MOTT COMMUNITY COLLEGE CONNECTION MARCH 2015 Dr. Beverly Invited to Testify at State Budget Hearings MCC FACULTY & STAFF NEWSLETTER WHAT’S INSIDE AROUND CAMPUS ENTREPRENEURSHIP CERTIFICATE 2.0 LAUNCHES FALL 2015 WORKFORCE, COMMUNITY AND GRANT DEVELOPMENT RECRUIT FOR TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES GRIT NEWS FOUNDATION FOR MCC EVENTS MCC JOINS MICHIGAN GUIDED PATHWAYS INSTITUTE, DOUBLING DOWN ON STUDENT SUCCESS MOTT’S MARCH MADNESS KICKOFF Dr. Beverly Walker-Griffea and two MCC students testified before the Michigan Senate Joint Appropriations Subcommittee Thursday, Feb. 26 in Lansing. Their testimony outlined how Governor Rick Snyder’s proposed budget would benefit community colleges in Michigan, and Mott College in particular. Dr. Beverly spoke about how the budget increase of 1.4% for operating expenses, additional monies earmarked for capital outlay and grants to independent, part-time students will enable MCC to improve programs, upgrade facilities and help students pay for college. The Capital Outlay funding in the Governor’s recommended budget will enable Mott to improve our training facility at the Southern Lakes Branch Center in Fenton. The Governor’s proposed budget doubles the skilled trades training fund and increases money in the K-12 budget for Career Tech programs which will support more career readiness opportunities for MCC and Mott Middle College. Increases in allocations from the Renaissance Zone reimbursements and grants to independent, part-time students will directly contribute to our students’ success. Independent, part-time students represent approximately 60 percent of our student body. These grant monies give them more resources to stay in school. Additionally, it was announced this week that MCC received Community College Skilled Trades Equipment Program matching grant funds totaling approximately $4 million. This funding will directly increase our investment in 21st Century Skilled Trades and Career Tech programs such as Building & Construction, HVACR, Electronics/Robotics, Mechatronics, CADD, Welding, Automotive, Dental, Respiratory Therapy, Medical Assistant, CNC Machining, and Production Operations. Students Eugene Blackwell and Kimberly Pentecost told how community college and their experiences at MCC have impacted their lives. Eugene said it was a “game changer” for him to attend MCC, and Kimberly said earning her Associate’s in Nursing will “dramatically change her life” for the better. “Broken” Exhibit to Highlight Problem of Sex Trafficking Paul Jordan, coordinator of Social Work, The Social Work Club and 3P (“Prevent, Protect, and Prosecute against Domestic Violence”) in collaboration with the Mott Library are co-sponsoring an exhibition of the art of Sally Thielen and Susan Clinthorne in cooperation with the Mott Library. The exhibition, titled "Broken", highlight the serious social problem of sex trafficking. There will be an opening reception held in the library on Monday, March 2 from 3 to 5 pm. Ms. Clinthorne will talk about the exhibited works and about art as a means for social advocacy. Refreshments will be served, and the college community and public are invited. The exhibition will extend through March. d Ca m p us Heather Sisto, full-time faculty member of the Humanities Division, will have her book exhibited March 30April 2 at the 2015 Bologna Children's Book Fair in Bologna, Italy. The book titled “V Is for Vegetable” is the perfect work for children, ages 28, that teaches the alphabet and an appreciation for vegetables. The work is published by Robbie Dean Press, L.L.C. and marketed by Both companies are owned by Humanities professor, Fairy C. Hayes-Scott. John Dempsey has had a piece juried into an exhibition at the Herron School of Art and Design Gallery, Indianapolis, in a show titled fATE 2015: National Juried members Exhibition which will run from March 4 – April 18. fATE is the 'foundations: Art Theory and Education Association', an offshoot of the CAA (College Art Association) focusing on college level, art foundation education. The Mott Campus Clowns will travel to Philadelphia for a weeklong Alternative Spring Break to perform anti-bullying shows at elementary schools and Boys and Girls Clubs, according to Brian Ivory, adviser to the Clown Troupe. On Friday, March 20, the clown troupe will perform their Magic Comedy show in the MCC Event Center. Meet-and-greet will start at 5 pm and showtime is 5:30 pm. The entire Mott community (and their family members) are invited to attend this free show. Bill Withem is excited to have one of his compositions performed by the ConTempus Ensemble in Detroit on March 14. It will be accompanied by the ArtlabJ Dance Company. The performance is part of the Detroit Revival Project. Tickets start at $11 online and $15 at the door. Call 313-638-2192 for tickets or more information. He also helped to moderate a panel discussion, featuring the works of four young composers who study at the Flint Institute of Music on Friday, Feb. 20. Maestro Enrique Demiecke (conductor of the Flint Symphony Orchestra), was the guest speaker and began the event by discussing the composition process. “It was a lot of fun, they are some very talented young Arou n musicians!” according to Withem. Chef Mark Handy has been accepted into the American Academy of Chefs. The academy is the honor society of the American Culinary Federation. Mark is one of only 23 chefs to receive this honor this year. The Business Division is very proud of Chef Handy, said Jeff Livermore. Adjunct instructor Jennifer Berrigan in the ASL Department, Humanities Division, is on the 2015 winter Deaflympics team for snowboarding. She will be competing in Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia March 23 - April 6, according to Jennifer Doerr. “The Paranormal and the Paranoid: Conspiratorial Science Fiction Television,” by Associate Professor of History Aaron Gulyas, will be published in June by Rowman & Littlefield. The book explores the themes that permeated and defined science fiction television at the turn of the millennium. The author traces the roots of the phenomenon in an earlier generation of series such as “The Invaders, Kolchak: The Night Stalker, and Project U.F.O.,” and examines how changes in the landscape of television enhanced the spread of paranoid and paranormal ideas. This book delves deep into the internal mythology of shows such as “The X-Files,” resurrects now-forgotten series like “Wild Palms” and “VR.5,” and provides an important glimpse into American culture at the close of the 20th century. Krista Black, Sociology faculty in Fine Arts & Social Sciences shared that 2014 Mott graduate Michael Wilson won two awards in the LAND statewide Creative Writing competition this year: Second place in poetry for "Come In Or Go Out But Don't Stand There With The Door Open" (mentor: Brian Ivory), and Third place in Essay for "The Vampire Diaries" (mentor: Jackie Knoll). Michael Becker, coordinator of Public Safety Health Services reports that the Blood Drive on February 17 was a huge success! They had 50 individuals present to donate blood and were able to collect 43 usable pints of blood. The event was co-sponsored by Student Life and Public Safety Health Services. Thank you to everyone who donated and supported the event. New Hire: Phillip Stevens hired Network/System Administrator in ITS – he started February 16, 2015. The Criminal Justice Career Fair The MCC 18th annual Criminal Justice Career & Information Fair will take place from 4 to 6:30 pm Tuesday, April 7, in the Ballenger Field House on the main campus. This year the Fair is expanding to include more than 40 federal, state and local law enforcement departments and agencies from multiple states, according to Aron Gerics and Jimmie Baber, coordinators of the Fair. The Fair provides students and job seekers access to a range of opportunities available in criminal justice, including law enforcement, and specialty agencies such as the F.B.I., U.S. Secret Service, various branches of the U.S. Armed Forces, several police and sheriff's departments from across Michigan, the region and the nation, security firms, public safety, crime prevention programs and human services agencies. Workforce, Community and Grant Development Recruit for training opportunities Mott Community College’s Workforce, Community and Grant Development Division is committed to providing the best training opportunities for Genesee County and surrounding area residents. Recruitment is currently underway for training opportunities starting as soon as March 2015. Program areas include Welding, Machinist, A+/Computer Repair, GED Prep, Certified Nurse Aide, Medical Administrative Specialist, Medical Assistant and Pharmacy Technician. These areas provide immediate entrance to careers in Information Technology, Construction and Healthcare. Grants and/or scholarship opportunities may be available to assist with training costs. Please contact us or refer interested individuals to 810-232-2555. GRiT News The Annual Earth Day and Garden Celebration is on Saturday, April 11 from 10 am to 3 pm. The event is co-sponsored by MCC and UM-Flint and will be held at the UM-Flint Harding Mott University Center, located at 400 Mill Street, in Flint. Registration for booths is still being accepted and space is limited at There will be a Healthy Living Fair with vendors selling sustainable solutions for everyday living. Festivities will kick off with the College Recycling Challenge during the entire month of March. A bin will be located in lot Q near the Gorman Science Center. Items being recycled include cardboard, paperboard, magazines, catalogs, junk mail, office paper, phone books, newspapers, pots/pans, steel and tin cans, aluminum cans, plastics # 1-7 and plastic bags. No glass or polystyrene please. Containers should be cleaned. For more details regarding the event contact or call (810) 762-0455. Mark your calendars for the Annual Bee Symposium on April 20, in the Regional Technology Center from 5:30 to 9 pm. This event is cosponsored by the GRiT, Ruth Mott Foundation-Applewood, and For-Mar Nature Preserve and Arboretum. Vendor tables are still available. There will also be a Native Plant sale to support GRiT. Call (810) 762-0455. Foundation for MCC events Please mark your calendars for the following upcoming events: There will be a Chamber Ensembles Concert & 1950s2014 Alumni Reception April 9 beginning at 7 pm in the MMB Auditorium, followed by an Alumni Reception. The event is free. RSVP to The Distinguished Alumni Award Ceremony April 23 from 5:30-8:30 pm in the Event Center. Cost is $50 per person. RSVPs to There will be an Alumni Gathering May 8 from 6-8:30 pm at MCC’s Visual Arts & Design Open House. The Open House will feature student art work. RSVP to 810-762-0425. MCC joins Michigan Guided Pathways Institute, doubling down on student success. MCC has been selected as one of 12 community colleges to participate in the Michigan Guided Pathways Institute. This institute, sponsored through the Michigan Center for Student Success and funded in part by the Kresge Foundation, allows MCC to continue its work on making the educational experience for our students better. Over the past two years, MCC worked to establish the Michigan Transfer Agreement which established a better "pathway" for community college transfer students and our state colleges and universities. Being part of Michigan Guided Pathways Institute allows MCC to have support from national experts as we develop our internal pathways for students. It also gives us the ability to share our experiences and learn with other colleges in the institute As part of the institute, MCC has agreed that by Fall 2016 we will have established new systems that: 1. Provide a clear road map for a student from the time he/she enters the college through their end goals completion of a certificate, degree, or transfer program. 2. Simplify their choices. 3. Help students choose and successfully enter a program of study versus random courses. 4. Monitor their progress, giving frequent feedback and support as needed. “There is no question in my mind that all of us working at Mott want to help our students succeed. Based on the data from other colleges around the country that have developed these "guided pathways," doing these things will truly help them on their road to success. This is exciting work and I look forward to working with you.” said Dr. Fugate, Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Annual Friends of MCC Update Breakfast May 21 at 8 am RSVP to Join us for Michael Kelly’s retirement reception March 12 3-6 pm Mott, Motown & More May 28 and 29 at 7 pm, both days. There will be an Alumni & Friends Receptionat 6 pm in May 28 prior to the performance. Tickets are $30. Sponsorships & ads available! 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