Ch. 13 - Age of Jackson Essential Questions

Ch. 13 - Age of Jackson Essential Questions
Enduring Understanding:
To understand the present and make plans for their future, you must first understand the
Essential Questions
1. What federal actions brought conflict and cooperation among Americans in the
North, South, and West?
2. How did American democracy expand during the early 1800’s?
Guiding Questions
Section 1
1. Why did some Americans want a greater voice in government?
2. Why is it necessary to have an established plan for electing a president?
3. How did the election of 1824 divide Americans?
4. Why did the election of 1828 mark a turning point in politics?
Section 2
1. How did the spoils system operate under President Jackson?
2. Why did Jackson think the spoils system helped further the rights of ordinary citizens?
3. What argument did Jackson use to defend the spoils system?
4. Why did President Jackson battle the Bank of the United States?
Section 3
1. How did the tariff and nullification issue develop into a crisis?
How did the debate over tariffs create a crisis for the Union?
How did Jackson handle the Nullification Crisis in 1832?
2. Why did Jackson’s battle with the Bank create an economic crisis for the nation?
3. How did Native Americans lose their ancestral lands in the Southeast?
Section 4
1. What problems did Jackson’s successor face?
2. Why would an economic crisis develop in 1837?
3. How did the Whigs come to power?