UN I V E RS I T Y OF 1119 M a i n A d m i n i s t r a t i o n B u i l d i n g College Park, M a r y l a n d 20742-5031 301.405.5252 T E L 301.405.8195 F A X MARYLAND OFFICE OF T H E SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND PROVOST December 23,2015 MEMORANDUM TO: Jayanth R. Banavar Dean, College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences FROM: Elizabeth Beise Associate Provost for Academic Planning and Programs SUBJECT: Proposal to Modify the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science - Data Science Specialization (PCC log no. 15036) At its meeting on December 4, 2015, the Senate Committee on Programs, Curricula and Courses approved the proposal to modify the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science by adding a Data Science specialization. A copy of the proposal is attached. The change is effective Spring 2016. Please ensure that this change is fully described in the Undergraduate Catalog and in all relevant descriptive materials, including the undergraduate program's four-year plan (contact Lisa Kiely at lkielv(giumd.edu for more information). MDC/ Enclosure cc: Andrew Harris, Chair, Senate PCC Committee Barbara Gill, Office of Enrollment Management Reka Montfort, University Senate Erin Taylor, Division of Information Technology Pam Phillips, Institutional Research, Planning & Assessment Anne Turkos, University Archives Linda Yokoi, Office of the Registrar Cynthia Stevens, Office of Undergraduate Studies Robert Infantino, College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences Samir Khuller, Department of Computer Science University of Maryland P C C Program/Curriculum/Unit Proposal 15036 Program- ^^^^ Science Specialization Department/Unit: Computer Science College/School: CMNS Proposal Contact Person (with email): ^ m o l Desphande amol@cs.umd.edu Type of Action (check one): |X]Curricuium change (includes modifying minors, r~l concentrations/specializations and creating informal • Create an online version o f an existing program specializations) r~l Establish a new minor Curriculum change is for an LEP Program r~1 ~1 Establish a new Master or Certificate o f Professional Studies program • other: • N e w Professional Studies program will be administered by Office o f Extended Studies Approval Signatures . Department Committee Chair ^ / | A r V ^ 2. Department Chair 3. College/School PCC Chair 4. Dean Q^L^^-.^ 5. Dean o f the Graduate School ( i f required) 6. Chair, Senate PCC A /-/k^to.") 7. University Senate Chair ( i f required) 8. Senior Vice President and Provost Instructions: When approved by the dean of the college or school, please send the proposal and signed form to the Office of the Associate Provost for Academic Planning and Programs, 1119 Main Administration Building, Campus-5031, and email the proposal document as an MSWord attachment to pcc-submissions((j^.umd.edu. Summary of Proposed Action (use additional sheet if necessary): Unit Code(s) (to be entered by the Office of Academic Planning and Programs): 1 Data science is an ennerging field encapsulating interdisciplinary activities centric products, applications or programs that address specific scientific, business questions. It is making deep inroads in industry, government, health Due to the growing need for applying data science techniques in those and oth there is a significant shortage of trained data scientists. Data Science inco from a variety of fields in computer science, chiefly Machine Learning, Stati Systems, Algorithms, and Visualization. The proposed undergraduate data scien would enable students to get the broad variety of skills needed to be success Students can already accomplish this specialization through selection of cour the existing requirements of the CS major (major code 07010). Creating a disc specialization will recognize this path through the major more formally with i students' transcripts, which has the potential to benefit them in their futur provides the potential for better seat planning, enrollment management, and b with academic advising. Since the specialization includes only existing cours Science curriculum (including a recently created course), no additional resou We propose that the effective date for the specialization to start be Spring propose that the code for the data science specialization be 0701B. The course of study for a Computer Science major must include all of the foll requirements: 1. A grade of C- or better in each of the following courses: a. CMSC 131 or a score of 5 on A version of the JAVA Advanced Placement exam or 5 on the AB version of the JAVA Advanced Placement exam or an acceptable s appropriate Department exemption examination, which is to be taken at the tim the program. b. CMSC 132 or acceptable score on the appropriate Department exemption exami which is to be taken at the time of entry into the program. c. CMSC 216 or acceptable score on the appropriate Department exemption exami which is to be taken at the time of entry into the program. 2 d. CMSC 250 or acceptable score on the appropriate Department exemption exami which is to be tal<en at the time of entry into the program. e. At least 27 credit hours at the 300-400 levels. These must include CMSC 33 at least 15 credit hours from the following CMSC courses with no more than tw single category: Computer Systems: Up to two of 411, 412, 414, 417 Information Processing: Up to two of 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 426, 427 Software Engineering/Programming Languages: Up to two of 430, 433, 434, 435 Algorithms and Computation Theory: Up to two of 451, 452, 456 Numerical Analysis*: One of 460 or 466. Courses in Numerical Analysis require MATH 240 and 241 as additional prerequ Students without either of these prerequisites must choose their 15 credit ho remaining courses in the other four areas. 2. MATH 140 and 141. A STAT course which has MATH 141 (or a more advanced ma course) as a prerequisite, and one other MATH, STAT, or AMSC course which ha a more advanced mathematics course) as a prerequisite. A grade of C- or bett in each of the courses. No course that is cross-listed as CMSC may be counte requirement. 3. A minimum of 12 additional credit hours of 300-400 level courses in one d of computer science with an average grade of C- or better. No course that is CMSC may be counted in this requirement. The following general guidelines sho observed when selecting courses for this upper level supporting sequence: a. Courses must have all the same four-letter acronym b. Each course should be a minimum of 3 credits. c. Only 1 special topics or independent study course (such as courses number may be used. Any variations must be approved by the Undergraduate Program Director. No cou fulfill another requirement (other than CORE Advanced Studies) can be counted requirement. 3 J^CIVISC 131 (4) Object-Oriented Programming I J^CIVISC 132 (4) Object-Oriented Programming II * CMSC 216 (4) Introduction to Computer Systems * CMSC 250 (4) Discrete Structures * CMSC 330 (3) Organization of Programming Languages * CMSC 351 (3) Data Structures and Algorithms * * * CMSC 320 (3) Introduction to Data Science CMSC 422 (3) Introduction to Machine Learning CMSC 424 (3) Database Design One course from the following: J^CMSC 402 (3) Bioinformatics II: Functional Genomics and Proteomics * CMSC 420 (3) Data Structures * CMSC 421 (3) Introduction to Artificial Intelligence * CMSC 423 (3) Bioinformatic Algorithms, Databases, and Tools * CMSC 425 (3) Game programming * CMSC 426 (3) Image Processing * CMSC 427 (3) Computer Graphics One course from the following: * CMSC 451 (3) Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms * CMSC 460 (3) Computational Methods Two * * * * * * * JL courses from the following list: CMSC 411 (3) Computer Systems Architecture CMSC 412 (4) Operating Systems CMSC 414 (3) Computer and Network Security CMSC 417 (3) Computer Networks CMSC 430 (3) Introduction to Compilers CMSC 433 (3) Programming Language Technologies and Paradigms CMSC 434 (3) Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction CMSC 435 (3) Software Engineering Students must take the following course to fulfill the STAT requirement * STAT400 (3) Applied Probability and Statistics I These course requirements are a particular instance of the current course Computer Science major; that is, they can be taken in the normal progressio Computer Science major, and they fulfill the computer science course require Computer Science major. 4 3 16 CMSC132 MATH 141 CORE HA CORE SB 4 4 3 3 CMSC 216 CMSC 250 CORE PL/LL Elective 14 4 4 4 3 15 'l'li i CMSC422 CMSC424 CMSC4XX Upper Level Concentration 3 3 3 6 15 CMSC 4XX 4 CMSC 4XX 3 Upper Level Concentration3 Elective 6 16 5 3 3, 1 3 3 3 3 6entd»M5 1 16 CMSC132 MATH 141 GenEd-NL GenEd-HS 4 4 4 3 15 CMSC 216 CMSC 250 GenEd-SP GenEd HU 4 4 3 3 14 3 3 CMSC422 CMSC424 Upper Level Concentration Elective 3 3 6 3 15 CMSC4XX 3 CMSC4XX 3 CMSC4XX 3 Upper Level Concentration 3 Elective 3 15 Total Undergraduate Credits 120 7 4 4 CMSC216 CMSC250 GenEd-HU GenEd-SP 4 4 3 3 4 CMSC 330 CMSC 351 GenEd-NS GenEd-HS MATH2XX 3 3 3 3 4 14 16 Cfet - CMSC4XX CMSC4XX Upper Level 3 3 3 3 3 15 CMSC4XX Upper Level Upper Level Total Degree ?, 3 3 3 3 3 15 120 . 8 -corequisite IV1ATH140 -MATH 140 -CMSC132; MATH141 -CMSC131; MATH140 -CMSC216; CMSC250 -CMSC216; CMSC250 -CMSC330 -CMSC330; CMSC351 -CMSC330; CMSC351 -CMSC330; CMSC351 -CMSC330; CMSC351 -CMSC330; CMSC351 -CMSC330; CMSC351 -CMSC330; CMSC351 -CMSC330; CMSC351 - CMSC420; corequisite CMSC427 - CMSC420 -CMSC420; MATH240 -CMSC330; CMSC351 -CMSC330 -CMSC330; CMSC351; PSYClOO - CMSC412 or CMSC417 or CMSC420 or CMSC430 or CMSC433 - CMSC330; CMSC351 - CMSC351 -CMSC351 - (CMSC330; CMSC351) or 2 MATH4xx -CMSC106; MATH240; MATH241 -CMSC106; MATH240; MATH241 - CMSC330; CMSC351 - MATH240; MATH241