Mary Fix April Newsletter Learning & Living Through God

Mary Fix April Newsletter
Learning & Living Through God
486 Paisley Blvd. West
Mississauga, Ontario
L5B 2M4
Fax: (905)270-3475
A Prayer for Spring
This is your garden, Creator God
A thing of beauty
Beyond understanding
A poem that is being written
Not in words
But in colours
Wind's whisper
Soaring bird
Snowdrop's petal
Gentle rain
Sunlight's warmth
This is your garden, Creator God
A thing of beauty
Beyond understanding
Principal: C. Duke
Assistant: M. Kivell
Head Custodian:
V. Didio
Pastor: Fr. Lando
Trustee: B. Iannicca
(Faith & Worship, Prayers & Resources)
D. Amaral
GRAD PHOTOS will be taken on
Wednesday, April 20th
Due to school closure on Thursday,
March 31st, students who ordered
pizza & milk, your orders will be honored and
given to your child/ren on Friday, May 6. This
will also be noted on the next pizza order form.
Student Information
Please remember to update the office with any new information regarding
your child. The office needs to be advised of any changes to telephone
numbers, emergency contacts or address so that we have all the correct
information for your child in case of an emergency. Also should your child’s
medical status change, ie., allergies, asthma, etc., it is critical that the office
be informed. All medication must be kept in the office. Medication
paperwork must be renewed each school year.
Congratulations to our Grade Two students who received the Sacrament of Reconciliation
at St. Catherine of Siena Parish on March 8th. Students were well prepared and sang
beautifully. A special thanks to Mrs. Carmona & Mrs. Senra who organized Reconciliation
and to Ms. Buhajczyk for accompanying the students on the piano and teaching the songs.
First Holy Communion First Holy Communion for our Grade 2’s will be celebrated on Saturday, May
7th at 11:00 am
Confirmation Our Grade 7 students will be confirmed on Thursday, June 2nd at 6:00 pm
Confessions On Thursday, March 26th at 9:15 am the priests from our local parish visited Mary Fix to
conduct confessions for our students in grades 3 to 8.
2016 Chess Tournament
On Wednesday, March 30th our Junior and
Intermediate students travelled to St. Luke
Elementary to participate in this year’s
Mississauga South Family Chess
tournament. The Juniors played very well,
winning almost half of their games. They
were edged out of the semi finals by 1 point
in the very last round! The Intermediate students played extremely well but the competition was tough in their division and they did
not advance beyond the opening round. Mrs.
Carmona, who coached both teams, was
very proud of all the players: Jonathan B., Joseph B., Konrad B., Emilia D., Alexander D., Cristina D., Alexander L., Giulian N., Chloe O. and
Jonathan S. A special thank you to Mrs. Carmona for your great coaching and encouragement.
Constable Akhil Mooken
Constable Mooken continues to be a positive
presence at Mary Fix School. As our assigned
NPU (Neighborhood Police ) Unit officer he is
a huge part of daily life at our school. In
addition to helping us perfect our safety drills,
Constable Mooken attends special functions,
connects with students in all grades and was
even a guest judge at our Junior and Intermediate speech finals
this year.
Thank-you to Constable Mooken for being
an honorary Mary Fixer!
On April 15th Mary Fix will host members of the Neighborhood
Police Unit in a fun lunch hour basketball game vs. our
intermediate girls & boys basketball teams.
Kindergarten 2016-2017
We continue to register kindergarten aged children.
Please see the office, the Mary Fix or Board website
for details. On Wednesday, May 4th at 6:30pm we
will be holding our ‘Welcome to Kindergarten’ (WTK)
evening. This is a fun and informative evening for new
Kindergartens and their parents. Community partners,
such as the YMCA before and after school program
will be available at 6:00pm. Please join us with your
child and receive information about the program.
The safety of all our students is very
important. Drop off and pick up can
sometimes be a rush, but in all
circumstances safety comes first.
We strongly encourage you to walk,
or to take advantage of our Kiss ‘n’
Ride lane in the morning from 8:45
am to 9:00am. Please drive to the
end of the Kiss n’ Ride lane and drop
off your child, where they will then
walk on the sidewalk to the yard.
RIDE LANE. This lane is designated as
a drop off and according to the City
of Mississauga Bylaw parking in this
lane is a ticket offence. Please feel
free to park your car in the visitors
parking lot or find a designated area
to meet your child/ren to avoid the
congestion. Parking in this lane or
the bus lane is prohibited at any time
of the day. Unfortunately some
tickets have been issued for this
violation. This is beyond our control
and falls within the city bylaws. Your
support is greatly appreciated.
We will continue to sell popcorn every
Wednesday. Popcorn sales have been a
success. Organization and distri-
bution is done directly by our own students. Great job! Popcorn comes in four yummy
flavours; kettle corn, butter & salt, salt & vinegar
and dill pickle. Just have your child(ren) bring a
toonie to school on Wednesday. This popcorn is
This year Mary Fix will be raising funds for ShareLife from April 18th
to April 22nd. We are asking each student to bring in a voluntary
donation in order to participate in various activities. Each child that
brings a donation will receive a ShareLife silicone wrist band.
Students can either choose to bring $2.00 for each event or provide a
one-time donation of $5.00 for all five events. Donations are not
mandatory as all students are permitted to participate. The
ShareLife donation will be presented to the church at the end of the
school year. The dates and themes of events are listed below:
Monday April 18th
Sport wear & Mary fix wear/colours
Tuesday April 19
Crazy Hair Day
Wednesday April 20
PJ Day
Thursday April 21st
Twin/Triplet/Quadruplet Day
Friday April 22nd
Beach Day—Sport your tropical wear
ShareLife is the official annual charitable appeal of the Archdiocese
of Toronto that raises funds to help support a large family of Catholic
Agencies. Last year, the family of ShareLife-funded agencies reached
out to nearly 250,000 people locally and assisted countless more in
developing countries around the world. They fed the hungry,
sheltered the homeless, protected the meek and cared for the sick.
In 42 municipalities, in 225 parishes, and in more than 20 languages,
those in need received professional, faith-informed and
compassionate care as a result of our generosity.
Let’s Share Life at Mary Fix. We can all work wonders!
Thank you in advance for your generosity,
R. Franzone Cadete
Share Life Representative
A Message From Our Librarian: Mrs. Gurecki…
Scholastic Book Fair will be coming your way
during Catholic Education Week: May 2nd
to 6th. Stay tuned for upcoming events and
In honour of
Nutrition month,
the Eco Team
promoted healthy, crunchy
snacks through daily announcements. On March 10th at
2:00pm, Mary Fix participated in the Nation wide Great
Big Crunch where all students bit into a delicious crunchy
apple at the same time. On Friday, April 1, we
celebrated Earth Hour by turning off all electronics and
lights for 1 hour out of the day. Some classes went
outside for a nature walk, worked inside with natural
daylight, and some did yoga and meditation.
Next month, the Eco team will be busy preparing for Earth
Week activities, and plan for spring gardening. If you
have a green thumb, and would like to help us plant and
maintain the gardens, please notify the office. Any extra
help is greatly appreciated. With our own two hands, we
can make a big difference in the environment.
This year’s EQAO
assessments for
Grade 3 and Grade 6
students will take
place May 25 through June 8, 2016. Grade 3
testing will be taking place from May 30th to
June 2nd. Grade 6 testing will be taking place
from June 2nd to June 7th. Attendance at
school will be very important during this time
for these students. Therefore, parents/
guardians are asked to refrain from
arranging appointments or taking vacation
days during this time. Additional snacks will
also be provided for all students participating.
Although EQAO offers important information
about your child’s learning, it is only one part
of the puzzle. The levels achieved on EQAO
will not be a part of your child’s reports card.
The results of your child’s EQAO scores will be
provided to each family in the fall.
Virtue Winners of Kindness
Milana P. & Noah D.
Brooklyn C. & Mason S.
Adam C. & Sydney K.
Olivia D., Peter K. & Julia M.
Cameron I. & Ethan C.
Nathan D. & Marcin W.
Keira I. & Caitlyn M.
Rylie H. & Rebecca Q.
Tyler B. & Maria F.
Anna C. & Tyler R.
Victoria C. & Mason A.
Anjali C. & Meaghan M.
Congratulations to our March winners!
On Wednesday, March 23rd,
Mrs. Patten’s Grade 6 students
preformed and excellent presentation of
the Stations of the Cross to the Mary Fix
Community in the school gym.
Stations of the Cross refers to a series
of images depicting Jesus Christ on the
day of his crucifixion and accompanying
prayers. The object of the stations is to
help the faithful to make a spiritual
pilgrimage through contemplation of the
Passion of Christ. The series of 14
images represent Christ’s journey from
his arrest to his resurrection.
Mrs. Patten’s class presented the 14
stations as silhouettes and each was
accompanied by an explanation, prayer
and intention. Well done everyone!
Whole School Faith Day
On Tuesday, March 8th Mary Fix students from Kindergarten to Grade 8 celebrated a whole
school Faith Day. Students in Grades 1-8 were shuffled into teams from grades 1 to 8 and rotated
through 4 different activities that focused on Almsgiving, a message of the importance of giving
to others. A sample of the Seder Meal and its significance during Lent. Offering up prayer to
others by tying a piece of yarn onto a fishing net to symbolize our intentions. Students
demonstrated Good Works by making a ’living bracelet’ that symbolized
Jesus’ love for us and received a bookmark.
Kindergarten students did
faith-based activities in their classrooms and then joined the whole school in
the afternoon for a liturgy where we reflected on the importance and symbolism of the 40 days of Lent. At the end of the liturgy all students received a
fresh nut-free pretzel, a traditional symbol of children praying with their hands
crossed over their chests. We extend our sincerest thanks for the student’s active
participation and positive attitude and to our Catholic School Learning team, Mrs.
Belisle, Mrs. Patten and Mrs. Coombes who organized this faith filled
Volume 3
Developing Mindsets that Promote Growth
While whole numbers represent
quantities of whole units, fractions
signify parts of whole units or parts of
sets. Although fractions are all around
us, learning about fractions may be
challenging for some children.
Identifying fractions in our
environment makes them meaningful
and easier to visualize.
What do we mean by “growth mindset”?
Mindsets change is not about picking up a few pointers here
and there. It’s about seeing things in a new way… changing
from a “judge and be-judged” framework to a “learn-and-help
learn” framework.
– Carol S. Dweck
Web Resources:
CLIPS (Critical Learning Instructional Paths
Tips for Fostering a Growth Mindset:
Tip # 7. Provide Honest, Constructive Criticism That
Emphasizes Growth
 Work with your child to identify strategies for improvement.
 Use phrases like: “Let me add new information to help
you solve this…” or “What parts were difficult for you?
Let’s look at them.”
Family Math Activity K – 3:
Big Idea
A fraction shows the relationship
between a part and a whole.
 With your child, gather several similarly shaped
objects, such as a piece of paper, a towel, a
placemat, a picture frame, a magazine and a book.
 Ask your child to show you one half of each object,
perhaps by using a ruler to mark the halfway point.
This is an opportunity for your child to see that
fractional portions must be of equal size.
Extension: Ask your child to show you one fourth of
each object.
Family Math Activity 4-6:
 Ask what real-life situations might these fractions describe:
Two fifths 2/5, Three sixths 3/6, Five eighths 5/8
(e.g. Five eggs have been eaten from the dozen. This represents
5/12 of the set. Can your child describe the fraction of eggs
eaten (5/12) and the remaining eggs (7/12)?)
Grades 7 & 8: Continuing
the Conversation about
Financial Literacy!
Explore Career Possibilities
Talk to your child about:
 What two things do you enjoy most in
o What career possibilities are there
in these two areas?
 What are you best at in terms of your
own abilities?
o Are there career possibilities that
fit with these talents?
All intermediate students have
access to My Blueprint (Career
Pathways Planning):
Have your child go online and
share his/her profile with you.
“Give to the Emperor what belongs to him, and give to God what belongs to God.” Matthew 22: 17-21
Ready to register?
Registration information is available in
the school office
or through the CCCSC website:
Alternatively, you may complete the
Survey Monkey™ to register
using this URL:
Saturday, April 9, 2016
8:30 a.m.
Registration, Refreshments,
Vendor Market Place
9:00 a.m.
Liturgy and Opening Remarks
9:30 a.m.
Keynote Address:
Dr. Susan Williams, Psychologist.
A Parent’s Guide to Reducing Stress and
Increasing Resilience in Children
10:30 a.m.
Refreshment Break
Vendor Marketplace
11:00 a.m.
Workshop Sessions [Attend one of eight sessions]
12:00 p.m.
Closing Remarks and Door Prizes
12:15 p.m.
Vendors open to Conference
participants until 12:45 p.m.
For more information on the Central
Committee of Catholic School Councils
in Dufferin-Peel CDSB,
Opening Doors of Mercy
“Blessed are the merciful, for
they will receive mercy.” –
Matthew 5:7
Conference & Marketplace
St. Joseph Catholic
Secondary School
5555 Creditview Road, Mississauga, ON
Located on Creditview Road,
north of Bristol Road south of Britannia
for Dufferin-Peel CDSB
Catholic School Council
Chairs, Members &Volunteers
Saturday, April 9, 2016
St. Joseph Secondary School
5555 Creditview Road, Mississauga
KEYNOTE SPEAKER 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
Dr. Susan Williams, Psychologist
Children who are excessively stressed or anxious can underachieve
in school, have low self-esteem, be angry, sad and lonely, have
difficulty with schoolwork and have difficult family and peer
relationships. Parents have a significant impact on how well children
respond to stress and anxiety. Therefore, it is important that we, as
parents, teach ourselves healthy ways to deal with stress and anxiety
so we can pass on this knowledge to our children. We also need to
follow some fundamental parenting principles so children learn how
to self-regulate when stressed and anxious. Healthy habits learned
in childhood promote lifelong healthy habits and a happier and more
productive life.
This presentation will describe some reasons why children are more
stressed and anxious than before and help parents develop
resilience, reduce stress, improve their child’s overall well-being and
create a happier home. The presentation will be followed by a
question and answer period.
Introducing our Keynote Speaker
Dr. Williams is currently the Director of the
Halton Centre for Cognitive Therapy and
Stress Reduction in Oakville.
maintained an appointment for 8 years as
Assistant Professor (PT) in the Department
Neurosciences at McMaster University
where she conducted research on
prevention and intervention with anxious
and depressed children, provided treatment in the child, adolescent,
and adult hospital programs, and trained residents and interns in
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). She has worked on the CBT
Unit at the former Clarke Institute of Psychiatry in Toronto (now
CAMH), at the Anxiety Treatment and Research Centre at St. Joseph’s
Healthcare in Hamilton, the Mood Disorders program at the former
Hamilton Psychiatric Hospital, the Adolescent Program and Eating
Disorders Clinic at McMaster University Medical Centre, and the Child
and Family Centre at Chedoke Hospital, Hamilton.
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
A Parent’s Guide to Reducing Stress and
Increasing Resilience in Children
Overview of the Keynote Address
Being Catholic is Cool!!
Inspiring Our Children to Deepen their Faith
Presenter: S. Byrne, Chaplaincy Leader
This workshop will explore different avenues of the Church which
your child will find attractive. How do you encourage your child to
attend Mass? How about the value of reconciliation and support
for youth in the Archdiocese of Toronto? This workshop will give
you all the tools to talk to your child about the beauty and value of
our Church
Empowering Youth to be Leaders and Achievers
Presenter: Miguel Martinez
This 45-minute workshop is called "Speaking Their
Language." This workshop does not aim to perfect you, but rather
to give you insight into your loved one's mind. This workshop will
enable you to understand and communicate better with your
youth. Results will be based on your effort and diligence in
applying the knowledge and techniques you learn. I will teach you
the power of music and movement and how you can harness that
power in order to understand and connect with the young people
in your lives.
Mental Well-Being: Supporting Students Experiencing
Stress and Worry Sponsored by the Dufferin-Peel
Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
Presenters: J. Golla, Principal, Bishop Scalabrini School,
Mississauga; Dr. S. Sweet, Clinical Child Psychologist & Mental
Health Liaison for DPCDSB; S. Wessler, Social Worker, DPCDSB
Special Education: A Ministry of Education
Perspective on Supports for Students with Differing
Abilities Session sponsored by Dufferin-Peel Special
Education Advisory Committee (SEAC))
Ministry of Education Presenters: M. Wallace - Education Officer,
Toronto and Area Regional Office, Z. Xu, Education Officer,
Special Education Policy and Programs Branch
This session is provided for parents/guardians of students with
differing abilities including special education learning needs.
Staff from the Ontario Ministry of Education's Regional Office and
Special Education Policy and Programs Branch, along with
Dufferin-Peel Staff, will bring a provincial context for special
education and support services aligned with Board programs and
The New Ontario Health and Physical Education
Presenter: Shelagh Peterson, Coordinator of Religious
Ed & Faith Formation, DPCDSB
Ms. Peterson is the Coordinator of Religious Education and Faith
Formation for the Dufferin-Peel CDSB. She has been part of the
provincial team compiling Catholic resources to support our
schools in the implementation of the new Health and Physical
Education curriculum. With over twenty years teaching religious
education in Dufferin-Peel, she is well versed in the elementary
Fully Alive program and the secondary religious education
21st Century Supports for All Students
Presenter: Joseph Marquis
In response to the Ministry of Education’s Mental Health and
Addictions Strategy aligned to the Catholic Board Learning Plan
(CBLP), Dufferin-Peel is committed to creating safe, caring,
inclusive and healthy school communities. Through a team
approach, an administrator, psychology staff, and social work staff,
will facilitate a workshop on the needs of the student experiencing
stress and worry. This session will provide an overview of
worry/anxiety and the team process educators/parents/caregivers
may use to support students facing particular challenges.
Mr. Marquis will focus on technology to support all students in
the classroom as part of our Dufferin-Peel Universal Design for
Learning Suite. He will also provide handouts to support home
downloads of selected software.
Peel Health Nurses will outline the importance of a healthy
lifestyle for young children.
Presenters will discuss the
importance of making appropriate food choices, increasing
exercise and proper rest. Focus in these areas can effect a
child’s behaviour, growth and development, both mentally and
Healthy Bodies Nurture Healthy Minds
Presenters: Hardev Sohi (PHN), Julia Pilliar (Dietician)
April 2016
Let us now pray for the virtue of love so that we will never be satisfied until all are satisfied. Amen
1 Kindness Assembly
@ 1:40 p.m.
….check out the Newsletter for details!
Grade 8 to Living
Arts Centre
11 P.A. Day—no
school for students
13 Artist in the School—
Kindergarten a.m.
19 Inter BBall @
St. Gerard
Crazy Hair Day
Spirit/Sport Wear/
Mary Fix Colours
International Pink Day
26 Inter BBall @
20 Grad Photos
Pajama Day
14 Inter BBall
Home vs.
St. David of Wales
School Council Mtg.
7 p.m. in the library
21 Inter BBall home
vs. Siena
Quadruplet Day
28 Virtue of ‘Love’
Assembly (time
22 Dental Screening
JK, SK, Gr 2 & Gr 8
Grade 6 to Warplane
Beach Day/
Tropical Wear
29 Grade 5/6 to
Crawford Lake