U N I V E R S I T Y OF 1119 M a i n A d m i n i s t r a t i o n B u i l d i n g College Park, M a r y l a n d 20742-5031 301.405.5252 T E L 301.405.8195 F A X MARYLAND OFFICE OF THE SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND PROVOST December 17,2013 MEMORANDUM TO: Domia Wiseman Dean, College of Education FROM: Elizabeth Beise Associate Provost for Academic Planning and Programs SUBJECT: Proposal to Modify the Bachelor of Science/ Master of Education Program in Special Education (PCC Log no. 13017) At its meeting on November 1,2013, the Senate Committee on Programs, Curricula, and Courses approved your proposal to modify the Bachelor of Science/ Master of Education Program in Special Education. A copy of the approved proposal is attached. The change is effective Spring 2014. Please ensure that the change is fully described in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs and in all relevant descriptive materials, including the undergraduate program's four-year plan (contact Lisa Kiely at lkiely(a),umd.edu for more information). MDC/ Enclosure cc: Marilee Lindemann, Chair, Senate PCC Committee Sarah Bauder, Office of Student Financial Aid Reka Montfort, University Senate Erin Howard, Division of Information Technology Pam Phillips, Institutional Research, Planning & Assessment Anne Turkos, University Archives Linda Yokoi, Office of the Registrar Doug Roberts, Undergraduate Studies Alex Chen, Graduate School Maggie McLaughlin, College of Education Robert Lent, Department of Counseling, Higher Education, and Special Education T H E UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, C O L L E G E PARK PROGRAM/CURRICULUM/UNIT PROPOSAL • Please email the rest of the proposal as an MSWord attachment PCC LOG NO. to pcc-submissions@umd.edu. 13017 Please submit the signed form to the Office of the Associate Provost for Academic Planning and Programs, 1119 Main Administration Building, Campus. College/School: Please also add College/School Unit Code-First 8 digits: Unit Codes can be found at: https://hypprod. umd. edu/Html Reports/units, htm Department/Program: Please also add Department/Program Unit Code-Last 7 digits: Type of Action (choose one): program ^^Curriculum change (including informal specializations) • New academic degree/award • Curriculum change for an LEP Program • New Professional Studies award iteration • Renaming ofprogram or formal Area of Concentration • New Minor • Addition/deletion of formal Area of Concentration • Request to create an online version of an existing program • Suspend/delete program Italics indicate that the proposed program action must be presented to the full University Senate for cons Summaty of Proposed Action: This proposal requests to modify the current 5-yearEDSP BS/MEd Combined Program that currently leads to Early Childhood (EC), Elementary/Middle (EL/MD), and Secondary/Middle (S/M) special education certification to create a 4-year EDSP BS program leading to only Elementary/Middle (EL/MD) special education certification. This request requires changes to the existing BS/MEd program course sequence, title changes for six (6) existing courses, reducing the number of required, supervised semester long field placements from four to two, and dropping 15 credits of elective coursework. The proposed EDSP BS program will address the same Student Learning Outcomes as the BS/MEd program, which are defined by the following: • Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Professional Special Education Initial Teacher Standards (2012) • Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) Institutional Performance Criteria based on The Redesign of Teacher Education (2010) • Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP, formerly NCATE) • Maryland Teacher Technology Standards (MTTS) • MSDE Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Departmental/Unit Contact Person for Proposal: A P P R O V A L S I G N A T U R E S - Please print name, sign, and date. \ Department Committee Chair 2. Department Chair ' j / l x J ^ l ^ 3. College/School PCC Chair Y^lA 4. Dean 5. Dean of the Graduaw Sch4qy(if required 6. Chair, Senate PCC Use additional t/v^^.,-^LJiX. 7. University Senate Chair (if required)^ 8. Senior Vice President and Provost 'Ys^^f\^-i-t- / lines for multi-uni Proposal for Modification to the Special Education BS/MEd Combined Program Special Education Program Department of Counseling, Higher Education, and Special Education College of Education Summary of Proposed Action: This proposal requests to modify the current 5-year EDSP BS/MEd Combined Program that currently leads to Early Childhood (EC), Elementary/Middle (EL/MD), and Secondary/Middle (S/M) special education certification to create a 4-year EDSP BS program leading to only Elementary/Middle (EL/MD) special education certification. This request requires changes to the existing BS/MEd program course sequence, title changes for six (6) existing courses, reducing the number of required, supervised semester long field placements from four to two, and dropping 15 credits of elective coursework. The proposed EDSP BS program will address the same Student Learning Outcomes as the BS/MEd program, which are defined by the following: • • • • • Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Professional Special Education Initial Teacher Standards (2012) Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) Institutional Performance Criteria based on The Redesign of Teacher Education (2010) Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP, formerly NCATE) Maryland Teacher Technology Standards (MTTS) MSDE Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Please note the Special Education Program does have Master’s of Education (MEd) certification programs (36 - 42 hours) (refer to Appendix D 1-6) in early childhood (EC), elementary (EL), or secondary/middle (S/M) in which graduate applicants can apply who have a BS degree in any field. These certification graduate programs are separate programs from the BS/MEd Combined Program and three of these programs (Appendix D 1-3) can be completed in one year. The Special Education Program also has a Master’s of Education Specialty Program (30 hours) taken by graduate students who are already certified and wish to focus on a special education area of interest (e.g., inclusive education, reading disabilities, severe disabilities). Therefore, any teacher candidate graduating from the EDSP BS program can pursue a Master’s of Education after graduation and complete the MEd program in one year. Rationale for Program Change The following four reasons provide the rationale for the request to modify the Combined BS/MEd 5 year program to a BS ONLY (4 year) program focusing on the certification areas of elementary/middle (Grades 1-8) and severe disabilities: 1. In the current Combined BS/MEd program, approximately 10% of the EDSP teacher candidates per year terminate the combined program after they complete the BS degree due to financial reasons and do not complete the MEd degree. As a result, they are not eligible for Maryland State Department of Education certification in special education. Since special education teachers are a critical need shortage in the state of Maryland, every effort is needed to 1 prepare competent special educators to meet the shortage. Furthermore, the EDSP faculty feel that the number of students who enter the BS ONLY program will increase (because of lower financial costs) and help to meet the national special education teacher shortage areas since they will be eligible for certification after the BS degree and will not have to enroll in a 5th year of coursework and field placements. 2. The EDSP BS ONLY teacher education program will reduce field experiences from four (4) supervised, semester long field placements (Preinternship I, Preinternship II, Internship I, and Internship II) to two (2) supervised, semester long field placements (Internship I and Internship II). This will reduce costs to our program, department, and college. Current supervised, semester long preinternship placements (3-½ days/week for 14 weeks per semester) will be replaced with shorter, unsupervised, content focused field experiences (e.g., 1-½ day per week for 6 weeks per semester). No other teacher education program (e.g., Elementary Education, Secondary Education) in the College of Education has supervised, semester long preinternship placements so this change will be consistent with other teacher education programs. In addition, other special education certification programs in the state of Maryland can be completed in 4 years, so the proposed change will make the UMD’s program more competitive. 3. In 2013, a decision was made to blend the EDSP Early Childhood Special Education (ECSP) Program with the HDQM Early Childhood (EC) Program to create a cross department, combined Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education (EC/ECSE) BS program that results in eligibility for dual certification (ECE and ECSE) for undergraduate teacher candidates interested in studying early childhood education. Thus, there is no longer a need for having an Early Childhood Special Education stand-alone program in EDSP. 4. Within the last 5 years, changes in service delivery in local school districts have made it increasingly necessary for students interested in secondary special education certification to have an academic content area (e.g., math, science, social studies, English) to teach in a Maryland public school system. Very few current students in our Combined BS/MEd program have taken the necessary coursework to pass the state required examinations (PRAXIS II) in an academic content area. Therefore, we wish to drop the secondary age base certification from the EDSP BS ONLY program. However, students can apply to our Master’s Certification Graduate Program in Secondary Special Education (refer to Appendices D3 and D6) if they have passed a PRAXIS II content area examination to be eligible for Maryland State Department of Education Secondary Special Education. Current and Revised Program Sequences The current Special Education 5 Year Combined BS/MEd Program was approved in 2002 and teacher candidates select a special education certification area in early childhood (EC), elementary (EL), or secondary/middle (S/M) (see Appendices A, B, and C for current BS/MEd program sequences). Currently, all Combined BS/MEd Program graduates are eligible to receive certification in one generic certification area (EC, EL, or S/M Special Education) and in severe disabilities (refer to Table 1). 2 Table 1 EDSP Preparation Areas and MSDE Certifications in Current Combined BS/MEd 5 Year Program EDSP BS/MEd Preparation Areas: MSDE Eligible Certifications*: Early Childhood (EC) Special Education Generic Special Education: INFANT/PRIMARY (Birth - Grade 3) and SEVERE DISABILITIES Elementary (EL) Special Education Generic Special Education: ELEMENTARY/MIDDLE (Grades 1-8) and SEVERE DISABILITIES Secondary/Middle (SM) Special Generic Special Education: Education SECONDARY/ADULT (Grades 6-12) and SEVERE DISABILITIES *Each area has two special education certifications: generic age base and severe disabilities Table 2 presents the preparation area and MSDE certification areas for the EDSP BS ONLY program. Table 2 EDSP Program Preparation Area and MSDE Certifications in BS ONLY Program EDSP BS Preparation Area: Elementary/Middle (EL/MD) Special Education MSDE Certifications: Generic Special Education: ELEMENTARY/MIDDLE (Grades 1-8) & SEVERE DISABILITIES The modified program sequence change for the BS ONLY Special Education Teacher Certification Program offering special education certification in Elementary/Middle (EL/MD) is presented in Table 3. The freshman and sophomore years of the BS ONLY program present the required Gen Ed and preprofessional coursework. The junior and senior years of the BS ONLY program present the special education teacher preparation coursework. Bolded titles denote needed title changes. Table 3 Special Education BS ONLY Program Sequence 3 Freshman Fall Cr. Freshman Spring Cr. ENGL 101 (AW) 3 MATH 212 3 MATH 110 (MA) 3 Literature (HU/ENGL) 3 Biological Science or Physical Lab Science (NL) 4 Oral Communication (OC) 3 PSYC 100 (NS) 3 SOCY 100 or SOCY 105 (HS) 3 UNIV 100 1 Scholarship in Practice (nonmajor) 3 Total Credits 14 Total Credits 15 Sophomore Fall Cr. Sophomore Spring Cr. EDSP 210 Introduction to Special Education 3 EDHD elective 3 STAT 100 (AR) 3 EDHD 411/PSYC 355 3 HIST 201 (HU,D/UP) 3 EDPS 301 (HS) 3 HESP 202 3 Gen Ed (as needed, D/UP/CC) or Elective 3 GenEd (as needed, IS) or Elective 3 Gen Ed (as needed, IS) or Elective 3 Total Credits 15 Total Credits 15 4 Junior Fall Credits Junior Spring Credits EDHD 425 Language Development and Reading Acquisition* 3 EDSP 416 Reading and Writing Instruction in Special Education* 3 EDSP 451 Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary/Middle Special Education EDSP 403 Instruction of Students with Physical Disabilities (Severe Disabilities) 3 3 EDSP 499D/419 UDL in Special Education 3 EDSP 485 Assessment & Instruction in Mathematics in Special Education 3 EDSP 413 Behavior and Classroom Management in Special Education 3 EDSP 415 Assessment in Special Education* 3 EDSP 400 Functional Assessment and Instruction in Special Education (Severe Disabilities) 3 EDSP 410 Functional Reading and Community Based Instruction (Severe Disabilities) 3 [15] [15] Senior Fall Senior Spring EDSP 484 Literacy Approaches in Elementary/Middle Special Education * 3 EDSP 487 Family Partnerships in Special Education 3 Professional Writing (GenEd Requirement after 60 hours) 3 EDSP 404 Education of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (Severe Disabilities) 3 EDSP 495 Internship II in Elementary/Middle Special Education • 5 full days/week/14 weeks • edTPA Final • PBA 12 EDSP 490 Teacher Candidate Research Seminar in Special Education • Capstone/Instructional Inquiry Project • Professional Portfolio 3 3 EDSP 494 Internship I in Elementary/Middle Special Education • 3 - ½ days/week/14 weeks (SP major) • PBA [15] • edTPA Light *MSDE Approved Reading Courses for Elementary/Middle Special Education Certification 5 [15] Table 4 presents a comparison of the current EDSP BS/MEd Combined Program and the requested BS ONLY coursework for certification in Elementary/Middle Special Education. Table 4 Comparison of Current EDSP BS/MEd and Requested BS ONLY Coursework with Elementary/Middle Special Education Certification Current EDSP BS/MEd Coursework in Elementary/Middle Special Education (Grades 1-8) Proposed EDSP BS ONLY Coursework in Elementary/Middle Special Education (Grades 1-8) [Bolded courses need title changes] EDSP 210 Intro to Special Education (3) EDSP 481 Universal Design for Learning (3) EDSP 413 Behavior and Classroom Management (3) EDHD 425 Language Development and Reading Acquisition 1 (3) EDSP 403 Physical Disabilities2 (3) EDSP 415 Assessment in Special Education1 (3) EDSP 416 Reading and Writing Instruction in Special Education I1 (3) EDSP 400 Functional Assessment & Instruction in Special Education2 (3) EDSP 484 Reading & Writing Instruction in Special Education II1 (3) EDSP 210 Intro to Special Education (3) EDSP 481 Universal Design for Learning (3) EDSP 413 Behavior and Classroom Management (3) EDHD 425 Language Development and Reading Acquisition1 (3) EDSP 403 Physical Disabilities2 (3) EDSP 415 Assessment in Special Education1 (3) EDSP 416 Reading and Writing Instruction in Special Education I1 (3) EDSP 400 Functional Assessment & Instruction in Special Education2 (3) EDSP 484 Literacy Approaches in Elementary/Middle Special Education1 (3) EDSP 451 Curriculum & Instruction in Elementary/Middle Special Education (3) EDSP 451 Curriculum & Instruction in Elementary Special Education (3) EDSP 452 Field Placement I: Elementary Special Ed (4) EDSP 410 Community-Based Assessment & Curriculum in Special Education2 (3) EDSP 485 Assessment and Instruction in Mathematics in Special Education (3) EDSP 454 Field Placement II: Elementary Special Education (4) EDSP 687 Family Partnerships in Special Education (3) EDSP 604 Education of Students with Autism2 (3) EDSP 692 Internship I: Elementary Special Education (4) EDSP 690 Research Seminar in Special Education (3) Comments Sophomore Year Replaced by unsupervised placements EDSP 410 Community-Based Assessment & Curriculum in Special Education2 (3) EDSP 485 Assessment and Instruction in Mathematics in Special Education (3) Replaced by unsupervised placements EDSP 487 Family Partnerships in Special Education (3) EDSP 404 Education of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders2 (3) EDSP 494 Internship I: Elementary/ Middle Special Education (3) EDSP 490 Teacher Candidate Research Seminar in Special 6 EDSP 695 Internship II: Elementary Special Education (11) Electives (18) 1 2 Education (3) EDSP 495 Internship II Elementary/ Middle Special Education (9) Elective (3) MSDE Required Reading Courses for Elementary/Middle Special Education Certification MSDE Required Courses for Severe Disabilities Certification Effect on Resources Changes to the modified program will not increase costs, resources, or supports to the Special Education Program or the Department of Counseling, Higher Education, and Special Education. Implementation of EDSP BS ONLY Teacher Education Program Table 5 presents a chart for implementation of the EDSP BS ONLY Teacher Education Program. Table 5 Implementation Chart for the EDSP BS ONLY Teacher Education Program 7 13-14 Submit to/Accepted by PCC 5th: EC, EL, SM Sr: EC, EL, SM Preintern Placements Jr: EC, EL, SM Apply to Grad School Sophomores EDSP EC: 4 Yr (TRANSITION) EDSP EL: 4 Yr (TRANSITION) EDSP SM: 4 Yr (TRANSITION) EDSP Transfer Ss accepted to TRANSITION program Freshman Table 5. EDSP Teacher Education Programs (DRAFT: October 21, 2013) Transition from EDSP BS/MEd Combined Program to BS ONLY Program 14-15 15-16 1st Class - UM Juniors 1st Class - UM Sophomores EDSP BS/EDHD EC/ECSP 16-17 1st Class - UM Seniors 5th: EC, EL, SM MEd Internship Sr: EC, EL, SM Preintern Placements 5th: EC, EL, SM MEd Internship I and II Jr: EC, EL, SM NO Preintern Placements EDSP BS Only TRANSITION Program Sr: EC, EL, SM Internship I and II EDSP BS Only TRANSITION Program Sophomore: BS ONLY [Only options available; Transfer Ss accepted to BS program] Junior: BS ONLY (Transfer Ss enroll) Senior: BS ONLY Sophomore: BS ONLY Junior: BS ONLY Changes afloat advertised. Freshman 8 Name: Appendix A SPECIAL EDUCATION - EARLY CHILDHOOD 150 CREDIT M I N I M U M - COMBINED BS/M.Ed. DEGREE (Feb. 11, 2013/Gen ED) UID: GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS Fundamental Studies credits Course Academic Writing (AW) Professional Writing (PW) Oral Communication (OC) Mathematics (MA) Analytic Reasoning (AR) STAT 100 Credits Grade 3 3 3 3 3 Distributive Studies Course Credits Grade Natural Science Lab (NL) 4 Natural Sciences (NS) P S Y C 100 3 History/Social Sciences (HS) EDPS301/HISTreq 3 History/Social Sciences (HS)S O C Y 100 3 Humanities (HU) EDPS210/Histreq 3 Humanities (HU) 3 EDSP416 Scholarship in Practice (SP)EDSP 421 3 Scholarship in Practice (SP) 3 PRE-PROFESSIONAL REQUIREMENTS To be completed with a "C" or better 3 *PSYC 100 Introduction to Psychology (NS/HS) 3 *SOCY 100 or 105 (HS) 3 •HIST 200 or 201 U.S. History (HS or HU) 3 HESP 202 Intro to Hearing and Speech Science 4 •Physical or Biological Science with Lab (NL) 3 EDSP 210 Introduction to Special Education 3 STAT 100 Statistics & Probability (AR) (MATH lllwill NOT satisfy this requirement) 3 EDHD411(HS) or PSYC 355 3 MATH 212 Elements of Mathematics EDHD Elective 3 3 *ENGL Literature (HU) 3 EDPS 301(HS) Foundations of Education or *EDPS 210 (HU) Hist & Phil Perspectives in Ed *May double count for CORE and major require Special Education Course Requirements (undergraduate c 3 EDSP 499D Univ Design for Teaming I-Series ( double count with Distributive Studies and/or Diversity) Requirements: credits Course Credits Grade EDSP 413 Behavior and Classroom Mgmt. 3 I-Series (IS) 3 3 EDHD 425 Lang. Dev. And Reading Acquis. 3/4 I-Series 3 EDSP 403 Physical Disabilities 3 EDSP 415 Assessment Diversity ( double count with Distributive Studies and/orEDSP Diversity) 3 416 Reading and Writing Instruction in Requirements: credits Course Credits Grade Special Education I (HU) Understanding Plural Soc. (UP) 3 HIST 201 3 EDSP 400/602 Functional Assessment and Understanding Plural Soc. Or 3 Instruction in Special Education Cultural Competency (CC) 3 EDSP 484 Reading and Writing Instruction in Special Education II Experiential Learning - optional EDSP 420/626 Characteristics of Infants & Young 3 Requirements: credits Course Grade Credits Children: Early Childhood Special Education 3 4 EDSP 421 Field Placement I: Early Childhood 3 Special Education (SP) EDSP 423/624 Assessment in Early Childhood 3 Special Education EDSP 430/631 Early Intervention: Early 3 Childhood Special Education 4 EDSP 424 Field Placement 11: Early Childhood NOTE: All Coursework excluding EDSP 690 Special Education MUST be completed before Student Teaching. Special Education Course Requirements (graduate course EDSP 627 Curriculum & Instruction: Early 3 Childhood Special Education EDSP 687 Family Partnerships in Special 3 Education EDSP 604 Education of Students with Autism 3 EDSP 691 Field Placement III: Early Childhood 4 Special Education EDSP 690 Research Seminar in Special Education 3 EDSP 694 Intemship: Early Childhood Special 11 Education Appendix A con't. Special Education Early Childhood BS/MEd Program Sample 5-Year Plan N O T E : This is a proposed plan and the College of Education does not guarantee that these courses will be offered in the designated semester. Consult the Schedule of Classes for class availability and meeting times. FRESHMAN: Cr. Spring Semester: Cr. Fall Semester: 3 3 MATH 212 ENGL 101 (AW) 3 Literature (HU/ENGL) 3 MATH 110 (MA) 3-4 Oral Communication (OC) 4 CORE Biological Science or Physical Science (NL) 3 SOCY 100 or SOCY 105 (HS) PSYC 100(NSorHS) 3 3 Scholarship in Practice (SP-non-major) UNIV 100 1 15-16 Total Credits Total Credits 14 S O P H O M O R E ; Apply to Professional Program Fall Semester: Cr. EDSP 210 Introduction to Special Education 3 STATIOO(AR) 3 HIST 200 or 201 (HS or HU) (DVUP for 201) 3 Elective 3 Gen Ed (as needed) or Elective 3 Total Credits 15 between 45 and 60 credits Spring Semester: EDHD elective EDHD411(HS)/PSYC 355 HESP 202 EDPS 210 (HU) or EDPS 301 (HS) Gen Ed (as needed) or Elective Total Credits Cr. 3 3 3 3 3 15 JUNIOR Y E A R : Fall (Only) Semester: EDSP499D EDSP 413 EDHD 425 Professional Writing (PW) Elective Total Credits Cr. 3 3 3 3 3 15 Spring (Only) Semester: EDSP 403 EDSP 415 EDSP 416 Elective Recommended Elective (see list) Total Credits Cr. 3 3 3 3 3 15 SENIOR Y E A R : Fall (Only) Semester: EDSP 400/602* EDSP 484 EDSP 420 /626* EDSP 421 (SP major) Elective Total Credits Cr. 3 3 3 4 3 16 Spring (Only) Semester: EDSP 423 or 624* EDSP 430 or 631* EDSP 424 Elective Recommended Elective (see list) Total Credits Cr. 3 3 4 3 3 16 All students must complete two Distributive Studies that are approved for I-series courses, and N O T E : All undergraduate coursework M U S T be completed (with a minimum of 120 credits) before beginning the master's portion of the program. * * * A W A R D B.S., N O C E R T I F I C A T I O N * * * MASTER'S PROGRAM: Fall (Only) Semester: EDSP 627 EDSP 687 EDSP 604 EDSP 691 * Double Count Credits from UG included Total Credits Cr. Cr. Spring (Only) Semester: 3 EDSP 690 3 3 EDSP 694 11 3 4 12 Total Credits 25 14 * A W A R D M.Ed., W I T H T W O S P E C I A L E D U C A T I O N CERTIFICATIONS: G E N E R I C I N F A N T - G R A D E 3; S E V E R E L Y A N D P R O F O U N D L Y DISABLED Name: Appendix B SPECIAL EDUCATION - E L E M E N T A R Y 150 CREDITS M I N I M U M - COMBINED BS/M.Ed. DEGREE (Feb. 11, 2013/Gen ED) UID: PRE-PROFESSIONAL REQUIREMENTS Fundamental Studies Requirements: credits Course Academic Writing (AW) Professional Writing (PW) Oral Communication (OC) Mathematics (MA) STAT 100 Analytic Reasoning (AR) Credits Grade 3 3 3 3 3 Distributive Studies Credits Grade Requirements: creditsCourse Natural Science Lab (NL) 4 Natural Sciences (NS) P S Y C 100 3 History/Social Sciences (HS)Edps30I or Hist 3 History/Social Sciences (HS)SOCY 100 or 105 3 Edps2I0or Hist 3 Humanities (HU) Humanities (HU) 3 EDSP 416 Scholarship in Practice (SP)EDSP 452 3 Scholarship in Practice (SP) 3 To be completed with a "C" or better *PSYC 100 Introduction to Psychology (HS orNS) 3 3 *SOCY 100 or 105 *H1ST 200 (HS or HU) or 201 U.S. History (HS or 3 HU and DVUP) 3 HESP 202 Intro to Hearing and Speech Science 4 •Physical or Biological Science with Lab (NL) 3 EDSP 210 Introduction to Special Education 3 STAT 100 Statistics & Probability (AR) (MATH lllwill NOT satisfy this requirement) 3 EDHD 411(HS) or PSYC 355 3 MATH 212 Elements of Mathematics 3 EDHD Elective 3 *ENGL Literature (HU) 3 EDPS 301 Foundations of Education (HS) or *EDPS 210 (HU) Hist & Phil Perspectives in Ed *May double count for CORE and major requirement I-Series (double count witti Distributive Studies and/or Diversity) Requirements: credits Course Credits Special Grade Education Course Requirements I-Series (IS) 3 EDSP 499D Univ Design for Learning I-Series 3/4 EDSP 413 Behavior and Classroom Mgmt. 3 3 3 3 3 3 EDHD 425 Lang. Dev. And Reading Acquis. Diversity(doubte count with Distributive Studies and/or Diversity) EDSP 403 Physical Disabilities Requirements: credits Course Credits Grade EDSP 415 Assessment Understanding Plural Soc. (UP) 3 HIST 201 EDSP 416 Reading and Writing Instruction in Understanding Plural Soc. Or 3 Special Education 1 (HU) Cultural Competency (CC) EDSP 400/602 Functional Assessment and 3 Instruction in Special Education Experiential Learning - optional EDSP 484 Reading and Writing Instruction in 3 Requirements: credits Course Grade Credits Special Education 11 3 EDSP 451/652 Curr. & Inst.: Elementary Special Ed 3 3 4 NOTE: All Coursework excluding EDSP 690 MUST completed before Student Teaching. EDSP 410/614 Community-Based Assessment 3 & Curriculum in Special Education 3 EDSP 485/683 Assessment and Instruction in be Mathematics in Special Education 4 Special Education Course Requirements (graduate courses EDSP 687 Family Partnerships in Special 3 Education EDSP 604 Education of Students with Autism 3 EDSP 692 Field Placement III: Elementary Special Education 4 EDSP 690 Research Seminar in Special Education 3 EDSP 695 Intemship: Elementary Special Education 11 Appendix B con't. Sample 5-Year Plan Special Education B S / M E d Program N O T E : This is a proposed plan and the College of Education does not guarantee that these courses will be offered in the designated semester. Consult the Schedule of Classes for class availability and meeting times. FRESHMAN: Fall Semester: ENGL 101 (AW) MATH 110 (MA) Biological Science or Physical Lab Science (NL) PSYC 100 (HSorNS) UNIV 100 Total Credits Cr. 3 3 4 Spring Semester: MATH 212 Literature (HU/ENGL) Oral Communication (OC) Cr. 3 3 3 3 1 14 SOCY 100 or SOCY 105 (HS) Scholarship in Practice (non-major) Total Credits 3 3 15 S O P H O M O R E ; Apply to Professional Program between 45 and 60 credits Spring Semester: Fall Semester: Cr. EDSP 210 Introduction to Special Education 3 EDHD elective STAT 100 (AR) 3 EDHD411/PSYC355 HIST 200 or 201 (HS orHU) 3 EDPS 210 (HU) or EDPS 301 (HS) HESP 202 3 Gen Ed (as needed) or Elective GenEd (as needed) or Elective 3 Elective Total Credits Total Credits 15 Cr. 3 3 3 3 3 15 JUNIOR Y E A R ; Fall (Only) Semester: EDSP499D EDSP 413 EDHD 425 Elective Professional Writing (PW) Total Credits SENIOR Y E A R : Fall (Only) Semester: EDSP 400/602* EDSP 484 EDSP 452 (SP major) Elective Total Credits Cr. 3 3 3 3 3 15 Spring (Only) Semester: EDSP 403 EDSP 415 EDSP 416 (HU) Elective Recommended Elective (see list) Total Credits Cr. 3 3 3 3 3 15 Cr. 3 3 3 4 3 16 Spring (Only) Semester: EDSP 410/614* Recommended Elective (see list) Cr. 3 3 3 4 3 16 EDSP 454 Elective Total Credits All students must complete two Distributive Studies approved for I-series courses and two course N O T E : All undergraduate coursework M U S T be completed (with a minimum of 120 credits) before beginning the master's portion of the program. * * * A W A R D B.S., N O C E R T I F I C A T I O N * * * MASTER'S PROGRAM: Fall (Only) Semester: EDSP 687 EDSP 604 EDSP 692 Cr. 3 4 3 Spring (Only) Semester: EDSP 690 EDSP 695 Cr. 3 11 •Double Count Credits from UG included 12 Total Credits 22 Total Credits 14 * * * A W A R D M.Ed., W I T H T W O S P E C I A L E D U C A T I O N CERTIFICATIONS: G E N E R I C G R A D E S 1-8; S E V E R E L Y AND P R O F O U N D L Y DISABLED Name: Appendix C SPECIAL EDUCATION - SECONDARY/MIDDLE SCHOOL 150 CREDITS M I N I M U M - C O M B I N E D BS/M.Ed. D E G R E E (April 2, 2013/Gen ED) UID: GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS Fundamental Studies credits Course Credits Grade Academic Writing (AW) 3 Professional Writing (PW) 3 Oral Communication (OC) 3 Mathematics (MA) 3 Analytic Reasoning (AR) STATIOO 3 Distributive Studies Course Credits Grade Natural Science Lab (NL) 4 Natural Sciences (NS) P S Y C 100 3 History/Social Sciences (HS)Edps301 or Hist 3 History/Social Sciences (HS)SOCY 100 or 105 3 Humanities (HU) Edps210orHist 3 Humanities (HU) E N G L lit 3 Scholarship in Practice (SP)EDSP 434 3 Scholarship in Practice (SP) 3 PRE-PROFESSIONAL REQUIREMENTS To be completed with a "C" or better *PSYC 100( NS or HS) Introduction to Psychology 3 3 *SOCY 100 or 105 (HS) 3 •HIST 200 or 201 U.S. History (HS or HU) 3 HESP 202 Intro to Hearing and Speech Science 4 •Physical or Biological Science with Lab (NL) EDSP 210 Introduction to Special Education 3 3 STAT 100 Statistics & Probability (AR) (MA TH11 Iwill NOT satisfy this requirement) 3 EDHD411(HS) or PSYC 355 3 MATH 212 Elements of Mathematics 3 EDHD Elective 3 •ENGL Literature (HU) EDPS 301(HS) Foundations of Education or 3 *EDPS 210 (HU) Hist & Phil Perspectives in Ed *May double count for CORE and major requirement Special Education Course Requirements (undergraduate co EDSP 499D Univ Design for Learning 3 I-Series ( double count witti Distributive Studies and/or Diversity) EDSP 413 Behavior and Classroom Mgmt. 3 Requirements: creditsCourse CreditsGrade 3 EDSP 403 Physical Disabilities I-Series (IS) 3 EDSP 415 Assessment 3 3/4 I-Series 3 EDSP 416 Reading & Writing I 3 EDSP 400/602 Functional Assessment and Diversity( double count with Distributive Studies and/or Diversity) Instruction in Special Education Requirements: credits Course Credits Grade EDSP 466/664 Issues and Models: 3 Understanding Plural Soc. (UP) 3 Hist 201 Secondary/Middle Special Education Understanding Plural Soc. Or 3 EDHD 426 Cognition and Motivation in Reading: 3 Cultural Competency (CC) Reading in Content Areas I EDSP 434 Field Placement I: Secondary/Middle 4 Experiential Learning - optional Special Education (SP) Requirements: credits Course Credits Grade EDSP 410/614 Community-Based Assessment and3 Curriculum in Special Education EDSP 474/674 Assessment in Secondary/Middle 3 Special Education EDSP 485 Assessment and Instruction in 3 Mathematics in Special Education 4 EDSP 435 Field Placement II: Secondary/Middle Special Education Ail Coursework excluding EDSP 690 MUST be EDSP 482 Literacy Approaches for At-Risk 3 completed before Student Teaching. Adolescents Special Education Course Requirements (graduate courses EDSP 677 Curriculum, Assessment, & Instruction in 3 Secondary/Middle Special Education EDSP 687 Family Parmerships in Special Education 3 EDSP 604 Education of Students with Autism 3 EDSP 693 Field Placement III: Secondary/Middle Special Education EDSP 690 Research Seminar in Special Education EDSP 696 Intemship: Secondary/Middle Special Education 4 3 11 Appendix C con't. Special Education Middle/Secondary BS/MEd Combined Program Program Sample 5-Year Plan N O T E : This is a proposed plan and the College of Education does not guarantee that these courses will be offered in the designated semester. Consult the Schedule of Classes for class availability and meeting times. FRESHMAN: Cr. Fall Semester: Cr. Spring Semester: 3 MATH 212 3 ENGL 101 (AW) CORE Literature (HU/ENGL) 3 3 Math 110 (MA) 3-4 CORE Biological Science or Physical Science 4 Oral Communication (OC) (NL) 3 PSYC 100 (NSorHS) 3 SOCY 100 or SOCY 105 (HS) UNIV 100 1 Scholarship in Practice (SP- non-major) 3 15-16 Total Credits Total Credits 14 SOPHOMORE: Apply to Professional Program between 45 and 60 credits Fall Semester: Cr. 3 EDSP 210 Introduction to Special Education STAT 100 (AR) 3 HIST 200 or 201 (HU or HS) (DVUP for 201) 3 Gen Ed (as needed) or Elective 3 Elective 3 Total Credits 15 Spring Semester: EDHD elective EDHD411 (HS)/PSYC 355 EDPS 210 (HU) or EDPS 301 (HS) HESP 202 Gen Ed (as needed) or Elective Total Credits Cr. 3 3 3 3 3 15 Cr. 3 3 3 3 3 15 Spring (Only) Semester: EDSP 403 EDSP 415 Elective Elective EDSP 416 Reading & Writing 1 Total Credits Cr. 3 3 3 3 3 15 Cr. 3 3 3 4 3 16 Spring (Only) Semester: EDSP 410/614* EDSP 474/674* Elective EDSP 435 EDSP 485 Total Credits Cr. 3 3 3 4 3 16 JUNIOR YEAR: Fall (Only) Semester: EDSP 499D EDSP 413 EDHD 426 Advanced Study Professional Writing (PW) Total Credits SENIOR YEAR: Fall (Only) Semester: EDSP 400/602* EDSP 466/664* EDSP 482 EDSP 434 Elective Total Credits All students must complete two Distributive Studies courses that are approved as I-Series courses N O T E : A l l undergraduate coursework M U S T be completed (with a minimum of 120 credits) before beginning the master's portion of the program. * * * A W A R D B.S., NO C E R T I F I C A T I O N * * * MASTER'S PROGRAM: Fall (Only) Semester: EDSP 677 EDSP 687 EDSP 604 EDSP 693 •Double Count Credits from UG included Total Credits Cr. Spring (Only) Semester: Cr. 3 EDSP 690 3 3 EDSP 696 11 3 4 12 25 Total Credits 14 * * * A W A R D M.Ed., W I T H T W O S P E C I A L E D U C A T I O N CERTIFICATIONS: G E N E R I C G R A D E S 6-12; S E V E R E L Y A N D P R O F O U N D L Y DISABLED Appendix D: Current M.Ed. Curricula (Not Changing) Includes 1‐Year and 2‐Year program curricula for Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary/Middle tracks Appendix D.1: Early Childhood 1‐Year Program Appendix D.2: Elementary 1‐Year Program Appendix D.3: Secondary/Middle 1‐Year Program Appendix D.4: Early Childhood 2‐Year Program Appendix D.5: Elementary 2‐Year Program Appendix D.6: Secondary/Middle 2‐Year Program Revised October 23, 2012 Appendix D.1: Early Childhood Generic Certification: Birth through Grade 3 Master’s of Education in Special Education Department of Counseling, Higher Education, & Special Education University of Maryland Summer Session I EDSP 470 Introduction to Special Education 3 EDSP 613 Behavior Management in Special Education 3 EDSP 687 Family Partnerships in Special Education 3 Summer Session II EDSP 616 Reading and Writing in Special Education I EDSP 615 Assessment in Special Education 9 Fall Requirements __Attend Red Folder Meeting, Start Portfolio __Pass Praxis II before Student Teaching (EDSP 694) 3 3 Fall EDSP 691 Graduate Internship I: Early Childhood Special Education 3 half days/14 weeks EDSP 684 Reading & Writing Instruction in Special Ed II EDHD 425 Language Development and Reading Acquisition EDSP 626 Characteristics of Infants & Young Children: Early Childhood Special Education EDSP 627 Curriculum & Instruction: Early Childhood Special Education 2 3 3 Spring EDSP 694 Graduate Internship II: Early Childhood Special Education 5 full days/14 weeks EDSP 690 Teacher Candidate Research Seminar in Special Education EDSP 624 Assessment in Early Childhood Special Education 6 3 3 3 3 6 14 12 Spring Requirements __Apply for Graduation and Complete Plan of Study Form at http://www.education.umd.edu/studentinfo/graduate_info/stepbystepgraduation.ht ml __Complete Instructional Inquiry Project, Professional Portfolio in EDSP 690 Revised January 31, 2013 Appendix D.2: Elementary Generic Certification: Grades 1-8 Master’s of Education in Special Education Department of Counseling, Higher Education, & Special Education University of Maryland Summer Session I EDSP 470 Introduction to Special Education EDSP 613 Behavior Management in Special Education 3 3 Summer Session 2 EDSP 616 Reading and Writing in Special Education I EDSP 615 Assessment in Special Education 6 Fall Requirements __ Attend Red Folder Meeting, Start Portfolio __ Pass Praxis II before student teaching (EDSP 695) 3 3 6 Fall EDSP 692 Graduate Internship I: Elementary Special Education 3 half days/14 weeks EDSP 684 Reading & Writing Instruction in Special Education II 2 3 EDHD 425 Language 3 Development and Reading Acquisition EDSP 652 Curriculum and 3 Instruction: Elementary Special Education EDSP 687 Family 3 Partnerships in Special Education** 14 Spring EDSP 695 Graduate Internship II: Elementary Special Education 5 full days/14 weeks EDSP 690 Teacher Candidate Research Seminar in Special Education EDSP 683 Assessment & Instruction in Math in Special Education 6 3 3 12 Spring Requirements __Apply for Graduation and Complete Plan of Study Form at http://www.education.umd.edu/studentinfo/graduate_info/stepbystepgraduation.html __Complete Instructional Inquiry Project, Professional Portfolio in EDSP 690 **Teacher candidates have the option to take EDSP 687 in Summer Session I before the Fall/Spring semesters OR they can take EDSP 687 in Summer Session I after the Fall/Spring semester and graduate in August. Updated October 23, 2012 Appendix D.3: Secondary/Middle Generic Certification: Grades 6-12 Master’s of Education in Special Education Department of Counseling, Higher Education, & Special Education University of Maryland Summer Session I EDSP 470 Introduction to Special Education EDSP 613 Behavior Management in Special Education EDSP 687 Family Partnerships in Special Education 3 Summer Session 2 EDSP 615 Assessment 3 in Special Education 3 3 9 Fall Requirements __ Attend Red Folder Meeting, Start Portfolio __ Pass Praxis II before student teaching (EDSP 696) 3 Fall EDSP 693 Graduate Internship I: Secondary/Middle Special Education 3 half days/14 weeks EDHD 426 Cognition and Motivation in Reading: Reading in Content Areas I EDSP 682 Advanced Literacy Approaches At-risk Reading Content Area II EDSP 664 Issues & Models: Secondary Middle Special Education EDSP 677 Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction in Secondary Special Education 2 3 3 Spring EDSP 696 Graduate Internship II: 6 Secondary/Middle Special Education 5 full days/14 weeks EDSP 690 Teacher Candidate Research Seminar in Special Education EDSP 683 Assessment and Instruction in Mathematics in Special Education 3 3 3 3 14 12 Spring Requirements __Apply for Graduation and Complete Plan of Study Form at http://www.education.umd.edu/studentinfo/graduate_info/stepbystepgraduation. html __Complete Instructional Inquiry Project, Professional Portfolio in EDSP 690 Updated January 31, 2013 Special Education Program University of Maryland Appendix D.4: Early Childhood Generic Certification: Birth through Grade 3 AND Severe Disabilities Master’s of Education in Special Education Department of Counseling, Higher Education, & Special Education University of Maryland *Course is offered in summer Fall Semester I *EDSP 470 *EDSP 613 EDSP 602 EDSP 626 EDSP 421 Introduction to Special Education (substitute EDHD 425 if already taken) Behavior & Classroom Management in Special Education Functional Assessment & Instruction in Special Education Characteristics of Infants & Young Children: Early Childhood Special Education Field Placement in Special Education: Early Childhood I 3 half days for 12 weeks •Attend Red Folder Meeting •Start Professional Portfolio Spring Semester 2 3 *EDSP 615 Assessment in Special Education 3 3 *EDSP 616 Reading & Writing Instruction in Special Education I 3 3 EDSP 603 Instruction of Students with Physical Disabilities 3 3 EDSP 624 Assessment Early Childhood Special Education 4 EDSP 424 Field Placement in Special Education: Early Childhood II 3 half days for 12 weeks •Recommended: Take Praxis II Graduate Internship I: Early Childhood Disabilities (3 half days for 14 weeks) Reading & Writing Instruction in Special Education II 2 EDSP 694 3 EDSP 690 Graduate Internship II: Early Childhood Disabilities (FT for 14 weeks) Teacher Candidate Research in Seminar Special Education •Complete Professional Portfolio, Instructional Inquiry Project Language Development and Reading (substitute EDSP 604 if already taken) Curriculum & Instruction: ECSE Family Partnerships in Special Education •Pass Praxis II before student teaching EDSP 694 •Apply for Graduation, Complete Program of Study 3 Fall Semester 3 EDSP 691 EDSP 684 EDHD 425 EDSP 627 *EDSP 687 3 2 Spring Semester 4 3 3 Electives EDSP 604 (F) Education of Students with Autism EDSP 606 (F, Sp, S) Inclusive Practices EDSP 614 (Sp) Functional Reading & Community Based Curriculum 6 3 Updated January 31, 2013 Special Education Program University of Maryland Appendix D.5: Elementary Generic Certification: Grades 1-8 AND Severe Disabilities Master’s of Education in Special Education Department of Counseling, Higher Education, & Special Education University of Maryland *Course is offered in summer Fall Semester I *EDSP 470 *EDSP 613 EDSP 602 EDHD 425 Introduction to Special Education Behavior & Classroom Management in Special Education Functional Assessment & Instruction in Special Education Language Development and Reading Acquisition Spring Semester 2 3 3 *EDSP 615 *EDSP 616 Assessment in Special Education Reading and Writing Instruction in Special Education I 3 3 3 EDSP 603 Instruction of Students with Physical Disabilities 3 3 EDSP 614 3 4 EDSP 454 Functional Reading & Community Based Curriculum in Special Education Field Placement in Special Education: Elementary II 3 half days for 12 weeks •Recommended: Take Praxis II EDSP 452 Field Placement in Special Education: Elementary I 3 half days for 12 weeks •Attend Red Folder Meeting •Attend Positive Behavior Support Seminar •Start Professional Portfolio EDSP 692 2 EDSP 695 EDSP 684 Graduate Internship I: Elementary 3 half days for 14 weeks Reading & Writing Instruction Special Education II 3 EDSP 690 EDSP 604 *EDSP 687 Education of Students with Autism Family Partnerships in Special Education 3 3 Fall Semester 3 •Pass Praxis II before student teaching EDSP 695 •Apply for Graduation, Complete Program of Study 2 Spring Semester 4 Electives Graduate Internship II: Elementary Disabilities (FT for 14 weeks) Teacher Candidate Research in Seminar Special Education •Complete Professional Portfolio, Instructional Inquiry Project EDSP 606 (F, Sm) Inclusive Practices EDSP 683 (Sp) Assessment & Instruction Math 6 3 Updated April 4, 2013 Special Education Program University of Maryland Appendix D.6: Secondary/Middle Generic Certification: Grades 6-12 AND Severe Disabilities Master’s of Education in Special Education Department of Counseling, Higher Education, & Special Education University of Maryland *Course is offered in summer Fall Semester I *EDSP 470 *EDSP 613 EDSP 602 EDHD 426 EDSP 434 Introduction to Special Education Behavior & Classroom Management in Special Education Functional Assessment & Instruction in Special Education Cognition & Motivation in Reading: Reading in Content Areas Field Placement in Special Education: Secondary/Middle II 3 half days for 12 weeks Spring Semester 2 3 3 *EDSP 615 EDSP 614 3 3 EDSP 603 Assessment in Special Education Functional Reading & Community Based Curriculum in Special Education Instruction of Students with Physical Disabilities 3 3 EDSP 616 Reading and Writing Instruction in Special Education I 3 4 EDSP 435 Field Placement in Special Education: Secondary/Middle II 3 half days for 12 weeks 3 •Recommended: Take Praxis II 2 •Attend Red Folder Meeting •Attend Positive Behavior Support Seminar •Start Professional Portfolio Fall Semester 3 EDSP 693 EDSP 682 EDSP 604 EDSP 664 *EDSP 687 Spring Semester 4 Graduate Internship I: Secondary/ Middle 3 half days for 14 weeks Advanced Literacy Approaches for At-Risk Adolescents 2 EDSP 696 3 EDSP 690 Education of Students with Autism Issues & Models in of Instruction: Middle/Secondary Special Education Family Partnerships in Special Education 3 3 •Pass Praxis II before student teaching EDSP 696 •Apply for Graduation, Complete Program of Study 3 Graduate Internship II: Secondary/Middle Disabilities (FT for 14 weeks) Teacher Candidate Research in Seminar Special Education •Complete Professional Portfolio, Instructional Inquiry Project 3 Electives EDSP 606 (F, Sm) Advanced Study Inclusive Practices EDSP 612 (F) Transition Methods 6 3