Year Book Publishing-Interdisciplinary Studies SEMESTER 1 IDC 3O1 SEMESTER 2 IDP 3O1 HOLY NAME OF MARY SECONDARY SCHOOL COURSE OF STUDY COURSE: Year Book Publishing-Interdisciplinary Studies COURSE CODE: IDC3O/IDPO SEMISTER 1 and 2 (Two Part Course) Description/Rationale: This course examines communication systems, design and production processes in the areas of electronic, live, and graphic communications, integrating the expectations set forth in the Interdisciplinary Studies course. This course also develops the knowledge and skills required for the production of various media art projects using a variety of technologies (e.g. digital camera, photo-imagine software, computer-modeling software, etc). While learning relevant skills such as traditional and digital photography, graphic design, advertising, fundraising, publishing, and various journalistic approaches. Students will apply the principles and processes of inquiry and research to effectively use a range of print, electronic, and mass media resources that will culminate in the production of the school yearbook suitable for publishing in a variety of formats i.e. hard copy, CD/DVD, web publishing. This course will help students combine the skills required for and knowledge of different subjects and disciplines to solve problems, make decisions, create personal meaning, and present findings beyond the scope of a single subject or discipline. Through individual and collaborative inquiry and research, students analyse the connections among diverse subjects and disciplines; develop information literacy skills in analysing, selecting, evaluating, and communicating information; and become aware of a variety of resources and viewpoints on contemporary issues. They will also examine their own learning styles, relate their inquiries and research to real-life situations, and investigate career opportunities in new disciplines. This course examines the evolution and impact of information, communication, and computing on society, from the beginnings of writing to the development of theWorld Wide Web. Students reflect on diverse ways of knowing, areas of knowledge, theories of intelligences and other learning theories, critical- and creativethinking strategies, and multidisciplinary abilities. They learn about the inquiry and research process and develop it as an essential, lifelong skill. The course addresses the rapid expansion in the amount of information available in the digital age of the 21st century and key issues related to the information explosion. Students also reflect on the growth of knowledge institutions such as universities and libraries, and develop an understanding of the human need to create personal meaning, to use information to solve problems, and to communicate knowledge, scholarship, and values in a global society. Semester 1 Unit Title Program Introduction/Workspace edesign process Mac Interface edesign IDC 3O1 Activities Due Dates Magazine Cover 2 Page spread Create and develop yearbook theme. Sell Ads and participate in fundraising activities Ladder, Cover, Endsheets Comp Editor -- make pages Deadline 1 will be October 24th and every two weeks for assigned spreads Mini-lessons on Journalism Mini-lessons on Publication Sept. Dates to be assigned 1 Layout and Design Photoshop InDesign 2 Text and Captions Journalism InDesign Word Processor Creative Captions Text Effects Continue spreads; correct returned plant spreads Continue selling ads and fundraising Mini-lessons on Journalism Mini-lessons on Publication Design Oct. Graphic Design Covers InDesign CS4 Designing a Cover Deadline 2 will be end of March Digital editing Nov. Community Links Journal Activities Dec. 3 4 Photography InDesign Photoshop CS4 Semester 2 Unit Title Overview Design and Graphics Identify, master , and put into practice the skills necessary in designing and preparing the yearbook for publication. 1 3 4 Coverage Concept Page Submission Yearbook Sales Due Dates 1. Jan. Dates to be assigned 2. Identify, master, and put into practice the skills necessary to develop comprehensive coverage and deadline plans. 1. Audience, purpose, printing, pagination, thematic development. Identify, master, and put into practice the skills necessary in conceptualizing the yearbook. 1. Identify, master, and put into practice the skills necessary to submit yearbook pages to the printing plant. 1. InDesign Photoshop Dates to be assigned Activities 2. 3. 4. 2. 3. 4. 2. 3. 5 Dates to be assigned IDP 3O1 3. 2 Dates to be assigned Recognize the importance of presenting content in a logical manner to give material a planned look. Master the basic essentials of effective design including columnar structure, adequate and consistent internal and external margins, dominance, spread linkage, and the incorporation of all the primary elements. Recognize the function of graphic enhancement and master the techniques used to unify or separate content. Understand the content needs and wants of the purchasing audience. Calculate the percentage of pages to be allotted to each section of the book to best ensure complete balanced coverage. Determine content ideas for each section Understand the value of the ladder as an important planning as well as production tool leading to the meeting of deadlines. Feb. Dates to be assigned Explore the philosophy of the yearbook, understanding its functions as a full year, informative and entertaining book. Identify the basic processes associated with printing the book, and learn terminology valuable to communication with the printer. Understand the contribution of thematic development to the coverage of the year Recognize the importance of the cover in generating the reader’s first impression and as the unifying feature of the book. Mar. Dates to be assigned Understand the process of setting specifications of the yearbook including quantity of pages, type of cover, number of colors, and other guidelines. Master the system by which all the components for an individual page is included on the page layout for submission to the printing plant. Become acquainted with the process for sending pages to the printing plant to meet periodic page submission deadlines. Apr. Dates to be assigned Advertisement Poster Continue digital video editing Distribute Yearbook May. Dates to be assigned Evaluation of Student Achievement Course Evaluation 1. Term Work Summative Activities Covers Quiz/Tests 2. Culminating Activities Total Category Weighting for all Units Knowledge/Understanding (i.e. Tests, quizzes, research etc.) Thinking/Inquiry/Problem Solving (i.e. Sketches, plans, journals, written assignments etc.) Communication (i.e. written assignments, oral presentations etc.) Application/Making Connections (Media Lab. work) Total 70% 30% 100% 20% 20% 20% 40% 100% Materials: Each student must have the following: a) Media Consent form This course involves filming; as a result; you must fill out a Media Consent Form and return it to school. This may or may not be distributed by administration at the beginning of the school year b) Student Notebook: Three-ring binder and lined paper for notes Use dividers for the following Units: Unit 1: Layout and Design Unit 2: Journalism Unit 3: Graphic Design Unit 4: Photography Unit 5: Yearbook Sales Each Section should include: Cover Page Notes/handouts Returned quizzes, worksheets, tests, etc. Completed checklists/Daily Logs (when you start the next unit) Classroom Policies and Procedures: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Students must be present and on time for class. Late and skips will result in detentions and parental contact. Failure to bring necessary books and materials to class will result in detentions and parental contact if the problem is persistent. Students who are absent on dates for submission of work, test, presentation etc. must provide proper medical documentation and /or a parental letter upon return to class. A late penalty may still apply at the teacher’s discretion. Missed test/quizzes will be written immediately upon the student’s return to class. Extensions of due dates may be granted at the teacher’s discretion, only if requested in advance and only for legitimate reasons. Last minute extensions due to lack of preparation/poor time management will result in loss of marks. Before leaving class, each student must return all borrowed materials to their proper storage areas, and clean desks etc. Failure to do so will result in detentions and parental contact if the problem persists. Please Note: It is expected that all student work contain positive images of race, gender, and religion. Stereotypes, acts of violence, sexual themes, or use of profanity in student work is unacceptable. Students are to observe and uphold copyright laws and correct use of copyrighted materials. What Is Expected From The Yearbook Student DAILY ASSIGNMENTS: The Yearbook Class requires a large degree of participation, responsibility, and maturity on the part of the students. This is one class where success depends on everyone doing his/her job - if the picture is not taken or information isn’t gathered or copy written, a deadline may be missed and that reflects on the entire staff. A team effort is required and therefore, a cooperative, responsible attitude is essential. Additionally, students must be problem solvers, they must be able to overcome the frustrations and setbacks inherent in production classes, and they must be able to work effectively and efficiently with others, often without direct adult supervision. You are expected to demonstrate a professional level of excellence in your work. All copy and layouts should be ready to check on by all posted deadlines. Allow yourself plenty of time to rewrite copy, process photos, gather scoreboards, etc. Plan for unforeseen complications – equipment malfunctioning, coaches being absent, students not identified in pictures, etc. All of these cause delays, which result in fines being charged to the school, and a delay on the delivery date of the yearbook. Therefore, it is your responsibility to manage your time wisely, both inside and outside of class, to ensure that deadlines are met. Due to the nature of this class, and the enormous responsibility placed on producing the yearbook, trust and reliability are essential. WE MUST BE A WORKING TEAM. Human nature is such that some people do the bare minimum to get by while others go above and beyond. It is not fair that both types of individuals that complete a deadline receive the same grade if one puts in much more effort. Therefore, the Editors and Adviser will constantly watch to ensure that everyone is doing their part. Any abuse of the freedoms, trust, and responsibility placed on students in this class may result in a student being removed from the annual staff. The following can result in your removal from yearbook staff for the rest for the year: constant bickering; being unable to get along with your classmates; damage to computers or other equipment; theft; willfully not doing an assignment; or willfully disobeying the teacher or substitute teacher. ATTENDANCE: The expectation is that you will be in class, on time, every scheduled class day working through the entire period. You may not use the yearbook period as a time to makeup work for another class. Activities (athletics, music, drama) that require you to miss yearbook must be cleared in advance. Students will be responsible for providing evidence that they are making progress towards their deadlines during any and all absences. LATE WORK/MAKE-UP: Deadlines absolutely, positively MUST be met. There is no excuse for missing a deadline due to an absence. If you will be absent, turn in your work early or contact the Adviser immediately. Late work that results in missed deadlines affects the yearbook financially and will negatively impact your grade. Students who show consistent failure to meet deadlines will be asked to drop the class. CLASSROOM RULES: • Eating, drinking, and gum chewing are strictly prohibited in the computer lab. • Chairs need to be pushed in, computers turned off, and equipment returned prior to leaving the lab. • If you need to leave the classroom for a yearbook-related activity, you must sign out and obtain a press pass. Any student abusing this right by disturbing other classes, excessive signing-out, being derelict in their obligation to go and return from all errands in a timely fashion, or by idling around the school will be confined to the classroom. • You must remain on campus during the class period. Students will be allowed to visit off-campus events only if prior approval has been made through their parents and the Teacher. • Computers are to be used for creating and editing yearbook spreads only. No games, no personal email, and no irrelevant Internet searching are allowed. • Act professionally and responsibly at all times. _____________________________________ Student Signature ____________________________________ Guardian Signature