Blending Quoted Passages Contextual Lead-in:

Blending Quoted Passages
Contextual Lead-in:
You must always provide a lead-in that explains where the passage comes from in
the text:
Tell what is happening at that point in the story – “the when”
Tell where the action is taking place – “the where”
Tell who is speaking – “the who”
Then you must provide the citation in your parenthetical documentation.
Explain the significance of the passage in relationship to the point you are trying
to make –
“the why” the character acted as he did
“the how” the passage proves or illustrates something you are trying to prove
You want to prove that the novel Frankenstein is ironic in that Victor
Frankenstein had a happy childhood but fails miserably to nurture his own creation when
he fathers the monster.
Lead-in: provide a lead-in that tells who is speaking, when, in what
circumstance. Analysis: Explain the character’s motivation or the significance
of the quoted passage.
*Documenting the passage:
The quotation marks come BEFORE the
parenthesis. There are NO p. or pg. in the parenthesis – only the actual number, and the
period falls AFTER the parenthesis.
Punctuating your quoted passage:
When you use the following “speaking” words as part of your lead-in, then use a comma:
says, comments, remarks, explains, reflects, tells, confesses, admits, etc.
Ex. Frankenstein admits, “In a fit of enthusiastic madness I created a rational creature
and was bound towards him to assure . . . his happiness and well being”(23).
When you are using like, as, that or because as your lead-in, do NOT use a comma. (You
do have to change the pronouns then to make them all third person – he, she, his, her, etc.
– NOT I, me we, us)
Ex. When talking to Captain Walton, Frankenstein confesses that “he created a
rational creature” and was responsible for the creature’s “happiness and well being”