Mary Fix December Newsletter Learning & Living Through God

486 Paisley Blvd. West
Mississauga, Ontario
L5B 2M4
(905)270-3140 Fax:
Mary Fix December Newsletter
Learning & Living Through God
God bless our Advent wreath
Christmas Spirit Week
December 15th to19th
During the last week
leading up to the Christmas
holidays we will be having
a Christmas Spirit Week
and will be raising money
to support Share Life.
Students will be
encouraged to make a $5
donation to participate in
all the events taking place
or $2 per special day.
and be with us as we prepare for
the coming of your Son, Jesus,
Our Savior. As we light these
candles each day, help us to
remember to keep our hearts lit
with your love and joy. Amen
Principal: C. Duke
Assistant: M. Kivell
Head Custodian:
V. Didio
Pastor: Fr. Lando
Trustee: B. Iannicca
D. Amaral
Monday 15th
Wear white & purple for
the virtue of Hope and
Advent School Mass
Tuesday 16th
Christmas Hair/Hat Day
Wednesday 17th
Red & Green Day
Thursday 18th
Come as a Christmas
Friday 19th
PJ Day & Christmas
Movie Day at Lunch in
the Gymnasium
Principal’s Message
The Christmas season is upon us and we would like
to extend our best wishes to all our families at Mary
Fix. Christmas is a time of giving and being with the
ones you love. We are so grateful for all those who
were fortunate enough to give to those most in need
within our own faith community. We hope that you
are able to spend quality time with family and
friends and enjoy all that this blessed season brings.
God bless us, everyone.
C. Duke—Principal
Merry Christmas from all our staff ...
C. Duke, M. Kivell, D. Belisle, A. Leja, L. Nucci,
J. Gaudencio, J. Burgess, M. Porco, V. Milicevic,
L. Dinga, G. Senra, K. Cartwright, J. Telfeyan, T. Molella,
P. Hanson, S. Chornous, K. Patten, T. Coombes,
J. Buhajczyk, M. Fera, R. Franzone-Cadete, C. Murphy,
S. Severin, E. Wiseman, R. Jardine, K. Tsui, D. Lyons,
V. Didio, M. Tay, C. Mailloux, N. Brum, & S. Nunes.
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
40 Matheson Boulevard West, Mississauga, ON, L5R 1C5, Tel: (905) 890-1221
Trustees Brampton Wards 1, 3, 4 Anna da Silva Wards 2, 5, 6 Darryl D’Souza Wards 7, 8, 9, 10 Shawn Xaviour Mississauga Wards 1 & 3 Mario Pascucci Wards 2 & 8 Sharon Hobin Ward 4 Anna Abbruscato Ward 5 Thomas Thomas Wards 6 & 11 Luz del Rosario Ward 7 Bruno Iannicca Wards 9 & 10 Esther O’Toole Dufferin/Caledon Frank Di Cosola December 1, 2014 Dears Parents/Guardians: As the Christmas season fast approaches, I would like to take the opportunity to wish you and your families a wonderful, enjoyable and safe Christmas season. It seems like just yesterday that my wife and I were explaining to our children what Christmas was really all about. And, in between, trying to outsmart them with hints of Santa's upcoming visit and offering advice on what positive behavioral patterns should be exhibited to increase the chances of the jolly old man visiting our house on Christmas Eve. I recall them waking up as early as 6:00 am wanting to go to the tree and see what Santa had brought; both were so afraid to go alone. I recall those days, so many years ago, with a smile. For those of you with young children, enjoy this time and the beautiful family experiences that naturally occur this time of year. I hope that you will, as we have, cherish them for years to come. And when they get older and sleep in on Christmas Day, you can reminisce of what they did 10‐20 years ago and smile, because it was such a special family moment. One thing I can tell you from experience is that your older children will not be waking you up. In fact, you will be waking them up! May God bless you, your family and friends with a Christ‐filled, enjoyable and safe Christmas. Bruno Iannicca Trustee Ward 7 Mississauga DPCDSB Extraordinary lives start with a great Catholic education. PARENT INFORMATION
Inclement Weather Procedures
In the event of snowstorms which prevent safe travel,
please listen to the radio and television stations listed
on the insert in this newsletter for announcements
about bus transportation and school closures, usually
beginning about 6:30 a.m.
Bus cancellation updates can be accessed at:
Buses that do not run in the morning do not run
in the afternoon. If you drive your bus student to
school on a day when the buses are cancelled, you are
responsible for providing transportation home as
If school closures are not announced but you choose
to keep your child home during extreme weather,
please call the Attendance Line.
Registration for Full Day Kindergarten
Kindergarten Registration will be held at all Dufferin Peel
schools on January 26th at 7pm-9pm (Snow Date: Jan.
27th 7pm-9pm) and January 28-30 during the day.
Junior Kindergarten—Children must be 4 years old
by December 31, 2015. Senior Kindergarten—
Children must be 5 years old by December 31, 2015.
The parent/guardian should bring the following
documents when registering his/her child:
 proof of age (birth certificate or passport)
 original Catholic Baptismal Certificate
 up to date immunization records;
 proof of Canadian citizenship or of Landed Immigrant
 Proof of address in the Mary Fix School boundary
area (example: utility bill)
For more information please see the flyer in this
newsletter; contact the school; contact the Admissions Department at (905)890-0708, ext. 24500
2015 Early Planning For Students With Differing
Abilities Transitioning to Kindergarten
There will be an information session for parents(s)/
guardians(s) of children with differing abilities
including vision, speech, hearing, autism, physical/
medical and/or developmental delays who are
transitioning to Kindergarten in September 2015. The
information session will be held at the Dufferin-Peel
Catholic District School Board—Catholic Education
Centre, Room 301 on Thursday, January 8th, 2015,
from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. Snow date Tuesday, January
13, 2015, from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. Parent/Guardian(s)
are also reminded to register their child at our school
office. Official registration dates are Monday,
January 26th, 2015, form 7:00pm to 9:00pm. The Snow
Date for the evening registration is Tuesday, January
27th, from 7:00pm to 9:00 pm. Additional registration
dates are January 28th, 29th and 30th, 2015, from
9:00am to 3:00pm.
Message From School Council
Please join us for our next council
meeting on Wednesday, December
10th at 7pm. We will have a visit
from our local Trustee Bruno Iannicca Volunteers will be preparing
the food baskets during the week of
December 10th. If you have a few
hours to spare we need help sorting
the gifts and food.
Angel Tree gifts are due on December
Winter Wear
As the colder weather begins, please
ensure that your child comes to school
prepared to participate in all activities,
including outdoor recess. All children
should have hats, scarves, gloves, warm
coats and boots, all labeled with their
names. Children and parents are also
reminded of the importance of indoor shoes, especially
during ‘boot’ season. Indoor shoes keep the halls clean,
dry and safe for students and staff. Snow pants keep
children dry and warm on snowy or wet winter days and are
highly recommended. It is also a great idea to keep a spare
pair of socks in your child’s backpack. Students
10th. Please be sure to check in with
the office before taking an angel off
Snow Safety
the tree. If you would like your child
When the cool months arrive and snow and ice on the
ground is plentiful, we all like to play in it and with it.
However, as much fun as it is, snow and ice can be very
dangerous when lots of people are in a small area. In order for our school to be as safe as possible, the school
rule must be that snow stays on the ground that means
no snowballs, kicking snow or any other activity with
snow or ice that could be harmful. Please review the importance of this with your child.
to select one for you, please be sure to
write a letter to the office giving
permission. All baskets will be
delivered by volunteers during the
week of December 15th.
If you are able to assist with
deliveries, please contact the office.
As part of our waste minimization plan, we would like to encourage all students to participate in Wasteless
Wednesdays, by packing a waste-free lunch. We will also be “turning out the lights” during lunch in order to conserve
energy. Thank you for your support.
- Our ECO Team
A Waste-free Lunch
 Sandwiches and other main dishes, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables and treats in a reusable lunch container or
Cloth napkins
Stainless steel forks and spoons
Reusable drink containers
Reusable lunchboxes.
In this scenario very little trash is generated because foods are bought in bulk or in larger packages. The packaging is
left at home for reuse or recycling. Food waste also decreases because with a reusable lunch container, children can
repack uneaten food instead of dumping it, packing and all, into the school trash can. Don’t forget about all the money
saved when buying snacks in bulk and reusing containers and cutlery!
How We Celebrated iWalk day at Mary Fix on
Wednesday, October 8th 2014
This year at Mary Fix, our STP team worked hard and put a lot of effort into
encouraging students to walk/bike to and from school, but most importantly, we
advertised iWalk day. We took a survey before the international iWalk day to
determine how many students walked, biked, or drove to school. We then
compared it to a survey we took after iWalk day. We saw a drastic improvement
in the results. To advertise iWalk day we made announcements and posters to
provide all the information about iWalk day and why it is important to walk/bike to
school. In our announcements, we informed students about the website so they could calculate the amount of gas emissions they
were producing when they drove to school. To motivate students, we made a
turkey that was displayed on the wall. Each student that walked or biked received
a feather that they coloured, and we used these feathers to decorate the turkey.
This feather was also used as a ballot for door prizes. This idea was inspired by
the up-coming holiday, Thanksgiving. After we participated in iWalk day, we
displayed pictures of the students that walked or biked on the wall.
We were extremely impressed with how many students walked/biked to and from
school on iWalk day. We are hoping for even better results next year because we
believe that there is always room for improvement.
By Isabella I. and Erika B.
2015—Mark your Calendar:
March 10
First Reconciliation
May 26
Crowning of Mary
January 5
Back to School
March 16-20
March Break
May 28
January 19
P.A. Day
April 3 -6
Easter Weekend
June 8
P.A. Day
February 6
Interview Day
May 9
First Communion
June 23
Graduation Mass
February 16
Family Day
May 11
P.A. Day
June 24
Feb 18
Ash Wednesday
May 18
Victoria Day
June 26
Last Day of School
Parking &
Kiss N Ride
If you are parking on the street, please observe all signs, especially
close to the driveway entrance, exit and the crosswalk and stop sign
on Paisley Blvd. We want to ensure that students are safe as they
walk across the street at the crosswalk.
During inclement weather please continue to observe the Kiss & Ride
protocol. The Kiss & Ride lane is supervised - drive to the top of the
lane and your child will exit from the passenger side and be escorted
from your car. Please do not PARK and EXIT your car—this blocks the
lane for use by others. The Bus lane is never open to parents/
guardians dropping off their children as this creates a hazard for
students and volunteers. Please feel free to use the designated
parking lot located at the side of the school. Parent parking is not
permitted in the front of the school. That area is designated for
teacher parking also, reversing from those parking spots causes
traffic for our Kiss N Ride and pass through lane. Students and
parents are encouraged to utilize the side walks and to not walk
through the parking lot.
At the end of the day, please be sure not to block our school bus
from entering the pick up area. Bus students are on a schedule also
and need to be at their stops at designated times.
When dropping off your students in the morning, there is a teacher
on duty in the FDK yard and at the back of the school. Parents often
enjoy waiting with their children until students have entered the
building. We are asking all parents, guardians or caregivers to please
wait off to the back area where the field meets the pavement. This
is a safety concern. Parents are standing too close to the students.
We appreciate your support with this rule.
Although you may be familiar with the school, there are quite a few
new members to the school and we want to encourage parents and
students to follow the safety protocol.
Boys and Girls
Senior Volleyball
The Intermediate volleyball
teams both had a decent season. The
Girls team finished with a record of 3
wins and 2 losses. They narrowly missed
out on making the Family Tournament.
Congratulations girls on all your hard
work. Well done, Tanya, Lola, Madeline,
Isabella, Korissa, Veronica, Bianca,
Ewelina, Sabrina, Alexandria, Claudia, and
The Boys team played hard and
demonstrated their great rally skills this
season, but unfortunately, they finished
0 and 4. Congratulations on their hard
work. Well done, Sean, Noah, Carter,
Norbert, Patrick, Cody, Nicholas, Marko,
Michael, Anthony, Tylor, and Tristan
Both teams should be congratulated for
working very hard, showing excellent
sportsmanship, and we are all proud of
you! A special thanks also goes out to
our coaches; Mr. Chornous, Mrs. Patten
and Mrs. Senra for their time and efforts
in supporting our athletes and to all those
parents/guardians who came out to our
games to support our team and also
provided rides to and from the games.
Bullying Awareness Week
During the week of November 17th to the 21st students were acknowledged for random acts
of kindness and goodness and given ‘GOTCHAS’ by their teachers. There was a daily draw at
the end of the day for primary, junior and intermediate students who received prizes for their
goodness. These GOTCHAS have been displayed in our front foyer along side our bullying
awareness posters. Special prayers and anti-bullying messages were announced daily as
students are reminded daily to be accepting of others, and to demonstrate kindness and
understanding as the Lord teaches us to open our hearts and minds. We will continue to give
out GOTCHAS until the end of November and draw for three winners on the 28th. Great job
to everyone and congratulations to our winners!!
POSTER CONTEST: A special thanks to all our students who participated in our Christmas Bazaar Poster contest. It was a tough decision but after some long deliberation the following students won a
hot chocolate and nut free cookie treat for their class mates. Congratulations Victoria in Ms. Porco’s Grade 1/2 class, Sebeena in
Ms. Telfeyan’s Grade 5 class and
Victoria in Mrs. Patten’s Grade 8
class. Way to go Mary Fix
Student Programs
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
in collaboration with the
Canadian Education Exchange Foundation,
University of Toronto Mississauga
and Newcomer Centre of Peel
is pleased to invite students, parents, guardians, teachers and administrators
to an International Education information session on:
February 24, 2015
7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
St. Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic Learning Centre
3566 South Common Court, Mississauga
Information regarding the International Student Program, the new Summer ESL Credit
Program for International Students, our Student Exchange Program, and community
supports available to newcomers, will be shared. Full details of the various programs
and opportunities will be provided by several guest speakers and there will be an opportunity to ask questions. Our current International Students and their families are
encouraged to attend.
For more information, contact Rita Borg
at 905-412-3341 ext. 31460 or visit
Catholic District
School Board
Virtue Winners of Conscience
We would like to extend a
gracious thanks to all those who donated a
gently used winter coat and dropped it off in
our donation bin. All donations were made
to St. Vincent DePaul. They are always so
grateful for your generosity. You will be
helping to keep someone special warm this
winter season. We are also
continuing to collect milk
bags for Haiti. A special
thanks to our School
Council for these
Jaxson M. & Nelson Q.G.
Ryan O. & Sarah P.
Julia M. & Maya T.
Ethan C. & Emilia T.
Michelle M. & Bartosz S.
Jacob. C. & Jonas I.
Roman A. & Diego M.
Olivia G. & Joseph B.
Lucas C. & Emily O.
Bianca G. & Sabrina Q.
Paul H. & Emilia D.
Beyonce B. & Michal T.
Anjali C .
Mary Fix Senior Boys and
Girls Volleyball Team Raise
Money for Share Life
On Friday, November 21st, Peel
Regional Police played a friendly
game of volleyball in the gym
against our senior girls and boys
team. Our Falcons put on a great
game in front of our students. A
special thanks to those who made
a donation to Share Life. We
raised $104. Way to go Falcons!!
FIRST FRIDAY of the Month
December 5th
The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed all
day in Church with adoration at 7:30pm.
Come and spend some time with Jesus.
Lord, help us to prepare our hearts
for the coming of your son Jesus.
Help us to focus on your light
during this holy season.
Draw our family closer together as we move
through Advent toward the feast of your Son’s
Each week we light a new candle
on our Advent Wreath.
We place our HOPE in you.
We pray for PEACE in our hearts,
our homes and in the world.
We wait with JOY for your coming
anew into our hearts.
And we thank you for your
everlasting LOVE this Christmas.
The evergreens on the wreath remind us
that your life in us never dies.
Its circular shape shows us your love
has no beginning or end.
The light from its candles will grow brighter
each week as Christmas draws near.
Draw our family closer to you in holiness as we
reflect in wonder and awe on the birth of your Son
in a lowly manger in Bethlehem.
And may your Spirit grow in us,
dispelling the darkness and sin of the world.
We ask all this through Christ our Lord.
Friday December 12th at 8pm
Performances by all of our choirs.
Tickets available at the office $5 each.
Proceeds will go towards the
painting of the Church.
Sunday Missals will be out soon.
Get your copy for $5 in the office.
2015 Book to reserve Masses is open.
Knights of Columbus
Christmas Dinner Dance
Saturday December 6th in the
Main Hall 7pm - Tickets $20
Live Entertainment – Havana Express
Call Rigo Lopez @ 647-891-6730
Support our youth by visiting and or
donating items for the bake sale
after all masses.
Men’s Retreat December 4-7
Queen of Apostles Retreat Centre
Call 905-278-5229
Please check the church website for
further details at
Let us now pray for the grace and courage to be people of hope—people who can see,
participate in and contribute to God’s goodness emerging around us. Amen
4 Advent Reconciliation 5 Bench Soccer
@ 9:15 in the gym 12:20—1:00 p.m.
Grades 3-8
9 Hope Assembly @
2:30 by Mrs. Burgess’
11 Patten Gr 8 &
Chornous Gr 7/8 to
Living Arts Centre
12 Bench Soccer
12:20—1:00 p.m.
15 9:30 Advent Mass
Wear White for Hope
or Purple for Advent
16 Christmas Hair &
Hat Day
18 Favorite Christmas Character Day
19 Pajama & Christmas Movie Day
25 Merry Christmas 26
JK/SK Advent @ 1:30
See you back at school on January 5, 2015!