H St. Hilary Catholic Elementary School Monday, October 12th

St. Hilary Catholic
Elementary School
October 2015—Issue 2
5070 Fairwind
Mississauga, ON
L5R 2N4
Office: 905-568-0056
Fax: 905-568-8236
T. Loftus
C. DeRoia
L. Papaloni
Thomas Thomas
Parish Priest:
Msgr. E. Pan
Associate Pastor:
Fr. S. Savarimuthu
Friday, October 9th
Monday, October 12th
Opening School Mass
at 9:15 a.m.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Understanding Key Issues in Catholic Education
Has the Ontario government always supported
separate schools?
Yes, as did its predecessor, the United legislature
of Canada East (now Quebec) and Canada West
(now Ontario) during its total life from 1841 to
1867. One of the first pieces of legislation it passed
in 1841 was the Common School Act, with a separate school clause.
Virtue of the Month:
Stay Connected
Join the Dufferin-Peel ECommunity
Follow DPCDSB on Twitter: @DPCDSBSchools
For the latest board news
and information.
Schools are Closed
During this month of October, we will be focusing
on the virtue of Empathy.
There are days in our lives that we may see others
come to school sad, afraid, frustrated, or even
angry. To live the virtue of empathy is to walk in
another’s shoes, truly striving to understand their
situation and seeking ways to help them.
"Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of
these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”
Matthew 25:39
Thanksgiving Prayer
O Gracious God, we give
You thanks for Your
overflowing generosity to us.
Thank You for the blessings
of the food we eat and
especially for this feast today.
Thank You for our home,
family and friends, especially
for the presence of those
gathered here.
Thank You for our health,
our work and our play.
Please send help to those who
are hungry, alone, sick and
suffering war and violence.
Open our hearts to Your love.
We ask your blessing through
Christ, Your son.
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St. Hilary Catholic Elementary School
First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation:
Oct. 8 at 7:00 p.m.: Parents’ Meeting at the Church (mandatory)
Nov. 8 at 9:00 a.m.: Inscription Mass
Jan. 17 and Jan. 31 at Noon.: Preparation Masses
Jan. 22 at 9:30 a.m.: First Reconciliation
April 9 at 10:00 a.m.: First Holy Communion Mass
Nov. 3 at 7:00 p.m.: Parents’ Meeting at the Church (mandatory)
Dec. 6 at 9:00 a.m.: Inscription Mass
Thanksgiving Food
Jan. 28 at 7:00 p.m.: Preparation Mass
Thanksgiving Food Drive
which will run until
October 9th in support of
the St. Vincent de Paul
Society. As a school
community we are asking
for your support in
collecting non-perishable
food items. The entire
community is very
and generosity.
April 7 at 7:00 p.m.: Confirmation Mass
Feb. 18: Confirmation Retreat at Queen of Apostles Retreat Centre
Rosary Apostolate
Each class will be visited once a month by a member of St. Francis Xavier Parish’s
Rosary Apostolate team. They will be in the classroom working alongside the
teachers to deliver the messages about the Rosary.
On November 1st, we honour all the Saints of our Church and we are encouraged
to pray that we might all emulate their example in our daily lives. We will
also remember all those who have gone before us in faith by celebrating the Feast
of All Souls on November 2nd. As we pray for each other in life, it is consoling
and a fact of faith that we can be one with them in prayer after death. Throughout
our school activities then, we will focus on these essential aspects of the two great
Feasts. Catholic School Council will be hosting the annual Halloween Spook-athon dance on October 30th for all grades and the fun of dressing up. Masks,
weapons and long costumes that drag on the ground are not permitted for safety
reasons. In this way we can be sure to enjoy the day and promote the safety of all
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Chocolate Fundraiser
The Catholic School Council’s major fundraiser will involve the sale of World’s Finest Chocolates.
Chocolates were sent home on October 7th. The campaign will run until Friday, October 24th. Your
continued support is greatly appreciated to help raise funds for programs and resources for our students.
Curriculum Night
Thank you to the parents and guardians who attended our Curriculum Night. It was a wonderful opportunity
to foster the home-school connection. Many thanks, also, to the Catholic School Council for providing
apples for everyone and for organizing the Mr. Sub orders.
Book Fair
A huge thank you is extended to everyone who supported the Scholastic Book Fair. We would also
like to thank Mrs. Ursitti and Mrs. Ladislao as well as all of the teachers and students who volunteered their
time to assist! Many thanks to Mr. Villanueva for donating the beautiful sign promoting the Book Fair.
Total sales were $3,297.30. We earned $745.90 worth of books, as well as $313.49 in cash which will be used
to purchase student resources. Special thanks to Mrs. Stefaniuk for organizing and overseeing the event!
National Walk to School Day
Pope Francis’ latest Encyclical on the environment invites us to be ‘Stewards of the Earth’. The National
Walk to School Day on October 7 provides an opportunity to reduce gas emissions and answer our
Catholic call to care for God’s Creation. The benefits of walking (and physical activity) is positively linked to
physical and mental health as well as academic performance. Special thanks to the Catholic School Council
for providing apples for the students who walk to school that day.
Catholic School Council
On Monday, October 5th, we held our Catholic School Council election for this year.
Co-chairs: M. Da Costa and S. Sukhu
Parish Rep.: L. Carmona
Treasurer: J. Hart
Secretary: D. Brennan
Co-Fundraising Coordinators: E. Ladislao and I. Peixoto
Volunteer Coordinator: J. Ursitti
OAPCE Rep: M. El’Bably Members: M. Ruffalo and V. Bertucci
Teacher Reps: B. Tremblay, C. Stefaniuk
YMCA Community Reps: M. Trigianni and J. Troina
We look forward to working with our Catholic School Council this year. Please join us at our next meeting
on November 3rd at 6:30 p.m.
St. Hilary Catholic Elementary School
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St. Hilary Walks for Terry!
On September 30th, the staff and students of St. Hilary School participated in a walk to
commemorate the 34th anniversary of Terry Fox’s inspirational Marathon of Hope.
We thank all families for your generous contributions of $2070.00. These donations have
been forwarded to The Terry Fox Foundation to further the cause of cancer research.
Special thanks to the Catholic School Council for providing apples for the students to enjoy following the
Pizza Days: Every Wednesday
Pizzas must be pre-ordered with the forms provided, and,
returned to the school on the due date. Many thanks to
the parent volunteers who organize these events. Please contact the
school if you are able to assist on those days.
Pop Can Tabs
To kick off our Eco School
Campaign we will be
participating in the Waste Free
Lunch Challenge October 19th to
23rd. Please encourage your
children to bring litter-less
lunches to school.
Please continue to
send in your pop can tabs. The
Royal Canadian Legion uses
the tabs towards the purchase of
wheelchairs for those in need.
Homework Tip:
Designate a quiet
working space.
Distractions and
homework do not mix.
Cross Country
On October 16th, St. Hilary’s Cross Country Team will
participate in a very challenging race at Chingacousy
Park. Our athletes are currently training for the big day and we wish
them the best of luck!
Thank you to Coaches Mme. Fantin, Mrs. Slabikowski, Mrs. Paniconi
and Mrs. Dowling, for your time and efforts in preparing the team!
Provide a space for your
child to do homework in
an area that is free from
distractions such as the
television, computer,
games, friends, pets,
and telephones.
Progress Reports
Progress reports will be sent home on Tuesday, November
17th. Interview evening will be on Thursday, November 19th. Teachers
will be contacting parents only if there is a need for an interview.
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Parents are reminded not to leave their cars parked in the lanes
in the front driveway or in the lanes that lead to the north, rear
parking lot. These lanes are fire routes and parking there is illegal. Please
also refrain from blocking the bus lane so that the school buses are able to
enter and exit the driveway safely and on schedule. Please also be
reminded that the rear parking lot is for staff only. If you need to park and
get out of your car when dropping off or picking up your child, please park
in the parking spots at the front of the school, or, on the street as permitted. Parking enforcement is often on-site issuing tickets to illegally parked
vehicles. It is imperative that parents and guardians who drive their children to school adhere to the traffic circulation plan and comply with the
traffic and parking signage on the site. Thank you for your consideration
and co-operation.
Please note that the
YMCA and Kindergarten
Drop-off Zone near the
Kindergarten yard has
been designated for only
brief dropping off or
picking up of students.
Please refrain from parking
vehicles in this area for
extended periods of time.
Indoor/Outdoor Shoes
Hands-Off Policy
We ask that all students bring a
pair of indoor shoes that can be
worn inside of the school and left
in their classrooms. Removing
outdoor shoes upon entering the building helps
keep our school environment healthy, clean
and safe. Your cooperation is appreciated.
In order to ensure the comfort and safety of all, we
expect students to adhere to the “Hands-off Policy” at
the school. “Play fighting” is also not permitted. Every
student has been made aware of the importance of
these rules.
Please assist us by reviewing these expectations with
your child. This will help to make our school
environment a safe and positive place for all of our
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Pupil Accommodation Review Policy Public Consultation
The Ministry of Education released the new Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline (PARG) in March
2015. This guideline sets expectations for all school boards on managing and reviewing underutilized school
space, including potential school closures, and for the greater coordination and sharing of planning related
information between school boards and other community partners.
The guideline requires all school boards in the province to develop or revise Pupil Accommodation Review
Policies and to invite public input into the policy before it is finalized.
A survey to collect feedback on the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board’s draft amended Policy 6.51
Pupil Accommodation Review will be available for review and comment on the Board’s website at
www.dpcdsb.org until 4:30 pm on Friday, October 16, 2015. Supporting documents will also be available for
reference and review. Please consider reviewing and providing input on this policy.
Fire Drills
We will be having fire drills for students to practice exiting the school building at the
sound of the fire alarm. This is also a good reminder to parents to practice home fire
escape and to check smoke alarms in your homes.
Hold & Secure and Lockdown Procedures
There may be situations where the school, under the direction of the Peel Regional
Police, may need to have a “hold & secure” or a “lockdown”. The School Board has
mandated that lockdown procedures be added to the school’s safety routines. The
lockdown procedures attempt to secure students in their own classrooms in the event
that there is a high risk incident about to unfold in the school or in dealing with the
presence of an individual in possession of a dangerous article on school property.
Supervision Times
Pediculosis/ Head Lice
Each year it is common for outbreaks of pediculosis/head lice to occur. In order to
control these pests, we follow the procedures outlined as follows. If a case is found in
the school, we inform all parents of the students in that class with a letter. We then
request that you check your own child’s head. If you find them to also be infested, we
ask that you contact us. Even if cases are not reported from the school, it is a wise
precaution to check your child’s head periodically. Encourage your children not to
put on other people’s hats or scarves. Inform them not to use other people’s combs or
hairbrushes. If your child does become infested with head lice, we will ask you to
keep them out of school until after they have been treated with the correct shampoo
and their hair is entirely clear of both lice and nits (eggs). Local pharmacists can
provide you with detailed information in this regard, or, visit the Region of Peel
Health Department’s website.
When a child returns to school, he /she must report directly to the office and be
checked by the principal or designate before proceeding to the classroom or the yard.
No one is to be re-admitted to class without being checked. If we all follow these
procedures, we may not entirely escape outbreaks, however, we may prevent some
cases, and, bring others under control quickly.
Please note that
teachers are on
supervision duty
15 minutes before
the start of the
school day.
For safety reasons,
we ask that your
child does not
arrive at the school
prior to 8:45 a.m.
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Important Dates
October 7
National Walk to School Day
October 8
First Holy Communion/First Reconciliation Parent Meeting at
Church 7:00 p.m.
October 9
Opening School Mass 9:15 a.m.
October 9-12
Advanced Elections Polling Station at St. Hilary School
October 12
Happy Thanksgiving. Schools are closed.
October 13
Peel Police Youth Education Officer Gr. 1 to 8 Presentations
October 14
Scientists in the School (Gr. 2’s)
October 15
Scientists in the School (Gr. 3’s)
October 19
Fundraising Chocolate and Money Due Back at School
October 19
Elections Polling Station at St. Hilary School
October 30
Council -Sponsored Spook-a-thon Dance
November 1
All Saints’ Day
November 2
All Souls’ Day
November 3
Confirmation Parents’ Meeting
7:00 p.m. at Church
November 4
Picture Re-takes 9:00 a.m.
November 5
Gr. 8 Parent Information Evening at St. Francis Xavier Secondary
School 6:30 pm
November 11
Remembrance Day Liturgy 11:00 a.m. in the gym.
November 17
Report Cards Sent Home
November 19
Interview Evening