Reading Support Curriculum Map Reading 980 Course Objectives: …

Reading Support Curriculum Map
Supporting course objectives through the tutoring center lessons
Reading 980 Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to…
1. Use pre-reading skills to relate readings to personal experience and knowledge and other texts; anticipate author’s
purpose; and recognize and address challenges such as vocabulary level
2. Identify text organizational structures such as chapter previews, headings, sub-headings, charts, etc.
3. Apply phonics principles to decode/encode single and multi-syllable words
4. Identify and interpret verbal and written analogies
5. Locate and comprehend information from dictionaries and other references
6. Use dictionaries, context clues, and various memory techniques to build vocabulary
7. Demonstrate comprehension in reading a variety of genres of the appropriate level including: finding the main idea
of a passage; recalling specific details of a passage; recalling the sequence of events in a passage; drawing a
logical conclusion; distinguishing fact from opinion; identifying and analyzing argument for validity; reading and
orally explain a passage giving details and inferences; and reading and following increasingly complex written
8. Self-correct reading errors
9. Annotate class texts
10. Adjust reading rate and style according to purpose and level of material in timed and un-timed reading activities
11. Write, revise, proofread, and edit well-structured paragraphs, summaries of readings and short essays
12. Synthesize reading and writing skills and summarize readings of various lengths
13. Recognize purpose and audience in their own writing and the writing of others
14. Take notes from readings and lecture
15. Employ APA or MLA convention consistently and correctly
1. Use pre-reading skills to
relate readings to personal
experience and knowledge
and other texts; anticipate
author’s purpose; and
recognize and address
challenges such as
vocabulary level
10. Adjust reading rate and
style according to purpose
and level of material in
timed and un-timed
reading activities
3. Apply phonics principles
to decode/encode single
and multi-syllable words
8. Self-correct reading
1. Directed instruction on how to use pre-reading
2. Guided instruction on existing skills in prereading strategies and adding new ones.
3. Use pre-reading strategies to predict
information about a text and test to see if
predictions are true. Refine pre-reading
strategies as needed.
 Article “Fight for First Year in College”
by Steve Gladis
 PPT Session 1
 Webs and graphic organizers as
1. Students will review and utilize pre-reading
strategies with a chapter of a textbook. Students
will identify important text features. Students will
use text features to identify important vocabulary
terms in the chapter. Tutors will introduce students
to tools such as glossaries, indexes, and context
clues in order to determine meanings of key words.
Students will make flashcards or take notes on
words. Students will practice reading key words
aloud and in context of chapter.
2. Guided pre-reading strategies will be applied to
a chapter of a textbook. Students will identify
difficult and important words in the text. Tutors will
guide students to utilize tools to determine correct
meaning and pronunciation of words and practice
reading aloud should show improvement of
3. Pre-reading strategies will be applied to a
textbook chapter. Students will then select one
page to read aloud. Students should demonstrate
to tutors that they can identify difficult words, selfcorrect mispronunciations, utilize tools such as
glossaries and indexes to better understand
 Verbal examples of reading texts aloud
from a variety of genres.
 Student textbooks.
 Student assignments.
9. Annotate class texts
5. Locate and comprehend
information from
dictionaries and other
6. Use dictionaries, context
clues, and various memory
techniques to build
unknown words, and read a page of text with
appropriate rate and style according to genre.
1. Students will identify and discuss types of texts
and their purposes. Students will practice a set of
annotating strategies as modeled and guided by a
tutor using the sample text. Students will be taught
by tutor reasons that annotating can help in
studying and text comprehension. Students will
practice annotating strategies with sample text and
their own textbooks, an article from class.
2. Students will brainstorm reasons to annotate a
text and methods for annotating a text. Students
will explore at least three new strategies in addition
to the ones they use. Students will practice
annotating strategies with their own textbooks, an
article from class, or a sample text provided by
3. Students will demonstrate annotating strategies
with their own textbooks, an article from class, or a
sample text provided by tutor. Students will then
lead a discussion with classmates and/or tutor
about how these strategies help them understand
the overall meaning of the text. Students will refine
or add at least one strategy for annotation to what
they are already using.
1. Students will use a sample text to identify
unknown words. Students will be taught strategies
for identifying clues within the text that help
decipher meaning. Students will be guided through
using dictionaries and reference materials for
words that are more difficult.
2. Students will practice finding and discussing the
meanings of unknown words in a sample text.
Students will discuss strategies that they use for
deciphering words and their meanings and tutors
will give additional strategies. Students will practice
determining which definitions and details from
 Power Point on annotating texts.
 Article “Text Anxiety”
 Student textbooks, articles for class,
and sample articles.
 Sample texts could include the EMS
Guidebook or Hotel on the Corner of
Bitter and Sweet.
 Session 4 handout
 Session 4 ppt
 Hotel on the corner of bitter and sweet
book review.
 Highlighter, pencil, etc.
 Dictionary or web access
reference materials are relevant for their texts.
3. Students will discuss strategies that they use for
deciphering words and their meanings. Students
will refine any skills in utilizing context clues,
dictionaries, and reference materials that are in
need of improvement as determined by discussion
with the tutor. Students will demonstrate the ability
to determine which definitions and details from
reference materials are relevant for their texts.
7. Demonstrate
comprehension in reading
a variety of genres of the
appropriate level including:
finding the main idea of a
passage; recalling specific
details of a passage;
recalling the sequence of
events in a passage;
drawing a logical
conclusion; distinguishing
fact from opinion;
identifying and analyzing
argument for validity;
reading and orally explain
a passage giving details
and inferences; and
reading and following
increasingly complex
written directions
1. Students will use their own textbooks or
readings from class to develop and demonstrate
comprehension skills by using a graphic organizer
or Cornell notes to record main ideas, details,
sequence of events, facts and opinions. Students
will also discuss and record conclusions about the
text using sentence frames and analyze the validity
of an argument by answering questions. Students
will practice reading a summary of the text aloud.
2. Students will us their own textbooks or readings
from class to develop and demonstrate
comprehension skills by using a graphic organizer
or Cornell notes to record main ideas, details,
sequence of events, facts and opinions. Students
will also discuss and record conclusions about the
text and validity of the author’s argument. Students
practice reading a summary of the text aloud.
3. Students will use their own textbooks or
readings from class to develop and demonstrate
comprehension skills by using notes, annotations,
or a graphic organizer to describe main ideas,
details, sequence of events, facts and opinions.
Students will also describe conclusions drawn from
the text and validity of the author’s argument by
presenting possible opposing arguments and
conclusions. Students will summarize all key points
Session 5 handout
Session 5 graphic organizers
Cornell notes template
Sentence frames
of the text aloud.
13. Recognize purpose
and audience in their own
writing and the writing of
12. Synthesize reading and
writing skills and
summarize readings of
various lengths
11. Write, revise,
proofread, and edit wellstructured paragraphs,
summaries of readings and
short essays
15. Employ APA or MLA
convention consistently
and correctly
1. Students will review what purpose is and what
audience is with tutor. Tutor will review persuasive,
entertaining, and informative purposes with sample
texts. Students will use pre-reading, annotating,
and summarizing strategies to determine purpose
for a selected text.
2. Students will review the three kinds of purpose
with tutors and practice categorizing sample texts
as persuasive, entertaining, and informative.
Students will annotate a selected text and identify
evidence for their decision about the purpose.
3. Students will select three texts from a list of
articles on college topics. Students will categorize
texts as entertaining, persuasive, or informative.
Students will annotate a text and identify evidence
to support claim. Students will also give their own
examples of topics that would fall into each
1. Students will select a text from one of their
classes and use previous strategies to identify
main ideas, important details, and key vocabulary.
Students will be given sentence frames to construct
a summary and read the summary aloud several
1. Students will bring a sample of writing from class
or a writing assignment they must complete for
class to this session. After the assignment is
completed, students will be asked to read the
assignment and identify areas that they believe
need improvement. Tutor will guide students
through a step-by-step editing and revising process
using a checklist. Finally, students will read their
assignments aloud several times. Students will
complete an appropriate APA or MLA citation.
2. Students will bring a sample of writing from class
o 10 Best Careers for College
o A Diary of a College Student
o Financial Aid Myths and Realities
o Coping with College Series: Get Your
Life in Order this Semester
o College and Drinking
o Dating on a College Budget
o 7 Major Scholarship Scams
Session 8 Handout
9. Annotate class texts
14. Take notes from
readings and lecture
or a writing assignment they must complete for
class to this session. After the assignment is
completed, the tutor will provide a step-by-step
editing and revising checklist and review at least 3
areas that the student feels are weakest. Finally,
students will read their assignments aloud several
times as needed. Students will complete an
appropriate APA or MLA citation.
3. Students will bring a sample of writing from class
or a writing assignment they must complete for
class to this session. Students will be given an
editing and revising checklist. After they review
their own assignment, students will select one area
that they feel is weakest to focus on with the tutor.
Tutor will help student find ways to revise that
aspect of the assignment. Student will revise
assignment and reread aloud in order to check for
additional areas that need revision. This process
will be repeated as needed.
Students will use course materials and
demonstrate several skills learned in previous
sessions by participating in a group tutorial using
texts and notes from class.
Review Project
Students will re-evaluate themselves on all course
evaluations and compare growth from the initial
rating for each tutoring session.
Students will then select two course objectives that
they believe will help them in their future college or
career and respond in a written reflection.
Session 9 PPT
Class textbook
Lecture notes
Whiteboard & dry erase markers