Student Success Committee November 5, 2013 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. A-116


Student Success Committee

November 5, 2013

1:30 - 3:00 p.m.


Meeting Minutes



Lindsey Bertomen

Maria De Leon

Denyss Estrada

Carla Johnson

Frank Henderson

Jason Hough

Carol King

Kelly Locke

Molly Lewis

Stephanie Low

Kathy Mendelsohn

Janet Pessagno

Jim Riley

Maya Watson































X (on leave)

X (class)

Angelo Bummer

Al Graham

Mark Sanchez

Nina Vazquez









CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:35


1. Approval of 10/15/13 Meeting Minutes

The 10.15.13 minutes were approved as written.

2. Information on proposed online orientation (Mark Sanchez)

( > “Continue as a Guest”)

Mark Sanchez explained that the purpose of AB 1456 is to provide critical support services to students on the front-end of their educational experience to increase student success. To do this,

SB 1456 requires any college or district receiving funds, under this act, to provide a strong

Hartnell College Mission Statement

Hartnell College provides the leadership and resources to ensure that all students shall have equal access to a quality education and the opportunity to pursue and achieve their goals. We are responsive to the learning needs of our community and dedicated to a diverse educational and cultural campus environment that prepares our students for productive participation in a changing world.

SSC Minutes (11.5.13) 2 foundation and support services including orientation, assessment and placement, counseling and education planning, and academic interventions for students’ academic success and ability to achieve their educational goals. Mark presented information on the purchase of and development of an interactive online student orientation (Cynosure New Media, Inc.) that will be included on the November 12 Board agenda for approval to allow the college to comply with SB 1456 requirements.

Mark explained that the vendor will guide the college through the preparation of the story boards that will be included in the orientation by shooting and directing video of all three campus locations, students, and staff; they will prepare scripts with our input. Deans, faculty, staff, and students will determine the content of the orientation story boards and “star” in the videos. The orientation will be mandated for all students who do not meet the exemption criterion. The orientation will be available in English, Spanish, and American Sign Language.

Because this is an interactive tool that does not need to be completed in one setting, students can complete the orientation in segments and revisit it at other times. It was discussed that faculty can encourage students to access and refer to the orientation throughout the semester.

Mark indicated that the plan is to complete the orientation by April of 2013 so that it is available to “test drive” in Summer 2014. It will be available to all students who register for Fall 2014 classes. Students will be encouraged to participate in the Fall; before completion is mandated, the campus needs to ensure that there is support campus wide. The mechanism for funding based on students participating in orientation begins in the Fall, so it’s important that there is campus-wide participation and involvement to promote its success.

Mark has done presentations to most campus groups; there will be a vendor kick-off on

December 6, from 9-12, in B208.

3. SSC Chair/Coordinator Position (attached)

Kathy met with Terri regarding the SSC Coordinator position to determine the appropriate way to state on what basis the coordinator will be paid (based on the NIC lab rate, which is consistent with how other similar positions are paid. It was recommended that the reassigned time be increased from 20 percent to 30 percent based on the amount of responsibility and work. The

Committee recommended that the position be filled prior to the end of the Fall 2013 semester.

Kathy indicated that she will discuss this with Lori and report back at the next meeting. Kelly indicated that the hiring protocol for Title V director positions is that the applicant submits a letter of intent outlining his/her interest and qualifications. Qualified applicants are then interviewed.

4. SSC Handbook (revisit)

Changes were made to the SSC Handbook based on the recommendations made by the Senate regarding the Outcomes & Assessment Committee handbook (specifying permanent positions, specifying that the coordinator is faculty, including a statement that the SSC is a standing committee of the Academic Senate). The Committee approved these changes; this is an agenda item for the Academic Senate meeting on November 12.

Hartnell College Mission Statement

Hartnell College provides the leadership and resources to ensure that all students shall have equal access to a quality education and the opportunity to pursue and achieve their goals. We are responsive to the learning needs of our community and dedicated to a diverse educational and cultural campus environment that prepares our students for productive participation in a changing world.

SSC Minutes (11.5.13) 3

5. Third Annual Student Success Conference at Hartnell (Pam Wiese)

Kathy read a statement from Pam Wiese, who was unable to attend the meeting:

The Faculty Professional Development & Flex Committee (FPDFC) asks for your support in developing some of the activities for the January flex days. This year will be the 3rd Annual

Student Success Conference. As the group most closely and actively involved in developing and implementing strategies to support student success, we are sure you would have some wonderful ideas about what would benefit faculty the most.

There are 3 workshop sessions planned for the Thursday flex day, each about 50 minutes long. It would be great if you could make suggestions for those workshops, including topics, activities and presenters. As far as the FPDFC is concerned, we trust your expertise & would be happy to work with you to facilitate whatever activities you recommend.

Frank, Kelly, and Jason volunteered to form a work group to plan the 3 rd

Annual Student Success

Conference and will work with Pam in planning the sessions and recruiting session facilitators/ presenters.

6. Funding Proposal (attached; Olga Blomgren)

Olga Blomgren, an adjunct faculty in English, is requesting BSI funding (approximately $2,000) to present Critical Thinking Saves Lives!: Habits of Mind as Integral Academic Intellectual Imprinting” at the Hawaii International Conference on Education at the 12th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education to be held from January 5 to January 8, 2014, in Honolulu, Hawaii. Olga submitted the funding request document as well as other supporting documentation. It was pointed out that there are more local (for example, 3CSN workshops) addressing strategies for developmental education. It was also discussed that Olga’s Hartnell teaching assignments typically do not include developmental classes.

The Committee directed Kathy to request that Olga provide additional information about how she will demonstrate that "attending this conference is an opportunity for instructor training and development to better respond to the 21 st

Century needs of Hartnell’s developmental students." The Committee is interested in what specific workshops Olga will be attending at the conference and in what Hartnell developmental classes she will implement training received at the conference. The Committee will discuss and take action on this request at its November 19 meeting, which Olga will be invited to attend to answer any questions the Committee might have.

It was discussed that BSI funds might partially fund Olga’s conference attendance. The

Committee will continue the discussion with the additional information submitted by Olga and then take action.

7. CHANGING EQUATIONS: How Community Colleges are Re-Thinking College

Readiness in Math

This article was briefly discussed; the Committee decided that the math discipline should take the lead in determining how and if to revise the math curriculum. Jim (a math instructor) indicated that the math discipline should talk about this issue. Nina (math instructor, guest at meeting) thought that a FIG to investigate this would be appropriate. Nina and Jim will discuss next steps.

Hartnell College Mission Statement

Hartnell College provides the leadership and resources to ensure that all students shall have equal access to a quality education and the opportunity to pursue and achieve their goals. We are responsive to the learning needs of our community and dedicated to a diverse educational and cultural campus environment that prepares our students for productive participation in a changing world.

8. Update on Strengthening Student Success Conference

No update was provided because of time restrictions.

9. Other

10. Adjournment

The meeting concluded at 3:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Maria De Leon

SSC Minutes (11.5.13) 4

Hartnell College Mission Statement

Hartnell College provides the leadership and resources to ensure that all students shall have equal access to a quality education and the opportunity to pursue and achieve their goals. We are responsive to the learning needs of our community and dedicated to a diverse educational and cultural campus environment that prepares our students for productive participation in a changing world.
