MCC Trustee Rafael Turner elected to
Association of Community College
Trustees Board
“Without a rich heart, wealth is an
ugly beggar.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
At its annual leadership Congress in Boston held recently, the national
Association of Community College Trustees elected Mott Community
College Trustee Rafael C. Turner as an at-large member of its Board of
Directors. Turner garnered the most votes of the four candidates running for three spots of the Board. His work with the ACCT will assist
in bringing resources back to this area as well as promoting this area
on a national level.
Rafael Turner has served on the MCC Board of Trustees since
2011. He served as a Legislative Assistant and Constituent Services
Representative for Congressman Dale E. Kildee for many years and
recently accepted a post as Community Affairs Specialist with the office of U.S. Senator Carl Levin.
Turner earned his Master of Public Administration degree from
the University of Michigan-Flint and his Bachelor of Science from Eastern Michigan University. He is a
member of the Flint Rotary Club and participated in the Rotary International Group Study Exchange to
Brazil. He also serves on the executive board of the Flint Branch of the NAACP, as a member of the
Flint/Genesee Job Corps Community Relations Council and as a volunteer with the Big Brothers/Big
Sisters and Flint Community Schools.
MCC's Second Annual Help-Portrait
Event Set for Dec. 8
Free professional portraits will be available for individuals and families as photography instructors
and students at Mott Community College offer their time and talents again this year. MCC is presenting
its second annual Help-Portrait event on Saturday, Dec. 8, 2012 from noon to 5 pm in the MCC Event
Center. This event is free and open to the public.
A group of instructors and students with the MCC Photography Department will be using their photography skills to take pictures of residents in the community again this year, at no cost. In addition, instructors and students with MCC's Transitions School of Cosmetology Careers will be on hand to style
hair and apply makeup for the photos. Participants will leave the Help-Portrait event with a 5 x 7 or an
8 x 10 photograph. A CD containing the photo is available upon request.
MCC is joining a community of photographers coming together across the globe on Dec. 8, to take
and provide free portraits. Launched in 2009 by Celebrity Photographer Jeremy Cowart, Help-Portrait
has provided a total of 169,523 free portraits to date.
Bob Rentschler, MCC Photography Instructor and Photography Program Coordinator, assisted students in the Photography program at MCC, with organizing MCC's inaugural Help-Portrait event.
"We're doing this to give back to the community and be part of a "photographic movement" that can
change people's lives: behold the power of a photograph," Rentschler said. "This is a total team effort,
with a number of students and instructors at Mott Community College."
For information about Help-Portrait, visit For information about MCC's
Help-Portrait event, contact Bob Rentschler at (810) 762-6183 or To view a
video of last year's event, please visit http://youtube/OwkazkwtafM.
Fine Arts/Social Sciences Dean Mary Cusack
brings us news from her area. Criminal Justice Program Coordinator Dr. Avon Burns was recently honored by the Michigan Correctional Officers' Training Council (MCOTC) for her years of service
and leadership to the group. She served on the MCOTC from 2003
to 2012. Dr. Burns was appointed by the governor in 2003 to represent the academic community, specifically two-year colleges. "Her
knowledge of hiring practices and the wants and needs of her students was invaluable to the Council," added Dean Cusack. "Dr.
Burns is well-known in the academic and corrections communities
and her contacts were invaluable when the Council deliberated on
several key topics. Avon earned the respect of her fellow Council
members and was elected by them to be the chairperson and leader
of the group from 2009-2011. Many difficult situations, requiring
thoughtful discussion, were addressed by the Council during Dr.
Burn's service as a member of the Council and as its chairperson.
The group presented her with a resolution and a ceremonial gavel.
Here’s more Criminal Justice news. Dr. Avon Burns, along
with Psychology instructor Lauren Brown and Criminal Justice
Practicum (CRJU-269) students Kyle Maddox and Kristine Surdu
volunteered their time to speak with youthful offenders at the
Thumb Correctional Facility. The facility serves 420 young men
between the ages of 15 -21. The group spoke to the clients about
overcoming struggles and the positive impact of hard work and responsibilities on the individual and the community.
Transistions School of Cosmetology and Careers Instructor
Andrea Blankinship lets us know that students and faculty with
MCC's Cosmetology, Nail Technology, and Esthetician programs
have been raising funds and food donations to benefit the Women's
Shelter of Flint with a program they call Thankful Tuesdays. On
every Tuesday, beginning on Nov. 6, the students and faculty have
been donating $1.00 or a non-perishable food item for being allowed to wear jeans and tennis shoes. "To date, we have donated
four 30-gallon containers full of food and eight 25-pound turkeys,"
Around Campus
Andrea said. "The remainder of the semester's Tuesday's donations
will be used to help three needy families within our own programs
and hopefully we will be able to donate some hams as well to the
Women's Shelter. I am very proud of the generosity of my students
and faculty."
Baby News: Congratulations to Aaron and Counselor Trisha
Nelson. Melanie Ann Nelson, born on Nov. 8, 2012, weighed in at
8 pounds, 13 ounces, 21 1/2 inches long. She is also the first granddaughter of Counselor Dan Thomas and niece to Barak Thomas,
Loss Prevention and Data Analyst in Student Services.
Accounting Instructor Alaina Ferguson reminds us that the
tax season is quickly approaching. MCC Tax/Accounting students
will be volunteering to prepare income tax returns for the community through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program.
VITA is an IRS sponsored program that offers tax preparation –
federal, state and local – to most individuals with income of less
than $50,000. "Please help us spread the word by mentioning the
VITA program to our students and the community at large, encourage students to watch their MCC email and the MCC Info Channel
in January for information on how to have their taxes prepared for
free," she said. For more information, contact
Technology Instructor Chuck Breidenstein tells us that his
Construction Business Management class (BCON 202) is exploring
methods to develop competitive bid proposals in the marketplace.
"Students are learning to employ a strategy that combines national
benchmarking for internal costs and market pricing with negotiating gambits to structure a profitable company and sell in a tight
economy," he said. "We are having lots of fun in a semester that is
going by too quickly."
New Employee: Stephanie Furstenberg, Administrative Assistant I - Student Financial Services, start date: Nov. 27, 2012.
Welcome, Stephanie, to the MCC family!
2012 Holiday Food Drive
MCC is participating in the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan's annual College Town Food Drive competition, engaging in a friendly competition
again this year with Baker, Kettering and UM-Flint to see which institution can donate the most money and items to the food bank. The school raising
the most will receive a traveling trophy that will be handed off to next year's winner. The last day to donate items for the Holiday Food Drive is Dec. 19.
A number of MCC staff and students were on hand at the Ballenger Field House to kick off this year's contest as MCC hosted the ABC12 Spirit
Squad, live on the air at 5 am Friday, Nov. 6, along with groups from Baker, Kettering and UM-Flint. In addition, MCC student clubs will compete
against the student-athletes this year, organizing penny drives and selling paper ornaments for $1. The ornaments will be put on display on the wall of
the Student Life Office.
Collection boxes for food donations can be found at several locations throughout the main campus, and at the College's satellite locations.
Vendors, Crafters, Sought for MCC Travel Club's Vendor
The MCC Travel Club, is inviting vendors, crafters and home sales distributors to participate in its Vendor Extravaganza, scheduled for Friday,
Dec. 14 from 10 am to 4 p.m., in the MCC Event Center. This event is open to the public.
The cost for anyone interested in vending products or services is $25 for a table and two chairs. The deadline for requesting tables is Dec. 7.
For more information or to reserve tables, please contact Wanda Stitt, MCC Business Division office secretary and advisor to the MCC Travel Club at
(810) 762-0429 or .
Students who participate in the MCC Travel Club have an opportunity to gain knowledge and understanding of different cultures around the
world through a variety of fund raising activities and excursions. Any MCC student interested in joining the Travel Club can contact Wanda Stitt at
MCC Focuses on Veterans
Mott Community College has a long tradition of serving
veterans. The influx of veterans after World War II was a period of
tremendous growth for the college and MCC has been part of
veterans' career training for most of its nearly 90-year history.
But today's veterans are facing more challenges and Mott College is strengthening its focus on serving the men and women who
have worn their nation's uniforms. The new Veteran Resource Center
(VRC) conveniently located on the main floor of the Prahl College
Center is designed to serve as a one-stop shop for veterans, military
spouses, dependants and military affiliates to provide a wide range of
veteran benefits and opportunities. Veterans can begin their educational journey at the VRC from applying for admissions to the college, to assistance with their Free Application for Federal Student
Aid (FASFA), to applying for their Department of Veterans Affairs
(VA) educational benefits and more, with the assistance from the
trained and knowledgable VRC staff.
"We have access to a variety of external resources," stated
MCC's Veteran Resource Specialist Jamiee McClelland.
McClelland came to MCC after five years as a Veterans Administration Work Study Student and has served in the Michigan Air National Guard since 2006.
"We are the bridge to those resources and we assist veterans in
gaining access to the services owed to them in addition to VA
educational benefits," she added.
Not only is MCC's VRC commited to assisting veterans with the
educational enrollment process and the VA educational benefits, it
also provides assistance with additional services which include, but
are not limited to:
• Career and job search assistance.
• Assistance navigating and applying for veteran benefits.
• Health and wellness opportunities.
• University transfer.
• Financial workshops.
"One of the biggest challenges for vets returning to school is
simply having been out of the educational atmosphere for so long,"
McClelland said. "Getting back into the routine of going to school is
the biggest challenge. Some of our veterans are extremely apprehensive about returning to school. Working through issues such as Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder, our veterans are experiencing more than
the average student. They're concerned about how things are going to
play out and they do not know what to expect. If necessary, we can
direct them to available tutoring or other special assistance."
MCC Veteran Service Representative Mirium Marks-McKeown,
herself a veteran of eight years in the Army, also pointed out that
older veterans may be surprised to discover that they, too, may be
entitled to benefits. Under the new Veterans Retraining Assistance
Program (VRAP) unemployed veterans between the ages of 35 and
60 might qualify for job training funds.
"We"re here to help vets transition into civilian life," MarksMcKeown said. "As the VRC staff, we become knowledgeable about
various resources and benefits through research, enabling us to connect the veteran to the proper people and services."
Mott College student and Vietnam-era Air Force veteran Gregg
Todd praised the VRC: "The center is great. Not only do they help
you with the veterans' issues directly but they also provide a good
sounding board for other issues. If you're working on a paper or
something like that and want to get a second opinion, they are for
you and sometimes they’re just someone to visit with.” Todd had
worked as a Human Resources manager for many years and when his
job was eliminated, he came to MCC to study Nursing.
"The knowledge these people have in here is comprehensive and
things that may not have occurred to us, they know about," Todd
added. "They know what's available. It's a one-stop resource. You
don't have to run around looking for pieces of the puzzle."
"A lot of veterans would prefer to converse with someone that
they hold a connection with," McClelland said. "They might not have
much in common with an 18-year-old freshman right out of high
school. A lot of our events center on giving vets a chance to meet
other vets. We usually have between 200 and 250 vets enrolled here
at Mott College at any time."
The VRC hosts workshops on a monthly basis, covering a variety of topics of relevance to veterans looking to build new careers.
The VRC is open from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm Mondays and Tuesday
and 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. For
more information, contact Jamiee McClelland by phone at (810) 7625632 or by email at
Mott College's VRC is under the administration of MCC Registrar Chris Engle, himself an Army veteran. "MCC is committed to
serve the men and women who served our country, and we take that
commitment seriously," Engle stated.
UM-Flint opens new office at the MCC University Center
The Universtiy of Michigan-Flint has opened a new office at the MCC University
Center in the Mott Memorial Building, specifically designed to make the transition
from MCC to UM-Flint easier for students.
UM-Flint will staff the new space Monday through Friday during normal business
hours, according to a news release issued by UM-Flint. On occasion, special events
may extend past normal hours. Staff from UM-Flint's Office of Undergraduate Admissions and School of Management will handle the operations of the new office.
"We are extremely grateful to President Dick Shaink and Vice President Amy Fugate for their support, particularly in allowing UM-Flint to have a presence at the University Center where Mott students will have more convenient access to UM-Flint
staff," stated Vahid Lotfi, Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Dean of Graduate Programs.
Photo left: The University of Michigan-Flint Chancellor Ruth Person joins
MCC President Dick Shaink during an annoucement of the opening of
UM-Flint's new office in the University Center.
Flint, MI
Permit NO 51
1401 East Court Street
Flint, Michigan 48503-2089
Wednesday Thursday
For more calendar items visit
Olivet University
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
CM Fishbowl
Board of Trustees Meeting
7:30 p.m. • RTC 1301
Ruth Mott Foundation
5:30-8:30 p.m.
Parking Lot G
Bruin Club Board of
Directors Meeting
12:00 p.m.-1:30 p.m.
PCC 1230
MCCEA Board of
Directors Meeting
3:00-5:00 p.m.
PCC 1230
Lawrence Technological
Connoisseur’s Club
University Advisement
Sampling Event
10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. 1:00-4:00 p.m. Fishbowl
Wld Ones Meeting
6:00-9:00 p.m.
PCC 1230
MCC Basketball
Game 4:00-10:00 p.m.
Ballenger Field House
Student Employment
Services & Job Seeking
Skills Workshop
8:45-10:15 a.m.
PCC 1230
CCNA Neighborhood
Watch Meeting
7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
RTC 1301
Winter Holiday College Closed
GSA Club Meeting
2:30-4:00 p.m.
PCC 1230
Vendor Extravagenza
10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Event Center
MCC Basketball
Game 4:00-10:00 p.m.
Ballenger Field House
Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority Chapter
9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
RTC 1301
Winter Holiday College Closed