MOTT COMMUNITY COLLEGE CONNECTION OCTOBER 2014 Cengage-MindTap John Heard & Anne Gupton MCC FACULTY & STAFF NEWSLETTER WHAT’S INSIDE AROUND CAMPUS NEW CTL APP PEACE & DIGNITY CELEBRATION MAKING STRIDES AGAINST BREAST CANCER WALK MCC TO OFFER TACTICAL COMBAT CASUALTY CARE CLASS STUDENT LIFE CENTER HAS NEW NAME QUOTE OF THE M ONTH “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” -William Butler Yeats Anne Gupton, counselor in Counseling & Student Development, and MCC student John Heard were keynote speakers at the Cengage MindTap User Summit on July 17, in San Francisco, California. The summit enabled instructors from across the country to participate in a digital discussion and hands-on activities to engage students, as well as strategies to tailor their courses to their students’ exact needs. MCC uses Cengage in the CASD-122 Survival Skills for College course designed to increase student success in college. MCC bundles the physical book with an access code that allows students to use the digital version of the book, including online resources. The two-credit, two-contact hour course is designed to assist students in developing life perspectives and purpose as well as to teach behaviors, strategies, and learning skills that will enable them to build a foundation for success in college. Gupton said Heard was chosen from a group of MCC students to represent the student voice because he had a compelling story. Heard came to MCC in his 40s and said Cengage helped him excel and motivated him to move forward. “I learned about learning,” he said of the program. “It was more important to him to learn something than just attend a class and get a grade,” said Gupton. Heard took a job offer in Kalamazoo, and because of his success at MCC, plans to continue his education at Kalamazoo Community College. MCC Alumni Association Announces Major Outreach Effort Officially launched with the highly successful alumni event held in Charlotte, N.C. on April 16, the MCC Alumni Association Alumni Outreach Plan is well underway. That inaugural event, where attendees had the chance to take in a Charlotte Knights vs. Gwinnett Braves baseball game in a luxurious terrace level suite at the BB&T Ballpark, was well attended. The Foundation for MCC office received several communiques from a number of alums who indicated that they thoroughly enjoyed the outing and were interested in future events. The Alumni Association Outreach Plan, created to establish contact and reconnect with Alumni, is an effort designed to enhance what we offer to alums in terms of programs and activities, with an overarching goal of encouraging alumni to get involved with their alma mater as well. The Foundation staff is putting together and maintaining databases of alumni from the 40s, 50s and 60s, working on events to welcome and recruit recent graduates to become active alumni, and connecting with current students before they leave MCC. Additional outreach events are planned for Chicago in October and Arizona in April 2015. Future events may be planned for Tennessee as well. “Most community colleges don’t pursue alumni efforts, so this is fairly novel,” said Lennetta Coney, The Foundation for MCC President. “We want alumni and friends of MCC to connect and reconnect with each other. It’s a great way to show your Mott pride, and the benefits are enormous -- meeting new friends, hearing from old acquaintances, former classmates and faculty members.” d Ca m p us Kathleen Finch reports that MCC welcomed Anar Guru Sept. 22 as a new Physical Therapy Assistant, instructor/coordinator. MCC Culinary Arts students and their instructor Chef Mark Handy teamed up with Hurley Children’s Hospital on Sept. 20 to demonstrate how to make fun and healthy recipes as part of the Kohl’s Cares for Healthy Kids program at the Flint Farmer’s Market. Elesia Powell, adjunct faculty in the English Department, has had a new chapter book published by Mana Publishing as a result of winning the 2014 Marketing New Authors poetry contest. The name of the book is Sweet Ache and can be found on the Marketing New Authors webpage and at the MCC bookstore. Marketing New Authors is the publishing company of former MCC professor Dr. Fairy ScottHayes. Dan Gerics, Theatre instructor in Fine Arts/Social Sciences, directs “Flint City Theatre's Scream Theatre, A Vaudevillian Horror Show,” at The Good Beans Cafe, Oct. 23 and 24 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10 at the door. Good Beans Café is located at 328 N. Grand Traverse St. in Flint. Deborah Jaruzel, faculty member in the Dental Assisting Program, attended "The Business of Dentistry Conference," Aug. 6 - 9, in Las Vegas. The conference showcased the business aspects of dentistry. The Dental Assisting Program here at MCC focuses on getting our students ready for employment in community dental offices. Business preparation includes; Cover letter/resume construction, interviewing skills, mock interviews taped in the MCC television studio, as well as learning the latest advancements in computer technology in Arou n dental programs This conference featured many new concepts that will be shared with MCC students. Al Perry reports the Athletic Department is happy to have Trisha Miller, formerly of the Workforce Grant Development Office, as the new administrative assistant in Athletics. Matthew Roda reports: The Auto department has had a couple of major upgrades over the summer. One is the addition of a new Mustang Transmission Dynamometer that allows students to test and prove their work. The second addition was the re-commissioning of the old chassis dynamometer. Broken parts were fixed and the software and firmware were updated. The chassis dyno will help instructors enhance their curriculum in several classes. Also new to the program this year is FREE online electrical training for electrical classes from Automotive Video Inc. Students will be able to log in anytime they want to view over 2.5 hours of electrical instruction as well as ASE test preparation material. AVI will add access to its Brake videos for the students soon. If you are headed to ArtPrize in Grand Rapids, visit the B.O.B. (Big Old Building) where John Dempsey, associate professor of Art, will be exhibiting a large scale painting. ArtPrize runs from Sept. 24 through Oct. 12. Get your Connection electronically - opt out of paper form by email to Check out the new CTL App! Click here! Are you a faculty or staff member seeking out new or different strategies to improve student success? Looking to be more effective in your office or classroom environment? Or are you looking for opportunities to reset your approach to personal wellness? The CTL is offering nearly 80 workshops and events for Fall 2014 available for staff and faculty. Find the CTL app by going to or visit on your smartphone, tablet or computer to get registered. Register for events and receive reminders so you don’t miss anything! Questions? Email us at or call 810-762-5623. Peace & Dignity Celebration Elnita Blount is proud of her four work study students in Mailroom/Shipping and Receiving. They all made the summer Dean’s List with better than a 3.0 grade point average. Congratulations to Andre Nunn, Chakiiya Bell, Stacy Williams and Derek Piotrowski for all their hard work – both in the classroom and in the Mailroom! The 22nd Annual Peace & Dignity Ceremony to Celebrate Cultural Harmony and Hispanic Heritage Month will be held Monday, Oct. 13, at 10 a.m. The ceremony, designed to promote cultural and racial harmony, is sponsored by the MCC Office of Professional Development and Experiential Learning. The Celebration of People of the Four Colors will be held outdoors (rain or shine) at the Peace and Dignity Tree on the lawn of the Mott Memorial Building, facing Court Street. This event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served following the program. RSVPs are not necessary. Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk 2014 MCC Student Life Center has new name Calling all walkers! MCC is currently forming a team for the October 18 Breast Cancer Walk in downtown Flint, with our new President, Dr. Beverly Walker-Griffea, who was one of the first to join the team. MCC’s Team Leader is Cindy Sanders at the Southern Lakes Center. Students, faculty and staff are invited to join the MCC team Saturday, Oct. 18 at 10 a.m. on the Flat Lot in downtown Flint, for the 5K event. Interested walkers can register at, but are asked to select “Mott” as your team. Free T-shirts will be given to all MCC walkers. Last year the event raised over $300,000 and the Mott team had more than three dozen walkers. The Mott Community College campus community gathered Thursday, Sept. 25, to honor the generous support of The Foundation for Mott Community College board member Rajagopal Shantaram, at a naming ceremony to name the MCC Student Life Center. The Center will be called the G. Radhabai (RA-da-boy) and A.V. Rajagopal (RAJ-a-go-pal) Student Life Center in honor of Shantaram’s parents. The mission of the Student Life Office at MCC is to complement and enhance the academic programs of Mott Community College and to contribute to the growth of the individual student. MCC strives to provide an excellent opportunity for students to make the most of their college experience by encouraging involvement in a variety of activities, student clubs and organizations, associations and events – both on and off campus. For more information about student life at MCC, call (810) 762-0045. MCC to Offer Tactical Combat Casualty Care Class Oct. 11 & 12 Mott Community College Institute for Medical Simulation will offer a Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) class Oct. 11 and 12 at the Southern Lakes Center, 2100 W. Thompson Road, Fenton, Mich. The class runs from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days. Cost is $325 per person. This course fulfills official certification requirements for EMTs, Paramedics, Police Officers and Firefighters. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive a TCCC provider card, T-shirt, Combat Application Tourniquet and TCCC manual. Registration is due Oct. 6. Class size is limited, so early registration is recommended. To register by email contact, to register by phone call 810-762-5000. PRESORTED STANDARD US POSTAGE PAID Flint, MI Permit NO 51 1401 East Court Street Flint, Michigan 48503-2089 Let’s get social! Check us out on: Calendar Connection Stay up to date on events and meetings around campus by visiting the Events Calendar at Or, visit the Faculty or Staff portal pages and check out the Announcements pane for campus-related news.