St. Faustina School Administrator’s Message

St. Faustina School
February 2015
3420 McDowell Drive Mississauga, ON L5M 6R7
Tel. 905-821-2607
Administrator’s Message
The month of February is upon us and St.Faustina, as always, continues to be
a faith-filled community. In the month of January, we celebrated the virtue of
Self-Control, and in February, we focus on the virtue of Respect, as we continue to foster a safe, caring, healthy and inclusive school community.
We also continued to be a vibrant and active school community. The month of
January saw our students involved varsity sports and participating in many exciting field trips providing students with a variety of experiential learning opportunities.
Inside this Issue:
-Catholic Education
- Weather Info
- D.P.W.Z.
We would also like to thank, once again, the entire community here at St.
Faustina for your generosity and support in all the various fundraising activities
we are involved in. Our Big Box of Cards fundraising campaign has already
commenced and will compete on February the 16. This month, we look forward to many events from our Catholic School Council such as our Family
Movie Night and a student Valentine’s Day Dance.
We also thank as always, all the parents of our Catholic School Council and all
of our parent volunteers who continue to volunteer their time to support the students of St. Faustina.
Yours in Catholic Education,
A. Milanetti & E. Oliveira
February is Black History Month, a time to recognize and honour the
legacy of Black Canadians. We take this time to celebrate the many
achievements and contributions of black Canadians who, throughout
history, have done so much to make Canada the culturally diverse,
compassionate and prosperous nation we are today. During Black
History Month Canadians can gain insight into the experiences of
black Canadians and the vital role this community has played throughout our shared history. The Government of Canada has recognized
the contributions of many black Canadians, as well as the significance
of places and events that have shaped Black History in Canada.
You, the one from whom on different paths all of us have come.
- Loom for Cure
To whom on different paths all of us are going.
Make strong in our hearts what unites us.
- CCCC Survey
Build bridges across all that divides us; United make us rejoice in our diversity.
At one in our witness to your peace, a rainbow of your glory.
The perspective of faith...
All subjects in Catholic schools (and all activities) are taught from the perspective of faith. At its core,
curriculum in any subject reveals fundamental beliefs and values about the nature, task and specific
character of the educational enterprise. It presupposes and involves a definite understanding of what it
means to be human, of how to live together, and the wisdom necessary to sustain life on this planet.
Indeed, in its broadest sense, Catholic curriculum is a worldview shaped by the Catholic conversation
about life’s meaning and purpose. Education that is Catholic, analyses all truth and knowledge
(literature, history, geography, science, technology, mathematics) through the lens of faith.
First Communion
Fourth Gathering is on February 14th at 10 am at St Joan of Arc Secondary School
First Reconciliation is on February 25th at 10:30 am at the parish of Merciful Redeemer
First Communion is on May 22t at 3 p.m. at the parish of Merciful Redeemer
Fourth Gathering is on February 27 at St . Joan of Arc Secondary School
Confirmation Cross Grade 8 is on February 20/21 any weekend mass at St. Joan of Arc Secondary
Confirmation Cross Grade 7 is on March 5/6 any weekend mass at St. Joan of Arc Secondary
Confirmation Grade 8 is on April 29 at 7:00 pm at Merciful Redeemer
Confirmation Grade 7 is on May 27 at 7:00 pm at Merciful Redeemer
Ash Wednesday & February's Virtues Assembly
Please join us on Wednesday February the 10th at 10:30 am in our school gym as we celebrate Ash
Wednesday as a school.
We would also like to extend an invitation to February’s Virtues Assembly as we celebrate the virtue
of Respect led by our Grade 4 students. Our Virtues Assembly will take place on Thursday February 25th at 1:15 pm for our grades 1-4 and at 1:45 pm for our grade 5-8 students.
The provincial government has designated Monday, February 15th, Family Day, and a statutory holiday in
Ontario. The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board offices and schools will be closed in observation
of this holiday. We hope you are able to enjoy the day with your family.
Get your dancing shoes ready!
Our Valentine’s Dance will be taking place on February 12th!! This years dance has
been generously brought to you by the St. Faustina Parent Council as a thank you to all
the students. Remember to wear something that is pink, red or white!
The Grade 8’s will be having their graduation photos taken on Thursday, February 11th,
2016. Don’t forget your smiles for this milestone moment.
The ROCKids will be running a used book and DVD sale on February 4th. We would
like to thank the entire St. Faustina Community for generously supporting the various
fundraising activities. All funds will be donated to the Creation of Hope in Kikima,
Kenya. The sale will run all day. Parents may shop in the evening during interview
night. Please mark this down on your calendars.
F E B R U A R Y 20 1 6
 I love God, myself and my family
 I care about and respect my ‘family’ at
school, an Church, in the community, and
the world
 I care about and respect God’s creation
and everything in it
Because I care, I pray for all my families,
and I will live my life like Jesus.
Page 2
If you During the winter months inclement weather may cause disruption to bus transportation and regular school operations. A decision to cancel school transportation and/or to close schools is usually made by 6:00 a.m. and will be announced on the following radio stations: VIRGIN RADIO FM 99.9
CHUM AM 1050 CFTR AM 680
CFNY FM 102.1
CHFI FM 98.1
CJBC (FR) AM 860
FM Q107
CBC 99.1
CFRB AM 1010
FM Z103.5
CHIN FM 100.7
FM 93.1
CHIN AM 1540
The message usually takes the following form: “All buses for the Peel District School Board and the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board have been canceled.” This means that buses are cancelled for the entire day.
Or, to indicate school closures: “The schools and offices of the Peel District School Board and the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board have been closed.”
Should the announcement refer to cancellation only in the COUNTY OF DUFFERIN, this does NOT affect St. Faustina
We experience cold weather and with winter here we need to prepare. It is important for students to come prepared to participate in all activities, including outdoor recess. Please ensure that your child(ren) is/are dressed appropriately for colder weather
by having hats, scarves, boots and mittens or gloves.
Children will go outside for recesses and for 40 minutes during the lunch hour.
On extremely cold days, we may limit the amount of time that students spend outside.
We obtain our information from Environment Canada Weather Information and we follow Board Guidelines which are:
-25OC or colder with wind chill, students are kept inside
-20OC to -24OC with wind chill, amount of out-door time will be reduced
If it is warmer than -20C with the wind chill, students will be expected to be outside during the entire recess
Please be mindful that many students in our school have severe life threatening allergic reactions to peanuts, peanut butter, peanut
oils, tree nuts, legumes, eggs, fish and other foods and substances – we ask that you are careful when providing lunches and snacks
for your child(ren) and their classes. As in the past, a written communication is sent home to parents of children notifying them of the
nature of a life-threatening allergy when it is specific to their child’s classroom.
Board policy also dictates that all food taken to school must be consumed indoors (this includes snacks, lunches, etc.). Time will be
provided for children to consume their snacks and lunches within their classrooms. Your continued cooperation in support of our efforts to create a safe and healthy learning environment for all is greatly appreciated.
Terms of the recent contract settlement between the teacher federations and the Ministry of Education included the provision of an
additional Professional Activity Day for the 2015-2016 school year for both elementary and secondary schools. Recently, boards
were directed to schedule this additional Professional Development Day on or before April 15, 2016.
In the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, the designated additional Professional Activity Day has been scheduled
for Monday, April 11, 2016.
Therefore, there will be no classes for either elementary or secondary students on Monday, April 11, 2016.
Thank you for your attention to this addition to the 2015-16 School Year Calendar.
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Please follow these guidelines when using the Kiss and Ride program at St. Faustina:
The Dos:
Children are to be dropped off or picked up, using the drop off lane between the hours of 8:45 and 9:00 am and 3:30-3:45 pm.
Full day Kindergarten children will be able to be picked up, using the drop off lane at 3:15 pm to alleviate volume andtraffic flow at the end of the day. If your child is not picked before 3:30 pm, you will be asked to park your car.
As cars enter the school driveway, please turn right and proceed in a slow and cautious manner, around the perimeter of our
parking lot. The drop off and pick up lane is directly in front of the kindergarten yard. Students are no longer dropped off
or picked up in front of the school. This lane is reserved for buses only.
Children are to exit the car in a safe and careful manner, with their backpacks ready to avoid a long wait time in the drop off lanethe children will be assisted by a teacher if assistance is required. Children are to exit the vehicle on the right side of the car,
onto the landing, for safety purposes.
Cars are to exit the driveway in a slow and cautious manner and are encouraged turn right in order to ease the flow of
The Don’ts:
Cars are not to enter the Kiss and Ride drop-off lane with any speed-they must proceed in a very slow and cautious manner
Cars are not to stop at the entrance of the driveway and let children out-this is a very dangerous and unsafe practice
Please do not attempt to move into the drop-off lane from the drive thru lane, unless directed by a teacher.
Under no circumstances are cars to access the bus lane or park in the bus lane; if you need to enter the school, please use the
parking lot
Do not in park in front of the school in the bus lane. Students are to be dropped off at the Kiss n’ Ride
As cold and flu season approaches, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board continues to be vigilant in ensuring that our
schools are clean and that our school communities are educated regarding good hand hygiene and cough etiquette. These practices
are promoted on an ongoing basis, but as the prevalence of colds and flu increases, our board increases the cleaning of contact surfaces, as well as reminds schools to review cold and flu prevention with students and staff. Many resources are utilized from our regional health units. A reminder, as well, that communicable diseases can be contracted in public places throughout the year. For example, cold-related viruses, such as Enterovirus, are transferred from person to person through hand contact. Cold and flu viruses
typically peak from December through February, but can start as early as October.
STOPR (Student Transportation of Peel Region)
STOPR is providing bus transportation services for the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board. The STOPR website address
is This website provides access to up to date information regarding delayed buses and bus cancellations due to
inclement weather. To check for eligibility for transportation, please access the following website:
STOPR Telephone Contact Information:
Transportation West: 905 890-0614
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Designated Parent
Waiting Zone
It is wonderful that so many parents and guardians accompany their children to school. The Designated Parent Waiting Zone
(D.P.W.Z.) is located in the gravel area just south of the portables and on the path south of the soccer field. We ask that parents and
guardians drop off their children in the school yard area. If parents and guardians would like to wait until the bell rings, please wait in
the D.P.W.Z. Your help and support in keeping the children safe is appreciated.
It is very important that students arrive to school on time and ready to work, as late arrivals disrupt instructional activities and classroom routines. We respectfully request that whether students walk or are driven to school, that they are at school before the bell rings
at 9 am. Once the bell has rung, students who come in through the front doors must get a late slip form the front office. To assist with
monitoring student’s tardiness we will be monitoring the number of times they arrive late. Students should not arrive before 8:45
a.m. since there is no Yard Supervision until that time. We thank you for your continued support.
Daily attendance and punctuality are very important. Thank you to all parents who have been calling the school when your child has
been absent due to an illness or an appointment. Please continue to report a student absence, to the school at 905-821-2607 and
press 1 for attendance. If you are leaving a message, please Speak Clearly, indicate the date, SPELL your child’s name and
indicate your child’s teacher, grade and reason for absence.
In order to keep our students warm and comfortable and to help keep their workplace clean, please ensure that your child has a pair
of “indoor shoes.” This will reduce the amount of dirt and mud brought indoors. It will also assist our custodial staff in keeping our
school clean.
St. Faustina School has continued to use the WITS program. This is a program aimed at helping students learn
strategies to deal with problem situations appropriately and independently.
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Our Junior girls and boys have started their seasons. Both teams are working hard and are hoping to advance to the Family Tournament. Be sure to come out and cheer on the Teams! Go Falcons Go!!!!
Junior Girls & Boys Games:
Tuesday, February 9th
St. Faustina at St. Bernard
Thursday, February 11th
St. Faustina at St. Edith Stein
Thanks to Mrs. Fushino, Mrs. Anstee, Mr. Figliola & Mr. Boles for Coaching
Our intermediate co-ed ice hockey team participated in the All Saints Tournament on Wednesday, January 27th and Monday,
Feburary 1st. Congratulations to all of the members of the team for showing grit and true sportsmanship throughout the tournament. Team members include:
Josh I, Matt T, Julia N, Olivia C, Cheyanne H, James W, Ethan C, Anthony S, Andrew T, Julian I,
Luke K, Lucas B, Francesco N
Thanks to Mr. Daly and Mr. Pendergast for coaching.
Our junior co-ed ice hockey team participated in the All Saints Tournament on Wednesday, January 24th and Thursday, January 25th. Good Luck Team!
Thank you to everyone who donated hockey equipment for our Newbie Hockey League. The Newbie Hockey
League has begun with a great group of students on Friday mornings from 7:30-8:20 a.m. at the Meadowvale 4
Rinks. They will be on the ice for 4 more sessions. This is an exciting time for many students who have not yet
experienced the sport of ice hockey.
On February the 19th, 2016 the Annual St. Faustina Primary Chess Tournament will take place in the school gym for all
students in Grades two and three. This tournament will help to select the top six students who will represent our school
on March 4 at the Mississauga North Family of Schools Annual Chess tournament to be held at Our Lady of Mercy.
Once the Grade Ones have been taught the game a mini-Grade 1 Tournament will follow after March Break.
The Junior and Intermediate Members of the Chess Club will compete in a tournament on Friday February 26th to select our junior and Intermediate School chess teams.
Applications for our Grade 4 parent(s)/guardian(s), who wish to enroll their child in a Grade 5 Extended French class for September,
2016 at St. Theresa of the Child Jesus are due on Tuesday, February 16th, 2016 by 3:00 pm.
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Monday and Friday: Car-Free/Walk to School and Makeover Mondays
All students are encouraged to walk, ride a bike, or skateboard to school. During the winter months, why not buddle up
and walk to school; get some exercise, fresh air and interact with your neighbours! The grade 5 students (in their
bright green t-shirts) will monitor this program by punching the walking card given to all students. A completed walking
card will be rewarded with a shoe with the student’s name on our WALK OF FAME bulletin board by the gym.
Junior or intermediate students can grab a “picker” and bin during morning recess and help pick up litter in the
schoolyard. St. Faustina’s schoolyard will be litter-free!
Tuesday and Thursday: Litterless Lunch
All students are encouraged to pack a lunch with 3 or more reusable containers, including a water bottle (litterless!!). All hallway
drinking fountains have water-bottle filler attachments, so students can refill their water bottle easily! Please remind your child that
if they don’t finish their lunch, they can re-pack it in their reusable container and take it home to eat it later---avoid uneaten
lunches in the garbage and be mindful of those who less fortunate.
Wednesday: Recycling Day
On Wednesday afternoons, eco-reps check, record, and empty classroom recycling bins along with exciting music played over the
PA system!
Thursday: Litterless Lunch
Upcoming Events:
Winter Walk Day - Wednesday, February 3, 2016
National Sweater Day - Thursday, February 4, 2016
Our school area is an idle free zone, just like all of the city of Mississauga. Children are particularly vulnerable to air pollution. So , if
you drive your children to and from school, please turn off your engine when parked outside the school.
Turn Your Key, Be Idle-Free
Please be mindful of the following rules when crossing and parking on the street:
1. Please obey the traffic rules
2. Park where you are supposed to park your car, do not park it illegally.
3. Cross where you are supposed to cross the street, following Sam’s (our crossing guard) directions.
These basic rules will help ensure the safety of our students and all in the community.
Starting January 1st, 2016, drivers (including cyclists) must stop and yield the whole roadway at pedestrian crossovers and at school crossings where there is a crossing guard displaying a school crossing
stop sign. These rules apply at pedestrian crossovers identified with specific signs, road markings and
lights – the new rules do not apply to pedestrian crosswalks at intersections with stop signs or traffic signals, unless a school crossing guard is present.
Drivers and cyclists must wait until children, school crossing guards and all pedestrians have completely crossed the road!
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Social Media Awareness Presentation at St. Barbara School
Thursday February 11, 2016 @ 7:00pm
Social media seems to be everywhere - computers at home, at school, at work, and in our phones. Its availability is changing social and human behaviour and
how we document the world around us. It offers opportunities for communication and information sharing. It's a wonderful way to stay in touch with friends & loved
ones and the world around us. So many benefits. Sadly, as parents, we know there are many risks as well - but do you know all of them? Do your kids?
Social media is a reality our kids are growing up with and we need to help them understand the risks and what steps need to be taken to stay safe in this new
To address some of these challenges, St. Barbara's School Council is hosting a social media awareness night for parents. On Thursday February 11th from 78:30pm please join us for a presentation on social media from Steve Chapelle. Parents will learn methods for improving privacy and minimizing risks to kids AND
the family as a whole.
Steve will examine social media activities from both Android and iOS perspectives.
Seating is limited so please RSVP by copying and paste the following link in your web browser:
Light refreshments (tea & coffee) will be served.
The event is free for everyone to attend but we do ask that if you are able to, please make a donation of a non-perishable food item.
Thanks and we hope to see you there!
National Walk to School day on February 3rd
Pope Francis’ latest Encyclical on the environment invites us to be ‘Stewards of the Earth’. The National Walk to School Day provides an opportunity to
reduce gas emissions and answer our Catholic call to care for God’s Creation. Traffic congestion continues to be a concern in many of our schools; health
and safety of our students are paramount concerns in these times. Dufferin-Peel CDSB has worked with a variety of community partners such as Peel
Regional Police, Peel School board, Peel Health, Bike Brampton, to promote walking and biking to school with continued momentum. The benefits of walking and physical activity is positively linked to physical and mental health as well as academic performance. This is also a time to emphasize importance
of using Kiss’n Ride safely, reducing traffic congestion and finding alternative ways of getting to school.
Video links:
Walk & Bike to School in Peel - Get Fit!
Safety is Everyone's Responsibility
Walk & Bike to School in Peel - Academic Benefits
Big Box of Cards Fundraiser
Thank you for supporting St. Faustina’s Big Box of Cards fundraiser 2016! A reminder that our campaign runs from Jan 29 to February 16, 2016.
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St. Faustina School
The St. Faustina Catholic School Council is comprised of parents, school faculty members (teaching and non-teaching) and an appointed parish community representative.
Vice Principal
All our invited to our next Catholic School Council (CSC) meeting on Wednesday,
March 2nd at 7:00 p.m. in the school library.
A. Milanetti
E. Oliveira
Head Secretary
C. Walters
Assistant Secretary
P. DeSousa
Head Custodian
S. Rochon
School Council Chair
Reports will be sent home on Tuesday, February 2, 2016.
Interviews will be take place on the evening of Thursday, February 4, 2016 and during
the day on Friday, February 5, 2016.
Dufferin-Peel CDSB
Follow us @StFaustDPCDSB
For the latest board news and information, follow
Director of Education
M. Mazzorato 905-890-1221
This year St. Faustina is participating in the ‘Adopt a School’ program in partnership
with the Mississauga Steelheads hockey team. Fill out and return the ballot below to be
entered into a draw to win tickets. Students are reminded to only select games that
they know they are able to attend. We will offer tickets for the following games:
J. Van der Zee-Poelking
Associate Director
J. Hrajnik 905-890-1221
Associate Director
S. McWatters 905-890-1221
T. Cruz 905-890-1221
E. O’Toole 905-812-5163
St. Josephine Bakhita Parish
Temporarily located at St. Joan of Arc
Secondary School
3801 Thomas St.
Parish Office: 289-997-2105
1. Choose a Game or Games
Friday, February 12 @ 7:30 p.m. vs. Erie Otters
Monday, February 15 @ 2:00 p.m. vs. Sudbury Wolves
Pastoral Team
Sunday, February 19 @ 7:30 p.m. vs. North Bay Battalion
Fr. Mark Villanueva
Friday, February 26 @ 7:30 p.m. vs. Owen Sound Attack
Friday, March 4 @ 7:30 p.m. vs. Oshawa Generals
Sunday, March 6 @ 2:00 p.m. vs. Sudbury Wolves
2. Fill in your name ____________________________________
3. Who is your teacher: _________________________________
Return this ballot to the office for your chance to win!
February 2016
Peel Health Vac- Report Cads Go
Winter Walk to
School Day
-Sweater Day
Interview Day—
No School for
Pizza Lunch
Jr. Boys & Girls
Basketball @ St.
-Ash Wed. Cele-
-Grade 8’s Gradua- -Valentine’s Day
bration @ 10:30
tion Photos Day
Shove Tuesday
-8’s @ Dr. Simone
Family Day—No
School for Students
-Grade 4 Extend- Pizza Lunch
ed French Applications Due
-Jr. Boys & Girls
Basketball @ St.
Edith Stein
-Lunch Pails
-Pizza Envelope
Grade 1’s are
going to Stephanie’s Place
—5 & 6’s going to
Ripley’s Aquarium
-Primary Chess
-Family Movie
Night @ 6:30 pm
Grade 5-8 @ 1:45
Pizza Lunch
Dance (Wear
Pink, Red, White)
Jr. Hockey Tour- -Virtues Assembly
Grade 1-4 @ 1:15
-Big Box of Card
Fundraiser Completion
Lunch Pails
-Pizza Lunch
-Used Book Sale
Jr. & Intermediate Chess Tournament
-Jr. Hockey TournaLunch Pails
The “GOOD DINOSAUR” is making its way to St. Faustina on Friday February 19,
2016. Join us during this once a year event for the whole family. Admission is free and
order forms for tickets and refreshments will be sent home soon!
Friday February 19 @ St. Faustina