Report on Implementation of Continuous Improvement Process Summer 2015 A. CI Process, Cycle, and Process Lead 1. CI Process: Annual SLO Assessment. 2. CI Cycle (semester/year & frequency): Each semester—fall/spring 2013-14, fall/spring 201415, fall/spring 2015-16, fall/spring 2016-17, and fall/spring 2017-18. 3. CI Process Lead: Dean AA/LLS&R. B. Evaluation of the CI Process Implementation for the Most Recent CI Cycle This section asks you to evaluate what was accomplished overall in the most recent cycle. 4. When was your most recent CI Cycle? From: Fall 2014 To: Spring 2015 5. Was the CI process implemented as stated in the completed template? Yes No If not, why not? What were the primary challenges or obstacles? Implementation of eLumen has been challenging because of institutional (dataload problems) and software vendor issues. In addition, training adjunct faculty is difficult. The college infrastructure does not yet include the support necessary to complete implementation for all assessment levels and to sustain the program (eLumen requires roles which have not been firmly established nor budgeted for). Additional assessment support began in Spring 2014 with the addition of an Special Assignment position to complement the Senate-sponsored A&O chair (reassigned time). The LLS&R dean and assessment leaders are working with the College’s Instructional Technologists to improve training materials. 6. Based on the list of elements (who or what) that were scheduled to be evaluated, how many were (or how much was) scheduled, and how many were (or how much was) completed? ➔ As reported in the 2015 ACCJC Annual Report, 512 of 749 total number of college courses have been assessed (68 percent), which is an improvement of 17 percentage points above the number assessed courses reported in 2012. Faculty members have assessed or reassessed most courses taught in fall 2013, spring 2014, and fall 2014 and have aggregated assessment 1 results from multiple section courses. As a result, the number of active courses assessed has increased from 71 percent to 80 percent. In addition, faculty members have engaged in broad-based discussion to examine results, to discuss potential modifications, and to use course-level assessment data to assess at least one program-level outcome. 7. List significant modifications that were made to the process if any, in that cycle, stating the reasons for having made the modifications and the improvements, if any, that resulted. Until 2014, the college had been using an internal shared drive (R Drive) as its repository for collecting and cataloging assessment data, which was inadequate. Therefore, the transition from the R Drive repository of assessment data to eLumen began in spring 2014 with the inputting of all outcomes, the mapping of outcomes to program outcomes and core competencies, and the development of course groups for both degree and certificate level assessment. A pilot group of 10 faculty was convened and tasked with learning eLumen, developing training materials, and training full-time and adjunct faculty and staff to use the software. The pilot group met regularly during the fall 2014 semester to develop mastery of eLumen and to create training materials. Implementation began on a small scale in fall 2014 with a wider implementation in spring 2015. Approximately 88 percent of all full-time faculty entered assessment data into eLumen by the end of spring 2015. Currently, the course and program summary forms remain housed on the internal shared drive. Spring 2015 courselevel assessment data from will be used for program assessment discussion that is scheduled for fall 2015. Training for adjunct faculty is more challenging to schedule and to implement. Service area outcomes (SAOs) are assessed regularly; SAO data will be entered into eLumen beginning in fall 2014. Planning for the next cycle of core competency assessment is scheduled to take place in the Outcomes & Assessment (O&A) Committee in fall 2015. 8. List significant modifications that have been made or will be made to the process for the next CI cycle, stating the need for them and the specific improvement desired. ➔ At the Fall 2015 Convocation, faculty will be introduced to “Assessment Cycles,” which will take place during the last week in September/first week in October (fall) and the last week in February/first week in March (spring) for analysis and discussion of the previous semester’s data and to confirm assessment schedules. They will also be using Action Plans at the section and course level to record assessment observations and discussion. 9. Please provide any additional comments about your CI process implementation. ➔ Because of the importance of outcome assessment to the continuous improvement of the College’s operation, assessment roles need to be more clearly defined and supported. For example, faculty and staff need to be identified as assessment coordinators for their programs. In addition, better “control” needs to be established for ensuring that assessment data are collected by adjunct faculty. 2