurately at the low altitudes where refraction is significant. Measurements of refraction provided the actual light path through the atmosphere and the bulk atmospheric properties, both of which are necessary to determine extinction accurately in the refractive region of the lower atmosphere. More importantly, knowledge of the total density profile allowed the effects of Rayleigh scattering in the transmission spectra to be handled accurately. The simultaneous measurement of both constituent and total density profiles also allowed for direct calculation of volume mixing ratios, a key quantity that typically has to be inferred and is therefore subject to increased uncertainty. The design of the MSX/UVISI stellar occultation experiments and the associated extinction and refraction retrieval algorithms are discussed in detail in a three-paper series.29–31 A full discussion of the combined technique, the development of the retrieval algorithms, and a rigorous assessment of the uncertainties may be found in these papers. In this article, we present an overview of the technique and analysis methods along with a summary of several results that highlight the potential of the combined extinctive and refractive stellar occultation technique for studying Earth’s atmosphere. Typical MSX/UVISI Occultation Event line of sight to the star (dashed line) at that point actually had a tangent point altitude below the horizon. The tangent point altitude of the direct line is referred to as the geometric tangent point altitude and can be negative. When refraction is not important (i.e., above 35 km), the apparent and geometric tangent point altitudes are the same. As illustrated in Fig. 4, airglow emissions are an issue. These first appear in the bottom edge of a spectrographic slit as it descends through the altitudes at which the emissions originate (e.g., the airglow layer). The peak in the emission layer signal will continue to move up the slit, eventually disappearing above the top edge. However, once the line of sight passes through the airglow layer, the stellar signal is superimposed on an ever-present background airglow signal. Because each spatial pixel covers a field of view of ~0.025° (about 1.5 km projected onto the limb), the UVISI SPIMs are essentially used as large-aperture photometers (~100 cm2) with an effective field of view of 0.1° 0.025°. With a maximum star setting rate of roughly 0.07°/s (~3 km/s), the limb airglow emission at a given tangent point altitude is sampled for approximately 10 s. On the ground, this multiple sampling of the airglow allows us to “shift” the SPIM pixels spatially and co-add them in a manner similar to that used for a time-delay and integration system, thereby improving the signal-to-noise ratio of the observations and subsequent accuracy of the separation of the stellar and airglow signals. Figure 5 shows a series of images acquired at different times during a typical MSX/UVISI occultation to illustrate the extinction of stellar light with altitude. The panels show composite SPIM spectral images together The geometry of a typical MSX/UVISI stellar occultation event is shown in Fig. 4. The star was acquired at high tangent altitudes and the boresights of the UVISI instruments remained fixed on the star’s inertial position during the entire occultation. The entrance slits to the five spectrographs were held vertical with respect to the horizon. Several hundred unattenuated Io spectra were obtained at high altitudes before any atmo1 spheric effects began. As the 2 1 star set through the atmo3 2 1 4 sphere, its spatial position 3 4 in the spectrograph images 0.1° was unchanged until refrac5 5 tion set in at altitudes below UVISI Airglow roughly 35 km, after which SPIM layer images the image drifted vertically MSX orbit up the slit until it slowly disappeared from the field of view. For a star inertially Figure 4. Schematic illustration of the MSX/UVISI stellar occultation geometry. The UVISI instrufixed in the center of the ment is oriented so that the slit is vertical with respect to the atmosphere horizontal. The center of slit, roughly 0.5° of motion the slit is fixed on the star’s inertial position throughout the occultation; therefore, the star itself due to refraction could be can refract up to 0.5° before disappearing from the field of view. The 1° field of view in the vertiobserved before the star’s cal direction corresponds to ~60 km at the limb. The superposition of the background airglow image reached the edge of (magenta) and stellar signals once the line of sight has passed through the airglow layer is illusthe frames, corresponding trated. The minimum height of the solid rays above Earth’s surface (blue) reflects the apparent to apparent tangent point tangent point altitude, whereas the dashed line between the spacecraft and the star is an example altitudes of 7–8 km. As seen of the geometric tangent point altitude, which can be negative. In the absence of refraction, the in path 5 of Fig. 4, the direct two quantities are equal. (Modified from a figure published in Ref. 29.) JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) 809­­­­ VERVACK ET AL. Spectral Image 300 10,000 280 1,000 260 220 0.010 10 (a) 1.000 0.100 100 240 Image of star 0.001 140 10,000 1.000 120 1,000 100 100 0.100 80 10 Tangent Height (km) 60 (b) 1 80 Brightness(R/nm) 1 200 10,000 60 1,000 40 100 20 10 0 –20 (c) 0.010 0.001 1.000 0.100 0.010 1 0.001 40 10,000 1.000 20 1,000 0.100 0 100 –20 –40 (d) 10 200 400 600 Wavelength (nm) 800 1 0.010 0.001 Figure 5. Series of UVISI images during a typical occultation event. The images on the left are from the spectrographic imagers and illustrate how the star’s spectrum (the bright horizontal line in the center of each image) is attenuated as a function of wavelength (left to right) and altitude (top to bottom). Note that the tangent height scale changes with each panel to be centered on the tangent height of the unrefracted star (i.e., its inertial position). Thus, the spectrum has moved “up” relative to the panel center in the final panel. Bright lines in the vertical direction are emissions from Earth’s atmosphere (i.e., the background airglow). The images on the right are from the IVN imager and show the position of the star corresponding to the spectrographic imager measurements on the left. Note that the star moves up away from the image center as refraction begins. The refraction angle is the angle between the center and measured positions. (Modified from a figure published in Ref. 29.) with an IVN image acquired simultaneously. Scene brightness is represented by a color scale as a function of geometric tangent altitude (y axis) and wavelength (x axis) in the SPIM images. The star appears as a bright, narrow, horizontal band in the composite SPIM images because it is a point source emitting a continuous spectrum at all wavelengths, whereas the airglow signal covers an extended portion of the slit vertically owing to the diffuse nature of the airglow emission. The ragged horizontal edges of the SPIM images result from small, well-known misalignments of the five SPIM boresights plus corrections for optical aberrations when referencing the stellar signal at each wavelength to a common tan- 810 gent point altitude. Black areas in Fig. 5 correspond to altitudes outside the SPIM fields of view, and a decrease in the SPIM 5 sensitivity results in the weak signal at the longest wavelengths of the spectral range. The star of interest is the bright dot near the center of each IVN image. The data in Fig. 5a correspond to a geometric tangent altitude of 245 km. There is essentially no atmospheric attenuation of the star at this altitude; however, several airglow emissions are visible in the spectrum [e.g., geocoronal H Lyman at 121.6 nm, nightglow O(1S) “green line” at 557.7 nm, and nightglow O(1D) “red lines” at 630.0 and 636.4 nm]. Spectra from such altitudes and JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) MSX/UVISI STELLAR OCCULTATION EXPERIMENTS higher provide the unattenuated stellar Io spectra needed to determine the atmospheric transmission. In Fig. 5b, the line of sight has descended to a tangent altitude near 95 km. Complete attenuation of the star by O2 is evident in the Schumann-Runge continuum and bands shortward of 200 nm, whereas absorption by O3 in the Hartley/Huggins bands is just beginning near 255 nm. Emissions in Earth’s mesospheric airglow layer are now visible [e.g., O(1S) “green line,” O2 Atmospheric (0-0) band at 762 nm, several OH Meinel bands in the near-IR]. The mesospheric emissions cover only the lower portion of the SPIM images because the upper part of the slit still views tangent heights above the mesospheric airglow emission layer. Even though the stellar signal short of 200 nm is gone, the H Lyman geocoronal line is still present owing to emission that originates above the tangent point and extends into the geocorona. From the geometry of Fig. 4, it can be seen that this “near-field” source also exists for the airglow layer, explaining why many of the airglow emissions are only moderately attenuated as the occultation progresses. Figure 5c shows the image when the star has reached a geometric tangent height of 20 km. In the lower stratosphere, the O3 column density has increased to the point that absorption in the Hartley/Huggins bands is complete, whereas absorption in the relatively weak Chappuis band near 600 nm has now become significant. The star has also moved in the SPIM and IVN images, shifting slightly upward as a result of refraction. Note that the second star in the upper right corner of the IVN image is at a higher tangent height and has not yet been refracted. Finally, Rayleigh extinction, refractive attenuation, and scintillation effects are becoming increasingly important as evident in the overall reduction of the stellar signal. In Fig. 5d the geometric tangent altitude of the star has descended to 0 km, but refraction is sufficient to keep the star visible above the horizon. The refractive shift of the star’s position is evident not only in the IVN image but also in the SPIM data where the bright line delineating the stellar spectrum has moved upward relative to the slit center, which is fixed on the star’s inertial position. The star’s apparent tangent height is roughly 13 km as shown in SPIM 5. The stellar signal continues to weaken and is visible only at the longer wavelengths. Both Rayleigh scattering and refractive attenuation act to block the majority of the stellar signal at tropospheric altitudes. At the same time, the relative constancy of the “near-field” airglow emissions from panel to panel results in a comparable, or even brighter in the case of 762 nm, signal relative to the star. This ultimately results in a decreased signal-tonoise ratio in the wavelength channels of the stellar transmission spectra contaminated by airglow once the two signals are separated. JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) Each MSX/UVISI occultation consists of images such as those presented in Fig. 5. Before the atmospheric retrievals, the spectral images must be processed to remove a number of instrumental effects (e.g., changes in gain with altitude, dark subtraction), and the stellar spectra must be separated from the contaminating airglow background. Accomplishing this requires knowledge of the true stellar position in the SPIM images, which is calculated from the measured position of the star in the IVN images and known relationships in the relative alignments of the various instruments (thereby emphasizing the need to both know and maintain the relative co-alignment of the SPIMs and imager). Data Reduction and Analysis The data reduction and analysis process, as implemented in separate subsystems on MSX, is shown schematically in Fig. 6 and can be broken down into four general steps. First, the IVN images are processed to determine the angles through which the star is refracted at all altitudes. This is accomplished using the known inertial position of the star and the measured positions of the star in the IVN images. Second, the SPIM spectra are processed to yield stellar transmission spectra. The most important aspect of this process is the separation of the stellar and airglow signals, which is possible owing to accurate measurement of the star’s true position in the IVN and SPIM images, knowledge IVN images Co-aligned SPIM images Star locations Airglow Refraction angles Density profile Pressure profile Temperature profile Star Star absorption ray path Refractive attenuation correction Rayleigh scattering Absorption cross sections Scintillation profile Composition profiles Figure 6. Schematic illustration of the combined stellar occultation data analysis process. Refraction information from the IVN images yields the bulk atmospheric properties of total density, pressure, and temperature. The SPIM images are processed to yield separate images of the star and background airglow, and the star images are then processed to yield the composition profiles for various species. The feedback of the bulk properties to the composition retrievals is indicated, and it is that feedback that allows the accurate determination of profiles in the lower atmosphere. (Reproduced from Ref. 29.) 811­­­­ VERVACK ET AL. 300 1.00 200 0.10 50 0 200 400 600 Wavelength (nm) 800 0.01 1,000 200 100 100 10 Brightness (R/nm) 100 Geometric tangent height (km) 150 Transmission Geometric tangent height (km) 10,000 1 0 200 400 600 Wavelength (nm) 800 Figure 7. Stellar transmission (left) and airglow (right) spectra as a function of geometric tangent height and wavelength as observed by MSX/UVISI during the typical occultation event described in the text. Notice how the extinction edge of the starlight as a function of wavelength and tangent height matches the shape of the optical depths of the species in Fig. 3. Geometric tangent height refers to the tangent height of the unrefracted (i.e., inertial) stellar position, which is why the altitudes in the left panel still show stellar signal at negative altitudes (i.e., the star has gone below the horizon but refraction of the light allows signal to still reach the instruments). Note the different y axis scales in the two panels. (Reproduced from Ref. 29.) of the spatial point spread functions of the five SPIMs, and the multiple sampling of the airglow data afforded by the spatial imaging capabilities of the SPIMs. Equally important in this process is the determination of the spectral uncertainties given that the stellar and airglow signals come from two different statistical distributions. Third, the bulk atmospheric properties (density, pressure, and temperature) are retrieved from the refraction angles using the technique developed by Vervack et al.31 Finally, the O3 profile is retrieved from the stellar transmission spectra using the technique described by DeMajistre and Yee.30 It is important to note that the bulk properties from the refraction retrieval feed into the extinction retrieval, thereby allowing the proper temperature-dependent cross sections to be used, the actual refractive path to be calculated, and the Rayleigh scattering to be accurately accounted for when inferring the O3 profile. Although each step is executed separately, interconnections with the other steps exist and are critical to the combined occultation retrieval process. The position of the star in the high-angular-resolution (0.005°/ pixel) IVN images not only yields refraction angles with sub-pixel accuracy but also provides the exact location of the star in the SPIM slits. Knowledge of the true position of the star in all the SPIM images is necessary in separating the airglow spectra from the stellar spectra, but this is especially the case once the star begins to move in the slit because of atmospheric refraction. The index of refraction profile retrieved directly from the observed refraction angles allows determination of the actual light path in the atmosphere for extinction calculations as well as the retrieval of the bulk atmosphere 812 density and temperature profiles. Finally, the retrieved bulk density profile constrains the amount of Rayleigh scattering inferred from the transmission spectra. Figure 7 shows the separated transmission (left panel) and airglow volume emission (right panel) spectra for the typical occultation event. Absorption by O2 and O3 is clearly evident in the transmission spectra near 150 nm (thermospheric O2, Schumann-Runge continuum), 255 nm (mesospheric O3, Hartley band), and 600 nm (stratospheric/upper tropospheric O3, Chappuis band). Atmospheric scintillation causes the signal intensity to fluctuate below 40 km and results in the horizontal stripes in the atmospheric transmission. Because of atmospheric refraction, the star is observed even after the geometric line of sight has passed below the horizon (i.e., at negative geometric tangent heights). Abrupt changes in the noise characteristics and visual appearance of both the transmission and airglow spectra (e.g., at the juncture between SPIMs 3 and 4 near 380 nm) are caused by variations in wavelength sampling interval, instrument sensitivity, and resolution between the SPIMs. The peculiar structure near 760 nm is caused by difficulty in separating the stellar signal from the strong O2 Atmospheric band emission. Density profiles for the various species can be retrieved from transmission spectra such as those in Fig. 7. Above 60 km or so, extinction is effectively only due to absorption by O2 and O3, there are no refraction effects, and the airglow contamination is relatively weak at the shorter wavelengths where extinction is present. Retrievals at these geometric tangent altitudes are thus relatively straightforward. Below 60 km, however, absorption from JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) MSX/UVISI STELLAR OCCULTATION EXPERIMENTS JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) 30 25 20 Altitude (km) 10 15 100 10 180 0 200 220 240 Temperature (K) 260 O3 volume mixing ratio (ppm) 1 2 3 4 280 5 40 35 30 10 25 20 Altitude (km) The results of the refraction and extinction retrievals for a typical occultation are presented in Fig. 8, with the temperature profile shown in the top panel and the O3 density profile shown in the bottom panel. Both MSX/UVISI profiles (red) are compared to profiles measured by sonde at the McMurdo, Antarctica, ground-based station (blue). McMurdo was nearly coincident in both time and space to the tangent point of the MSX/UVISI occultation. Note that the retrieved temperature profile does not extend all the way to the surface because the star refracted out of the imager field of view at apparent tangent altitudes between 6 and 7 km. In a follow-on instrument, direct tracking of the refracted star position or a larger field would capture the full range of motion in the refracted stellar position and enable temperature profile retrievals closer to the surface (most likely limited by cloud heights when clouds are present). Also shown in the bottom panel is the MSX/UVISI-determined O3 mixing ratio profile calculated using the density profile from the refraction retrieval. A significant advantage of the combined occultation technique is the direct calculation of mixing ratios using a simultaneously measured total density profile, providing a more accurate measure of mixing ratio than current methods that rely on model total density profiles. Another significant point regarding Fig. 8 is that the temperature and O3 profiles are plotted versus both altitude and the retrieved pressure. This illustrates another important advantage of the combined extinctive/refractive technique: the pressure–altitude relationship is firmly known. The altitude grid used in the density profile retrievals is accurately established from the observation geometry, whereas the pressure profile is integrated directly from the measured total density profile and need not be inferred, as is commonly required in alternate methods. Such accurate knowledge of the pressure–altitude relationship increases the utility of the retrieved profiles in atmospheric models based on either pressure or altitude. As with any measurements, there are several types of uncertainty that must be considered in the retrievals. Systematic uncertainty results from approximations made in the retrieval algorithms, imperfect knowledge of instrument characteristics, and the various assumptions incorporated into the retrievals. These are difficult to evaluate and often lead to biases when compared 35 Pressure (mbar) Examples of Retrieved Profiles 40 Pressure (mbar) several species is intertwined with Rayleigh and aerosol scattering, refraction begins to have significant effects, and airglow contamination is more evident. Although these factors complicate the retrievals, the composition and structure of the atmosphere can be determined by using the data from both the SPIMs and IVN. 15 100 10 0 1 2 3 O3 number density (1012 cm–3) 4 Figure 8. Comparison of temperature and O3 profiles retrieved from a typical MSX/UVISI stellar occultation event (red) to the profiles measured by sonde at the McMurdo, Antarctica, groundbased station (blue). The agreement is good at all altitudes, including some of the finer altitude structure in the density profile and particularly in light of the different spatial scales (i.e., in situ vs. a limb observation). The bottom panel also shows the MSX/UVISI O3 mixing ratio profile (green) calculated using the total density profile retrieved from the refraction measurements. Uncertainties (1-) in the profile are shown in both panels as horizontal error bars; pressure/altitude uncertainties are on the order of the size of the symbols or smaller and are not visible at this scale. to results from other methods. Statistical uncertainty results from the uncertainty in the measured transmission spectra and stellar positions as they propagate through the retrievals into the uncertainty of the derived profiles. For example, the finite precision of the MSX/UVISI total density and temperature profiles provided by the refraction measurements will have an 813­­­­ VERVACK ET AL. 200 Altitude (km) impact on the retrieved density profiles for the atmospheric species that can be properly accounted for (see the papers by DeMajistre and Yee30 and Vervack et al.31 for detailed discussions of the uncertainty sources and error analysis). As can be seen in the resulting statistical uncertainties in Fig. 8, however, the typical MSX/ UVISI occultation event provides fairly accurate results despite the fact that MSX/UVISI was not optimized for these observations; an optimized instrument would do even better. 150 100 50 106 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS Wide-Ranging Altitude Coverage During May 5–7, 1997, MSX/UVISI obtained 15 stellar occultations at a single latitude but spaced longitudinally. Shown in Fig. 9 are the weighted mean density profiles for O2 and O3 for this series of occultations. Although previous stellar occultation experiments have also yielded O2 and O3 profiles, the MSX/UVISI results are significant because of the large altitude range they cover. Earlier measurements4, 5 of O2 were limited to altitudes above 100 km or more. The MSX/UVISI results extend down to roughly 50 km owing to two factors. First, the wavelength coverage of the SPIMs extends to longer wavelengths with moderate spectral resolution, allowing use of the Schumann-Runge bands and the Herzberg continuum. Second, the SPIMs generate hyperspectral images that allow for the separation of the airglow signal from the stellar transmission. The spatial dimension of these images provides measurement of the airglow at altitudes above and below the line of sight to the star such that the airglow signal can be determined and removed from the pixels containing the stellar signal. Once the airglow signal is removed, the Schumann-Runge band and Herzberg continuum regions of the spectrum represent a purely stellar signal, and the O2 profile can extend down into the mesosphere. Because the bulk density profile inferred from the refraction measurements can be converted to the equivalent O2 density owing to the well-mixed nature of the lower atmosphere, the O2 density profile can be effectively measured from 200 km or so down to the surface or cloud top heights with only a small gap between roughly 50 and 30 km. 814 1010 1012 1014 O2 number density (cm–3) 1016 109 1010 1011 O3 number density (cm–3) 1013 100 80 Altitude (km) Between April 1996 and March 2000, MSX/UVISI observed roughly 200 stellar occultations. Owing to the scattered nature of the occultations in both time and location, general scientific studies have been limited to a few cases. Nevertheless, these cases have allowed for a quantitative demonstration of the capabilities of the combined extinctive and refractive stellar occultation technique. 108 60 40 20 0 107 108 1012 Figure 9. O2 and O3 profiles retrieved from a series of 15 MSX/ UVISI stellar occultations. The dots represent the individual profiles, whereas the solid lines represent the weighted average profiles and their associated 1- uncertainties. The change in slope of the O2 profile near 120 km corresponds to the altitudes at which O2 is no longer well mixed with the other atmospheric gases and begins to follow its own scale height. The O3 profile clearly shows the main O3 peak in the stratosphere near 25–30 km altitude as well as the secondary peak in the upper mesosphere/lower thermosphere near 90 km altitude. The ability to measure these two profiles from the lower atmosphere to the highest altitudes possible is significant owing to the chemical connections between the two species and their importance in understanding physical processes in Earth’s atmosphere. Similar statements may be made regarding the O3 profiles in Fig. 9. Previous measurements from stellar occultation experiments6 only covered the altitudes down to roughly 60 km. The combination of the extended wavelength range and imaging capabilities of the UVISI SPIMs with the tracking capabilities of the MSX spacecraft allow for the removal of the airglow signal and measurement of the extinction in the Chappuis band of O3 at visible wavelengths even when the star experienced significant refraction in the lower atmosphere. The true key to the success of these O3 measurements, however, is the combination of both extinctive and refractive measurements because the bulk properties inferred from JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) MSX/UVISI STELLAR OCCULTATION EXPERIMENTS Intercomparison with Other Measurements the refraction data allow accurate treatment of Rayleigh scattering, the refractive attenuation of the starlight, and the change in the actual light path caused by refractive bending. Without the refraction measurements, using stellar occultations to measure lower atmospheric O3 would rely on a climatological model, thereby reducing the accuracy of the results. To investigate the quality of the retrieved MSX/ UVISI O3 profiles and overall performance of the combined occultation method, a search for coincidences with ground-based facilities and measurements by spacebased solar occultation instruments such as SAGE 8 40 35 6 Altitude (km) MSX O3 density (1012 cm–3) Correlation = 0.898 4 15–20 km 20–25 km 25–30 km 30–35 km 35–40 km 2 0 0 6 2 4 Ground-based O3 density (1012 cm–3) 30 25 20 15 –100 –50 0 50 100 Relative [(MSX-ground-based)/MSX] difference (%) 8 8 40 35 6 Altitude (km) MSX O3 density (1012 cm–3) Correlation = 0.948 4 15–20 km 20–25 km 25–30 km 30–35 km 35–40 km 2 0 0 6 2 4 SAGE II O3 density (1012 cm–3) 30 25 20 8 15 –100 –50 0 50 Relative [(MSX-SAGE II)/MSX] difference (%) 100 Figure 10. Comparison of MSX/UVISI-derived O3 values to ground-based sonde (top panels) and SAGE II data (bottom panels) for a number of occultations. The left panels show point-by-point comparisons of the absolute densities measured at the same altitudes (all ground-based and SAGE II data have been interpolated onto the 1-km altitude grid of the MSX/UVISI data), with the diagonal lines representing perfect agreement between MSX and the other data set. To illustrate the altitudes to which each point corresponds, the data have been color-coded according to the legends. For example, the dark green circles represent the points at altitudes between 15 and 20 km (i.e., 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20). Note that there has not been any binning of the data over these ranges; the ranges are merely an indicator of the altitude region from which the data originate so that systematic biases at certain altitudes can be identified more easily. The right panels show the differences between the datasets as a function of altitude. At each altitude, the dots represent the point-bypoint relative differences between MSX and the other data set. The solid red line is the weighted mean difference profile with the error bars on the solid red line representing the uncertainty in the weighted mean. The dashed red lines are the average 3- uncertainties inferred from the measurement uncertainties as propagated through the relative difference process of subtraction and division. In calculating these average uncertainties, both the uncertainties in the MSX/UVISI and the (properly interpolated) SAGE II data were used; however, for the ground-based comparisons, zero uncertainty in the comparison data was assumed because most of the ground-based data were provided without such information and we wished to treat all the ground-based data equally. The dashed blue lines are the 3- uncertainties calculated from the distribution of the relative difference points at each altitude without any weighting by the uncertainties in the relative differences. Thus, under the condition that the uncertainty estimates truly reflect the respective measurement uncertainties, the differences between the red and blue dashed lines are potentially a reflection of the geophysical variance among the various locations and times at which the measurements were made. (Reproduced from Ref. 33.) JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) 815­­­­ VERVACK ET AL. (Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment) II was conducted. Search windows of ±5° latitude, ±20° longitude, and ±24 h UTC were used. Although the longitude window may seem large, most coincidences occur from mid-latitudes to polar latitudes such that the separation in absolute distance is smaller than that from an equatorial standpoint. The majority of the coincidences are well within the allowed window regardless, and similar windows have been used in validating SAGE II data.32 These search parameters yielded 17 ground-based and 20 SAGE II coincidences. When comparing measurements from different techniques, the context of the measurement scenarios must be factored in. Time, altitude, and instrument resolutions vary and affect the comparisons. Horizontal resolution differs greatly between ground-based and space-based measurements, with the former being fairly localized in extent whereas the latter can have a horizontal resolution of several hundred kilometers across the limb. The choice of absorption and scattering cross sections is another potential source of differences, due to both absolute calibration issues in the laboratory measurements and the temperature dependence of these data (highlighting the need for an accurate temperature profile as provided by the combined technique). Systematic comparisons of various measurement techniques are thus a common means of assessing the differences and similarities. As can be seen in Fig. 10, comparisons between MSX/UVISI and “ground-based” (primarily sondes, top panels) O3 density measurements are excellent. Although there is some scatter in the 45° plot (top left panel), there is no clearly evident systematic bias. Further evidence for good agreement is provided by the weighted mean difference profile in the top right panel of Fig. 10, which is more or less centered on the zero line. Comparisons to space-based observations by SAGE II (bottom panels), one of the standards in O3 measurements, are also strikingly good. Near the O3 peak between 20 and 36 km (retrievals are generally most accurate near the density peaks), the differences are better than 5%, although a slight systematic bias is evident in that the MSX/UVISI values are generally larger than the SAGE II values (i.e., positive residuals in the weighted mean). At higher altitudes, there is a systematic bias toward negative differences, but the agreement is still better than 10%. A larger systematic difference is present at low altitudes, with the bias toward positive differences. The source of these high- and low-altitude biases may be related, in part, to the use of the Sun as the source for the SAGE II measurements. Because the Sun subtends a finite range of altitudes in the atmosphere, it is difficult to disentangle the absorption at a specific altitude. In contrast, the stars used by MSX/UVISI are point sources and provide better altitude resolution. The rapid increase in the uncertainty of the SAGE II differences at low altitudes is due to highly uncertain retrievals from the SAGE II data, which suffer at the lowest altitudes once the line of sight in their observations falls below the O3 peak density. SAGE II uncertainties at the lowest altitudes can approach the level of the measurements themselves, whereas the uncertainty in the combined technique results is significantly smaller (see Fig. 8). Issues with knowledge of the refractive state of the atmosphere and the total density and temperature, which are not measured simultaneously by SAGE II (their results generally incorporate climatological model profiles), likely play into the differences at the lowest altitudes as well. A similar comparison was made between the retrieved MSX/UVISI temperature profiles and profiles 240 30 25 220 Altitude (km) MSX temperature (K) Correlation = 0.950 200 10–15 km 15–20 km 20–25 km 25–30 km 180 180 220 200 Ground-based temperature (K) 20 15 240 10 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 (MSX-ground-based) temperature (K) 15 Figure 11. Comparison of MSX/UVISI-derived temperature values to ground-based sonde data. The panels are similar to those in Fig. 10 with the exception that the right panel shows absolute rather than relative differences. The solid red, dashed red, and dashed blue lines represent the equivalent quantities as in the relative O3 difference plots of Fig. 10. (Reproduced from Ref. 33.) 816 JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) MSX/UVISI STELLAR OCCULTATION EXPERIMENTS 0 31 30 Mar 1 0 Feb 1 27 20 21 22 23 24 MSX/UVISI values is indicated at most altitudes above 20 km, which is possibly related to two causes: refraction angle uncertainties and sonde capabilities. The refraction angle uncertainties approach the size of the refraction angles themselves at these altitudes. Vervack et al.31 noted this as a reasonable indicator of the limits of the visible-light refraction angle approach, but this is well captured in the statistical uncertainty of the MSX/UVISI temperature retrievals and should not introduce a significant systematic bias. Also at these altitudes, the measurement capabilities of the sondes begin to reach their limits, and the measurements are correspondingly less accurate, which may introduce a systematic trend if they tend to underestimate the temperatures. Over the altitude range where the observations from both data sets are best known, however, the agreement is quite good. The results in Figs. 10 and 11 show that the combined occultation technique compares well with established, routine methods and instruments used to measure O3 and temperature and that it represents a highly valuable, complementary means of monitoring atmospheric O3. Further details on the intercomparison study may be found in the paper by Vervack et al.33 17 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8 9 0 600 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 from ground-based measurements (Fig. 11). As with the O3 comparisons, the MSX/UVISI data compare well with the ground-based temperature data, particularly given the in situ nature of the ground-based data compared to the wider horizontal scale of the occultations. The larger scatter around 220 K in the 45° plot (left panel) is primarily caused by three temperature profiles obtained at the Lauder, New Zealand, monitoring station. Because the MSX/UVISI data agree well with other Lauder profiles, this subset of poor agreement is somewhat puzzling, but they are included to avoid systematic biasing of the intercomparison. It may be noteworthy that stars for two of these MSX/ UVISI occultations were particularly dim, of a poor spectral type for UV/visible occultations, or both. The increased scatter at higher altitudes is likely due in part to large uncertainties in the sonde data near the maximum altitudes of the balloons. The absolute temperature difference plot in the right panel of Fig. 11 shows excellent agreement between the MSX/UVISI and ground-based data. The majority of the absolute differences are less than 5 K at all altitudes, and the differences shown by the weighted mean profile are better than 2 K. A slight bias to larger 0 1.00 0.75 0 0.50 0.25 0 500 –0.25 –0.50 –0.75 –1.00 –1.25 0 450 Ozone change (ppmv) 0.00 0 Potential temperature (K) 550 –1.50 –1.75 400 –2.00 30 40 50 Time (day of year) 60 Figure 12. Changes in the O3 mixing ratio in the lower stratosphere within the Arctic polar vortex as measured by MSX/UVISI during the SOLVE campaign. Altitude is represented in terms of potential temperature. The times of the MSX/UVISI stellar occultations are denoted by diamonds along the upper and lower abscissas and identified by profile number. Vertical dotted lines indicate February 1 and March 1. The dashed lines denote the ensemble average diabatic descent of air parcels within the vortex passing through the tangent points of the MSX/UVISI observations. (Reproduced from Ref. 36.) JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) 817­­­­ VERVACK ET AL. The SOLVE Campaign 818 (a) 4 3 2 575 K (on March 4) Slope: 0.0012 (+/–0.0028) ppmv/day (b) 4 Ozone (ppmv) We used MSX to demonstrate the scientific utility of this measurement technique during the SAGE III Ozone Loss and Validation Experiment (SOLVE) campaign. During wintertime over the poles, a dynamically isolated, continental-scale vortex forms in the stratosphere. Within this vortex, more popularly known as the “ozone hole,” air cools radiatively and sinks. Halogen species become chemically activated on the surfaces of polar stratospheric cloud particulates and catalytically destroy O3 with the return of sunlight in the late winter/ early spring. Between November 1999 and March 2000, the SOLVE campaign was conducted simultaneously with the Third European Stratospheric Experiment on Ozone 2000 (THESEO 2000), based in Kiruna, Sweden (68°N, 20°E). The campaign was focused on coordinated observations from aircraft-, balloon-, ground-, and space-based instruments with the goal of assessing quantitatively the rate of high-latitude stratospheric O3 loss in order to gain a better understanding of the processes controlling the loss of stratospheric O3 at mid- to high northern latitudes. There were 31 MSX/UVISI stellar occultation observations conducted during the SOLVE campaign, from January 23 through March 4, 2000. Twenty-five of these occultations occurred within the Arctic vortex, and the results of the O3 retrievals in the lower stratosphere for these in-vortex profiles are shown in Fig. 12 as a function of potential temperature (roughly corresponding to altitude). Rather than absolute mixing ratios, this figure shows the change in O3 mixing ratio as a function of time (measurement times are indicated at the top and bottom of the figure). The extent of subsidence within the vortex is indicated by the ensemble average descent rates for air parcels (averaged over 25-K intervals and indicated by the dashed lines); an overall trend in O3 loss is observed, particularly below 500 K. Within the lower stratosphere, O3 mixing ratios increase with altitude; any subsidence will thus tend to increase the observed O3 mixing ratios with time. Such increases may partly mask the observable effects of actual chemical O3 destruction. Therefore, to make quantitative inferences about chemical O3 loss, the dynamical effects within the vortex must be accounted for in O3 retrievals such as those in Fig. 12. The Goddard Space Flight Center trajectory model34 was used to conduct diabatic trajectory calculations to follow individual air parcels from each occultation profile forward to March 4, the date of the final occultation. Each retrieved O3 profile was interpolated onto diabatic surfaces intersecting a 5-K grid using pairs of adjacent trajectories. The grid was established using the potential temperatures on March 4 from the trajectory models. The results on three such surfaces, intersecting the 575-, 500-, and 425-K potential temperature surfaces on March 4, are shown in Fig. 13. Each plot represents cross sections par- 3 2 500 K (on March 4) Slope: –0.0210 (+/–0.0020) ppmv/day 4 (c) 3 2 425 K (on March 4) Slope: –0.0315 (+/–0.0014) ppmv/day 1 30 40 50 Time (day of year) 60 Figure 13. Photochemical O3 loss within the polar vortex along three particular diabatic surfaces as observed by MSX/UVISI during the SOLVE campaign. The error bars denote the 1- uncertainties of the occultation measurements and retrieval and do not include the uncertainty in the trajectory calculations. The average daily loss rates for the period (i.e., the absolute values of the slopes resulting from weighted linear regressions through the observations on each surface) are also shown, along with the uncertainties in the fits. (Reproduced from Ref. 36.) allel (on average) to the diabatic descent curves of Fig. 12 (dashed lines). The slopes of the fits to the measurement points in Fig. 13 correspond to the average daily O3 loss rates at each level during the SOLVE campaign period. Although little net change is observed in the O3 mixing ratio at 575 K, increasing loss with decreasing altitude is observed in the trend to lower potential temperatures, with a maximum loss near 425 K. A maximum O3 loss of about 1 ppmv at 400–500 K (~16–21 km) was determined and corresponds to an average loss rate of ~0.024 ppmv/d, in agreement with other SOLVE determinations of O3 loss.35 Further details on the SOLVE study may be found in the paper by Swartz et al.36 JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) MSX/UVISI STELLAR OCCULTATION EXPERIMENTS FUTURE CHALLENGES Although MSX/UVISI was not optimized for stellar occultations, the MSX experiments successfully reduced to practice the techniques outlined in this article. MSX provided a valuable opportunity to test the combined extinctive and refractive stellar occultation technique through many observations and validated the technique. Even in this nonoptimized state, the MSX/UVISI data have yielded atmospheric profiles that compare well with established ground-based and space-based measurements.33 In particular, the excellent agreement between the ground-based data and the MSX/UVISI results, both in O3 and temperature, provides strong evidence that an instrument specifically designed for implementation of the combined occultation technique can provide O3 profiles down into the troposphere, with accuracy at least comparable to that of current techniques but offering the prospect of global measurements covering a greater range of locations and times. Ground-based data are limited to a few locations on Earth, and instruments such as SAGE II, which uses the Sun as an occultation source, are limited to the terminator region and cannot probe the atmosphere globally on short timescales; a stellar occultation method does not suffer from these limitations. The combined technique is thus a viable method for probing Earth’s lower atmosphere for both composition and bulk properties and has the potential to become a powerful new observational technique for global monitoring of lower atmospheric O3 and other trace gas species. Daily, global monitoring of the atmosphere via stellar occultations has been implemented on spacecraft platforms that flew after MSX [e.g., by the GOMOS (Global Ozone Monitoring by Occultation of Stars) instruStar simulator ment on Envisat-137]. However, these instruments were not designed to exploit the full potential of the stellar occultation technique and in particular were not able to probe the important lower atmosphere accurately. The MSX/UVISI experiments have demonstrated that the combined technique can provide the global measurements needed by the scientific and policy-making communities, with accuracy equivalent to or with an optimized instrument better than the current state of the art. Thus, an optimally designed stellar occultation instrument that packages all the necessary elements in a single box is required to take this new technique to the next level. Our group at APL has addressed this need. Through a NASA Instrument Incubator Program project, the design of an optimized instrument, known as STARS (STellar Absorption and Refraction Sensor) has been conducted.38 The goals of this project were three-fold. The first goal was to perform a trade-off analysis between measurement capabilities and instrument requirements to ensure that the final design met the desired measurement objectives as shown in Fig. 1. The second goal was to design an instrument independently capable of performing the stringent tracking requirements necessary for the combined stellar occultation technique, thereby allowing its flight on any number of spacecraft platforms offering only modest tracking capabilities. The third and final goal was to test the critical tracking subsystem components in the laboratory (see Fig. 14) in order to increase the technology readiness levels of these elements to flight proposal status. Unfortunately, despite the success of the STARS project in achieving all its goals, shifting priorities in Earth science led to a lack of flight opportunities. STARS test instrument Elevation gimbal (behind) Primary optics Fast steering mirror (simulates S/C jitter) Beam splitter Star point source Motion stage support structure Slit image CCD detector Imager Fast steering mirror (jitter compensation) Linear motion stage (simulates setting star) Star simulator control computer Azimuth gimbal Star intensity attenuator Electronics Figure 14. Laboratory setup for testing of the tracking capabilities of the STARS instrument. (Modified from a figure published in Ref. 38.) JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) 819­­­­ VERVACK ET AL. More recently, a renewed emphasis on Earth science has emerged from NASA in the form of the Earth Venture line of missions. These small to medium, low-cost missions are ideal for stellar occultation measurements; however, the STARS instrument is too large for these missions. The current challenge, therefore, is to redesign the STARS system for implementation on the next generation of these smaller satellites. Enabling technologies in the form of uncooled IR detectors, advanced microprocessors and focal plane elements, and miniaturized electronics need to be leveraged to reduce the instrument size and enable this powerful remote sensing technique that has the advantage of both low-cost and low-resource requirements. From the proof-of-concept demonstrations with MSX/UVISI to the breadboard optimization of STARS, APL is positioned on the forefront of this exciting new method for remotely sensing Earth’s lower atmosphere and beyond. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We thank Frank Morgan, James Carbary, Gerry Romick, Danny Morrison, Steve Lloyd, Phil DeCola, Don Anderson, and Kris Kumar for their part in fostering the combined occultation technique. We acknowledge the MSX team at APL for their roles in the operation, scheduling, data processing, and calibration of the MSX spacecraft and instruments, as well as the efforts of the STARS instrument development team. The groundbased data were obtained via FTP from the World Ozone and Ultraviolet Data Centre provided by the Meteorological Service of Canada, Environment Canada. The SAGE II data (Version 6.0) were obtained by CD from the NASA Langley Research Center Atmospheric Sciences Data Center. We thank all the investigators involved for making these data available to the scientific community. Funding for the data acquisition and operation of the satellite has been through the DoD’s Ballistic Missile Defense Organization. The MSX/UVISI stellar occultation analysis was supported by internal APL basic research funding and NASA Grants NAG5-7552, NAG5-9988, and NAG-12270 to APL. The development of the STARS instrument was supported by NASA Contract NAS5-97271 to APL. The ideas summarized in this paper are captured in greater detail in Refs. 29–31, 33, and 38. REFERENCES 1Graedel, T. E., and Crutzen, P. J., “The Changing Atmosphere,” in Managing Planet Earth, Readings from Scientific American, Freeman, New York (1990). 2Houghton, J. T., Ding Y., Griggs, D. J., Noguer, M., van der Linden, P. J., et al. (eds.), Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, New York (2001). 3Hays, P. B., and Roble, R. G., “Stellar Spectra and Atmospheric Composition,” J. Atmos. Sci. 25(6), 1141–1153 (1968). 4Hays, P. B., Roble, R. G., and Shah, A. 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P., Adriani, A., Amanatidis, G. T., Anderson, J. G., et al., “An Overview of the SOLVE-THESEO 2000 Campaign,” J. Geophys. Res. 107(D20), SOL 1-1–SOL 1-26 (2002). 36Swartz, W. H., Yee, J.-H., Vervack, R. J. Jr., Lloyd, S. A., and Newman, P. A., “Photochemical Ozone Loss in the Arctic as Determined by MSX/UVISI Stellar Occultation Observations during the 1999/2000 Winter,” J. Geophys. Res. 107(D20), SOL 39-1–SOL 39-10 (2002). 37Bertaux, J. L., Mégie, G., Widemann, T., Chassefière, E., Pellinen, R., et al., “Monitoring of Ozone Trend by Stellar Occultations: The GOMOS Instrument,” Adv. Space Res. 11(3), 237–242 (1991). 38Yee, J.-H., Morrison, D., Murphy, G. A., Morgan, M. F. III, Humm, D. C., et al., “STARS: the Stellar Absorption and Refraction Sensor,” in Optical Spectroscopic Techniques, Remote Sensing, and Instrumentation for Atmospheric and Space Research IV, Proc. SPIE Vol. 4485, A. M. Larar and M. G. Mlynczak (eds.), SPIE, Bellingham, WA, pp. 51–59 (2002). The Authors Ronald J. Vervack Jr. was the lead on the refraction observation analysis for the MSX/UVISI stellar occultation experiments and also lead on the intercomparisons to measurements made by other spacecraft and ground-based facilities. He is a member of the APL Senior Professional Staff in the Space Exploration Sector’s Geospace and Earth Science (SRG) Group. Jeng-Hwa (Sam) Yee is Branch Scientist for Earth Science in the Space Exploration Sector and was responsible for the overall conduct and analysis of the MSX/UVISI stellar occultations. William H. Swartz is Assistant Group Supervisor of the Space Exploration Sector’s SRG Group and was the lead on the collaborative effort during the international SOLVE campaign. Robert DeMajistre is Assistant Group Supervisor of the Space Exploration Sector’s Science Applications (SIS) Group and was the lead on the extinction observation analysis for the MSX/UVISI stellar occultation experiments. Larry J. Paxton is the SRG Group Supervisor and was instrumental in identifying the scientific potential of MSX/UVISI for Earth remote sensing. For further information on the work reported here, contact Ron Vervack. His e-mail address is The Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest can be accessed electronically at JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) 821­­­­ APL Achievement Awards and Prizes Linda L. Maier-Tyler hallenges to our national security are increasing. Terrorism, climate and demographic changes, resource protection and cybersecurity, and the impact of extreme economic events challenge our current and future national security environment. To combat these challenges, accelerating scientific discovery and technological innovation is a high priority. The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) has a proud history of applying state-of-the-art science and technology to the national security requirements of the time as well as to the challenges of tomorrow. For the past seven decades, APL’s investment in its science and technology enterprise has been central to ensuring its position as a leader among premier engineering organizations. To promote initiative and reward exceptional work, APL conducts annual awards programs to recognize individuals whose work from the previous year advances science, technology, and education through tangible achievement in technical publications, independent research and development (IR&D) projects, and out-of-the-box innovative thinking that leads to the invention of new technologies. The Invention of the Year Award, the Government Purpose Innovation Award, the Ignition Grant Prize for Innovation, the R. W. Hart Prizes, the Publication Awards, and new this year, the Outstanding Mission Accomplishment Awards, all support APL’s resolve to foster and bring forth new technologies and concepts to meet the nation’s critical challenges. The term invention specifically refers to making new discoveries and designs or coming up with new ways of 822 doing things. Invention is the technical part of innovation, involving the development of an idea or discovery to the point at which it works theoretically. The Invention of the Year Awards program encourages new technology and innovation at APL and identifies the top technology from the preceding year. Invention disclosures are judged by an independent review panel of technical and business consultants, technology transfer professionals, and intellectual property attorneys. Judges base their selections of the winning technologies on creativity, novelty, improvement to existing technology, commercial potential, and probable benefit to society. In 2011, a Government Purpose Innovation Award was established to recognize an invention that specifically meets a critical need of a sponsor. For the 2013 competition, APL researchers disclosed 230 inventions. Of these, one was selected for the Invention of the Year Award and one received the Government Purpose Innovation Award. Master Inventor Awards are rare and honor staff who can meet the criterion of at least 10 U.S. patents for their JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) APL work. This year one recipient received the prestigious award for 10 U.S. patents issued during his employment at APL. He is only the 25th person in the history of the Laboratory to qualify for this award. Creativity is wasted if there is no process in place to take ideas and turn them into something that has market potential. The Ignition Grant Prize for Innovation was established to help APL staff explore innovative ideas outside of APL’s traditional programs. Open to all staff, challenges are posted during several cycles held throughout the year and ideas are submitted for solutions. The winning ideas from each cycle are determined by popular vote, and the finalists receive funding to develop their ideas. The Management Forum narrows the field of awarded grants to a top few nominees, and then APL staff vote for the top award on the basis of each idea’s creativity and potential for impact. Of all those who submitted ideas in 2013, one finalist received the Ignition Grant Prize for Innovation. The R. W. Hart Prize for Excellence in Independent Research and Development recognizes significant contributions to the advancement of science and technology. Sectors and departments recommend candidates, and the Management Forum judges the nominations on the quality and importance of the work to APL. Prizes are awarded in two categories: one for the best research project and the other for the best development project. From those projects active in 2013, one prize was awarded in the research category and two prizes were awarded in the development category. This year APL established the Outstanding Mission Accomplishment Awards to recognize major achievement in mission-oriented programs and projects. Awards are given in each of two categories, Outstanding Mission Accomplishment for a Current Challenge and Outstanding Mission Accomplishment for an Emerging Challenge. For both types of awards, a review team JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) of top managers and executives from APL’s sectors and mission areas solicits nominations for technical accomplishments achieved during the previous year. Entries are judged on technical excellence and potential impact. Two winners were selected for the Outstanding Mission Accomplishment for a Current Challenge: one for defense operations and one for intelligence operations. One program won honors for contributions to an emerging challenge. Professional publication in refereed journals is central to scientific communication and is the medium by which important results and innovations are promptly and accurately recorded and disseminated. To encourage and reward exceptional scholarship, the Editorial Board of the Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest established the Publication Awards competition both to encourage professional writing and to recognize outstanding publications by the APL professional staff. Departments and sectors may submit up to two nominations in each of six categories. Judges base their selections on significance and clarity, with considerably greater weight given to the significance of the work in advancing science, engineering, or the mission of the Laboratory. In 2014, six technical departments and sectors submitted 36 publications from those published in 2013. Of these, six publications, including one book, won honors. The hard work, excellence, and innovation represented in these technical awards are the qualities that have shaped APL’s character since the early days of World War II. Promoting and rewarding scientific discovery and technological innovation is a high priority for the Laboratory. The work of these outstanding individuals not only represents APL’s best but also enhances APL’s capacity to meet evolving challenges to our longterm national security. The recipients’ names, along with the titles of their inventions, projects, and publications are displayed on the following pages. 823­­­­ L. L. MAIER-TYLER INVENTION OF THE YEAR AWARD FOR 2013 For “System and Method to Rapidly Design Viral Vaccines to Prevent Vaccine Failure” Existing vaccines are designed to protect against viruses that are already infecting humans and animals. Viruses quickly adapt to resist vaccines and immune systems, and new vaccines currently take years to develop. This award-winning technology speeds up this process and can predict new viruses before they exist. Andrew B. Feldman, Principal Professional Staff, Research and Exploratory Development Department (REDD), Ph.D., Harvard Univ., Physics; Jeffrey S. Lin, APL Principal Professional Staff, REDD, M.S., Johns Hopkins Univ., Computer Science From left to right, Jeffrey Lin and Andrew Feldman. GOVERNMENT PURPOSE INNOVATION AWARD FOR 2013 For “Aircraft and Sensor Product Geo-Registration in GPS-Denied Environments” Two separate algorithms were developed to perform georegistration for aerial surveillance and reconnaissance in a GPS-denied environment. The “scan-to-reference” registers a single radar scan to a reference image, and the “scan-to-scan” registers the current radar scan to a previous one. The implementation of these two algorithms significantly improves the geo-location accuracy. Mason M. Baron, Principal Professional Staff, Air and Missile Defense Sector, M.S., Johns Hopkins Univ., Electrical and Computer Engineering; Gregory H. Barr, Associate Professional Staff, Force Projection Sector, B.S., Univ. of Maryland, College Park, Mechanical Engineering; James G. Cochran, Senior Professional Staff, Asymmetric Operations Sector, M.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, Electrical Engineering From left to right, Gregory Barr and Mason Baron. Not pictured: James Cochran. 824 JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) APL ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS AND PRIZES MASTER INVENTOR AWARD FOR 2013 Rengaswamy “Srini” Srinivasan, a battery specialist and electrochemist, was awarded the Master Inventor Award in recognition for his 10 U.S. patents issued while he was employed at APL. He is only the 25th person in the history of the Laboratory to qualify for this prestigious award. Srini Srinivasan. IGNITION GRANT PRIZE FOR INNOVATION FOR 2013 For “APL Maker Exploitation, Maker Movement or ‘MEME’ ” The Maker Movement embraces do-it-yourself techniques and a learning culture in which makers teach one another skills such as 3-D printing, programming hardware, rapid prototyping, and laser cutting. MEME brings this movement to APL by promoting the culture and providing resources to staff. Robert Osiander, Principal Professional Staff, Research and Exploratory Development Department (REDD), Ph.D., Technical Univ. of Munich, Physics; Kimberly M. Griffin, Senior Professional Staff, Space Exploration Sector (SES), B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ., Finance; Robert A. Berardino, Senior Professional Staff, SES, B.S., Strayer Univ., Computer and Information System; Colin J. Taylor, Associate Professional Staff, REDD, B.S., Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County, Computer Science From left to right, Robert Osiander, Colin Taylor, Robert Berardino, and Kimberly Griffin. JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) 825­­­­ L. L. MAIER-TYLER R. W. HART PRIZES FOR 2013 Excellence in Research For “High-Energy Laser (HEL) Effects on Space Systems and Materials” This project started from what is known and modeled of a high-energy laser encounter with a spacecraft. Using experimental data and physics modeling, the team examined the effects of a laser attack on the materials and functions of a spacecraft. This new understanding and modeling capability will enable the design of spacecraft defenses and protections against lasers. Kaushik A. Iyer, Senior Professional Staff, Space Exploration Sector (SES), Ph.D., Vanderbilt Univ., Materials Science and Engineering; John J. Aiello, Senior Professional Staff, SES, M.S., Johns Hopkins Univ., Applied Physics; O. Manny Uy, Principal Professional Staff, Research and Exploratory Development Department, B.S., Case Institute of Technology, Chemical Engineering Excellence in Development For “Offensive Operations in an Anti-Access/Area Denial (A2AD) Environment” This multifaceted project featured design, simulation, and field experiments for novel, affordable counters to A2AD threat environments. Significant accomplishments were made in the offensive areas of large-volume fire swarming vehicle control, small-platform confusers, and joint electronic attack/cyber operations, and to APL capabilities to model complex multi­ domain system-versus-system interactions. David M. Van Wie, Principal Professional Staff, Force Projection Sector (FPS), Ph.D., Univ. of Maryland, College Park, Aerospace Engineering; Jeffrey D. Barton, Principal Professional Staff, FPS, M.S., Johns Hopkins Univ., Mathematics/ Applied Mathematics; Cameron K. Peterson, Senior Professional Staff, FPS, Ph.D., Univ. of Maryland, College Park, Aerospace Engineering; Hans P. Widmer, Principal Professional Staff, FPS, M.S., Johns Hopkins Univ., Engineering and Applied Physics of Biomedicine; Mark A. Oursler, Principal Professional Staff, FPS, M.S., Univ. of Virginia, Mechanical Engineering; Treven P. Wall, Senior Professional Staff, FPS, Ph.D., Cornell Univ., Mathematics; Brian L. Geesaman, Principal Professional Staff, FPS, M.S. Johns Hopkins Univ., Electrical Engineering; Coire J. Maranzano, Senior Professional Staff, FPS, Ph.D., Univ. of Virginia, Systems Engineering; Daniel J. Silvera, Senior Professional Staff, Asymmetric Operations Sector, M.S., Johns Hopkins Univ., Electrical and Computer Engineering; Edmund H. Nowicki, Principal Professional Staff, FPS, M.S., Pennsylvania State Univ., Engineering Science For “Agile Infrared Scene Projector on Carbon Nanotubes” An array of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes was fabricated to create a new class of infrared scene projectors with highly responsive frame rates and very high resolution. The resulting technology will enable Standard Missile-3 seekers to be tested against highly advanced emulations of future ballistic missile threats. The technology also offers to advance high-resolution image sensor capabilities. Raul Fainchtein, Principal Professional Staff, Air and Missile Defense Sector (AMDS), Ph.D., Univ. of Texas, Physics; David M. Brown, Senior Professional Staff, AMDS, Ph.D., Pennsylvania State Univ., Electrical Engineering; Karen M. Siegrist, Senior Professional Staff, AMDS, Ph.D., Univ. of Maryland, College Park, Physics; Ryan P. DiNello-Fass, Senior Professional Staff, AMDS, M.S., Columbia Univ., Electrical Engineering; Terry E. Phillips, Principal Professional Staff, Research and Exploratory Development Department (REDD), Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., Chemistry; Andrew H. Monica, Senior Professional Staff, REDD, Ph.D., Georgetown Univ., Physics; David M. Deglau, Associate Professional Staff, REDD, M.S., Johns Hopkins Univ., Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 826 JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) APL ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS AND PRIZES OUTSTANDING MISSION ACCOMPLISHMENT AWARDS FOR 2013 Current Defense Operational Challenge For “Minotaur Mission Processor” Minotaur is a transformational capability for the Navy, Coast Guard, and Customs and Border patrol. It enables interconnecting a diverse set of sensors and data sources across a wide operational area for automatic tracking, identification, and interdiction support, especially for airborne surveillance of maritime surface traffic. Mason M. Baron, Principal Professional Staff, Air and Missile Defense Sector (AMDS), M.S., Johns Hopkins Univ., Electrical and Computer Engineering; Weston R. Boyd, Associate Professional Staff, AMDS, M.S., Johns Hopkins Univ., Computer Science; Daniel J. Christine, Senior Professional Staff, AMDS, M.S., Johns Hopkins Univ., Computer Science; James G. Cochran, Senior Professional Staff, Asymmetric Operations Sector (AOS), M.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, Electrical Engineering; Michael A. Delaney, Principal Professional Staff, AMDS, M.S., Naval War College, National Security and Strategic Studies; Scott D. Heitkamp, Senior Professional Staff, Force Projection Sector, M.S., Johns Hopkins Univ., Computer Science; Larry W. Nemsick, Principal Professional Staff, AOS, M.S., Univ. of Maryland, College Park, Electrical Engineering; Conor R. Scott, Associate Professional Staff, AMDS, B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ., Computer Science/Mathematics; Mark A. Swana, Principal Professional Staff, AOS, M.S., Johns Hopkins Univ., Computer Science From left to right, Conor Scott, Mason Baron, Mark Swana, Michael Delaney, Larry Nemsick, Weston Boyd, Nicholas Francoski, and Scott Heitkamp. Not pictured: Daniel Christine and James Cochran. JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) 827­­­­ L. L. MAIER-TYLER Emerging Challenge For “Naval Integrated Fire Control–Counter Air (NIFC-CA)” NIFC-CA was conceived by APL in the 1970s and developed over decades to greatly extend the engagement range against incoming air threats by networking both ships and aircraft. As the Technical Direction Agent for three of the four elements of this family of systems, AEGIS, the new Standard Missile-6, and the Cooperative Engagement Capability, APL played a lead role in demonstrating engagement of air threats beyond the firing ship’s horizon, even over land. Testing this year culminated in a major milestone toward fleet operation. Jeffrey C. Mitchell, Senior Professional Staff, Air and Missile Defense Sector (AMDS), M.S., Johns Hopkins Univ., Engineering; William C. Hughes, Principal Professional Staff, AMDS, Dwayne A. Hawbaker, M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ., Electrical Engineering; Kenneth A. Plantz, Principal Professional Staff, AMDS, M.S., Michigan State Univ., Mathematics/ Applied Mathematics; Matthew J. Kazanas, Principal Professional Staff, AMDS, M.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, Electrical Engineering; Lorenzo R. Brooks, Senior Professional Staff, AMDS, B.S., Tuskegee University, Electrical Engineering From left to right, Kenneth Plantz, Dwayne Hawbaker, and Jeffrey Mitchell. Not pictured: William Hughes, Matthew Kazanas, and Lorenzo Brooks. PUBLICATION AWARDS FOR 2013 Author’s First Paper in a Journal or Proceedings For “Empirical Reconstruction of Storm Time Steady Magnetospheric Convection Events,” Journal of Geophysical Research Space Physics 118(10), 6434–6456 (2013). The Tsyganenko magnetic field models have been legendary for 20 years in space physics. Now, APL has brought the models to new levels of usability and predictive power. Detailed features of Earth’s otherwise invisible magnetic field are now accessible, and these features are revealing new modes of global magnetospheric configuration. Grant Stephens. 828 Grant K. Stephens, Associate Professional Staff, Space Exploration Sector (SES), M.S., Johns Hopkins Univ., Applied Physics; Mikhail I. Sitnov, Senior Professional Staff, SES, Ph.D., Moscow State Univ., Physics; J. Kissinger (non-APL staff); N. A. Tsyganenko (non-APL staff); R. L. McPherron (non-APL staff); Haje Korth, Senior Professional Staff, SES, Ph.D., Technical Univ. of Braunschweig, Physics; Brian J. Anderson, Principal Professional Staff, SES, Ph.D., Univ. of Minnesota, Physics JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) APL ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS AND PRIZES Outstanding Paper in the Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest The Walter G. Berl Award For “Implementing Genome-Informed Personalized Medicine in the US Air Force Medical Service via the Patient-Centered Precision Care Research Program,” Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest 31(4), 333–344 (2013) This paper describes an approach for incorporating genomic information into personalized health care for active duty Air Force and DoD personnel. It describes the overall program, the clinical utility study infrastructure, and other components critical to implementation such as provider education, policy issues, and integration with the electronic healthcare record. Christopher E. Bradburne, Senior Professional Staff, Asymmetric Operations Sector (AOS), Ph.D., George Mason Univ., Bioscience; Lucy M. Carruth, Senior Professional Staff, AOS, Ph.D., Wake Forest Univ., Microbiology; John H. Benson, Principal Professional Staff, Research and Exploratory Development Department (REDD), M.S., Univ. of Maryland, College Park, Civil Engineering; Jeffrey S. Lin, Principal Professional Staff, REDD, M.S., Johns Hopkins Univ., Computer Science; Ashok Sivakumar, Senior Professional Staff, REDD, M.E., Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, Electrical Engineering; Ruth A. Vogel, Senior Professional Staff, REDD, B.S., Univ. of North Dakota, Epidemiology Outstanding Research Paper in an Externally Refereed Publication For “Evidence for Water Ice Near Mercury’s North Pole from MESSENGER Neutron Spectrometer Measurements,” in Science 339(6117), 292–2906 (2013). This paper describes the first direct measurement of ice deposits in Mercury’s permanently shadowed polar craters. These ground-breaking results include the location, purity, stratigraphy, and amount of these deposits. These results fulfill important MESSENGER mission goals and provide information on the Mercurial impact flux. David J. Lawrence, Principal Professional Staff, Space Exploration Sector (SES), Ph.D., Washington Univ., Physics; William C. Feldman (non-APL staff); John O. Goldsten, Principal Professional Staff, SES, M.S., Johns Hopkins Univ., Electrical Engineering; Sylvestre Maurice (non-APL staff); Patrick N. Peplowski, Senior Professional Staff, SES, Ph.D., Florida State, Experimental Nuclear Physics; Brian J. Anderson, Principal Professional Staff, SES, Ph.D., Univ. of Minnesota, Physics; David Bazell, Senior Professional Staff, SES, Ph.D., Univ. of Maryland, College Park, Physics; Ralph L. McNutt Jr., Principal Professional Staff, SES, Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Technology, Physics; Larry R. Nittler (non-APL staff); Thomas H. Prettyman (non-APL staff); Douglas J. Rodgers, Senior Professional Staff, SES, Ph.D., Univ. of Delaware, Physics; Sean C. Solomon (non-APL staff); Shoshana Z. Weider (non-APL staff) Outstanding Development Paper in an Externally Refereed Publication For “Bayesian Context-Dependent Learning for Anomaly Classification in Hyperspectral Imagery,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 52(4), 1969–1981 (2013) Automatic context-based target discrimination is a significant step forward in the remote sensing community. This paper proposes an algorithm for exploiting environmental context in hyperspectral imagery and demonstrates its efficacy for airborne countermine operations. Results demonstrate a substantial improvement over the current standard by exploiting context. Christopher R. Ratto, Senior Professional Staff, Force Projection Sector, Ph.D., Duke Univ., Electrical and Computer Engineering; Kenneth D. Morton Jr. (non-APL staff); Leslie M. Collins (non-APL staff); Peter A. Torrione (non-APL staff) JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) 829­­­­ L. L. MAIER-TYLER Outstanding Professional Book For Wireless Networking: Understanding Internetworking Challenges, Wiley–IEEE Press. Hoboken, New Jersey (2013) This book provides a concise yet comprehensive summary of the key current and emerging technologies that make up the commercial wireless networking landscape. It bridges the often-disparate communities of wireless networking and cellular technologies in a novel way. Jack L. Burbank, Principal Professional Staff, Asymmetric Operations Sector (AOS), M.S., North Carolina State Univ., Electrical Engineering; Julia Andrusenko, Senior Professional Staff, AOS, M.S., Drexel Univ., Electrical Engineering; Jared S. Everett, Associate Professional Staff, AOS, M.S., North Carolina State Univ., Electrical Engineering; William T. M. Kasch, Senior Professional Staff, AOS, M.S., Johns Hopkins Univ., Electrical Engineering Outstanding Special Publication For “A Continuum Manipulator Made of Interlocking Fibers,” Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Karlsruhe, Germany, May 6–10, 2013, IEEE, pp. 4008–4015 (2013). This work clearly presents a novel, biologically inspired approach to manipulation with applications to computer-assisted surgical systems. Manipulator modeling and associated equations are described and justified. Prototype hardware is detailed and design parameters are provided. A straightforward method for controlling the manipulator is described. Matthew S. Moses (non-APL staff); Michael D. M. Kutzer, Senior Professional Staff, Research and Exploratory Development Department (REDD), Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., Mechanical Engineering; Hans Ma (non-APL staff); Mehran Armand, Principal Professional Staff, REDD, Ph.D., Univ. of Waterloo, Mechanical Engineering 830 JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5 (2014) This issue of the Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest is a testament to the diverse contributions the Laboratory makes to solving critical challenges. The issue covers technical topics ranging from ballistic missile defense system optimization and unmanned underwater vehicle testing to nuclear radiation source detection, remote sensing, and the development of a model and measurement techniques for leaf reflectivity with global implications for environmental assessment.