Mary Fix Catholic School Newsletter Learning and Living Through God 486 Paisley Blvd. West Mississauga, Ontario L5B 2M4 (905)270-3140 Fax: (905)270-3475 DECEMBER 2013/JANUARY 2014 Advent - A Time of Hope God of Hope You sent us Jesus, the Light of the World. As we light our Advent candles one by one, a week at a time, may we rekindle within ourselves the desire to make peace with Him. May the flame of His presence grow brighter and brighter in our hearts, in our school, and in our world. May the God of Hope fill us with joy and peace this Christmas by the power of the Holy Spirit. Wishing you the blessing of Christmas and the New Year, from the staff of Mary Fix School. D. Belisle E. Birkenbergs, N. Brum, J. Buhajczyk, J. Burgess, Principal: A. Milanetti Secretary: M. Kivell Pastor, St. Catherine of Siena Parish Fr. Lando (905)272-1454 Trustee: B. Iannicca (905)270-0536 Superintendent: D. Amaral (905)890-1221 School Council Chairs: R. Galluzzo & A. Orme DPCDSB is on Twitter! For the latest board news and information, follow us @DPCDSBSchools. K. Cartwright, S. Chornous, T. Coombes V. Didio, L. Dinga, M. Fera, R. Franzone-Cadete, C. Gal, J. Gaudencio, A. Leja, P. Hanson, M. KivellC. Mailloux, A. Milanetti, V. Milicevic, C. Murphy, L. Nucci, S. Nunes, W. Padrid, A. Pascolo, K. Patten, M. Porco, G. Senra, G. Sheehan, M. Tay, J. Telfeyan, E. Wiseman Dates to Remember Dec 4 Gr 3-8 Reconciliation Dec 5 Pictures with Santa Dec 6 Hope Assembly Dec 11 Immunization #2 Dec 16 Advent Mass Dec 17 FDK Advent Celebration Dec 19 Last Day of School before Christmas Break Dec 20 P.A. Day Principal’s Message Throughout the season of Advent we will have time to reflect, pray and give thanks for our many blessings. Our community outreach campaign to support needy families in our community serves to remind us of how truly fortunate we are. We know that, as always, the Mary Fix Community will give generously to the Angel Tree campaign. The Christmas Bazaar raised record funds which will help to subsidize the food and gift baskets. Confessions for grades 3-8, our School Family Advent Mass and daily school pray- ers help us to prepare for the coming of our Dec 23-Jan 3 - Christmas Break Saviour. As we await the coming of Jesus, Jan 6 First Day Back in 2014 let us be reminded that Christ is at the heart Jan 20 P.A. Day of Christmas. All are invited to attend our Mary Fix School Family Advent Mass on December 16th at 9:30 a.m. at school. Jan 21 Term 2 Begins Jan 27-31 JK Registration Feb 4 Term 1 Rpts Home Feb 6 Interview Evening Thank you for your continued support and may God’s blessings be with you, your fam- Feb 17 Family Day Mar 5 Ash Wednesday ilies, and the children in our schools throughout the Advent season. Mar 7 P.A. Day A. Milanetti Mar 11-15—March Break Mar 25 First Reconciliation Page 2 Mary Fix Catholic School Newsletter Prayer for The New Year Advent Celebrations The Family Advent mass will be held at Come, Holy Spirit, Spirit of God, 9:30 a.m. on Dec. 16th in our school Spirit of the Risen Christ, gym. Our primary division have preBe with us today and always. pared a beautiful mass and students from grades 1-3 will sing. We invite Be our Light, our Guide, our Mary Fix community to join for prayer and song to welcome the and our Comforter. season of Advent. The Kindergarten Be our Strength, our Courage, Advent Celebration will be the 17th of December. and our Sanctifier. Advent Reconciliation for Grades 3-8 May this new year be a time will be held December 4 at 9:30 a.m. The St. Catherine of Siena Christmas Mass schedule is included in this newsletter. Christmas Holidays The last day of school before Christmas is Thursday, December 19th. Friday, December 20th is a P.A. Day. Students return, in the new year, on Monday, January 6th, 2014. A time for growing in virtue and goodness. Come Holy Spirit. Be with us today and always. Angel Tree/Christmas Baskets P.A. Days/March Break Monday, January 20th is a P.A. Day for Assessment and Student Evaluation. There is no school for all students on this day. The Friday before March Break, Friday, March 7th is a P.A. Day. March Break begins on Monday, March 10th and ends on Friday, March 14th. Staff and students return to school on Monday, March 17th. proof of age (birth certificate or passport) original Catholic Baptismal Certificate up to date immunization records; proof of Canadian citizenship or of Landed Immigrant status; Proof of address in the Mary Fix School boundary area (utility bill, bank or credit card statement) For more information please see the of deep spiritual growth for us, flyer in this newsletter; contact the A time for welcoming Your school; contact the Admissions graces and gifts, Department at (905)890-0708, ext. 24500 or visit the Mary Fix Website. A time for forgiving freely and unconditionally, Amen Parent volunteers will be preparing the food baskets during the week of December 10th. If you have a few hours to spare we need help sorting the gifts and food. Angel Tree gifts are due on December 9th. All baskets will be delivered by volunteers during the week of December 16th. If you are able to assist with deliveries, please contact the office. The parent/guardian should bring the following documents when registering his/her child: Mary Fix Website The Mary Fix Website is up to date. Newsletters, calendars and other important updates are posted for your information. Please visit us at: Registration for Full Day Kindergarten - 2014/2015 Kindergarten Registration will be held at all Dufferin Peel schools on Mon., January 27th at 7 p.m. (Tues., Jan. 28th evening snowdate) and Wed, — Fri, (Jan 29-31) during the day. Junior Kindergarten—Children must be 4 years old by December 31, 2014. Senior Kindergarten— Children must be 5 years old by December 31, 2014. Information Night for Parent(s)/ Guardians of Students with Special Needs On Wednesday, January 22, 2014, Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board will present an Information Night for Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of students with Special Needs including Vision, Hearing, Autism, Physical/Medical and/or Developmental Delays in the cognitive and/or motor areas. The session will run from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and will be held in Room 301 at the Catholic Education Centre, 40 Matheson Boulevard West, Mississauga. Snow Date: Thursday February 6th, 2014. Information will be provided regarding School Entry Planning for students entering Kindergarten. At the session, parent(s)/guardian(s) will be reminded to register at their local school. For more information, parents/ guardians should contact their local Catholic school, visit the board website at, or call the Dufferin -Peel Catholic District School Board at 905-890-1221. Page 3 Inclement Weather Procedures In the event of snowstorms which prevent safe travel, please listen to the radio and television stations listed on the insert in this newsletter for Important Immunization announcements about bus Message from Peel Public Health transportation and school closures, Peel Public Health will be reviewing usually beginning about 6:30 a.m. immunization records of all students at Bus cancellation updates can be our school beginning in January. You accessed at: can be prepared by making sure that your child has all of the required Buses that do not run in the morning do not run in the afternoon. vaccines and that Peel Public Health If you drive your bus student to school has your child’s complete immunization record as soon as on a day when the buses are possible. cancelled, you are responsible for providing transportation home as well. If school closures are not announced but you choose to keep your child home during extreme weather, please call the Attendance Line. Winter Wear As the colder weather begins, please ensure that your child comes to school prepared to participate in all activities, including outdoor recess. All children should have hats, scarves, gloves, warm coats and boots, all labeled with their names. Children and parents are also reminded of the importance of indoor shoes, especially during ‘boot’ season. Indoor shoes keep the halls clean, dry and safe for students and staff. Snowpants keep children dry and warm on snowy or wet winter days and are highly recommended. It is also a great idea to keep a spare pair of socks in your child’s backpack. Snow Safety When the cool months arrive and snow and ice on the ground is plentiful, we all like to play in it and with it. However, as much fun as it is, snow and ice can be very dangerous when lots of people are in a small area. In order for our school to be as safe as possible, the school rule must be that snow stays on the ground that means no snowballs, kicking snow or any other activity with snow or ice that could be harmful. Please review the importance of this with your child. Under the Immunization of School Pupils Act the Health Department has the authority to suspend students from school if they do not meet the immunization requirements. Students whose immunization records are incomplete may be suspended from school. If you receive a letter, please ensure that you take your child to receive the necessary immunizations as soon as possible and then report the vaccine and date received to Peel Public Health immediately so that they may update your records. Update your child’s records by: Reporting them online at Faxing to (905)565-0426 (Attention:Immunization Records) Calling (905)799-7700 For more information, please call Peel Public Health at (905)799-7700 or visit Immunization Clinic Reminder Representatives from Peel Health will be here on December 11th to administer the Meningitis vaccine to our Grade 7 students and the 2nd of 3 doses of the HPV Vaccine to Grade 8 girls. Students who were absent for the first clinic, who returned signed permission forms, may receive needles they missed on this day. As part of our waste minimization plan, we would like to encourage all students to participate in Wasteless Wednesdays, by packing a waste-free lunch. We will also be “turning out the lights” during lunch in order to conserve energy. Thank you for your support. Mrs. Nucci & the Mary Fix Eco Team A Waste-free Lunch Sandwiches and other main dishes, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables and treats in a reusable lunch container or containers. Cloth napkins Stainless steel forks and spoons Reusable drink containers Reusable lunchboxes. In this scenario very little trash is generated because foods are bought in bulk or in larger packages. The packaging is left at home for resue or recycling. Food waste also decreases because with a reusable lunch container, children can repack uneaten food instead of dumping it, packing and all, into the school trash can. Don’t forget about all the money saved when buying snacks in bulk and reusing containers and cutlery! Page 4 "The Christmas Angels" If you see some different lights Around your Christmas tree It could be Christmas Angels Hiding there to see. The fun and joy of Christmas As they watch the children play. And as they watch you celebrate This very special day. Mary Fix Catholic School Newsletter News from School Council Mary Fix will provide Christmas baskets for over 20 families in need within our community. Baskets will be filled with groceries and gifts from our Angel Tree. Thank you in advance for all your generous donations. Special thanks to Mr. Bruno Iannicca, Mr. John Tomczak and the many volunteers for their help, support and donations. But there's another reason that The Christmas angels appear, They're here to remind us why It's a special time of year. Then the Christmas Angels Will be happy they were here And they can leave, but don't you fret They'll be back again next year. -Ron Lantz and submit it to the office for your chance to win tickets to the Mississauga Steelhead’s game on Saturday, December 29th at 2 p.m. vs. the Barrie Colts. Make sure your name and your child’s name is written on the submission. Name: ________________________ Teacher: _______________________ News from the YFA The Mary Fix Catholic School Council thanks you for your support. Our Angel Tree and Christmas baskets are underway and your contributions are very much appreciated. Congratulations to the Youth Faith Ambassadors’ Soap and Halloween Candy fundraiser. Over 1500 bars of soap were collected and students donated many boxes of Halloween candy to send to needy children. The soap and candy was dropped off at Dr. Simone’s Canadian Food for Children warehouse. Watch for more social justice initiatives from the YFA’s in the New Year! We wish you all a wonderful Christmas and Blessed New Year. Lost & Found Mary Fix School Council December is the month of ‘Hope’ This month, we will celebrate the virtue of hope. God has given us this Advent Season to focus our minds and our hearts on the good all around us. People of hope keep up a positive attitude; see the good in others even when they make mistakes; work to include others and let others know that they are good people. Our daily prayer for December: This is the day that Christ was born Years ago in Bethlehem He's the one who is our Savior He is King of all the land. Cut this square out of the newsletter So celebrate His birthday With your presents, cheer and love And let Him know you're glad He is Our Savior up above. Virtues Program Please try to take an opportunity to check the Lost & Found box before the holidays. The box is overflowing and we will send unclaimed items to St. Vincent de Paul in the New Year. We will display all items on a table before the holidays—please encourage your child to check for any lost items. Let us now pray...for the grace and courage to be people of hope - people who can see, participate in and contribute to God’s goodness emerging around us. Amen Join us for the Hope Assembly— Dec 6 at 10:15 prepared by Mrs. Burgess & Mrs. Dinga’s Classes January is ‘Self Control’ Month This month we will celebrate the virtue of Self Control. When we all use self-control, we can be sure that our school will be a safe, caring and inclusive place to live and to learn. A person with self-control: Is patient Knows how to wait his/her turn Can calm him/herself down and think before reacting to situations Knows how to avoid physical aggression Can think things through and do what is best for everyone. Our Daily Prayer for January Let us now pray...for the virtue of selfcontrol so that we will resist the temptation to cause harm to ourselves and others around us. Amen We will continue to highlight each month’s Virtue and encourage parents and guardians to reinforce these messages at home. Parents are invited to attend our Self Control Assembly, presented by Mrs. Telfeyan’s class on Friday, January 17th at 10:20 a.m. Page 5 Mary Fix Catholic School Newsletter priest, and where religion would permeate the reading, literature and history curriculum. Furthermore, as modern times arrived, the multiculturalism of the public school’s student body necessitated the eradication of the teaching of Christianity. 6. What sacrifices did Catholics have to make to send their children to separate schools? Because the United Legislature of Canada East and Canada West roughly had consisted of members advocating non-denominational common In the next few issues of the Mary ing separate school legislation? schools and half were in favour of Fix Catholic School newsletter we them, separate school legislation, for will print excerpts from: An Historical It responded to Catholic parents, trusUnderstanding of Key Issues Related to tees, bishops and priests, editors of about fifteen years, contained three Catholic Education written by Robert Dix- the four Catholic newspapers, mem- obstacles to their existence: on and edited by our Director, John Kostoff. bers of the business and professional 1. Catholics could establish and support world, all of whom argued for legal and a separate school, but had to continue Our Catholic School Heritage financial rights for separate schools. paying common school taxes. Thus, 1. How long have Catholic separate they paid tuition for their children in the 4. Was there opposition to separate schools been educating Catholic separate school; schools before Confederation? children and contributing to the Yes, as now, there were advocates of 2. The separate school had no permapublic good in Ontario? nence of existence. If the local comone school system. Protestant spokesFor about 170 years. In the early mon school board hired a Catholic as persons believed in the adequacy of 1800s there were separate schools in one of its teachers, then the separate the common (now public) school’s many cities, towns and townships. In school ceased to exist. Separate basic non-denominational Christianity, Peel, three separate schools opened schools kept opening and closing in which constituted an important elebefore Confederation (1867): St. the early years; ment of the common school’s religion James in Malton in the 1830s, St. lessons and their readers. They held 3. In the cities the separate school board John’s Agricultural College (1861) and that required the permission of the comSt. Patrick’s (1861), both in Wildfield. mon school board to open a new or an beliefs specific to certain religions 2. Has the Ontario government aladditional separate school. Sometimes should be taught in the churches and ways supported separate schools? the permission was not forthcoming. homes. Yes, as did its predecessor, the United 4. The legislation required twelve Catho5. Why did Catholics find the nonLegislature of Canada East (now Quelic heads of family resident within a denominational religious education bec) and Canada West (now Ontario) city, town or township common school of common school unsatisfactory? during its total life from 1841 to 1867. section. The townships’ common One of the first pieces of legislation it Catholics wanted separate schools school sections were so small that passed in 1841 was the Common where all the beliefs of the Catholic often there were not twelve resident School Act, with a separate school Church would be taught, where the Catholic families. pupils would live their faith in a sacraclause. mental and community manner in 3. Why did the United Legislature of proximity to the parish church and Canada East and West keep improv- DECEMBER ADVENT FAMILY PRAYER FIRST FRIDAY of the Month December 6th The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed all day in Church with adoration at 7:30pm. Come and spend some time with Jesus. Lord, help us to prepare our hearts for the coming of your son Jesus. Help us to focus on your light during this holy season. Draw our family closer together as we move through Advent toward the feast of your Son’s birth. Each week we light a new candle on our Advent Wreath. We place our HOPE in you. We pray for PEACE in our hearts, our homes and in the world. We wait with JOY for your coming anew into our hearts. And we thank you for your everlasting LOVE this Christmas. The evergreens on the wreath remind us that your life in us never dies. Its circular shape shows us your love has no beginning or end. The light from its candles will grow brighter each week as Christmas draws near. Draw our family closer to you in holiness as we reflect in wonder and awe on the birth of your Son in a lowly manger in Bethlehem. And may your Spirit grow in us, dispelling the darkness and sin of the world. We ask all this through Christ our Lord. Amen. CHRISTMAS CONCERT Friday December 13th at 8pm Performances by all our choirs. Tickets available at the office $5 each. All proceeds go to Philippines Relief Fund. 2014 Sunday Missals will be out soon. Get your copy for $5 in the office. Book for Masses is open. Knights of Columbus Christmas Potluck Party Saturday December 7th in the Main Hall at 7pm. RSVP by Nov 30th to Remmy @ 647-408-4532. THIS WEEKEND Nov 30-Dec 1: BUNDLE SUNDAY Collection of clean, usable clothing by St. Vincent de Paul Society in church parking lot BAKE SALE Support our youth by visiting and or donating items for the bake sale after all masses. Please check the church website for further details at St. Catherine of Siena Church CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE 2013 CONFESSIONS in preparation for Christmas will be Wednesday, December 11 9:00am - 11:00am 3:00pm - 6:00pm 7:30pm - 8:30pm Saturday, December 14 4:30pm - 5:30pm Saturday, December 21 10:30am - 11:30am 4:30pm - 5:30pm Tuesday, December 24, 2013 Christmas Eve 4:30pm ENGLISH MULTIPLE INTENTIONS MASS – Family Mass 6:00pm SPANISH MULTIPLE INTENTIONS MASS 10:00pm SOLEMN English Mass Wednesday, December 25, 2013 8:30am 10:00am 11:30am 1:00pm 2:30pm Christmas Day English Mass ITALIAN MULTIPLE INTENTIONS MASS ENGLISH MULTIPLE INTENTIONS MASS English Mass FILIPINO MULTIPLE INTENTIONS MASS Tuesday, December 31, 2013 New Year's Eve 8:00am English Mass 6:00pm English Mass & Adoration Wednesday, January 1, 2014 10:00am 11:30am 1:00pm 4:30pm 6:00pm New Year's Day ITALIAN MULTIPLE INTENTIONS MASS ENGLISH MULTIPLE INTENTIONS MASS English Mass English Mass SPANISH MULTIPLE INTENTIONS MASS Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Mustang’s Winter Wonderland Thursday, December 12 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm St. Martin Secondary School 2470 Rosemary Drive Come spend the night with your family and help support our event! $2.00 entrance fee Free activities for children Visit with Santa Fireside Christmas stories Hot drinks & treats Organized by Ms. Gazzellone’s class REGISTER! Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board Full-Day Kindergarten Registration for the 2014-15 school year will be held on: January 27, 2014 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.* January 29, 30, 31, 2014 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. *Snow Date: January 28, 2014 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Extraordinary lives start with a great Catholic Education F or m or e i n f or m at i on , c on t ac t y ou r l oc al Catholic School or c al l 9 0 5 - 8 9 0 - 1 2 2 1 or v i s i t w w w . Volume 3 Web Resources: Primary Junior: Polygon Sort and Patch Tool Intermediate: Transformations Geometry The ability to identify and describe shapes, sizes, positions, directions, and movement is important in many work situations, such as construction and design, as well as in creating and understanding art. Becoming familiar with shapes and spatial relationships in their environment will help children grasp the principles of geometry in later grades. Family Math Activities K-3 Bake Christmas Cookies. Use a variety of shapes to make sugar cookies. Talk about how to get the most out of the dough by moving the shapes around. Play "I spy", looking for different shapes. "I spy something that is round." "I spy something that is rectangular." "I spy something that looks like a cone." Hide a toy and use directional language to help your child find it. Give clues using words and phrases such as up, down, over, under, between, through, and on top of. Build structures using blocks or old boxes. Discuss the need to build a strong base. Ask your child, “which shapes stack easily, and why?” Ask your child to draw a picture of your street, neighbourhood, or town for Santa. Talk about where your home is in relation to a neighbour's home or the corner store. Use directional words and phrases like beside and to the right of. Grades 4-6 Ask your child to help you wrap. Take note of the features of the different shaped boxes (number of sides, how many are the same, different, hardest to wrap, why?) Look at the wrapping paper. Take note of the patterns, do any of the shapes rotate, translate or reflect (turn, slide or rotate)? Grades 7 and 8 Geometer’s Sketch Pad Ministry Licensed Software Dynamic Geometry® Software for Exploring Mathematics The Geometer's Sketchpad is a dynamic construction, demonstration, and exploration tool that adds a powerful dimension to the study of mathematics. You and your son or daughter can use this software program to build and investigate mathematical models, objects, figures, diagrams, and graphs. Please go to to download and install the Sketchpad application. License Name: ONTARIO DUFFPEEL STUDENT 2012-2013 Authorization Code: UAF7HU-1GQERM-DHGY7U-BPFMR3 Elementary Program Team 2012 Volume 4 Web Resources: Primary: Measurement Clifford Big Red Dog Measuring Up People with measurement sense have an understanding of the “howmuchness” of different standard units. (A Guide to Effective Instruction in Mathematics, K-3, Measurement) Junior: Units of Measure Family Math Activities Grades K-2 Compare large cans with small cans and large boxes with small boxes. Which one is big? Which one is small? How do you know? Talk about heavy versus light items in a grocery store Find the shortest and longest line in a grocery store Estimate the number of footsteps between two trees on your walk Keep a record of the daily temperature outside and your child’s outdoor activities. After a few weeks, ask your child to look at the record and see how the temperature affected his or her activities Grades 3-6 Have your child use a measuring tape or ruler to measure the dimensions of various household items (e.g. food containers). Encourage your child to estimate the dimensions before measuring Discuss how far a kilometer is Walk a kilometer together – estimate the distance between two objects while on your walk Grades 7 and 8 Measurement Game Show (OERB) Ontario Education Resource Bank: user id “dpcdsbstudent” Password “oerbs” Elementary Program Team 2012 STUDENT TRANSPORTATION OF PEEL REGION (STOPR) BUS CANCELLATIONS/SCHOOL CLOSING DUE TO BAD WEATHER 2013 – 2014 SCHOOL YEAR During the winter months inclement weather may cause disruption of bus transportation and regular school operations. A decision to cancel school transportation and/or to close schools is usually made by 6:00 a.m. and will be announced on the following radio and television stations: VIRGIN RADIOFM99.9 CFNY FM102.1/AM640 CFRB AM1010 FM Z103.5 CHIN FM100.7/AM1540 GLOBAL NEWS CHUM AM1050 CJCL AM590 EZ ROCK FM97.3 FM93.1 CBC99.1 CTV CFTR AM680 CHFI FM98.1 CJBC (FR) AM860 FM Q107 CITYPULSE We will be communicating one of four standard messages to the radio stations. The four announcements and their effect on the transportation system are as follows: (Please note that the highlighted text only will be communicated by the radio stations). 1. “DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD BUSES SERVING ST. ANDREW, ST. BENEDICT AND ST. PETER ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS AND R.F. HALL SECONDARY SCHOOL ARE CANCELLED FOR TODAY.” 2. “THE DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD BUSES AND THE PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD BUSES IN THE TOWN OF CALEDON AND THE COUNTY OF DUFFERIN ARE CANCELLED”. This means that all runs listed under announcement #l PLUS the following are cancelled. All schools in the Town of Caledon and all school runs that begin in the Town of Caledon. Individual schools will be notified if this cancellation affects their school. 3. “THE DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD AND THE PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD BUSES ARE CANCELLED.” This means that: ALL Transportation services provided by the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and The Peel District School Board, including buses, vans and taxis have been cancelled for the entire day. 4. “THE SCHOOLS AND OFFICES OF BOTH THE DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD AND THE PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD ARE CLOSED.” This means that: ALL Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board ad Peel District School Board schools and offices are closed to all students and staff. Note: For Secondary School students riding Public Transit, cancellation of service will be communicated by the respective transit property over the radio. Please be advised that Public Transit rarely cancels and that the level of service on days with inclement weather is unpredictable. November 2013 December 2013 During the month of December we focus on the virtue of hope. Let us now pray for the grace and courage to be people of hope—people who can see, participate in and contribute to God’s goodness emerging around us. Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 1 2 Peel Police presentations Grades 1-6 3 Mr. Cartwright’s class to Roger’s TV 4 9:30 a.m. Gr 3-8, Advent Reconciliation 5 6 10:15 a.m.—Hope Assembly - All are welcome 7 8 9 10 Grade 6—RAID 11 Immunization Clinic #2 12 13 Red & Green Day 14 7 p.m.-School Council 15 16 Advent Mass, 9:30 a.m. at School 17 Grade 6—RAID 18 19 Christmas Assembly/Santa Hat Day 20 P.A.Day—no school for students today. 21 26 27 28 Kindergarten Advent Celebration 2:30 p.m. 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 Have a Peaceful and Joyous Christmas Season! See You Back at School on Monday, January 6th, 2014. January 2014 The Virtue for the month of January is Self Control Let us now pray for the virtue of self control so that we will resist the temptation to cause harm to ourselves or others around us. Amen Sun 5 Mon 6 Welcome Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 10:20 a.m.—Self Control Assembly All are Welcome 18 25 Back! 12 13 19 20 Term 1 Ends 21 Term 2 Begins P.A. Day No School for Students Today. 22 23 24 26 27 Full Day JK/SK Registration 7-9 p.m. 29 9-3 p.m. K. Registration 30 9-3 p.m. K. Registration 31 28 Evening JK/SK Registration (Snowdate) 9-3 p.m. K. Registration 1