HARTNELL COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Facilities Development Council Minutes

Facilities Development Council
Thurs., April 10, 2014, 3:00 p.m.
Alfred Muñoz, Vice President
Joseph Reyes, Director
Matt Coombs, Vice President
Management, Facilities
Management, Info Tech
& Resources
John Anderson, Instructor,
Advanced Technology
Mary Davis, Instructor, Nursing
Paul Casey, Director,
Alma Arriaga, HR Specialist
Tina Summers, Accounting
Ismael Ramirez,
Categorical Programs
Confidential Staff
Bruce Brandt (attending in Tina
Summers’s place)
Elaine Duran
Augustine Nevarez
Title or Representing
Student Life
Meeting called to order at 3:06 p.m. by Joseph Reyes.
1. Possible Partnership with MST and City of Salinas for MST shelter
Augustine Nevarez / Elaine Duran
Elaine Duran introduced herself as a student trustee and ASHC senator. She briefly explained her reason for
attending the meeting, that being the potential for the college to partner with MST and the City of Salinas to install a
Hartnell College Mission Statement
Hartnell College provides the leadership and resources to ensure that all students shall have equal access to a quality education and the opportunity to
pursue and achieve their goals. We are responsive to the learning needs of our community and dedicated to a diverse educational and cultural campus
environment that prepares our students for productive participation in a changing world.
shelter at the bus stop at the corner of Homestead and W. Alisal. Elaine further stated that the MST board has
offered a new shelter at no expense to the college. Joseph Reyes asked if two shelters were being considered – one
on each side of the street; Elaine responded that research shows the bus stop across the street from the college is
used more, so only one shelter would be installed. Elaine added that the Salinas Union High School District has yet to
weigh in on this project and the ASHC would like for the college to make contract with the SUHSD. Joseph asked who
would be responsible for removing graffiti and maintaining the shelter structure. Augustine Nevarez responded that
MST would be responsible for all maintenance. Augustine added that it will be illuminated by solar power lighting. Al
Muñoz inquired if Dr. Lewallen would work with the SUHSD; Augustine responded that the ASHC desires a
recommendation from the council to move forward to the president. Al then moved to accept the ASHC’s report of
the request to take forward to the president for discussion with the superintendent of the SUHSD; Paul Casey
seconded said motion. All were in favor. Augustine then asked if a conversation with the president should take
place; Al responded that the approved motion will be reflected in the council’s minutes.
Elaine then stated that a student has the desire to make the campus smoke-free. Al informed Elaine that currently a
Board policy is going forward and is in the second reading phase with the CPC. The Board will then have the
opportunity for a first and second reading. Elaine said she will take that information back to the ASHC. Further Al
pointed out that some employees have been approached and those he’s surveyed do not have a problem with a
smoke-free campus. Paul asked if all sites would be smoke-free; Al responded that all three campuses would be
included. Elaine and Augustine thanked everyone for their time.
2. Campus Directories
Joseph Reyes
Referring to the posted directories, Joseph stated that one of the questions he put forth to Felice Consulting is
whether they could incorporate evacuation routes into the documents. Joseph also said he would like to see symbols
noting where defibrillators are located throughout the campuses on the directories. Discussion followed.
3. Minutes from March Forums
Alfred Muñoz
Al asked attendees to review the minutes provided by Lionakis related to the March forums. Joseph reminded
everyone that Lionakis spent three days on campus interviewing program directors and managers to receive input on
where they see their programs going, what their future and current needs are, and if current facilities meet their
needs. Additionally, Lionakis will be conducting a space utilization review. Joseph pointed out that based on what
has already been seen, classrooms are not being used to their fullest. Joseph added that once the Science Building is
complete, Measure H funds will no longer be available. Al said that break-out sessions at the forums helped to gather
input from people who do not always speak in front of large groups. Al then read some examples of input.
Discussion ensued. Al asked that everyone review the forum minutes and if there are comments, to provide those to
Laura. Joseph added that everyone is invited to Board Development on April 22; Lionakis will be presenting an
update at that meeting.
4. Update – Security RFP
Al Muñoz
RFP for security services went out to be effective July 1, 2014. Seven firms participated and were interviewed by a
committee. A selection of candidate was to go to Board for approval in April, however, a question came up because
the candidate selected was not the lowest bidder but rather is considered a best value to the district. This triggered
events that the committee was unaware of including the need for a board policy related to contracts and bids
containing a description of best value. As research was being done in this regard, it was decided not enough time
was available to do what is necessary to get the candidate selection on the April board agenda, so this item was
pulled. Because of the process for Board policies, it does not look like the district is going to be able to enter into a
contract until August or September. Al said he emailed all candidates to explain the delay. At a minimum, the college
will be extending Universal’s contract on a month-to-month basis.
5. Update – Science Building
Joseph Reyes
Joseph provided a brief timeline of work expected over the next several weeks. He pointed out that if all goes
according to plan, November 2015 would be the completion with classes beginning in spring 2016. Discussion
relating to FMP followed.
Hartnell College Mission Statement
Hartnell College provides the leadership and resources to ensure that all students shall have equal access to a quality education and the opportunity to
pursue and achieve their goals. We are responsive to the learning needs of our community and dedicated to a diverse educational and cultural campus
environment that prepares our students for productive participation in a changing world.
Al spoke about a recent presentation by energy conservation company, Cenergistic. Al explained that the company does
not sell product but rather places an employee on campus whose job it is to find ways to cut energy costs by locating
inefficiencies, etc. A contract will be going to Board in May. Al stressed that the company does not receive payment but
rather they receive a percentage of the savings the college realizes. If they do not provide savings, they will pay the
college. Because Hartnell is small than many districts they service, they will be exploring the possibility of sharing their
employee with another district, possibly MPC or one of the other districts in the area.
Al also stated that he is hoping to have more initial drafts of Board policies for the council’s review at the next meeting.
May 1, 2014 (Facilities Master Plan – Planning Group meeting)
May 8, 2014
June 12, 2014
Joseph Reyes
Meeting adjourned at 3:55 p.m.
Hartnell College Mission Statement
Hartnell College provides the leadership and resources to ensure that all students shall have equal access to a quality education and the opportunity to
pursue and achieve their goals. We are responsive to the learning needs of our community and dedicated to a diverse educational and cultural campus
environment that prepares our students for productive participation in a changing world.