H St. Hilary Catholic Elementary School

St. Hilary Catholic
Elementary School
May 2015
5070 Fairwind
Mississauga, ON
L5R 2N4
Office: 905-568-0056
Fax: 905-568-8236
T. Loftus
C. DeRoia
L. Papaloni
Thomas Thomas
Parish Priest:
Msgr. E. Pan
Associate Pastors:
Fr. J. Roldan
Fr. S. Savarimuthu
A May Blessing, in Honour of Mary
Lord God, you have given us life
And guided us on our journey.
Be with us as we honour Mary
In song and prayer this month.
We turn to you for protection,
Holy Mother of God.
Listen to our prayers and help us in our needs.
Save us from every danger, Glorious and Blessed Virgin.
The Virtue of the Month: Acceptance
Stay Connected
Join the Dufferin-Peel
Follow DPCDSB on Twitter:
For the latest board news
and information.
The virtue of Acceptance means we accept
ourselves and others just the way we are.
God created all of us in His image,
and God does not make mistakes.
Being a part of God’s family means that we love
and welcome everyone just the way Jesus did.
Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where it is easier to
follow the crowd than to stand up for what we know is right. However,
Jesus wants us to accept everyone even when it is hard.
Reception of the Sacraments
Crowning of Mary Liturgies
Friday, May 8th
K to Gr. 3: 9:40 to 10:20 a.m.
Gr. 4 to 8: 10:45 to 11:45 a.m.
All are welcome to attend.
Catholic Education Week
Congratulations to all of our
students who received the Sacrament of
Confirmation, on April 16th, and, to the
students who received their First Holy
Communion on April 18th. Thank you to
St. Francis Xavier Parish Team for
organizing the beautiful Masses, and, to
Mrs. Slabikowski and Mr. Tremblay for
their tremendous work preparing the
students for the Sacraments.
Many thanks, also, to the Catholic School
Council for the bookmarks and pins that
were presented to all Gr. 2 and 8 students .
During the Week of May 3rd to 8th, Catholic schools
are Catholic communities. Catholic schools are faith
communities. Parents, students, teachers,
administrative and support staff walk and grow
together in the faith which we received at our
Baptism. And it is the ‘together’ that we grow. Our
growth is primarily a relationship with God, who at
our Baptism, called us by name. We grow in our faith
in the nurturing atmosphere of our Catholic
community be that of our local parish, our home, or
our Catholic school community. Every year, the
Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association
(OCSTA) provides our Catholic schools with a
resource kit to help schools prepare for Catholic
Education Week. Using these resources, as well as our
own developed activities, we will engage our students
in a series of activities which will highlight how our
school is “Exploring Paths of Joy”.
Grade 8
Graduation Events
Year End/Grad Mass:
June 18th 9:15 a.m.
Graduation Ceremony:
June 18th 6:00 p.m.
Graduation Luncheon:
June 23rd at Boeaden’s
Catholic School Council
The Catholic School Council has an email account which parents/guardians may utilize to contact the
Council chairs with questions/concerns. The address is: sthilaryparentcouncil@gmail.com
Please join us for our final meeting on June 1, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.
St. Hilary
Supervision Times
Teachers are on
supervision duty 15
minutes before the start of
the school day. We ask
that your child not arrive
at the school prior to 8:45
a.m., and, that you ensure
that your child is picked
up promptly at 3:30 when
the bell rings
at the end of the day.
There is now a 3 minute
warning bell which rings
at 8:57 a.m. to prompt
students to be lined up at
their doors by the time the
entry bell rings
at 9:00.a.m.
Catholic Elementary School
Although not a
communicable disease,
pediculosis (head lice) it
is common for outbreaks
of pediculosis to occur.
When a case of lice is
found at school, we inform parents of the infected classes by way of
a special letter. In order
to control these pests,
we shall follow the
procedures outlined
below. We request your
full co-operation.
If a case is found in the
school, we inform all
parents of the students in
that class. We then
request that you check
your own child’s head.
If you find them to also
be infested, we would
ask that you contact us
so that we may advise
you of the proper
treatment for them.
This information can
also be obtained from a
pharmacist or Peel
Health Department. If
your child becomes infested with head lice, we
will ask you to keep
them out of school until
after they have been
treated with the correct
shampoo and their hair
is entirely clear of both
lice and nits (eggs).
When a child returns to
school, he /she must
report directly to the
office and be checked by
the principal or
designate before
proceeding to the
classroom or the yard.
No one is to be
re-admitted to class
without being checked.
If we all follow these
procedures, we may not
entirely escape
outbreaks, but, we may
prevent some cases, and,
bring others under
control quickly.
Administration of
Grade 3 and 6
Assessment of
Reading, Writing and
Mathematics will be
held in all elementary
schools throughout
Ontario from
May 25 to June 5.
Please try to
avoid booking
appointments or
vacations for your
grade 3 or 6 child
during this
assessment period.
To help prepare
students, please visit
EQAO.com and
follow the links for
Student and Parent
Resources, including
sample tests from
previous assessments.
Late Arrivals
We have a number of students arriving at school after the bell has rung. School begins promptly at 9:00
am. Parents are encouraged to ensure that their children are at school at least five minutes before the bell.
Students who are late must report to the office and sign in. When students arrive late for school, they are
missing valuable learning time. The interruption is also disruptive to the flow of the day for the entire class.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Water in the Yard
As we approach the season of rainy weather, water is an inevitable feature of the schoolyard and
presents an occasion for students to get wet socks and clothing.
We suggest that parents ensure that your children have an extra pair of socks and pants in their
backpack in the event that a change of clothing is necessary.
Are You Moving?
If you are planning to move out of the St. Hilary
School area, or are simply changing address within
our boundaries, please let the office know as soon as
Protecting the Skin from the Sun
Over-exposure to the sun can cause
skin damage. Students are reminded to take
precautions to protect the skin.
Some recommendations are:
Wear protective clothing to cover the skin
Wear a hat to protect the eyes and skin
Wear sun block (the higher the protection
factor number, the greater the protection)
Stay away from direct sunlight when
Parents/Guardians are encouraged to review
these strategies with children.
Dress Code
With the warm weather approaching, we would
like to take this opportunity to review the dress
code expectations at St. Hilary. As a Catholic
school, we believe that there must be a
commitment to high standards of
neatness, cleanliness and good taste. Halter-tops,
short shorts, spandex bike wear, muscle shirts, flip
flops and similar clothing and shoes are not
appropriate for classroom instruction. Shirts should
be of appropriate length to be able to be tucked into
pants or a skirt. No midriffs or belly buttons
should be showing. Shorts and skirts should be the
appropriate length for school (e.g., longer than the
length of your arm and hand when held at the side
of your body). Suggestive or inappropriate
language or violent symbols are not permitted on
any clothing or personal belongings. Sunglasses,
hats, (including bandanas worn as head covering)
are not to be worn inside the school. Non-marking
running shoes are to be worn during physical
education classes. Tight and/or revealing clothing
is not acceptable. Bra straps should not be visible.
The width of shoulder straps on tops should be at
least 2 inches or 5 centimetres wide.
We appreciate your support.
Concussion Policy, Guidelines and Protocol
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board has
developed a Concussion Policy and Guidelines for students
who have been diagnosed with a concussion by either a
medical doctor or nurse practitioner. School staff cannot
diagnose a concussion. Anytime a student reports to the
office with a head injury, the parent/guardian will be contacted and the incident will be entered into the school’s
“Documentation of Head Injuries” log. Your child will be
given an information pamphlet entitled “We want to give
you a heads up…Concussions are serious.” This pamphlet
outlines the signs and symptoms of concussions. It also
includes information about what to do if you suspect your
child has a concussion and how a concussion is treated.
Guidelines have been developed by Dufferin-Peel CDSB to
support a 10-phase “Return to Activity” process following
a diagnosed concussion. These guidelines include 5 phases
for “Return to Learn” followed by 5 phases for “Return to
Play”. With parental consent, school administration will
work collaboratively with school psychology staff to
monitor your child’s progress through the 10 phases.
For more information, please contact the school.
Playground Safety Rules
We remind students daily of
playground expectations.
Please review the following rules with
your child(ren):
Failure to follow these rules will result in
immediate consequences
St. Hilary Catholic Elementary School
Kiss ‘N Ride
Please note that it is extremely important that parents drive slowly and cautiously while on
school grounds. The lane closest to the curb in the front driveway is for BUSSES ONLY.
The Kiss ‘N Ride lane is the middle lane. Please ensure that children exit your vehicle by the
right hand side passenger door(s) only.
At no time should parents park and leave their vehicles unattended in the Kiss ‘N Ride lane.
Please park your vehicle in the front parking lot or on the street.
Parking Enforcement
City of Mississauga Parking Enforcement officers have been vigilant in enforcing city
parking by-laws in the area around the school. Please be aware of where you park your
vehicle. There are fire hydrants and other No Parking / No Stopping areas that need to be
Please do not park and leave vehicles unattended in the Kiss ‘N’ Ride Lanes as they could be
ticketed. Cars parked in the Kiss ‘N’ Ride also create a very dangerous situation and impede the flow
of traffic. If you wish to walk your child to their entry point, we request that you park in the front
parking lot or on the street and escort your child.
St. Hilary staff and students have a variety of initiatives in place to heighten the
community’s awareness of environmental stewardship. Your support with this initiative is
Earth Day
Students made announcements on Earth Day, April 22nd, providing helpful tips on how to reduce
litter. Many of our junior students also cleaned up the school grounds.
Pop Can Tab Collection
Please continue to send in pop can tabs. The Royal Canadian Legion is very happy to receive the
tabs, as they are used towards the purchase of wheelchairs for those in need.
Battery Collection
Please collect and send in your used batteries to St. Hilary School. Batteries will be brought to a
recycling center for appropriate disposal.
Milk Bags Unlimited
Please send in milk bags. They are being shipped to Africa and other countries worldwide via
Dr. Simone’s Missions. This project keeps non-biodegradable plastic milk bags out of our landfills
and recycled into sleeping mats for the needs of others around the world.
Fruity Fridays
On Friday’s, students are being asked to dispose of their fruit and vegetable scraps in containers that
have been provided in each of their classroom for composting purposes.
Information regarding an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor related to the late Fr. James (Jim) Roth,
OSFS, is posted on the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board’s main webpage at
www.dpcdsb.org. Additional information, including where to report abuse or suspected abuse, is also
posted on the website of Father Roth’s religious order, the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, at
www.tdprovince.org and the Archdiocese of Toronto at www.archtoronto.org.
Please consult these sources as appropriate.
Understanding Key
Issues in Catholic
What separate school rights
does section 93(1) of the
Canadian Constitution
Section 93(1) protects all
the provisions of the last
separate school legislation
legislation was called the
Separate School (Scott)
Act of 1863.
others, the Act provided
the following rights:
To form a separate
school board with
five or more Catholic
heads of family
resident in a public
school jurisdiction
T o
r e c e i v e
government grants
equitable with those
of the public school
To receive equitable
To have separate
school boundaries
To elect separate
school trustees with
all the powers of
public school trustees
Once section 93(1) was
enacted, why did Ontario’s
separate school supporters
continue to suffer
financial hardship?
The Separate School
(Scott) Act of 1863 did
not anticipate the creation
corporations and public
utilities in Ontario or the
creation of public high
These two
omissions caused over
100 years of financial
hardship and
for separate school
On April 8th, fifteen young aspiring chess masters set off to
St. Gertrude School to take part in the MBC Family of Schools Chess
Tournament. They enjoyed intense strategizing, castling and
challenging the chess board! Our Primary team proudly advanced to the
Board-level Tournament on April 15th.
Primary-Adrien, Anderson, Malina, Emilio, Daniel
Junior-Peter, Ethan, Anthony, Tony, Idara
Intermediate-Dagi, Imanuel, Kristo, Jose, John
Congratulations to all for your outstanding achievement….so “capturing”, that
it’s sure to put you in “check”!
Many thanks to Mrs. Dias, Mrs. Fernando, Mrs. Subic and Mrs. Paniconi for
your support of our chess teams.!
Sir John A. Macdonald Public Speaking Contest
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board hosted a board-wide
contest for students to recognize and celebrate the 200th anniversary of the
birth of Sir John A. Macdonald. St. Hilary Gr. 8 student representative, Merrill,
D., ranked first place at the Mississauga Brampton Central Family of Schools
contest for her reflective piece showcasing her knowledge and understanding of the
life and times of Canada’s first Prime Minister. We are extremely proud of
Merrill’s accomplishment and we wish her every success at the Board-level Contest
on May 8th.
Intermediate Boys Basketball
Congratulations to the Intermediate Boys basketball team for a great
MBC Pod tournament on April 24th. The boys were strong and skillful, and we are
very proud of our team: Dagi, Nathan, Kemari, Tomek, Olaitan, Emmanuel,
Fraser, Michael, Kareem
Fly Hawks Fly!
Many thanks to Mrs. Dias and Mrs. Fernando for coaching the team.
Intermediate Girls Basketball
We are proud to announce our Intermediate Girls Basketball team.
The following young athletes proudly represented St. Hilary School:
Lauryn, Maryuri, Wynebelle, Destiny, Tristyn, Paola, Kecha, Victoria and
The girls did an excellent job, coming in first place and advancing to the
Family-level Tournament on April 30th. Thank you for an excellent season girls!
Fly Hawks Fly!
Special thanks to Mrs. Paniconi and Mr. Tremblay for coaching the team.
Upcoming Events
Full-Day Kindergarten Registration for 2015-16
May 8
Crowning of Mary
K to Gr. 3: 9:40 am
Gr. 4 to 6: 10:40 am
May 11
P.A Day
(No School for
May 12
Track & Field Day
Gr. 4 to 8
May 18
Victoria Day
(Schools Closed)
May 25 to June 5
EQAO (Gr. 3 & 6)
June 1
Catholic School
Council Meeting 6pm
June 8
P.A. Day
(No school for
June 9
French Café
June 18
Year End/Grad Mass
9:15 a.m.
June 18
Grad Ceremony 6 pm
June 24
Report Cards Go
June 26
Last Day of School
We are accepting registrations for Full-Day Kindergarten and Grades
1 to 8, for the 2015-16 school year. The following documents are required for
 Proof of age of the child (birth certificate or passport)
 Original Roman Catholic Baptismal Certificate of child or Baptismal
Certificate from an Eastern Church in full communion with the Holy See of
Rome. If the child has not been Baptised, then the Baptismal Certificate of a
parent is required.
 Updated immunization records
 Proof of Canadian Citizenship (birth certificate, passport, permanent
resident status)
 Two proofs of home address (property tax bill, current utility bill, real estate
document or Government of Canada issued forms)
The Online Reporting Tool
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School board has developed a new way to
help nurture a safe, caring and inclusive school environment. The Online
Reporting Tool is intended for students in grades 3 – 8 who become aware of
bullying incidents and negative behaviours. The student can simply ‘click’ on
the link found on our school’s website to fill out the report. The report will then
be directly emailed to the principal and/or vice principal and will be dealt with
It is important to recognize that the Online Reporting Tool is an alternate
reporting option. It is best practice to speak directly with a responsible adult at
home and/or in the school.
Track & Field Day
On May 12th, all Grade 4 to 8 students will participate in our annual
outdoor Track and Field Day at the school. They will be involved in a
variety of activities which will serve as a means for selecting teams for
the MBC Family Track and Field Event. Please ensure that your child is dressed
appropriately for outdoor physical activities, as well as according to the weather
conditions that day. Students are also reminded to wear hats and sunscreen and
to bring a refillable water bottle.
YMCA Child Care Centre at St. Hilary School
The St. Hilary YMCA Child Care Center is a licensed child care site
offering programs for children ages 2 to 12. They offer a Nursery School
Program, a Before and After School Program and an FDK Extended Day
Program. Part time and full time care are available.
Hours of operation are 7:00 a.m. to 6:15 p.m.
For more information, please contact The YMCA Day Care at 905 568-1549.