First Reading: March 5, 2013 Second Reading: Pass: Yes

First Reading:
Second Reading:
Pass: Yes
March 5, 2013
March 5, 2013
Bill 6-13-S
Organizational Aid Appropriations for Student Identity Outreach, MBA Student
Association, and StormTopper Network.
For the Student Government Association of Western Kentucky University to
allocate $1470.00 from the organizational aid appropriations to Student Identity
Outreach, MBA Student Association, and StormTopper Network.
WHEREAS: Student Identity Outreach would be allocated $500.00 to help fund speakers and
public relations materials for outreach to the student body, and
WHEREAS: MBA Student Association would be allocated $500.00 to fund a professional
networking event, that will bring possible employers to Western Kentucky
University in efforts for students to network with the representatives, and
WHEREAS: StormTopper Network would be allocated $470.00 to pay for six Kestrel 1000
handheld digital anemometers to help their trained weather spotters better
measure wind speeds.
Be it resolved that the Student Government Association of Western
Kentucky University will allocate $1470.00 to the organizations of
Student Identity Outreach, MBA Student Association, and StormTopper
Network from organizational aid appropriations.
Cain Alvey
Organizational aid Board
CONTACTS: Mark Reeves
Sarah Newton
Allie Sharp
Davide Fellini
Brendan Flaherty
Ross Nowland