Professional Development Committee Minutes Monday, May 18, 2015, 3:30 p.m. D-129 MEMBERS Name Terri Pyer Shannon Bliss Megan Blevins Laura Lark Andrea Marble Carol Kimbrough Pam Wiese Others Name Loyanne Flin Representing CHRO; co-chair Administrative PD Center; co-chair Professional Development Center Human Resources Faculty Faculty Present Title or Representing Foundation Present Absent x x x x x x x CALL TO ORDER & INTRODUCTIONS Meeting called to order at 3:00 p.m. Absent x Megan Blevins ACTION ITEMS 1. The agenda was approved. 2. March minutes were approved. 3. EiR Nominations – postponed to fall (September) INFORMATION/DISCUSSION/PRESENTATIONS 1. Employee Awards Program a. Loyanne let us know that this is an award that they plan to do yearly. We could help with communication. Pam suggested moving out the deadline so more faculty could participate, Loyanne agreed and moved it out to August 31st. Awards will take place during the holiday feast. 1 HARTNELL COLLEGE VISION STATEMENT Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute to the social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community. HARTNELL COLLEGE MISSION STATEMENT Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success. 2. Employee Innovation Grant 2014-2015 I - On May 1st, awardees were supposed to: a. present their projects and outcomes to the college community (at end of grant year) Lori will allocate 30 minutes during convocation in August to have the grant recipients present what they had done with their funds, and their accomplishments. Pam suggested that the winners create concise Powerpoint presentations. b. One page summary report to PDC (May 1st), to include work accomplished and objectives achieved. The committee agreed to push the date for this document to the end of the grant year, June 30th. Megan will send out an email to the recipients letting them know the deadline has been extended and ask them to submit their papers to Monica. II – Employee Innovation Grant 2015-2016 a. Deadline was supposed to be May 15th for next year’s applicants. However, this fell to the side, so deadline was pushed to end of August. This will give the committee time to highlight and advertise during the convocation timeframe. 3. Summer Institute and Classified retreat a. For next summer (2016), start conversation now and start small, perhaps 1 or 2 days with a tie into the Innovation Grant and/or travel/conference funding. Pam suggested that instead of introducing the Professional Development activity during summer it would be better to have it 4 to 6 weeks into term. b. For this spring break (2016), topics could be identified through each major department. Those departments could prepare training or at least give a topic or the committee can help them find one. 4. Educator in Residence a. Agreed to give Dr. Anne Benvenutti a small gift (framed certificate or plaque). Discussed having the president present her with this, and Shannon suggested that the Academic Expo would be a good time to do that. b. For the EinR 2015/2016 Carol stated that two nominees were not sufficient to choose between and felt we should extend the deadline into the fall, and remarket in order to get more buy-in from the campus and hopefully many more nominations. On-campus or off-campus nominees were acceptable. This will be revisited in the first fall semester meeting. 5. Dates will be determined through discussions over the summer. 6. PDC (working folder) in Google Drive – will give edit rights to everyone, the committee will use this to communicate/share documents. Megan will share it after the meeting. 2 HARTNELL COLLEGE VISION STATEMENT Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute to the social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community. HARTNELL COLLEGE MISSION STATEMENT Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success. 7. Coordination with Diversity Committee a. Their theme for next year is an immigrant experience theme, and will read the book Tortilla Curtain. Perhaps the committee can coordinate for next year’s diversity topic. Standing Reports: 1. Faculty Professional Development Committee – Restructured entire reporting system. It is now a lot easier to report PDC flex. 2. Professional Development Center is adding more technology to the FRC desktop. Will be advertised better on the website. 3. HR update – next meeting. NEXT MEETING(S) August 24, 2015 ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m. 3 HARTNELL COLLEGE VISION STATEMENT Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute to the social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community. HARTNELL COLLEGE MISSION STATEMENT Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success.