– Unit 4, Chapter 12 (12 Ed.)

AP United States History - Terms and People – Unit 4, Chapter 12 (12th Ed.)
HONOR PLEDGE: I strive to uphold the vision of the North Penn School District, which is to inspire each student to reach his or her highest potential
and become a responsible citizen. Therefore, on my honor, I pledge that I have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance on this work.
The Second War for Independence and the Upsurge of Nationalism: 1812 – 1824
Before studying Chapter 12, read over these “Themes”:
Theme: The American effort in the War of 1812 was plagued by poor strategy, political divisions, and increasingly
aggressive British power. Nevertheless, the United States escaped with a stalemated peace settlement, and soon
turned its isolationist back to the Atlantic European world.
Theme: The aftermath of the War of 1812 produced a strong surge of American nationalism that was reflected in
economics, law, and foreign policy. The rising nationalistic spirit and sense of political unity was, however, threatened by
the first severe sectional dispute over slavery.
Theme: Chief Justice John Marshall's Supreme Court strengthened the federal government by supporting a "loose
construction" of the Constitution, asserting the federal judiciary's power over state courts, and enforcing economic
provisions in the Constitution (interstate commerce, sanctity of contracts).
After studying Chapter 12 in your textbook, you should be able to:
1. Describe the failed American attempts to conquer Canada and their consequences.
2. Describe the crucial military developments of the war and explain why Americans experienced more
success on water than on land.
3. Describe the major issues and terms of the Treaty of Ghent and explain the long-term results of the War
of 1812 for the United States and abroad.
4. Describe and explain the burst of American nationalism that followed the War of 1812.
5. Describe the major economic developments of the period, particularly the tariff, finances, and the Panic of
6. Describe the conflict over slavery that arose in 1819 and the terms of the Missouri Compromise that
temporarily resolved it.
7. Indicate how John Marshall’s Supreme Court promoted the spirit of nationalism through its ruling in favor
of federal power.
8. Describe the Monroe Doctrine and explain its real and symbolic significance for American foreign policy.
Know the following people and terms. Consider the historical significance of each term or person.
Also note the dates of the event if that is pertinent.
A. People
+James Madison
Oliver Hazard Perry
Thomas Macdonough
William Henry Harrison
Francis Scott Key
+James Monroe
Andrew Jackson
+James Fenimore Cooper
Washington Irving
+John Marshall
+John C. Calhoun
+John Quincy Adams
Daniel Webster
B. Terms:
Star-Spangled Banner
peculiar institution
AP United States History - Terms and People – Unit 4, Chapter 12 (12th Ed.)
HONOR PLEDGE: I strive to uphold the vision of the North Penn School District, which is to inspire each student to reach his or her highest potential
and become a responsible citizen. Therefore, on my honor, I pledge that I have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance on this work.
protective tariff
internal improvements
Ohio fever
second Bank of the United States
Fletcher v. Peck
*McCulloch v. Maryland
Dartmouth College v. Woodward
Cohens v. Virginia
*Gibbons v. Ogden
Tariff of 1816
American System
Bonus Bill of 1817
Battle of Horseshoe Bend
Virginia dynasty
Era of Good Feelings
Rush-Bagot agreement
Treaty of 1818 with Britain
Panic of 1819
Florida Purchase Treaty
Battle of the Thames
Land Act of 1820
*Monroe Doctrine
Tallmadge Amendment
Russo-American Treaty of 1824
*Missouri Compromise (Compromise of 1820)
*Treaty of Ghent
Battle of Plattsburgh
Hartford Convention
burning of Washington, D.C.
+=One of the 100 Most Influential Americans of All Time, as ranked by The Atlantic. Go to Webpage to see all 100.
*=A 100 Milestone Document from the National Archive. Go to Webpage to link to these documents.
AP United States History - Terms and People – Unit 4, Chapter 12 (12th Ed.)
HONOR PLEDGE: I strive to uphold the vision of the North Penn School District, which is to inspire each student to reach his or her highest potential
and become a responsible citizen. Therefore, on my honor, I pledge that I have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance on this work.
C. Sample Essay: Using what you have previously learned and what you read in Chapter 12, you
should be able to answer an essay such as this one:
Why had the Jeffersonian Republicans by 1815 – 1824 adopted many of the principles of “loose
constructionism” once held by Hamiltonian Federalists? What kinds of strong federal power did the
Republicans use, and what kinds were they still reluctant to employ?
D. Map Work: Identify the places indicated by the reference numbers on the map below.
_____ Detroit
_____ Thames River
_____ Mobile
_____ Montreal
_____ Fort Niagara
_____ Fort McHenry
_____ Lake Champlain
_____ New Orleans
_____ Michilimackinac
_____ ___________________________
AP United States History - Terms and People – Unit 4, Chapter 12 (12th Ed.)
HONOR PLEDGE: I strive to uphold the vision of the North Penn School District, which is to inspire each student to reach his or her highest potential
and become a responsible citizen. Therefore, on my honor, I pledge that I have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance on this work.
E. Identify the places indicated by the reference numbers on the map below.
_____ Erie Canal
_____ Lake of the Woods
_____ Cumberland Road
_____ Oregon Territory
_____ Missouri Territory
_____ Lake Superior
_____ Mississippi Territory
_____ Lake Erie
_____ Maine
_____ West Florida
_____ 36° 30’
_____ Mobile
_____ 49th parallel
_____ St. Marks
_____ Texas (Mexico/Spain territory)
_____ Pensacola
_____ 42°
_____ _______________________
_____ ___________________________