February 2014 Vol. 14 Issue 2 St. Marguerite d’Youville S.S. School Newsletter Rolling into 2014... St. Marguerite d’Youville S.S. • 10815 Dixie Road, Brampton Ontario Canada L6R 2W5 Tel: (905)789.5560 • Fax: (905) 789.1143 Twitter: www.twitter.com/dytweets • Website: www.dpcdsb.org/dyouv Page 2 Principal Kevin Greco Vice Principals Anthony Marcellino (A-F) James Chambers (G-O) Frances Campese (P-Z) Chaplain Tony Whelan Student Services Corrine Maury (A-DaSilva) Claudio DiFederico (Date-Ki) Alda Domingues (Kn-Pr) Lina D’Onofrio (Pu-Z) Head Secretary Mrs. Paralovos Guidance Secretary Mrs. Contardi Budget Secretary Mrs. Amatruda Attendance Secretary Mrs. King Assistant Secretary Mrs. Curtis Assistant Attendance Secretary Ms. Erminia Frisoli Director of Education John Kostoff Superintendent of Schools Les Storey Trustee Scott McLauchlan School Council Chairs Liane Fernandes Janice Gordon Newsletter Editors Peter Yan Frances Campese School Motto: To Trust, To Risk, To Love, To Serve St. Marguerite d’Youville S.S. ~ Winter 2014 Principal’s Message Welcome to the February 2014 edition of Paws and Reflect! “Unfortunately the view of many in society, government, business and media see education as a place to acquire tools that will improve the chance of success later in life. The specific purpose of Catholic Education is the formation of boys and girls who will be good citizens of the world, loving God and neighbour and enriching society with the leaven of the Gospel and who will also be citizens of the world to come, thus fulfilling their destiny to become saints.” --Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB When we begin to plan for a new semester we reflect back on WHY we teach. Archbishop Miller defines the purpose of Catholic Education so eloquently. Although we work very hard to give students the skills and knowledge to be successful now and in the future, education is a more holistic endeavor. As stated in the Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations our hope is that our students will become discerning believers, effective communicators as well as creative and holistic thinkers. They will be selfdirected and responsible, lifelong learners. We hope that as caring family members and responsible citizens they will collaboratively and positively contribute to society. They will be citizens who will act morally, live ethically and make informed decisions. These skills along with their academic skills in numeracy, literacy and other academic areas will prepare them for a prosperous future. We have enjoyed a wonderful array of events at the school during the first semester. We raised $15 000 for Share Life at our annual walkathon and shortly after that another $7000 for woman’s cancer research at our 1stAnnual PINK football game. More recently, and in partnership with our parish, we once again were able to help so many families in a very successful Christmas Basket campaign. We hosted an outstanding Christmas concert and dance performance, a very memorable Remembrance Day presentation and our Coop Department organized another successful COOP Fair. These are only a few of the amazing things happening at d’Youville. All of our sports teams continue to flourish and once again student Council has been very busy organizing so many fun events for our students. Black History Month celebrations have already begun. Throughout this month we will take time to celebrate and recognize the stories, achievements and contributions of Black Canadians. All Canadians have contributed to the same social and historical narrative that has created Canada. If we ignore any one of these stories, then our complete Canadian story is weakened. Our role as Canadians and as Catholics is to honour the contributions of all in the creation and development of Canada. We look forward to an exciting semester ahead. In February, Anthony McLean is visiting our school bringing his message of preventing bullying, racism and discrimination. Our robotics team is preparing for the provincial competition in March. Staff and students have organized financial literacy workshops and presentation for April and as always we celebrate Catholic Education week and d’Youville Drama week in May. Our graduating grade 12 class will soon be preparing for both prom and graduation in June. Looks to be another wonderful semester here at d’Youville. Have a great semester! Mr. K. Greco PAWS & REFLECT Vol. 14 Issue 2 Page 3 Chaplain’s Message “I have come that you may have life and have it to the full.” —John 10:10 Our cafeteria is beautifully decorated with images of high school life: sports, academics, service, music, drama, and all the other things that we do here. There is so much going on at our school; there is something for everyone! Those who get involved are living life and experiencing the joy of learning to the full. We do well to pause and reflect and to ask the question: Have you been making the most of your time here? Each person will have to answer that for themselves. Whatever has been in the past, let's look to the future. What is coming up this second semester? Here are some of the main events. There are three overnight events that I invite you to consider taking part in. Mark the dates. March 27th and 28th there will be an overnight retreat for the grade twelve students who choose to attend. Grade twelve is a very special time; it is a turning point. This is an ideal opportunity to take some time to reflect on where you have been, where God has been in it all, and where you are going from here. April 4th and 5th is our overnight fast at the school. Students will go without food for twenty-four hours in order to get a small taste of what it is like for so many hungry people around the world. We will raise money for the poor, learn a lot and have a lot of fun all at the same time. May 8th and 9th we will load up a bus for Ottawa to participate in the annual March for Life. We will join tens of thousands from across Canada as we make a stand for life and against abortion. We are pro- life and we intend to march as if someone's life depended on it. These are just a few of the big events going on. Let's not forget that God is just as present in every moment and in every small event as well. Retreats, liturgies and regular private prayer are all times when we make an intentional effort to become more aware of and present to our God who is always aware of and present to us. Page 4 St. Marguerite d’Youville S.S. ~ Winter 2014 The Dufferin-Peel Catholic Institute for International Education in collaboration with the Canadian Education Exchange Foundation, are pleased to offer students attending schools in Dufferin-Peel the incredible opportunity to study overseas. Students in Grades 9 to 12 and their parents/guardians are invited to a special information evening on: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 7:00 – 8:00 pm St. Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic Learning Centre 3566 South Common Court Erin Mills, Mississauga (next to St. Ignatius Loyola Catholic Church) Exchanges are available for one month this summer and for 2 or 3 months during the 2014–2015 school year. Full details will be provided about the application process, costs and participating countries. As well, a representative from the Canadian Education Exchange Foundation will be present to answer any questions parents/guardians and students may have. Don’t miss out on learning about this life changing opportunity. If you are unable to attend and would like additional information please see the Canadian Education Exchange Foundation website at www.ceef.ca or contact Rita Borg, Principal of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic Institute for International Education at (905) 412-3341, extension 31460. We look forward to seeing you at the information night! Now Accepting Applications The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board is uniqueness of each member of our community now accepting applications from international students, staff, parents, and parish. As a school students who wish to study in our outstanding community we are greatly enriched by this diversity. elementary and secondary schools. Education means the world to us. The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board (DPCDSB) is Ontario’s second largest Catholic school board operating 149 school facilities (including 123 elementary and 26 secondary schools) throughout Mississauga, Brampton, Caledon and Orangeville. Schools are connected to and supported by Catholic parishes and our faith. Opening minds to a better world. Located just west of the City of Toronto, on the north shore of Lake Ontario, and less than a 90 minute drive to Niagara Falls and the U.S. border, Dufferin-Peel is home to the Toronto Pearson International Airport, Canada’s largest airport with non-stop service to 180 destinations in 60 countries around the world. Plus, the region boasts an extensive network of local and regional train and bus services with direct connections to 16 universities and colleges within a 60 kilometer radius. Internationally recognized for excellence in education. One of the truly defining characteristics of a DufferinPeel education is the diversity that comes with having Students wishing to apply to our International a student body from over 150 countries. We Education programs are encouraged to visit our celebrate both our internationalism and the website at www.dpcdsb.org/CEC/Programs/ PAWS & REFLECT Vol. 14 Issue 2 Page 5 Student Services used more extensively in the 2014/2015 school year and beyond. Please take a look at it! Registration for the 20142015 school year is now complete. If your son or daughter has not registered for the upcoming school year they must come to guidance A.S.A.P to pick up a registration form. Registration form and activity fee payment can be made anytime in the guidance office. For students who have completed registration, verification forms will be sent home the week of March 3rd. Please check over course selections and personal information carefully. Students will have the week of March 3rd until March 7th to request any course changes. All course changes require a parent signature. Personal information can be updated at any time in the guidance office. Students planning to return for a fifth year of high school will need to complete a fifth year application form. These forms can be obtained from the guidance office. All fifth year applicants are subject to the approval of the vice-principal. B y now all students at St Marguerite d’Youville should have set up an account and have access to the My Blueprint Educational Planner Website. The website is a valuable resource to use when your child is reviewing course selections, planning an educational pathway or simply researching post secondary options. Your son/ daughter should become familiar with the website as it will be Grade twelve students who are planning to attend college or university in the fall have hopefully completed the application process. Application deadlines for equal consideration was: University-January 15th Colleges-February 1st Colleges and Universities will continue to accept applications throughout second semester so don’t delay if that is your destination come September. A -DaSilva Mrs. Maury Date-Ki Kn-Pr Mr. DiFederico Ext. 79011 Ms. Domingues Ext. 79016 Ext. 79012 Pu-Z Mrs. D,Onofrio Ext 79010 Congratulations to Mr. Gray on his retirement. Ms. D’Onofrio with Mr. Gray Page 6 St. Marguerite d’Youville S.S. ~ Winter 2014 d’Youville Drama DRAMA CLASSES Second semester sees the return of the grade 11/12 Dramatic Arts students. The class will taken on various units of study including Voice, Approaches to Acting, and Directing. We would also like to welcome a new group of grade 9 and 10 students. We wish them well as they enter world of d’Youville Drama. Grade 10 CPT Greetings from d'Youville Drama! As we start the new semester and bear the sub-zero (and falling) temperatures, we celebrate new beginnings and the start of new endeavours. Let’s get you caught up, shall we? FIELD TRIP In December, our first semester students had the opportunity to take in a show put on by our favourite theatre company Soulpepper Theatre. The production, Parfumerie, (the basis for the classic film The Shop Around The Corner, and the modern remake You’ve Got Mail) was a romantic-comedy that had the students in stitches. After the show, we were lucky enough to speak with the actors and director, to gain some insight as to the process behind the production. It was a wonderful day, complete with a visit to the Annual Christmas Market in the Distillery District in downtown Toronto. EXTRA-CURRICULAR Casting for our upcoming spring production has been completed. Over 100 talented students came out for the three days of auditions. The cast and crew of the show are beginning regular rehearsals in the original show (could it be a musical?). Our students are excited and eager to share a new story with a few surprises… That’s all we have for this edition - we look forward to the experiences of the semester ahead. Good luck to all as we start anew once again! —Mr. Paul Gr. 9 Mirrors PAWS & REFLECT Vol. 14 Issue 2 W e can finally take a deep breath and relax now that CPTs and exams are over, but our hard work should not stop just because deadlines are no longer looming. Now is time for a brand new beginning! Remember, if you complete a small task in each of your courses every day, you will not be so stressed by the end of the June. The d’Y library can help you to reach all of your goals. We offer many services such as: book borrowing, printing, photocopying, and computer access. We also offer essay proofreading, but please remember to allow 24 hours in advance. Drop off your essay with Mrs. Andreacola, who will proofread your work for spelling, grammar and structure. You may pick up your essay the next day. The d’Youville library held another successful giant water bottle drive. From midNovember to December 19, 2013, the library donated all paid fines and many generous students donated their spare change. This year, we raised $250.00 dollars which will be donated to Chalice, a Catholic charity to purchase school uniforms, bags and shoes for needy students in developing countries. These simple items we take for granted, but are necessities for students trying to gain an education to ensure a brighter future for themselves and their families. Thank you to all students who donated! Don’t miss out on White Pine 2014! It is not too late to join the White Pine reading club. The whole d’Youville community is welcome to participate in the Ontario Library Association’s White Pine Reading Program. Titles and summaries of this year’s nominees can be found on: http://www.dpcdsb.org/DYOUV/Learning/ Library+Services/bookclub.htm. If you are interested in becoming a part of the White Pine Reading Program, please see the library staff to sign up. Happy reading! Page 7 Good Luck this Semester! Let the d’Y library help you to keep striving to meet your goals. We are open every day from 7.30 am. (full uniform) to 3.30 pm. (relaxed uniform). Visit us to find a welcoming place to study and learn. Mrs. Andreacola Graduation News 2014 Grad Mass for the Class of 2014 has been scheduled for Thursday, June 26th at 10:30 a.m. at St. Marguerite d’Youville Roman Catholic Church at the corner of Sandalwood and Torbram in Brampton. All members of the Class of 2014 and their parents are invited and encouraged to attend and Grads will each be given a commemorative gift after mass. The Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2014 will be held June 26th, beginning at 4:00 pm at the Embassy Grand in Brampton at the corner of Queen Street and The Gore Road. Students are reminded that in order to be eligible to graduate they MUST complete 40 hours of Community Service (these must be handed in to your guidance counsellor by March 21st, 2014) and must have successfully completed the Ontario Literacy Requirement. Graduation application forms are now available on the school website under graduation information and a non-refundable fee of $100.00 will be collected on Tuesday January 14th and Wednesday January 15th after school. Students in Co-op and OYAP are reminded that they must remain informed of the deadlines set for Graduation. The School Website will contain all pertinent information and deadlines for Grad and will be updated regularly. The Grad Committee cannot be responsible for disseminating information to students not in the school. Timelines are equally applicable to all students. The school website is available at www.dpcdsb.org/DYOUV --Ms. Raposo and Ms. Andreacola Page 8 St. Marguerite d’Youville S.S. ~ Winter 2014 Link Crew Update facilitated discussions to help grade 9’s understand the importance of using perception when making choices in school and in life. Students also received information on which resources are available around the school in order to assist in their success in grade 9. To help Grade 9’s prepare for their first set of high school exams, Link Leaders organized “Cocoa and Cram” - a study session designed to help ease the stress and anxiety of exams. Students worked closely with Link Leaders, having their questions answered and enjoyed hot chocolate and cookies. Link leaders have also been paired with grade 9 students as a part of our Peer-Mentorship Program. This program allows many grade 9 students the guidance and one-on-one support in order to be successful; Link Leaders have developed a strong rapport with their protégé and have worked very collaboratively to ensure development and It has been a busy semester for Link Leaders. Amongst growth. hosting Guys Night and Girls Night In, Link Leaders visited Grade 9 classrooms to deliver three Academic Follow Ups Once again, we will be offering a Link Crew Course for throughout the semester. The visits focused on grade 11 students next year! We will be conducting understanding why people make the choices that they do interviews in February to select the Link Leader Team. and how others perceive the choices we make. Leaders —Mr. McAllister, Mrs. McMullin, Mrs. McPhee PAWS & REFLECT Vol. 14 Issue 2 Page 9 Academic Resource Department News T h e Academic Resource Department has been b u s i l y working w i t h students to prepare for their upcoming exams and the O.S.S.L.T. (Literacy Test). Two full day sessions of assistive technology training were held for Grade 9 and 10 A.R.D. students to enhance their skills and accommodate them for their tests and exams. Students using assistive technology for the OSSLT will have another opportunity to practice in the upcoming weeks. Letters will be sent home in March to inform parents about those specific accommodations and logistics. In December, the Academic Resource Department welcomed the Advent season and showcased the Virtue of HOPE through art, music, written reflections and multi-media prayer presentations. The Planning for Independence class created a heavenly doorway featuring special angels flying over the Toronto skyline. They were also featured on the morning announcements for Music Monday singing and signing John Lennons’ hope-filled song “Happy Christmas/War is Over. The GLE students affixed posters of the Holy Family with the scripture message: “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” (Hebrews 6:19) on every classroom door of the school. Each day as students approached their classes, the image of Jesus’ birth, would be reminded to never give up hope, practice humility and kindness and find security from being Christ-centered every day. additional time to complete this test, which also serves as for a portion of their course mark. We wish them a successful outcome! As we prepare for Semester 2 start, teachers, ERWs and case managers continue to help students prepare for their On January 16th and 17th exams and encourage them to put the Resource Room was reserved forth their best effort. The new to accommodate for the Grade 9 semester brings forth new Math EQAO. Students received opportunities for learning and growth. Each semester the Individual Education Plans (IEP) is updated and sent home with students after the March break. We ask that they be signed and returned before April. For students requiring an IPRC this year, they will be scheduled mid-May. Case Managers will be contacting parents with more details as the semester proceeds. Lastly, we would like to thank all the teachers, support staff, administration and parents for supporting our department and students during this busy time. Together Everyone Achieves More!! —Mrs. Pincente Page 10 St. Marguerite d’Youville S.S. ~ Winter 2014 Have dreams of becoming a nurse, doctor, pediatrician, athletic therapist, physiotherapist and so much more? Then healthcare is the program for you! Focusing on topics such as infection control, homeostasis, and aseptic techniques, d’Y Healthcare students are learning skills that are needed to have a career in the medical field. This semester, the grade 10 class has covered healthcare fundamentals, creating personal fitness plans, and creating their own healthcare facilities. The grade 11 classes have demonstrated the ability to don personal protective equipment and take the vital signs of a patient including heart rate, blood pressure, and respirations. And finally, the grade 12 class has learnt sterile techniques that assist in surgical procedures. D’Y Healthcare teachers Mrs. Kurpaska and Mr. McAllister would like to thank all the hardworking and dedicated students who make the healthcare program what it is. Looking forward to a new and successful semester! As Semester 1 comes to an end, the Moderns department wishes to congratulate students on a successful first semester. We hope that all students may consider pursuing French beyond the compulsory grade 9 credit, as French language courses are offered through to grade 12. Students who complete all 4 years of French will be presented with a certificate of completion upon graduating. We would also like to extend a reminder to students taking French in Semester 2 that each Wednesday, Extra Help is offered in room 321 for 1 hour immediately following school. On April 2nd St. Marguerite d’Youville students will be participating in this year’s festival/ Concours d’art oratoire, a board-wide French Speaking contest held annually. We would like to wish the best of luck to Riddhi Rawal (Grade 11 French) and Armando Vazquez Coello (Grade 10 French), who will be representing St. Marguerite d’Youville. We are also very pleased to announce that the Grade 10 Introduction to Italian (LWI BD1) will be running semester 2. Students are encouraged to enroll in this class and open their minds to a new language and culture. Graduating students are looking forward to celebrating their educational accomplishments at prom this year. For the first time ever, students participated in an on-line prom survey to help select this year’s prom theme and to have their suggestions heard. Overwhelmingly, students selected an “Elegant Affair” as the theme. Ticket sales for the prom will take place February 25th and 26th afterschool, in the cafeteria. Cost for tickets is $85, cash only. Students interested in taking a guest to prom are asked to download and complete a Guest Form which can be found on the d’Youville website. The guest form must be completed when purchasing a guest ticket. Prom this year will take place Monday June 23rd, at the Embassy Grand on the Gore Rd. Staff and students are looking forward to this memorable event. PAWS & REFLECT Vol. 14 Issue 2 Page 11 Science News In the world of Science… In the body systems biology unit, our grade 10 students got the opportunity to look at little bit closer at the frog during the class dissection. They were able to observe the different organs in the circulatory, digestive, and respiratory systems and how they all interconnect to function as a whole. A group of our grade 9 science students took the initiative to plan an interactive activity for our PIP students where they worked in teams to make ice cream from scratch! Ms. Mantey’s class led the group through the inquiry steps to create flavourful ice cream that everyone could enjoy at the end of the class. vessels using low intensity lasers along with nano-technology. CAA has been implicated as a significant risk factor in the development of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. The group Our d’Youville Science Exploravision team hopes to show that through their novel treatment has been busy working on developing a method of CAA, they can reduce the onset of these for the treatment of cerebral amyloid angiopathy diseases. (CAA) that involves the removal of from brain Future Scientists starting out at d’Y. Page 12 St. Marguerite d’Youville S.S. ~ Winter 2014 Students Stacey Anderson & Justin Seedial craft their own moccasins in the Aboriginal Art course of their Alt. Ed. Program. The Semester 1 Alternative Education class in room 320 ended the term in style. The Aboriginal Educational Outreach Program from the Native Canadian Centre of Toronto visited the class to impart some valuable lessons. One of the last major assignments had representatives from AEOP—Cheryle and Tracy— guide the students through their first Aboriginal craft — moccasins. Starting literally from scratch our students had to first, cut out and then sew deer leather. During this time, students had the opportunity to ask any questions they had about First Nations Culture and they also learned from the importance of teamwork—since many of them asked for support every step of the way. The project helped demonstrate ideals useful to any culture: be thankful for what God has provided, make every material count, be not wasteful, be patient, work within your community and if you make a mis- take, start over. The only way to truly learn is from the solutions we find to fix those mistakes. Overall the year was a great success with many field trips and special speakers. The class had several members go on to SWAC (School within a College) at Humber College, where students finish high school and begin their college career at the same time. The Alternative Education class experienced a variety of activities and learning environments from Hospitality classes, home design and décor, anger management, stress relief strategies, financial planning and world issues. The ultimate highlight is still to come: seeing our students at graduation. —Ms. Costa-Pellico and Mr. Yan PAWS & REFLECT Vol. 14 Issue 2 Justice League: Winter 2014 Hope you’re keeping warm, d’Youville!! Although first semester has come to an end, Justice League is looking forward to another semester of positive change. Let’s take a peek at the opportunities we had to be socially just so far: On October 31, Justice League ran a food drive for Halloween, called We Scare Hunger. We collected 173 lbs of nonperishable food that were donated to the Knights Table in Brampton. During the Christmas Spirit Day, Justice League organized and ran a Fair Trade for Philippines Café, where we sold Fair Trade Coffee, Tea and Hot Chocolate to raise money for Aid in the Philippines. Looking ahead to second semester, Justice League is looking forward to our 3rd annual Fair Trade Fair on Monday, May 5th (mark your calendars). Justice League meetings are Thursdays, after school in room 304. Check the bulletin board outside of the English office for information and meeting dates! All new members are welcome to join! Thank you for being the change! -Mrs. J. Simon Page 13 PAWS & REFLECT Vol. 14 Issue 2 Page 14 English Department News Accelerated Reader As part of the grade 9 and 10 English program at St. Marguerite d’Youville S.S., students participate in a daily reading program. The Accelerated Reader Program provides an opportunity for students to practice and improve their reading skills. We would like to acknowledge and congratulate the following students for achieving the top five A.R. scores in their grade this semester. “ Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.” - Charles W. Eliot Leadership—PLF4C1 (Tuesday and Thursdays) for 3 weeks starting on This year the O.S.S.L.T. will February 13 th. Grade 10s be written on Thursday, will be sent home with Grade 9’s March 27 th 2014. All grade letters to sign up for these 10 students will take part in 211.7 points - Ryan Vu - Mr. intensive literacy classes. Cross-Curricular Literacy Dietrich’s class Please return this letter to Mondays in their classes Mr. Chambers in the main 153.9 points - Zara Ahmed - Mr. during the month of McMullen’s class office no later than Friday, February. These modules February 7 th . Many students 132.7 points - Gugsa Challa – Ms. will provide students with who take these modules are Ceci’s class the opportunity to successful on the OSSLT . We consolidate the strategies 110.9 points - Hassen Khan - Ms. especially encourage Ceci’s class and thinking skills used students who are struggling throughout the test 103.4 points - Nichaela Garvey – with writing or reading to preparation activities and Mr. Middlemiss’ class take advantage of this lessons during first semester. useful opportunity. Grade In addition to the Cross11 students will be Grade 10’s Curricular Literacy contacted and have their 519.7 points - Armando Vazquez – Mondays, students are own help sessions in Mrs. Tsafkopoulos/Mr.Angel’s invited to participate in the preparation for the test. A class after-school Literacy Grade 10 Literacy assembly Modules. These modules 101.6 points - Hajara Abdulkardir is scheduled for March 26 th. – Ms. Bural’s class will run twice a week The Literacy Committee 64.3 points - Amanda Alegre - Ms. Bural’s class 60.5 points - Florence Ajenifrya Ms. Simon’s class 57.6 points - Pawandeep Ghuman - Ms. Kosuta’s class Keep on reading d’Y!!! —Ms. Bural Page 15 St. Marguerite d’Youville S.S. ~ Winter 2014 Tournament, Rim Rocker Tournament, and the C a t h o l i c C e n t r a l Tournament in Michigan and most recently t h e S t . Benedicts Tournament in Cambridge. They also lost in the finals at the Cathedral and Henry Carr Tournament. The senior boys basketball team The winter athletics season is are ranked 4 t h in the well underway with Boys Hooptown GTA’s Super 16 Hockey, Junior and Senior Boys Junior Boys Coaches Poll. Basketball, Junior and Senior The junior girls volleyball teams Girls Volleyball and Curling. record is 3 and 1 The Boys Hockey team is 2 & and with a 4. The team is lead by coaches y o u n g team Torresan and Policcicchio and coach Moynihan the boys are working towards is hoping the making the play offs for the t e a m will first time in years. Leading compete in the scores are David Martino, Cody play offs after Nadeau and Jordan Arruda. the exam break. The boys basketball teams are both currently in first place and have been working hard to have a repeat showing in the ROPSSAA Finals. The junior boys are currently ranked 4th in the Hooptown GTA's Super 16 Junior Boys Coaches Poll. The senior boys basketball team to date have taken tournament titles at Huron Heights Tournament, d’Youville The senior girls volleyball teams record is 3 and 2 and with 1 regular season games remaining coach McPhee is hoping the girls will secure a second place finish and compete in the play offs. The curling teams record is 1 and 2. With a young team Coach O’Rourke hopes to build on this years experience and work towards a play off birth next season. Best of luck to the winter teams as they move towards the play offs, after the exam break. Soon the spring will be here and the Panthers will be gearing up for Ruby, Soccer, Softball, Baseball, Track and Field and Lacrosse. Stay tuned to the announcements for try out information. Follow us @dYathletics for up to date information! —Ms. McPhee PAWS & REFLECT Vol. 14 Issue 2 Page 16 PAWS & REFLECT Vol. 14 Issue 2 D’Y Phys. Ed Small Groups One of the best Physical and Health Education courses offered at d’Youville is Small Groups. Students pay a fee and have the opportunity to participate in indiv i du al an d n on - tra di t ion al sports and activities. This past semester Ms. McPhee’s grade 11 Small Groups Class were able to participate in a variety of activities: Tennis, Golf, Racquetball, Squash, Curling, Rock Climbing, High Ropes and Zip lining at Heart Lake Conservation Area, Sky Zone (indoor trampoline facility), Disc Golf, Ultimate Frisbee, Flag football, Skating, Skiing, Bowling and workout out at the Wellness Center, LA Fitness, Cassie Campbell and the YMCA. Students have been exposed to a variety of healthy active living activities that they can participate in their communities for a lifetime. Consider making this course a part of your high school experience! —Ms.McPhee Page 17 Page 18 St. Marguerite d’Youville S.S. ~ Winter 2014 High Five to Hope: Grade 9/10 Learning Strategies Class creates Virtue of Hope Door during Advent. Page 19 St. Marguerite d’Youville S.S. ~ Winter 2014