MOTT COMMUNITY COLLEGE CONNECTION APRIL 2007 MCC FACULTY & STAFF NEWSLETTER WHAT’S INSIDE AROUND CAMPUS SPRING RECEPTION EARTH DAY CRIMINAL JUSTICE CAREER FAIR FRIENDS OF MOTT LIBRARY EVENTS Bill Cosby Wows Capacity Crowd at MCC More than 2,000 people from across the community gathered to hear legendary entertainer Bill Cosby's inspirational message "My Life: Who's in Charge?" at the Ballenger Field House on Thursday evening, March 22. In a surprise move before the start of the lecture scheduled for 6 pm, Cosby, armed with a megaphone provided by MCC's Public Safety Department, addressed an overflow crowd of nearly 300 people who couldn't get seats in the filled-to-capacity Ballenger Field House. Prior to his talk, Cosby held a news conference in the Bruin Club Room of the Ballenger to a fullcourt press. The event was covered by WJRTLenore Croudy, Chair, MCC Board of Trustees TV abc12; WEYI-TV nbc25; WNEM-TV5; presents Bill Cosby with an MCC sweatshirt. WXYZ-TV 7 (of Detroit) as well as crews from Cumulus Broadcasting radio stations. Perhaps best known as the star of the 1980's hit television series "The Cosby Show," his most recent endeavor has involved speaking out against the ills plaguing many of the nation's African-American communities. Cosby has been traveling across the country, in an effort to bring a message of hope to African-American communities. A longtime advocate of education, Cosby spoke about how education, remains the key to achieving success in life, and championed community colleges such as MCC. During his storied career as one of the entertainment industry's most popular comedian/actors, Cosby continued to pursue his education. He earned a B.A. from Temple University and an M.A. (1972) and a Ph.D. (1977) in education from the University of Massachusetts. MCC Wins National Championship DENTAL CLASS REUNION Q UOTE OF THE M ONTH “When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.” Franklin D. Roosevelt CHAMPS--The Men's Basketball Team has yet another championship title under its belt. With a 75-61 victory over Monroe County Community College of New York on Saturday, March 24, the Bears became the 2007 NJCAA division two national champions. It was the second national Championship for the Mott Bears in the last five years. The Bears won their first National Championship in 2003 and were Runners-up in 2001 and 2004. In addition, Coach Steve Schmidt was named 2007 NJCAA division two national coach of the year, with Sophomore Forward Kevin Tiggs receiving national tournament MVP honors. Kevin Tiggs had 32 points and 12 rebounds and Sophomore Forward Terrence Watson and Freshman Guard Jeremie Simmons were selected to the all tournament team. Around Campus Congratulations to Matt Pakula, Manager, Office of the President & Board of Trustees, on the birth of daughter, Claire Elizabeth Pakula. Claire was born on Tuesday, March 6 at around 4 a.m. She weighed in at 7 pounds, 2 ounces and 20 inches long. According to Dad she has "flaming, red hair!" Mom and baby are doing great. Congratulations, Matt and Angela! Library Executive Director Denise Hooks tells us that the current exhibition at Flint Institute of Arts is After Lewis & Clark: The Forces of Change, featuring 115 paintings, drawings and prints by artists who accompanied explorers of the American West. MCC is one of several project partners collaborating on aspects of this traveling exhibit, which runs through April 29. The Mott Library's lighted showcase in the library lobby currently features books from its collection on American art of the west, the exploration of Lewis & Clark, Native American history, early pioneers, Gold Rush, and cowboys and cowgirls. The showcase also includes some 19th century artifacts and reproductions that would have been in common use by these adventurers. Here's news from Honors Program Coordinator Heather Sisto: Her husband, English Prof. Emeritus John Mrozik has had two ceramic pieces accepted for the 2007 Michigan Fine Arts Competition. MFAC is juried by an artist or curator of distinction, who selects current work from artists in all media across the state. The exhibition will run from March 16-April 13 at the Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center. Go to www. for more information and a map. Sisto will serve as chaperone (standing in for PTK advisor Brenda Zicha) for 3 outstanding Phi Theta Kappa students who will be attending the international conference April 12-14 in Nashville. Teresa Krawczyk will be receiving the national Guistwhite Award (a first for MCC!) and Katie Sullivan, PTK-VP of Fellowship and Sheila Church, PTK-VP of Scholarship will also be attending. Keynote speakers include former Vice-President Al Gore and Jehan Sadat (widow of former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat). Additional information about the Guistwhite is available from the website or Brenda Zicha. English Prof. Greg Shafer had an essay published in the March issue of Teaching English in the Two Year College. Its title is "A Christian Fundamentalist in a Reader Response Class." English Prof. Julie Steffey lets us know that the Humanities Division will be hosting another Flint Area High School Writers' Workshop ("Speak Up!") from 8:30 am to 1:45 p.m. on May 8. Area high school students will be coming on campus for a variety of seminars on making the transition from high school to college and on writing, specifically. The day will end with an open mic. competition, and trophies will be awarded for the best original short fiction, poem, short non-fiction, rap and overall performance. Fairy HayesScott, Michele Dunnum, Glenn Harris, Anne Gupton, Christy Rishoi, Ken Baab, Jackie Knoll, Laura Tobias and Heather Sisto will teach the seminars. The registration deadline is April 18, and the cost is just $5 per student. Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided. Brochures and information are available. Contact Julie Steffey at 232-3163 or MCC Gardening Association Advisor Rebecca Gale-Gonzalez: invites you to join them on Saturday, April 14 in the Prahl Courtyard Native Plant garden for their annual clean up. Starting with lunch at noon, the clean up will begin at 12:30 pm. From Sara Butka, Learning Center Student Support Services Coordinator: The TRiO-SSS (Student Support Services) Program here at Mott is recruiting students, preferably freshman, who plan to transfer to a four-year college or university after completing their degree here at Mott. Members of the TRiO-SSS Program receive professional tutoring, access to workshops, university visits, cultural enrichment activities, the TRiO-SSS Grant (eligibility requirements apply). All of these services are free to TRiO-SSS members. For more information or if you have interested students, please call the program coordinators Sara Butka at 762-0947 or Ellen McGowan at 762-5119. The SSS program is located in the Learning Center on the first floor of the Mott Library. Orlando Garcia, Interim Site Coordinator, MCC Hispanic Technology & Community Center, is presenting a Drug and Alcohol Awareness Program at 1pm, April 28 at the Center, located at 2101 Lewis St. Professionals, law enforcement officials will be on hand to talk about the adverse effect drugs and alcohol may render in people's lives. Orlando is also looking for individuals that have overcome drug or alcohol abuse to come and share their stories. For details, call 424-3760. The Flint Institute of Arts recently announced the purchase of a large scale painting 'Landscape with Church/Garden/Stream: for Sarah' h-72" painted by Mott art instructor John Dempsey. Sarah is John's oldest daughter. Executive Director of Admissions and Recruitment Marc Payne brings news from his area. On March 2, the Admissions office hosted a regional high school counselor program highlighting Mott's newest labs and how they relate to the federally-mandated career clusters. There were 50 participants in attendance from all over the region. With the support of Sherry Bradish, Johanna Brown, Kelly Banks, Carol Nielsen and the Counseling department, the event was a huge success. On March 20, Admissions hosted the Genesee Area Counseling Association, where 60 participants gathered. Marc provided a presentation on why it was crucial to rethink educational options after high school, and the need to encourage students to consider one and two year occupational programs to stay competitive in the global economy. Here's news from Northern Tier Center Site Coordinator Desiree Londrigan: Desiree lets us know that a number of NTC students are engaged in some exciting projects. NTC business classes are working on a project for the City of Clio. Butch Krcmarik's BUSN-104 Introduction To Business class is developing a Business Plan and Marketing Plan for the rental of the Roger's Lodge located in Clio. NTC instructor Amy French's History 151 and History 155 classes are making presentations on April 10 and April 24. Students have been instructed to feature either a criminal or hero in the world's past up to 1,500 AD, from the world's earliest inhabitants to the peoples of the late 15th century. Students are to make presentations that resemble museum exhibits, and are encouraged to make their presentations interactive, engaging or reenactments of the subject matter they're covering. NTC, keep up the good work. Theater Instructor Dan Gerics is director of the Flint City Theatre latest production: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard. The schedule of shows: April 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21 at 8 pm at Red Ink Studios. Tickets are $10 and available at the Good Beans Café or call 877 -FCT-SHOW or 238-7469. Counselor Brian Ivory was watching the Detroit Pistons game on March 14 against Seattle when he heard Pistons announcers George Blaha and Greg Kelser mention that Criminal Justice Program Coordinator and LERN Club Advisor Avon Burns was at the game with seven students in Seattle for a conference. Dr. Burns accompanied seven Law Enforcement Resource Network (LERN) members on a trip to Seattle to attend the Academy of Criminal Justice Science Conference on March 12, returning March 14. An anonymous donor provided complimentary tickets for the group to see the Detroit Pistons vs. Seattle Supersconics play. Dr. Burns chatted with Pistons announcers Greg Kessler and George Blaha before the game, telling them she worked at MCC and why she was in Seattle. Greg Kessler and Avon Burns were classmates -- both students in the MSU School of Criminal Justice. According to Brian, the announcers mentioned Mott, the MCC Criminal Justice Program, and Dr. Burns' role as coordinator -- "a nice plug for MCC - a free advertisement!" Dr.Burns added: "Mr. Blaha commented that MCC had a "fine basketball program" under Coach Schmidt. The LERN group was founded in 1987 by two criminal justice students. The group holds fundraisers by selling popcorn and participates in a number of community service activities. Wrestling Coach Paul Holdren brings good news about the MCC Wrestling Club. On March 8-10, the Mott Wrestling Bears competed at the 2007 NCWA National Finals in Dallas, Texas. The team culminated its best season in its four-year history with a 6th place finish in the team point standings. Wrestlers attaining All-American status include Bryce Walser, Tony Mochty, Patrick McNulty. Coach Holdren said this year was the best in the club's short four-year history. The Southern Lakes Branch Campus will host The Basics of Selling on eBay course, Wednesday, April 25, from 7 to10 pm in the Computer Lab, Room 1306. Fees: $45 for class plus $15 for Student Handbook. To register: call (248) 842-9591 or Carlos Cisneros served as emcee of the American GI Forum Chapter of Saginaw's 4th annual Cesar Chavez Luncheon held March 30 at the Horizon's Conference Center. Keynote speaker for the event was Julio Cesar Guerrero with the Division of Student Services at Michigan State University. Proceeds from the luncheon go toward the American GI Forum Scholarship Fund. Earth Day A variety of fun-filled, family-friendly activities will be offered at MCC's Annual Earth Day Celebration, scheduled for 9 am to 3 pm Saturday, April 21 on MCC’s main campus. This event is free and open to the public. Activities include stream monitoring and environmental presentations; Gorman Science Center Geology Museum and Greenhouse tours; Michigan native plants presentation; live birds of prey and bats; amphibians; art show quality vendors, recycled art contest, an Earth Egg Hunt, hands-on activities, a silent auction and much more. A new feature for this year is the Alternative Energy Car Show. Honda of Grand Blanc is expected to bring the Hybrid Civic, Grand Blanc Motor Cars, a Toyota Prius and Camry, hybrid crossover SUV Highlander and Yaris. Sponsors are still needed. Individuals are encouraged to bring their alternative energy vehicles as well. There is still space available, if you have an environmental or gardening-themed project or wares and would like a booth. Please call 7625003 to reserve a booth or for more information. Criminal Justice Career Fair Friends of Mott Library Events Please mark your calendars for the following book club discussions and author visits: April Book Club Discussion Presumed Innocent by Scott Turow Thursday, April 12 Noon, Quest Center, MCC Library Light refreshments served. Michigan Center for the Book Author Visit Bill Broder, author of Taking Care of Cleo Tuesday, May 15 Noon, MCC Library, Room 302 June Book Club Discussion Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West by Gregory Maguire Tuesday, June 12 Noon, Quest Center, MCC Library Light refreshments served. Up and Coming New Author Visit/Book Debut & Signing Heather Brewer, author of The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd: Eight Grade Bites Friday, August 17 Noon, MCC Library, Second Floor Light refreshments served. More information will follow. Dental Class Reunion Set for April 28 A class reunion for the graduates of MCC's Dental Assisting and Dental Hygiene Program is scheduled for 6 pm Saturday, April 28 at the Genesys Conference and Banquet Center in Grand Blanc. Tickets are $55 and must be purchased in advance. For more information or to purchase tickets, call 762-0425. More than 1,700 students have graduated from MCC's dental assisting and dental hygiene programs since their inception in the 1960s. All proceeds from this event will help establish the Dr. Donald Hiscock Memorial Scholarship Fund to assist future dental students at Mott Community College. MCC is once again offering an excellent opportunity for individuals interested in exploring a broad range of career options in criminal justice at its 10th Annual Criminal Justice Career Fair, scheduled 4 to 6:30 pm Tuesday, April 10 at MCC's Ballenger Field House. This event is free and open to the public. More than 50 agencies are expected at the Career Fair that includes a cross section of local, state and regional police and sheriff's departments; security firms; crime prevention programs; retail outlets and federal agencies such as the U.S. Secret Service, the FBI and various branches of the U.S. Armed Forces. For more information, call the MCC Student Employment Center at 232-3285. Spring Reception The Chester D. Smith Outstanding Staff Awards will be presented at the Spring Reception, 2:30 p.m. April 26 in the Ballenger Field House. Seven of your fellow faculty and staff members will be recognized for their dedication and excellent performance on the job with the Golden Apple Award. Please plan to attend. For more information, call Cindy Sanders at 762-0565. A group of MCC student government leaders traveled to Lansing with MCC President Richard Shaink to meet with State Sen. Deb Cherry and to tour the State Capitol. Sen. Cherry discussed how she became involved in government service and encouraged the students to do so as well. Pictured are back row l to r, Sgt James Malcolm, Matt Pakula, Chris Kaley, Dr. Shaink and Tom Cole. Front row l to r, Sade Wilson, Olivia Jiles, Heidi Toler, Tiffany Jones and former State Senator Gary Corbin. APRIL 2007 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 Jazz & Steel Drum Ensembles Concert Concert Begins at 3 p.m. MMB Auditorium 3 2 Criminal Justice Program “Is Justice Being Served” 5-6:30 p.m. MMB Auditorium 10 11 12 Criminal Justice Fair 4-6 p.m. Ballenger Field House 16 17 Citywide Steering Committee 9-11 a.m. RTC 2301 24 23 Board of Trustees Meeting • 7:30-10 p.m. Mott Library 30 5 Basketball team Recognition 7 p.m. Ballenger Field House 9 Kettering - MCC Renewal of Partnership 4-5 p.m. RTC 1005 4 Ballenger Lecture Series presents Harry Belafonte 7 p.m. Ballenger Field House Crim Training 5-8 p.m. Ballenger Field House Mid Michigan Horn Club 7-9:30 p.m. MMB 1017 18 13 Wild Ones 7-9:30 p.m. Genesee Room 7 14 AAU Volleyball Tournament 1:45-6 p.m. Ballenger Field House 8 15 Phi Theta Kappa Orientation 2-4 p.m. MMB 1130 21 22 Flint River Watershed Coalition Meeting 8:30-10:30 a.m. CM 1316 Earth Day 9 a.m.-3 p.m. MCC Campus Inventors Expo 2007 8 a.m.-5 p.m. RTC Atrium 26 27 28 29 Spring Reception 2:30 p.m. Ballenger Field House Student Honors Recital 7:30-9 p.m. MMB 1130 19 U.S. Air Force Recruiting 11 a.m.-1 p.m. CM Fishbowl 25 6 20 NAACP Education Committee 8 a.m.-5 p.m. RTC 1301 Band/Choir/Chamber Singers Concert Concert Begins at 3 p.m. MMB Auditorium PRESORTED STANDARD US POSTAGE PAID Flint, MI Permit NO 51 1401 East Court Street Flint, Michigan 48503-2089