Mary Fix October Newsletter Learning & Living Through God 486 Paisley Blvd. West Mississauga, Ontario L5B 2M4 (905)270-3140 Fax: (905)270-3475 MAFIX Principal: C. Duke A Thanksgiving Prayer Assistant: M. Kivell O God, we thank you for this earth, our home; For the wide sky and the blessed sun, For the salt sea and the running water, For the everlasting hills And the never-resting winds, For trees and the common grass underfoot. We thank you for our senses By which we hear the songs of birds, And see the splendor of the summer fields, And taste of the autumn fruits, And rejoice in the feel of the snow, And smell the breath of the spring. Grant us a heart wide open to all this beauty; And save our souls from being so blind That we pass unseeing When even the common thornbush Is aflame with your glory, O God our creator, Who lives and reigns for ever and ever. AMEN Head Custodian: V. Didio Pastor: Fr. Lando (905)272-1454 Trustee: B. Iannicca (905)270-0536 Superintendent: D. Amaral (905)890-1221 October Virtue—Empathy God has given us the ability to form connections with each other – to live together. Empathy helps us to connect and live together in safe, caring, inclusive communities. We understand empathy to mean the ability to identify with and feel other people’s concerns. We believe that in a faith community we are nothing without relationships—relationships that grow in the spirit of communion and in understanding that we share in an identity that we are created in the image and likeness of God. It was a pleasure to see such a great turnout at our Open House Night despite the weather. We are incredibly grateful for your generosity in donating food to our local food drive and for supporting our Terry Fox Walk/Run by making additional donations. We hope that you were able to connect with your child’s teacher and encourage you to stay connected with what is happening in our school community and in your child(ren)’s classroom. We wish you all a blessed Thanksgiving holiday. God bless C. Duke—Principal New Staff Allocation for 2015-16 We would like to thank all of you for your patience and co-operation with reorganization. FDK D. Belisle & A. Leja FDK L. Nucci & B. Currie Grade 1 J. Burgess Grade 2 G. Senra Grade 2/3 K. Carmona Grade 3 M. Porco Grade 4 K. Cartwright Grade 5/6 J. Telfeyan Grade 6 K. Patten Grade 7/8 P. Hanson Grade 8 S. Chornous SERC Teacher T. Coombes SERT/ESL/MUSIC J. Buhajczyk Librarian D. Gurecki FSL M. Fera & V. Jankowski Planning R. Franzone-Cadete ERW’s V. Milicevic & M. Ortis CYW E. Wiseman School Psychologist R. Jardine Speech & Language Pathologist K. Tsui Social Worker D. Lyons PARENT INFORMATION Student Information We thank all families who completed and returned the Student Verification Forms promptly. These forms are very important as they ensure that we always have up to date information for your child. If you have not already done so, please send this form back to your child’s teacher. Please check phone numbers, etc. carefully so we always have the most up to date information should we need to contact you. Don’t forget to include your email address if you wish to receive this newsletter and other communications electronically. Please make sure that you advise the office of any additional changes to contact information, etc. throughout the year. Visitors to the School All visitors to the school are welcome. Front door entry is monitored. In addition, to ensure the safety of all students and staff, visitors must sign in and wear a visitor tag or relevant identification. Please check in with the office upon entry. NO Dogs on School Property Criminal Reference Check If you wish to volunteer your services in the school, transport students and/or assist on trips you must submit a Criminal Reference Check (CRC). Applications are available in the office and are of NO COST to you. All parents with valid CRC’s must complete a Criminal Offence Declaration (COD) every year. All originals are kept on file in the office. Parking & Kiss N Ride If you are parking on the street, please observe all signs, especially close to the driveway entrance, exit and the crosswalk and stop sign on Paisley Blvd. We want to ensure that students are safe as they walk across the street at the crosswalk. During inclement weather please continue to observe the Kiss & Ride protocol. The Kiss & Ride lane is supervised - drive to the top of the lane and your child will exit from the passenger side and be escorted from your car. Please do not PARK and EXIT your car—this blocks the lane for use by others. The Bus lane is never open to parents/ guardians dropping off their children as this creates a hazard for students and volunteers. Please feel free to use the designated parking lot located at the side of the school. Parent parking is not permitted in the front of the school. That area is designated for teacher parking also, reversing from those parking spots causes traffic for our Kiss N Ride and pass through lane. Students and parents are encouraged to utilize the side walks and to not walk through the parking lot. Attendance When dropping off your students in the morning, there is a teacher on duty in the FDK yard and at the back of the school. Parents often enjoy waiting with their children until students have entered the building. We are asking all parents, guardians or caregivers to please wait off to the back area where the field meets the pavement. Not all staff members or new students are familiar with the adults on the property. Please call the school if your child is going to be absent. This is vital to ensure the safety of your child. Automated Attendance Line: Although you may be familiar with the school, there are quite a few new members to the school and we want to encourage parents and students to follow the safety protocol. For the safety of our students, parents, guardians and staff please do not bring dogs on school property when you are picking up or dropping off students. Thank you for helping keep the school environment safe. (905) 270-3140, extension 1 Please provide your child’s name, grade, teacher name and the reason for absence. ANNOUNCEMEN TS School Council News We would like to thank all those who were able to make our first council meeting on Wednesday, September 30th. Congratulations to Council members who were elected to the following positions: Co-Chair: Renata Quattrociocchi Co-Chair: Laura Blank Secretary: Mariecel Schaeffner Treasurer: Meredith Kivell OAPCE Rep: Renata Quattrociocchi Teaching Rep: Jennifer Telfeyan Halloween Students may choose to wear a costume or wear orange and black to school on October 30th. There are some requirements that must be followed by all: SAFETY is the first consideration. Students must be able to participate in all regular school activities, including recess while in their costume. Costumes can be worn to school. Students will not have an opportunity to change at school No masks are to be worn No props should be brought to school Costume theme must be non violent and non threatening The school cannot assume any responsibility for wear and tear on costumes Parent Reps: Rose Didiano Barbara Turini Alyssa Orme All members of our parent community are welcome to attend School Council meetings and volunteers are always welcome to help out for school events. You can view the approved minutes of our council meetings on the school website. Meeting minutes are always approved at the next month’s meeting. The following School Council meetings are set for: THURSDAYS October 22nd, November 26th, January 21st, April 14th, & May 26th All meetings are held in the library and begin at 7pm. Please join us! If you would like to be on our School Council E-Mailing List Please email your name and email address to to be added Adding your name does not mean you are obligated to attend our meetings or volunteer at events, it is simply a platform to keep parents informed. We look forward to hearing from you . The School Council will be hosting a DJ Halloween dance for all students in the gym. Nut free treats and nonperishable items will be sold at the dance. Please do not send treats for your child to share. Mary fix School Council News ANNUAL HALLOWEEN TREAT SALE Mary Fix School council is once again kindly asking the Mary Fix Community for donations of treats and goodies to be sold at the Halloween dance. Kindly send your donations to the office starting October 20th, 2015 Donations of store bought, pre-packaged, peanut free treats and goodies like Halloween candy, chips, stickers, pencils, erasers, vampire teeth etc.) would be greatly appreciated. During the Halloween Dance children will be given the opportunity to buy treats. Proceeds will go towards our Christmas Basket Program for the needy in our community. We are also looking for volunteers to kindly help out the day of the dance with our Halloween Pop Up Shop. If you are available to generously donate some of your time, please call the school office or email We kindly thank you in advance for your continued support. Mary Fix School Council It is in giving that we receive… ~ Francis of Assisi Help us make this Halloween Spook-tacular Open House A special thanks to M & M Meats for hosting our Open House and for School Council who helped organize this welcoming event. We hope that you were able to connect with your child’s teacher and take a tour with your child(ren) through Mary Fix. Thanks to all those community members who contributed to our St. Vincent De Paul food drive. During this season of giving it is important to remember those who are less fortunate and in need of food. Special thanks to our Trustee Bruno Iannicca who was able to pay Mary Fix community a visit. We will continue to take donations for the Thanksgiving season. All non-perishable items are welcome. There is a large bin in our front foyer for drop off. Fundraiser: Lamontagne Chocolates Our chocolate fundraiser is well underway. Students demonstrated their school spirit for this initiative by wearing false moustaches on Monday afternoon. We thank all those parents and students who have been selling chocolates to support our school. We will be wrapping up by October 16th. Please be sure to send back all unsold chocolates and money back to the school by this date. Your continued support is greatly appreciated, UPDATES Career Path programs, and the only publically funded All-Girls secondary school in the region, The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board will hold a series Dufferin-Peel Catholic of public information sessions for Grade 8 students and their schools offer students a parents/guardians interested in enrolling in a Dufferin-Peel variety of learning Catholic secondary school for the 2016-17 school year. options to suit their individual education goals. Dufferin-Peel Catholic Secondary Schools to Hold Public Information Sessions for Grade 8 students and parents “Our secondary information sessions are intended to provide parents and guardians with an overview of the programs and services offered at Dufferin-Peel secondary schools,” said Joanna Boudreau, Principal of Secondary Program and Student Success. “These sessions also provide Grade 8 students with an opportunity to tour the school and talk to current students about the transition into high school.” Dufferin-Peel’s secondary school public information sessions will take place throughout October and November. A schedule of the Secondary School Information Sessions is available on the board website. For more information about the information sessions, parents/guardians should contact their local school directly. Currently, Dufferin-Peel operates 26 Catholic secondary schools in Mississauga, Brampton, Bolton and Caledon. These schools continue to be recognized among the top performing schools in the province each year. With over 49 Specialist High Skills Major programs, three regional Arts Programs, one regional Sports Program, two International Baccalaureate Programs, two regional Advanced Placement programs, Extended French and The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board is one of the largest and most diverse school boards in Ontario, with approximately 83,000 students in 149 schools located throughout Mississauga, Brampton, Caledon and Orangeville. With over 11,000 employees, the board is also one of the largest employers in the region. Pupil Accommodation Review Policy Public Consultation The Ministry of Education released the new Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline (PARG) in March 2015. This guideline sets expectations for all school boards on managing and reviewing underutilized school space, including potential school closures, and for the greater coordination and sharing of planning related information between school boards and other community partners. The guideline requires all school boards in the province to develop or revise Pupil Accommodation Review Policies and to invite public input into the policy before it is finalized. A survey to collect feedback on the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board’s draft amended Policy 6.51 Pupil Accommodation Review will be available for review and comment on the Board’s website at until 4:30 pm on Friday, October 16, 2015. Supporting documents will also be available for reference and review. Please consider reviewing and providing input on this policy. FAITH TERRY FOX WALK / RUN This year the Terry Fox committee and Youth Faith Ambassadors joined forces to try to raise $1000 for the 35th anniversary of the Terry Fox Marathon of Hope. Our Walk/Run took place on October 1st. Our students walked proudly through our community. In preparation for this event all students attended an assembly to talk about Terry Fox and what an outstanding individual he was and how his dream has inspired all of Canada. The students from our YFA came up with some creative challenges to continue to inspire everyone to get behind this great cause. Three challenges were put forward, including Mrs. Duke's pants being marked in $100 increments to be cut off as the money was raised, Mrs. Duke has agreed to be duct taped to the gym wall with sections of tape being earned with each $10 raised; and finally many of the staff have agreed to eat a jar of baby food at a school assembly if the goal of $1000 was reached. We are so proud to say the we did indeed reach our goal and raised a total of $1010.30. Way to go Mary Fix, what an amazing community we have! Thank you to everyone who gave and now we are going to have a great time watching Mrs. Duke and the staff fulfill their promises!!! Mary Fix is proud to be a GOLD certified Eco School! This year, the Eco-Team will continue to work very hard at maintaining or exceeding this standard of excellence. Wednesday, October 7th is iwalk day, where students all over the world will be walking or wheeling to school on their bikes or scooters. As part of our School Travel Plan, the Eco-Team is officially launching “Walking / Wheeling Wednesdays” on this day. We encourage everyone to walk, or wheel to school every Wednesday to keep our bodies healthy and the air we breath clean. Did you know that Schools lunches are a major source of waste in Ontario – the average student’s lunch generates a total of 30 kg of waste per school per year? Our waste auditors are passionate about informing staff and students about our recycling habits and reducing the amount of garbage we generate at school. As part of our waste minimization plan this year, we encourage all students to bring wasteless lunches to school on a daily basis. To kick off this initiative, Mary Fix will be participating in the province wide Waste-Free Lunch Challenge of the Recycling Council of Ontario the week of October 20th. Waste-free lunches consist of: a reusable lunch, bag, refillable water bottle, reusable containers for food and reusable cutlery. Classes will be competing to win a tasty wasteless snack for their class! Thank you kindly for your support with this initiatve. Mrs. Nucci, Mrs. Currie & Miss Jankowski and the School ECO Team DPCDSB is on Twitter! For the latest board news and information, follow us @DPCDSBSchools. FAITH Virtue Winners of FAITH JK/SK-A Celebrating Birthdays Celebrating birthdays with friends is important to all. At school we announce the birthdays of all students on a daily basis and invite the birthday child to come to the office to pick up a birthday bookmark to acknowledge their special day. Some families choose to have special celebrations and invite friends to their homes, or out to a special location for parties. We do have requests from some parents that birthday treats be shared with classmates. We are happy to assist with the sharing of NON FOOD treats ONLY. Due to a significant number of students who suffer from life threatening allergies, we are asking you to refrain from sending food to be shared with classmates. When we have special occasions to mark, such as Halloween, Christmas and Valentine‘s day, teachers will communicate with you about the events planned for your child‘s class. You may be invited to send a special treat for your own child to enjoy. Erika B. Jaxson M. JK/SK-B Ivano L. Victoria M. Grade 1 Gabriel C. McKenna G. Grade 2 Piotr K. Antonia B. Grade 2/3 Libby O. Sophia K. Grade 3 Maddox B. Bryanna H. Grade 4 Guilherme P. Mariane P. Grade 5/6 Nyomi B. Bianca G. Grade 6 Chelsea D. Ashlyn I. Grade 7/8 Jonathan B. Madisson S. Grade 8 Emilia D. Tanya E. SERC Meaghan M. Congratulations to our September winners! School Website & E-Newsletter Newsletters, Calendars and other relevant Information will be posted on the Mary Fix website at: The school must receive permission (renewed annually) to collect and use personal email addresses. Email addresses will remain strictly confidential. Paper copies of all communications will continue to be available. Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board 40 Matheson Boulevard West, Mississauga, ON, L5R 1C5, Tel: (905) 890-1221 September 30, 2015 Dear Parents/Guardians: The Ministry of Education released the new Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline (PARG) in March 2015. The Guideline requires all school boards in Ontario to develop or revise their Pupil Accommodation Review Policy. The Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline sets expectations for all school boards on managing and reviewing underutilized school space, including potential school closures, and for the greater coordination and sharing of planning‐related information between school boards and other community partners. The Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline is available on the Ministry of Education Website at In response to the requirements outlined in the Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline, the Dufferin‐ Peel Catholic District School Board has amended its current Policy 6.51 Pupil Accommodation Review and is inviting public input to this draft amended policy before it is finalized. We invite you to participate in a short survey to collect feedback on the draft amended Policy 6.51 Pupil Accommodation Review, which is available for reference and comment on the Board’s website at until 4:30 pm on Friday, October 16, 2015. Additional supporting documents are also available on the website for reference and review. Please be assured that this consultation on the amended Pupil Accommodation Review Policy does not constitute the commencement of a Pupil Accommodation Review. For further information, please see the reverse side of this letter for Frequently Asked Questions. We welcome your input. Sincerely, J.B. Kostoff Director of Education Extraordinary lives start with a great Catholic education Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board Pupil Accommodation Review Policy Frequently Asked Questions Where can I find more information about the new Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline? o What is a Pupil Accommodation Review? o A Pupil Accommodation Review is a process conducted to determine the future of a particular school or group of schools. The process will be undertaken in accordance with the proposed PAR policy and the Ministry of Education Guideline. o If a school, or group of schools, is identified as being underutilized, the Board will investigate possible strategies, such as boundary changes, community partnerships, demolishing a section of the school, or other options to decrease operating costs or implementing a school closure review. What is the Pupil Accommodation Review Policy (PAR)? o The Pupil Accommodation Review Policy will outline the process required by the Board to complete a pupil accommodation review process. Does this mean my school is closing? o No. At this time, the Board is only requesting feedback on the proposed Pupil Accommodation Review Policy, as required by the Ministry of Education. When will the policy be adopted? o The Pupil Accommodation Review policy will be presented in a report to the Board of Trustees on October 27, 2015 for approval. Does the Dufferin‐Peel Catholic District School Board plan to start a Pupil Accommodation Review once the Pupil Accommodation Review Policy is finalized? o It is anticipated that staff will present a report to the Board of Trustees on November 24, 2015 recommending the commencement of a Pupil Accommodation Review. o The group of schools to be considered for a Pupil Accommodation Review is currently under review o Trustees will only be requested to approve the commencement of a Pupil Accommodation Review (PAR) at this time. How can I stay informed? o All information related to the Pupil Accommodation Review will be available on the Board website at o For schools selected for a Pupil Accommodation Review, the community within the review area will also be notified through school communications. 2015 Let us now pray for the grace and strength to be people of empathy—people who can really identify with and feel the concerns of those around us. AMEN Sun Mon Tue Wed 30 PICTURE DAY— SMILE! Thu Fri 1 Terry Fox Run/Walk 2 Sat 3 Girls Jr VB vs. St. Gerard 4 5 6 7 Jr. Volleyball Mary Fix @ St. Jerome 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Jr. Volleyball Tournament @ St. Martin’s 17 18 19 Wasteless 20 Miss. S. Family Cross Country @ Erindale Pk 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 Treat Sale & Halloween Dance for the whole school 31 Lunch WEek 25 26 Board Cross Country Meet @ Centennial Pk.