MARCH 2006 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Sadashi Inuzuka Art Exhibit • VADC 1 Men’s basketball playoffs • Ballenger 4 p.m. 7 6 Sadashi Inuzuka Art Exhibit • VADC 13 Sadashi Inuzuka Art Exhibit • VADC Audubon Society Meeting 5:30-10 p.m. Genesee Room Spring Break Sadashi Inuzuka Art Exhibit • VADC 8 Sadashi Inuzuka Art Exhibit • VADC Sierra Club Meeting 5:30-10 p.m. Genesee Room 14 Men’s basketball playoffs • Ballenger 4 p.m. 9 Sadashi Inuzuka Art Exhibit • VADC Wild Ones Meeting 7-9 p.m. Genesee Room 15 Sadashi Inuzuka Art Exhibit • VADC Spring Break 2 Sadashi Inuzuka Art Exhibit • VADC Spring Break Friday 3 Sadashi Inuzuka Art Exhibit • VADC Men’s basketball playoffs • Ballenger 4 p.m. 10 Sadashi Inuzuka Art Exhibit • VADC Fridays at Applewood 9:30-11:30 a.m. Applewood Café 16 Spring Break Saturday 17 4 Sadashi Inuzuka Art Exhibit • VADC Men’s basketball playoffs • Ballenger 4 p.m. 11 Sunday MCC Band/Choir/Chamber Singers Concert MMB Auditorium Concert at 3 p.m. Men’s basketball playoffs • Ballenger 4 p.m. 12 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 Board of Trustees Meeting • 7:30-10 p.m. Prahl Ballroom College & Cultural Ctr. Neighborhood Assoc. 6-9 p.m. • RTC 1005 CONNECTION MARCH 2006 Sadashi Inuzuka Art Exhibit • VADC 18 19 Spring Break 20 MOTT COMMUNITY COLLEGE 5 25 26 MCC FACULTY & STAFF NEWSLETTER MCC Ensemble Concert MMB Auditorium Concert at 3 p.m. WHAT’S INSIDE Lech Walesa Coming to MCC April 5 Lech Walesa, former president of Poland, Nobel Peace Prize winner and founder of the Solidarity labor movement that brought down the Iron Curtain and ended a Cold War that had divided the world for half a century, is the speaker for the April 5, 2006 installment of MCC's Ballenger Lecture Series. The free, public presentation is scheduled for 7 pm at the Ballenger Field House. The Ballenger Lecture Series is made possible through the Ballenger Trust (named for benefactor William S. Ballenger) and is coordinated by the Foundation for Mott Community College. For more information, call the Foundation for MCC at (810) 762-0425. Spring Reception AROUND CAMPUS PRESORTED STANDARD US POSTAGE PAID Flint, MI Permit NO 51 STUDENT FORUM WITH THE PRESIDENT WEBSITE UPGRADE The Chester D. Smith Outstanding Staff Member Award will be presented at the Spring Reception on April 20 in the Prahl Center Ballroom beginning at 2:30 p.m. Nomination forms are available in your department, on line (MCC, HR website) or in Human Resources. The deadline for nominations is March 10. The award was established to recognize the efforts of employees who perform with excellence and dedication beyond their normally assigned duties. All regular full-time and part-time employees of the college with one year of service are eligible provided they have not received the Award within the past seven years. The Award has been presented annually since 1981 and the recipient is presented with a "Golden Apple" trophy and a $500 U.S. Savings Bond. Employees with 25 years of service and employees that have retired or plan to retire during the 2005-06 academic year will also be honored. Past retirees are welcome to attend. 1401 East Court Street Flint, Michigan 48503-2089 Q UOTE OF THE M ONTH “Nothing in life is to be feared. It is to be understood.” -- Marie Curie Former MCC President Charles N. Pappas was recognized for his contributions made to MCC in a special ceremony held Feb. 13 when the Presidential Conference Center was renamed in his honor. Dr. Pappas is shown here addressing a throng of well-wishers, which included Congressman Dale Kildee, Mott Foundation President William White, the Pappas family, MCC board, administrators, faculty and staff members and a host of friends. Psychology Prof. Lille McCain, Scott Jenkins, Vice President Student & Administrative Services, and Delores Deen, Executive Dean of Student Services share life experiences at the MCC Black History month event, Soul Food Celebration: A Tribute to Black Educators." Around Campus Here's news from the Fine Arts Division: Music Coordinator Chuck Iwanusa and Director of Instrumental Music Tom Smith participated in the 33rd Annual Conference of the International Association for Jazz Education (IAJE) held in January. Chuck's involvement in the convention included the annual premier of two new compositions commissioned by the American Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers and IAJE, which Chuck established during his presidency of IAJE in 1995. He was also responsible for the creation of the Society of Composers, Authors & Music Publishers of Canada/IAJE commissioning project premiered at this year's conference. Tom's historical research presentation at the Conference earned him his seventh Outstanding Service to Jazz Education Award for research on jazz trombonist Bill Harris. Called one of the foremost researchers of his generation by the Institute of Jazz Studies, Tom is currently negotiating with PrenticeHall Publishing for the creation of a new jazz studies textbook. Counselor Brian Ivory accompanied four student members of the Gay Straight Alliance to a national conference in Sioux Falls, South Dakota held the weekend of Feb. 17. Before agreeing to be their escort, Brian informed them they would have to propose a conference presentation (which was later accepted). Brian and MCC students Billi Amos and Brian McCabe presented on the following topic: "Interactive LGBT Activities." Professional Development/Tech Programs Coordinator Sherry Bradish shares this news from her area: Despite wintry conditions, the CETL Critical Thinking Conference held Friday, Feb. 17 was a success. A team of faculty from the Critical Thinking Institute at Ferris State University facilitated the conference to provide ideas and strategies for developing and encouraging critical thinking skills in our students. "First Tuesday" programs for March (participants may come to either or both) will focus on critical thinking as a follow up: Tuesday, March 7 from 3-4 pm in Genesee Room, Prahl Center; Wednesday, March 8 from 4-6 pm in Genesee Room. Thank- you to Leslie Slining (Follett Bookstore), Grace Alexander-Washington (Applewood Café) and Carol Nielsen (Transitions School of Cosmetology Careers) for prizes. From MCC Lapeer Site Director Wanda Dowdall: The new Sam's Club of Grand Blanc gave the Lapeer Learner Scholarship a check for $1,000 at their grand opening Jan. 26. Foundation for MCC President Lennetta Coney was on hand to accept the check. Student Employment Coordinator Cindy McDaniel provides a report on upcoming events sponsored by the Student Employment Center. "Life After College," featuring guest speaker Andy Masters, is set for Wednesday, March 8 with noon and 5 pm presentations in the Prahl Center Ballroom. Autographed copies of Andy Master's book will be available to the first 50 students at each presentation. "Andy indicated that 50% of his book contains things he learned while in school and the other 50% are things he wishes he had known," Cindy said. "This will be an entertaining and informational event - a great opportunity for our students to learn by someone else's experiences." This event is funded by CLEF - in collaboration with UM-Flint joint presentations. Criminal Justice Career Fair is Tuesday, April 11; Second Annual Employer Forum - Friday, April 21 - inviting a variety of employers to campus to discuss occupational programs with a focus on developing job opportunities for graduates and co-op opportunities for students. MEA is sending Health Sciences Support Specialist Kelly Banks to the Higher Education Conference in Orlando March 3-6. Upon her return, she promises to let us know "if sunshine and warm weather actually exists." Kelly quipped: "I think it's probably just a rumor." Early Childhood Education Coordinator Dan Hodgins tells us that The Michigan Association for the Education of Young Children is hosting its annual conference in Grand Rapids March 30 - April 1. This year Becky Garske, adjunct faculty member in the Early Childhood Education Program and Social Sciences Secretary Sherry Parish, past recipient to the Meredith Mead Outstanding Student in Early Childhood, are presenting a full day seminar titled "Infants and Toddlers: The Domino Effect." Dan is presenting a full day seminar on "What About Those Boys." A thank you note from Cosmetology Instructor Andrea Blankinship: "I would like to send a great big thank you to Grace Alexander-Washington, to her wonderful culinary faculty and students, for the delightful and exquisite dinner they prepared for the Cosmetology Advisory Committee Meeting on Monday, Feb. 20. Special thanks to Marilyn Truss and Pam Litzenberg for the extraordinary touches they gave to our evening." Also, congratulations are in order for Andrea. Gov. Granholm recently announced her appointment to the Michigan Board of Cosmetology for a term expiring Dec. 31, 2009. Director of Admissions and Student Life Marc Payne brings us a lot of news from his area. Marc would like to acknowledge the efforts of everyone who supported the annual program: "Manufacturing and Technology Career Pathway Exploration" on Jan. 27. The Genesee Regional Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with the MCC Regional Technology Center and Admissions Office, sponsored this program designed for Genesee County High School seniors interested in discovering and experiencing various technology fields. Students were able to get hands-on exposure to a variety of career choices by attending workshops taught by MCC faculty. Executive Dean Regional Technology Initiatives Tom Crampton facilitated the event with the assistance of the following MCC instructors who presented and provided the educational workshop experience: Gary Hayward, Jon Eddy, Gary Bocksch, Tom Fonger, Rick Sveller, George Gutsell, Dennis Hughes, John Erwin, Marty Wagner, Jack McLellan, Jessie McKelry, Kim Doane, Rob Bernard, Chris Bolla, Keith Frye, John Sharpe, Rick DeGroot, Mike Benner, and Cheryl Bassett. Added Marc: "This was a great opportunity for seniors to be introduced to the MCC/RTC environment and wide range of technology fields. Coordinator for Recruitment Tom Saelens in conjunction with UMFlint, held the first Open Discussion in the Student Life Center on Feb. 9. This was part one of a three- part series that will continue through April. Discussions highlight topics of importance to students. This event included lunch and was free to all students. On Friday, Feb. 17, the Office of Student Life and Admissions facilitated a Student Leadership Training held at the RTC. This event was open to all MCC Students seeking leadership skills, or expressing interest in Student Clubs and Student Government. A free lunch was provided followed by an activity-driven afternoon covering topics related to successful leadership and conflict resolution. On Feb. 15, the Northern Tier Center in Clio was the site for the President's Student Forum. The program was developed through MCC Student Government (SG), under the guidance of SG Advisor Tom Saelens, to provide an open pathway of communication between students, faculty, and administration. Several topics of concern were discussed including a very positive comment from one student regarding the benefits of MCC as an "affordable, quality education." NTC Site Coordinator Desiree Londrigan would like to express her sincere appreciation to NTC faculty for supporting this program by allowing students to participate during class time. A total of 75 participants were in attendance along with the following MCC officials: Dr. Shaink, Steve Robinson, Carol Andrus, Jessie Sirna, Kelli Sproule Larry Koehler, Delores Deen, Keith Yarbrough, Ken Gatenby and Clydell Duncan. Dr. Shaink introduced Steve Robinson, AQIP Coordinator for MCC, to all attendees. Steve provided an overview of AQIP and emphasized the importance of students in the process. An Action Prioritization Survey was distributed and students were allocated time to complete the survey. Website Upgrade Counseling and Student Development Dean Jim Leonard provides a report on a very successful retreat for Advising and Counseling faculty held on Feb. 24. Consultants from GISD demonstrated the new webbased Career Cruising software being used with high school students and the Educational Development Plans (EDP) GISD students are using for planning their postsecondary education and careers. At the retreat, Executive Director of Institutional Research Gail Ives presented the College's new website for Degree and Certificate Planning which will be of great value for both students and faculty advising these students. Professional Development Coordinator Sherry Bradish gave a brief update on Michigan's Career Pathways and the US Department of Education's Career Clusters. These pathways and clusters are developed to enable students to narrow down and conceptualize their interests, skills and abilities to clusters of careers. In addition, foundation competencies for the various career clusters have been identified by industry leaders. Administrative Assistant Melanie Kolacheck provided training to advisors and counselors on how to carry out program changes in Datatel. Fine Arts Graphic Design Coordinator Mara Fulmer gave an excellent and detailed presentation as to how academic advising is carried out in the Fine Arts area with a particular emphasis on Graphic Design. Career Resources Center Counselor Anne Gupton and Administrative Assistant Nicola Brozich provided hands-on training about the use of the career and educational planning software in the CRC. Dr. Jim Leonard noted the feedback he received from participants was that this was one of the most productive professional development retreats to date. Here's news from Human Resources: Interviews were held and effective Feb. 13, Public Safety Supervisor Lloyd Nicholson was selected to serve as assistant coach of the women's basketball team and Tim Broomfield as supervisor of custodial operations in Facilities. New employee: A hearty MCC welcome goes to administrative assistant Jennifer Kroninger. She started work in Academic Affairs on Feb. 27. Doug Hoppa, retired Dean of the Fine Arts Division, will be performing his "smooooth" brand of toe-tappin', finger-swingin' music Friday, March 17, from 6 to 9 p.m. at The Good Beans Café, 328 N Grand Traverse Street in downtown Flint. For more information regarding this performance, or future performances, you can reach Doug at, or 248-634-1481. From RTC/M-TEC Project Coordinator Dianne McClure: Gould Engineering is our current "Business/Industry Display Program" partner. Information regarding the business and items which are used in the company will be on display in the RTC atrium through the end of April. Victor Lukasavitz, Corporate President of Gould Engineering, graduated with honors from MCC in 1975 with an Associate Degree in Land Surveying. He is very pleased to see the college promoting area businesses. Kevin Cleaver, the company's Corporate Secretary, graduated from MCC in 1976 with an Associate Degree in Surveying-Drafting. "We plan to have a meet and greet time between Gould Engineering and our students - an information time for our students to learn about engineering careers and surveying careers," Dianne said. is becoming more and more user-friendly -- thanks to the efforts of MCC's web development team. The Programs & Courses section of recently received a complete overhaul. The new web section is easier to use and offers many planning tools and functions. Students will find choosing a program of study, designing a plan to graduate or to transfer much easier to do. Program Guides were previously based in Lotus Notes (which is being phased out throughout MCC) or printed in the college catalog. Updating these old tools to new, web formats offers greater flexibility and provides an always current listing of all programs and courses offered by the college. Each Program Guide clearly shows each required course as well as alternative selections needed to complete the degree or certificate. In addition, General Education guidelines are more straightforward and division preferred classes are highlighted. General Education has a new link with a listing of all Gen Ed courses as well as now offering the capability to search by designation. Want to find a course that has both a WAC and an NTL designation? The new site can quickly make that search. Other new features in both the Program Guides and the Gen Ed section include the ability to easily email or print pages, or link by course code to the Course Description page which includes any pre or co-requisites and credit/contact hours. Students will continue to have links to Divisions, Transfer Programs, Articulation Agreements, and Planning Tools, including a planning worksheet, and a tuition calculator. The new Programs & Courses can be found from the homepage or through the newly updated Current Students page. Check it out! Student Forum with the President MCC President Richard Shaink is holding another open forum for students, scheduled for noon Thursday March 9 in the Student Life Center, Prahl College Center. These forums give students an opportunity to discuss concerns and suggest ideas for campus improvements. Free lunch will be provided. Please encourage students to attend and participate in the forum. For more information, call Thomas Saelens, Coordinator of Recruitment at 762-0482. Around Campus Here's news from the Fine Arts Division: Music Coordinator Chuck Iwanusa and Director of Instrumental Music Tom Smith participated in the 33rd Annual Conference of the International Association for Jazz Education (IAJE) held in January. Chuck's involvement in the convention included the annual premier of two new compositions commissioned by the American Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers and IAJE, which Chuck established during his presidency of IAJE in 1995. He was also responsible for the creation of the Society of Composers, Authors & Music Publishers of Canada/IAJE commissioning project premiered at this year's conference. Tom's historical research presentation at the Conference earned him his seventh Outstanding Service to Jazz Education Award for research on jazz trombonist Bill Harris. Called one of the foremost researchers of his generation by the Institute of Jazz Studies, Tom is currently negotiating with PrenticeHall Publishing for the creation of a new jazz studies textbook. Counselor Brian Ivory accompanied four student members of the Gay Straight Alliance to a national conference in Sioux Falls, South Dakota held the weekend of Feb. 17. Before agreeing to be their escort, Brian informed them they would have to propose a conference presentation (which was later accepted). Brian and MCC students Billi Amos and Brian McCabe presented on the following topic: "Interactive LGBT Activities." Professional Development/Tech Programs Coordinator Sherry Bradish shares this news from her area: Despite wintry conditions, the CETL Critical Thinking Conference held Friday, Feb. 17 was a success. A team of faculty from the Critical Thinking Institute at Ferris State University facilitated the conference to provide ideas and strategies for developing and encouraging critical thinking skills in our students. "First Tuesday" programs for March (participants may come to either or both) will focus on critical thinking as a follow up: Tuesday, March 7 from 3-4 pm in Genesee Room, Prahl Center; Wednesday, March 8 from 4-6 pm in Genesee Room. Thank- you to Leslie Slining (Follett Bookstore), Grace Alexander-Washington (Applewood Café) and Carol Nielsen (Transitions School of Cosmetology Careers) for prizes. From MCC Lapeer Site Director Wanda Dowdall: The new Sam's Club of Grand Blanc gave the Lapeer Learner Scholarship a check for $1,000 at their grand opening Jan. 26. Foundation for MCC President Lennetta Coney was on hand to accept the check. Student Employment Coordinator Cindy McDaniel provides a report on upcoming events sponsored by the Student Employment Center. "Life After College," featuring guest speaker Andy Masters, is set for Wednesday, March 8 with noon and 5 pm presentations in the Prahl Center Ballroom. Autographed copies of Andy Master's book will be available to the first 50 students at each presentation. "Andy indicated that 50% of his book contains things he learned while in school and the other 50% are things he wishes he had known," Cindy said. "This will be an entertaining and informational event - a great opportunity for our students to learn by someone else's experiences." This event is funded by CLEF - in collaboration with UM-Flint joint presentations. Criminal Justice Career Fair is Tuesday, April 11; Second Annual Employer Forum - Friday, April 21 - inviting a variety of employers to campus to discuss occupational programs with a focus on developing job opportunities for graduates and co-op opportunities for students. MEA is sending Health Sciences Support Specialist Kelly Banks to the Higher Education Conference in Orlando March 3-6. Upon her return, she promises to let us know "if sunshine and warm weather actually exists." Kelly quipped: "I think it's probably just a rumor." Early Childhood Education Coordinator Dan Hodgins tells us that The Michigan Association for the Education of Young Children is hosting its annual conference in Grand Rapids March 30 - April 1. This year Becky Garske, adjunct faculty member in the Early Childhood Education Program and Social Sciences Secretary Sherry Parish, past recipient to the Meredith Mead Outstanding Student in Early Childhood, are presenting a full day seminar titled "Infants and Toddlers: The Domino Effect." Dan is presenting a full day seminar on "What About Those Boys." A thank you note from Cosmetology Instructor Andrea Blankinship: "I would like to send a great big thank you to Grace Alexander-Washington, to her wonderful culinary faculty and students, for the delightful and exquisite dinner they prepared for the Cosmetology Advisory Committee Meeting on Monday, Feb. 20. Special thanks to Marilyn Truss and Pam Litzenberg for the extraordinary touches they gave to our evening." Also, congratulations are in order for Andrea. Gov. Granholm recently announced her appointment to the Michigan Board of Cosmetology for a term expiring Dec. 31, 2009. Director of Admissions and Student Life Marc Payne brings us a lot of news from his area. Marc would like to acknowledge the efforts of everyone who supported the annual program: "Manufacturing and Technology Career Pathway Exploration" on Jan. 27. The Genesee Regional Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with the MCC Regional Technology Center and Admissions Office, sponsored this program designed for Genesee County High School seniors interested in discovering and experiencing various technology fields. Students were able to get hands-on exposure to a variety of career choices by attending workshops taught by MCC faculty. Executive Dean Regional Technology Initiatives Tom Crampton facilitated the event with the assistance of the following MCC instructors who presented and provided the educational workshop experience: Gary Hayward, Jon Eddy, Gary Bocksch, Tom Fonger, Rick Sveller, George Gutsell, Dennis Hughes, John Erwin, Marty Wagner, Jack McLellan, Jessie McKelry, Kim Doane, Rob Bernard, Chris Bolla, Keith Frye, John Sharpe, Rick DeGroot, Mike Benner, and Cheryl Bassett. Added Marc: "This was a great opportunity for seniors to be introduced to the MCC/RTC environment and wide range of technology fields. Coordinator for Recruitment Tom Saelens in conjunction with UMFlint, held the first Open Discussion in the Student Life Center on Feb. 9. This was part one of a three- part series that will continue through April. Discussions highlight topics of importance to students. This event included lunch and was free to all students. On Friday, Feb. 17, the Office of Student Life and Admissions facilitated a Student Leadership Training held at the RTC. This event was open to all MCC Students seeking leadership skills, or expressing interest in Student Clubs and Student Government. A free lunch was provided followed by an activity-driven afternoon covering topics related to successful leadership and conflict resolution. On Feb. 15, the Northern Tier Center in Clio was the site for the President's Student Forum. The program was developed through MCC Student Government (SG), under the guidance of SG Advisor Tom Saelens, to provide an open pathway of communication between students, faculty, and administration. Several topics of concern were discussed including a very positive comment from one student regarding the benefits of MCC as an "affordable, quality education." NTC Site Coordinator Desiree Londrigan would like to express her sincere appreciation to NTC faculty for supporting this program by allowing students to participate during class time. A total of 75 participants were in attendance along with the following MCC officials: Dr. Shaink, Steve Robinson, Carol Andrus, Jessie Sirna, Kelli Sproule Larry Koehler, Delores Deen, Keith Yarbrough, Ken Gatenby and Clydell Duncan. Dr. Shaink introduced Steve Robinson, AQIP Coordinator for MCC, to all attendees. Steve provided an overview of AQIP and emphasized the importance of students in the process. An Action Prioritization Survey was distributed and students were allocated time to complete the survey. Website Upgrade Counseling and Student Development Dean Jim Leonard provides a report on a very successful retreat for Advising and Counseling faculty held on Feb. 24. Consultants from GISD demonstrated the new webbased Career Cruising software being used with high school students and the Educational Development Plans (EDP) GISD students are using for planning their postsecondary education and careers. At the retreat, Executive Director of Institutional Research Gail Ives presented the College's new website for Degree and Certificate Planning which will be of great value for both students and faculty advising these students. Professional Development Coordinator Sherry Bradish gave a brief update on Michigan's Career Pathways and the US Department of Education's Career Clusters. These pathways and clusters are developed to enable students to narrow down and conceptualize their interests, skills and abilities to clusters of careers. In addition, foundation competencies for the various career clusters have been identified by industry leaders. Administrative Assistant Melanie Kolacheck provided training to advisors and counselors on how to carry out program changes in Datatel. Fine Arts Graphic Design Coordinator Mara Fulmer gave an excellent and detailed presentation as to how academic advising is carried out in the Fine Arts area with a particular emphasis on Graphic Design. Career Resources Center Counselor Anne Gupton and Administrative Assistant Nicola Brozich provided hands-on training about the use of the career and educational planning software in the CRC. Dr. Jim Leonard noted the feedback he received from participants was that this was one of the most productive professional development retreats to date. Here's news from Human Resources: Interviews were held and effective Feb. 13, Public Safety Supervisor Lloyd Nicholson was selected to serve as assistant coach of the women's basketball team and Tim Broomfield as supervisor of custodial operations in Facilities. New employee: A hearty MCC welcome goes to administrative assistant Jennifer Kroninger. She started work in Academic Affairs on Feb. 27. Doug Hoppa, retired Dean of the Fine Arts Division, will be performing his "smooooth" brand of toe-tappin', finger-swingin' music Friday, March 17, from 6 to 9 p.m. at The Good Beans Café, 328 N Grand Traverse Street in downtown Flint. For more information regarding this performance, or future performances, you can reach Doug at, or 248-634-1481. From RTC/M-TEC Project Coordinator Dianne McClure: Gould Engineering is our current "Business/Industry Display Program" partner. Information regarding the business and items which are used in the company will be on display in the RTC atrium through the end of April. Victor Lukasavitz, Corporate President of Gould Engineering, graduated with honors from MCC in 1975 with an Associate Degree in Land Surveying. He is very pleased to see the college promoting area businesses. Kevin Cleaver, the company's Corporate Secretary, graduated from MCC in 1976 with an Associate Degree in Surveying-Drafting. "We plan to have a meet and greet time between Gould Engineering and our students - an information time for our students to learn about engineering careers and surveying careers," Dianne said. is becoming more and more user-friendly -- thanks to the efforts of MCC's web development team. The Programs & Courses section of recently received a complete overhaul. The new web section is easier to use and offers many planning tools and functions. Students will find choosing a program of study, designing a plan to graduate or to transfer much easier to do. Program Guides were previously based in Lotus Notes (which is being phased out throughout MCC) or printed in the college catalog. Updating these old tools to new, web formats offers greater flexibility and provides an always current listing of all programs and courses offered by the college. Each Program Guide clearly shows each required course as well as alternative selections needed to complete the degree or certificate. In addition, General Education guidelines are more straightforward and division preferred classes are highlighted. General Education has a new link with a listing of all Gen Ed courses as well as now offering the capability to search by designation. Want to find a course that has both a WAC and an NTL designation? The new site can quickly make that search. Other new features in both the Program Guides and the Gen Ed section include the ability to easily email or print pages, or link by course code to the Course Description page which includes any pre or co-requisites and credit/contact hours. Students will continue to have links to Divisions, Transfer Programs, Articulation Agreements, and Planning Tools, including a planning worksheet, and a tuition calculator. The new Programs & Courses can be found from the homepage or through the newly updated Current Students page. Check it out! Student Forum with the President MCC President Richard Shaink is holding another open forum for students, scheduled for noon Thursday March 9 in the Student Life Center, Prahl College Center. These forums give students an opportunity to discuss concerns and suggest ideas for campus improvements. Free lunch will be provided. Please encourage students to attend and participate in the forum. For more information, call Thomas Saelens, Coordinator of Recruitment at 762-0482. MARCH 2006 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Sadashi Inuzuka Art Exhibit • VADC 1 Men’s basketball playoffs • Ballenger 4 p.m. 7 6 Sadashi Inuzuka Art Exhibit • VADC 13 Sadashi Inuzuka Art Exhibit • VADC Audubon Society Meeting 5:30-10 p.m. Genesee Room Spring Break Sadashi Inuzuka Art Exhibit • VADC 8 Sadashi Inuzuka Art Exhibit • VADC Sierra Club Meeting 5:30-10 p.m. Genesee Room 14 Men’s basketball playoffs • Ballenger 4 p.m. 9 Sadashi Inuzuka Art Exhibit • VADC Wild Ones Meeting 7-9 p.m. Genesee Room 15 Sadashi Inuzuka Art Exhibit • VADC Spring Break 2 Sadashi Inuzuka Art Exhibit • VADC Spring Break Friday 3 Sadashi Inuzuka Art Exhibit • VADC Men’s basketball playoffs • Ballenger 4 p.m. 10 Sadashi Inuzuka Art Exhibit • VADC Fridays at Applewood 9:30-11:30 a.m. Applewood Café 16 Spring Break Saturday 17 4 Sadashi Inuzuka Art Exhibit • VADC Men’s basketball playoffs • Ballenger 4 p.m. 11 Sunday MCC Band/Choir/Chamber Singers Concert MMB Auditorium Concert at 3 p.m. Men’s basketball playoffs • Ballenger 4 p.m. 12 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 Board of Trustees Meeting • 7:30-10 p.m. Prahl Ballroom College & Cultural Ctr. Neighborhood Assoc. 6-9 p.m. • RTC 1005 CONNECTION MARCH 2006 Sadashi Inuzuka Art Exhibit • VADC 18 19 Spring Break 20 MOTT COMMUNITY COLLEGE 5 25 26 MCC FACULTY & STAFF NEWSLETTER MCC Ensemble Concert MMB Auditorium Concert at 3 p.m. WHAT’S INSIDE Lech Walesa Coming to MCC April 5 Lech Walesa, former president of Poland, Nobel Peace Prize winner and founder of the Solidarity labor movement that brought down the Iron Curtain and ended a Cold War that had divided the world for half a century, is the speaker for the April 5, 2006 installment of MCC's Ballenger Lecture Series. The free, public presentation is scheduled for 7 pm at the Ballenger Field House. The Ballenger Lecture Series is made possible through the Ballenger Trust (named for benefactor William S. Ballenger) and is coordinated by the Foundation for Mott Community College. For more information, call the Foundation for MCC at (810) 762-0425. Spring Reception AROUND CAMPUS PRESORTED STANDARD US POSTAGE PAID Flint, MI Permit NO 51 STUDENT FORUM WITH THE PRESIDENT WEBSITE UPGRADE The Chester D. Smith Outstanding Staff Member Award will be presented at the Spring Reception on April 20 in the Prahl Center Ballroom beginning at 2:30 p.m. Nomination forms are available in your department, on line (MCC, HR website) or in Human Resources. The deadline for nominations is March 10. The award was established to recognize the efforts of employees who perform with excellence and dedication beyond their normally assigned duties. All regular full-time and part-time employees of the college with one year of service are eligible provided they have not received the Award within the past seven years. The Award has been presented annually since 1981 and the recipient is presented with a "Golden Apple" trophy and a $500 U.S. Savings Bond. Employees with 25 years of service and employees that have retired or plan to retire during the 2005-06 academic year will also be honored. Past retirees are welcome to attend. 1401 East Court Street Flint, Michigan 48503-2089 Q UOTE OF THE M ONTH “Nothing in life is to be feared. It is to be understood.” -- Marie Curie Former MCC President Charles N. Pappas was recognized for his contributions made to MCC in a special ceremony held Feb. 13 when the Presidential Conference Center was renamed in his honor. Dr. Pappas is shown here addressing a throng of well-wishers, which included Congressman Dale Kildee, Mott Foundation President William White, the Pappas family, MCC board, administrators, faculty and staff members and a host of friends. Psychology Prof. Lille McCain, Scott Jenkins, Vice President Student & Administrative Services, and Delores Deen, Executive Dean of Student Services share life experiences at the MCC Black History month event, Soul Food Celebration: A Tribute to Black Educators."