The Federalist Era

The Federalist Era
The banner bearing the Latin words E Pluribus Unum ("from
many, one") symbolizes the creation of one nation
Washington’s Administration
Secretary of State - ___________________________
Attorney General - ____________________________
Problems Washington faced: ______________________ attacks; _______ army/___ navy;
and ____________________ attacking U.S. ships.
Domestic Policies:
The Bill of Rights was sponsored by ________________________________.
Tariff on Imports
o A tariff is a ______________________________.
o Purpose: to make our products cheaper than imported products
National debt
o National debt is the term that is given to the amount of money a nation’s government
o Assumption Bill – Hamilton proposes that the US buy up government bonds and
issues new bonds and that the national government would pay off debts owed by the
o Compromise: ________________________________________________________
National bank/Bank of the United States
o This would give the US the ability to issue paper money, pay government bills, make
loans, pay employees, _____________________________________________, and
Excise Tax, 1794
o Excise tax is a tax placed on goods made, sold, and used within the country.
o This led to the _______________________________ which was when angry
farmers refused to pay a government tax.
o 1st use of the militia by the government (President Washington) which stomped out
the uprising.
Foreign Policies: (be sure to know what countries are involved with each of these policies)
 Proclamation of Neutrality, 1793
o Washington wanted to stay out of war with ____________ and _______________.
o Washington made this decision because he didn’t want to get involved in the
 Treaty of Greenville, 1794/1795
o ____________________________ surrendered land in present day Ohio area.
o ____________________________ was the decisive battle where the American
troops finally defeated the Native Americans.
 Genêt Affair
o A __________________________ plotted to ignore Washington’s order of neutrality
and equip ships to fight against the ___________________.
 Pinckney’s Treaty, 1795
o Treaty between the U.S. and _____________
o U.S. gained the right to navigate the ______________________________________
and use the port of ____________________.
Farewell Address:
Warned againsto Forming ________________________
o Becoming _______________________
o Forming _____________________________ with foreign countries
Differences Between the First Political Parties:
First two political parties were formed by dissension between _____________________ and
Leader: Alexander Hamilton
Leader: Thomas Jefferson
Rule by the wealthy class
Strong federal government
Emphasis on manufacturing
Loose interpretation of the Constitution
British alliance
National bank
Protective tariffs
Causes and Effects of Political Parties
Rule by people
Strong state governments
Emphasis on agriculture
Strict interpretation of the Constitution
French alliance
State banks
Free trade
_______________________________________ was the _______________ newspaper.
Adams’s Administration
Adams won the election of 1796 where the President and Vice-President were from two
different ____________________________.
Adams’s family was the first family to live in the ________________________.
John Adams was known for his “midnight judges”. He appointed _______________________
as Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Domestic Policies:
Alien and Sedition Acts
o _____________ is a foreigner living in the US.
o _____________ means to act against the government.
o _____________________________ increased the time from 5 to 14 years to
become a citizen of the US.
o ___________________________ gave the government the power to ____________
and ____________ any foreigner from a country ___________ with the US.
o The threat of war with _________ made Americans suspicious of noncitizens and
encouraged the passage of the Sedition Act, which contradicted the _____
Amendment to the Constitution.
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
o Kentucky and Virginia claimed the _________________ was a violation of the
Foreign Policies:
XYZ Affair
o ____________________ voted to enlarge the ___________ and the __________
after this took place.
o __________ was what the U.S. had to pay local rulers in order to safely trade with
some foreign countries.
Convention of 1800
o _______________ and ____________ agreed to terms of _____________ after
meeting with ___________________________________.
 Who supposedly stitched the stars and stripes?
 Know boundary lines from reading a map.
 Framers of the U.S. Constitution tried to develop a government that would preserve and protect
the rights of its citizen.
 Under the federal system practiced in the U.S., the final authority is the __________________.
 What is a presidential check on Congress?
 What document, written by Thomas Jefferson, declared the colonies separate from the British?
 What amendment called for electors to vote on separate ballots to elect the President and Vice
 Who was the person who filled in for the Vice President if he was absent from the Senate?
 Who has the sole power of impeachment?
 What does the word impeach mean?
 Qualifications of a member of the House of Representatives:
 What type of government in where the citizens rule through elected representatives?
 The Virginia Company allowed the colonists to set up the _____________________ so they
would have some say in their government. This assembly had the right to make local laws for
the colony.
 What provision in the Constitution gives Congress the power to act as needed to meet the
changing needs of the nation?
 The Senate is to the Legislative Branch as the Secretary of Defense is to the
_______________ Branch and as the Chief Justice is to the ____________________ branch.