H St. Hilary Catholic Elementary School January 2016—Issue 5 5070 Fairwind Mississauga, ON L5R 2N4 Office: 905-568-0056 Fax: 905-568-8236 www.dpcdsb.org/hilry Principal T. Loftus ~ Secretary C. DeRoia ~ Superintendent L. Papaloni ~ Trustee Thomas Thomas ~ Parish Priest: Msgr. E. Pan Associate Pastors: Fr. S. Savarimuthu Fr. D. Twaddle A PRAYER FOR THE NEW YEAR O Lord, as the years change, may we find rest in your eternal changelessness. Help us to meet this new year bravely, in the faith that, while life changes all around us, you are always the same, guiding us with your wisdom and protecting us with your love, through our Savior Jesus Christ.” Amen P.A. DAY HAPPY NEW YEAR! MONDAY, JANUARY 18th We hope that you have enjoyed a very restful and peaceful Christmas break with family and friends. As we enter into the next part of this school year, we look forward to our continued partnership with you in the spiritual, academic and social development of your children. On behalf of our staff, we wish to thank you for your ongoing support with the various activities here at St. Hilary School. ~ Stay Connected Join the Dufferin-Peel ECommunity www.dpcdsb.org Follow DPCDSB on Twitter: @DPCDSBSchools For the latest board news and information. NO CLASSES FOR STUDENTS Virtue of the Month: Self Control God has given us the ability to choose. We are able to control how we react to what happens ar ound us. Thr ough pr ayer and concentration, we can get better at controlling our reactions. We can get better at showing self-control. Self-control helps us to resist the temptation to do something that we will regret. Page 2 St. Hilary Catholic Elementary School St. Hilary Feast Day Mass The St. Hilary Feast Day Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday, January 13th at 9:15 a.m. in the school gymnasium. All are welcome! Sacramental Preparation Events and Key Dates Understanding Key Issues in Catholic Education Why did Catholics find the non-denominational religious education of the common school unsatisfactory? Catholics wanted separate schools where all the beliefs of the Catholic Church would be taught, where the pupils would live their faith in a sacramental and community manner in proximity to the parish church and priest, and where religion would permeate the reading, literature and history curriculum. Furthermore, as modern times arrived, the multiculturalism of the public school’s student body necessitated the eradication of the teaching of Christianity. First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation: Jan. 17 and Jan. 31 at Noon.: Preparation Masses Jan. 22 at 9:30 a.m.: First Reconciliation April 9 at 10:00 a.m.: First Holy Communion Mass Confirmation: Jan. 28 at 7:00 p.m.: Preparation Mass Feb. 18: Confirmation Retreat at Queen of Apostles Retreat Centre April 7 at 7:00 p.m.: Confirmation Mass Toys for Tots Advent Fundraiser We wish to thank the community of St. Hilary for your support during the Advent season. We had many opportunities to give to those less fortunate and, once again, our school community was extremely generous. The Gr. 6 classes organized a fundraiser to raise money for “Toys for Tots”. They raised $700.00 after two weeks of selling candy canes! The proceeds were used to purchases toys which were donated to needy children. Special thanks to First Student Bus Company for donating the bus for this trip. Many thanks to Mrs. Dias and Mrs. Paniconi for your time and work with the students. St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Program St. Hilary School organized a social justice initiative inviting families to contribute cash donations toward the purchase of gift cards for The St. Vincent de Paul Society for distribution to families in need within the St. Francis Xavier Parish community. $1000.00 was raised! We thank all of our families for your generous support and for sharing in the true meaning of Christmas with our brothers and sisters. St. Hilary Catholic Elementary School Page 3 Catholic School Council The Catholic School Council is hosting Family Night at the Hershey Centre on Friday, February 12th at 7:15 p.m. Attendees will enjoy watching Mississauga Steelheads vs Erie Otters. Tickets are $6.00 per person. Details to follow. The Catholic School Council’s email address: sthilaryparentcouncil@gmail.com Please join us at our next meeting on Monday, January 11th at 6:30 p.m. Dress for the Weather Now that colder weather is upon us, please ensure that your children come to school dressed warmly to participate in recess activities. When weather conditions are severe, we may reduce the outdoor playtime, or have indoor recess entirely. Fresh air and exercise are vital components for successful learning, so we will endeavour to have children play outside whenever possible. Help your children come to school appropriately dressed with scarves, hats and mittens on those really chilly days! For health reasons and to help keep the school clean, we ask all students to have indoor shoes. Younger children should also have a spare change of clothing at school or in their backpacks. TRANSPORTATION CANCELATION AND SCHOOL CLOSURES During the winter months inclement weather may cause disruption of bus transportation and regular school operations. A decision to cancel school transportation and/or to close schools is usually made by 6:00 a.m. and will be announced on the following radio and television stations: VIRGIN RADIOFM99.9 CHUM AM1050 CFTR AM680 CFNY FM102.1/AM640 CJCL AM590 CHFI FM98.1 CFRB AM1010 EZ ROCK FM97.3 CJBC (FR) AM860 FM Z103.5 FM93.1 FM Q107 CHIN FM100.7/AM1540 CBC99.1 CITYPULSE GLOBAL NEWS CTV CANADA AM EXTENDED FRENCH INFORMATION MEETING Grade 4 parents/guardians who wish to enroll their child in a Grade 5 Extended French class for September, 2016 are invited to attend an information meeting at: School: San Lorenzo Ruiz Address: 100 Barondale Drive, Mississauga—L4Z 3R1 (905-501-0400) Date: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 Time: 7:00 p.m. Page 4 St. Hilary Catholic Elementary School PEDICULOSIS Although not a communicable disease, pediculosis (head lice) is a concern to parents and teachers. Each year it is common for outbreaks of pediculosis to occur. Unfortunately, in recent years, head lice have become increasingly common throughout North America. They are parasites, which have been common among human beings for centuries. They are not connected in any way to dirt or neglect. Anyone can be infested with them. When a case of lice is found at school, we inform parents of the infected classes by way of a special letter. In order to control these pests, we shall follow the procedures outlined below. We request your full co-operation. If a case is found in the school, we will inform all parents of the students in that class. We then request that you check your own child’s head. If you find them to also be infested, we would ask that you contact us so that we may advise you of the proper treatment for them. This information can also be obtained from a pharmacist or Peel Health Department. Even if cases are not reported from the school, it is a wise precaution to check your child’s head periodically. Encourage your children not to put on other people’s hats or scarves. Inform them not to use other people’s combs or hairbrushes. If your child does become infested with head lice, we will ask you to keep them out of school until after they have been treated with the correct shampoo and their hair is entirely clear of both lice and nits (eggs). When a child returns to school, he /she must report directly to the office and be checked by the principal or designate before proceeding to the classroom or the yard. No one is to be re-admitted to class without being checked. If we all follow these procedures, we may not entirely escape outbreaks, but, we may prevent some cases, and, bring others under control quickly. DROPPING AND PICKING UP STUDENTS IN FRONT DRIVEWAY Parents are reminded not to leave their cars parked in the lanes in the front driveway or in the lanes that lead to the north, rear parking lot. These lanes are fire routes and parking there is illegal. Please also refrain from blocking the bus lane so that the school buses are able to enter and exit the driveway safely and on schedule. Please also be reminded that the rear parking lot is for staff only. If you need to park and get out of your car when dropping off or picking up your child, please park in the parking spots at the front of the school, or, on the street as permitted. Parking enforcement is often on-site issuing tickets to illegally parked vehicles. It is imperative that parents and guardians who drive their children to school adhere to the traffic circulation plan and comply with the traffic and parking signage on the site. Thank you for your co-operation. Indoor and Outdoor Shoes We ask that students bring a pair of indoor shoe that can be worn inside of the school and left in the classrooms. Removing outdoor shoes upon entering the building helps keep our school environment healthy, clean and safe. Hands-off Policy In order to ensure the comfort and safety of all, we expect students to adhere to the “Hands-off Policy” at the school. “Play fighting” is also not permitted. Every student has been made aware of the importance of these rules. Please assist us by reviewing these expectations with your child. This will help to make our school environment a safe, healthy and positive place for all of our students. Page 5 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Full Day Kindergarten Registration Evening Monday, January 25, 2016 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm SNOW DATE: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 Additional Full Day Kindergarten Registration Dates: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Thursday, January 28, 2016 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Friday, January 29, 2016 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Parent Evening to Support the Transition of Children with Differing Abilities into Kindergarten There will be an information session for parent(s)/guardian(s) of children with differing abilities including vision, speech, hearing, autism, physical/medical and/or developmental delays who are transitioning to Kindergarten in September 2016. The information session will be held at the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board -- Catholic Education Centre, Room 301 on Tuesday, January 12, 2016, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Snow date Wednesday, January 13, 2016, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Reminders and Resources: Cold and Flu Season As cold and flu season approaches, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board continues to be vigilant in ensuring that our schools are clean and that our school communities are educated regarding good hand hygiene and cough etiquette. These practices are promoted on an ongoing basis, but as the prevalence of colds and flu increases, our board increases the cleaning of contact surfaces, as well as reminds schools to review cold and flu prevention with students and staff. Many resources are utilized from our regional health units. A reminder, as well, that communicable diseases can be contracted in public places throughout the year. For example, cold-related viruses, such as Enterovirus, are transferred from person to person through hand contact. Cold and flu viruses typically peak from December through February, but can start as early as October. Please assist us by reviewing good hand washing procedures, as well as other preventative measures, as outlined in the various Peel Health and Wellington Dufferin Guelph (WDG) resources available to you through their websites. As always, children who are unwell, should be kept at home. Also available on the Peel Health and WDG websites, are the schedules of local Flu Clinics. For more information, visit the health unit websites: Peel Health website: http://www.peelregion.ca/health Links to the above information can be found in the Parent Section of the DPCDSB website at www.dpcdsb.org Page 6 IMPORTANT DATES January 11 Catholic School Council Meeting: 6:30 p.m. January 13 St. Hilary Feast Day Mass: 9:15 a.m. January 15 Rosary Apostolate January 17 First Holy Communion Preparation Mass: Noon at St. Francis Xavier Church January 18 P.A. Day. No school for students. January 22 First Reconciliation: 9:30 a.m. at St. Francis Xavier Church January 25 Kindergarten Registration: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm (January 26 Snow Date) January 25 and 26 Peel Region Police Youth Education Officer Presentations: Grades 3 to 8 January 28 Confirmation Preparation Mass: 7:00 p.m. at St. Francis Xavier Church January 31 First Holy Communion Preparation Mass: Noon at St. Francis Xavier Church February 1 Round 2 Intermediate Immunizations: Details to follow February 2 Report Cards Sent Home February 4 Parent/Teacher Interviews: In the evening February 5 P.A. Day. No school for students. Parent/Teacher Interviews: During the day. February 10 Ash Wednesday Liturgy: 9:15 a.m. February 12 Family Night: Hershey Centre at 7:15 p.m. Mississauga Steelheads vs. Erie Otters February 15 Family Day. Schools are closed. Page 7 Reading to Young Children: A Head-Start in Life The research sets out to explore the connections between parents reading to their young children and their child’s later reading and other cognitive skills. Key Findings: The frequency of reading to children at a young age has a direct causal effect on their schooling outcomes regardless of their family background and home environment. * Reading to children at age 4-5 every day has a significant positive effect on their reading skills and cognitive skills (i.e., language and literacy, numeracy and cognition) later in life. *Reading to children 3-5 days per week (compared to 2 or less) has the same effect on the child’s reading skills at age 4-5 as being six months older. *Reading to them 6-7 days per week has the same effect as being almost 12 months older. *Children read to more frequently at age 4-5 achieve higher scores on the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests for both Reading and Numeracy in Year 3 (age 8 to 9). *These differences in reading and cognitive skills are not related to the child’s family background or home environment but are the direct result of how frequently they have been read to prior to starting school. This research is a result of a partnership arrangement between the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ SAVE THE DATE!!! FOR AN EVENT THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE REBOOT! LIVE! With internationally renowned speaker and author, CHRIS STEFANICK and special musical guest, JON NIVEN. Reboot! Live! is the fun, inspiring and practical experience of applying the beauty and genius of the heart of the Gospel to every aspect of your life. From prayer and spirituality, to work, dating, marriage, parenting, health and more! There is no part of your life that will be left untouched! TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16TH 2016, 7:00 – 9:30PM St. Francis Xavier Church, Mississauga To register, go online to www.RealLifeCatholic.com – or – Contact DAVID PATTERSON, at 905-890-5290 ext. 235 -or – email at ym@stfrancisxavierchurch.ca Tickets are $24.00 each