1. Extended families – include parents, children, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins Why would slave families be a good example of the extended family? 2. Immigrants – a person who comes from his/her homeland and settles in another country What group of immigrants came to America between 1845 and 1860? 3. Morse Code - group of dots and dashes that stood for a different letter of the alphabet Before Morse Code, what methods did Americans use to communicate? Why did Morse Code help farmers and business owners that most? 4. Prejudice – an unfavorable opinion about people who are of different race, religion, or nationality What group of people who organized a political party was prejudice an immigrant? Why? 5. Skilled Workers – people who learned a trade Why would business owners use unskilled workers instead of skilled workers? 6. Slave codes – laws passed to keep slaves from rebelling or running away What are some examples of slave codes? 7. Trade Unions – organizations that try to improve working conditions and wages of their members Why did trade unions evolve?