Mary Fix Catholic School Newsletter June 2013 YOU ARE THE LIGHT!

Mary Fix Catholic School
There are two ways of spreading
the light:
to be the candle, or to be the mirror
that reflects it
Learning and Living
Through God
486 Paisley Blvd. West
Mississauga, Ontario L5B 2M4
(905)270-3140 Fax: (905)270-3475
June 2013
Principal, A. Milanetti
Secretary, M. Kivell
Pastor, St. Catherine of Siena
Fr. Lando
Trustee, B. Iannicca
Superintendent, C. Saytar
School Council Chairs,
We wish Mrs. Saytar, Superintendent of the Mississauga South Family of
Schools a very happy retirement.
Mrs. Saytar has a deep faith and profound belief in the value of Catholic Education. In her four years as superintendent of our Family of Schools she modeled
the virtues and touched the lives of all who had the privilege of working with her.
Mrs. Saytar was a frequent visitor to Mary Fix School and always made a point
connecting with staff, students and volunteers whenever possible. We thank her
for her many contributions and unwavering support and wish her much health and
happiness as she begins this exciting new chapter in her life!
R. Galluzzo & A. Orme
Dates to Remember
June 3-5 Gr. 3 EQAO
Jun 6
Jr. Co-ed Soccer Tourn.
June 7
P.A. Day
June 12 Gr. 3 to Pioneer Village
June 13 FDK Out of Boundary
Lottery—6:30 p.m.
June 14 Mrs. DInga’s class to
Living Arts Centre
Farewell to Fr. Ruggiero
It is with sadness that we bid Fr. Ruggiero farewell. Fr. Ruggiero was a strong
presence at Mary Fix during his time as pastor of St. Catherine of Siena church.
When he came to the school he chatted cheerfully with students and staff alike
and he actively fostered the relationship between school and parish. We wish Fr.
Ruggiero well as he moves on to new challenges.
June 16 Father’s Day
June 17 Kindergarten Play DayJune 17 School Council, 7 p.m.
June 19 Soccer
June 19 Rosary
June 20 Soccer
June 20 Rosary
June 21 Gr 1/2 to Mountsberg
June 25 Grade 8 Graduation
June 26 Report Cards Home
June 26 Senior Kindergarten Grad
June 27 St. Martin’s SS Grad
June 28 Last Day of School
See you on
September 3rd, 2013!
Mary Fix Catholic School Newsletter
Page 2
Lord God,
As a School Community, we have shared many experiences this year.
We are linked by common tasks and by our wonderful time together.
As we say good-bye and end our year, we ask You Lord,
that You bless our children, our teachers and our parents.
Keep us in Your care during the summer months and throughout our lives.
Guide our steps and strengthen our hearts.
Give us courage to do what is best for our children whom we love and cherish.
Guide us through the remainder of the year.
Allow us to return in September refreshed, rested and eager to continue on the path that You have chosen for us.
Help us to continue to build and strengthen our Mary Fix Community in the next school year.
Bless us through the summer months. Amen
Principal’s Message
This school year is quickly coming
to an end. It has been a privilege
to work in such a vibrant school
A special thank you to our School
Council, co-chaired by R. Galluzzo
and A. Orme, for taking the lead on
raising community involvement and
for putting in so much time and energy in support of our school.
Thanks to L. Ieraci , Secretary, for
keeping accurate records of our
meetings; C. Balaz for devoting so
much time to the Council budget
and to R. Quattrociocchi, our
O.A.P.C.E. and Parish Representative, for supporting our parent engagement and school in developing
their Catholic Faith. Thank you to
our Fundraising Committee chaired
by G. Renda and to our Pizza Days
Coordinator N. Brum. Thank you
also to the many parent volunteers
who give of their time to attend
class trips, organize and help out at
the Open House, Christmas bazaar, Christmas basket drive and
School play, make rosary bracelets, chaplets and communion banners, and numerous other activities
that we couldn’t accomplish without
your help. We know that everything you do, you do to make the
school a better place for our children.
in a great deal of time into extra
Thank you to Fr. Ruggiero and Fr.
Lando and the Parish Staff of St.
Catherine of Siena Church. Our
priests have been truly committed
to developing our children’s faith
commitment. It is strongly evident
that the Parish, the School and our
Parents are ensuring that our children grow spiritually at Mary Fix
Catholic School.
Iannicca and to our Superintendent, Cathy Saytar for their continued support and guidance.
curricular activities, such as sports
Thank you to Student Monitors,
and academic competitions, virtue
Mrs. Mailloux, Mrs. Brum and Mrs. assemblies, masses, special
Nunes who came out in all weather events and committee work.
to cheerfully complete their duties. Thank you to our trustee, Bruno
I would like to acknowledge the
work of our secretary, Mrs. Kivell.
She is truly the heart and soul of
our school.
A special thank you to Mr. Didio,
Mr. Tay and Mr. Rebagliatti who
continually strive to ensure that the
school is safe and clean.
Mary Fix Catholic Elementary
School is truly a school where our
students thrive and learn the skills
to be life long learners.
Have a restful summer. Take time
to enjoy its beauty. God Bless.
A. Milanetti, Principal
Good Bye…..
So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen,
adieu to our Mrs. Pilling as she moves
to a new position at another school.
Her countless, amazing contributions
are greatly appreciated.
I am honoured to work with such a
talented and dedicated teaching
staff. Their commitment and work We wish her all the best!
ethic does not go unnoticed. Staff
have participated in numerous professional development opportunities this year and collaboratively
worked to support Catholic School
Learning Plan goals. They also put
Mary Fix Catholic School—Newsletter
Page 3
June 2013
Dear Parents and Guardians,
It has been an extreme honour and privilege to have served as the Superintendent for the Mississauga South Family of
Schools for the past four years. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for choosing a Catholic school and
entrusting our staff with the gift of providing a Catholic Education for your children. I have so enjoyed meeting students during my school visits, and through special events such as Athletics, Academic Competitions, Youth Faith Ambassador Rallies, Diversity and Catholic Education Conferences to name a few. Over the years, I have been so impressed with student commitment to learning and their contributions to both the school and family of schools. Further,
I have witnessed their commitment to faith formation through the various social outreach projects they have supported. Our students have continually modelled our gospel values and will be great advocates for Catholic Education in
the 21st century.
I would like to acknowledge our special staff at each of the 22 elementary and 4 secondary schools in Mississauga
South for their continued hard work during the course of the 2012-2013 school year. My sincere thanks and appreciation also goes to our trustees for setting the vision and for ensuring that, through their hard work, commitment and
dedication, that the vision is realized. I would specifically like to thank Chair Mario Pascucci and Trustees Sharon Hobin,
Peter Ferreira and Bruno Iannicca for their continued advocacy for Catholic education Special thanks must also be extended to the pastors and pastoral teams for their commitment to our school communities and for leading us in the
sacraments throughout the year. We have an amazing, dedicated community of staff, trustees, parents/guardians, students, priests ... all of whom have supported the Mississauga South Family of Schools. May God continue to bless us as
learners and teachers and in all that we do.
I have had the gift of being in Catholic Education for the past 30 years and have made the decision to retire. I am going
to miss working with the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and Mississauga South Family of Schools. I am
confident that our students will continue to strive for excellence, and become responsible Catholic citizens who will
serve our community proudly. I will take with me the wonderful memories of the people within our community.
I wish you and your family a future filled with many blessings.
Cathy Saytar,
Mississauga South
“But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession,
and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere”
2Corinthians 2:14
Mary Fix Catholic School Newsletter
Page 4
Grade 8 Confirmation
Congratulations to our Grade 8’s who
received the sacrament of
Confirmation on May 21st.
The Year End/Graduation Mass
will be at 10:00 a.m. on June 25th in
the Mary Fix gym. At 11:30 the Grade
8’s will attend a luncheon and
afternoon dance. The Graduation
ceremony will be held at 7 p.m. that
evening. All are invited to school for
the mass and back for the evening
A special thanks to Ms. Buhajczyk, Ms.
Coombes, Mr. Chornous, Mrs. Fera,
Mr. Hanson, Mrs. Murphy and Mrs.
Pilling who helped students prepare.
We bid farewell to our graduates and
we wish them tremendous success in
their future endeavors in high school,
and beyond. May God grace them with
happiness and success.
May 25th—Special Celebrations
On the 27th of May we celebrated our
Patron Saint, Mary of the Visitation
with a School Mass. We also celebrated the Crowning of Mary. Many
Grade 2 students wore their First
Communion clothing and others wore
their cultural uniforms as they
presented flowers to Mary during the
crowning. After the mass we honoured
our many wonderful Volunteers with
coffee, tea, cake and treats in the
library. Many of our special events
would not be possible without the
time and effort of our volunteers.
P.A. Day & Report Cards
June 7th is a P.A. Day for
Please note that in the beginning of
each school year we are required to
Assessment and Evaluation of student have signed authorization forms from
parents/guardians and physicians in
progress. Second term report cards
order for the school to administer any
will be sent home on Wednesday,
June 26th. Please take a few minutes prescription medication. Forms will be
to complete page three and return it to sent home with medication in June.
Non-prescription medication must also
school the next day. The last day of
be kept in the office and requires
classes is Friday, June 28th.
parent authorization only. If your child
requires any medication at school, it
must be kept in the office in it’s original
September Placement
Due to possible changes in staff and
enrolment, we are unable to provide
placement information to you prior to
September and even at that time, all
If you are leaving the Mary Fix area
placements will be tentative.
during the summer, please notify the
office as soon as possible. This
First Day of School Sept. 3, 2013 information will assist us in our
 Please try to walk your children planning for September. As new
to school if you are within walking neighbours move in, it would be
appreciated if you would mention that
distance; this will help avoid the
traffic congestion that occurs every registration before September is
helpful in school planning. Office staff
First Day! If you are driving your
are available during the last week of
child(ren) to school, please drop
them off in the Kiss n’ Ride and August to take any fall registrations.
if you would like to wait with your
child until he/she is called to their
School Books
class, please park on the road.
Please take a few moments to check
 ‘Grade’ numbers will be posted in around your home to see if you have
the schoolyard. Your child is
accumulated any Mary Fix textbooks
expected to line up under their new or library books. Books are expensive
Grade. After the bell rings, the
resources and need to be replaced if
teachers will proceed outside and they are not returned. Please send
call out their students’ names. In
any books to school with your child.
the event of inclement weather,
Your help with this is much
students will be assembled in the
gym and directed to the
appropriate homeroom.
Ministry Approved 2013/2014
School Year Calendar
The Ministry of Education has
approved the 2013/2014 School Year
Calendar as submitted by the board. A 
copy of the School Year Calendar is
included in this newsletter and can
also be accessed on the Board
Website at:
The bus lists will be posted outside
the office window, please check
them throughout the last week of
August if you wish your child to
ride the bus the first day.
Senior Kindergarten students will
assemble in the kindergarten yard
at 9:00 a.m.
Medication in the School Office
New Registrations
The school will be open for new
registrations from August 26-30.
Parents, please be reminded that any
medication and/or Epipens that your
child has stored in the office this year,
must be picked up by June 28th.
Bikes, Skateboards, Rollerblades, Scooters & Wheelies
In the interest of safety, students who
ride their bicycles to school are
reminded that once they are on school
property, bicycles are to be walked to
the bike rack and locked up.
For your safety, wear your helmet,
obey all traffic rules when travelling
to and from school and walk your
bike across the street.
Skateboards, rollerblades, scooters
and ‘wheelie’ shoes are not allowed
at school!
Mary Fix Catholic School—Newsletter
The Virtue for June is Fairness
This month we celebrate the virtue of
fairness. We are made by God to live
together, to share and to help each
other. You can't be a Christian alone.
Christianity is all about living together
in community - ideally, one big happy
A fair person....
 listens to all sides before forming
 Always show good sportsmanship
 knows that the same rules apply to
 refuses to twist rules to avoid
 works to bring about peaceful
solutions to problems
 cheers on the successes of others
 can balance their own rights and
responsibilities with those of others
All are welcome at the Fairness
Assembly on June 28th, at 9;30 a.m.
presented by Ms. Porco & Ms.
Coombes’ classes.
The Butterfly Garden
With assistance from School Council,
Mrs. Nucci and members of the Eco
Team will be planting flowers and
plants that will attract the butterflies
that have been nurtured from
caterpillars in the
Lost & Found
Page 5
A Special Prayer for Our
Please encourage your child(ren) to
Mary Fix Community
check the Lost and Found before the
end of the year. Throughout the
Lord Jesus, The end of the year approaches
months we have accumulated an
and our work for the moment, is almost
entire box of clothing, footwear, hats,
complete. Let us remember the many
mitts, snowpants, etc. We also urge
blessings we have received this year, the
parents to take an opportunity to drop
friendships we have made, the challenges we
in to the school to check out the box as
have met, the struggles we have endured,
all unclaimed items will be donated to
and the achievements we have celebrated.
a charity in July.
Let us be thankful for all the graces
bestowed on our education community, on
our school we thank you for your presence in
Sunscreen & Hats
The children are outside, weather
the life of this School Council and our
permitting, 70 minutes a day. In
addition, a number of outdoor activities
You have spoken to us through the events of
are planned for the month of June,
the year.
including outdoor gym classes. For
sun safety, please send your child with
In our many discussions about Catholic
a hat and apply sunscreen before they
leave in the morning. Please see the
Sun Safety insert in this newsletter.
Water Bottles
Student are encouraged to bring
reusable/refillable water bottles to
school. We have installed a ‘Refillable
Water Spout’ in the drinking fountain
across from the washrooms on the
main floor so that children can easily
refill their bottles.
School Council News
On May 23rd, school council was
proud to sponsor our traditional Ice
Cream Liturgy for our grade 2 and 8
Communion and Confirmation
students. The children celebrated their
faith with songs, readings and a waffle
bowl full of ice cream, fruit and/or
Smarties. Students also took home a
Special thanks to the Legion of Mary,
self -made Chaplet or Rosary bracelet
under the direction of Lina Camama,
for organizing our rosary lessons for
that was blessed by Father Lando
our students. The Legion of Mary
during our celebration.
volunteers have been present in our
We hope The Lord will continue to
school each month, teaching the
bless our students abundantly and be
students the significance of praying the
with them in all that they do.
rosary and dedication to our Blessed
Please join us for our last meeting
We thank them for their wonderful
Ministry and for volunteering their time of the year on Monday, June 17th at
7 p.m. in the library.
at our school.
In our shared plans and hopes and dreams,
In the prayers and liturgies and celebration
on special occasions,
And, often enough,
In the words of our children.
Bless all of those who have been part of our
Bless especially the teachers, children and
parents who will not be here next year.
And bless this Council of ours where we
gather to bring our year's work to
On behalf of Mary Fix School Council,
Thank you Mary Fix Community for all
your valued support
throughout the 2012-2013 School year
R. Galluzzo & A. Orme
Mary Fix Council Chairs
Mary Fix Catholic School—Newsletter
Page 6
Your child may be eligible for FREE MONEY for education.
Yes, Really!
Was your child born after 2004? Is your family income less than $42,707 per year?
If you answered yes to both of these questions, then your child is entitled to receive $2,000 in FREE money provided by the Government of
Canada through the Canada Learning Bond (CLB) - Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP). Eligible children will receive $500 at registration for the RESP, and an additional $100 annually until they reach 15 years of age. No parental contribution is required.
The Peel Post-Secondary Strategy: Enrolled By Six is a regional strategy to engage all sectors and partners to enroll every child in Peel for
the CLB.
Visit us online at:, or call our information line: 905-890-9432 (local), 905-890-8089 (TTY), 1-888-836-5550 (long distance) to learn more.
Mary Fix Catholic School
What Makes a Dad
God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece
was complete,
And so,
He called it ... Dad
Graduation 2013
Living & Learning Through God
PLEASE JOIN US ON.....Tuesday, June 25
10 a.m.
Mary Fix Catholic School, 486 Paisley Blvd. W.
7 p.m.
Graduation Ceremony
Mary Fix Catholic School, 486 Paisley Blvd. W.
Followed by refreshments in the library
~~Author Unknown.~~
Happy Father’s Day!
Keaton Centre, 5685 Keaton Crescent, Mississauga, Ontario. L5R 3H5
905 890-6000
1 800 668-1140
(905) 890-6033
May 2013
Dear Parents,
On Saturday, August 24, 2013, we will be holding our twenty-first annual YOUNG RIDER
ORIENTATION DAY for ALL Kindergarten children. The intent of the day is to introduce
children to school buses in an informal setting prior to the first day of school.
We encourage you to participate by bringing your kindergarten children and elementary age
siblings to a one hour program between the hours of 9:00 am and 12 noon. Bus rides and a
school bus safety video are only part of the informative fun. All Young Rider Days have been
tremendous successes.
Student Transportation of Peel Region (STOPR), the Peel District School Board and DufferinPeel Catholic District School Board, First Student Canada, Stock Transportation Limited,
Parkview Transit Inc. and Attridge Transportation Inc. support this event.
To confirm your attendance and preferred time slot, please call one of the bus companies listed
below in June 2013.
East Mississauga
Central Mississauga
West Mississauga
First Student Canada (Wolfedale Division)
Switzer-Carty Transportation Inc.
Stock Transportation Ltd.
Parkview Transit
Switzer-Carty Transportation Inc.
Parkview Transit
905 270-0561
905 595-1261
905 829-2040
905 846-1070
905 595-1261
905 846-1070
We look forward to having a wonderful time with each of you and your children.
Tom Howe,
Manager, Student Transportation of Peel Region (STOPR)
St. Catherine of Siena
School Council
Your Child’s Mental Health:
Signs, Coping Strategies and Helpful Resources
Guest Speaker:
Garth Buckley
Clinical Coordinator Concurrent Disorders Program at
Peel Children’s Centre
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
This evening is intended for parents, if you are interested in attending
please fill out the bottom portion and have your child return it to their
teacher by June 7, 2013.
Yes, I will be attending.
Parent Name: _________________________
Child’s Name: _____________________________
Child’s teacher: ______________________________
Number attending: ______________________________
Forming our Catholic Vision for
Learning in the 21st Century
An overview for parents, guardians and students
June 2013
Our vision of education in Dufferin-Peel Catholic schools is rooted in the gospel values of faith, hope
and love. Guided by this vision, which is deliberately infused into all aspects of our strategic planning
and operations, Dufferin-Peel schools strive to embrace the new realities of our rapidly changing
world, while upholding our Catholic faith traditions.
Within these complex new 21st century realities, with variables such as globalization, the economy,
environmental challenges, technological advances and increasing cultural diversity, we face the
challenge of preparing our students to live, to lead, to prosper, and to fulfill their potential as Catholic
school graduates, who are responsible and thriving global and digital citizens. These are exciting
times in which to both teach and to learn!
We recognize and understand that students have different skills, knowledge and experiences and
quite simply, they learn in different ways. Over the past year, senior Dufferin-Peel staff had the
opportunity to explore, more deeply, the concept of learning in the 21 st century. This included a
detailed discussion on the ‘Why’, the ‘What’, and the ‘How’ of learning in the 21st century in the
context of our Catholic faith. Based on these discussions a number of common concepts were
identified as key learning skills, competencies and dispositions: that will be part of our Catholic
context and connection to the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations.
From our analysis and discussion we must now strive to ensure that our Dufferin-Peel Catholic
education system focuses on student achievement and well being for all through what we believe in
and how we demonstrate our beliefs.
Caritas in Veritate: Charity in Truth – Love, discerning believers and caring community
Citizenship: Called to action in solidarity and stewardship.
Communication: Listening and responding critically and compassionately within gospel values.
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Creating, inquiring, and responsible decision making.
Collaboration: Building relationships in communion with all human beings.
Creativity and Innovation: Demonstrating resiliency, flexibility and adaptability in finding the
path to vocation and lifelong learning.
Common Concepts Identified
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board | June 2013
Based on the feedback from our consultations
with various stakeholder groups, several
broad themes and understandings have been
identified. These will guide our planning and
practice going forward:
Faith nurturing and development
Global/local issues and stewardship within
a Catholic view
Infusion of faith in our learning spaces
Sacred spaces that promote active
reflection and prayer
Student-led learning , higher order
thinking and collaborative inquiry
Relevant real world contexts and/or
experiential learning
Varied evidence-based strategies for
instruction and assessments
Creative design of flexible learning spaces
responsive to student needs
Student voice and engagement
Collaborative professional learning and
instructional leadership
Technological and digital literacy
Community, parish and parent
Evidence-informed decision making
Although we have already explored some possibilities for
what we need our schools to do, the possibilities really are
endless, both from teaching and learning perspectives. Our
21st century learning and teaching journey is a dynamic and
ever-expanding process. It is a process that will unfold in
many phases and in many forms over the coming months and
years. We will be exploring multiple technologies, including
digital, internet, use of tablets and other devices, as well as
the wireless technology (Wi-Fi) necessary to facilitate the use
of these devices. Technology not only allows us to link to the
global community, but also provides greater accessibility and
use for students for whom these tools are essential for
In fact, one of the next phases on our 21st century journey
will be related to technology; specifically, the introduction of
wireless technology into our schools. Wireless technology is
already literally all around us. It is prevalent in our homes,
automobiles, workplaces, where we shop, where we get our
coffee.... you name it and chances are that wireless
technology is there. Initially, one of the areas we will focus on
will be the use of wireless technology as one of the teaching
support tools we can use to benefit student learning.
Earlier this year, we initiated a pilot project utilizing wireless
technology in four schools (two elementary and two
secondary) and the board’s Catholic Education Centre. As
part of the pilot, we engaged an environmental consultant to
test radiowave frequencies in the pilot sites. Tests were conducted both with WiFi turned on and again, with
WiFi turned off. In fact, the highest measured location was only 3% of the Health Canada Code 6 standard (in
other words, 97% better than the Code 6 standard). The results with the WiFi turned off were only marginally
lower than when it was turned on. We are looking to have wireless technology installed in all our schools by
the fall.
We are aware of, and respect the fact that some parents and guardians in other school districts have
expressed reservations about health and safety in relation to the introduction of wireless technology in
schools. The health and safety of our students and staff is paramount to us. As we do with all health-related
matters, we take direction from our local and national health authorities; in our case, Peel Health, WellingtonDufferin-Guelph Health Unit and Health Canada. Each of these health authorities take the position that the
available scientific evidence indicates that exposure to Wi-Fi in schools is not harmful to the health of students
and staff. Please be assured that we are approaching this in a focused, planned and measured manner, in
compliance with Health Canada standards and in conjunction with other components of 21st century learning.
This is an exciting time for our students and staff, and we hope for you as parents/guardians as well. The
concept of learning is grounded in knowledge; how we construct and acquire it, interact with it and how we
share and create communities of practice with it. We need to collaborate, not just with peers, but with people
all over the world. In doing so, we advance knowledge, share our talents and gifts and make changes that
serve the greater common good.
For more information on Dufferin-Peel’s vision for 21st Century Learning, visit our website at
and read the recent report to the board called Forming our Catholic Vision for Learning in the 21st Century.
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board | June 2013
2013-2014 School Year Calendar
First day of classes elementary and secondary schools
First Day of classes Semester 2 Secondary
School Year ends Elementary and Secondary Schools
Number of school days for the 2013 – 2014 school year
Number of Instructional Days in Elementary Schools
Number of Instructional Days in Secondary Schools
Number of Professional Activity Days in Elementary Schools
Number of Professional Activity Days in Secondary Schools
School Holidays for the 2013-2014 School Year
Every Saturday and Sunday
Labour Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Break (inclusive)
Family Day
Mid-Winter Break
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Victoria Day
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Friday, January 31, 2014
Friday, June 27, 2014
Monday, September 2, 2013
Monday, October 14, 2013
Monday, December 23, 2013 to Friday, January 3, 2014
Monday, February 17, 2014
Monday, March 10, 2014 to Friday, March 14, 2014 (inclusive)
Friday, April 18, 2014
Monday, April 21, 2014
Monday, May 19, 2014
Elementary Schools – Professional Activity Days
Friday, September 13, 2013
Friday, October 11, 2013
Friday, December 20, 2013
Monday, January 20, 2014
Friday, March 7, 2014
Monday, June 9, 2014
Principal’s Day: Re-organization/Faith Development/Prov. Priorities
Mandatory Unpaid Leave Day as per M.O.U.
Mandatory Unpaid Leave Day as per M.O.U.
Term 1 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress
Mandatory Unpaid Leave Day as per M.O.U.
Term 2 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress
St. Sofia Only
Friday, October 11, 2013
Friday, December 20, 2013
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Monday, January 20, 2014
Friday, March 7, 2014
Monday, June 9, 2014
Mandatory Unpaid Leave Day as per M.O.U.
Mandatory Unpaid Leave Day as per M.O.U.
Principal’s Day: Curriculum/Faith Development
Term 1 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress
Mandatory Unpaid Leave Day as per M.O.U.
Term 2 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress
 Secondary Schools – Professional Activity Days
Friday, October 11, 2013
Friday, December 20, 2013
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Friday, March 7, 2014
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Friday, June 27, 2014
Mandatory Unpaid Leave Day as per M.O.U.
Mandatory Unpaid Leave Day as per M.O.U.
Principal’s Day: Semester Turnaround
Mandatory Unpaid Leave Day as per M.O.U.
*Principal’s Day: Year End Reporting and Activities
*Principal’s Day: Year End Reporting and Activities
*Semester and year end evaluations and school wide promotion meetings; contact parents with summer school
recommendations, OSR and report card preparation; inventory management of books, equipment, learning materials;
curriculum development for new course outlines; goal setting for the upcoming school year.
 Secondary Schools – Examination Days
Semester 1: January 22 - 28, 2014
Semester 2: June 18 – 24, 2014