Web Advisory Team Minutes Attendees: Genesee Room - January 25, 2012

Web Advisory Team
Genesee Room - January 25, 2012
2:00 – 2:45 pm
Attendees: Nicola Brozich, Margaret Bourcier, John Tyler, Linda Motter, Thomas Saelens, Jenn Music, Kathy
Irwin, Jim Chybowski, Diana Hiles, Lori Wcisel, Cheryl Bassett, Brenda Phillips, Doris Stromer, Michael Kelly,
Kenneth Martin, Rebecca Gale-Gonzalez
Approval of Minutes of November 23, 2011
Motion to approve, motion carried
Old Business
a. Need definition of second eights for glossary – S. Kile was to report back on
New Business
a. Acronyms and Idioms – decoding MCC
Need a web page of acronyms and phrases used at MCC all given homework to look at their area and
submit via email to Becky. The glossary should be consistent with word followed by Acronym
b. Grit now has Greeny Award
c. InfoChannel – reminder to submit activities around campus using the form on secure.mcc.edu
i. M. Kelly to follow-up at leadership
ii. InfoChannel is not available on the web
d. Logos are moving to secure – for now if you need a logo you can contact marketing or the web team.
Not all WDT resources will go to secure, some will be removed completely as only used by development
e. Social Media – social media should be in addition to the MCC website not a replacement for it. Cheryl
announced that she in working on a social media policy for the college
f. News You Can Use – Becky asked that you forward her any items you would like included in the bulk
email – what’s happening on campus
g. Highlights for home page – if you have an event or something news/note worthy it can be a highlight
on the MCC home page. Send info to Becky. These highlights need a webpage or file to point to.
Around the Room
a. Satellites are working on a consistent look and feel with the same information and web presences
across the satellite area
b. Library uses a checklist to assure communication avenues are used correctly. ie should this be on….
website, infoChannel, blog or Facebook
i. Becky to share that checklist with WDT group
c. Library has survey out – please do the survey
d. Don’t forget about the global film festival – being held at Kettering
e. ITS web is in the process of redevelopment – in review
f. Clio is having its 5th annual Family Fitness and Wellness Day – would like to see more of a MCC
presences there. Do you know a group that would like to participate – see Tom Saelens
g. Mail Groups – there was discussion regarding the readability of mail groups including class groups on
the web no conclusion should they be hidden are they all moderated? Need to check with Marc Smith
h. School closing highlight – is it possible to put on home page in highlights – only if on campus there are
many avenues for the MCC community to know if the college is closed including text messaging and email.
i. Call center would like a way to add to permanent message regarding school is open school is closed
that was seamless and not cumbersome or time consuming.
j. Dream – app for MCC school closing
Meeting adjourned at 2:45pm Next meeting Feb. 22, 2012 Genesee Room
Respectfully submitted,
Linda S. Motter,
Graphic / Web Developer