HOLY NAME OF MARY SECONDARY SCHOOL COURSE OF STUDY COURSE: COURSE CODE: Media Arts, Grade 10, Open ASM 201 Description/Rationale: By combining traditional and contemporary art forms with new art forms and new and emergent technologies, this Media Arts course offers up a new discipline that is both engaging and challenging for the students involved. Varieties of media art are created with a focus on the solving of expressive and creative problems in the context of Gospel values. “Artistic creation does not copy God‟s creation, it continues it. And just as the trace and the image of God appear in His creatures, so the human stamp, sensitive and spiritual, not only that of the hands, but of the whole soul.” (Jacques Maritain) Unit Title Program 1 Post-Modern Music Garageband i-tunes 2 Photography Photoshop CS6 3 Graphic Design Photoshop CS6 4 Flash Animation Flash MX Adobe Media Encoder Garageband 5 Stop-Motion Animation i-movie Garageband Activities Due Dates Music Mash-up: Summative Assignment Film Studies - Documentary: R.I.P. Remix Manifesto Journal Activities/Examples Tests Photography: Summative Assignment Journal Activities/Examples Tests Poster: Portrait Manipulation: Summative Assignment Journal Activities/Examples Tests Jibjab Style Puppet Animation: Summative Assignment Documentary: Chuck Jones-a life in animation Journal Activities/Examples Tests Surreal Stop-Motion Animation: Culminating Assignment Journal Activities/Examples Tests Evaluation of Student Achievement Course Evaluation 1. Term Work Summative Activities Portfolio Presentation Quiz/Tests 2. Culminating/Performance Activities: Stop-Motion Animation Storyboard Reflection Presentation Total Category Weighting for all Units Knowledge/Understanding (i.e. Tests, quizzes, research etc.) Thinking/Inquiry/Problem Solving (i.e. Sketches, plans, journals, written assignments etc.) Communication (i.e. written assignments, oral presentations etc.) Application/Making Connections (Media Lab. work) Total 70% 30% 100% 20% 20% 20% 40% 100% Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Policies and Procedures: School: 1. All students must be in full uniform at all times. 2. All students must be on time for class. 3. All students must be present in class. 4. All Personal Electronic Devices (PED) are kept out-of-sight, turned off and not used within school premises. Discipline Procedure: First Offence: Warning Second Offence: Phone call to Parents/Guardians Third Offence: Office Discipline Media Arts Classroom: 1. Washroom policy: student must first ask the teacher; and, using the washroom binder, sign-out and sign-in upon returning. 2. Filming policy: students must wear a film pass at all times when filming on school property. 3. Equipment lending policy: students need their library card in order to borrow Media Arts equipment. 4. On occasion (for various assignments), students may listen to music in class. Students must use personal ear sets. 5. At all times, students of the Board will abide by all rules and regulations, including the Student Code of Behaviour (Policy Number 4.75) in the use of network resources. The Board Policy/Regulation must be signed and returned Materials: A portable USB Assignments: 1. Finished assignments must be submitted on the due date and on the H.N.M. Shared Drive for marking. Students must check the Shared Drive for various assignments/tutorials/rubrics etc. 2. Absents on dates for submission of work, test, presentation etc. must provide proper medical documentation and /or a parental letter upon return to class. A late penalty may still apply at the teacher’s discretion. Missed test/quizzes will be written immediately upon the student’s return to class. 3. Extensions of due dates may be granted at the teacher’s discretion, only if requested in advance and only for legitimate reasons. Last minute extensions due to lack of preparation/poor time management will result in loss of marks. Please Note: It is expected that all student work contain positive images of race, gender, and religion. Stereotypes, acts of violence, sexual themes, or use of profanity in student work is unacceptable. Students are to observe and uphold copyright laws and correct use of copyrighted materials. DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD BOARD POLICY / REGULATIONS Board Policy Number: 4.75 Subject: Network Use and Security Effective Date: (530) July 16, 1996 It is the policy of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board that in developing the Boardwide Network, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board strives to achieve educational excellence and to enhance the educational experience through the sharing of resources, access to information, innovation, communication and collaboration. At all times, staff and students of the Board will abide by all rules and regulations, including the Student Code of Behaviour in the use of network resources. In the spirit of its Mission Statement, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board has developed and installed a Wide Area Network connecting all of its sites together. Included in the many services planned to be made available on the Board Network will be access to the Internet. In developing the Boardwide Network, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board strives to achieve educational excellence, and to enhance the educational experience t hrough the sharing of resources, access to information, innovation, communication, and collaboration. By helping education extend beyond the classroom, this network will enhance the ability of our educators and students to meet the challenges of the future. It must be noted, however, that school boards do not have control over the information that is accessible on other networks, nor can they erect barriers which completely limit access to the full range of information available. Information located on the Internet may contain matter which is illegal, defamatory, pornographic, inaccurate, or potentially opposed to the Mission Statement of the Board and the Board’s vision of students. The benefits to educators and students far exceed any disadvantages of access. Ultimately, parents and guardians of minors, supported by the boards and teachers, are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children or wards should follow. The network that has been developed has been designed to allow access to, and promote the use of, the vast information resources that are available both within our organization and on the world-wide Internet from anywhere in the Board. Students and staff are encouraged to seek out and utilize resources on the network that improve their personal skills and efficiencies. It is expected that, at all times, staff and students of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board will abide by all other rules and regulations in place, including the Student Code of Behaviour in the use of network resources. It should be understood that the Board will make every reasonable effort to ensure that access to the negative aspects of global communications are limited and, to that end, the following regulations have been developed. REGULATIONS 4.75 NETWORK USE AND SECURITY The following activities are prohibited on the Dufferin-Peel Network regardless of the method being employed to gain access to the network. Users are forbidden from: Engaging in illegal, unethical, or malicious acts; Intentionally sending files or messages containing programs designed to disrupt other systems (commonly known as „virus‟); Accessing any resource without explicit authorization inside or outside of the Board network (commonly known as hacking); Possessing, using, or transmitting unauthorized material (i.e., copyright protected); Creating, possessing or distributing unlawful information on any computer system accessed through the Dufferin-Peel Network. This includes pornographic, obscene or other unacceptable material; Sending messages which include profanity, sexual, racial, religious, or ethnic slurs or other abuse, threatening or otherwise offensive language; Disclosing of personal information contrary to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; Using the network for commercial objectives. Contravening any of the above regulations will be dealt with in the same manner as any other breach of Board policy or code of behaviour. Conditions of Use: Access to the Dufferin-Peel Network is at the user‟s own risk. The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board makes no warranties, whether expressed or implied, with respect to network services, and it specifically assumes no responsibilities for: The accuracy or quality of any advice or information obtained by a user from any source accessed via the network; Any costs, liability or damages caused by the use of the network; Any consequences of service interruptions or changes in services, including loss of data, resulting from delays, non-deliveries or mis-deliveries, even if these disruptions arise from circumstances under the control of the Board. It should be noted that electronic communications via the Dufferin-Peel Network is not guaranteed to be private. System administrators do have the ability to intercept electronic communications and, although communications are not to be regularly monitored, there is to be no reasonable expectation of privacy when using the network. It is critical to the security of the Dufferin-Peel Network, that all users do their part to safeguard the security precautions in place. If any users should feel that they can identify a security problem on the network, they must notify a system administrator. Users are prohibited from: Demonstrating a security problem to other users Using another‟s account Sharing accounts and passwords My signature below indicates that I have read the Board Policy/Regulations on Network Use and Security; I agree with it and will make every effort to follow each of the above regulations. Student Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _________________________ Parent Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _________________________