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College Park. Maryland 20742-5031
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March 3,2006
Nariman Farvardin
Dean, A. James Clark School of Engineering
Phyllis Peres
Associate Provost for Academic Planning and Programs
Proposal to add a Minor in Nanoscience and Technology (PCC Log No. 05050)
At its meeting today, the Senate Committee on Programs, Curricula, and Courses
approved your proposal to add a Minor in Nanoscience and Technology. A copy of the approved
proposal is enclosed.
The minor is effective immediately. The College should ensure that the new
requirements are fully described in the Undergraduate Catalog and in all relevant descriptive
materials. and that all advisors are informed.
PP: cwr
James Baeder, Chair, Senate PCC
Sarah Bauder, Student Financial Aid
Mary Giles, University Senate
Barbara Hope, Data Administration
Kathy McAdams, Undergraduate Studies
Anne Turkos, Archives
Linda Yokoi, Records & Registrations
Gary Pertmer, A. James Clark School of Engineering
Ray Phaneuf, A. James Clark School of Engineering
Jennifer Dolan, A. James Clark School of Engineering
Provide one form with original approval signatures in lines 1 - 4 for each proposed action. Keep this form to one page in length.
Early consultation with the Office of the Associate Provost for Academic Planning & Programs is strongly recommended if there are
questions or concerns, particularly with new programs.
Please submit the signed form to Claudia Rector, Office of the Associate Provost for Academic Planning and Programs, 11 19 Main
Administration Building, Campus.
Please email the rest of the proposal as an MSWord attachment to pcc-submissionsiic,umd.edu.
COLLEGEISCHOOL-Clark School of EngineeringDEPARTMENTIPROGRAM-Interdisciplinary, centered in Materials Science and EngineeerPROPOSED ACTION ( A separate,formfor each) ADD-X-
DESCRIPTION (Provide a succinct account of the proposed action. Details should be provided in an
attachment. Provide old and new sample programs for curricult~mchanges.)
Establish an Interdisciplinary Minor program in Nanoscience and Technology within Materials Science and
Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics
and Chemistry. (See attached for details).
JUSTIFICATIONIREASONSIRESOURCES (Briejlv explain the reason for the proposed action. Identgv the
source of new resources that may be required. Details should be provided in an attachment.)
There is at present explosive growth in the field of nanometer scale science and technology (NS&T), which has in the past few years
led to many technological advances in devices and materials structured at the nanometer scale. Anticipating continued growth in this
area and the need for scientists and engineers who are trained in NS&T we propose to establish an interdisciplinaryprogram of study
in nanoscience andtechnology at the University of Maryland. We believe that this minor will help to prepare participating
University of Maryland students for a career in this rapidly developing field. We envision that this program will draw upon the
considerable existing level of expertise in nanoscience at Maryland, as well as that of the new faculty presently being recruited in a
number of departments. We further propose that participating departments will use existing courses as electives for the NS&T minor.
At least initially, based upon an estimated total participation of 30-50 students, we expect there should be no additional resources or
I. Department Committee Chair
2. Department Chair
3 . Colleg
4. Dean
5. Dean of the Graduate School (if required)
3 13/o&
6. Chair, Senate PCC
7. Chair of Senate
8. Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost
3 13/06
Proposal to Create an Interdisciplinary Minor Program of Undergraduate Study in
Nanoscale Science and Technology
Prepared by:
Ray Phaneuf, Materials Science and Engineering
With contributions from
Ichiro Takeuchi, Materials Science and Engineering
Sheryl Ehrman, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Srini Raghavan, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Michael Zachariah, Mechanical Engineering
John Melngailis, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Michael Fuhrer, Physics
Sang Bok Lee, Chemistry & Biochemistry
Gary Rubloff, M-CINSE, ISR & MSE
Updated November 17, 2005
There is at present explosive growth in the field of nanometer scale science and
technology (NS&T), which has in the past few years led to many technological advances
in devices and materials structured at the nanometer scale. Anticipating continued
growth in this area and the need for scientists and engineers who are trained in NS&T we
propose to establish an interdisciplinary program of study in nanoscience and
technology at the University of Maryland. We believe that this minor will help to
prepare participating University of Maryland students for a career in this rapidly
developing field. We envision that this program will draw upon the considerable existing
level of expertise in nanoscience at Maryland, as well as that of the new faculty presently
being recruited in a number of departments. Below we describe the proposed
organization, existing courses, and model programs for participating students.
Requirements, Participation and Administration of the Minor
The Faculty Senate has set forth specific requirements for minor programs. In
particular, “A minor should have no fewer than 15 and no more than 24 academic credits,
with at least nine credits at the upper level. A unit may apply for an exception to these
criteria. Such application may particularly apply in situations where there are "hidden
prerequisites" and/or in situations in which students have taken the prerequisites to the
minor as part of another degree program.” In addition “A student may use a maximum of
six credits (or two courses) to satisfy the requirements of both a major and a minor. A
unit may place additional limits on the allowed overlap. Courses completed in one minor
may not be used to satisfy the requirements in another minor.” The relatively large
number of existing courses, and anticipated courses listed would allow these
requirements to be met. The latter requirement would mean that the curricula will vary
somewhat, department by department.
Participation by a Department involves:
(1) Designating at least one faculty coordinator who will
(a) work with students from that Department to develop a program and
schedule of courses at the time they declare participation in the NS&T
(b) meet once a year with those students to provide advising and
(c) provide assessment data to the NS&T minor committee,
(2) Designating a faculty member of the NS&T committee, which will make
decisions in modifying curriculum, and establishing procedures, and
(3) Offering courses which serve as part of the NS&T minor; agreeing to accept
nonmajors into those courses and to give careful consideration to relaxation of
prerequisites to declared NS&T minor students.
The following departments have agreed to participate in the Interdisciplinary
NS&T Minor: Materials Science and Engineering, Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry & Biochemistry and Physics.
The administration of the NS&T will be carried out by Faculty from each of the
participating departments; a committee of these faculty members will design the
curricula, in accordance with the Faculty Senate’s requirements which were
established on February 9, 2004, and are stated below.
As there needs to be a contact point where students and faculty from outside of
the participating departments can go for information and advising, we also
propose that, in coordination with the new Maryland Center for Integrated
NanoScience and Engineering (MCINSE), the Department of Materials Science
and Engineering (MSE) will act as the sponsoring and central administering unit.
This is in part because of the relatively large fraction of MSE faculty involved in
nanoscale science and technology research, and in part because of the
multidisciplinary nature of the department.
Each participating department will supply an individual faculty coordinator for
that department, with Prof. Ray Phaneuf acting as the overall faculty coordinator
for the minor. Faculty coordinators will design individual student programs, and
oversee the progress of students from their department toward satisfying the
minor. Faculty members who have agreed to serve as departmental NS&T minor
coordinators are:
Ray Phaneuf, Materials Science and Engineering
Michael Fuhrer, Physics
Sang Bok Lee, Chemistry & Biochemistry
Bao Yang, Mechanical Engineering
John Melngailis, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Srini Raghavan, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
In addition the following faculty will serve on the NS&T committee
Ray Phaneuf, Materials Science and Engineering
Michael Fuhrer, Physics
Sang Bok Lee, Chemistry & Biochemistry
Sheryl Ehrman, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
John Melngailis, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Michael Zachariah, Mechanical Engineering
Gary Rubloff, M-CINSE, MSE & ISR
Srini Raghavan, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Advising and Assessment
Advising of participating students will begin with the development of the
individual program of courses at the time a student declares participation in the NS&T
minor, and will continue with a yearly meeting until the requirements for the minor are
satisfied. Students will be required to obtain the signature of their faculty coordinator to
document that the advising sessions take place.
Assessment of the NS&T minor will be based upon the success that participating
students have in achieving the following learning outcomes:
1. Student demonstrates an understanding of the background concepts that underlie
science at the nanometer scale.
2. Student demonstrates and understanding or ability to carry out techniques for
fabrication and or synthesis of nanostructures or materials structured at the nanometer
3. Student demonstrates an understanding or ability to carry out techniques for
characterizing the properties, function and performance of nanostructures.
4. Student demonstrates an understanding of applications of nanotechnology to
computing, data storage, sensing, biology or other fields relevant to industry and/or
The assessment will be based upon performance on the Midterm and Final examination
for each course credited toward the minor, Participating students will be required to
provide copies of these exams to allow assessment of their performance on those areas
listed above (i.e. 1-4 above) which are relevant to that course; this will be decided by the
NS&T committee, in consultation with the instructor. The departmental coordinator will
be asked to assign scores on a scale of 1-4 for each student based upon answers to
questions during the annual advising section. The grading scale is as follows:
Student shows no understanding of/skills toward this major goal for the course.
Student shows little understanding of/skills toward this major goal for the course.
Student shows moderate understanding of/skills toward this major goal for the
Student demonstrates to have mastered this major goal for the course.
For each course, the departmental coordinator will provide the individual scores on each
outcome for participating students to the NS&T administrator, Kathleen Hart. An
average will be calculated for each student on all outcomes for a given course and an
overall course average for all students in each course. This process will allow for
detailed quantitative tracking of the NS&T educational program, and will be used in
making changes to the overall NS&T curriculum, fine-tuning the outcomes for individual
courses and addition of new courses. The results for specific courses will also be used in
providing feedback to instructors of particular courses.
Resources: Existing Courses and Anticipated Courses
We propose that participating departments will use existing courses as electives
for the NS&T minor. At least initially, based upon an estimated total participation of
30-50 students, we expect there should be no additional resources or costs associated
with participation. Participating departments have agreed to accept non majors into
those courses which they designate as part of the NS&T minor; letters from department
chairs are included with this proposal. To avoid oversubscription of popular courses,
each departmental representative to the NS&T minor program will work with students
from that department to develop a program of study, coordinated with the central
administration for the minor, at the time that a student declares participation. Initially,
the total number of students might be capped at a level consistent with the available seats
in existing courses, with each department allotted a number of participants. Alternatively,
if the program proves extremely popular and participating departments agree, the cap
might be lifted and additional costs distributed among participating departments.
A number of courses specifically on nanoscience/nanotechnology have already been
developed at the undergraduate level at the University of Maryland, and are currently
being offered. Following is a table of courses distributed among 6 departments which
we propose to include in the NS&T minor:
Materials Science &
Instrumental Methods
Materials Science &
Neil Blough NanoCharacterization
Chemistry &
of Analysis
Biochemistry Lab I
Chemistry &
XXXX499 Research
Experience (if NS&T
Participating Department
ENEE 416 Integrated
Circuit Fabrication
Electrical and Computer
NanoApplication /
Materials Science &
ENCH 471 Particle
Science And
Chemical &
BiomolecularEngineering Ehrman
NanoApplication /
ENME489F MicroElectro-Mechanical
Mechanical Engineering
NanoApplication /
ENCH496/ENMA496 Chemical &
Polymer Processing
Engineering /
and Engineering
Materials Science &
Electrical and Computer
Devices and Analog
NanoApplication /
NanoApplication /
Specialization (To be
credited only if taken as a
prerequisite to ENEE416
or ENEE480)
NanoApplication /
Fundamental Science
Capstone Design
(if NS&T related)
Biopolymers and their
Applications in Nanoand Bio- technology
Major Department
Chemical &
Engineering /
Materials Science &
Kyu Yong
Biochemistry I
Chemistry &
Electronic and
Optical Materials
Materials Science &
NanoApplication /
Fundamental Science
NanoApplication /
Fundamental Science
Solid State Physics
Materials Science &
Fundamental Science
ENCH 470: Soft
Chemical &
Chemical &
Fundamental Science
Fundamental Science
Electrical and Computer
Jon Orloff
Fundamental Science
Electrical and Computer
Fundamental Science
Chris Lobb
Fundamental Science
Fundamental Science
Mesoscopic and
ENEE 480
Fundamentals of
Solid State
ENEE489Q Quantum
Effects in Electrical
PHYS401 Quantum
Physics I
PHYS404 Thermal &
Statistical Physics
PHYS420 Modern
CHEM481 Physical
Chemistry I
Chemistry &
Fundamental Science
Fundamental Science
Chemistry &
Fundamental Science
CHEM482 Physical
Chemistry II
Chemistry &
Fundamental Science
BCHM485 Physical
Table 1. Existing courses which may be credited toward the NS&T minor.
We anticipate that additional courses will be added as new NS&T faculty hires
are made. An example is “The Physics and Chemistry of Nanostructures”, which is being
developed by Min Ouyang, a new Assistant Professor in Physics, and which is described
in the Addenda. New lab-based courses are also anticipated based upon the opening of
new facilities such as. the teaching lab in the Kim Building. As new courses are
developed the NS&T committee will meet and decide upon adding them to the list.
Eligibility and Structure of the Proposed NS&T Minor
This minor is designed to be accessible and available to any student majoring in
Engineering, Physics or Chemistry & Biochemistry. It is open to all students who have
the necessary prerequisites to enroll in the courses which constitute the minor.
Structure of NS&T Minor
Nanoscience and Technology is a broad field, with a number of different major
directions; partial list would include fabrication of extremely densely integrated logic or
storage elements for computing, development of nanomaterials for catalysis or sensing
applications, soft nanotechnology, and bio/nanotechnology. To allow for different areas
of interest we have included a number of courses with overlapping subjects but different
emphasis. To meet the University’s requirement that minors be structured to provide
students with a coherent field of study and a carefully considered intellectual justification,
rather than a random choice of courses from current offerings in a major we have
assembled model programs. These will provide the necessary coherence and intellectual
merit, while reflecting individual directions in NS&T. We see the interdisciplinary
nature of these programs as crucial to the intellectual merit of the NS&T minor; by taking
courses in a number of departments, the student gains a broader view of this field. We
describe model programs in the last section of this proposal.
The programs of study will be constructed so as to avoid duplication of material,
e.g, a student taking Quantum Physics (PHYS401) will not also receive credit toward the
NS&T minor for Modern Physics (PHYS420) or Quantum Mechanics (ENEE489Q). We
have also settled upon four overall approaches as describing most of what goes on in
Nanoscience & Technology: (1) Fabrication and Synthesis of nanostructures, i.e. how
they are made (2) Characterization of nanostructures, including how the properties and
function of nanostructures (e.g. transport) are measured or determined (3) Fundamental
science which serves as a basis for NS&T and (4) Application areas of NS&T.
Figure 1. Coordinate axes representing ranges of approach in NanoScience &
NS&T can be regarded as spanned by two orthogonal axes, represented
graphically in Figure 1. Fabrication/Synthesis and Characterization emphasize
experimental efforts, while Fundamental Science and Specialization Electives emphasize
the underlying principles and directions, and include underlying theory and the
motivations for NS&T. We believe that it is essential that a student with a minor in
NS&T must have a background in the underlying fundamental science, e.g., it is not
possible to understand why confinement effects occur without having studied quantum
mechanics. Similarly, in soft nanotechnology a student must have studied statistical
mechanics to understand the entropic interactions which govern polymer folding and
packing. In Table 1, we have listed the major approach taken by each of the courses we
propose to include. Several of the courses span two or more categories, and might be
counted in either, especially given that more than one instructor teaches the course. An
important function of the faculty coordinator from each department will be to ascertain
from the instructor which classification is more suitable, based upon communication with
the instructor teaching the course that semester. There are not clear divisions between
Fundamental Science and Specialization areas; similarly courses dealing with fabrication
will usually also require some characterization. Thus as a way of building structure and
sufficient breadth into the programs of study we will encourage students to take courses
from each of the four areas as an ideal, but require that students take at least two courses
each from the Fundamental Science-Specialization axis, and at least two from the
Fabrication-Characterization axis depicted in Fig. 1, and listed in Table 2. Definition of
which courses satisfy which requirements will be established by the NS&T committee.
To further encourage breadth of study, the NS&T minor will allow only two of the five
total courses to be from a student’s major department.
1. The minor requirement will consist of a total of five courses (at least 15 credits) from
those listed below. (see Table 1, below).
2. At least two of the courses (6 credits) must be from the list of
Nanofabrication/Nanosynthesis and/or Nanocharacterization electives.
3. At least two of the courses (6 credits) must be from the list of Fundamental Science
and/or Nanoscience Electives. At least one of these must be listed as a
Nanospecialization/application elective.
4. Up to two courses (6 credits) may be double counted, i.e. used both toward satisfying
the requirements of the major and the NS&T minor.
5. Three of the courses (9 credits) must be from outside the individual major. Cross
listed courses (e.g. ENMA460/PHYS431) which are offered by the major department do
not qualify as being outside the major.
6. At least three of the courses (9 credits) must be at the 400 level or above.
7. No more than two courses (6 credits) from any one department will be credited toward
the NS&T minor.
8. A grade of “C” or above is required in all courses to be credited toward the NS&T
9. Students wishing to participate in the NS&T minor must declare participation formally.
Declaration of participation in the NS&T minor must follow a meeting with the
individual department representative to the NS&T committee who will help the student to
develop a program of courses suitable for the minor and a schedule for taking those
courses. Examples of model programs for each participating department are given below.
Students from outside participating departments will consult with one of the MSE
representatives to develop a program of courses and declare participation..
10.. Research experience(XXXX499) courses may be included in the NS&T minor in
addition to those listed above, provided that the research is NS&T-related. The course
must be within a participating department. Similarly, if the design capstone course (e.g.
ENMA490) from a department is judged to be in the area of NS&T, it may be counted as
a Specialization Elective toward the minor. Judgment of whether these courses qualify
will fall to the departmental Nano-Program Committee member.
Model Programs
First and foremost, each program of study should have sufficient breadth to allow
the student flexibility in learning about this multidisciplinary field. Simultaneously, they
should instill the basic underlying scientific principles necessary for intellectual
achievement, and for understanding the technological possibilities and limitations of
NS&T. As nanoscale science and technology is to a large degree experimentally driven,
lecture courses should be supplemented by courses on fabrication/synthesis and
characterization. Furthermore, the fast pace of development in this field makes it nearly
impossible to develop up to date textbooks. We expect that some of the courses will
supplement a traditional lecture approach, with guest seminars, in which scientists and
senior students speak about ongoing research in this field. ENMA489T, Nanotechnology
Characterization, has already successfully adopted this approach.
As the field develops, and as new faculty are hired we expect additional courses
will be developed which will further increase the breadth of our offerings, e.g. in
Nanobiotechnology, and computational Nanoscience and technology.
We recognize that the interests and needs of students coming from different
departments will vary. We thus expect that each participating department will propose its
own standards as to determination of which courses will count toward the NS&T minor
for students majoring in that department, and which courses will be made available to
nonmajors NS&T minors. The individual departments will also design model programs
for minor students from their departments. Examples are shown below. Students from
nonparticipating departments will be administered through MSE, which will also
determine standards for those students. Individual departmental standards and models
will be subject to approval by the NS&T committee, consisting of representatives from
each participating department. We anticipate that other departments may decide to
participate in this minor, and will expand the committee and model programs accordingly.
Below we list specific examples of programs of study, based upon the student
majors and/or areas of interest.
Model program 1: for a student with a major in MSE (or ECE), and an interest in
electronic applications
Fundamental Science: ENMA481 Electronic and Optical Materials, PHYS401
Quantum Physics I or PHYS420 Modern Physics
Applications: ENEE313 Introduction to Device Physics, or XXXX499 Research
in NS&T area
Fabrication/Synthesis: ENMA465 Microprocessing or ENEE416 IC Laboratory
Characterization: ENMA489T Nanocharacterization
The MSE major emphasizes the interrelation of processing, structure and
properties, but with a number of possible areas corresponding to the different
classes of materials. MSE students interested in electronic materials will likely
take the MSE course on
“Electronic and Optical Materials”, ENMA481
(prerequisite: ENES 230, already a requirement of the major).
Such students will generally also take
“Microprocessing” ENMA465
(prerequisite: ENES 230, already a requirement of the major, and
permission of the instructor)
to learn about fabrication techniques.
MSE students who are interested in device applications may also decide upon the
“Integrated Circuit Laboratory” ENEE416
(prerequisite ENEE 312 “Semiconductor Devices and Analog
circuits” )
and the prerequisite for this:
“Semiconductor Devices and Analog Circuits” ENEE 312
(prerequisite ENES 302, “Digital Electronics”, which would not count
toward the minor)
MSE students interested in characterizing electronic devices and materials at the
nm scale will be interested in
“Nanocharacterization” ENMA489T
(no formal prerequisites; permission of the instructor)
to learn how the relation between the structure and properties of structures such as
quantum dots, wells and wires can be determined. As effects associated with
confinement of electrons and holes are the main interest in this area of NS&T, it is
essential that they have some background in elementary Quantum Mechanics, at
least at the level taught in
“Modern Physics” PHYS420
(prerequisites: “Introductory Physics I &II” PHYS270/271 (or
PHYS273) and “Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers”
MATH246, all of which an MSE student would normally take).
Or for more theoretically inclined students:
“Quantum Physics I” PHYS401
(prerequisites: “Introductory Physics - Waves” PHYS273. corequisites:
“Intermediate Theoretical Methods” PHYS374 and”Linear Algebra”
A much more device oriented approach to this subject matter is taken in either:
ENEE489Q Quantum Effects in Electrical Engineering
(prerequisite: permission of instructor)
Or especially
“Fundamentals of Solid State Electronics” ENEE 480
(prerequisites: ENEE 312 and completion of all lower-division technical
courses in the ECE curriculum)
Model program 2: for a MSE student with an interest in bio/soft nanotechnology
Fundamental Science: ENCH470 Soft Nanotechnology and CHEM482 Physical
Chemistry II
Applications: ENCH483 Bioseparations, or XXXX499 Research in a NS&T area.
Fabrication/Synthesis: BCHM461 Biochemistry I or ENCH471 Particle Science
& Technology
Characterization: ENMA489M Diffraction Techniques or ENMA489T
Many MSE students will choose to study biomaterials or soft materials
(polymers), where the interest in NS&T concerns the size scale of large molecules
which are used in medical applications, biosensing and biomimetic materials,
taking advantage of self-assembly to carry out fabrication on a short time scale.
These students will likely take
ENCH470, “Soft Nanotechnology”
(prerequisites: ENCH 300 Thermodynamics or equivalent; MSE
students typically take at least one course in thermodynamics,
ENMA461 which should meet this prerequisite, with permission of the
instructor and “Physical Chemistry II” CHEM 482; softnano-MSE
students will likely take this as one of their NS&T electives, see below for
CHEM482 “Physical Chemistry II”,
(prerequisites: a grade of C or better in CHEM113, CHEM135, or
CHEM153; and MATH141 and PHYS142, all of which an upper level
MSE student will have taken; a C or better in CHEM 481 (PCHEM I),
which an MSE student usually takes as well).
which covers quantum chemistry and molecular orbital theory, important
fundamental science background for soft-nanotechnology. Although these
students might also take the
“Nanocharacterization” ENMA489T
(no formal prerequisites; permission of the instructor)
they are more likely to be interested in
“Diffraction Techniques” ENMA489M
(no formal prerequisites: permission of instructor),
as x-ray diffraction is used in analyzing particle size and spacing at the nanometer
scale in polymeric and biomaterials. They are also likely to be interested in
learning about synthesis and processing of particles in
“Particle Science and Technology” ENCH471
(no prerequisites, CHEM 113 or CHEM 135 and fluid mechanics, and
thermodynamics strongly recommended).
Students interested in Bio/Nano materials will potentially be interested in either
ENCH483 “Bioseparations”
(no formal prerequisites)
“Biochemistry I” BCHM461
(prerequisites: {CHEM241 and CHEM242}, or CHEM243 or CHEM247.
A grade of C or better in the prerequisite is required for Life Science
majors and recommended for all students.)
Model Program 3: For Chemistry-major students.
Fabrication/Synthesis: ENMA465 Microprocessing or ENCH471 Particle
Characterization: ENMA489T Nanocharacterization, or CHEM425 instrumental
Fundamental Science: CHEM 481 and CHEM482 or PHYS401 Quantum
Applications: ENCH470 Soft Nanotechnology, or ENCH471 Particle Science &
Technology, or ENMA481 Electronic. Materials
Most of Chemistry-major students take
CHEM482 “Physical Chemistry II”,
(prerequisites: a grade of C or better in “General Chemistry” CHEM113,
CHEM135, or CHEM153; and “Calculus I” MATH141 and “Principles
of Physics II” PHYS142, all of which an upper level CHEM student will
have taken; a C or better in “Physical Chemistry I” CHEM 481, which
an CHEM students usually takes as well)
“Instrumental Analysis” CHEM425,
(prerequisites: either “Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry lab“ CHEM
227, which requires general chemistry as a pre-requisite) or General
“Chemistry for CHEM major”Ss CHEM 153, Physical Chemistry I & II
suggested; all of these are likely to be taken by a CHEM major)
Those interested in application of chemistry to real world are likely to be also
interested in NS&T courses. The students interested in electronic device
fabrication will benefit from fabrication and application courses, such as
Microprocessing and Electronic Materials. Those interested in material synthesis
will see how the fundamental chemistry and physics help them understand
materials chemistry by taking
“Particle Science and Technology” ENCH471
(no prerequisites, CHEM 113 or CHEM 135 and fluid mechanics, and
thermodynamics strongly recommended).
ENCH470, “Soft Nanotechnology”
(prerequisites: ENCH 300 Thermodynamics or equivalent - CHEM
students typically take at least one course in thermodynamics,
CHEM481 Physical Chemistry I which should meet this prerequisite,
with permission of the instructor; and “Physical Chemistry II” CHEM
482 which CHEM students usually also take.)
Those interested in more fundamental sciences are likely to take
“Quantum Physics I” PHYS401
(prerequisites: “Introductory Physics - Waves” PHYS273. corequisites:
“Intermediate Theoretical Methods” PHYS374 and”Linear Algebra”
“Nanocharacterization” ENMA489T
(no formal prerequisites; permission of the instructor)
courses together with application courses such as
“Electronic and Optical Materials”, ENMA481
(prerequisite ENES 230, or permission of the instructor).
and possibly the fabrication/synthesis course:
“Microprocessing” ENMA465
(prerequisite ENES 230, already a requirement of the major, and
permission of the instructor)
Model Program 4: For Biochemistry-majors.
Fabrication/Synthesis: ENCH470 Soft Nanotechnology
Characterization: CHEM425 instrumental analysis or ENMA489T
Fundamental Science: CHEM 481 or CHEM482, or BCHM485 Physical
Biochemical Applications: Bchem461 or ENCH470 Soft nanotech or research
experience Chem399
Biochemistry-major students will find their interests in bio-related courses from
NS&T. They will learn many bio-mimic and artificial biomaterials and their
interactions with biological system from
ENCH470, “Soft Nanotechnology”
(prerequisites: ENCH 300 Thermodynamics or equivalent - CHEM
students typically take at least one course in thermodynamics,
CHEM481 Physical Chemistry I which should meet this prerequisite,
with permission of the instructor; and “Physical Chemistry II” CHEM
482 which CHEM students usually also take.)
These students will learn how courses will help them understand the synthesis and
characterization of biomaterials, and analysis of chemical and biological
properties by taking either
“Nanocharacterization” ENMA489T
(no formal prerequisites; permission of the instructor)
“Diffraction Techniques” ENMA489M
(no formal prerequisites: permission of instructor),
“Instrumental Analysis” CHEM425,
(prerequisites: either “Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry lab“ CHEM
227, which requires general chemistry as a pre-requisite) or General
“Chemistry for CHEM majors” CHEM 153, Physical Chemistry I & II
suggested; all of these are likely to be taken by a CHEM major)
Model Program 5: For Physics-major students
Fabrication/Synthesis: ENEE416 IC Fabrication or ENCH471 Particle
Characterization: ENMA489T Nanocharacterization, or CHEM425 instrumental
analysis or XXXX499 Undergraduate Research
Fundamental Science: PHYS 401 Quantum Physics I, PHYS431 “Solid State
Physics”, ENCH 468Q Mesoscopic and Nanoscale Thermodynamics or
CHEM482 Physical Chemistry II
Applications: PHYS431 Solid State Physics, or ENMA481 Electronic. Materials
Physics-majors take courses which provide a broad understanding of fundamental
science, such as
“Quantum Physics I” PHYS401
(prerequisites: “Introductory Physics - Waves” PHYS273. corequisites:
“Intermediate Theoretical Methods” PHYS374 and”Linear Algebra”
, but often take few chemistry and applications-related courses. The nanominor
will expose these students to techniques for fabrication and synthesis of
nanostructures, as well as applications of nanotechnology. Those interested in
applications in micro/nanoelectronics will benefit from fabrication and application
courses, such as
“Microprocessing” ENMA465
(prerequisite ENES 230, already a requirement of the major, and
permission of the instructor)
“Electronic and Optical Materials”, ENMA481
(prerequisite ENES 230 or equivalent; PHYS431 should satisfy this,
with permission of the instructor).
Those interested in material synthesis will see how the fundamental chemistry and
physics help them understand materials chemistry by taking
“Particle Science and Technology” ENCH471
(no prerequisites, CHEM 113 or CHEM 135 and fluid mechanics, and
thermodynamics strongly recommended).
“Solid State Physics” PHYS431/ENMA460
(Physics majors will generally satisfy prerequisites for this course)
“Physical Chemistry II” CHEM482,
(prerequisites: a grade of C or better in CHEM113, CHEM135, or
CHEM153 – this would be an added requirement which would not be
credited directly toward the minor; and MATH141 and PHYS142 which
a Physics student will have taken,; a C or better in CHEM 481 (PCHEM
I), which might be waived if the student has taken thermodynamics).
Those with an interest in thermodynamics at the mesoscale will likely take:
“Mesoscopic and Nanoscale Thermodynamics“ ENCH 468Q
(prerequisites: a course on thermodynamics, which Physics students will
have taken)
The ”Undergraduate Research” course XXXX499 in departments within or
outside of physics is likely to be of interest to physics students interested in
graduate work in NS&T, and will serve to round out a curriculum which stresses
mainly fundamental science.
There are variations possible on the above; Physics students interested in
electronic devices might take:
PHYS 401 Quantum Physics I
PHYS431 Solid State Physics
ENMA489T Nanocharacterization
ENEE416 IC Fabrication
ENMA481 Electronic Materials
Students interested in nanoparticles might take:
PHYS 401 Quantum Physics I
PHYS431 Solid State Physics
ENCH471 Particle Science and Technology
ENMA489T Nanocharacterization or CHEM425 Instrumental
CHEM481 Physical Chemistry or ENCH 468Q Mesoscopic and
Nanoscale Thermodynamics
(students would need CHEM 153 as prerequisite, or instructor permission)
Students interested in chemistry of nanomaterials might take:
PHYS 401 Quantum Physics I
ENCH471 Particle Science and Technology
ENMA489T Nanocharacterization or CHEM425 Instrumental
CHEM481 Physical Chemistry
ENCH 468Q Mesoscopic and Nanoscale Thermodynamics
(students would need CHEM 153 as prerequisite, or instructor permission)
Model Program 6: For Electrical and Computer Engineering-major students,
Fabrication/Synthesis: ENEE416 IC Fabrication, ENMA 465 Microprocessing
Characterization: ENMA489T Nanocharacterization or XXXX499
Undergraduate Research
Fundamental Science: ENEE489Q Quantum Phenomena in Electrical
Engineering or ENMA460 Solid State Physics
Applications: ENMA481 Electronic and Optical. Materials or ENME 489F
“Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems”
ECE-major students within the subdisciplines of electrophysics and
microelectronics and computer engineering in particular are likely to be interested
in the nanominor. Courses within the minor in design and fabrication such as:
“Integrated Circuit Laboratory” ENEE416
(prerequisite: ENEE 312 “Semiconductor Devices and Analog
circuits”; ECE students typically take this and its prerequisite ENES
302, “Digital Electronics” )
“Microprocessing” ENMA465
(prerequisite ENES 230, which many ECE students take, or permission
of the instructor)
would be complemented by the characterization course
“Nanocharacterization” ENMA489T
(no formal prerequisites; permission of the instructor)
and by the fundamental courses
“Quantum Phenomena in Electrical Engineering” ENEE489Q
(prerequisites: ENEE 302 and ENEE 380 and completion of all lowerdivision technical courses in the EE curriculum, which ECE students
typically satisfy )
“Solid State Physics” ENMA460
(no formal prerequisites: permission of the instructor)
which covers the basics of solids state physics or
“Fundamentals of Solid State Electronics” ENEE 480
(prerequisites: ENEE 312 and completion of all lower-division technical
courses in the ECE curriculum)
“Electronic and Optical Materials”, ENMA481
(prerequisite ENES 230, already a requirement of the major).
which covers the properties of the materials from which the next generation of
computers and sensors will be fabricated. Students interested in applications to
MEMS/NEMS technology will take:
“Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems” ENME 489F:
(no formal prerequisites: permission of instructor)
Model Program 7: For Mechanical Engineering-major students
Fabrication/Synthesis: ENMA 465 Microprocessing
Characterization: ENMA489T Nanocharacterization or XXXX499
Undergraduate Research
Fundamental Science: ENMA460 Solid State Physics, PHYS401 or PHYS 420
Modern Physics
Applications: ENME489F Micro-Electrical Mechanical Systems or ENMA481
“Electronic and Optical Materials”
Courses from outside of ENME within the NS&T minor will provide Mechanical
Engineering-major students with a better fundamental background in the
underlying science which governs mechanical properties at the nanometer scale,
for example,
“Solid State Physics” ENMA460
(no formal prerequisites: permission of the instructor)
The fabrication and characterization courses
“Microprocessing” ENMA465
(prerequisite ENES 230, or permission of the instructor)
“Nanocharacterization” ENMA489T
(no formal prerequisites; permission of the instructor)
will expose ME students the techniques which are used in the production and
testing of nanomaterials. The applications course,
“Electronic and Optical Materials”, ENMA481
(prerequisite ENES 230, or permission of the instructor).
and particularly
“Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems and Microfabrication” ENME 489F:
(no formal prerequisites: permission of instructor)
cover potential areas of specialization for Mechanical Engineers. ME students
will also need to understand confinement issues in NS&T, which involves a
knowledge of quantum mechanics, either from
“Modern Physics” PHYS420
(prerequisites: “Introductory Physics I &II” PHYS270/271 (or
PHYS273) and “Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers”
MATH246, all of which an ME student would normally take).
or for the more theoretically inclined ME major
“Quantum Physics I” PHYS401
(prerequisites: “Introductory Physics - Waves” PHYS273. corequisites:
“Intermediate Theoretical Methods” PHYS374 and”Linear Algebra”
We also expect students from outside the five participating departments, in
particular Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and have assembled two
model programs based upon two areas of great technological interest,
Nanomaterials Processing and Nanobiotechnology:
Model Program 8: For a ENCH/CHEM student interested in Nanomaterials
processing, making the building blocks of nanotechnology
CHEM482 Physical Chemistry II CHEM Underlying Science
CHEM483 Physical Chemistry Lab CHEM Characterization
ENCH470 Soft Nanotechnology Underlying
ENCH471 Particle Science & Technology CHE Fabrication/Specialization
ENMA489T NanoCharacterization MSE Characterization
In the case of nanomaterials processing, students will need a strong
understanding of the behavior of materials at the nanoscale, and so an underlying
science course, incorporating quantum chemistry, i.e.:
“Physical Chemistry II“CHEM 482
(prerequisites: A grade of C or better in CHEM113, CHEM135, or
CHEM153; and MATH141 and PHYS142, C or better in CHEM 481
“Physical Chemistry I”
[CHEM students will have taken all of these as part of the major
requirement; ENCH students who have taken ENCH300
“Thermodynamics” are exempted from the CHEM 481 class since
there is considerable overlap. Other students who have taken an
equivalent thermo course might be able to also take CHEM482
with the instructor's permission]),
combined with two characterization courses:
“Physical Chemistry Lab” CHEM483
(Corequisite: CHEM481, see above for possible exemptions based upon
a course in thermodynamics.)
and “Nanocharacterization” ENMA489T
(no formal prerequisites; permission of the instructor)
will provide this background. The electives
ENCH 470 “Soft Nanotechnology”
(prerequisites: ENCH 300 Thermodynamics or equivalent and “Physical
Chemistry II” CHEM 482; see above).
ENCH 471 Particle Technology
(no formal prerequisites; CHEM 113 or CHEM 135 and fluid
mechanics (or momentum transport), mass + energy transport and
thermodynamics strongly recommended)
will give the students background in how nanomaterials are produced.
Model Program 9: For a ENCH/CHEM student interested in Nano/biotechnology
CHEM482 Physical Chemistry II CHEM Underlying Science
ENCH470 Soft Nanotechnology Underlying Science/Application
ENMA489T NanoCharacterization MSE Characterization
BCHM461 Biochemistry I CHEM Specialization
BCHM464 Biochem Lab CHEM Characterization
Students interested in the area of nanobiotechnology will need an underlying
science course to give a background in the behavior of materials at the nanoscale
“Physical Chemistry II“CHEM 482
(prerequisites: A grade of C or better in CHEM113, CHEM135, or
CHEM153; and MATH141 and PHYS142, C or better in CHEM 481
“Physical Chemistry I”
[CHEM students will have taken all of these as part of the major
requirement; ENCH students who have taken ENCH300
“Thermodynamics” are exempted from the CHEM 481 class since
there is considerable overlap. Other students who have taken an
equivalent thermo course might be able to also take CHEM482
with the instructor's permission]),
as well as a characterization course at the nanoscale
“Nanocharacterization” ENMA489T
(no formal prerequisites; permission of the instructor)
Many nanobiotechnology products such as nanoparticles for enhanced magnetic
resonance imaging are colloids, and thus
ENCH 470 “Soft Nanotechnology”
(prerequisites: ENCH 300 Thermodynamics or equivalent and “Physical
Chemistry II” CHEM 482; see above).
would provide information about how these materials are made and how they
behave. Finally, coursework in biochemistry
“Biochemistry I” BCHM461
(no formal prerequisites)
“Biochemistry Lab” BCHM464
(Prerequisites: “Biochemistry I” BCHM461 or “Biochemistry of
Physiology” BCHM463)
will give students training in the molecular knowledge necessary to interfacing
nanomaterials with biological systems.
Addendum: Additional Benefits to a NS&T Minor and Faculty Resources
Additional Benefits of an Interdisciplinary NS&T Undergraduate Minor Program
As described above the driving force for establishing an interdisciplinary NS&T minor is
to prepare participating University of Maryland students for a career Nanoscience and
Engineering. There are additional benefits to an interdisciplinary NS&T minor would
include: (1) such a program would place the UM in a more competitive posture for major
grant programs, many of which have a significant educational component. (2)
Instructional programs in NS&T will give the UM enhanced visibility in an extremely
important field. (3) The programs would promote synergy between faculty and students
with similar research interests. (4) A visible NS&T instructional program, with a well
designed and up to date webpage would greatly increase the University of Maryland’s
ability to attract both high quality students and high profile faculty.
Resources: Existing Expertise among Faculty
Existing expertise in nanoscience and technology (NST) is spread out among five
departments within three schools at the University of Maryland. These include the
departments of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE), Mechanical Engineering (ME)
and Electrical and Computer Engineering within the Clark School of Engineering, the
Department of Physics within the School of Computer, Mathematical and Physical
Sciences, and the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry within the School of Life
Sciences. A partial listing of faculty conducting NS&T research is given in table I. The
list of research includes approaches toward fabrication, characterization and modeling the
properties of nanoscale structures, and is indicative of the range of courses which might
be offered. The breadth of NS&T research at the University will continue to increase in
the near future, as a number of departments are presently involved in searches for new
faculty within this field.
Faculty Member
Mikhail Anisimov
Rob Briber
Pamela Abshire
John Cumings
Abhijit DasGupta
High Bruck
Sheryl Ehrman
Michael Fuhrer
Chemical & Biomolecular
Materials Science &
Electrical and Computer
Materials Science &
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Chemical & Biomolecular
Research Areas
Fluctuations and Critical
Behavior at the Nanoscale
Diblock Copolymer
nanophase separation
Carbon Nanotubes, STM,
Functionally Graded
Nanoparticle Synthesis and
Carbon Nanotubes, EFM,
Romel Gomez
Peter Kofinas
Sang Bok Lee
John Melngailis
Gottlieb Oehrlein
Min Ouyang
Electrical & Computer
Chemical & Biomolecular
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Electrical & Computer
Materials Science &
Ray Phaneuf
Materials Science &
Srini Raghavan
Chemical & Biomolecular
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Materials Science &
Materials Science &
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Materials Science &
Mechanical Engineering
Janice Reutt Robey
Lourdes Riba-Salamanca
Gary Rubloff
Larry Sita
Ichiro Takeuchi
Elizabeth Smela
Ellen D. Williams
Chia Hung Yang
Bao Yang
Michael Zachariah
Electrical & Computer
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Magnetic Nanostructures,
Diblock Copolymer
nanophase separation
Nanowires, Nanoporous
Films, Electrodeposition
Nanofabrication via
Focussed Ion Beam
Plasma Processing of
Spin Physics and Chemistry
at the Nanometer Scale
Directed Self Assembly,
Nanofabrication, Nanoscale
spectroscopy, SPM
Self Assembly of Soft
Nanoscale Stability
Self-Assembled Quantum
Dots, Nanowires, TEM
Nano-Bio, Microfluidics
Molecular Electronics, SPM
MEMS, Nano/Bio
Nanoscale Fluctuations,
Molecular electronics, SPM
Nanofabrication, World’s
smallest transistor
Nanoscale heat transfer
Aerosol Nanoparticle
Course Proposal: Physics and Chemistry of Nanostructures
Min Ouyang
Department of Physics
A new senior undergraduate course, Physics and Chemistry of Nanostructures, will be developed
and designed to introduce highly motivated undergraduate students to independent research in
nanophysical and nanomaterial sciences early in their college careers, and serve as a platform to
transform their knowledge learnt from traditional courses to an independent research experience.
In September 2005 the recently established Maryland Center for Integrated Nano Science and
Engineering (M-CINSE) will initiate a formal Interdisciplinary Minor Program in Nanoscale
Science and Technology at the undergraduate level, which draws faculty and courses from
multiple departments of the School of Engineering, the College of Computer, Math and Physical
Science and the College of Life Science. This proposed course will nicely balance current lecturebased course offerings for this special program.
Several factors make me qualified to initiate this multi-disciplinary course. First, I have both
educational and research background in physics, chemistry and electronics. Second, I will bring
experience to this venture. I was invited to give guest lectures and experiments in several
undergraduate courses with topics covering from new experimental techniques (scanning probe
microscopy) to fundamental physics and chemistry of novel nanomaterials (such as carbon
nanotubes). These guest lectures as well as experiments have largely motivated students’ interest
in related research field and exposed students to the frontier of science before they enter the
graduate program.
Course design and implementation: I would like to further discuss this envisioned course
because it will provide an opportunity to demonstrate how I will organize and how I can
successfully integrate research and education. This new course will be a ~50:50 lecture- and labbased courses. Currently there is no such course on campus in this nano-area. The syllabus of this
course will be designed based on integration of three levels: comprehending, stimulating and
developing. This course will begin by introducing the special aspects of nanostructures in physics
and chemistry, such as dimensionality effects and surface/volume ratio. From there, a variety of
topics will be covered related to 2D- (quantum wells & thin films), 1D- (quantum wires) and 0D(quantum dots and molecule) dimensional systems. I will focus on introducing nanomaterial
preparations and characterizations, physical properties (mechanical, electrical, magnetic and
optical properties) and potential applications. Each topic will consist of lectures and labs (6-7
experiments for one semester). The contents will be mainly selected from current research front,
such as synthesis and optical properties of quantum dots, aiming at stimulating student’s research
interest (I have supervised a REU student sponsored by the Maryland MRSEC working on CdSe
quantum dot synthesis and characterizations. My experience is that by simplifying experimental
procedures such projects are completely acceptable for undergraduate students). I will approach
these subjects from basic principles, and help students grasp the concepts of the physical
phenomena based on the essential knowledge they have learnt from previous traditional courses.
In my experience this will significantly stimulate students’ interests and develop their problem
solving capability in a rational way. For example, in one of my previous guest lectures I
presented the basic tight binding theory that students have learnt from a traditional introductory
course in solid state physics to calculate and understand the electronic band structures of carbon
nanotubes and I got very enthusiastic feedback from students after class - students felt very
excited because they have learnt this fundamental theory before but they have never realized what
have learnt can be applied to understand the current “hot” materials such as carbon nanotubes.
Through the lab sections and follow-up discussion in lectures I will help students gain an
appreciation of the interplay between theory and experiment. In the end of this course, students
will be required to give a short presentation on one of the topics covered in the course. The talk
will be in the style of a regular APS conference format with PowerPoint presentation since that is
becoming the standard at scientific meetings. This will also help student develop their skills for
presenting their research results in the future.
Course evaluation: Some of the specific learning outcomes for the proposed Physics and
Chemistry of Nanostructures course include the ability to:
1. understand the physical basis of nanostructures
2. elucidate the mechanism of nanoscale synthesis
3. explain the principle of material characterization techniques.
4. write a good lab notebook and report
5. select appropriate techniques for different material characterizations
6. envision the potential applications of nanostructures
The outcome of this course will be evaluated at several levels. (1) examinations, project report
and presentation; (2) evaluation using a questionnaire after the course on the basis of which
adjustments to the course can be made in the following year; and (3) track of the diversity of
registered students to gauge the effectiveness of the early-curriculum modules.
This new course aims at introducing bright, potential scientists to research in the nanophysics and
nanomaterial science long before they make solid career decisions. The evaluation from students
will allow me to modify the educational experience to maximize learning outcomes for a broad
spectrum of students. A pilot version of this course will limit the registered student number to
~10. Based on assessments from students this course could quickly expand beyond this original
student limit. Modules for introducing advanced nanoscience in a second semester course will be
prepared as the first course matures. The new modules will be designed to introduce qualified
students to faculty and research groups who are engaged in nanoscience- and nanotechnologydriven research efforts and will offer the opportunity to become part of a close-knit community of
faculty and motivated undergraduates.
Burlding 090
College Park. Maryland 20742-2 I I5
301.405.7313 TEL 301.314 2029 FAX
Ileparrtnenr of ,ifarerials Science R Engineering
Robert M. Briber, Chair
May 10,2005
Nariman Farvardin
Dean, A. James Clark School of Engineering
Steve Halperin
Dean, College of Computer, Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Norma Allewel
Dean, College of Life Sciences
From: R.M. Briber
& Engineering Department
The Department of Materials Science and Engineering enthusiastically supports the initiative to
establish an interdisciplinary minor program in Nanoscience and Technology at .the University of
Maryland, and agrees to participate in this program. We propose that the central administration
for this program will reside in the Materials Science and Engineering Department, due to the
multidisciplinary nature of this department. We agree to allow students from other participating
departments to enroll in those of our courses which our department designates as part of this
minor, and to give thoughtful consideration to relaxation of prerequisites for declared Nano
minor students as deemed appropriate by the individual instructors.
We anticipate this will be a minor that the students will find exciting and popular across many
Departments from the Colleges of Engineering, CMPS and Life Sciences. There is significant
pent-up demand for this educational opportunity throughout the campus and we are looking
forward to helping to meet this demand.
i\ Ll'llllams Bulld~ng
College I'ark, iliaqland 20742
301 405 3683
w w C C C . U ~edu
Department of E l e ~ ~ rdd
i ~ Conpziter
Office of the Chair
August 33,3005
Nariman Farvardin, Dcan, A. James Clark School of Enginecriilg
Steve Halperin, Dean, (:ollcge of Computer, Mathematical and l'hysical Scicnces
Norma Allewell, lleail, Collcge of Life Scicnces
Patrick G. 0 ' ~ h e ~ '
l'rofessor and Ch I< +a
11 o
; ectrical
and Computer Engineering
Iilterdisciplinary Minor in Nanoscienco and 'I'echnology
I am pleased to offer my support for thc initiative to establish an lnterdiscipliilary Minor ill
Nanoscience and Technology at the University of Maryland. I agree to allow uildergraduates from
other participating departments to enroll ill those courses which the Ilepartment of I<lectrical &
Computcr Engneering may designate as part of this minor, and to give thoughtful consideration to
thc relaxation of prerequisites for declared Minor students as deemed appropriate by the individual
instructors. I also support the proposal that the Materials Scieilce and I'ngjneering Department be
the administrative home for the minor.
'l'his minor will be an important addition to our nano research program being established
under the auspices of the Maryland Center for Nano Science and Engineering.
2 18 1 Glenn L. Martin Hall
College Park, MD 20742-3035
TEL: 30 1 -405-2410
FAX: 30 1-3 14-9477
Avram Bar-Cohen, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair
TEL: 30 1-405-3 173
May 19,2005
Nariman Farvardin
Dean, A. James Clark School of Engineering
Steve Halperin
Dean, College of Computer, Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Norma Allewel
Dean, College of Life Sciences
From: Avram Bar-Cohen
Professor and Chair, Department of Mechanical Engineering
The Department of Mechanical Engineering is happy to support the initiative to establish an
interdisciplinary minor program in Nanoscience and Technology at the University of Maryland.
We agree to participate in this program and understand that the central administration for this
program will reside in the Materials Science and Engineering Department.
We will facilitate ME students enrolling in those courses, which are designated as part of this
minor, and understand that an effort will be made to relax some of the prerequisites for
declared Nano minor students, as deemed appropriate by the individual instructors.
We anticipate that this minor will prove exciting and popular, and most beneficial to students
across many Departments from the Colleges of Engineering, CMPS and Life Sciences.
Avram Bar-Cohen, Ph,D,
Professor and Chair
To Whom Ir M a y (loncern:
The I)epartmmt of Phys~cssupports the muanre to cst;lbhsh a tllsrnbuted mlnor program m Nanosclence and
Technolog (bianoSR1') at the Cruversl? of hlaryland, and agrees to parnapare in thls program. Phys~cs
agrees chat the central a i i w s t r a t l o n for this progam vidl reside m the Xlatrnals Sc~tmceand Ilng~ncrnng
I3eydrtment, due to thc mulntllsc~plinarynature of that depnrtment a ~ thls
d prC>grAnl. W'c agrec, ho\vevcr, that
a represenratwe from Phys~csto the NanoSRr'I' comfnitrec ulll act to advise students irom our departmenr who
nnsh to participate, thus allo~s~ng
for no addlnonal expense for pamcipdtr(>n 111 the NanoS&T for any
department, mduchg LEE. K'e agree to allow students from other parnc~paungdepartments to enroll m thosc
of our courses which our dcprrtmen~des~gnates:is part of t h ~ srmnor, dnd ro give thoughtful cor~s~derancrn
relaxanon of pxcrequlsttes for derldrcd hnnoSK1' mulor studcr~tsas dermcd npprupnatc II! the indi\xlual
DougIas Roberts
Chair, rndergracluate I:duc~non
Uep~rtmentof Physics
Ctuversity o f hfar)tl*and,College I'nrk
m p v r m
Collegs Park. Maryland 20742
Michael P. Doyle
Chair and Professor
(301) 405-1788 tel.
(301) 3 14-2779 fax
May 16,2005
Ray Phaneuf, Associate Professor
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
RE: Proposal to Create a Distributed Minor Program of Undergraduate Study in
Nanoscale Science and Technology
Dear Dr. Phaneuf:
The Department of Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry supports the initiative to establish a
distributed minor program in Nanoscience and Technology (NanoS&T) at the University of Maryland,
and agrees to participate in this program. The Department of Department of Chemistry agrees that the
central administration for this program will reside in the Materials Science and Engineering
Department, due to the multidisciplinary nature of that department and this program, as well as the
disproportionately small student/faculty ratio in MSE. We agree, however, that a representative from
the Department of Department of Chemistry to the NanoS&T committee will act to advise students
from our department who wish to participate, thus allowing for no additional expense for participation
in the NanoS&T for any department, including MSE. We agree to allow students from other
participating departments to enroll in those of our courses which our department designates as part of
this minor, and to give thoughtful consideration to relaxation of prerequisites for declared NanoS&T
minor students as deemed appropriate by the individual instructors.
Yours truly,
Michael P. Doyle
Cc: Dr. Sang Bok Lee, Dr. Herman Ammon. Dr. Michael Montague-Smith
Phaneuf, Ray
Steve Halperin [shalper@deans.umd.edu]
Thursday, September 29, 2005 7:19 PlVl
Phaneuf, Ray
Victor Korenman; pperes@umd.edu; rubloff@isr.umd.edu; takeuchi@eng.umd.edu;
melng@Glue.umd.edu;mfuhrer@physics.umd.edu; mrz@eng.umd.edu; rbriber@umd.edu;
Sang Bok Lee; sehrman@eng.umd.edu; srag hava@eng.umd.edu; Patrick O'Shea; Steve
Halperin; Dbryant; Jordan Goodman
Re: Correction: Nanoscience and Technology Minor
Dear Ray,
I am more than happy to support this proposal. It is a superb
example of our ability as a university to identify crucial areas at the
frontiers of many disciplines, to bring together faculty from many
departments to establish a coherent research program, and to then build
an education program in the emerging field to which these faculty
collectively and jointly contribute. I am proud that colleagues in the
college are part of this effort. Please use this email as the letter of
support you request.
Phaneuf, Ray wrote:
>Dear Dean Halperin,
As you may already know, a group of faculty members representing
>six different departments in three different schools have developed a
>proposal to establish an ~nterdisciplinaryMinor in Nano Science and
>Technology at the undergraduate level at the University of Maryland.
>Our proposal is that this minor be centered in Materials Science and
>Engineering, given MSE's approach which puts it at the intersection of
>Physics, Chemistry and Engineering.
We at this point have letters of support for this proposal from
>each of the participating departments. We have also consulted with
>former ~ssociateProvost Victor Korenman, and ~ssociateProvost Phyllis
>Peres about this proposal, and about how it should be routed. Phyllis
>advises me that routing through ~ngineering'sPCC should be sufficient,
>given support from the Deans of the other Colleges, including CMPS,
>concerned. I therefore attach to this message a draft of our proposal
>for your comment, and hopefully your support.
If you are in support of this proposal, I'd like to request a
>letter from you, which would be most helpful in routing it through the
>Campus level PCC.
I thank you in advance for your help and consideration
Best regards,
-Ray Phaneuf
Ray Phaneuf
Associate Professor
Undergraduate Program Director
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Chair, Local Organizing Committee, Third International Workshop on
>Nanoscale Spectroscopy and Nanotechnology
Steve Halperin
Computer, Mathematical, and Physical Sciences
University of Maryland
Professor Gary W. Rubloff
2145 A V Williams Building
Univers~tyof Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-3285
Tel (3011 405-2949 Fax (3011 314-9920
rubloff@umd edu
Internet www Isr umd.edu/qwrubloff/
Internet www nanocenter.umd edu
MdtyIand Center for htegrated Mano Science andEngInwring
October 18, 2005
To whom it may concern
Re: M-CINSE support for proposed Nano Minor
I am pleased to express my strongest level of support and tremendous enthusiasm for the Proposal to
Create an Interdisciplinary Minor Program of Undergraduate Study in Nanoscale Science and Technology,
developed by a cross-discplinary team and led by Prof. Ray Phaneuf. This program is among the most
important I can envision for the campus in the coming years.
Leadership in nano science and technology have become hallmarks of a leading university, and it has been
gratifying that in just a year a community spanning three colleges have come together to form our nano
center, M-CINSE. The enthusiasm and support of all three collees, and their Deans and the Provost, are
equally encouraging and compelling. We have identified clear trends and excitement about evolving
existirlg courses to emphasize nano, and to create new courses and other educational features which
support nano education as well. The existence of major new facilities and characterization instruments for
nano, in the Kim building and elsewhere, add much to the possibilities we foresee for our students. And
our attention to the education side of nano, both in the spectrum of existing courses and in our plans for a
formal program, have done much to win us praise in the nano community.
The proposed Nano Minor is a terrific start in formal educational programs. Our group has agreed that the
Department of Materials Science and Engineering will serve best as the academic center to administer the
program, with help from faculty representatives in different departments. M-CINSE will provide
infrastructure support to the program and its students, such as an informational website and other
database features useful to the program.
Let me also express my enthusiasm for the intellectual and professional development aspects of the
program. We have identified a four-axis representation of the nano topics and skills areas crucial for
student success, correlated these with the various courses in the program, and given example programs
for students in various departments. I think this is an excellent start. We anticipate evolution of the
program in response to feedback that will be sought from the students and their potential and actual
employers, as the program moves along.
Finally, it is important to reallze that the essence of nano makes it incompatible with traditional academic
structures and domains. Our students and our research groups who work in the area of nano cannot
flourish - or perhaps even survive - within a traditional discipline. Yet I believe no one should be ready to
think of it as a new, separate discipline (e.g., a department), partly because its newness makes it
impossible to predict what it will look like in 5 years, and partly because no matter how it looks then it will
for sure be a dynamic amalgam of pieces from many disciplines. The university's Minor program is an
excellent vehicle to making the most of nano and for our students. In return, I believe the Nano Program
will become a strong example for the campus of the benefits which the Minor can provide.
Gary W. Rubloff
Director, Maryland Center for Integrated Nano Science and Engineering
Minta Martin Professor of Engineering
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, lnstitute for Systems Research, and Institute for Research in
Electronics and Applied Physics
Affiliate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Maryland at College Park
Symonr HAIL
College Park. Maryland 20742
301.105 2071 T E L 301.314.9')4')
xvwu chemlife.umd rdu
Office of the Dcan
October 11.2005
Dr. Ray Phaneuf
Associate Professor and Director of the Undergraduate Program
Depsrtmer,t of Materials Science and Enginsering
Dear Colleagues,
The College of Chemical and Life Sciences enthusiastically supports the initiative to establish an
interdisciplinary minor program in Nanoscience and Technology at the University of Maryland, and agrees
to participate in this program. We agree that the central administration for this program will reside in the
Materials Science and Engineering Department, due to the multidisciplinary nature of this department. The
College of Chemical and Life Sciences participation will be centered in the Department of Chemistry and
We anticipate .this will be a minor that the students will find exciting and popular across many departments
from the CLFS, CMPS and EIIGR. We are pleased to participate in this multidisciplinary training effort.
Norma M. Allewell
Professor and Dean