Mary Fix Catholic School Newsletter April 2013

Mary Fix Catholic School
Father God,
Thank you for New Life
For Spring flowers, baby chicks, new born lambs
For Spring sunshine and rain showers
Learning and Living
Through God
486 Paisley Blvd. West
Mississauga, Ontario L5B 2M4
(905)270-3140 Fax: (905)270-3475
April 2013
Principal, A. Milanetti
Secretary, M. Kivell
Which help the plants to grow.
Thank you for the dried bulbs and seeds which look so dead.
They are springing into new life, soon they will be beautiful.
Most of all Lord,
We thank you for your Son, Jesus,
Who suffered and died for us, on the cross.
And today, we celebrate, that on Easter Day
Pastor, St. Catherine of Siena
Fr. Ruggiero (905)272-1454
Trustee, B. Iannicca
Superintendent, C. Saytar
He rose from the dead.
School Council Co-Chairs,
R. Galluzzo & A. Orme
Dates to Remember
Pizza Day
That Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are being rooted
and grounded in love Eph 3:17
Graduation Photos
Apr 5
Gr 8 Confirmation Retreat
Apr 9
Dental Screening
Apr 13
School Council Mktplace
Apr 17 & 18 Rosary
Apr 19
Catholic Education Week: Growing Together in Faith
Catholic schools are Catholic communities. Catholic schools are faith communities. We – parents, students, teachers, administrative and support staff – walk
and grow together in the faith which we received at our Baptism. And it is the
‘together’ that we grow. And as we learn from nature, growth relies on sun and
water and nutrition. Otherwise, it may fade away and even die. Our growth is primarily a relationship with God, who at our Baptism, called us by name. But the
response of each of us to that growth is both personal and communal. We grow in
our faith in the nurturing atmosphere of our Catholic community be that of our local parish, our home, or our Catholic school community.
We hope to see many of you during our school celebrations.
Our flyer of school events will be available at the beginning of May.
Apr 24-25 Alice in Wonderland Jr.
Apr 28
St. Catherine of Siena
Feast Day
May 1
Junior Heads Up
May 2
Intermediate Heads Up
May 4
First Communion 11 a.m.
May 5-11 Catholic Education Week
May 7
Welcome to Kindergarten
Night, 6:30 p.m.
May 13
P.A. Day
May 12
First Communion, 3 p.m.
May 14-18 Book Fair
May 22
Our school community will celebrate Catholic Education Week 2013 in ways that
are appropriate to our students’ age. We invite you to participate in one or other of
these activities as your personal time and work schedule may permit.
Apr - 5, 12, 19, 26
Apr 3
School Council, 7 p.m.
May 16-17 Rosary Apostolate
May 21
Grade 8 Confirmation
May 27-June 6 EQAO (Gr 3 & 6)
May 27
Mary of the Visitation
May 31
Immunization Clinic
Page 2
Mary Fix Catholic School Newsletter
First Holy Communion
Grad Photos
A photographer from
Edge Imaging will be
here on April 3rd to take
pictures of our Grade 8
Our Grade 8 students will be confirmed students.
First Holy Communion for our Grade
2’s will be celebrated on Saturday,
May 4th at 11:00 a.m.
on Tuesday, May 21st at 7:00 p.m.
Lenten Journey
On Monday, March 25, Fr. Lando
came to Mary Fix Chapel to bless
palms and lead us in morning prayer.
Thank you to Catholic School Council
and Mrs. Quattrocciochi, our OAPCE
and Parish rep, for their support in
encouraging the home-school-parish
2013/14 JK Registration
We will continue to accept registrations
for Full Day Kindergarten. Early
registration assists us in planning for
the new school year. Flex Boundary
applications may be subject to a
Lottery once the number of
available spaces is determined.
Final acceptance will be granted at
the end of August 2013.
EQAO Testing
This year’s EQAO assessments for
Grade 3 and Grade 6 students will take
place between May 27 and June 6,
2013. Attendance at school will be
very important during this time for
these students. Therefore, parents/
guardians are asked to refrain from
arranging appointments or taking
vacation days during this time.
Student Placement Requests
Our staff is beginning to prepare
tentative class lists for the 2013/2014
school year. Every effort is made to
assess the individual needs of each
student and place them accordingly
If you would like to participate in the
placement of your child, we ask that
Child Care Operator
Easter Season
you put your concerns and/or request
Introduction of Full Day Kindergarten
In today’s day, Easter is a time for
in writing. Please state the
has necessitated that a child care
hearing the ‘Good News’ once more
environment/setting which will enable
operator be appointed for each
and celebrating the Sacraments that
elementary school. In accordance with him/her to develop to his/her fullest
are signs of the power of Christ’s death the Board Child Care Policy, all child
potential. The names of specific
and resurrection. They remind us of
care operators are selected through a teachers should not be mentioned.
our great journey with Christ. May the defined competitive process. Thank Any request which states a specific
gift of His Resurrection be with you
you to R. Galluzzo, our School Council teacher will not be entertained as we
always throughout the entire Easter
cannot guarantee staffing
Co-Chair for participating in the child
care selection process. We are
pleased to announce that YMCA of
Please remember that all staffing is
Greater Toronto has been appointed
tentative. Every effort will be made to
the Child Care Operator at Mary Fix
meet your child’s needs. Please
School for September 2013. The
submit requests in writing by the
YMCA will providing a School Age
end of April.
Program for 6 – 12 year olds and an
Celebrating Virtues
Extended Day Program for 4 & 5 year
olds. Before School hours: 7:30 a.m. - Moving/Flex Boundary
In April the Mary Fix community will
If you are moving or renewing your
9:00 a.m. and after School 3:30 p.m.celebrate the virtue of love.
Flexible Boundary Request, please
6:00 p.m.
see the office for a form.
Love is not about us—it is about If you are interested, look for the
forgetting ourselves and looking Brochure and Interest Form coming
Student Information
out for the good of the other.
home later this week.
That’s what Jesus did—He
Please remember to update the office
with any new information regarding
forgot about himself on
your child. The office needs to be
purpose. He chose to give up His life Welcome to Kindergarten Night
advised of any changes to telephone
for the good of others—us!
On Tuesday, May 7th at 6:30 p.m. we numbers, emergency contacts or
will be holding our ‘Welcome to
address so that we have all the correct
Our Daily prayer for April: Let us
Kindergarten’ (WTK) evening. This is information for your child in case of an
now pray for the virtue of love so that
a fun and informative evening for new emergency.
we will never be satisfied until all are
Kindergarten students and their
Also should your child’s medical status
Please join us for our ‘Love’ assembly
change, ie., allergies, asthma, etc., it is
on Thursday, April 18th at 9:30a.m.
critical that the office be informed.
presented by Mr. Chornous’ class.
Mary Fix Catholic School—Newsletter
Page 3
cult challenges. “Let it begin with
me......Empowering Community, Raising Awareness and Building Partnerships” will be the focus for the day.
“Growing Together in the
Year of Faith”
A Conference for Catholic School Council
Members, and Volunteers
On behalf of the Central Committee
for Catholic School Councils, we are
hopeful that parents are able to join us
at our annual CCCSC Marketplace
Keynote Speaker:
Bishop Boissonneau
This year we are inviting parents to
register on-line by accessing:
The deadline for registration is
April 5, 2013.
It is important that conference attendees register on-line in a timely fashion as workshops are quickly filling.
The CCCSC In-Service Committee,
composed of administrators, SEAC
representatives, and parents, have
been hard at work planning this event.
We would also like to recognize
SEAC for their sponsorship support of
the 2013 CCCSC Marketplace.
Our keynote address will be Dr. Debra
Pepler – leading expert in the field of
Bullying. There will be breakout sessions for parents through the partnership of our community partners: Peel
Regional Police, Peel Health, AYSP,
Social Work Dept., Psychology Dept.,
and Rising Stars Organization. We
look forward to a very informative
Cast, choir, crew and the production
team are heading into the final weeks
of rehearsal for our musical production
of Alice in Wonderland Jr.
This lively and colorful musical involves over 100 of our students. Sets
are being created, costumes made
The event will take place at St. Francis and props gathered. The following
Xavier S.S. beginning at 9:00 a.m.
props are still needed if anyone can
(Liturgy and Keynote address), workhelp out:
shops to follow and the event will be
 a bubble machine
ending at approximately 12:15
p.m. More information to follow in our  a swing
upcoming newsletters.
 a trumpet or horn
 a gavel (plastic or real)
 vuvuzelas (plastic sports horns)
 checkered flag
School Council News
T-shirts are currently on sale for cast,
choir and crew—orders are due on
March 5th marked the last day of
Councils Healthy Lifestyles and Mood Tuesday, April 2nd. Sample sizes
Disorders seminars. We'd like to thank are available for students to try on.
everyone who attended for their support, including our trustee Mr. Bruno
On Wednesday May 1st, school council will be presenting "Brain Gym", an
interactive seminar helping people improve focus, eliminate stress and bad
behavior. Please see the flyer in this
newsletter for details.
Our Spring Fundraiser featuring La
Montagne: Gourmet non- frozen
cookie dough mixes and Style, featuring lovely costume jewelry will be underway the first week of April. The
fundraiser will help support many of
Bullying Prevention and Wellour school initiatives such as our play
ness Symposium 2013 for Parproduction, graduation, and Communents and Guardians
ion activities.
The Dufferin-Peel CDSB is pleased to Check out the catalogues on-line at
announce we will be hosting a system- Orders should be
wide Bullying Prevention and Wellness returned by April 15th.
symposium on June 1st, 2013 for parThank you for your support.
ents and guardians in the system to
hear from experts in the field on ways
to assist their children with these diffi- School Council
The schedule for rehearsals, and other
important dates and times has been
sent home. All cast, choir and crew
will be required to attend after school
rehearsals on Mondays and Wednesdays for the entire month of April.
Tickets will go on sale for cast members during the week of April 8th and
for the rest of the Mary Fix community
during the week of April 15th.
We want to acknowledge the hours
and hours of hard work by the production team of Mrs. Belisle, Mrs. Fera,
Mr. Hanson, Mrs. Kivell, Mrs. Patten,
Mrs. Pilling and Mrs. Telfeyan.
Mary Fix Catholic School Newsletter
Page 4
Summer Adult Programs
Adult Computer Classes
For detailed information please call:
Brian J. Fleming Adult Learning Center - 905-891-3034 St. Gabriel Adult Learning Center - 905-891-9263
Adult and Con. Ed. Office and St. Kateri Tekakwitha Adult Learning Center - 905-279-6816 -(LINC)
Or check our website:
Life Long Learning!
Secondary Summer School DPCDSB
Information regarding Secondary Summer School 2013 will be available the first week of April.
Please visit DPCDSB Adult and Continuing Education website for course information:
Summer 2013 Dates
New/Full Make-up 4 Week Credit – Tuesday July 2 to Monday July 29, 2013
Make-up Session 1 – Tuesday July 2 to Monday July 15, 2013
Make-up Session 2 – Tuesday July 16, to Monday July 29, 2013
Mississauga Locations:
Brampton Locations:
John Cabot
St. Edmund Campion
Father Michael Goetz
St. Marguerite d’Youville
St. Marcellinus
St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Joan of Arc
St. Joseph
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board—Summer Programs 2013
Elementary Summer School—Grades 7 - 8
Summer Literacy Camp—Grades SK to 6
Tuesday July 2-Friday, July 19, 2013
Monday, July 8 to Friday, July 26, 2013
8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Students recommended by the Principal
Fee for Service Program
Busing provided at home school pick up points
No transportation provided
Deadline for applications: May 24, 2013
Deadline for applications: June 3, 2013
For more information and registration forms regarding these summer programs, please contact the school or visit the DPCDSB website at:
Mary Fix School Council Presents:
Kids Are Stressed Too
This workshop is fun, easy, interactive and practical for the whole family!
On Wednesday, May 1, 2013, 7:00 pm-8:30 pm
Kids are welcomed!!
Mary Fix Catholic School (Library), 486 Paisley Boulevard West, Mississauga
Learn how the brain functions under stress and why the body responds the way it does.
Learn how the body brain connection can be accomplished with simple body movements such as Brain Gym®.
Improve focus, eliminate stress and bad behavior.
You have more power than you think!!
Leah Dilley is a registered massage therapist, certified acupuncturist and Brain Gym® consultant with over 13 years of experience
in the wellness field. She has helped thousands eliminate and understand their stress. Working with the body is essential to create
the body brain connection for optimal performance and health. As a mother of a son with high needs, integrating Brain Gym® and
body work allowed him to improve his focus, emotional awareness and general anxiety to become an interested and confident
learner. Working with kids and not focusing on the behavior but the stress behind the behavior can turn the child’s world into a
positive when the right systems and treatments are in place.
Complete the survey on the back and return to the school by Wednesday, April 10, 2013.
905 857 5348
Stress has become the norm and believe it or not children are under tremendous amounts of stress. Fill out
the following questionnaire to help customize this workshop.
RSVP by April 10 for attendance numbers or hand in questionnaire.
Age of child __
What’s the one thing you worry most about your child’s behavior?
__over emotional
__ angry
__excessive worry
What time of the day is the most difficult for you and your child/ children?
__after school
__bed time
On a scale of 1-10 where would you consider your stress levels? 1 being low, 10 being high
On a scale of 1-10 where would you consider your child’s stress levels?
Do you know when your child is stressed and how they behave?
__physical symptoms
__ not sure
Are there specific tasks that your child has difficulty with?
Is there anything specifically you would like to learn from this workshop that was not mentioned above?