H St. Hilary Catholic Elementary School April 2016—Issue 8 5070 Fairwind Mississauga, ON L5R 2N4 Office: 905-568-0056 Fax: 905-568-8236 www.dpcdsb.org/hilry Principal T. Loftus ~ Secretary M. Rubino ~ Superintendent L. Papaloni ~ Trustee Thomas Thomas ~ Parish Priest: Msgr. E. Pan Associate Pastors: Fr. S. Savarimuthu Fr. D. Twaddle ~ Stay Connected Join the Dufferin-Peel ECommunity www.dpcdsb.org A PRAYER FOR EASTER Lord loving and glorious God, we praise you with Easter joy because Christ is our redeemer. Christ has broken the power of sin and healed an injured world. Christ has made us whole again. Bless our celebrations and our joy. We ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN! Lenten Food Drive St. Hilary’s Lenten Food drive was a huge success. We would like to thank our families for your generous contributions and for supporting those in need in our community. APRIL 11: P.A. DAY Follow DPCDSB on Twitter: @DPCDSBSchools For the latest board news and information. NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS Virtue of the Month: Love God has given us many guidelines and examples of how to live our lives. He sent his Son Jesus to help us witness what life should be like. Jesus made one lesson clear above all other lessons – the lesson to love one another. Love is not about us – it is about forgetting ourselves and looking out for the good of others. That’s what Jesus did – He forgot about himself and He chose to give up His life for the good of others – us! Page 2 St. Hilary Catholic Elementary School Sacramental Events First Holy Communion Mass: April 9 at 10:00 a.m. at St. Francis Xavier Church Confirmation Mass: ARE YOU MOVING? April 7 at 7:00 p.m. at St. Francis Xavier Church If your child will not be returning to International Day of Pink September, please On April 13th, Dufferin-Peel schools will commemorate the International Day of Pink. Everyone is encouraged to wear pink that day in recognition of anti-bullying awareness and acceptance. notify the OFFICE _________________________________________________________________ STAFF as soon as St. Hilary’s Eco-Schools Garden St. Hilary in possible. CLASS LISTS FOR SEPTEMBER We will begin developing next year’s class lists in May. If your child(ren) will be returning to St. Hilary School and there are particular learning needs or other factors that you feel we should consider when making up classes, please put this in writing to the principal by April 29th. If your child(ren) are on a flex boundary request, please note that the enrollment is reviewed on a yearly basis and parents must submit a letter to the Principal requesting flex boundary. As part of our Eco-schools certification initiative, we would greatly appreciate donations of native plants or seeds for our garden. Some common examples: Echinacea, False Sunflower, Black-eyed Susan, Butterfly Weed, Wild Lepine. French Concours! Le Concours d'art oratoire is an annual French public speaking contest for Grades 4 to 12. This year, the board-level competition took place on March 8th at St. Francis Xavier Church. The students who represented St. Hilary were Beatrice H. (Gr. 6) and Andres D. (Gr. 8). For many weeks, these students worked conscientiously at writing, editing, memorizing and practicing their speeches "en français." At the competition, they both demonstrated a high level of proficiency and enjoyed the experience of speaking in public in our second official language. Congratulations to Beatrice who placed FIRST overall for the grade 4-6 Core French Category and to Andres who also placed FIRST overall for the grade 7-8 category. Both students will proceed to the Provincial competition held at York University in May. Bonne Chance! Merci beaucoup to Mme. Fantin for your dedication in helping prepare the students for the events! Catholic School Council The Catholic School Council has an email account which parents/guardians may utilize to contact the Council chairs with questions/concerns. The address is: sthilaryparentcouncil@gmail.com Please join us for future meetings at 6:30 p.m.: April 4, May 2, June 6 We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Council for supporting our First Holy Communion and Confirmation candidates by recently presenting them with beautiful lapel pins and book marks. Page 3 St. Hilary Catholic Elementary School EQAO Administration of Grade 3 and 6 Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics will be held in all elementary schools throughout Ontario from May 25 to June 8. Specific dates will be forthcoming. Please try to avoid booking appointments or vacations for your grade 3 or 6 child during this assessment period. To help prepare students, please visit EQAO.com and follow the links for Student and Parent Resources, including sample tests from previous assessments. WATER IN THE YARD As we approach the season of rainy weather, water is an inevitable feature of the schoolyard and presents an occasion for students to get wet socks and clothing. We suggest that parents ensure that your children have an extra pair of socks and pants in their backpack in the event that a change of clothing is necessary. INDOOR AND OUTDOOR SHOES We ask that students bring a pair of indoor shoes that can be worn inside of the school and left in the classrooms. Removing outdoor shoes upon entering the building helps keep our school environment healthy, clean and safe. Thank you for your cooperation! DROPPING AND PICKING UP STUDENTS IN FRONT DRIVEWAY Parents are reminded not to leave their cars parked in the lanes in the front driveway or in the lanes that lead to the north, rear parking lot. These lanes are fire routes and parking there is illegal. Please also refrain from blocking the bus lane so that the school buses are able to enter and exit the driveway safely and on schedule. Please also be reminded that the rear parking lot is for staff only. If you need to park and get out of your car when dropping off or picking up your child, please park in the parking spots at the front of the school, or, on the street as permitted. Parking enforcement is often on-site issuing tickets to illegally parked vehicles. It is imperative that parents and guardians who drive their children to school adhere to the traffic circulation plan and comply with the traffic and parking signage on the site. PARKING ENFORCMENT City of Mississauga Parking Enforcement officers have been vigilant in enforcing city parking by-laws in the area around the school. Please be aware of where you park your vehicle. There are fire hydrants and other No Parking / No Stopping areas that need to be observed. Please do not park and leave vehicles unattended in the Kiss ‘N’ Ride Lanes as they could be ticketed. Cars parked in the Kiss ‘N’ Ride also create a very dangerous situation and impede the flow of traffic. If you wish to walk your child to their entry point, we request that you park in the front parking lot or on the street. Page 4 IMPORTANT DATES April 4 Catholic School Council Meeting: 6:30 p.m. April 7 Confirmation Mass: 7:00 p.m. at Church April 9 First Holy Communion Mass: 10:00 a.m. at Church April 11 P.A. Day: No school for students April 13 International Day of Pink April 15 Rosary Apostolate: All classes in the morning April 19 Girls Intermediate Basketball: POD Tournament April 21 Boys Intermediate Basketball: POD Tournament May 6 Crowning of Mary Liturgies: Kindergarten to Gr. 3: 9:45 to 10:15 a.m. Gr. 4 to 8: 10: 45 to 11:45 a.m. May 13 P.A. Day: No school for students May 23 Victoria Day: Schools Closed June 13 P.A. Day: No school for students June 21 Grade 8 Graduation Luncheon June 27 Grade 8 Graduation Ceremony 6:00 p.m. June 28 Year End/Graduation Mass: 9:15 a.m. at the school. Thursday, June 30 Final Day of the School Year