Student Satisfaction Survey Results Fall 2014 When do you usually attend classes? Response Frequency Percent All day Mostly day 74 111 Half day/half 65 evening Mostly evening 23 All evening 20 25.26 37.88 80.20 3.41 22.18 Main Campus 235 Southern Lakes 10 -SLBC Lapeer Campus 26 7.85 6.83 Clio - NTC E-learning 4.44 3.07 What was your enrollment status in Fall semester? Response Frequency Percent Full-time 152 51.88 Part-time 141 48.12 What is your gender? Response Male Female Frequency Percent 72 221 Where do you attend the majority of your classes? Response Frequency Percent 24.57 75.43 13 9 8.87 How do you describe yourself? Response Frequency Percent Native American Asian/Filipino Black/African American Hispanic/Latino White/Caucasia n Other 7 2.39 0 65 0.00 22.18 11 193 3.75 65.87 17 5.80 How many children do you have who are 5 years old or younger? Response Frequency Percent 0 1 2 more than 2 240 27 19 7 81.91 9.22 6.48 2.39 Do you live in the City of Flint? Response Frequency Percent What is your family income range? Response Frequency Percent What is your age? Response Frequency Percent How many semesters have you attended MCC? Response Frequency Percent Yes No 0-18 19-21 22-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-50 50 IR/lsu 90 203 24 70 35 24 31 30 57 22 30.72 69.28 8.19 23.89 11.95 8.19 10.58 10.24 19.45 7.51 Under $10000 $10001-$20000 $20001-$30000 $30001-$40000 $40001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 or more Page 1 95 60 30 32 76 75 31 37 30 21 27 72 32.42 20.48 10.24 10.92 25.94 25.60 10.58 12.63 10.24 7.17 9.22 24.57 6/12/2015 Student Satisfaction Survey Results Fall 2014 What form of transportation do you use to attend MCC? Response Frequency Percent Own vehicle Car pool Public transportation Other 236 12 26 80.55 4.10 8.87 19 6.48 Would you recommend MCC to others? Response Frequency Percent 162 55.29 Probably yes Uncertain 70 32 23.89 10.92 Probably no 26 8.87 Definitely no 3 1.02 Definitely yes IR/lsu What is the highest level of education you have completed? Response Frequency Percent High School G.E.D. Certificate 197 28 29 67.24 9.56 9.90 Associate Degree Bachelor Degree Graduate Degree Professional License Other 21 7.17 5 1.71 1 0.34 3 1.02 9 3.07 Please indicate your plans for the next academic semester. Response Frequency Percent Work/No College Attend MCC Transfer/4yr. College Transfer/other Comm. College Undecided Other Page 2 7 2.39 234 34 79.86 11.60 2 0.68 8 8 2.73 2.73 6/12/2015 Student Satisfaction Survey Results Fall 2014 What educational goal are you currently pursuing at MCC? Response Frequency Percent Courses only/No Degree Courses to improve job Courses to transfer Complete Certificate Complete Associate Degree Other 7 2.39 5 1.71 59 20.14 12 4.10 198 67.58 12 4.10 Who was most influential in your decision to attend MCC? Response Frequency Percent Family Friends H.S. Counselor/Teac her College Counselor/Teac her MCC Student/Gradua te Self Other IR/lsu Response Frequency Percent Professional 17 Services Business 57 Services Health Services 84 5.80 Technology/Co 16 mputers Skilled Trades 15 5.46 Personal 18 Services Agriculture/Envi 3 ronmental Military 1 Arts/Entertainm 17 ent Mechanical/Indu 7 strial Undecided 14 Other 44 6.14 19.45 28.67 5.12 1.02 0.34 5.80 2.39 4.78 15.02 Classroom space is adequate. Response Frequency Percent Strongly Agree 117 Agree 143 Dont Know 6 40.21 49.14 2.06 80 9 8 27.30 3.07 2.73 6 2.05 Disagree 21 7.22 12 4.10 Strongly Disagree 4 1.37 144 34 49.15 11.60 Space for clubs, activities, leisure is adequate. Response Frequency Percent Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree What is the general job/work category you're seeking? 68 77 133 12 0 23.45 26.55 45.86 4.14 0.00 Study space for students is adequate. Response Frequency Percent Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree Page 3 96 116 37 31 5 33.68 40.70 12.98 10.88 1.75 6/12/2015 Student Satisfaction Survey Results Fall 2014 Courses are academically demanding. Response Frequency Percent There is good rapport between faculty and students. Response Frequency Percent There is good rapport between staff and students. Response Frequency Percent MCC is warm, friendly and supportive of students. Response Frequency Percent Students receive adequate recognition for their accomplishments. Response Frequency Percent Computer labs are adequate. Response Science labs are adequate. Response Frequency Percent Academic support labs are adequate. Response Frequency Percent Technology labs are adequate. Response Frequency Percent Copy machine availability is adequate. Response Frequency Percent Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree IR/lsu 108 147 13 21 2 91 142 33 19 4 81 102 67 33 7 69 80 133 7 2 73 81 127 4 5 37.11 50.52 4.47 7.22 0.69 31.49 49.13 11.42 6.57 1.38 27.93 35.17 23.10 11.38 2.41 23.71 27.49 45.70 2.41 0.69 25.17 27.93 43.79 1.38 1.72 Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree Page 4 95 147 28 16 4 100 134 22 29 7 32.76 50.69 9.66 5.52 1.38 34.25 45.89 7.53 9.93 2.40 Frequency Percent 93 120 56 17 5 68 82 129 5 2 74 91 83 34 7 31.96 41.24 19.24 5.84 1.72 23.78 28.67 45.10 1.75 0.70 25.61 31.49 28.72 11.76 2.42 6/12/2015 Student Satisfaction Survey Results Fall 2014 Recreational facilities are adequate. Response Frequency Percent The campus is generally a safe place. Response Frequency Percent Variety of courses offered is adequate. Response Frequency Percent Class size is appropriate. Response Frequency Percent Advisors are available when needed. Response Frequency Percent Programs of study are flexible. Response Frequency Percent There is diversity and racial harmony at MCC. There are adequate opportunities for student employment. Response Frequency Percent Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree Response Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree 57 63 140 21 8 93 122 9 47 17 73 127 18 57 16 19.72 21.80 48.44 7.27 2.77 Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree 32.29 42.36 3.13 16.32 5.90 Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree 25.09 43.64 6.19 19.59 5.50 Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree Frequency Percent 99 128 46 11 6 34.14 44.14 15.86 3.79 2.07 Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree There is a clear student complaint/grievance process. Response Frequency Percent Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree IR/lsu 54 53 128 32 24 18.56 18.21 43.99 11.00 8.25 103 152 18 15 3 101 153 7 24 3 75 114 39 43 15 69 62 136 22 4 35.40 52.23 6.19 5.15 1.03 35.07 53.13 2.43 8.33 1.04 26.22 39.86 13.64 15.03 5.24 23.55 21.16 46.42 7.51 1.37 Student government is accessible. Response Frequency Percent Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree Page 5 47 42 168 22 9 16.32 14.58 58.33 7.64 3.13 6/12/2015 Student Satisfaction Survey Results Fall 2014 Dropping and adding courses is easy to do. Response Frequency Percent Help is available to research my career goals. Response Frequency Percent Help is available to improve my study habits and skills. Response Frequency Percent I am accomplishing my educational goals at MCC. Response I would choose to attend MCC again. Response Frequency Percent I would recommend MCC to others. Response Frequency Percent Academic Advising Response Frequency Percent Admissions - Recruitment Response Frequency Percent Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Dont Know/Not Used 102 113 47 15 14 89 126 65 5 5 135 87 35 22 13 35.05 38.83 16.15 5.15 4.81 30.69 43.45 22.41 1.72 1.72 46.23 29.79 11.99 7.53 4.45 71 101 64 34 13 24.23 34.47 21.84 11.60 4.44 10 3.41 Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Agree Dont Know Disagree Strongly Disagree Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Dont Know/Not Used 79 100 77 23 10 27.34 34.60 26.64 7.96 3.46 Frequency Percent 122 134 14 12 8 131 91 39 15 16 42.07 46.21 4.83 4.14 2.76 44.86 31.16 13.36 5.14 5.48 69 95 70 14 8 23.55 32.42 23.89 4.78 2.73 37 12.63 Applewood Cafe Response Frequency Percent 40 25 29 2 0 13.65 8.53 9.90 0.68 0.00 Athletic/Recreation Programs Response Frequency Percent 24 24 29 2 3 8.19 8.19 9.90 0.68 1.02 197 67.24 211 72.01 Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Dont Know/Not Used IR/lsu Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Dont Know/Not Used Page 6 6/12/2015 Student Satisfaction Survey Results Fall 2014 Bookstore Response Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Dont Know/Not Used Frequency Percent 73 98 65 29 18 24.91 33.45 22.18 9.90 6.14 10 3.41 Career Resource Center Response Frequency Percent Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Dont Know/Not Used 49 48 37 4 1 16.72 16.38 12.63 1.37 0.34 154 52.56 Computer Labs Response Frequency Percent Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Dont Know/Not Used 91 93 39 13 0 31.06 31.74 13.31 4.44 0.00 57 19.45 Counseling Services Response Frequency Percent Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Dont Know/Not Used IR/lsu 49 78 42 21 11 16.72 26.62 14.33 7.17 3.75 92 31.40 Campus/Public Safety Response Frequency Percent Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Dont Know/Not Used 106 106 40 5 2 36.18 36.18 13.65 1.71 0.68 34 11.60 Cashier's Office Response Frequency Percent Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Dont Know/Not Used 65 87 50 9 8 22.18 29.69 17.06 3.07 2.73 74 25.26 Concerts - Cultural Programs Response Frequency Percent Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Dont Know/Not Used 25 29 25 0 1 8.53 9.90 8.53 0.00 0.34 213 72.70 DisAbilities Services for Students Response Frequency Percent Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Dont Know/Not Used Page 7 22 24 24 2 1 7.51 8.19 8.19 0.68 0.34 220 75.09 6/12/2015 Student Satisfaction Survey Results Fall 2014 Financial Aid Services Response Frequency Percent Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Dont Know/Not Used 87 85 32 29 27 29.69 29.01 10.92 9.90 9.22 33 11.26 Job Placement/Employment Response Frequency Percent Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Dont Know/Not Used 31 32 29 8 3 10.58 10.92 9.90 2.73 1.02 190 64.85 Orientation Program Response Frequency Percent Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Dont Know/Not Used 66 81 68 17 8 22.53 27.65 23.21 5.80 2.73 53 18.09 Peer Tutoring Services Response Frequency Percent Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Dont Know/Not Used IR/lsu 39 33 26 5 5 13.31 11.26 8.87 1.71 1.71 185 63.14 Health Services Response Frequency Percent Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Dont Know/Not Used 43 29 25 3 0 14.68 9.90 8.53 1.02 0.00 193 65.87 Library Services Response Frequency Percent Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Dont Know/Not Used 90 79 32 3 1 30.72 26.96 10.92 1.02 0.34 88 30.03 Parking Lots/Ramps Response Frequency Percent Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Dont Know/Not Used 38 90 62 48 39 12.97 30.72 21.16 16.38 13.31 16 5.46 Registration Office Response Frequency Percent Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Dont Know/Not Used Page 8 68 112 67 15 8 23.21 38.23 22.87 5.12 2.73 23 7.85 6/12/2015 Student Satisfaction Survey Results Fall 2014 Bear Bistro Food Services Response Frequency Percent Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Dont Know/Not Used 64 63 50 22 6 21.84 21.50 17.06 7.51 2.05 88 30.03 The Learning Center Response Frequency Percent Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Dont Know/Not Used 43 51 30 1 1 14.68 17.41 10.24 0.34 0.34 167 57.00 The Writing Center Response Frequency Percent 42 44 24 3 1 14.33 15.02 8.19 1.02 0.34 Transfer Advising/Counseling Response Frequency Percent 48 54 46 19 10 16.38 18.43 15.70 6.48 3.41 179 61.09 116 39.59 Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Dont Know/Not Used Veteran's Services Response Frequency Percent Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Dont Know/Not Used IR/lsu 20 15 18 1 1 6.83 5.12 6.14 0.34 0.34 238 81.23 Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Dont Know/Not Used MCC Web Site Response Frequency Percent Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Dont Know/Not Used Page 9 128 107 36 14 8 43.69 36.52 12.29 4.78 2.73 0 0.00 6/12/2015