U N I V E R S I T Y OF 1119 MARYLAND Main Administration Building College Park. M a r y l a n d 2 0 7 4 2 - 5 0 3 ! 301.405.5252 TEL 301.405.8195 FAX OFFICE OF THE SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND PROVOST March 31, 2014 MEMORANDUM TO: John Townshend Dean, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences FROM: Elizabeth Beise 0 5 Associate Provost for Academic Planning and Programs SUBJECT: Proposal to Establish a Minor in Remote Sensing of Environmental Change (PCC Log no. 13042) At its meeting on March 7, 2014, the Senate Committee on Programs, Curricula, and Courses approved your proposal to establish a Minor in Remote Sensing of Environmental Change. A copy of the approved proposal is attached. The change is effective Fall 2014. Please ensure that the change is fully described in the Undergraduate Catalog and in all relevant descriptive materials, and that all advisors are informed. MDC/ Enclosure cc: Marilee Lindemann, Chair, Senate PCC Committee Barbara Gill, Office of Student Financial Aid Reka Montfort, University Senate Erin Howard, Division of Information Technology Pam Phillips, Institutional Research, Planning & Assessment Aime Turkos, University Archives Linda Yokoi, Office of the Registrar Doug Roberts, Undergraduate Studies Katherine Russell, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences Christopher Justice, Department of Geographical Sciences T H E UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, C O L L E G E P A R K PROGRAM/CURRICULUM/UNIT PROPOSAL • Please email the rest of the proposal as an MSWord attachment to pcc-submissions@umd.edu. • PCC LOG NO. Please submit the signed form to the Office of the Associate Provost for Academic Planning and Programs, 1119 Main Administration Building, Campus. College/School: B S C S Please also add College/School Unit Code-First 8 digits: 01202800 Department/P rogram: Please also add Department/Program Unit Code-Last 7 digits: 1281501 Type of Action (choose one): • Curriculum change (including informal specializations) • New Professional Studies award iteration • Curriculum change for an LEP Program X New Minor • Request to create an online version of an existing program Summary of Proposed Action: The Geographical Sciences Department proposes a new undergraduate minor in Remote Sensing of Environmental Change as part of the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences (BSOS). Remote Sensing and Environmental Change are becoming more common in this time of global environmental change and it is essential that today's students be equipped with the knowledge and skills to be leaders in understanding the upheaval that these extreme environmental events are causing. The Remote Sensing of Environmental Change minor program is designed to build students' understanding of Remote Sensing and Environmental Change in order to assess their impacts on the physical and human landscapes, and to use remote sensing as an analytical tool for identifying the impacts. Students in the minor program will receive technical training in remote sensing to examine how Remote Sensing and Environmental Change shapes human society and ecosystems from the interdisciplinary perspective afforded by the field of Geography. The minor will provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to apply the latest geographic science concepts and techniques in exploring, planning for, and responding to environmental events. These skills are in great demand in fields such as public policy, sustainable development, disaster preparedness, mitigation, and adaption, in the private, nonprofit, and governmental sectors. Departmental/Unit Contact Person for Prpposal: ''/^t'yvi/>-C 0 APPROVAL SIGNATURES 1. Department Committee Chai 2. Department Chair \ 3. College/School PCC 9:hair 4. Dean 5. Dean of the Graduate School (if required) 6. Chair, Senate PCC 7. University Senate Chair (if required) 8. Senior Vice President and Provost DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES M I N O R IN R E M O T E S E N S I N G O F E N V I R O N M E N T A L C H A N G E Mission: The Geographical Sciences Department proposes a new undergraduate minor i n Remote Sensing of Environmental Change as part of the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences (BSOS). Remote Sensing of Environmental Change is becoming more common i n this time of global environmental change and i t is essential that today's students be equipped w i t h the knowledge and skills to be leaders i n understanding the upheaval that extreme environmental events are causing. The Remote Sensing of Environmental Change minor is designed to b u i l d student's understanding of Remote Sensing and Environmental Change i n order to assess the impact of extreme environmental events and changes on the physical and h u m a n landscapes, and to use remote sensing as an analytical tool. Students i n the minor program w i l l be offered technical training i n remote sensing to examine how Remote Sensing and Environmental Change shapes h u m a n society and ecosystems f r o m the interdisciplinary perspective afforded by the field of Geography. The Remote Sensing of Environmental Change M i n o r Program is designed to equip students w h o are i n interested w o r k i n g for USAID, USD A , FEMA, N A S A , USGS, EPA, and other governmental and non-governmental agencies, w i t h a competitive edge through the minor's coursework. Students are encouraged to seek internship experiences w i t h relevant agencies to gain practical experience. These skills are i n great demand i n fields such as public policy, sustainable development, disaster preparedness, mitigation, and adaption, i n the private, nonprofit, and governmental sectors. Learning Outcomes: U p o n the completion of the Remote Sensing of Environmental Change Minor: • Students w i l l demonstrate the ability to use remotely sensed imagery to examine h o w the Remote Sensing of Environmental Change shapes h u m a n society and ecosystems. • Students w i l l demonstrate awareness and understanding of multi-scale Remote Sensing of Environmental Change resulting f r o m social and environmental processes. • Students w i l l demonstrate an awareness of the h u m a n and physical dimensions of the upheaval that Environmental Changes are causing. • • Students w i l l have a concrete global perspective on h u m a n and environmental systems. Students w i l l be able to communicate cross-culturally because the language of satellite imagery is global. • Students w i l l have the ability to analyze the effects of processes and interactions across borders, and study h o w groups and institutions w i t h i n societies shape those processes and interactions. • Students w i l l demonstrate their understanding of w h a t i t means to be a globally engaged citizen. The Curriculum: Students are required to take the f o l l o w i n g required courses (18 credits): Foundation Geography Course (3 credits) G E O G 140 Natural Disasters: Earthquakes, Floods, and Fires • (3 credits). Students w i l l examine h o w CEEs shape h u m a n society and ecosystem f r o m the interdisciplinary perspective afforded by the field of Geography. Students w i l l use the latest geographic science concepts and techniques i n exploring these events. Using satellite imagery, they w i l l gain a multi-scale perspective of the ecological and societal aspects of the events. Or GEOG170 Introduction to Methods of Geospatial Intelligence and Analysis • Introduction to technical methods used i n gathering, analyzing, and presenting geospatial information, addressing the needs of geospatial analysis, such as environmental monitoring, situational awareness, disaster management, and h u m a n systems. Topics include basics of locational reference systems, map projections, satellite and airborne remote sensing, global positioning systems, geographic information systems, cartography, and introductory statistics and probability. The course is a gateway to more advanced technical classes i n geoinformatics. Technical Geography Courses (6 credits) • G E O G 372 Introduction to Remote Sensing (3 credits). Principles of remote sensing i n relation to photographic, thermal infrared and radar imaging. Methods of obtaining quantitative information f r o m remotely-sensed images. Interpretation of remotely-sensed images emphasizing the study of spatial and environmental relationships. • G E O G 472 Advanced Remote Sensing (3 credits). Prerequisite: GEOG372 or GEOG306. Digital image processing and analysis applied to satellite and aircraft land remote sensing data. Consideration is given to preprocessing steps including calibration and geo registration. Analysis methods include digital image exploration, feature extraction thematic classification, change detection, and biophysical characterization. One or more application examples may be reviewed. Physical Geography (3 credits) • G E O G 340 Geomorphology (3 credits). Survey of landform types and role of processes i n their generation. Frequency of occurrence and implications for land utilization. Emphasis on coastal, fluvial, and glacial landforms i n different environmental settings. L a n d f o r m regions of M a r y l a n d . • G E O G 342 Introduction to Biogeography (3 credits). Prerequisite: GEOG201. The principles of biogeography, including the patterns, processes and distributions of l i v i n g organisms f r o m local to global scales, aspects of eco-physiology, population and c o m m u n i t y ecology and evolutionary biology. Spatial processes i n the biosphere w i l l be covered. • G E O G 345 Introduction to Climatology (3 credits). The geographic aspects of climate w i t h emphasis o n energy-moisture budgets, steady-state and n o n steady-state climatology, and climatic variations at both macro-and micro-scales. • G E O G 398F Desertification: Science and Myth (3 credits). H u m a n Dimensions of Global Change course (3 credits) • G E O G 313 Latin America (3 credits). A geography o f Latin America and the Caribbean i n the contemporary w o r l d : political and cultural regions, population and resource distribution, historical development, current levels o f economic and social well-being, urbanization, development policies, migration trends, physical features and climates. • G E O G 3328B Regional Geography: China (3 credits). • G E O G 3328C Regional Geography: Sub-Saharan Africa (3 credits). • G E O G 330: Society and Sustainability (3 credits). Cultural geography course on society and sustainability. Culture is the basic b u i l d i n g block that is key to sustainability of societies. Course w i l l cover sustainability of societies on different scales, examining local, regional. and w o r l d w i d e issues. Sustainability w i l l be examined as a key element of environmental sustainability. H o w societies adjust to rapid w o r l d change w i l l be examined as a positive and/or negative factor i n sustainability. • G E O G 331: Introduction to Human Dimensions of Global Change (3 credits). Introduction to global-scale interrelationship between human beings and the environment. The development of global issues i n c l u d i n g but not l i m i t e d to the environment, food, energy, technology, population, and policy. • G E O G 332: Economic Geography (3 credits). Principles of managing scarce resources i n a w o r l d where everyone faces tradeoffs across both time and space. Focuses on the relationship between globalization processes and changing patterns of locational advantages, production, trade, population, socioeconomic and environmental grace and sustainability. Advanced Integrated Geography course (3 credits) • G E O G 415: Land Use, Climate Change, and Sustainability (3 credits). The issues of climate change and land use change as t w o interlinked global and regional environmental issues and their imphcations for society and resource use are explored. • G E O G 416: Modeling Human-Environment Interactions (3 credits). Develops skills to carry out research that integrates environmental and economic aspects of sustainability by introducing extensively used quantitative tools for analyzing human-environment interaction i n the field of ecological economics. These include, e.g., index number calculations and decomposition analysis. Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC), environmental input-output analysis and life-cycle analysis, and multi-criteria decisions aid. • G E O G 431: Culture and Natural Resource Management (3 credits). Basic issues concerning the natural history of humans f r o m the perspective of the geographer. Basic components of selected behavioral and natural systems, their evolution and adaptation, and survival strategies. • G E O G 441: Coastal Ocean (3 credits). Introduction to coastal oceanography, focusing on the physical, biological, and geological aspects of ocean areas on the inner continental shelves. Wave, currents, and tidal dynamics of bays, open coast, estuaries, and deltas. Sedimentary environments of major coastal types. Ecology and biogeochemical relationships, including benthic and planktonic characteristics. Coastal evolution w i t h sea level rise. H u m a n impacts: eutrophication, modification of sedimentation. The coastal future: rising sea level, hypoxia, and increased storminess. • G E O G 442: Biogeography and Environmental Change (3 credits). Prerequisite GEOG 342. Biogeographical topics of global significance, including a consideration of measurement techniques, and both descriptive and mechanistic modeling. Topics may include: scale i n biogeography, climate and vegetation, global carbon cycle, biodiversity, interannual variability i n the biosphere, land cover, global biospheric responses to climate change, NASA's Mission to Planet Earth and Earth Observation System. Special Programming: Geographical Sciences Undergraduate Symposium Day: Remote Sensing of Environmental Change students w i l l be encouraged to present a poster at the Undergraduate Symposium. This w i l l give the Remote Sensing of Environmental Change students the opportunity to interact w i t h other students i n Geographical Sciences w h o w i l l be presenting on that day as w e l l as w i t h faculty. T w o students w i l l be selected as winner of this research symposium and w i l l receive monetary award as well as be provided w i t h the opportunity to present at the A n n u a l Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. Size of Program: Open. N o cap. Budget and Staffing Requirements: ($32,296) T w o T A positions for t w o lab sections w i l l be provided by the Department of Geographical Sciences. This minor w i l l require T A positions i n addition to those available for the Geographical Sciences Major. Students w i l l be charged a $40 lab fee for technical courses. Department of Geographical Sciences University of Maryland, College Park Extreme environmental events are becoming more common in this time of global environmental change and it is essential that today's students be equipped with the knowledge and skills to be leaders in understanding the upheaval that these extreme environmental events are causing. The Remote Sensing of Environmental Change minor program is designed to build students' understanding of Remote Sensing of Environmental Change in order to assess their impacts on the physical and human landscapes, and to use remote sensing as an analytical tool for identifying the impacts. Students in the minor program will receive technical training in remote sensing to examine how extreme environmental events shape human society and ecosystems from the interdisciplinary perspective afforded by the field of Geography. The minor will provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to apply the latest geographic science concepts and techniques in exploring, planning for, and responding to environmental events. These skills are in great demand in fields such as public policy, sustainable development, disaster preparedness, mitigation, and adaption, in the private, nonprofit, and governmental sectors. The Required Curriculum: (18 cr) Foundation Course (3 cr.) • Natural Disasters: GEOG 140 (3 cr). Or • Introduction to Methods of Geospatial Intelligence and Analysis: Geog 170 (3 cr) Technical Geography Courses (6 cr.) • Introduction to Remote Sensing: GEOG 372 (3 cr). • Advanced Remote Sensing: GEOG 472 (3 cr). Choose one Physical Geography Course (3 cr.) • Geomorphology: GEOG 340 (3 cr) • Biogeography: GEOG 342 (3 cr.) • Climatology: GEOG 345 (3 cr) • Desertification: GEOG 398F (3 cr) Choose one Human Dimension of Global Change Course (3 cr) • Regional Geography: China GEOG328B (3 cr) • Regional: Sub-Saharan Africa: GEOG328C (3 cr) • Regional: Latin America: GEOG313 (3 cr) • Society and Sustainability: GEOG330 (3 cr) • Intro to Human Dimensions of Global Change: GEOG 331 (3 cr) • Economic Geography: GE0G332 (3cr) Admission to the Program: There are no special requirements for the Minor Program in Remote Sensing of Environmental Change. The Department of Geographical Sciences welcomes students from every area of study. GIS and ENSP students are also welcome to enroll in this minor. Geosraphv students are not elizible but are encouraged to pursue the related Environment Systems and Natural Resources Track and/or the GIS minor. Requirements: • A l l credits for the minor must be taken in the Department of Geographical Sciences at the University of Maryland, College Park. • A l l courses must be completed with a grade of " C - " or better. • No more than six credits are to be included in the Minor and student's major, supporting courses, and college requirements. Application form attached. Return to Advising Office, Lefrak Hall 2181M Email: yeo^-advisefffumd.edu Phone: 301-405-4073 Professional Opportunities: Choose one Advanced Integrated Course (3 cr.) • Land Use, Climate Change, and Sustainability: GEOG 415 (3 cr) • Modeling Human-Environment Interactions: GE0G416 (3cr) • Cultural and Natural Resource Management: GEOG 431 (3 cr) • • Coastal Oceans: GEOG 441 (3 cr) Biogeography & Environmental Change: GEOG 442 (3cr) The Remote Sensing of Environmental Change Minor Program is designed to equip students who are in interested working for U S A I D , U S D A , F E M A , NASA, USGS, EPA and other governmental and non-govemmental agencies, with a competitive edge through the minor's coursework. Students are encouraged to seek internship experiences with relevant agencies to gain practical experience. Please see the Geographical Sciences' Career Resources webpage for more information: hltp:-7www.geog.umd.edii''content/olher- Department of Geographical Sciences University of Maryland, College Park M I N O R IN R E M O T E S E N S I N G O F E N V I R O N M E N T A L C H A N G E M I N O R APPLICATION N A M E OF STUDENT UNIVERSITY L D . N U M B E R , SEMESTER D E C L A R E D : MAJOR T E L E P H O N E WHERE Y O U C A N BE REACHED D U R I N G T H E DAY_ E-MAIL EXPECTED DATE OF GRADUATION R E A S O N W H Y D E C L A R I N G THIS M I N O R ( E X P A N D O N YOUR SELECTION)? FRIENDS CL/\SS JOB P O T E N T I A L . INSTRUCTOR WEBSITE. C U R R I C U L U M STRUCTURE. OTHER COURSES C O M P L E T E D T O W A R D M I N O R DATE REQUIRED: GRADE CREDITS Foundation 1. GEOG or 3 HOURS 140 GEOG 170 Technical GEOG 372 3 HOURS 3. G E O G 472 3 HOURS 2. Physical 3 HOURS 4. G E O G 3 4 0 , 3 4 2 , 3 4 5 , 3 9 8 F Human Dimensions 5. G E O G 3 2 8 B , 3 2 8 C , 3 1 3 , 3 3 0 , 3 3 1 , 332. 3 HOURS Integrated 6. G E O G 415, 416, 4 3 1 , 4 4 1 , 442 RKMINDKR: 3 HOURS S T U D K N T M U S T A C H I H V H A " C - " O R B K T T K R I N HACH C O U R S K A P P l . l K D T O M I N O R I N G K O G R ; \ P H I C A I . S C I K N C K S . T H I S S T U D E N T HAS C O M P L E T E D A L L T H E R E Q U I R E M E N T S FOR A MINOR I N R E M O T E SENSING OF E N V I R O N M E N T A L C H A N G E S I G N A T U R E O F G E O G R A P H I C A L SCIENCES A D V I S O R DATE Department of Geographical Sciences University of Maryland, College Park M I N O R IN R E M O T E SENSING O F E N V I R O N M E N T A L FACULTY OVERSIGHT ADVISING STRUCTURE Ronald Luna Ph.D Undergraduate Director/ Lecturer Geographical Sciences 2181M Lefrak H a l l (301) 405 4073 ronaldl@umd.edu Kristen Bergery Academic A d v i s i n g Coordinator Geographical Sciences 2181M Lefrak H a l l (301) 405 4073 kbergery@umd.edu CHANGE