1119 Main Administration Building College Park, Maryland 20742-5031 301.405.5252 TEL 301.405.8195 Fi\.X OFFICE OF THE SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND PROVOST January 10,2013 MEMORANDUM TO: Darryll Pines Dean, A. James Clark School of Engineering FROM: Elizabeth Beise 0J({;; Associate Provost for Academic Planning and Programs SUBJECT: Proposal to Modify the Curriculum of the BS in Mechanical Engineering Collaborative Program with Frostburg State University (PCC log no. 12030) At its meeting on December 7, 2012, the Senate Committee on Programs, Curricula, and Courses approved your proposal to modify the curriculum of the BS in Mechanical Engineering collaborative program with Frostburg State University. A copy of the approved proposal is attached. The change is effective Spring 2013. The School should ensure that the change is fully described in all relevant descriptive materials, and that all advisors are informed. MDC/ Enclosure cc: William Idsardi, Chair, Senate PCC Committee Sarah Bauder, Office of Student Financial Aid Reka Montfort, University Senate Erin Howard, Division of Information Technology Donna Williams, Institutional Research, Planning & Assessment Anne Turkos, University Archives Linda Yokoi, Office of the Registrar Robert Gaines, Undergraduate Studies William Fourney, A. James Clark School of Engineering Balakumar Balachandran, Department of Mechanical Engineering THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK PROGRAM/CURRICULUMIUNIT PROPOSAL Please email the rest of the proposal as an MSWord attachment to I).c':-~ u~IIili;s i0 n~(iJill!lld. elll.l. • IPCCLOGNO. 12020 Please submit the signed form to the Office of the Associate Provost for Academic Planning and Programs, 1J J9 Main Administration Building, Campus. College/School: Please also add College/School Unit Code-First 8 digits: Engineering 01203200 Unit Codes can be found at: hftps://hYfJprocl, Ullldedu/HlIIlLReporls/W1its. htm Department/Program: Please also add Department/Program Unit Code-Last 7 digits: 1322101 (Only for the major code of0910F). This curriculum change should not impact the 09100 or 091OP. Type of Action (choose one): X Curriculum change (including informal specializations) oRenaming ofprogram or formal Area ofConcentration IJAddition/deletion offormal Area ofConcentration IJ Suspend/delete program 0 New academic degree/award program 0 New Professional Studies award iteration 0 New Minor 0 Other italics indicate that the proposed program action must be presented to the full University Senate for consideration. Summary of Proposed Action: The Department of Mechanical Engineering at College Park, in conjunction with the Physics & Engineering Department at Frostburg State University, propose a modification to the undergraduate curriculum for students in the mechanical engineering distance program, otherwise known as the collaborative program. The proposal removes one, three credit mechanical technical elective and adds the requirement of one, three credit required course Machine Design (ENME 400). ==================================================================================== APPROVAL SIGNATU RES - Please IJrlfJ1 name, sign, and date. Use additional lines for multi-unit programs. 1. Department Committee Chair ,1.­ 2. Department Chair 3. College/School PCC Chair 4. Dean 5. Dean of the Graduate School (if required) tv~~~;/W 6. Chair, Senate PCC 7. University Senate Chair (if required) 8. Senior Vice President and Provost ---'-'~~'---__----------1I/L--J0-f--(_20--,-,=l3,--­ __ The University of Maryland at College Park currently offers a collaborative degree in Mechanical Engineering where the students receive a degree from University of Maryland, with a Frostburg designation. Background: In the Frostburg UM engineering collaborative program, students complete the first two years of math, physics, CORE/general education courses and basic engineering studies at Frostburg State University. Students must apply as transfer students and satisfy our LEP admission criteria. After being admitted to the collaborative program with the Clark School of Engineering, the junior and senior year curriculum is taken physically at FSU, either live or via lTV from the University of Maryland. Students completing the program receive a bachelor's of science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Maryland with a Frostburg notation. This program is EAC/ABET accredited and currently has 12 full time students. Rationale: During the last ABET accreditation in the fall of 2011, a critical weakness was noted by the evaluator in that the Mechanical Engineering Frostburg Collaborative Program had no required courses to introduce the fundamentals that would allow analysis of the associated safety factors in the design of mechanical systems. The proposed solution is to add ENME 400 Machine Design as a required course to the undergraduate collaborative degree, and reduce the number of technical electives by three credits in the senior year. This modification would not change the overall credit total nor impose additional prerequisites on students. This proposed modification would not impact satisfactory progress (benchmarks) for any student. Therefore, we are requesting the modification to the B.S. degree in mechanical engineering for collaborative students only be effective for the spring 2013. Transitional Plan: The Mechanical Engineering faculty unanimously approved this change to the undergraduate curriculum. While the department is requesting an implementation date of spring 2013 we are well aware that students enrolled in the program prior to the effective date of the curriculum change may complete their program under the old requirements ifthey wish. Resources: No new resources are required from UM to offer the new curriculum as FSU will be responsible for covering the cost of offering ENME 400 on the FSU campus. Appendix A Current degree requirements with General Education Appendix B Current degree requirements with CORE Appendix C Proposed (Sample) degree requirements with General Education Appendix D Proposed (Sample) degree requirements with CORE Appendix E Four year pre-requisite MAPS with current degree requirements Appendix F Four year pre-requisite MAPS with proposed degree requirements Appendix G Benchmark Statement - Ensuring satisfactory progress will be met Appendix H Letter from FSU stating approved implementation and financial allocation Appendix J Sample transcripts Cw-ren-t Mechancial Engineering Four Year Academic Plan Name:, _ Year 1 ENGL 101, CHEM 135, MATH 141, {ree enH lJ ~_OO(oI~rJ.. r.i";Lul~ ~) \ Fall Gateway requirements include: Course Credit 3 Distributive Studies course. MATH 140 (AR) (Directly admitted freshman must CHEM 135 ENGL 101 (AW) 3 successfully complete these courses and ENES 100 by 45 UM 3 4 MATH 141 4 3 PHYS 161 (NS) 3 Hist & Social Sciences (HS)* 3 ORAL COMM (DC) 3 Course 16 Total 13 Fall Year 2 Grade Credit ENES 100 (SP) credits.) Total Spring Course Grade ENES 102 PHY5 161 and an approved 9e.n ~d... wrth UIO" Spring Credit Course Grade Grade Credit ENES 220 3 ENES 232 ENES 221 3 ENME 272 2 MATH 241 4 MATH 246 3 MATH 206 3 PHYS 270 and PHYS 271 1 3&1 PHYS 260 and PHYS 261 (NL) 3&1 Scholarship in Practice (SP)* 3 Total 15 Total 15 Fall Year 3 Second benchmark requirements Course Spring Credit Grade Course Grade Credit must be completed one year after students are reviewed for the ENME 331 3 ENME 332 3 gateway requirements and ENME 350 3 ENME 351 3 include: All 100 and 200 level ENME 382 3 ENME 361 3 ENME 392 3 ENME 371 3 ENME 201 (optional) 1 ENGL 393 (PW) 3 Hist & Social Sciences (HS)* 3 MATH, PHYS, ENES and ENME 271. 16 Total Fall Year 4 Third benchmark requirements must be completed one year after students are reviewed for the second benchmark and include: ENGL 393, ENME 331, 350, 392 and two of: ENME 351, 361, 371 or 382. Course 15 Total Spring Credit Course Grade Credit Grade ENME 462 3 ENME 472 3 ENME Tech Elective 3 ENME Tech Elective 3 ENME Tech Elective 3 ENME Tech Elective 3 Technical Elective 3 Technical Elective 3 Humanities (HU)* 3 Humanities (HU)* 3 Total 15 Total *AII students must complete two Distributive Studies courses that are approved for I-series courses. The Understanding Plural Societies and Cultural Competence courses may also fulfill Distributive Studies categories. 15 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING NAME: _ UfD: General Education Requirements Fundamental Studies Engineering Sciences Requirements- The cumulative average of these courses must be a 2.0 Requirements Course Academic Writing (AW) Professional Writing (PW) Oral Communication (OC) Math (MA) Analytic Reasoning (AR) ENGL 101 ENGL 393 3 3 3 -------------- 0 0 Credits Grade MATH 140 Course Natural Science Lab (NL) Natural Sciences (NS) History/Social Sciences (HS) History/Social Sciences (HS) Humanities (HU) Humanities (HU) Scholarship in Practice (SP) Scholarship in Practice (SP) non major PHYS 260&261 PHYS 161 3 3 0 0 3 3 3 3 0 3 ENES100 I-Series Course Credits Grade I-Series (IS) I-Series (IS) Diversity (overlap permitted with Distributive Studies and/or I-series) Requirements Course Credits Grade Understanding Plural Societies (UP) Understanding Plural Societies (UP) or Cultural Competency (CC) ENES 221 - Dynamics ENES 232 - Thermodynamics 3 3 I 3 3 3&1 3&1 MATH 140 - Calculus I MATH 141- Calculus II MATH 206 -Intro to MATLAB 4 4 MATH 241 - Calculus III 4 MATH 246 - Differential Equations 3 l,quirf1mentsfor f;taduatJon: At least 30 credits must be earned at UMD 15 of the final 30 credits must be earned at the 300-400 level 12 upper level major credits must be earned at UMD Students must earn a minimum of 120 credits to complete a degree. GenEd-2012-2013 Credits Grade ENME 272 - Intro to CAD ENME 331 - Fluid Mechanics ENME 332 - Transfer Processes ENME 350 - Electronics & Instrumentation I EN ME 351 - Electronics & Instrumentation II ENME 361 - Vibrations, Controls, & Opt I ENME 371 - Product Eng & Manufacturing ENME 382 - Eng Materials & Manufact Process 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ENME 392 - Stat Methods for Prod & Proc Dev ENME 462 - Vibrations, Controls, & Opt II 3 3 ENME 472 - Integrated Product P & Design Technical Requirements ENME 4XX - Tech Elective** 3 3 ENME 4XX - Tech Elective** ENME 4XX - Tech Elective** 3 3 ENME 4XX - Tech Elective** TECH 4XX - Tech Elective** 3 2 electives and approval. Gateway req uirements Credits Grade CHEM 135 - Chem for Eng PHYS 161 - General Physics I PHYS 260 and PHYS 261 - Gen Physics II & Lab PHYS 270 and PHYS 271 - Gen Physics III & Lab o o o Requirements-The cumulative average of these courses must be a 2.0 3 TECH 4XX - Tech Elective** 3 ENGL 393 - Technical Writing 3 **See Departmental Advisor for a Iistin g ot possible technical BasIc sCiences Requirements- The cumulative average of these courses must be a 2.0 3 Major Requirements Credits Grade Normally double counted with Distributive Studies Requirements Credits Grade ENES 100 - Intro to Eng Design ENES 102 - Mechanics I ENES 220 - Mechanics II Distributive stu ::IIes Requirements _ ]. Credits Grade Requirements ENGL 101 CHEM 135, 271 or 113 MATH 141 PHYS 161 An approved Distributive Studies course ENES 100 (required for Freshmen Direct Admits) 3 3 4 3 3 3 Benchmark 2 requirements MATH 140, 141,241 and 246 15 PHYS 161, 260, 261, 270 and 271 ENES 100, 102,220,221 and 232 11 ENME 272 or ENME 382 3 15 Benchmark 3 requirements 3 9 ENGL 393 ENME 331, 350 and 392 Two of: ENME 351, 361, 371, 382 6 Benchmark___ Direct Int. Ext. CW'ren+ Mechanical Engineering Four Year Plan Name: _ with WilE UIO' ( rPl'p ~\ V ~ Fall Year 1 Gateway requirements include: ENGL 101, CHEM 135, MATH 141, PHYS 161 and an approved \ Course Credit ENES 102 Grade Course 3 ENES 100 K'}\;ofcl Credit Grade 3 Distributive Studies course. MATH 140 4 MATH 141 4 (Directly admitted freshman must CHEM 13S 3 PHYS 161 3 ENGL 101 3 CORE 3 CORE 3 CORE 3 successfully complete these courses and ENES 100 by 45 UM credits.) 16 Total Year 2 Spring Credit ENES 220 3 ENME 272 2 MATH 246 3 MATH 206 1 PHYS 270 and PHYS 271 3&1 Year 3 include: All 100 and 200 level MATH, PHYS, ENES and ENME 271. 3 Total Fall Course 3&1 CORE 15 15 Spring Credit Grade Grade Credit Course ENME 331 3 ENME 332 3 ENME 350 3 ENME 351 3 ENME 382 3 ENME 361 3 ENME 392 3 ENME 371 3 ENME 201 (optional) 1 ENGL 393 3 CORE 3 16 Total Year 4 Total Fall Third benchmark requirements must be completed one year after Grade 3 4 Second benchmark requirements students are reviewed for the Credit Course ENES 232 ENES 221 Total gateway requirements and Grade 3 MATH 241 PHYS 260 and PHYS 261 must be completed one year after 16 Total Fall Course Course Spring Credit ENME 462 15 Grade Course Grade Credit 3 ENME 472 3 second benchmark and include: ENME Tech Elective 3 ENME Tech Elective 3 ENGL 393, ENME 331, 350, 392 ENME Tech Elective 3 ENME Tech Elective 3 Technical Elective 3 Technical Elective 3 CORE 3 CORE 3 students are reviewed for the and two of: ENME 351, 361, 371 or 382. Total c\UricLtI , Spring 15 Total 15 Mechancial Engineering Four Year Academic Plan Name:, _ Course 3 MATH 141 4 CHEM 135 3 PHYS 161 (NS) 3 ENGL 101 (AW) 3 (Directly admitted freshman must credits.) Total Year 2 3 3 13 16 Total Spring Credit Grade Grade Credit Course ENES 220 3 ENES 232 3 ENES 221 3 ENME 272 2 MATH 241 4 MATH 246 MATH 206 1 PHYS 270 and PHYS 271 3 3&1 PHYS 260 and PHYS 261 (NL) 3&1 Scholarship in Practice (SP)* 3 Total 15 Total 15 Year 3 Spring Fall Second benchmark requirements students are reviewed for the Hist & Social Sciences (HS)* ORAL COMM (OC) Fall Course must be completed one year after Grade Credit 4 MATH 140 (AR) courses and ENES 100 by 45 UM Course 3 Distributive Studies course. successfully complete these Grade Credit ENES 100 (SP) ENES 102 PHYS 161 and an approved Spring Fall Year 1 Gateway requirements include: ENGL 101, CHEM 135, MATH 141, UID: Course Credit EN ME 331 Grade Credit Course 3 ENME 332 Grade 3 gateway requirements and ENME 350 3 ENME 351 3 include: All 100 and 200 level EN ME 382 3 ENME 361 3 ENME 392 3 ENME 371 3 ENME 201 (optional) 1 ENGL 393 (PW) 3 Hist & Social Sciences (HS)* 3 MATH, PHYS, ENES and ENME 271. Total Year4 Fall Third benchmark requirements must be completed one year after students are reviewed for the Course Spring Credit ENME 462 15 Total 16 Grade Course 3 ENME 472 Grade Credit 3 second benchmark and include: ENME Tech Elective 3 ENME Tech Elective 3 ENGL 393, EN ME 331,350,392 ENME~OO 3 ENME Tech Elective 3 Technical Elective 3 Technical Elective 3 Humanities (HU)* 3 Humanities (HU)* 3 and two of: EN ME 351, 361, 371 or 382. Total 15 Total *AII students must complete two Distributive Studies courses that are approved for I-series courses. The Understanding Plural Societies and Cultural Competence courses may also fulfill Distributive Studies categories. 15 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING NAME: UID: _ General Education ReqUirements Engineering Sciences Fundamental Studies Requirements-The cumulative average a/these courses must be Q 2.0 Requirements Course Academic Writing (AW) Professional Writing (PW) Oral Communication (OC) Math (MA) Analytic Reasoning (AR) ENGL 101 3 ENGL 393 3 3 0 0 Credits Grade -------------­ MATH 140 ENES 100 - Intro to Eng Design ENES 102 - Mechanics I ENES 220 - Mechanics II Course Natural Science Lab (NL) Natural Sciences (NS) History/Social Sciences (HS) History/Social Sciences (HS) Humanities (HU) Humanities (HU) Scholarship in Practice (SP) Scholarship in Practice (SP) non major PHYS 260&261 0 PHYS 161 0 3 3 3 3 ENES100 0 3 Credits Grade I-Series Normally double counted with Distributive Studies Credits Grade I-Series (IS) I-Series (IS) Diversity (overlap permitted with Distributive Studies and/or I-series) Requirements Course Credits Grade Understanding Plural Societies (UP) Understanding Plural Societies (UP) or Cultural Competency (CC) I MATH 140 - Calculus I MATH 141- Calculus II MATH 206 - Intro to MATLAB MATH 241- Calculus III MATH 246 - Differential Equations fJe,g",iremiffits1ot.Gradt/QtiQ~: At least 30 credits must be earned at UMD 15 of the final 30 credits must be earned at the 300-400 level 12 upper level major credits must be earned at UMD Students must earn a minimum of 120 credits to complete a degree. GenEd-2012-2013 Requ;rements- The cumulative average 0/ these courses must be a 2.0 Credits Grade ENME 272 - Intro to CAD ENME 331 - Fluid Mechanics ENME 332 - Transfer Processes ENME 350 - Electronics & Instrumentation I ENME 351 - Electronics & Instrumentation II ENME 361 - Vibrations, Controls, & Opt I ENME 371 - Product Eng & Manufacturing ENME 382 - Eng Materials & Manufact Process 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ENME 392 - Stat Methods for Prod & Proc Dev ENME 462 - Vibrations, Controls, & Opt II 3 3 ENME 472 - Integrated Product P & Design Technical Requirements ENME 400- Tech Elective** 3 3 ENME 4XX - Tech Elective·· ENME 4XX - Tech Elective·· 3 3 ENME 4XX - Tech Elective·· TECH 4XX - Tech Elective·· TECH 4XX - Tech Elective·· 3 3 electives and approval. Gateway requirements Credits Grade CHEM 135 - Chem for Eng PHYS 161 - General Physics I PHYS 260 and PHYS 261 - Gen Physics II & Lab PHYS 270 and PHYS 271 - Gen Physics III & Lab D D D 3 3 3 ENGL 393 - Technical Writing 3 "See Departmental AdVisor for a listing of possible technical BaSIC SCiences Requirements- The cumulative average a/these caurses must be a 2.0 3 3 Major Requirements Requirements Course Credits Grade 3 ENES 221 - Dynamics ENES 232 - Thermodynamics Distributive Stu :lies Requirements _ 3 3 3&1 3&1 4 4 1 4 3 Credits Grade Requirements ENGL 101 CHEM 135,271 or 113 MATH 141 PHYS 161 An approved Distributive Studies course ENES 100 (required for Freshmen Direct Admits) Benchmark MATH 140, 141, 241 and 246 3 3 3 2 requirements 15 PHYS 161, 260, 261, 270 and 271 ENES 100, 102,220,221 and 232 ENME 272 or ENME 382 Benchmark 3 3 4 11 15 3 3 requirements ENGL 393 ENME 331, 350 and 392 Two of: ENME 351, 361, 371, 382 3 9 6 Benchmark___ Direct Int. Ext. Mechanical Engineering Four Year Plan Name: _ Year 1 Gateway requirements include: ENGL 101, (HEM 135, MATH 141, PHYS 161 and an approved UID: _ Spring Fall Course ENES 102 Grade Credit Course Grade Credit 3 ENES 100 3 Distributive Studies course. MATH 140 4 MATH 141 4 (Directly admitted freshman must CHEM 135 3 PHYS 161 3 ENGL 101 3 CORE 3 CORE 3 CORE 3 successfully complete these courses and ENES 100 by 45 UM credits.) Total Year 2 Fall Course 16 Spring Credit ENES 220 Grade Grade Credit Course 3 ENES 232 ENES 221 3 ENME 272 2 MATH 241 4 MATH 246 3 MATH 206 3&1 3 Total Fall Second benchmark requirements Course 3&1 CORE 15 Total Year 3 3 PHYS 270 and PHYS 271 1 PHYS 260 and PHYS 261 must be completed one year after Total 16 15 Spring Credit Grade Course Grade Credit ENME 331 3 gateway requirements and ENME 350 3 ENME 351 3 include: All 100 and 200 level ENME 382 3 ENME 361 3 ENME 392 3 ENME 371 3 ENME 201 (optional) 1 ENGL 393 3 CORE 3 students are reviewed for the MATH, PHYS, ENES and ENME 271. 16 Total Year 4 3 Total Fall Third benchmark requirements must be completed one year after ENME 332 Course 15 Spring Grade Credit Course Grade Credit ENME 462 3 second benchmark and include: ENME 400 3 ENME Tech Elective 3 ENGl393, ENME 331, 350, 392 ENME Tech Elective 3 ENME Tech Elective 3 Technical Elective 3 Technical Elective 3 CORE 3 CORE 3 students are reviewed for the and two of: ENME 351, 361, 371 or 382. Total 15 ENME 472 3 Total 15 or- i § V\cLL I Department of Mechanical Engineering - Course Map PHYS 270/271 CHEM 135 General Chemistry ~ ENME 350 General Physics: Electrodynamics, Light, Relativity & Modern Physics MATH 141 Electronics & Instrumentation I ENME 361 I-­ ENES220 ~ General Physics: Mechanics and Particle Dynamics I ENME462 Vibrations, Controls and Optimization II ENME4XX I I-­ Vibrations, Controls and Optimization I ENME4XX ENME4XX ENME 382 Mechanics II Introduction to Engilleeri ng Materials PHYS 161 Calculus I - ----. Differential Equations ~ Electronics & Insrrumemation II MATH 246 I-­ Calculus II MATH140 ----. ENME 351 I-­ ENME4XX r---, f-+ ENES221 Dynamics f-+ ENME 271 I-- Introduction to MATLAB I-- I I I ENME 21111 Oueers in Mechanical Enguleering I I / ENGL39! Technical Wntmg L __ ...J ENES 102 I-­ Mechanics I PHYS 260/261 ENES 100 Introd uction to Engineering Design General Physics: Vibration, Waves, Heat, E&M f-+ ENES 232 Thennodynamics ~ ENME 331 Fluid Mechanics ~ ENME 392 MATH 241 Calculus III Statistical Methods for Product and Processes Development ENME 332 Transfer Processes I ENME4XX Product Engineering and Manufacturing I ENME4XX ENME472 ENME 371 ~ II Integrated Product and Process Development I I I I I I (Note: You are allowed, ({you wish, to take up to two electives outside o/your major. These may be any 300 or 400 level courses in MATH, PHYS, COMp·SCIENCE, CHEM, BMGT or ENGINEERING. {{you take an elective outside o.f your major, it will also count as one o.f your advanced studies upper core.) Arrows indicate prerequisites except for ENES22I and ENME27 I q:>( opo .s ec{ . Department of Mechanical Engineering - Course Map PHYS 270/271 CHEM 135 General Chemistry .. ENME 350 General Physics: EJectro­ dynamics, Light, Relativity & Modern Physics MATH 141 Electronics & InstrumentalioD I ENME351 -----.. . Differential Equations ENES220 Introduction to Engineering Materials Mechanics IT PHYS 161 MATH140 r-. General Physics: Mechanics and Particle Dynamics Introduction to Engineering Design ENME4XX I--­ ENME 100 ENME4XX MJII<.h.nc.. 'VtS,.f'. Introduction to CAD ENME4XX 1--1 ENES221 I ENME201! I easeers in I Dynamics I ENES 100 I Vibrations, Controls and Optimization IT - Mecharoc.aJ Engineering L __ ENES 102 f---­ Mechanics I ENME 462 ENME272 r--. .. ENME 361 Vibrations, Controls and Optimization 1 ENME 382 Calculus I L­ ~ MATH 246 r-. Electronics & lnslrumenrillon Il f---­ Calculus II Revised Fall 2012 Version / I ENGL397 Technical Wnttng -.J PHYS 260/261 General Physics: Vibration, Waves, Heat, E&M ~ ENES 232 ... fluid Mecbanics Thermodynamics MATH 241 ... Calculus ill ENME331 ENME392 Statistical Methods for Product and Processes Development I MATH 206 Introduction to Matlab ~ ENME 332 Transfer Processes ENME371 H Product Engineering and Manufacturing U I ENME4XX ENME 472 Integrated Product and Process Development Arrows indicate primary prerequisite path but for clarity, some are not shown. FS: OC DS: HS, HS, HU, HU, SP 1S*,1S* UP*, UP*/CC* (*Some classes can fulfill multiple requirements) r I I I I Mechanical Engineering Benchmark Statement The goal of the Student Academic Success-Degree Completion Policy is to promote undergraduate student success. Engineering students requesting major changes within the Clark School of Engineering will be required to satisfy benchmarks and demonstrate completion of the new degree in a timely manner prior to having their major changed. Failure to satisfy any of the academic benchmarks will result in students having to change their major for not complying with the Student Academic Success Policy. 45 Credit Benchmark- This gateway review will be completed by the Office of Undergraduate Advising & Academic Support Students who are directly admitted to Engineering from high school are reviewed for successful completion of the 45 credit benchmark at 45 University of Maryland credits. • CHEM135 with a minimum grade ofC­ • MATHI41 with a minimum grade ofC­ • PHYS 161 with a minimum grade of C­ • ENES I00 with a minimum grade of C­ • Academic Writing • One Distributive Studies course from the Humanities or Social Sciences • No more than one repeat of any of the courses above (a ' W' [withdrawal] counts • as an attempt) • Minimum Grade Point Average of2.0 2nd Benchmark - This review will be completed by the Mechanical Department Two semesters after students are initially reviewed for the 45 credit review OR two semesters after students transfer into the Clark School of Engineering (as an internal or external transfer), students must have completed the following: • • • • All required 100 and 200 level MATH courses All required 100 and 200 level PHYSICS courses All required 100 and 200 level ENES courses ENME272 or ENME 382 3 rd Benchmark - This review will be completed by the Mechanical Department Two semesters after students are initially reviewed for the 2nd benchmark, students must have completed the following: • • • ENGL393 (Technical Writing) ENME33 I, ENME350, AND ENME392 Two of the following courses: ENME35 I, ENME361, ENME37 I, OR ENME382 hI ~h 1-''1 c on;r­ FALL 2012 Jenna Dolan From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Kenneth T. Kiger Friday. November 09. 2012 3:51 AM Jenna Dolan B Balachandran; William L. Fourney; David I. Bigio Fwd: Support Letter for ME Curriculum Modification Hi lerma, Many thanks for your help on this again. Please find below the letter we needed for the change to the FSU collaborative program. Ken Begin forwarded message: From: M S Eltayeb <mseltayeb@frostburg.edu> Subject: Support Letter for ME Curriculum Modification Date: November 8,2012 12:17:23 PM EST To: "kkiger@umd.edu" <kkiger@umd.edu> Dear ME Undergraduate Program Director, Dear Curriculum Committee Chair, This is in reference to the proposal regarding the change in the Mechanical Engineering Frostburg Collaborative Program to make ENME 400 Machine Design a required course and to remove three credits of existing technical electives, both of which are 3-credit courses typically taken during the senior year. The course will be offered at the Frostburg campus starting in the spring of 2013, and we have allocated sufficient resources to ensure it can be offered without disruption to the program. Sincerely, Dr. M Eltayeb Chair, Department of Physics and Engineering Frostburg State University 101 Braddock Rd. Frostburg. MD 21532 (301) 687-4160 Prof. Ken Kiger Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Maryland College Park, MD 20910 (301) 405-5245 1 UNOFFICIAL FOR ADVISING PURPOSES ONLY DOB: ~ EMAIL: Transfer - From U of MD Campus MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CORE Program DATE : 11/05/12 Undergraduate Degree Seeking CURRENT STATUS:REGISTERED FALL 2011 FUND REQ SATISFIED MATH: TRANSFER ENGL: TRANSFER TRANSCRIPTS RECEIVED FROM THE FOLLOWING INSTITUTIONS: ON 03/29/2012 FROSTBURG STATE UNIVERSITY ** TRANSFER CREDIT INFORMATION ** FROSTBURG STATE UNIVERSITY 3.00 ARTH100 0708 ART APPRECIATION A 0.00 NC PRIN OF CHEM I w/ LAB W 3.00 ENES100 INTRO TO ENGINEERING B 4.00 MATH140 CALCULUS I C 1.00 Not App INTRO HIGHER EDUC A 3.00 ENES102 0801 STATICS A 3.00 ENGL101 FRESHMAN COMPOSITION A 3.00 GEOG202 HUMAN GEOGRAPHY A 0.00 NC CALCULUS II W 4.00 PHYS161 PRIN PHYS I: MECHANICS B 3.00 ECON205 0808 BASIC ECON A 3.00 FIRST YEAR FSU COLLOQM B 4.00 MATH141 CALCULUS II C PRIN PHYS II: ELEC & MAG B 4.00 PHYS262 0901 PRIN OF CHEM I w/ LAB B 4.00 Not App 3.00 ENME271 NUMERICAL METHODS A 4.00 PHYS263 PRIN PHYS III: SOUND/LGT B INTRO AMER POLITIC B 3.00 Not App 0905 INTRO WORLD MUSIC B 3.00 MUSC210 0908 GEN CHEM FOR ENGRS B 3.00 CHEM135 MECHANICS OF MATERIALS C 3.00 ENES220 DYNAMICS A 3.00 ENES221 CALCULUS III C 4.00 MATH241 MGMT OF ORGANIZATIONS A 3.00 BMGT364 1001 ADVANCED SCULPUTURE A 3.00 TECHNICAL WRITING A 3.00 ENGL393 THERMODYNAMICS C 3.00 ENME232 ENGRG MATLS/MANUF PROCS A 3.00 ENME382 DIFFENTL EQUATIONS D 3.00 Not App 1012 CONTEMP WORLD HIST A 3.00 HIST219 ACCEPTABLE UG INST. CREDITS 89.00 APPLICABLE UG INST. CREDITS 78.00 TOTAL UG CREDITS ACCEPTABLE TOTAL UG CREDITS APPLICABLE 1008 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CLARK SCHOOL ENME392 STAT METH PROD&PROC DEV C - USM INTERINSTITUTIONAL ­ LOCATION:FROSTBURG STATE ENME331 FLUID MECHANICS A ENME350 ELECTRONICS I A A ENME371 PRODUCT MANUFACTURING MATH432 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS A ** SEMESTER ACADEMIC HONORS ** HA PS FM FE SB PS SB IE MS PL PL HA D L2 JE SH 89.00 78.00 OF ENGINEERING 3.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 ,'SEM:ATT 15.00 ERN 15.00 GPA 3.600 UG CUM:ATT 15.00 ERN 15.00 GPA 3.600 1101 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CLARK SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING ENME361 VIBRATN,CONTL,OPTIMIZ I C 3.00 3.00 6.00 - USM INTERINSTITUTIONAL LOCATION:FROSTBURG STATE ENME332 TRANFER PROCESSES A 3.00 ENME351 ELECTRONICS II A 3.00 ENME472 INTEGRATED PRODUCT A 3.00 A 3.00 ENME488 SPEC PROB IN MECH ENGR ** SEMESTER ACADEMIC HONORS ** SEM:ATT 15.00 ERN 15.00 GPA 3.600 UG CUM:ATT 30.00 ERN 30.00 GPA 3.600 1108 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CLARK SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING ENME414 COMPTR-AIDED DESIG A 3.00 3.00 12.00 B­ 3.00 3.00 9.00 ENME426 PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT ENME454 VEHICLE DYNAMICS B 3.00 3.00 9.00 ENME462 VIBRTN,CNTRL,OPTIMZTN II A 3.00 3.00 12.00 - USM INTERINSTITUTIONAL ­ LOCATION:FROSTBURG STATE ENGL150 INTRO TO LITERATURE B 3.00 SEM:ATT 15.00 ERN 15.00 GPA 3.400 UG CUM:ATT 45.00 ERN 45.00 GPA 3.533 ** DEGREE INFORMATION ** CLARK SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING BACHELOR OF SCIENCE AWARDED DECEMBER 21, 2011 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING FROSTBURG COLLABORATIVE PROGRAM WITH HONORS IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UG CUMULATIVE CREDIT UG CUMULATIVE GPA 123.00 3.533 Michael D Colson From: Sent: To: Subject: Jenna Dolan Friday, November 30, 2012 4:45 PM Michael D Colson; B Balachandran; Kenneth T. Kiger; Peter A. Sandborn RE: Invitation to Senate PCC Meeting 12/7 Hello Mike, Thank you for the invitation. I will represent the college and Dr. Ken Kiger will be representing the mechanical engineering department. The geographic location of the collaborative program (out at FSU) limits the selection of senior level design courses students can pursue. Students in the regular mechanical engineering major code (who are physically here at College Park) have access to other senior level design courses. While the intention of the mechanical engineering department is to request this modification for all mechanical engineering degrees in the future, they hope to start with the collaborative program due to an accreditation recommendation. Please let me know if you need additional information. Jenna D. From: Michael D Colson Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 11:05 AM To: B Balachandran; Jenna Dolan; Kenneth T. Kiger; Peter A. Sandborn Subject: Invitation to Senate PCC Meeting 12/7 Hello everyone, We would like to put the recently submitted Mechanical Engineering – Frostburg PCC proposal on the Senate PCC committee agenda for their meeting next Friday, December 7. In keeping with our usual practice, I am inviting both a departmental representative and a college representative. The presentation time will be 8:40 am, and should last only about 15 minutes. The room location will be Main Administration Room 2105. Please let me know who will attend or if we need to reschedule. Also, I have a question that may come up in the committee meeting, which is why this particular course (ENME 400) is being required for the Frostburg students and not for the College Park students. If this is something that you can explain in an email I can append it to the proposal file for the reviewers to see before the meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Mike The proposal: 12030 ENGR ENME Modify the Curriculum of the BS in Mechanical Engineering collaborative program with Frostburg State University ‐‐‐ 1