Mary Fix Catholic School Newsletter

Mary Fix Catholic School
Learning and Living
Through God
486 Paisley Blvd. West
Mississauga, Ontario L5B 2M4
(905)270-3140 Fax: (905)270-3475
March 2013
Lord Jesus Christ,
You gather your people during this Holy Season of Lent, and call us to repent.
As we return back to you once again, open our hearts,
so that we might be transformed in your image.
Principal, A. Milanetti
Secretary, M. Kivell
Remove any barriers that keep us from you,
so that we may live fully the life we received at Baptism.
Help us to love you more and to reach out to others in friendship,
especially to those who need it most.
May the ashes that we receive on our foreheads remind us of your call to change.
May Your Spirit give us the courage and strength we need to be people of faith
By Your grace, may we turn to you in our abundance, and share your love with the
world around us.
Pastor, St. Catherine of Siena
Fr. Ruggiero (905)272-1454
Trustee, B. Iannicca
Superintendent, C. Saytar
We ask this in Jesus’ name
School Council Chairs,
K. Galluzzo
Ruffolo & A. Orme
Fr. Aldo
It is with great sadness that we would
like to inform you that Fr. Aldo passed
away on Friday, March 1st. There will be
a viewing in Church, Monday, March 4th.
Please keep Fr. Aldo in your prayers.
Congratulations to our Grade 2’s who
will receive their First Reconciliation on Dates to Remember:
Monday, March 4th at 7:30 p.m. Thanks to
Ms. Buhajczyk, Mrs. Burgess, Mrs. Pilling
and Mrs. Senra for preparing the students
to receive this sacrament
March 48
Gras Pancake
March 89
Ash Wednesday
Assembly, 9:45
First Holy Communion will take place
March 28
Gr.- Rosary
on Saturday, May 4th, at St. Catherine of
Siena Church at 11 a.m.
29 Holy
March 24
Week Presentation
Grade 8 Confirmation will take place on
The Liturgical Season of Lent has begun.
Lent is always a time to reflect on our lives
and look at the needs of not only our own
community, but the Global community. We
try to observe three principles throughout
Lent – personal prayer, fasting and alms
giving. Our reaching out to others, our
sharing with the less fortunate, our prayers
and good works are the best examples of
God‟s love that we can share with each
other. Lenten Confessions for students in
Grades 2-8 will take place on March 20th at
school. The Lenten Calendar for St.
Catherine of Siena Parish is included inside
this newsletter.
Tuesday, May 21st at 7:00 p.m. at St.
Catherine of Siena Church.
Holy Week
On Monday March 25th students will
receive blessed palms to bring home.
Youth Faith Ambassadors are asking that
students wear their living bracelets on Holy
21 Lenten
Grade 1-Safety
March 20
@ 9:15
March3029Lenten Good
March1730 Holy
April 1
Easter Monday
April 325 Easter
Grad Photos
May 2-6
Catholic Marketplace
Education Week
April 24-25 Alice in Wonderland
May 524-25Joe
Sax Festival
April 28 St. Catherine of Siena Feast
May 11 & Day
May 414
First Communion, 11
1 p.m.
May 5-17
to Kindergarten’
P.A. Day
May 2613 Gr 3—Pioneer
May 3020 EQAO Begins
Victoria Day
May 21
7 p.m.
June 27
of the Visitation Mass
30 Last
Day of School
May 27-June
Page 2
Mary Fix Catholic School Newsletter
JK Registration
 Students admitted under this
procedure do not automatically
Junior Kindergarten Registration was
become eligible for the Secondary
held during the week of January 28th,
School serving the Mary Fix
for our 2013/2014 Full Day
community. A separate request
Kindergarten Program. We will
must be submitted to the Secondary
continue to register age-appropriate,
School Principal.
„in boundary‟ students until the end of
the school year. We would appreciate
receiving registrations as soon as
Planning Ahead—Class
possible as it assists us in planning for Placements
In arriving at the decision for placeEligible Junior Kindergarten children
ment of your child for the upcoming
must be born in 2009 and must be 4
year, every consideration is given to
years of age by December 31, 2013.
individual needs. This decision is
made in collaboration with all staff
who have been directly involved in
Celebrating Virtues
your child‟s education this year. If you
feel that there are specific needs
In March our focus will be on the
virtue of kindness. We have all been which should be addressed in
determining the placement of your
given the fruit of the Spirit called
kindness. Kindness can only be seen child, please send us a letter to advise
us of your concerns. We ask for all
through actions.
submissions to be sent to the office no
A kind person…
later than Friday, April 19th. Your
 Says nice things about others so request will be considered at our
they feel good about themselves
grade promotion meetings. We remind
you that it would not be appropriate to
 Sticks up for people who are
request one teacher over another as
picked on or need help
placements are subject to change.
 Refuses to join others who are
However, if there is other information
insulting, intimidating, mean or
regarding your son/daughter‟s
learning style, or other considerations
 Watches and looks for ways to
of which we ought to be aware, please
help those in need.
advise us of these facts in your letter.
You are invited by our Grade 1’s to
attend our Virtue Assembly on
Friday, March 8th at 9:45 a.m.
Our Grade Three and Grade Six
students will be participating in the
Provincial EQAO Assessments from
A reminder to Parents/Guardians of
May 27th through June 6th We ask
students that are currently at Mary Fix
that parents do not book vacations or
School under “Flexible Boundary”,
appointments during this period to
that the procedure is reviewed
ensure your child is in school during
annually and permission is granted
this test taking time.
under the following conditions:
Are you Moving?
If you are planning a move, or have
already moved, please let us know.
You are required to complete new
assessment forms even if you move
within our school boundaries. If you
are moving to a new school we will
give you a Transfer Form to take with
you to the new school. If you are
moving but would like your child to
remain at Mary Fix, please submit
your request in writing. This
information will be helpful as we
prepare the new classes for
Dry Feet, Dry Clothing
Colder weather is upon us! Please
ensure that your child comes to
school prepared to participate in all
activities, including outdoor recess. All
children should have hats, scarves,
gloves, warm coats and boots. As the
rainy season gives way to slush and
snow, all students are reminded to
bring an extra pair of shoes to wear
indoors during the winter months. Fire
regulations dictate that all students
must have footwear on at all times.
In anticipation of a cold and snowy
winter, we would also like to advise
parents of children in the primary
grades to send an extra set of clothes
(track pants, sweatshirts, socks,
underwear) to school in the winter.
These clothes will be kept at the
school to be used when the child is
wet from playing in the snow.
Flexible Boundary Procedures
 Attendance must be punctual
Building Healthy School
Communities, Bite By Bite
Student Information
 Transportation is your responsibility. Please remember to update the office
The Board will not provide either
transportation or additional supervision for students admitted under
this consideration.
 Consideration is given to the size of
the classroom and behaviour or
special needs concerns.
with any new information regarding
your child. The office needs to be
advised of any changes to telephone
numbers, emergency contacts or
address so that we have all the
correct information for your child in
case of an emergency.
Mary Fix School will participate in the
Great Big Crunch and learn about
healthy eating by taking a giant
synchronized crunch into a fruit or
vegetable on Friday, March 8.
Mary Fix Catholic School—Newsletter
for bringing three or more reusable
Our Winter Walk to School Day was a
huge success. In many classes the
number of students who walked almost
doubled! We hope that this inspires
students to walk to school on a more
regular basis which not only helps the
environment but makes them more
physically active!
Eco Team News
The Mary Fix Eco Team continues to
make a difference at our school with
their many initiatives. Thank you to
Mrs. Nucci for heading up this very
important club.
For other great eco ideas check out:
Page 3
During the month of March we focus
on the Virtue of KINDNESS. As stewards of the earth, it is our duty to be
kinder to the environment we live in.
What will you do for Earth hour?
Earth Hour is on March 23 @8:30 p.m.
Mary Fix will be celebrating Earth Hour
on Fri. March 22. Each class will conduct daily activities without the use of
power for 1 hour.
Thank you to all the staff and students
who are remembering to observe
„Wasteless Wednesdays’ by bringing
their snacks and lunches in reusable
containers. Congratulations to our first
6 winners of Mary Fix drink containers
March 18th –22nd is ShareLife Week
St. Catherine of Siena Church
2013 Lenten Schedule
Stations of the Cross every Friday at 6:30 pm except March 15.
Friday, March 15 at 7:40pm dramatic presentation of the Way of the Cross by the Youth of
the Parish.
Parish Mission March 20, 21 & 22 at 7:00pm in Church.
Holy Week
Thursday, March 28, 2013 - Holy Thursday
8:00 – 11:30am
Mass of the Lord’s Supper (English)
Holy Hour (English)
Holy Hour (Italian)
Holy Hour (Spanish)
Friday, March 29, 2013 - Good Friday
8:00 – 11:30am
Stations of the Cross (Spanish)
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion (English)
Stations of the Cross (English)
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion (English)
Stations of the Cross (Italian)
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion (Spanish)
Saturday, March 30, 2013 - Holy Saturday
Easter Vigil Mass (English)
Sunday, March 31, 2013 - Easter Sunday
Mass (English)
Mass (Italian)
Mass (English)
Mass (English)
Mass (English)
Mass (Spanish)
Ten Top Reasons to Support ShareLife
Embrace the Good News recorded in Matthew 25:37-40 “Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you
food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed
you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?”
And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least
of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”
2. Recognize that while many worthy causes seek your support, ShareLife is
Cardinal Collins’ only annual appeal to ensure the Archdiocese of Toronto
has the resources needed to respond to the poor and vulnerable in our
communities and abroad.
3. Provide Catholic educators and Parish Priests with access to over 40
agencies inspired by Catholic values where they can confidently
turn to when a parishioner, student or family is in need of help.
4. Know that 90 cents of each dollar you donate will go to local
recipient agencies that last year served nearly 250,000
individuals and families regardless of religious affiliation.
5. Support agencies embracing Catholic Social teaching
ensuring every human life is treated with respect
and dignity.
6. Be assured that ShareLife’s partnership with Catholic
Charities supports member agencies efforts to be more
effective and efficient.
7. Rest in the knowledge that some of the ShareLife
supported agencies have been faithfully serving in the
Toronto Archdiocese for over a century.
8. 9. Educate our future parish Priests.
Inspire your colleagues and students through
your example of faith filled generosity.
10.Reflect the wisdom of Blessed Teresa of
Calcutta, ‘Love the poor and do not
turn your back on them, for if you
turn your back on the poor, you
turn your back on Christ. He
made Himself hungry, naked,
homeless, so that you and I
would have an opportunity
to love Him.’
416-934-3411 // 1-800-263-2595
Your gift can grow!
ShareLife Community Challenge matching gift program
proudly presents:
Parents Engaging Parents
in Dufferin Peel
Please Join Us:
May 4, 2013
8:30 am – 12:00 pm
St. Joseph’s Catholic
Secondary School
5555 Creditview Road
Mississauga, Ontario
Online Registration Opens
April 5, 2013
Details to follow
Join us for
Breakfast & Registration
at 8:30am
We cannot guarantee provided foods have not
come into contact with food allergens
Additional Workshops Include:
Keynote Speaker:
Mr. Michael Reist
Raising Children with
Character in the
21st Century
The Ministry of Education has introduced a new
initiative to give character education a central
place in our schools.
In our post-modern world, we tend to shy away
from any kind of value judgements. Are there
any core values that are universal and make up
the “content” of character? Can character be
This inspiring and thought-provoking workshop
will explore what is meant by character
education and introduce teachers (or parents) to
a deeper understanding of their vocation.
◊ Boys & Girls Learn Differently
presented by Michael Reist
◊ Inspired by Arts, new Arts Curriculum
presented by Kim Erin
◊ Brain Gym: Kids, the Brain & Stress
presented by Leah Dilley
◊ Autism & Learning Strategies
presented by Dr. Jane Summers, Ph.d
Contact your school council OAPCE
representative or email us at
Drapce is the Dufferin Peel regional council for the
Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education.
Founded in 1939.
Generously Funded by a Parent Reaching Out (PRO) Grant by the Ministry of Education