St. Faustina School Administrator’s Message


September 2015

Inside this Issue:

Safety and Security

-Absence Reporting

-School Late Policy

-Medic Alert/Medication


-Kiss n’ Ride


-CSC Elections


St. Faustina School

3420 McDowell Drive Mississauga, ON L5M 6R7

Tel. 905-821-2607


Administrator’s Message


I t is with great pleasure and excitement that we welcome both new and returning students, staff, and families to another school year. We extend our best wishes to Mr. Sbrocchi, his leadership has left its mark on the school and is greatly appreciated. The staff has been hard at work planing, preparing curriculum materials, and creating faith-filled and welcoming learning environments for all our students. A huge ‘thank-you’ is extended to our custodial staff, Mr. S. Rochon,

Mrs. E. Latcu, and Mrs. A. Powezka for their many hours of work over the summer - the school looks wonderful! Mrs. Walters, our new head secretary and Mrs. DeSousa have also worked countless hours to ensure that the 2015-2016 school year will be a great success – their unstinting commitment and dedication to St. Faustina is both a gift and blessing to our school.

Welcome back to our staff: Mrs. Anstee and Miss A. Romano. We also welcome staff new to

St. Faustina School: Mr. R. Bartolamiol, Ms. Sciuk and Mrs. Walters.

Our student population is declining slightly; we have approximately 550 students at the school.

Therefore, all staff assignments and student placements will remain tentative until the end of the first two weeks of school.

In the event that the school has to be reorganized due to unpredictable enrolment trends, this will take place on September 18, 2015, a PA DAY. Open

House will be held on Thursday, September 24 2015 with information being sent home with students in September. Further school information can be found in our monthly newsletter and on the school website.

The staff of St. Faustina School is looking forward to working with all parents, students and community members in the coming year, as, together, we embrace the task of guiding students on the path of learning and achievement. As we move forward in the coming days and weeks, we welcome your input and involvement in the learning of your children. If you have any questions, feel free to contact your child(ren)’s teacher(s) or the office.

Ms. A. Milanetti & Mr. E. Oliveira

Dear Lord, as we begin this new school year, we gather once again as your community of believers.

We thank you for the energy and the spirit that you renewed in us through the summer months.

We thank you for the time to enjoy our family and friends and to reflect on what is important in our lives.

Let this year be marked by enthusiasm and love so that, with the inspiration of your Spirit, we may continue to grow in our faith.

Help us to fulfill Your hope for us with honest intentions and works of faith.

Let us be gentle with ourselves and bring laughter, joy and love to others.

We ask this in your name.



What has been the history of Catholic education in the Dufferin-Peel Region ?

Catholic schools were fundamental in the early development of our region. With the support of local parishes, bishops and parents, Catholic schools were formed as an expansion of a world view differing from other schools. In 1837 in Mono Township

(Dufferin County), a school was dedicated and housed at St. Cyprian Church. Later, a log church housed a local Catholic school at St. Patrick’s in Melanchthon Township. In 1864, the first formal Catholic school was developed in Melanchthon Township. In Peel, Catholic schools were formed well before confederation as an expression of the Catholic communities developing in out region.


First Reconciliation and First Communion Registration will be held on the weekends of September 19, 20 and 26, 27th, and Oct 3, 4 before and after all the Masses at St. Joan of Arc School.

Confirmation Registration letters from the parish and a confirmation date will be announced shortly.


Our annual Terry Fox Run will take place on Friday, September 25 th . The rain date will occur on Monday, September the 28th if needed. More details about this important event will follow.

National Walk to School Day

Pope Francis’ latest Encyclical on the environment invites us to be ‘Stewards of the

Earth’. The National Walk to School Day on October 7th, 2015 provides an opportunity to reduce gas emissions and answer our Catholic call to care for God’s Creation. St. Faustina has been selected to work with community partners, including the

Peel Regional Police, to encourage other options, such as, having students walk or bike to school, in an effort to decrease traffic and increase physical activity. If successful, the campaign will help to reduce the number of vehicles at drop off and pickup times and help keep our students safe. This campaign aligns with the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board’s focus on Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations in conjunction with the Education Ministry’s ‘Healthy Schools’ initiative.

'A Child’s overall physical activity is linked to physical and mental health as well as academic performance'.

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Y our child will be receiving a package which contains a number of forms requiring your attention. Of particular importance is the Information Verification Form. We ask that you take a few minutes and check over this information to ensure that it is accurate. Please make any changes needed directly onto the sheet and return to your child’s teacher this week. Please add area codes for all phone numbers. There is also a section on the form that must be filled out if you would like to receive school communication via e-mail. ALL

SHEETS NEED TO BE RETURNED TO THE SCHOOL as soon as possible, even if there are no corrections needed.

It is very important that we have accurate phone numbers and emergency contact persons in case we need to contact you in an emergency.


The safety and security of all children in our care is one of our prime concerns. In order to ensure safety and security all schools in

Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board have been retrofitted with an entry buzzer system. We are asking all visitors to the school, including parents, to come to the office through the front door, ring the buzzer and wait for a response.

Please be patient while waiting for a response and be ready to state your name and reason for entry. No parents should be accessing the school through any other doors. This will allow us to welcome you and to ask you to sign in at the office and to wear a tag as a visitor or volunteer while in the building. In addition to ensuring the security of the children in the school, this will allow the staff to get to know parents more quickly. We ask for your cooperation in making this system work.


Please be mindful that many students in our school have severe life threatening allergic reactions to peanuts, peanut butter, peanut oils, legumes, eggs, fish and other foods and substances – we ask that you are careful when providing lunches and snacks for your child(ren) and their classes. As in the past, a written communication is sent home to parents of children notifying them of the nature of a life-threatening allergy when it is specific to their child’s classroom.

Board policy also dictates that all food taken to school must be consumed indoors (this includes snacks, lunches, etc.). Time will be provided for children to consume their snacks and lunches within their classrooms. Your continued cooperation in support of our efforts to create a safe and healthy learning environment for all is greatly appreciated.


The No Child Without program offers a free MedicAlert membership to students who attend our school and are between the ages of 4 to 14. If your child has a medical condition, allergy or is required to take medication on a regular basis, then you should consider a

MedicAlert membership through this program. For further information pick up a brochure at the school office, or visit

. If your child is already part of the program but his/her medical condition or contact information has changed, call 1-866-679-3220.


Some of our students require medication during the school day. All medication is to be stored in the office except where directed by a physician. Board Policy requires that we have signed request/authorization forms from the parents and the supervising physician in the office. These forms are available in the office. We have sent information home to each parent in this situation that we have been made aware of and encourage you to follow up. If you have not received these forms, especially for epi-pens, please contact the office. In some cases of asthma, the doctor may advise that a student should carry a puffer. We comply with advice of doctors in these situations, but we must be made aware of the arrangements.

When medication is approved for storage, it must be labeled with the student name, name of medication, prescription information and dosage. The medication is to be brought to the school in the bottle that was provided by the pharmacist. Please do not have students deliver medication to the office; it should be brought in by an adult. Medication that is sent to school without the proper documentation will not be stored or dispensed by school personnel. This also applies to over-the counter medications such as, Tylenol, aspirin, ibuprofen, cough medicine, Benadryl, allergy medications.

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Please follow these guidelines when using the Kiss and Ride program at St.Faustina:

The Dos:

Children are to be dropped off or picked up, using the drop off lane between the hours of 8:45 and 9:00 am and 3:30-3:45 pm.

Full day Kindergarten children will be able to be picked up, using the drop off lane at 3:15 pm to alleviate volume andtraffic flow at the end of the day. If your child is not picked before 3:30 pm, you will be asked to park your car.

As cars enter the school driveway, please turn right and proceed in a slow and cautious manner , around the perimeter of our parking lot. The drop off and pick up lane is directly in front of the kindergarten yard.

Students are no longer dropped off or picked up in front of the school. This lane is reserved for buses only.

Children are to exit the car in a safe and careful manner, with their backpacks ready to avoid a long wait time in the drop off lanethe children will be assisted by a teacher if assistance is required. Children are to exit the vehicle on the right side of the car, onto the landing, for safety purposes.

Cars are to exit the driveway in a slow and cautious manner and are encouraged turn right in order to ease the flow of traffic.

The Don’ts:

Cars are not to enter the Kiss and Ride drop-off lane with any speed-they must proceed in a very slow and cautious manner

Cars are not to stop at the entrance of the driveway and let children out-this is a very dangerous and unsafe practice

Please do not attempt to move into the drop-off lane from the drive thru lane, unless directed by a teacher.

 Under no circumstances are cars to access the bus lane or park in the bus lane; if you need to enter the school, please use the parking lot



Please be mindful of the following rules when crossing and parking on the street:

1. Please obey the traffic rules

2. Park where you are supposed to park your car, do not park it illegally.

3. Cross where you are supposed to cross the street, following Sam’s (our crossing guard) directions.

These basic rules will help ensure the safety of our students and all in the community.

STOPR (Student Transportation of Peel Region)

STOPR is providing bus transportation services for the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board. The STOPR website address is

. This website provides access to up to date information regarding delayed buses and bus cancellations due to inclement weather. To check for eligibility for transportation, please access the following website:


Eligibility for Transportation is based on distance criteria established by the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board Policy.

Students residing within their school’s attendance boundary and living in excess of the following distance criteria from their school are eligible for transportation: Kindergarten to Grade 1: 1.0 km , Grades 2 to 4: 1.6 km and Grades 5 to 8: 2. km

STOPR Telephone Contact Information :

Transportation West: 905 890-0614

Special Education Transportation: 905 890-6362

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Courtesy Seat Request for Bussing

Courtesy bus seat request forms will be available in the office as of September 14th. Please note that the courtesy seat procedure will not be granted until October and that space is limited. Please note if your child received a courtesy seat during the 2014-2015 school year a new application form must be submitted.

Family Literacy Workshops

This year St. Faustina will continue to partner with the Region of Peel to provide families with free Family Literacy Workshops.

Family Literacy Workshops are aimed to support home literacy practices by providing tips and resources to support development for children age 0 6 years. The workshops will provide opportunities for: Storytelling and rhymes, Key messages on early literacy, Interactive activity and Resources and snacks.

The workshops will take place in the school’s library every Tuesday from 6:30 8:00 p.m. starting October 6 th and ending December 1 st

. You may register for the program by calling 905 791 1585 x 7222 or online at

Federal Elections

St. Faustina has been selected as a an Advance Polling site on on October 9, 10, 11 and 12 and a polling location for the upcoming Federal Elections on Monday October 19 th .


The year’s timetable of the school day is outlined below. We strive to have large, uninterrupted blocks of time as these types of instructional periods will allow students to benefit from sustained literacy instruction, incorporating the principles of comprehensive and cross-curricular literacy instruction.


8:45 am.-9:00 am.

9:00 a.m.

9:00 a.m.– 11:06 a.m.

11:06 a.m.—11:21 a.m.

11:21 a.m.—12:01 p.m.

12:01 p.m.—1:01 p.m.

1:01 p.m.—2:24 p.m.

2:24 p.m.—2:39 p.m.

2:39 p.m.—3:30 p.m.

3:30 p.m.


FDK Staggered Entry

School Day Begins

Instructional Period 1


Instructional Period 2


Instructional Period 3


Instructional Period 4


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Designated Parent

Waiting Zone

Former Portables

It is wonderful that so many parents and guardians accompany their children to school. The Designated Parent Waiting Zone

(D.P.W.Z.) is located in the gravel area just south of where the portables used to be and on the path south of the soccer field. We ask that parents and guardians drop off their children in the school yard area. If parents and guardians would like to wait until the bell rings, please wait in the D.P.W.Z. Your help and support in keeping the children safe is appreciated.


It is very important that students arrive to school on time and ready to work, as late arrivals disrupt instructional activities and classroom routines. We respectfully request that whether students walk or are driven to school, that they are at school before the bell rings at 9 am. Once the bell has rung, students who come in through the front doors must get a late slip form the front office. To assist with monitoring student’s tardiness we will be monitoring the number of times they arrive late. Students should not arrive before 8:45 a.m.

since there is no Yard Supervision until that time . Any student who arrives late, after 9:00am, will be serving a 5min recess detention. If they continue to arrive late to school, the time of detention will increase. Please note that this does not apply to students who are arriving to school later due to appointments. We thank you for your continued support.


Daily attendance and punctuality are very important. Thank you to all parents who have been calling the school when your child has been absent due to an illness or an appointment. Please continue to report a student absence, to the school at 905-821-2607 and press 1 for attendance. If you are leaving a message, please Speak Clearly , indicate the Date , SPELL your child’s name and indicate your child’s teacher, grade and reason for absence.


PLASP Child Care Services operates Before and After School Programs at this school. The Before School Program operates from

7:30 a.m. until school start. A nutritious breakfast is served daily. The After School Program runs from the end of the school day until 6:00 p.m. Children participate in recreational activities, are served a nutritious snack daily and have time for homework. Fee assistance is available. To register your child, visit the PLASP Program Director, Before or After School. For further information, call

905.890.1711 or visit the website at


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Every student from grades 1-8 is receiving a Student Agenda . Thanks to our school fundraising efforts and the generosity of Catholic School Council, the cost of the agenda is fully subsidized. Parents are encouraged to read and review expectations outlined in the agenda with their children. These student agendas act as an organizer for students and a communication tool between school and home. All students are expected to use these agendas daily.


P lease examine the student insurance information sent to you and please sign and return the form acknowledging receipt of the information. Parents may send the completed forms directly to the insurance company if they wish coverage. In addition, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board does not provide accident insurance coverage for student injuries that occur on school premises or during school activities. You may purchase coverage for your child at

or by calling toll free at 1

-800-463-KIDS (5437). Information about Student Accident Insurance will be available to parents/guardians on the Board’s Internet

Main Page under the header “Parents.”


If you plan to drop off your child’s lunch, please assist us in efficient distribution by reminding your child to come to the front foyer at lunch time. A table in the front foyer will be available for the lunch drop-off. Please use the lunch labels found at the lunch table to label the lunch bag with your child’s name and teacher/grade. A reminder that students who regularly stay for lunch are NOT permitted to leave school property without a signed and dated note from parents each time they wish to leave school grounds. Students must sign-out and sign-in at the office if they are leaving the school.

Thank you for supporting this important safety routine.


St. Faustina’s varsity and intramural sports programs will quickly take flight in the month of September.

Our student athletes will be involved in the following sporting activities:

Cross Country Training – Grades 4-8

Competitive Team Volleyball

Thanks to all staff who will be leading these teams as coaches.


The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school from September 21 until the 24th. This is an important fundraiser for our school library. We invite you to share in this celebration of books and reading with us. Your child will receive a Highlights Flyer. You may choose to purchase books from the flyer. Simply fill in the Wish List on the back and forward the correct amount of money to school with your child. You may also come in and browse our collection during our family buying times (they will be posted on the school website) and you are invited to join us for our Family

Event Evening, Thursday, September 24, from 5:30pm – 8:00pm, where you’ll find books for every person in your family.


Ms. Odo’s room will be running the Milk and Cookie Program and Snack Shack this year.

The students and staff in Ms. Odo’s class would like to thank you for your continued support. All products sold in both programs are in accordance with the food and beverage policy. Please watch for further information to come home.

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Catholic School Council Resource Handbook

The Catholic School Council Resource Handbook has been updated to bring it in line with Ont. Reg. 612/00, Ont. Reg. 298 and with

Board Policy 4.01, Catholic School Councils (February 24th, 2015). The updated document, Catholic School Council Procedures and

By-Laws , is now housed on the Dufferin-Peel website . All copies of the Catholic School Council Resource Handbook must be discarded as it is no longer valid.

Below is the path to access the updated Catholic School Council Procedures and By Laws:

Catholic Communities

Central Committee for Catholic School Councils

CSC Procedures & Bylaws (top toolbar)

The electronic binder has been set up using the same section numbers and titles as the handbook. An interactive index in each section will take a searcher straight to the information being sought. Fillable forms have been created to use for Catholic school council elections and to complete the Catholic School Council Annual Report and the Catholic School Council Annual Survey.

St. Faustina Fall Fundraiser

As we begin a new school year, we are bringing back our fundraising initiative for 2015-2016. This initiative gives parents the opportunity to make a direct contribution to the school, in addition to participating in other fundraising efforts throughout the year.

Your contribution will support enhancements to the core curriculum at St. Faustina that are identified by administration and Catholic

School Council members including but not limited to:

 Full Subsidy of Agendas for students in grades 1-8

 Subsidy of School Trips and In-school Presentations (i.e. Scientists in the School)

 School wide programs such as PALS, Performers and Guest Speakers

 Athletic Equipment (equipment, jerseys, playground materials)

 Support for the Arts (talent shows, musicals, public speaking)

 Sacramental Support (First Communion, Reconciliation, Confirmation)

 Special events (Graduation, Advent Mass, Play day, Skating)

 Technology Enhancement

It is our hope that this will be our primary fundraiser for the year. However, we will continue with other fundraising initiatives such as Pizza Days. We will also continue to explore other potential smaller-scale initiatives (to be determined).

We are suggesting a donation of $30 per child or $75 per family. Of course, any amount that you feel comfortable donating would be accepted and greatly appreciated. 100% of all funds raised goes back to the school and benefits the students.

Can we count on your support?

To make a donation, through your child’s classroom teacher, please complete the attached donation form and attach a cheque

(made out to the St. Faustina Catholic School) and return in the envelope provided by September 30, 2015. Please ensure all required fields are completed in full, including postal code. A tax receipt will be issued for any donations of $25 or more.

Thank you in advance for your continued support and generosity.

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Esther O’Toole, Trustee Ward 9 and 10 Mississauga

Dear Lord, please bless us as we begin this new school year and guide us to be your beacons of light on earth.

Welcome to everyone including our new students and their families. To our Full Day Kindergarten parents who are joining us for the first time I thank you for choosing a Catholic education for your child or children.

We endeavor to give all our students the desire to learn so as to better understand God's world in a respectful, non-threatening environment. This is fundamental to our philosophy of Catholic education.

A special welcome to our grade nine students who are now on a new adventure. Your four years will fly by.

Take advantage of all the great opportunities that are offered to you. We are very proud of our Link Crew and

Get Ready for Secondary School programs. Never be afraid to ask questions. I hope that you have a Link

Crew Leader to help you along the way.

To our grade twelve students - I wish you all the best in your last year of Catholic secondary school. You will be thinking about college, university, apprenticeships or the world of work. This is the time you have been waiting for –senior students! I hope you make the best of this exciting year.

Your Board of Trustees has approved a balanced operating budget of $922, 901,010 with 89.7 % of this budget going to salaries and benefits. We have 149 schools, 84,000 students and 10,000 employees. We are the second largest Catholic school board in the province. We have very strong links to our parishes so we will see our priests visit our schools as well as many of our students will visit our parishes for Mass and the sacraments.

We are blessed that our priests make a special effort to visit with our students.

If you have transportation questions please remember you can call STOPR at 905-890-6000 or 1-800-668-

1140 or check our web site at

. Click on schools and then student transportation. Transportation was removed from the trustees’ purview under Bill 177 several years ago.

Parents, please support and join your

Catholic School Council

. It is a great opportunity for input and better understanding of what is happening in education both locally and provincially. You will be amazed at how much you will learn and how much you can contribute to your child’s school.

Please do not hesitate to contact me. I wish you the very best for this school year and always.

May the good Lord always hold you in the palm of His hand.

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St. Faustina School


A. Milanetti

Vice Principal

E. Oliveira

Head Secretary

C. Walters

Assistant Secretary

P. De Sousa

Head Custodian

S. Rochon

School Council Chair

J. Van der Zee-Poelking

Dufferin-Peel CDSB


Director of Education

J. Kostoff 905-890-1221

Associate Director

John Hrajnik 905-890-1221

Associate Director

S. McWatters 905-890-1221


T. Cruz 905-890-1221


E. O’Toole 905-812-5163


St. Josephine Bakhita Parish

Temporarily located at St. Joan of

Arc Secondary School

3801 Thomas St.

Parish Office: 289-997-2105

Pastoral Team

Fr. Mark Villanueva


The annual St. Faustina Open House/Curriculum evening is scheduled for Thursday , September 24, 2015, from 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

The evening will be comprised of our traditional barbecue, from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m., followed by classroom visits. We are looking forward to meeting all parents/guardians and families. A letter/order form will be sent home with your child, if wish to purchase a Hot Dog, Hamburger, Vegetarian Burger, Drink, Chips, or Popcorn please complete the order form and return the order and money to the school.


All our invited to our 1st Catholic School Council (CSC) meeting on Tuesday September 29 th at

7:00 pm in the school library. At this meeting we will only be holding the Catholic School Council Election, in accordance with Ministry requirements. We ask all parents to consider taking on an active role in the school council for the next school year. Nomination Forms can be picked up at the school office. All nominations will be closed one week prior to the election on September the 22nd, 2015. Your children will benefit from your involvement.


Follow us @StFaustDPCDSB

For the latest board news and information, follow




All volunteers must have an up to date Criminal Reference Check. If you volunteer to assist in a classroom activity in the school or volunteer to go on a class excursion, you will need to have a

Criminal Reference Check (CRC). In the past this was only required for volunteers who frequently came into the school to support with school programs. The new protocol, states that even if you are only volunteering for a one time event to go on a class trip or assist in a inschool activity, you will need to also have a CRC. Volunteer CRCs are free of charge. Please pass by the office to pick up a form. The form does need to be signed by the Principal or Vice

Principal. Once you receive your CRC, please submit it to the office. If you already have a valid

CRC, please present it at the office and we will make a copy for our records.

Thank you for your cooperation.

PED/ Rollerblade Policies

The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board acknowledges the value of the use of technology to support learning. Dufferin-Peel’s newly revised policy indicates that students will be permitted to register and use personal electronic devices (PEDs) on board premises and/or at sanctioned events for educational purposes, under the direction off staff per the Personal Electronic Device Used With Wi-Fi Network Student Agreement, which includes parental permission as appropriate. The use of personal electronic devices during school-sanctioned activities for designated purposes outside of instructional spaces and/or in common areas may be authorized by the school principal (or designate).

Over the course of the 2015/2016 school year, all schools will be provided with the opportunity for the students to bring their Personal Electronic Devices onto school premises for educational purposes. This opportunity is being phased in throughout the month of October. Further information regarding PED and Wi-Fi use access will follow in the upcoming weeks.

To enhance student safety, use of skateboards or rollerblades by students is strictly prohibited on school property.
